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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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I ftf ROM IT AH, HOP ARKANSAS Wedneidoy, 27, Benson Set Bold Bid CJov, WHITEHKAD in non WRI nit today bold bid for In then irwfnn Into Red to Tako Ow Tiber MEW YORK A New from report- wJ lodwy thnt plant to 200,000 troopd into recently of India and in 'ndlan of fJelhl dMeHHM "WiMt In nWt view of difficulty prenldonllal cflm lepWtftdly In I comparntlvsly umall allf prenldentlal now In Tibet, Them forces lit wtll tho Am((rh been 10,000 men. Convenllmi nt MadUon Tho report unlrt, how wxrdon tomorrow. After evor, that tho Chinese HecU tt plUngftft Inlei round of'fnr Imve burnt to unlit refcl Ing that nil tho eirj control over Tibet yonr "I major effort, inllllnry occupation. Summons Dodger Caught After 3 Years SALISBURY, Mil. W-An n-lrtdltfitaed who him eluded Niuninonn dorvorl ftO inu tin' lout throe yitiirn WAN finally ouldlMtiiiiH'd ytjfftcrdny by Mule trooper ltd toward Uin from har fnnn homo nowr henr, The battlo of wltii bo- twt'ttn iW-yonr-olfJ Minn Vloln Miriam GoNleo nnil Wlcontlco Co, offl Day sprceh In Do launch hla formal cum But the New York City ovelonlna the ronl bun-ego In fnct jon Wai dim In fow today to fni nnd tloctrllcfltlon The iliWlod Clyde Hoybold.

National llurul Allocution; 't, 'TUtttfir, chairman of thu fflvlfdnii! and mfutor of tho net of tho day up hla which hla will touch off "boom in this I)W fill, Hlevemxon will ru York for fl tho Wontern tour uegnn to nhnpo 10 clwyn of ftpplnji into Ihe Northwest, down tho Pacific it Into the tftelnl Indlanled the ltd open Sept. 9 with ipoeeh In Uonver, from ipQechoN wero to be lyoly nclK'dulPd for: Cfloper, Wyo: SeiHtlo, ill. Portland, Oro, Ban IJIIB Ansolim; mid Albuquerque. N. M.

ill KChedule cowld bu chnngwu to nrrmiRO lo ut the KctsHon, Nil Plowlna Content Sept. day Bluenhowpr In duo there, iavoniion had ntfcoptort mm Invl to ipwiik thoro Hint thon woiu chxnitttd con troUloleU votod agnlnut a both HppnnHntf on 1 -thuminm But nluht Itivltntlon oxtondod for a neoond tinnt, oftlclttlti fftwlved pro tliolr notion to Sluvoimm. It mflnngor. wo lion Invltntlun would con brotl won though tuntntlvci filroiidy him boi'n 6. This duUp to Ufl DBS Lnbor id expected to (JwtjU 1 on UU Lnw ifoemant rultttiona in Routher, tho clinic to nn tmil In field Khorl of Iho woixlii.

Hhorlff ,1 M. I'ollltt hiindud her nn nrront wurrunt for tempt of court An tho trooper nnd deputy hold her In the fluid. Jpolliu no Id ho ml momliorn of hid offlcti. hud trlod "nioro than .10 to on Minn Cloitloc to not hoc Into court for Riiltlemcnt of the oiitnln of har In- thttr, F. Grunt Ooiloo, ittnto'n nt toi'iicy from ii'm to tostn, OoDloa'8 8, llorxoy, clmrKed In petition to gel hoc Into court thnt Kho behind locked doom or runs into tho fields to nvold I'i'pvlouKly, nobody hud btttm nblc to ciitch tho ulluhtly built fnnn womnn, Slit' won't accept rotfUtured rnnll nnd on ut IUIINI tmn occuslou, un- rortllnu to IturHoy'ii petition, "Inw tifflcwrit hiivo bi-cn threnlcned with lothnl wunponn." Jlornry from hU din- tur-In-luw nn ndinliilnlndor of tho of IHT pnrontH In 11)40, He In potltloiin thut Mho to turn over Iho unudmlnln tcrud portion of the imlutuH to tiow udnilnlMlrtttor.

