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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 13

Logansport, Indiana
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ASTOE AS CONSORT. MAY MARRY THE PRINCESS VICTORIA OF WALES. Jlionlil Sho S-nnciteri to tho Thronf, lie WouUI r.oconio tho Socmid In thu Kralm Ula IJollburato for ft 1GH lire in London has taker, seriously the possibility oC tranaer than any that has ever fallen to the lot ol any less, in fact, than a match with British royalty in the person of the Princess Victoria, the only unmarried daughter ol the Prince and Princess of Wales. Insensate as it may appear at first sight tho possibility of Mr. Astor's becoming a.

gramlson-in-la-w ot Queen Victoria the matter is very seriously discussed as a not at nil unlikely project in the drawing-rooms of Mayfair, in clubdom and in court circles. And let it be understood right at the outset that there Is nothing William i LJI 11 vt. very uu LOU Waldorf soever in the English constitution or Astor marrying tho laxv to st id in the way of such Prince of Wales' a iliancc. The ugly things that, are said prove that. British pride is touched to the High life in Londor.

isno more apt to be thrown into a Hurry of excitement by fanciful rumors; than to shocked by commonplace Eta tho drawing-rooms and the clubs have had no sensation like this for months, nor have they been so wrought up. 1.11 a i. England will permit his daughter to marry tho grandson of a German fur peddler and she will answer: "but the diamond he gave the Princess Maud!" The English gentlemen ot tno old- style conservative typo is reticent. If One of Queen Victoria's daughters, tho Princess Louise, is married to a commoner, her husband, Lord ornc being only accorded the title of marquis by courtesy being nothing more than mere John Campbell, in the eyes of the law.

Indeed, in every official on which his name figures he i6 always; described Campbell, commonly called tho Marquis of Lome." Moreover, tho husband of the eldest daughter of the Prince and Princess of Wales, although ho is now a nobleman by reason of the dukedom of conferred his wedding sldcred an aristocrat, since lie the peerage as a great-grandson of that Mrs. who was the "fair friend" of Kins William after having, as "Dolly Bland," been one r.f the" most notorious women in London. LOVELY SALL1E HARCOU9. Now Duncan Elliot, Fond ma Frnttlor Thmn Ever. Mrs.

Duncan Elliot is said to be lovelier than ever since the blrtn of her little sou, says the New York Journal. Many consider her the handsomest of the' Hai'gous sisters, or, as some have called them, "The Three Graces." When Mrs. Elliot (Sullle Hai'gous) was mtrried in Newport she was pronounced the most beautiful bride ever seen in that "summer city by the sea. The exquisite lace veil she wore on that occasion had a history. It was submitted for tho approval of Queen Victoria, with the hope that she would select it for tho Princess Beatrice, when she married the late Prince Henry of Bat- but the queen, while she recognized its merit, considered it too expensive.

It purchased on the rebound for Miss Nina Hai-gnus who married Ur. William Appictoa Ian, and was r-ridentlv destined THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON XI, SEPTEMBER 13. DAVID'S GRATITUDE TO COD. Golden Text: "Tiie Lord In-My Koclc and My Fortroan anil 31y Deliverer" Verso U', ChalWLT SK, Sccuntl ISonk of 'Oil we come to the Sontf of Praise, which Is I lie text oC out- lesson for 10- niLiSt taliO VieW tl)L- last of UnviU.

Tlii 1 from his as from every deaUi-bed, wu shouli! loo" knlJi past and' forward Into Uio far.u-c, its travels lias ivaened looks ov-r iKv- 1 THE i -i tO Oo i 11(1 liar. u- Ian, and was,i.ieu iu an heirloom and gracefully perloimed soll aK11I1 written about the fr-i" Mrs. Elliot. Ul. rinidle ol' David's s.

second service for Mrs. was a widower when ho rear- t-icd Ilarpous, his first wile beint, MiVBcss'a Hamr-iuud, a charming "irl, daughter of Gardiner C. Ham- well known in Boston society who had one of the most elegant at tho exclusive colony Goshcn Point, near New London. Mrs Ayileton met with a most tragic "With several members of Her i'mnily she was in the private car of a which had been at- to the observation train at one Vnle-T-larviiri-1 A loin thut bo moiv iis 1 10 smai: was r. waivl cii.Mnles, the ood.

ol 011 his tr 01 nt I ho world. dcKtroy dls'-enslons l-ow pressed he admits the diamond wedding present means much. He endswith. some remark of which "American cad is part. It is not tho fact that Mr.

