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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 12

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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AH A A CLASSIFIED JWl Vurt to Qfflot Diy Bfttra AORATBS .00 10,00 1100 15.00 DISPLAY 'f Inch inch BOo par Inch for eort- or oy rolo. jfl'aLti ju wum not bt ft Wont unlm fffrjRHMM lo our otunikm 7-3431 STAR mt otrtmeon by tkurn, Wlir A FvhlliHM M. JMtHt Ulltr MM(I. W. HUM, Atkcni Clrt RolM (payoblt In od- In ond ntlohbor- 13.0 moll In Hnmptltioil, Novaiiu, Howard, and Mtlltr coun- 1,40 2,40 4,50 i i Month) MOnlni TIW Wall Bt'l Adytrllitna CWIIIoi, Wl 1 Tf Doiim Smrlek aAo N.

60 Ntw Ywk I74J 8, Jtthi Wrel Oktohoma City thi UM tor prinltti In 01 will 01 alt work uoutact ciar- Phono 7-2014 or J-20-lm Attention ftmblUoui man with Counties, Avovnuo MOO to $000 per man-. lit making thin ot money pleiw ctHttitct Norman D. Kudu. 9 ia-et or Stolen For Kiftt Hloti room npiMrnwt. lotiy Electric twx.

304 Banner. Mrt, It. A-JU VACANT now. 3 room furnUhtd Otrrtuo. Phonn 7-44M.

14-lf I ROOM Mportfncnt. Hnrdwood tJoill-ln fix- turon, Large clotnti. 312 South Spruce, Mm, J. E. Sehoolay.

Dial lfl-3t rUftNlSilKr' ,1 rwm Otll. ItIco pale), Store. Mm, 4. K. Hehoolfcy.

Phone 7-3877. WIM, pay up to eflNh for pxpollent iitoek fnnn or ranch. Write full Information to Box In onre uf Hopn Btnr. STARTlSIa 8 plorm in Urookwootl nnd Ontlmut Plonmt con- tnct HPWII JCvitriK, Phone QNtfi more experienced wattroiK, We hnvo five of the Incut alrln In tho stBin, but one more, We pay tho unlnrlea In the nnd furnUh monU too. unuth Apply Cfifo.

Carroll, Dlammul TWO utettdy dlnhwanhnrn nnd ono crnilt'n helper. Apply Mrn, Cnrroll, Dlnmond Cnfo. xirt SSIGNMENTS for niul imythlnn of no, Mlrt-Sodtli Auction. 7-f't70, For Salt SOLID onk tnbin with" nix t'hnlrn nnd two himlom, Phono I'5! 78 i'MUOIDAmK PhlU-tt eonwole, boih lllty now, Also pnrtubln bnrhmiv pit, Phone I). M.

Floyd Hntfl llni-luw. $70 HPoantls 'M. Slxo to Hi 11 4' 0'. Hultnblw for vvnll rttienlhinu, closet llninHn, Nhel- ck-, SOUTMliVHN PLAS- WOOD CORPORATION. W.

PllOVINO GWOUNDS. Ifl.Ot MY MOMK, 04 ijood of fnrmlnB FUh mid utock pond, 'i live other moon, AiHlet'Kon SprtnK Arkaiuaii, JH" UUNTJCIt' Ulcally revurtible. aunrnntocd i'Vam, 3 months. Cull old holt. Key, Wash- wakh in Taberntielo Juno Main, dtninif mom "and kTlehon Airnlturo.

Small nmount dowi) and pick up monthly 483 Olvlnlon or Phono T.44H. Fading Bears Back in the Win Column By Auoolfttod A two-hit pitching per- ormnneo by husky Peto Nicolln put BUMI-H back the Southern Association win column, lie funned out nix in downing rejuvenated Uttle Roek Ti'nvm, 8-1, In tit night for his 10th victory, The lefthander I eight howoveiY nnd of those tlguwl" In the of Ihe luue kim which spoiled his bid for a imutuuU Atlanta narrowed the gup to ami half between the irackcM Chat- by whipping the Lookouts, A ia-hit assuult gent Lookout cc Al Simn to the tit his bid, tor hU 21st victory. cut the airinlnulittiM Nauh villc game to eight but the VoU Hlreudy had the tmo run they Fair Enough 0 Kino Ftiturii ByndlotU. Giants Can't Seem to eep Trouble Away By JOB RBICHLEfl AP Wriier running out and; Editor trouble kfir-pn piling up an thf her-! OUT OF DOORS uith flhy, Late-toaioff Trout By AL MeCLANE McCnrlhy In up! It In the WUermnln primary Of 9. lie brokf nnd weak trom (rorlotin abdominal opera- Him, Tho Inclftlon about 30 lung.