Tho cdtMtoH center about the tnrrn propurty on which GOB- Icti lives nnil Involve thou- nlted AutomoUUti' Wurkors, rday he thought would tmnd on the Dem which for (Al of tho Wl-Hai'tUty he WHK willing to rny uhnngcH" on 1 llatloii 'Stovonson would if elected Pronldont. hud which du Integrity, and j- loolal tWoimlblllty" lend him to tho OOP m'ealdentlul nopil Bwifthl D. ffilnunhowur. llouth military lining did not III him (or the htle HOUKC job, Uu said Elit nn able and' honoiublu in but that ho didn't have Stev- background and. training Plowing Contestants Invite Stevenson Mint'.

Wi Oov. Adlal Stovciuon of IlllnoU wiis Invited today to upoak at the Nutlnn- nl Plowing Content Sept, 0. the day Gen. Dwlght planning to the crowd of moro than The invitation was wired to the ivufcu'Htlc nomlnue aftw thn content Board of Dlroc- torn Monday nlgiu revorncd Its pre- vhniH ntuiul havlnf both candidates speuk on tho aaiue day, A Npokeimnn Maid tho board hud been aMured Siovonson would uo- eept, even though ho tentative gpoaking date for Sept. (I.

The board acted after petitions signed by 700 tamtam were pru- to It, that Stevenson bo permitted to vpoak'to the game iiUdlenue us the Republican ntmul- nrd beurvr, Karller, Stevenson hud been Invited tor tho MlmiuauUi State IMowlitg Contest on Sept. 3 but declined. you need doctor you call plumber, Huulhwr told And Uieii ha udded he Bisonhower WBK "wurklntf wrong job itdenUnl candidate. coiuldt-rablo specula about a vUU with 'nil Perlnujn ot Haiti resigned recently as with Stevenson tor houm yestorriwy but his kept off the laid, ho twlKcd ta thv about the oil hit role might ip Chronic ion Form American. To Break Grounfi for New Pipeline NfiW YORK (An will by broken In October tor a postwar version of now HO- niilUon-dolltir pipeline which will carry tun oil, and other products from TOXHS the and and Louisiana retinertoa to Middle densely populated North AtUntlo BUtus.

To bo ImiU by U. 8. Plpellnu thtt currier will the only ntujor iiipulluo caiTylng refined oil pruduclii from Uxu artftt lo the North Atlantic ufticluU of the suld. will ftUrl at Uewumwit, ttiul tennlnute 1.800 lutlvs away, at Newark, N. will bo able to up to half a mtlllon dally.

Utl Chlldrtn toiioonTV LONDON will bt- TV Hi Brttsla'i UUt radio who tUTft up (or nvaiua wlU fccrwus around the That, hope, will m)t an to those long tearful to find out the cbttdrtn'i aud will the family Ponomonion Ship SendiOurSOS TOKYO The the Pan- Make sure you pass the entrance requirements for a new semester, and a new season. Visit LEWIS- McLARTY'S for top-honor school fashions. the cuff's the 2.98 PooficoHy protly blouse lhal mokos "much ado 1 about cuff-linked sloevos. Unmistakably SillP'n SHORE in its conscientious superb Ever lovely, over washablo comhod cotton broadcloth in whita Sizes 30 to 40. Ship'n Shore SWEATERS You'll want one of these smart sweaters in all colors, and styled by BRADLEY as shown below $5.95 Other all wool Bradley Sweaters priced from $2.95 of ciallas Crown Fabrics rayon plaid one piece dress with three-quarter length sleeves and unpressocl pleated skirt.