Astor a New York properties have contributed a gem worth a fortune to the royal brid- but the circumstance that the gift was not returned, that is significant. It will be hard for Americans to understand how much this really means, and it is this that has set London agog. It is tho tacit recognition of the renegade American on the plane W. W. ASTOR.

of a British nobleman of the first rank. £fc Astor, with his miylons of Now rents, has been stalking high To everyone who has taken the to observe the cautious, deliberate course adopted by the American millionaire it has been apparent from ine very outset that he had in view some definite aim, some object upon which his ambition was centered, and to which everything his newspapers, his magazines and his vast wealth were subordinate. After havin CT years of his sojourn maintained a most reserved iu fact, oC a social has this year utirst forth as a full-fledged butterfly of tho most gorgeous and mp.gnificcnt species. a butterfly indeed who manifests a sii- prcme disdain for all but the very choicest flowers ol England's aristocracy. At one moment it was reported Jiar.

he had in view a with Lady Randolph Churchill, and many oven went so far as to question her sons as to the date for the woddinjr. Cut Jt has since become apparent As-tor flies at far higher game, Hwt he' alms a matrimonial alliance EUROPEAN TRAVEL. It WUH Kxponntvo and Stow In t-i" Lord Bacon advised the traveler to "carry with him some card or book describing the country where be traveled," which would be a good key to his says tho CovnbUl Magazine. But tho guidebook oC the period was a rather treacherous friend and was to be rolted upon rather for sound moral disquisitions than the practical purposes, A good example is furnished by Howell's "Instructions for forrelno Travel," printed at tho -Prince's Armes in Faille's Churchyard," in the year 16-12. The author lias no love for folk who never leave the parish in which they were born: "Such slow and sluggish people may be said to be like Snailes or Tortoises in their shells, crawling always about their own home or like the Cyniqtie shut up a tub." The first country we islanders should become acquainted with is France, "and the younger one goes to France the better, because of the harclnesse of accent and the pronunciation, which will hardly be overcome by one who has passed his minority, and in this point the French Tongue may be said to be like Fortune, which, being a wo-, loves youth best." It might seem strange to a modern tourist to gather information from a chat with "some ancient nunne." These ladies, however appear to have had no objection to interviewed.

"They speak a quaint 'dialect," Howell informs us. "ar.d, besides, they have most wminon- ly al'l tho Ncwes that passe and they will entertain in discourse till one bee weary II ho bestow on them now and then'some small bagatels as English t'lovcs, or knifes, or ribands." The conversation with these nuns must have been carried en under certain disadvantages, as the ladies were behind a grating. The author allows a period i of three years and four months for a during the I ud i nK France, Spain and Italy. Venice, Germany and the low countries, The trip was undoubtedly expensive. IHffy pounds per annum for thf servant and three hundred pounds tl'-B master for a iiie period is the aiuhor's calculation, in which he includes "riding, dancing, fencing, the racket, coach hire, together with his ppparc'l." The reader Is to home something "that may acme ui the publlquc 1 benefit and advantage of his country and not draw water to own-mill only." BrusKcls'TontalTis a clock which is wound up by the and never by human hands.

pagne basket had been placed over the coupling and Mrs. Hamilton and tho owner of the car were seated on it when the coupling gave way and in the sight of their helpless friends both were killed. Contrary to the prediction of many, Dr. Appleton retained his interest In New London, burled his l-'li'i. 11 iKitc mo I beat their, sis small as the dusr." (0 bo to Llio lornwinds: '-as the: mire the 1 i ss refuse.

To untlcrstani. David's fouliiiKK In mlcrins llicsf cxpivs- slnns, we must put omwlvi-s in 1'laeo. "Siriv-nc's of my pi'Oplc." Internal of which David had not a but nil tho nation at last became a nnil. A type of Iho compleie triumph of Chrislinn unity 'JVOr all t.ic of iho kingdom. "A pcoplo which I know not sfcrvc me.

Ihe surroun.llnB nations, of which hail ro previous personal knowludRC, Him, were defeated, and came under his sway. liveth." His Joh'ovnh, is a llvinfi not a dead i'lol. He not only exists, but lives: is alive to the needs of his children. Is to their ii.M-Os, nnd Icnt-n to hear their prayers and ready to all needed help, WMjah's nduref-s on Mount Cnr- mel "My rock." The pronoun all through this sons lliroiieli thu psalms is very iastmc- tlve It to the heart. It a very close and definite- relation.

