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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 23

Louisville, Kentucky
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PART 3 THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, FRIDAT STOftNTNlj, SEPTEMBER 20; 1935: Car Loadings Climb FLAT TIRE College Head Has to Eat heard round Nation by tdr Vrr 41 would-be college students. HlS Words About Jobs) What he really had wer Jobs rk-ia iq f4iifor fifteen students' or so. But Highest In 4 Years preside at joint communion services. The night meeting on October 9 will be held in the Centre College Chapel, and the topic, "Chris NEUTRALITY ACT MOVE ORDERED Chicago, Sept. 19 CP) Happy at control board created by the new neutrality law.

The board, of which Hull is chairman, is required by law to register before December 1 every manufacturer and exporter of arms, munitions and implements of war and thereafter to issue licenses for the shipment of any munitions to other Nations. reports that prosperity henrli President Johh W. Ralev of Okla-i01 than 300 calIed hand- -4 i o-f TTniiDicitif 4rtrtl-I tianity and Social Service," will total weekly car loadings of 2 PRESBYTERIAN GROUPS TO MEET 300 Delegates Expected to Attend Joint Session In Danville. Sperlftt to The Courier-Journal. back today his assertion that1 DacK waay Stuart be discussed by Dr GRnS Hull Summons Munitions raii.

cneis agreea toaay uctober idents who waht The words uttered last week, rresDjiriwii iiuum, Audnia, ana pusiness would conunue as good, Dr. John McDowell, secretary of or better, the Board of National Will Name Barred List. It will designate what "arms, Control Board to First Meeting apparently formed a challenge New York City. On the business point for the! munitions and implements of t- Vmt- Cim4 1Q TV. Treatment of i ran unes oi tne country ior 218 S.

Fourth St. Between Market Jefferson Expensive-Looking SMART SAMPLE DRESSES! Svnod Kentucky 'TfJI DavidW four years, last week's indi-Synods of Kentucky representing, Rlces school Wlll be held in theicated 710,000 cars, also was the Jews Before League Geneva. 19 The plight Sefet Setot. the Presbyterian Church, XJ. fa-, i Second Presbyterian Church.

high point for the year for their Joseph A. ance or Detroit individual lines. i of Jews in Germany was brought moderator of the Presbyterian! (before the Ljeague "of Nations by and the Presbyterian Church, U. S. will meet in joint session for the first time since the War are included in the law's; Government moved today to set; provisions.

This list is expected to up special machinery to help form the basis of the munitions puard its neutrality in event of embargo which the neutrality acts foreign conflict. I directs President Roosevelt to de- Amid blackening war clouds' clare aainst shipments to or for any belligerent. abroad, Secretary Hull sumomoned; Advocates of the measure era-to their first meeting Tuesday, phasized before Congress, that the members of the national munitions; board would give full publicity to -I all arms and rpunitions trans Church, U. and Dr. Henry ruusii balluun wiis.NtK.

the Committee of Jewish Deleea- A. Sweets of Louisville roodera- Warsaw, Sept. 19 (P) The tions today iii an appeal that the $95 tor of the Presbyterian Church, thirteen entries in the Gordon' conscience of mankind will not fC7 Between the States on Tuesday, October 8, in Danville, as guests of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches and Centre College, it was announced today by All New Materials! U. will address the assemblage, i Bennett international balloon tolerate that Jews should be de-The annual meeting of the Wo- race, which started from here 'graded in this century as pariahs." men's Synodical Society of the Sunday, all were reported safely! Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, presi- Each Dress a $1.93 Style Dr Charles Turck.

president of I Presbyterian Church, U. S. will aground today. The Polish bag dent of the committee, in the tele- All Colors! All Types! Every Slie actions. The law does not authorize the board to refuse licenses.

U. S. Vessels Enjoined. Other phases of the law which do not become effective until the Ccntre College. More than 300 De held at the Second Presbyterian Polonia, the apparent graphic appeal to Dr.

Eduardi representatives are expected to at-jChurch during the time in which landed 1,054 miles away, in Benes, president of the tend the session, which combines jthe sessions of the two synods Stalingrad Province near the charged "criel persecution and the regular business meetings ofidie Iieiu- oi uerman jews. i i i 1 1. Only At Greene's Can You Find These Lovely Models! tion of the 150th anniversary of CoilVICtetl Killers the opening of the first Presby- I)ie jn Electric Chair It? j0J li 1 Our New Department FOR GIRLS I Vow Showing a Complete Assortment of th Season's Mor PopuUr DRESSES-COATS-HATS and ACCESSORIES Sizes Through 12 Tears Linen Baby and Girls' Shop 443 S. Fourth Next to Hualh'l Retular 89c PURE SILK DANCETTES 59 Imported Lace Trimmed ONLY 75c FOR A NEW HAT! Your old felt may look out-of-shape now, but just let us have it for a few days. We guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised when it comes home clean, reshaped and bright.