Several roys of stitching on velveteen fly cuffs and large collar. Self belt. Colors: brown-'green; and cop- per'green. AH with gold Teen-age sizes: 10 to 16. $16.95 To the mother of a girl going Back to School in Her First Bra You hum the importance of your first bra.

You Imnw it will have a lifelong influence on her figure. So help hcrrlioiue this Bobbie Bra by Formfit, name you can trust! Wo recommend it because it was for "h'rst bra" girls. It gives your daughter tho trim, smooth, unexnggoraled linos sho wants. But more important, it also gives her the comfort and frmlom, the healthful jupport lie.r figure must have to develop hestfor the future. In cool, white, uudsable cotton.

Come pick up several today I Bobbie Bra Shown, $1.25 Bobbie Britches $2.95 detachable garters) TAILORED SKIRTS the indispensable $5.95 This JUSTIN MCCARTY'S fine tailored skirt as shown in smooth Coronet rayon gabardine. Slim, trim, neat as trousers, even a leather belt, it's the basis for all your sports outfits. You'l want 1 two or three of these in these wonderful colors green, brown, navy, black, grey, French carmel, turquoise, and burgundy. Sizes 8 to 20. JOLENE Hollywood Inspired Shoes for Fall SHOWN RIGHT Black suede and leather.

Sizes 4 to 9, Widths AA to B. $6.95 $H0WN ABOVE Blue with red leather trim, 9)10 brown suede with Benedictine leather trim. Sim 5 to 10. Widths $8,95 Hope's Finest Deportment Store" 53D YEAR: VOL 53 NO. 271 SHOWN BELOW Red with black trim.

5i to 10 and AA to B. $5.95 SHOWN BELOW Black suede Sizes 5 to 10 and widths AA to B. $8.95 Daily Scrapbag HAL DOYLE Associated Press Writer JIEW YORK, Mankind Is mded into two classes: 1. Those with hobbies. 2.

People who enjoy life. This is fortunate for the peace rf the world. For one of the spirit- 1 requirements of a man with hobby is the existence of other eople who have no hobby of their wn and arc therefore free to ad nire him for him and his. There is a legend that hobbyists re happy in each other's com- because they share a mutual) be it collecting old noss or two-headed butterflies. But this is pure fiction.

Because wo men arc married do they like listen to each other talk about heir wives? It is the same way vith hobbies. People with the same jiobby bore each other to death. l-Iow can one stamp collector love (mother stamp collector it the scc- Imd one has a stamp the first one! ggVin Bell Hope Star WBATHtfc ARKANSAS -dcnwftlly ttit fnlt this afternoon, tonight, day; widely tcnttored thuftdttuhoif CM In west Friday; no important tcmptrnturo changes. Temperatures High 95 Low 84 Star al Pmt Contolldortd Jan. II.

HOPE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1952 Atiaelartd ft' Audit Bunou of CIrctilattoni PaM Clrcl. 1 Mot, tndlnf Mdfth J1, PRICE 5e Many Arkansas Cities to Fight Phone Rate Hike By C. B. SWARTZ LITTLE ROCK, City nt torneys of Arkansas arc rolling up their sleeves today to slug it out psn't? ley arc not pnls but mortal inemies, divided forever by pride Telephone Company on the matter of phone rates. irst editions or matchbook cover do int.

ing the fight on the company' latest rate increase demand, has a hobby horse need someone ike me. My hobby is collecting i present Longstretch held a meeting in teople, who have hobbies his offic yesterday afternoon, at elves, and I can recommend it which 25 cities of the state were you. It works both ways. You' represented, and a steering com them the praise they yearn i mittce was named to direct the and in vmi ronn! battle. On the committee are the praise they yearn i mittce was named to direct gratitude you reap battle.