It expresses God's Cor each individual, and not merely for the whole. "He call- I his sheep by name," knowing each liullvldiial need and loim-inff. "My rock the God of the rock of my salvation." Compare with verses i and li. and notice "Iho number niKl variety of the terms which he employs to describe the protection which Cod afforded him; and tho by the cninhatio personal manner In which he ppeaks. He suems to have a clllfic-jUy in lindimr any one word which would adequately express nil that Jehovah had been 10 him.

lie heaps one term upon another, calling eap him rock, a fortress, a deliverer, in the beautiful Cedar Grove ceme- i tery there, where an exquisite piece of Italian a life-like figure, with a likeness of her face, marks her resting place and when he married a second time another beautiful woman graced the old home. shield, a hifi'li tower, a horn, a a forlro Gibraltar, Tho End of a' Fnmotin Foundry. The end of Soho foundry, the famous works of. Botiltou Watt, the cradle of the steam engine and tho first mechanical engineering shops the world ever saw, recently broken up and brought to the auctioneer's hammer, conjures up many memories of the past, and whether viewed in the light i of the historical associations recalled or the lessons of the changes time brings, it is well worthy of some passing comment at our hands. Soho is about two mjles north of Birmingham and was until the middle ot last century a barren heath and rabbit warren, the solo relic of the past, the well of the warrener's hut still existing.

On this spot Botiltou erected his famous factory, about 1760, and devoted his attention to the manufacture of metal wares and similar articles. This factory, the "Soho" properly so called, was dismantled as far back as 1850-51, many the tools being removed to "Sobo foundry," about a mile distant from "old Soho." It is with the fortunes of the "Soho foundry" that we are now concerned, as this fa.7no.ns establishment, now sold, had survived its parent by nearly half a century. Soho foundry was' built in 1775 and covered an area of over nineteen acres; its foundation wos clue to the rapidly extending business of Boulton Watt, who found their existing works quite unable to cope with the ever-increasing demand I 1 or the new steam Journal. sUK'iin possible A lioni was -J terrible weapon oC altnolc and defense. "It Is Cod me," by punishlnff enemies.

Note Uiat D.avkl does not claim the victory himself, but attributes It, and riixht- ly to God. He coukl have done nothing without God. It because' he identified himself with God's cause, was advancing the, riKhteousncss God, that bo bimselt would triumph. He tliat Identifies himself with ii-rellglori and sin must fall in tbc end. Mrs.

Panlngtor. trylnp to sweep out the Atlantic ocean with her broom was wisdom compared will) tho folly oC those who expect to succeed dcllanco of G.od's laws. MlrrorH. Let not her to whom nature has been nigard of her charms despair. If she would see in the deceptive mirror as others see her with tho eye, or as nearly as possible, let her hasten to a dry goods shop and buy a quantity of soft," pure white material, gauze, if possible, if not, Swiss or Indian muslin will 'answer very well.

Be sure and have it pure white, and after polishing tiie surface of the mirror gather the material at the center of the top, and bring it dowa softly at either side, framing the glass in folds of pure white. When this is done to artistic satisfaction peep in and see what a transformation! The true tints of the- complexion, the expression of the face are brought out by the drapery. Tho Sahftm. The notion that the Sahara is altogether a barren and worthless waste Is wide of the truth. In 1S92 there were 9,000,000 sheep in the Algerian Sahara alone, besides 2,000,000 goats, and 260,000 camels.

On the oases there are 1,500,000 date palms, giving dates worth $3,000,000 a year. So'' that even the desert is worth keeping under control, NOTES OF THE DAY. Something New for Furnitnro. Nothing is more fashionable this.sea- with the richest or woods than cal- Paper boats will soon be put on the Ico as an upholstery fabric. This seems market by a N.

firm. iiWcfiible, but it is quite true. One! Monaca had 44,461 visitors during the ui some swell shops rosewood i mouth of May, which is over 3,000 more irntl chairs made up with the old- i tuau ever before. (larfc green calico in which tiny bijiKiiiets of gay flowers are stiffly set. Ar.d the result ic mush more beautiful would be imagined.

