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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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1 November 8,1939 HOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS PAGE THREE SOCIETY frira. Sid Henry A Cnmllc's Heiuily The beauty of candle touches me: Jl i.s so softly Bo steadfast and so careless of II- i self, Diving Us life away. With waxen body, slender, white, i nnd still picking us snow or ice, little space of moments and of hours tn which to shine and glow-A candle's hcauly lunches me, all, more anything I know, Mr. and Mrs. Dorscy McMae Jr.

find litllc son spent the week end with relalivc.s in Little Rock. Owing lo the critical illness of her mother, Mrs. Cms Hornier, Mrs. McRae will remain in Little Ruck for a lunger visit. -O- The WinniniK Missionary Society of the First Christian church met in regular monthly session on Monday afternoon at the church.

The meeting opened willi it hymn, followed by prayer, by Mrs. Ernest Graham. Mrs. S. Lowlhorpe presided over the business period.

Mrs. Joe Olmstcad jiroRram chairman, opened her program with a very inspiring devotional Closing with prayer by Mrs. J. F. Por- lerficrld.

Mrs. Fred Delv.eU gave Telephone 321 most interesting talk on "Christian Characters, followed by a discussion on "Christian Homes" by Mrs. Lcnna Rcynerson closing the program. 2i members responded to the roll call. Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Bryant, who have been guests of their son, Kelly Brynnt and Mrs. Bryant have returned to their home in Faycttcvillc Ciipt.

R. Boyclt lias returnee from a visit of several days with his daughter Mrs. P. D. Smith nnd soi Ruffin Boyell nnd Mrs.

Boyctt ii Dallas. Alice Faye Constance Bennett Nancy Kelly "TAIL SPIN" "A WOMAN IS THE JUDGE' Rochelle Hudson The junior-senior high P. T. wil meet al 3:30 Thursday afternoon the high school. An excellent progrnn has been arranged by the progran chairman.

cdcrnl government since 1923 lo help" American shippers business wtfukl le a lotnl loss. That's the part fo the ubsidies paid to ship owners running in routes that now are in danger and would, therefore, be abandoned. But how about foreign trade as such without regard (he national of the vessels that carry American products? fiidii.slry Not Affected Conservative opinion loans lo the belief that the neutrality law will lave little or no immediate effect on American industry with the exception of aviation. With the arms embargo out of tile picture, for instance the French and British can order the $80,000,000 wortli of planes they had ready to ship fro mthis country on September .1. Similar orders should continue for months.

But the French and the British lutve not been buying other war on a bin scale in Ihe United States, nor have their normal orders in other lines increased very much, indicating, hey have large stocks in warehouses. Likewise, the Allies seem to have of farm stnples on hand, what with a world surplus of wheat and cotton to draw on, much of it in tUeir own colonies. On the other side the economists suggest that the Germans have neither the gold with which to buy American surpluses, nor the ships to carry pro- duels through the British blockade. That means business as usual In the United some months lo actual warfare on a large scale begins eating into surplus supplies in the war zones. BUENOS AIRES -M')- Police guard and bulletin boards are the only signs of war al offices of Bucnob Aires newspapers.

All 'partisan" papers (all except three or four conservative publications) have been provided will) police guards to rnaintaii order in crowds thai daily sland in front of the bulletin prevent acts of sabotage. Dancer Gets Her Chance in Movies Opportunity Finally Rolls Around for Ruth Terry fty The A.P feature Service Ruth Terry is convinced thai when lightning docs strike in Hollywood, it's really blast, After two years of playing hits that won her no recognition; after walking out of her studio (without protest), Ruth was blown right into the maker WiiHcr 'City. Fo Sale." Studio rumor has it that the ycnr-olrl song-jind-dancc girl is jus what Dr. Wunger ordered in th( way of new alar. Maybe the so crel is that Ruth's role in the pic- ure is almost the same as her real-" ifo rok- that attracted the movie couts in the first place: that of a roung night-club entertainer.

Blue-eyed brown-haired Ruth Terry IBS boon singing and dancing essionally for the seven years since she left her native Benton Harbor, Wich. In a Chicago night club two years ago, film scouts fell for her cut Irish face. Zorni-like figure and icr appealing way of selling a song- aiid-dancc number. Nothing much happened in Hollywood, though, until Wangor's casting problem jogged his memory of the youngster Who had appeared briefly in "Alexander's Ragtime Band" ant "Hotel For 1 Now, Ruth playing opposite Pat O'Brien, witl Edward Arnold heading the menace contingent. Her big song number in the film is "Cupid's After Me." Cockfighting is the chief sport the peons of Puerto Rico.