On the committee whatever advantage their hobby Longstretch as chairman; City Alias for you tornu Mitchell Moore of Osccola Put a word of caution is in treasurer, and City Attorneys I Harrcll Harper of Fort Smith and Jabc Hoggard El Dorado. The group will fight Bell's latest rate boost which would cost telephone subscribers in Arkansas' some $2,300,000 a year. A pre-j hearing conference will be held by the Arkansas Public Service Commission here Sept. 2, and Lcngstrctch is sending out invita lions to city attorneys of the 72 affected cities in the state, urging I them to attend. Don't collect old hobbyists to ad- nire.

Limit your circle to friends whose hobbies can be of concrete jenefit to you. Here arc a few to avoid: 1. Speleologists, or cave cxplor- People who breed cats, dogs racehorses. If they come up a Rin-Tin-Tin or a Man-'O- Var. they won't give him to you.

Bric-Al-Brac collectors. Guernsey Schools to Open Monday, September Guernsey schools will open Monday, September 1, at 3 a.m. orvl will run on half day schedule for tho first two days, Superintendent Bryant McCombs, announced. Registration will be held Monday and Knide school students should bring their book cards. Regular schedule will start Wednesday and the lunch room will serve meals u.

15 cents per student. Due to last minute resignations two teachers are needed in the system one to teach the 3rd and 4th grades and a high school English teacher. Mr. McCombs will teach math, Harold social studies, E. H.

Calhuun, science and junior high math. Mrs. Martha Craig, com mcrcial work, Mrs. O. H.

Bristow, first and second grades, Mrs. Parker Rogers, fifth and sixth grades. Mr. McCombs and Walker will coach and rotate physical education duties. Bishop's Charge Thai He Purchased Freedom Called Hoax by Jury CONCEDES VICTORY John E.

Rankin, right, who has served the state of Mississippi as Congressman for 32 years, conceded victory to Rep. Thomas G. Abenethy, left, in the Mississippi Democratic Primary (NEA TELEPHOTO) 4. Amateur geneologists. If they! Meanwhile, the group began to lave a fine family tree, do you'j lay plans for the raising of a fund to fight the rate boost.

It was finally decided to seek an amount representing from 25 to 50 cents per telephone subscriber to fin ar.ce the litigation which will grow out of the case. Two possible methods were dis- they'll let you roost in it? Hobbyists of this kind are a total loss. They want adulation and respect from you, but they give pothing in return for the time they On the other hand, here arc few types of hobbyists the wise man will court: 1. People who grow roses. People who grow tomatoes, sweet corn and radishes.

3. People who collect vintage 4. Camera bugs. 5. Motiring enthusiasts.

6. Philanthropists. The advantages of those splendid folks are obvious. They have to hare their hobbies. Brag on them He least bit, and they will supply lowers j'our'home, fresh veg- tables and wine for your table, 'ree photographic portratis of you give your relatives at Christas, and cheap vacation' trips by ar to beach or mountain.

cussed. One would be to solicit direct contributions from telephone users. The other would be to ask a appropriations by the city councils of communities served by Southwestern Bell. The city attorneys went into ac tion several days ago when Bel! filed a petition for tho $2,300,000 boost. The petition supersedes a former plea, filed some months ago, in company askec S1.900.00C a year.

At that time, thp company plan to put the boos into immediate effect under bone was successfully blocked by Longstretch. The company, it is understood If you limit yourself to collect-) will seek to do the same thing this ng only one kind of hobbyist, how- to post, bond guaranteeing ver, philanthropists are probably! refunds if the rate hike is finally he best gamble. If you appreciate long and hard enough, they ay remember to appreciate you, in their will. McNob Soldier Gets Discharge Private First Class Nathaniel (Smith, Rt. 1, McNab, completed processing for relief from active military duty at the Separation Fort Jackson, South Carolina on August 23, 1052.