Not only the Cornmu- nliln, iind thf Trutrmn an whulu, but a number of wobbly who are nrturilly more nciir- ly New ihnn X'-nulnr 'vto- (Ily have bi'i-n drni'BrlriK cvirr he xtnrli-d flshl In the govern, (nnnt, with upcclril alUMitlim to thf Deportment, A urrwl di'iil of tnon'-v, him poured inlo Wueonsin i from nlmlliir to the old Chnrnetpr who lUtcd under the "IW) ftOth SI," ununmu nnd uf thin eniit-i mi money nnd the rinrnes of UK-I Irirllvidiml donors, which t't'Vtrttl ulterior for their Ifitriuimi Into the politics! of a mld-wrulfiil litiitr, ciinnnl he i leu rni'il until tho verdict la In. 1 lilt; 1 Inw ni'Knnttitlionii siieh! an OiilelMnlth'a no-culled on iiulloMiil to report polltl' I'nl HlflM to eimil ton iiml pni'llna, but tin-He reports Inn fiir behind, or primary diiy. cnndldutc who hint been knifed! by mi HI'im dtienn'l; know who did It In time to warn lilt? of the niiture of the in- tnmlon. -MvCniihy hnnn't ennugh, ir.tmay lo pay fur spot rndlo an-' noutu'flini'nts of it few itecondN etichl tht by a fat 71,4. Bin, the defending Lt'ftgtip no rlvwl in ChictiKo Monday for their final Wi-mern nwlnn of the year when wort: handed another jolt, A from Lctigue dmnl Wiirrori odvUed Duroclu-r thill he hail been pwidrd for five dnyd for his In with umpire Angle Donalplll IttM Sunday.

A $100 fine nlno plnati-rr-fl on the utornriy manager of the GliiiitH. Thu itURpcnKlon tw- TueBdny and through Leo! run- to win, l-O. on ttanco Tom in UwK three pltvhVa to do it, but New Orleans rained, ttMi poMcsstou of third place by umpliig Memphis, M. Danny Muftaugh ami i'ftnk "Wiwnftg hotnettxl New Orteww, It was ol on toenl Hliitlorm, (mil Illeniluii' ihurefnre, of counti-, iirt) for beyond iiituin.i unUtHN he voluntary right frinii Kyriiputhotlc, iintl-Coni-l numUl Am sending Joe' a chuck mid uf thoHe who, contributed to the tie- finmo of Mm. Mental- McCulluugh.

of Ort'cnwli'h, when 1'iuilj Drnptr nnd Lurry Atller itued her nnd even xluppcd iiliiiehmeni.i on hfr home and mnnll liimk iiecuunt, will Strike miotlicr blow for frt-i- doni hure, Urupi-r iintl Adler said Mrs. Me- Cullotifth hiitl culled them Heels. The Jury dlnngrcfd. but DnipiM- and Atller flnnlly dropped the without (iny upology. MO her ihni'Kt'S itnnd lo this day.

The New York Hernld 'Trlbulne him made xlaunehwlse uitompts Adler tix mu.ilcliui in the money. Bui. after all, he In only mouth-orgiinlfU mid the rnpturous reviews ut pinkish critics In New York and elsewhere in our 'country unct could not' inflate him Into a one-. man xyntphony. Adtor and Draper Imtli nuiiiueil that they had been run out of their prosperous contort practice, by popular resent- inenl, That undoubtedly was true, The In the amusement phase of our walled over the pity of It nil, but the same weep- hud been dry-eyed through- Mm.

MeCulloUKh's ordeal ami I'wr peril of life-long privation or bankruptcy. Most of tho donations to the Me- ullough tlerensu fund consisted of one-dollar or money or- Contributions to Senator Me- Ciu'thy'r be sent to the Senator McCarthy Club in the Hotel Wisconsin in Milwaukee and promptmtss Important because the eutttern money there ahead. Thin-o are five ostensible Hepub- Henna running against Joe in this prlmnry. The one who seems most because he has heavy financial backing and, in general, parrots the line of the Communists in. ono Len Sehmitt.