The same siiiiT i.s in evidence for curtains and for wall hausinss. Ic ways it is i-ealy loveiv. Twelve people sat down at an Etna. N. dinner table recently whoso united ages were 850 years.

A bill legalising the use of motor wagons on highways has passed its third reading in the British house ol lords. Is a Good Machine. thoughts ana reeling appropriate to tiio end of "-'he roclimrs ai. the rest and lookout in tiie mountain cliinu n-a of t'ne Kame kiml as those whlcli nn tlio soul when the rest and vision at are caiiu-il. what were tho thhiKS for which David God, ever looking- to hhr.

as the source of every and (2) the t.ic 1 him 'who praises and also upon those who hear the praises. Th" section Inehides '1 Snmuel aivi 1 Die hist, chaw Uavid to Solomon, and 1 a brief summary of Davids a-i(' P'-'Llm IS. -'is substantially the same as David's vonp in 22. Historical scttliiK. i-iis tritiKiphnl hymn must have been David's wriiat sin, but niter perhaps time '-eferrei-l in 2 7:1.

This would make the lime about li. C. 10-10. Plaee. Jt was doubtless in lesson includes verses rhapler 22, SeeonO, Book vZ Samuel, as fallows: "Thou hast As or.

hind up all their and foi till I siandnnl of excellence. of tliu It THE BEST. You will Ilinl It a vnlaiiblo In your of- lice, Aiidivss Tor pjtrtlcnlars THE MUNSON TYPEWRITER CO MANUI-'ACTCIJEUS. S40-tt41 West I.illtc Cliioapri), JI1. Greatest Discovery or tne I9tn Century.

Dr. NKW HKJ1KDY Sic leal cd Air For tne Cure of nndnll Pulmonary Diseases, It lias no 'or Slultaail Norvous urtf, 1.0IXJ.OOO oooplo am annuiilly from the. i Wny iinrt die, when MPCicated Air In Kuarar.teed to earn you. Aii-illlil DriiR Klcbinond, 0. S.

A. The Looansport Humane Society (INCOaPOEATBD.) For the Prevention of Cruelty to Women Children and Animals K. .1. .1. K.

S. .1. C. V. c.

Con Wallers, J.J. Peeke'' llrs. 1 D. Fran Mrs. .1.

Nell. Rojort odsps ot cruelly to Secretary. Keep Cool by Ualnjr THE KELLEY Shower Batk RING Hot Proof Hose Express id, Prevents WeillnE Head Floor or Walls. Hornless Waicr Closets Send for Catalogue Krost Proor Water Clcsew, ftlf-Acitni? Water Closets, Kelly Stop WastoCoslc. TSIOS.


BeffiuniDg May 25th and continuing until about Sept. 30tb the steamers of ihis liue will make two trips each way dally between St. Joseph and Chicago, the followinc schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p. in.

an3- 10:80 p. dally. Including Sunday; Leave Chicago at 0:30 a. m. and 113C-' p.

daily, including Sunday. Eitra trips on Saturday leave St. Joseph at 3 a. and leave Chicago at 2 p. DO.

Sunning time across lake 4 hours. Tri-weekly steamers to Milwaukee, St. Joseph Monday, Wednesday Ft-iday eveciL-ps. The equipment of this line Ineiudep lie side wbeal steamers City of Chicago- nnd City oC Milwaukee (the larjrcst and west of Detroit), and the newly rebuilt propeller City of Louisville; Service first-class. Connections with all raudalia Vains.

Tickets on sale at aJl Vsndalia IMC Chicago (Jock Ccci of Wabnsb avenue. J. H. GRAHAM, Ben ton Harbor, Mich. FRANK BEAMER, Prop.

The Vondnme will be rcfurtiishod and nwde tte finest CaCe in tbc city. This restaurant is equipped with all the modern improvements. Plenty of electric fans ro tuep alj cool wbilu'catius. Meals on short notice. Every tbins the market affords in season.

Maple Grove. Maple Grove Lots on Broadway, Market, North, nigh, George and Spear streets for sale on very easy terms. 'Panics desiring to build can buy lots on time and use money for building. I can sell you improved city property or farms. Two houses to trade for vacant lots.

Money to loan. Joe T. McNary. The Daily Journal THE PAPER IN THE CITY, IS FORTY CENTS A MONTH, NOW. Send in your Name and Street Number on a Postal Card.


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