The Seperation Center, one of six the United States, is geared to separate 300 dischargees a day who have previously completed 72- and to put the raise into immediate effect. The indi vidual telephone subscriber would have to pay from 50 cents to $1.25 a month more under this plan. Longstrctch, in his successful effort to balk the company before, pointed out that the telephone company is still mailing out checks to subscribers on a former rate boost which was put into imrned iate sunder bond, at that time, more than a year ago the boost was eventually whittled down by the state supreme court to the point vJjiere the average phone user is getting around $18 in, re funds. Meanwhile, Longstretch has filed Kiwanians Want Action on Youth Plan A city wide youth program which is an undertaking of the Hope Kiwnnis Club probably will be placed squ.arcly before the city council in the near future and if that fails will be placed on the November general election ballot. A committee, Chairman J.

I. Licblong, Teddy Jones and Mike Kelly, met yesterday in the Chamber of Commerce office, talked the situation over and made the following recommendations: That a proposed city ordinance be drawn up alloting a budget and establishing a Parks and Rec reation Commission, to be composed five members. That this ordinance be presented to the city council for adoption or rejection; That if this proposal be rejected by the city council, a petition be circulated and the proposal be presented to the people in the November general election. For years the Kiwanis Club has tak'en the lead in a recreational program for the youth of Hope and sporsored the Youth' Center the old Elks Building. Previous an ordinance setting up a citywide youth program was submitted to the city council but no action was ever taken.

Sugar Blues Boy One of Feudin McCoys Few musical trademarks arc so instantly rcoofinizecl as the first five notes played by Clyde McCoy when he stomps off "Sugar Blues." Proud of his Kentucky ancestry dating back to the famous, fcudin' Hatflold-McCoys Clyde must hiivc been born with a ic beat in his head and a "Wow trumpet at his lips he is one of the most widely imitated instrumentalists in Lhe profession. Federal Judge Says Justice Department Tried to Prevent Tax Scandal Investigation hours of preparatory processing! a 14-point intervention in the cur- urh iiiotiiHnH a ion 1 t-irl 4- i which included a medical and dental survey and finalizing clothing, pay and service records. As a 'Civilian Pfc. Smith will continue to serve in the active reserve of the Enlisted Reserve Corp to complete his selective service obligation. He is assigned to the Arkansas ilitary District, Little Rock, for administration.

rent rate boost case, claiming that the phone company's demands are "confiscatory of the rights and property of citizens" of Arkansas. Sgt Findley Ends 7 Months in Korea JN KOREA William E. Find ley, whose wife Sue, lives at 303 N. Hamilton st. Hope, has completed seven months service with the 7th Infantry Division on the (Weltering central front in Korea.

His division is taking part in patrol action against the Reds on the central front, where the temperature often to 100 degrees or more during the day and at night drops to below 60. Findley, who entered the Army in September 1949, is a squad leader in the 32nd Regiment's Co. A. He has beep awarded the Korean Ribbon. Before entering the Army, he attended Ohio State University at Columbus.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Findley. live at W.

221st st. Fairview Park, Ohio Roundup Club Not to Meet Tonight The Hope Roundup Club will not hold its regular meeting tonight as many of the organization's members will attend a rodeo at Dierks. Arch Wylie, president, announced today. C. H.

McKinney, 69 Dies at His Home Near Hope C. H. McKinney, aged G9, a resident of Hope, Rt. 2, died at his home Wednesday. He is survived by his wife and five daughters, Mrs.

R. J. Ybos and Mrs. Attic Austin of Shreveport, Mrs. Z.

0. Mechum of Ringo, Mrs. Alvin Goodwin of Benton. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Texarkana.

Funeral services were to be held at Herndon-Cornelius Funeral Home Chapel al 2:30 p.m. on Thursday by the Rev. H. P. Hudspeth.

Burial will be at Texarkana. Civic'Association Meets Tonight The Hope Civic Improvement Association will meet in special session toniyhl at Hick's Funeral Home. AH and civic groups are invited to the meeting. Sept ewers ore device? mode to hide the beoutiW upholstery that the cor owner Sen. McCarthy Is Getting Worried MILWAUKKK, Wis.