He is vor- thnt In the lust election he supported a Democrat. The Communist line agnlnst McCarthy leges that he snu-nrs Innocent per. Boston ams, uses rough language rinelnnnti riocsn't prove tils charges. On the Pittsburgh itlher hand, the Brooklyn Tnblet. it lending dloceann weekly, reviewing the senator's latest crusade, says: has been such a campaign of viliflcullan against Semi- tor McCarthy in the press umt through various means of communications lhat, without thinking, too many Amerleuns huve accepted us, true the label 'character assassin'.

Kven people who are ordinarily cautious lit their judgments have been led to accept the ideu he may have something substantial, his 'methods' are all wrong. The only reuson why read- ut this book will feel that his evidence is incredible is that they viu not want to believe it." work In called. "McCarthyism." DtiruulH-r, one of Ihe inunugerit In baicbnll, gonurnlly WHS cretlltod with doinu muKniflcent job lout soiigon In Iriidliif! the Giants to their first! flng In 14 For bringing tetlrn up from dcflnl (is Into Aug. 11, he earned the. Mnnftgi-r-oMhe-Yeur Award In thi'; Arsot'lftteil PresiK poll.

Them vvere rnnny who believer) i Durocher wan doing an even bet; tfi job of iniinnging this yenr iiij thi' Uiimt.i in second plnt-cj xuch crippling blows us! Iho anklo fracture xuffored by Monte Irvin, the loss of Willie Mayn to the service, the buck iillini-iit of Sal Matille nnd tho Mluinpfng of Hobby Thomson of' lft.1l playoff fame. i The Yankees took advantage nfl C'levt'land's Itlloness Monday pick-! Ing up a half gnmo by Hit! Sox -t-2, In Doston, Vlci Kn.sehi hurled a five-hitter for his Hth triumph afttilnst three losses. Trout was the iti.ser, the' victim of two-run imlburstH in tin: 1 first and third Innings. i In tin- only other action, the Cubs cinne from behind wittn it three run ninth inning rally to Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-3. Manager Phil Ciivarrotla (lie winning blow, a pinch hit honi-! er with a IIHUI on base to hand! Murry Ulck.son his 17th defeat.

I llolj In relief, wns (J-edltid with his third win against one loss, more trout, In the Summer months to the popular belief that the fish knock off until cooler weather. In fact, early Fall in xnarc and delusion If you nre dealing with resident brook, brown, and rainbow trout. The type of tnclcli; you arc planning lo will linvc great deal to do with how nurc'essful you will In taking shy, laic-soaion trout. Klies should be delicate and nUo small. Lender tlppeln should be minced lo minimum in and the experienced angler will increase their length by one or two feet.

A 9-foot lender Is better Jhan one or feet in length. It should taper down to no heavier Hum 2X, and where trout do not run exceptionally large, 3X is bettor. Tho moat popular dry flies for clear-water fishing ore small bi- vlslbles, spjdors, and spent wings lied 12 nnd 14 hooks. For wet-fly fishing, such patterns as the Red Ant. Hare's Ear, Black Gnat, Queen's of the Water, Wickham's Fancy, and Ginger Quill are particularly effective.

The Idea Is to Imitntc nature as closely as possible, nnd under ordinary circumstances large and gaudy patterns are out. A wet fly can bo fished upstream ns successfully ns dry fly. If the flies are tied on fnirly heavy hooks nnd are lightly dress I'd, they will sink even In fust wiitcr. Cost upstream and slightly across, retrieving slack ns vou would in dry fishing. The fly will tumble down with the current nnd needs no motion on the part of the angler's rod.

Follow the course of the drifting line arid wait for the slighest twitch which will indicate that trout has struck. A turn of the wrist, Sone gently but quickly, will hook such a trout. When a fast run or riffle, get the trout down to you ns quickly ns possible and with a minimum of dlstrubance. If you succeed in keeping out of sight and can lead the fish below you, playing it there and netting it. you will often have a chance at another fish that may lie in the same riffle above.

Incidentally, in late season, wet- Ily fishing, it is advisable to fish a single fly rather thnn use one or two droppers besides the point fly. Big trout ordinarily lake a fly more slowly than smnller ones. A six-lncher mny strike with a splash that belies its true size nnd then spit out the fly so quickly that it takes a lightning-fast strike to hook him. This is particularly true in small, rapid mountain streams. An 18-inch trout, however, is apt to rise deliberately and take the with very little disturbance oil the surface, often making scarcely dimple.