McCaskill The teachers from here that nt- endecl the state teachers meeting in tittle Rock this week were Mr. and VTrs. Clifton Harris, Mrs. Woodrow Gentry, Miss Nell Henry and Mrs. J.

S. Moses. Miss Velma Lee Hamilton of the Sermott school faculty spent the week- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.

Hamilton. Mis? Evelyn Rhodes of Arkadelphia Stale Teachers College spent the week-end with home folks. Chester McCaskill spent Wednesday and Thursday in Hot Springs. Mrs. Graydon Anthony and Mrs, Chester entertained the Mission study class Thursday afternoon.

Hugh Rhodes of Magnolia A. and college spent the week with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Rhodes. Mrs, Graydon Anthony daugh er, Bonnie and Wortham, spent in Murfreesboro. Miss La Verne Hai-per who is Blending Henderson Stale Teachers College spent the week-end with home 'oiks. Miss Wanda Scott spent a few days Little Rock this week. Mrs.

D. Wortha'm' and daugktef jrace were shopping in Hope Friday. HEADCOLDS JUST A FEW DROPS RELIEVE HEAD COLD STUFFINESS AND MISERY The Put Clcburnc chapter, U. D. will hold its November meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.

H. C. Whitworth South Elm street. Mrs. Aline Johnson has relumed from a week end visil wilh her daughter Mrs.

Orvillc Erringer and Mr. Erringer in Dallas, Tex. CHURCH NEWS Wednesday "2 BRIGHT BOYS" THURSDAY FRIDAY MATINEE THURSDAY ONLY ONCE IN A mtt- tcrpfece of fictrt- thrilling rominci! COMING SUNDAY GREATEST OF ALL CAPRA PICTURES! FRANK tWs lo llislungfon on ARTHUR 9 STE WART CLAUDE RAINS EDWARD ARNOLD GUY IBEE THOMAS MITCHELL BEULAH BONDI acted by FRANK CAPRA Screen ploy by INEY BUCHMAN A COLUMBIA PICTUH of "It Happened One Night" "Mr. Deedi Goei To "toil Hor "You Con'l Take II Wilh You" The largest week night crowd yet to attend the revival meeting now in progress at the Hope Gospel Tab- ernnclc was present on Tucsdiiy night, when the evangelist, Hcv. Win.

F. McPhcrson preached on, "Lot's Mr. lushed uut against what he termed, "sin in high places as well a.s sin in low places. To be up and out i.s just us bad, in God's eyes, as to bo down and out," the evangelist said. The Tabernacle Happy Four Quartet sang two enjoyable numbers.

Special singing and music is a feu-' lure in the service each night during the revival, Kcv. MePherson will speak Wednesday night on, 'The Baptism in The I Holy Spirit." It is expected that another large crowd will be in at- tendance for this sremon. Asking men to look at sin in its true colors, the preacher pointed out Tuesday night, that sin was just as dreadful in the mansion as in the hut, just as wicked in the limosine as in an out of date vehicle, just as destructive in so called society as out of society. i U.S.lhipsMafBe Hog-Tied by Law May Fly Foreign War Boom in U.S. Is Unlikely MOHGAN M.

BEATTV Al" Feature Service Writer WASHINGTON What price the neutrality law? Listen to certain ship- ping men wilh long experience, and you hear that the first effect may be an undercover scramble by AJiicrican ship owners to register their vessels under foreign flags. That legal device might keep American vessels running on their regular routes in the minimum danger prescribed by the neutrality law. I But it also means they would aban- don the protection of the American flag and the United States navy. It's cither foreign registry, say these cxjicrls or abandoning business built up against stiff roeign competition for the last years. And many shippers arc expected to choose foreign registration before they abandon business and lie up their ships.

A Practical Problem I Tlie shipping experts, are not, of course, attempting to pass on the question of whether it i.s right or wrung to have a neutrality law. That they are quite agreeable, is for con- I gross and the American public lo decide. But as a practical problem, they do insist that the law plays bavoc with the American merchant And in any event, the minimum danger required under the law will keep the American flag off the creamiest route in the trans Atlantic run. But what if America ship owners abandon their routes instead of taking under foreign that case, the United States maritime commission says a big section of the already sick merchant marine would be lied up. Large Annual loss The commission's data show thai H6 American vessels totaling 561,711) Ions have to lie idle.