(UP) Sen Joseph McCarthy showed that he was beginning to worry aboul hlf campaign for renominalion as his shirt-sleeved primary election op ponerit "talkatohoned" away tho hours today. Leonard Schmill, a small town attorney who hopes to unseat McCarthy in the Sept. i) Wisconsin Republican primary, hunched over a microphone in a Milwaukee auditorium answering questions from radio listeners and the studio aud ience. His goal was lo keep talking until 10 p. m.

CST and sot a 28- hour "talkathon" record. The gray- haired attorney began his vocal ordeal at II o'clock last night. McCarthy made a sudden to Milwaukee to discuss plans tor his campaign for runomlnntlon to the Senate. The controversial Republican switched earlier plans to take it easy and laid plans for a major radio address Sept. 3.

McCarthy recently underwent two serious operations and has been lop ill lo campaign actively He had previously waid hfc woat'M probably make no serious or strenuous vote-getting efforts. But Schmill's "talkathons" seem to have spurred McCarlhy into a little cautious action. "It certainly draws attonlion," McCarthy said. "It's going to be an awfully rough fight." Schmitt was banking on the talk' athons to sweep him to victory in the primary. Today's was the fourth such marathon-like radio (iuestion-and-answer show he has staged.

One at Madison, ran 25 hours. About 75 per cent of the questions submitled to Schmitt by his and studio audience were friendly, but some McCarthy supporters appeared at the auditorium lo ask questions worded in McCarthy's favor. "Is it true that a publication for the Communist party of. Wisconsin hnd endorsed Schmitt as candidate tor the Senate and 11 the miu party was supporting him indicates McCarthy has causer, them plenty of trouble?" A mar in the audience asked. Many persons applauded loudly.

Schmitt was extremely angry to save his political slrenglh, pro, ht snappcd back that he had rievei U. S. Prime Minister Shigeru Yn- ca rd of any publication Com shidajoday forced dissolution of party in Wisconsin, the lower house of the Japanese -j i on evcn know thc is Diet (Parliament) and set the a Communist party in Wisconsin first posloccupation general elcc- any more," he added. t10 'or Oct. I- The Merrill, attorney eats The date is at least a month or drinks, is shaved arid washes rlgh 45 days' before rivals felt iheyjut his posl near the microphone would be ready to defeat the di; iu answered about one question mmutive, 74-year-old Premier.

minute. Luckily, he has a strong A dramatic noontime govern vcn voice which has not yet failei ment anouncement said the him his talkathon chores, er house would be dissolved at! He the stage only to i once. Then the speaker read a to the restoorn rescript from Emperor Hirohito Schmitt shed his coat, pulled hi dissolving the house. necktie askew and prO mised That aulomalically shut down: answcr every question submitte the upper House of I through a special telephone switch an emergency board no mat "how embarras- arises. It is only advisory.

bin they might be politically." Six of Milwaukee's radio By VINCENT J. BURK I WASHINGTON, A federal judge chnrscd today thai the Justice departmcnl tried first to prevent and then to spot a nrond jury Investigation year of St. Louis tax scandnls, Judflfl George Moore, said Ihe late riikc Wntson, S. attorney at St. Louis, confessed this to him last October a few months before Wnlson died.

The St. Louis judge, made his charges in a deposition put in the record by House Judiciary Kiib- commlllec investigating the Justice Department. The subcommittee previously had heard testimony thai department officials, among them Kills N. Slack, tried to thwart the Uix -inquiry by Improperly Influencing members of. the federal grand jury.