A strike as fnst ns would be required to hook the six- inchcr would jerk the fly awa.v from the big one. Between the fact that we catch mnny small trout for each large one nnd with the attendant excitement when a big one strikes, the natural tendency always is to strike too soon. Use a slight nnd deliberate movement of the rod tip. (Distributed by NEA Service) McLish Hurls One-Hitter, Hope loses 5-0 Ed McLish, top hurlcr in the Southwest Loop, let Hope down! with a scratch single last night nt' in the first game of the league plnyoff. McLish had a no-hitter going Into the ninth, one away.

Charles Hopson out hit to deep, short and that the only onuj of the night for the locals. Stevens was the loser, giving up five runs on nine hits. He walked six and struck out The Prides scored two in the four th, three in the seventh. Wednesday niwht the two teams! play the second game at Fair! park. ft- 6r "TRADE WITH HOPE STAR WANT ADS By The Associated Press i AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet New York 70 -111 .58:1 Cleveland (17 -1!) .578 Boston 01 52 .540 Washington tit 98 .521 ChlcitMo flO 58 .608 Philadelphia 57 SO £y'.

I.ouis 50 fill .420 Dtli'oit 39 77 .330 TUESDAY'S SCHEDULE Chlcinju at New York inlKht) Hogovin ilO-lli vs Schmltz (1-0). St. Louis ut Washington mighti 1'illetle. (U-101 vs Marrero (0-3). Detroit at Philadelphia (2 twl- night) Trucks 4-14V nnd Houttcnian vs Bishop vO-0) Cleveland at Boston Wynn (10- i)i vs Brodowskl (5-4).

MONDAY'S RESULTS New York Boston 2 Only game scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn New York St. I.ouis Pet 73 37 .084 (16 45 .395 67 ,578 01 53 .535 58 .500 (14 .434 41) U7 .422 35 85 League Leaders i By The American Milwaukee Kansas City I Minneapolis 8, St, Pout 8 Only games scheduled. Pacific 8, Sacramento 3 Only game scheduled Oklahoma City Houstoti San Antonio 3 Dallas 6, 0 5, Nashville 1, 0 Menvphu 4 Mobile 8, UtUe WP: WTOy TUESDAY'S SCHEDULE Philadelphia ut Pitts uujilvt' Roberts (19-8) vs Neeviai UMt. Boston at St.

Louis (night) Burdette vs Staley New York at Chicago (.2) Cor- nnd l.uuier ili-10i or Maglie (12-5) vs Klippsteln v7-9) and Hacker llO-3). Brooklyn at Cincinnati nighti Roe (t)U and Rutherford H3i vs Church u56) and 'Weh (5-91 or Podblelan MONDAY'S RESULTS C'liicago Pittsburgh 3 Only game scheduled. SOUTHE.RN ASSOCIATION Pet. Otattuueoga 72 57 .5511 Atlanta 72 UO ,545 New Orleans (W 03 .519 Memphis 07 64 JSlt Mobile (H 65 ,498 Nashville 62 67 .481 Little Rock 61 70 .406 Birmingham 56 76 Last Night's Results: Atlanta 9, 3, Nashville 1, Birmingham 0 Mobile 6. Little Ruck 1 New Orleans 7.

Memphis 4 Games tonight: Nashville Atlanta Birmingham at Chattanooga Uttle Hock at Mobile Memphis at New Orleans. SPORTS ROUNDUP GAYLE TALBOT. COTTQN STATES LEAGUE NEW YORK (ffl A fellow we know says he attended a kid base ball game the other day and left in disgust after a few innings because the little beggars were spending more time beefing at the umpires and generally making themselves obnoxious than they were in playing ball. "It's pain," he said. "They've the big leaguers jawing With Ihi umps so iNiich that they think It's part of the game.

The mana- girs were getting in on the act, too, and the crowd was' egging the kids on. I don't see how they get anybody to umpire any more. "Why don't you," he urged, "do what you can toward telling these silly saps that the big league umpires you know are just people like anybody else; that they are sensitive, intelligent men who have a real love for tin- game, and that they lire out there doing their best en a mighty hard job?" The man's remarks are, of course, well taken. The umpire billing phase o( the game is be coining extremely irksome, and, though we had intended all along to stay away from kiddies' games, he supplies us with added incen live to do so. It is bad enough to watch the grown-ups.