In fact, a new hat. outbreak of a war in which the United States is not involved include authorizations for Presidential proclamations prohibiting American vessels from transporting munitions to belligerents or to neutrals for transshipment; forbidding submarines of belligerents frpm entering American ports and warning Americans against traveling on belligerent vessels in wartime. Other board members include the Secretaries of War, Treasury. Navy and Commerce. Secretaries Dern and Morgenthau are expected to be represented by Gen.

Douglas MacArthur, Acting Secretary of War, and Acting Secretary Coolidge of the Treasury. PRECIOUS FURRED WINTER COATS! leiian stiiuui in xv.cni.ui.ivv, Huiiii took place in Danville at the home I McAlester, Sept. 20 (Fri-of Father David 'Rice. JP) Three convicted mur- The two synods will hold their Iderers two accused of triple business sessions apart, to be killiffgswere electrocuted at the followed each night by a joint popular meeting open to the pub-iState Penitentiary here early folic. Business sessions will begin at 2 p.m.

Tuesday, those of the! They were Chester Barrett, ac-Presbyterian Church, U. at the fused of poisoning three of his First Presbyterian Church, and children so he might be free to those of the Presbyterian Church, pursue an affair with "another U. S. at the Second Presby- woman;" Bun Riley, who con-terian Church. At the first joint jfessed he killed three partners in meeting, to be held at the First, a "crime ring," and Alfred Rowan.

Presbyterian Church, the modera- a Negro, convicted of slaying a re-tors of the two synods, Dr. J. L.Uief worker. HATS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED A9S (Associated Press Virepht-o. Swimming: suits made of dis 14 Bring the touch of Fall Clothes Srlertrd Br Our Nfw Verk A Small Will Rtterv 1 1 Stylist Stay Clean Longer Yaar Ct cpnnRtimc 10 your complexion.

Light- en your skin and. Reeular J25 Values cr L200 STRIKE IV VERA CRUZ. carded inner tubes are a new fad at Miami. Louisville Man Held After Paducab Crash Special to The Courier-Journal. WaG hen Cleaned the SU-DOX WAY GRn'S Vera Cruz, Mexico, Sept.

19 -Approximately 1,200 railroad nary, and Dr. C. H. Prather, pastor of the Bardstown Road Pres- revive its freshness with this charming, pearly-vhire appearance. Gently bleaches.

715-717 W. Chestnut JA 7331 bytcrian Church, Louisville, will workers walked out today. Elevators Used In Raid On Wildcat Distillery Chicago, Sept. 19 W) Police and Federal agents took elevators to the tenth floor of a Loop office building today and raided a distilling plant. High above the business district and only two blocks from headquarters oi the Chicago S3 Paducah, Sept.

19. Roy Weber, 42, a whisky salesman, who gave police an address in Strathmoor, Louisville, was placed under bond of $100 for his appear-nnrp Octnhrr 1. in Pol ire Court ORIENTAL CREAM Qouraud lTo Tax unit, officers beat in vain. KurriPnHd door, then I on a charge of driving an autpmo- the bile while intoxicated. used axes to break through walls.

Weber was arrested by police at 4:50 a.m. today after the automobile he was driving crashed into the rear of a City Consumers milk I They seized sTx vats with a I total capacity of 80.000 gallons of I mash, jVIaj. V. L. Ray of the alcohol tax unit reported, as well as jtwo complete stills, several hundred pounds of sugar and one 50-(5allon drum of alcohol.

Major Ray estimated the equipment to i be worth abc $25,000. wagon at 13th and Faxon. Both Weber and the driver of the wagon, P. H. Center, escaped injury.

Center told police he saw the automobile approaching and 20(m eveus 2P spent on the leaped from the wagon as the car swerved sudenly striking the right rear wheel. PSero Is Paroled, Arresleil Same Day Clarence Butler, Negro, 34, of 606 Marshall, who police said was paroled Thursday from the State Reformatory at Frankfort where Remember, We Carry A Full Line of Fl.NE, fresh cod from Georges Bank. Mixed with potatoes. Seasoned, blended and ready-to-fry. Delicious.

FREE! ecipe Fish Dishe." Wnre. Gorton-Pew Fisheries. Gloucester, Mav. F5 he served a term for grand larceny, was arrested at Mellwood land Spring at 12:30 a.m. Friday on grand larceny and reckless driving charges growing out oL i an accident at Johnson and Mar- ket late Thursday night.