Slack, acting assistant attorney appeared before Hie subcommittee to deny nny Uimperini: with the grand Jury, He conceded that he described as "excellent" an early partial report by lhe grand jury which olher witnesses culled a "whitewash." Bill he said he ''probably" was merely commenting on its draftsmanship. The grand jury, at Moore's Insistence, reopened 1st investigation and indicted several persons, Including St. Louis Revenue Collector James P. Kinnegan, convicted of misconduct. Says Six-Time Slayer Trying to Price Boss to Talk to People About Controls WASHINGTON TlRho 13 Woods, tin, 1 notion's now prlco boss, snid lodny he will the President lo lift price controls If ho finds the public docs not want McCoy started his musical career at the age of nine lyith a trombone.

to masfpr his golden trumpet on which hqfdcvcl- opcd a muted "wow-wow" style which has been copied but seldom equalled. Here you have the "daddy" of Sugar Blues. McCoy with the greatest band of his illu- strioUs career. "blues" selections best adapted to his intriguing and ever-popular trumpet style. McCoy and his orchestra will be featured in two performances nt the Third District Livestock Show here Sept.

22-27. Moore said the grand jury Investigation started March 1, IIWI, nt his Insistence despite Department opposition, lie said Howard McGrMlv thon ft general, Ignored his 'porswiuT warn ng that there was "pressing" need or the Inquiry. PineBlufT Paper Goes to 30c a Week Yoshida Sets Jap Election for Oct. 1 TOKYO a lightning move FAILURE Robert Miller in the Cawopolis, jail while Sheriff Edgar Probst, left, and Fire Chief Donald attempt to him from the of the jail door. Miller became trapped in the narrow opening In an attempt and It took twelve hotM? and an acetylene torch to free him.

PINE BLUFF, Ml Tho Plno' Bluff Commercial today announced Increase in subscription The company said It became ncn essary because production and'newsprint costs. Rates for City routes were in creased from 25 cents weekly to 30 cents; other routes wuro In creased from $1.10 lo $1.30 month. Mall subscriptions were raised from $0 and up a year to $12. Sunday papers were boosted from 6 cents to 10 cents. lie told -reporters he will miikn his dclcrmlnaUnn of the public tit- litiidi- by touring the country next month.

He snlcl he'll ask housewives nnd others whnt they think about controls. Hut Woods emphasized thill ho, believes the prlco curbs shi.uld Htny in effect. Woods lakes over us director of the Office of Price in xt week, Kills Arnlill. "Many say thai Ihe. people don't care aboul controls," Woods said.

"I want lo find mil whether there is an apathy toward tho Office of 1'rk-e program or whether tho people just don't understand It. "What I want lo got IB the direct reaction of tho people. I nm sure.they do not like tho continued rises in the eoso of living. "If I rind there. Is no Interest In prlco controls throughout tho country, I certainly would recommend to the Ppenljlflnt that controls be akon 611 and tho money be put other use." And, Woods said, If ho finds thnt louseWlvcs just don't understand low thq controls program works hold down living costs, he will "como back to WashlnKton to mold agency's program to suit the needs of tho public." The price control law Is duo lo expire next April 30.

It Is tercd-down version of Ihe original law nnd was pushed through Con- El ess In Us closing days lost June With many Republicans clamoring for a complete halt to the curbs. Woods conceded thai he did nol know whether President Trurnun has the power lo order an end to LITTLE ROCK, Inskl county grand jury today scribed ns "honx" the char by Tuck BlBhop that ho purchased furlough extension from tho knnsns atntc penitentiary. Tho grimd jury recessed Un report on tho bizarre case Inn thu six-time killer at iOiSth a.m., todny following monthlonyy InVoHtlfintlon, BlHhop now la nwollintt triul In Utah on ohnruea that nhot two bunkhousa companions death nt an Ophlr, Utnh, mining camp lifter overbuying his lough from tho Arkansas prison. Tho urand jury report, signed Foreman Jou SchmuUor, sal available ovldondo into BiahOpJl bribery charges did not furttlsluo "conclusive answer to all lions raised." But tho report added that tho evidence that has been presented, clous not substantiate: Bishop's ttk legations. must bo our present that tho utory was houx trilled by Bishop, a slx-llmo lur.

In un uttort lo clouly cullon," tho report suldi Bishop was scheduled to die foro a Utah firing squad day, but was grunted Daughter of Former Hope Girl Has Polio Glenda Karon May. 3 year old daughter of Tech. Sgl. and Lawrence May Jr. of San Anlolno, was stricken with polio Sut urday, August 23.