As he says, big league umpires are as solid a group of citizens as Meridian Far Ahead in C. S. By The Associated Press The Meridian Millers held a commanding six game lead today ns the Cotton States Baseball League entered its final week of play. The Millers had it easy last night though they came up from behind to take El Dorado 13-0. The Oilers had a 0-4 lead when Dolph Regelsky slapped out his second homer of the night to ice the game.

He drove in two other ninners to take three-run lead i in the seventh inning and the Mtl- lers coasted- to win. El Dorado relieved George Bielik in that inning but Bill Lovallo rave up four hits and three walks nnd the Millers scored six more runs. In other games Monroe eked out a l-O shutout over Natchez. Greeni wood walloped Hot Springs 13-5, and Greenville edged Pine Bluff 4-3. Greenville's Bob Churchill drove a single into centerfield with two cut in the ninth inning and Al Mooiv came in with the winning It was a tight hurlers' duel in the Monroe Natchez game until Jim Long slipped the ball between Shortstop and second base to give Monroe the wining run in the seventh inning.

Hot Springs used three hurlers to stem the Greenwood tide but the Dodgers rapped them for 12 Juts. Dealer pitcher Danny McDevitt fanned 14 men and allowed five hits you would want to know. They are gtod companions off the ball field, and when one of them decides you are on the level he is a far ir.orc interesting conversationalist than the average player. If they were not bound by the nature of their jobs lo keep quiet in company, would be better understood by the fans. As they are only human, uirfpires come to detest certain players who make a practice of riding them.

When they 'talk of these players and of managers who employ spec tneularly filthy language, they sometimes become bitter. But they Country Club Plans a City Tourney Hope Country Club is planning a City Tournament with the playoff scheduled for Sunday, August 31. Manager Garland Bradshaw announced today. This will not be a handicap meet and is open to everyone. The only qualification is lhat entries musit live in Hopp.

Qualifying play ends Sunday. August-24 and match play will be hold throughout the week prizes given to winners. J. W. Smith on the last City Tourney to be held in 1949.

Several local persons have already qualified with Jack McCloud having the lowest score so far a five over par 73. Tell of Striker Hit Conductor PINE BLUFF, Union torneys said they would attemij prove in Chancery Court here! day that railway employe kiq at a striking union member plant entrance dispute. The testimony is to be presef in a hearing on a complaint the Standard Brake Shot? Foundry Co. against member! the AFL International Molders Foundry Workers Union opened yesterday. The company claims that a way supervisory employe wad jured last week when he attemi to enter the strikebound plant.f The union filed an answer to complaint denying legations" in the company's plaint.

But defense attorneys they would prove that L. win kicked at the workman." GJ win was' identified as the injc lailway employe. Six of nine witnesses by the firm yesterday said saw Jnmcs (Dixie) Meeks sti Goodwin. Meeks, a union rnemj nnd tho union business agent Alexander were arrested by Pi ccutor Pat Mullis Saturday charged under Arkansas' Anti- lence Act with "interference lawful employment." Throe company witnesses, incf ing Goodwin, said they could identify the strike who reportq injured the trainmaster. Stanley Cook, firm general at'er and co-owner, safd about' to 35 men were congregated plant entrance when Goodwin Some 160 men struck the July 21 in wage dispute.

Youth Killed by New Pony WESTTOWN, N. Y. Twelve year-old Clarence Arthur Horler couldn't wait to try the nevV pony his father had bought him. So he and his father, also named Clarence, saddled "the pony yesterday. Then the father left for his t'ai chores.

Young Clarence took his first ride and his last. He wns dragged over a stoney field and through a pond. He died shortly after he was taken to a nearby hospital. It was not -clear what happened, but tho father said the boy had tied a rope from his waist to the saddle horn. invariably wind up saying they love the game and couldn't quit it.

When we asked Larry Goetz ot the National League staff when he found himself getting anxious I'oi the next season to begin, he said "on the last clay of the season." Iran Reds Stone American Soldier TEHRAN, Iran UP) Commul youths stoned an American sergeant and his Persian sold driver today while their jeep stopped for a traffic light on of. Tehran's busiest streets. Police charged tho 100 young Reds with batons and porscd them while the jeep away. The U. S.