That's about onc-fouI'th of the tonnage we now have on the high seas. In all we have 32G ships in foreign trade, a lotul of 2,150,000 tons of shipping. These ships, would lose about $50,000,000 in revenue annually. About seamen would be affected. Some usually paid out each year for wages food, repairs insurance fuel and what not on the bandoncd runs no longer would be spent.

Brokers, tug crews, pilots ajid domestic ygents will lose another $6,500,000. Then there's the question of subsidies. The maritime commission estimates that $180,000,000 put up by the THURSDAY and FRIDAY FUR SALE Values Beyond our Expectation AT A NEW LOW PRICE Ladies' Specialty Shop MAMMOTH PURCHASES! MID SUMMER WEATHER HAS CREATED HAVOC! WE MUST SELL! SO HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY. REPHAN'S OVERSTOCKED SALE Ladies Dresses Your choice of all our higher type dresses at drastic moneysaving reductions. Finer silks, sheer wools, crepes and other new Fall and Winter fabrics in the smartest and newest styles.

At these prices REGULAR $1.98 REGULAR $2.98 and $3.98 32 Men's Blanket Lined JUMPERS A REAL A0 A VALUE 3QU BOY'S SIZES 79c 80 Square Dress PRINTS 130 yard 3 Ib. Quilt Ladies New 87x108 Chenille BUNDLES I FALL HATS I Bedspreads 25c I88c 1.88l WOOL FULL DOUBLE BED SIZE ft HEAVY DOUBLE 48 One Special Group Ladies COATS CHILDREN'S HI-TOP SHOES BLACK or BROWN ALL LEATHER 98c Odds and Ends Ladies Fall HATS 49c Ladies Long Sleeve Football SWEATERS 49c Ladies Bright Color Wool Gloves pr.49c Ladies Long Sleeve SMOCKS Happy Home Wash Dresses 24 48 RAG R8I6S Children's Long Sleeve Long Leg UNIONS 39c Ladies Coat Style SWEATERS 98c DRUID SHEETS Guaranteed 4 years Household wear tested I vlf Pillow Cases 19c Ladies Cotton BLOOMERS 25c 40" DOMESTIC 10c Ladies Broadcloth SLIPS 25c Women's Arch Support SHOES One grout group of high grade' first quality Arch-Support Shoos for women who want style and comfort. They are offered in Jill sites in widths from to EEE. A sensational value at only $1.98 Ladies Better SPORT COATS Take your choice of these grand coats now and save money. Every coat a new 19:18 fabric with warm, full linings of splendid qualify.

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3 Pound COTTON BATTS 25c Ladies Winter UNIONS Ladies Heavy OUTING GOWN 49c I Men's Heavy Gray or Blue Chambrey SHIRTS 49c Double Bed Single BLANKETS A real blanket for a "song." Good weight and large siw. Just the kind you want for a hit of warmlh without weight. Boy's Khaki PANTS Vat Dyed 98c Shirts to "TQn Match 1OT Men's Fall FELT HATS 79c Men's Dress GLOVES Pig Skin or Leather Lined or Unlined Men's All Leather SHOES 2.98 Made by Friendly Five Men's Endicott OXFORDS. 1.69 AH Leather Rubber Soles Men's Quality 98c Dress 69c New Selections of Patterns. All Sizes Men's Waterproof RAIN COATS 5 2.98 3.98 Boys Sizes $1.98 For Great Values In MEN'S SLACKS MANHATTAN SHIRTS The Best in Shirts NEW FABRICS NEW DESIGNS Exclusive Agency in Hope PORTIS STYLE PLUS REAL WEAR NEW COLONS NEW I'A'JTERNS Wilh Belts to Match FART1BHF IwIIIUSlSLi For the Well Dressed Man Men's Police Style SHOES Worth Much More Guaranteed to give you satisfaction.

Extra Heavy throughout. Ideal for rough weather. Easy on your feet. Choice of all sizes Men's Heavy Men's Athletic SHIRTS SHORTS Real 29c Values 19c Men's Cotton Work SHOES LADIES NOVELTY Suedes, Pumps, Ties, Patents, High and low heels. New Winter styles.

Sizes. 3 Big Groups to select from at BIG SAVINGS BOY'S HEAVY PLAID Mackinaws THE FRIENDLY STORE A real value for hoys. Beautiful I a i styles with all-around liclts. Just llii" kind every boy wants. Choice of all sizes..

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