Police reported that the automobile But-1 ler was driving was stolen in Ohio. He was apprehended wher. he stopped to walch fire depart- ment ajjparatus answer a ialse alarm. Q6rton if savsmony 1 UIDQUICKUY NO MUSS THE WEATHER TARTS WORK i ONE OF 30 PRODUCTS NO fUSS Rrnor' of maximum and minimum tem-rtPrpMirr'; nrrrip-jtauon for hours ending September 19. 8 Hiih.

Low. Pr. AtnnriHo, Txas. nuffnla N. rxirn.

Til. Til dncimi-U. Ohio Or Wp s. rtavnoor'. Iowa.

Bfi 70 3(1 "2 no HnnvPr Co', WALL Kan. "il'ir'n. Minn. "1 Tf as. Hrinft.

Mon "liron. S. Kansps Ciir. Mo. illf.

TPnn. T.itt'.p nock. Ark. rouisyillp, Ky. Vn.shvi'.l.

Tenn. II iSS ClflU .00 "XVtlMfH Bi vyfT MI Clearance SidewaSIs Here's the biggest improvement in inlaid linoleum in 20 years! An improvement that slashes dollars from the cost of fine, inlaid linoleum floors Adhesive Sealex Linoleum. as 70 WlvfiWu. a is I- -CI'' bS "5 P.r Singl Roll Niv Orleans, t-n North Plan. Neb nkla hnnifl City.

Okla. ho. Neb Penn Lnm i. Mo Salt Citv. ITtah.

Anronio. Texas. Fa ma Fe, N. M. Wvo Khrevenort, La Panlr Ste.

Msrie. Mich. Mo. Yirksburs, Miss. N.

H1 h4 R0 68 .00 78 38 .00 When purchased in proportion with border AVERAGE ROOM COST 10 Ft. 12 Ft 55c 12 Ft. 14 Ft wc IS Ft. IS Ft Ceiling Not Included i METEOROLOGICAL. DATA.

'Official) Loaisvine, September 13, 7 a.m. Noon. 7 p. in. P.arnmrter 30.16 30.08 i ppinrratiire (dry Hnlb, 70 88 82 Tenvf ratttre met bulb.

S7 71 70 P6 4 S2 Wird velocity jo in 3'a'e or Clear cnt It's the famous, slain-proof and long-wearing Sealex Inlaid Linoleum in the standard, household weight. And now the adhesive i.s been put right on the back of the linoleum itself! This means that this now floor-covering can be installed foster. It's ready for use the er minute it is laid. And it saves you dollars in the total cost of vour floor. Patent No.

1,970,50 The adhesive on the back of well-known Sealex Inlaid Linoleum not only saves ou money and time but Insures a stronger, longer wearing floor than ever before Come in and see the new patterns In this sensational floor-covering. Louis KORT SONS 338 E. Market St. BORDERS 2c-3c-4c AND PRECIPITATION. no: Ter Yard Mxinium temperature Minimum fpmpcrpturp Mean temperature Normal temperature Departure for day rvpartn-e for month Departure since March 1.

Prevailing winds. Mean barometer. relative humidity. Chancier of day Total precipitation N'ermal nreeipjt mn Departure for day Departure for mnn'h Dennr-urp since March no i 70 -43 -97 I W. 30.

12 .00 .08 ou get a stronger and longer-wearing floor, too, wi th Adhesive Sealex Linolcum.For the absolutely uniform distribution of the factory-applied adhesive holds every square inch of the material tightly to the floor! jNOW is certainly the time to buy linoleum. For now, at last, you can gel a finer inlaid floor than ever before at a lower eost and laid ready for use in a few hours! Ask your nearest dealer to show you the many new and beautiful patterns in Adhesive Sealex Linoleum. Don't fail to see this sensattonal, new floor-covering I Washable Sidewalls inqi 2 oH When purchased in proportion with border AVERAGE ROOM COST 1 0 Ft. i 12 Ft JI.5S 12 Ft. i 14 Ft SI.

88 15 Ft. i IS Ft $2.11 Ceiling Hot Included 1 his time estimate 11 baaed on the ntrrripe home inntallation of 15 square yards. ft 1 I CEILINGS Molrt Silk 5e Adhesive Sealex Linoleum is an exclusive product, protected by L'. S. Patent Ao.

1,970,503. Crocked leo foe roken Gla Per Single Roll J- V. C. GLASS CARPET CO. Inccrporaied.

I 1004 W. Main JAckson 6258 a yoiiyCvj TpHK (6ISTIIO MADE ONLY BY CONGOLEUM. NAIRN THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF FLOOR. COVERING 525 West Market St. Between Fifth mnd Sith St.

35 Stores In 6 States.

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