Army mission idti fled the American involved as James Hagnn of Atlanta, said he received only a blow from a rock and was injured. Hard Coal Miners Seek New Contract NEW YORK UP) The Un, Mine Workers and company resentatives meet here today start negotiations on a new tract for. 75,000 hard coal jni The demands of the miners mained undisclosed as union cials gathered here, but it expected that they would ask a pay boost and an increase the 30-cents-a-ton payment by operators into the union welf fund. SPANISH RANGE it. by Uf E.

Wells. Meridian Ktttcncs Greenwood 7ti 43 TO 64 54 60 56 60 S8 56 61 44 T4 ii .308 .419 CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX AT LAST Paul and Blaisc moved Into the front room. Walt helping his mother do the final chores. "Paul, who got that land you were homestcading over in the Valley?" asked. "Went open to claim again, I reckon, after 1 didn't prove up.

It happened to all ot us." "Mark, too?" "Sure, him with the rest so far as 1 Know. But wo proved up over here and done'flne." "What about Mark and Melanie?" Blalse asked suddenly. Paul shifted uncomfortably and a stubborn line camq to his jaw, then melted away. "They're doing pretty good, I reckon. Mark's always broke, he saya, though he's got one of the best farms around here.

But he's always riding off, leaving Mel alone. He stopped and glanced toward the door, hearing the distant clink ot dishes. "I ain't supposed to let on to no one, least of all you. But she ain't happy. Blalse, despite all Mark's done.

She spends most of her time over here, and she don't talk much about That ain't natural in a woman. She's hiding something." "What?" Blalse asked sharply. Paul sighed and shrugged. "Maybe that Mark don't treat her good, or inaybe that she knows she made a mistake, i reckon Maw and me are as much to blame as she, the marriago ain't right. But it wasn't right a girl so young should wait for a man who'd never come back.

You admit that, Blaise." "1 admit it." Blaise nodded. "But about Mark?" "There's nothing I can say that I really know tof certain. He's always gone, eeexna like riding off, selling crops, making dickers. Mel's alone a lot. He's gone now." "Said something About 81 mi.

the five hits were singles to Mike Hitch. Monroe I. 0 Greenwood 13. Hot Springs 5 Greenville 4. pine mutt 3 Tonight's Games: £1 Dorado at at Putt at tj morning wtwn ftMOae cade into the Uavia yffd, dismounted knocked oa toe kitchjen door.

It him Ugnting ber ltd but there's always food for more." "Your Maw fed me well. But coffee would be good." "You didn't come over?" she asked, frowning, the light cotton dress revealing her full figure as she moved from table to stove. "1 wanted to," Blaisc said. "But they'd come along." She misread his meaning, stopping short at tho stove and looking at him, her blue eyes soft, yet troubled. She came to the table and sat down across from him.

"1 thought after you learned I'd married Mark, you'd hato me." "No, I don't hate you, Mel. But "I've hated myself, Blaisc! Prom the moment you returned I knew I'd made a horrible mistake. I think 1 knew it long before you came back, but I tried to make the best ot a bad bargain." "But "He doesn't love me, Blaise. He's always wanted the best land, the best horse, the best house In the district. He wanted the prettiest girl, and he got her.

That's all that mattered. He loves himself, first and always. He isn't at ivll like you, Blaisc." "Mel, married to him. That makes a difference." Blaise tried to explain. She nodded slowly and her eyes misted.

"I know, Blaise. 1 a 1 d'v waited for you. But the folks were against it. Mark acted like a perfect lover. I just gave in, I found out later just how important I was to him.

He laves himself arst, then money, and he schemes and plans for It all the time. He's secretive, like a miser or a man afraid for the world to know him. Oh, Blalse. can't we do something!" "I don't know what It would be, Mel. Vou see, I've "We could ride away, Blaise.

We could be gone before anyone knew. We could go to Los Angeles, beyond Buenaventura. Anything, Blalse, anywhere!" Blaise rubbed his. hand over his eyes and arose fronj the table, pacing to the door and back. Melanie watched him, eyes wide and eager.

She stood up. swinging around the chair, holding onto the back as she leaned forward toward Blaise. She was eaxuest and beau- UtuL you, Bliise, Mtrk. Come here." turned tad dj the hall. Blaise reluctantly lowed her.