She was taken to the Brooks Army Hospital. She is tho grandaughter of Mr and Mrs, Lawrence May, Sr. 01 Hope, Mrs. Lawrence May, Jr was Ihe former Sarah Lou Slrn mons of Hope. She is the sister Lillian Tate.

controls "but I believe ctin." he Combat Medal Award to Pfc. Malardier WITH THE 25th INFANTRY DIV. IN KOHEA Pfc. Pierre J. Malardier, brother of Mrs.

Malcolm K. Hinton, Iloulo 1, Hope, has won Ihu Combat Infantry Budge, symbol of tho front line soldier, while serving in Korea with the 25th Infantry Division. Tho badge, consisting of a miniature replica of Revolutionary War flintlock rifle on a blue background, is awarded only to those who, have como under enemy fire, A squad leader with Company 1 of the 3th Infantry Regiment, Malardier entered tho 'Army in April 1051 and arrived in Korea last April. ute reprieve by a district who ordered a new trial on op's conviction on tho camp murder Bishop had claimed In a statjaf signed 'In his Utah cell thftt he paid $1,500 lo luinsaa legislator to 'got an sion to his Christmas furious nn extension that ended with Utah crime. Ho win serving life sentence In Arkansas lor fatal shooting 'of four Sprlngdale nine yours ago.

Tho case had political overtoil when Gov. Sid McMath's opponent in the recent Arkansas guber;" torial race claimed tho brlbej money had ended In the govcrno: campaign fund, McMath had ituindod that tho grand jury lease its report before the Aug. election in which hp was defeat The grand jury refused to do on the grounds it hod addition! evidence to hoor. The grand Jury report todi said an examination of state rolu office records reflected the furlough extension claimed he had was not, in, rej lity, granted. Following the nation his furlough, Bishop listed as an escapee In Arlians prison records, The report exonerated tho sis legislator of any wrongdoing In t' ctiso.

It stated that apparen Bibhop had not oven seen Or Ui ted the state official at time of the alleged bribery. Western Union records veal that Bishop received a 1 graphic money order to? from a sister in Missouri, The -Emperor's rescript countersigned by- Yoshida, was who took turns carrying the broadcast must have worked fast and secret and two hours of the talkathon ly to catch his opposition wt televised, guard. It takes a day or more to McCarthy gave notice that he prepare an imperial rescript. was Deg ining to worry about Yoshida, sometimes called by sthmitt's primary bid when he opposition an American puppef'i hilid lhe talkathons "might be ef- fu ratcd stronsly in drawing votes." with Allied occupation authorities. So rne people say that Schrnitfs left yesterday for a rest in the talkathons are uke i a gp ole 80 miles southwest of; stunts, that people don't vote- Tokyo He rushed back today to ior a flag ole sitterltor sen ator." he said.

He refused to comment on the probable outcome of Stpt. 9 voting. the slam through the dissolution, in a manner some observers called stroke of political genius. Yoshida 's influence is threaten- i ed by his predecessor as leader of -the dominant Liberal party ailing' 0 is regarded as more nationalistic! Attend and more indifferent than the: Prime Minister toward rearming Japan. i The second party in Japan, the will receive its third German ex- Progressives, also wanted a No- change student this fall, President vember election.

They are led by McBrien announced today. one-legged Mamoru Shigemitsu. The student Guntfcer Friedrich ARKADELPHIA, Hendajr son State Teachers -College here port stated. But the- rnpney bore only Bishop's Reds Protesi Prisoners truce tested today toe ki Ing at 68 In to who signed the Japanese surrender on Tokyo Bay in 1945 and serv- td a prison Uamas a war ctiou- oal. Johnn of Oberhausen, is a IdSSt graduate of Gymnasium.

He a hjstpjry V. liaison 0Mc meeting today, to Ma)..

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