She called to him beyond an open door. It was a room, obviously a spare room, dom used. The sunlight was and uncertain through a blind. Mel opened the doors of highboy and pulled a chair to She climbed up, groped far on a shelf and pulled out a tin be She opened the lid and held it to Blaise. "Look.

There's what he loves not me. Deeds, tax deeds." Blaise took the box, strode to bed and spread out the contenj Finally he looked up at Mel had come to stand close beside hij His eyes shadowed as he ganed: her. "How long, Mel?" "He's been dealing In land years, before we were married, has traded and sold, bought "You knew about this?" "Only hints, Blaise. Mark woi make hints about how he would rich some day. But I found just six months ago, accidentaj when.

1 decided to clean the roor Blaise studied the deeds carefully. He found Mark OWT land around Chatsworth, in Simi Valley, had tax deeds on pf eels scattered over three vallej and had even acquired the Case homestead for a few dollaj the title dated but a short tit after Leonis had driven his rlvfl from the Seji Fernando. "1 might have made a go of ij Melanie "He Is handsc and a wife can put a good front a bad deal. But you came ba Blalse. Even then I've tried carry out mV bargain.

But 1 Blaise, knowing you're free, ing you're just over the next of hills." "But. "I know now what you have felt in prison, the way wrote that you dreamed of me. felt the same since you ci back. I've been a prisoner, too, I've dreamed." Blaise swung to face her. Will you listen! You're mart can't break "I can, Blaise," she said and stared at her.

She came close put her arms around his neck, body was vibrant and warm. "We were meant for each I've teamed that ali Auftutf NOM StAt? 'HfcM, 02ARK IKI OH. GOODIE VOU FOUND IT ALPEADY WEIL HAVE IVE MISPLACED TO START CALLING VOU EAGLE- EVE NEVtm llMMy WHILE YOU flUYS AN UPMILL 6ATKE OUT OUR WATT VIC FUN i i Bv J. R. WillloiM now THIS yyakMP'T 'X E5TV VOU WITH On HORIZONTAL 1 Cinema actor Gregory 5 He portrays divers roles in 8 He is a screen 12 Bacchanals' cry 13 River (Sp.) 14 Solicitude 15 Plexus 16 Hostelry 17 Fruit peel 18 Scrutinize 20 Bashful (dial.) 21 Before 22 Hasten 23 Diadem 20 Trifoliolale 30 Decay 31 Simple 32 River in England 33 Greek letter 34 Edible rootstock 35 Ailing VERTICAL 1 Persian fairy 2 Level 3 Folding beds 4 Retainer 5 Moment 6 Clue 7 Eternity 8 He is a star stage and 9 Kite's end 0 Italian river 1 Interpret 9 Age 12 Demigod Large plant Jot Indonesians of Mindanao bird IZ.

15 IB 2 3 36 Oriental 40 Scottish sheepfold 41 Rodent 42 Primp 45 Horses' gaits 49 Opera by Verdi 50 Entangle 51 Notion i 52 Let it stand 53 Collection of sayings 54 Harvest 55 Sailors 50 Babylonian deity 57 Concludes Z3 33 21 15 IZ 5Z 55 14 1 Zl 10 Answer to Previous Puizle "27 28 29 31 34 37 38 39 34 A A A A CZ 0 1 Vo SI 1 1 1 A 7 9- i i PI i A R. A Entrance to a mine Far off (comb, form) Lampreys Female horse Year between 12 nnd 20 Handles Male Dress 5 13 Ib 31 SO 53 fa Ii, 7 a 11 A IA 13 A S. i 7 A 7 7 e. A 1 1 S. A A E.

41 Assessment amount 42 Time gone by 43 Cosmic order 44 German river 45Walking stick 46 Paradise 47 Peruse 48 Tree fluids 50 Shakespearean queen zo 36 6 1 7 kl SH t.7 9 10 II 27 32. 2S 29 mat 17 19 CARNIVAL Dick TiirsiM T. M. U. S.

Pit OH. ICopr. 1952 NEA Inc. is the critical I think he'd rather pick these speakers to pieces than run for prssU himsalf!" SIDE GLANCES By Golbrolth THIS- BtAWK BUOB. THIS EMPTINESS? WHV, IF "fT-fEiy HAPM'T OF TEOSVM QFF THAT FREIGHT OF Ysasplg ALL THRU 'Hl'3 VACANT FOR WHAT? 3 0 T.



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