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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 18

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jj-- -v. H0FI ITAK, HOPE, ARKANSAS Monday, Auguit IS, 1982 ies Radio re Waste Onlr oUt wouM dare have burlftd baekyard, tmta lit Chancellor Ar otic of the In tho field of thrown open tho ttfroundlng hid home to every two onn inn pyoblofrm of the Mom rioLof partially radio and llquldi left over King tho mom, litoi In chnrno alant, BO-ton cy thft jeb rpnlly not but most people urn the proximity of radio 0 OOWITITUTIONAL. 1NOM1NT NO, 42 by tho Sonata I Arkansas by or ttflfirenpnlnllvni, of AH, the Mernbork Ajjraulnu Mo KBOh tifctN In hereby ainandinoni to tho Slflto of Ar. bolnji nubmlUed a gtori'M'lhe Biota for tip- Kle rejootioti the naxt gun- mnjority of Urn til amendment, becomu a part ot thu StBto Ar- ipmmlsslon Grouted There it ffb4 ft State Highway which ihall be veiled l.tttt powem nnd duties now (Itiftor Imposod by law for of the Sin to Donnrtmom, together powers necessary or enable tho Commtiilon ill ofUeurs or oinpioyeuit i out fully ttnd Kttoatlvoly und IHWK relating flttl MI with Dr. Cftmbton, of t-homb durlni WOMd War n.

fln tfl thi cyclotron than Ihtre fi to hwiWWffft's oni Ihu Attic, lire the rlrt of, In carrier which off In of mdt or tfmy on fw fears, fhtl's why cyew Iron cdn'l wll Iti old ri-wse hjr builneis concerns. "Buppoie Oelgor cmmty men- ufdcturer bought It," Schulkc "They'd have bull-In reaction," So two rnonthn the eerie ritual takes piece, Men clud in respiratory rubber gloves bootn nnd white laboratory frocks trurtgn off to C.impton's House with isll pnlli nf wnsto. Onf of nmlorlAl Into A pit while the nlhor konps tub on radioactivity with Oelffnr countnr. In Englnnd tho hood of aulo- inottllo In cnllfld a "honnct." NOTICE 18 HEUiajY OIVKN thnt iipiillciillon has been filed with the City Clerk by llleHs Fimoral Homo for the erection of one gano- Una pump and one limit on the 'wtmt hnlf, lot fl. City of Harm (fifth nnd Hareli.

Thin pump Is to be used for prlvittc of the Funeral Homo only. A hearing on mid application will bo had by tho City Council at the City Hftll nl p. m. on August 10, I DIM. Mrs.

Jf. Hcynorson, City Clerk AUK, 18 Ltgal Notkt Violent Death Toll in State Reaches 16 By The Associated Press violent death total In Ark- swelled to 18 for the week midnight Sunday with the i of four traffic fatalities! durinu the past weok-ond. Sheriff D. King. said 18- year-old Don Bowling of Mountain Home dic'd Sunday from injuries in an automobile accident Saturday night.

Howling was injured when tho far in, which he was riding wont out of control on Highway 62 near Mountain home 1 Coy Calvin Jonos, 44. of lit. 1 i Honslcy, was injured fatally I wlion the motor si'ootcr i he was riding collided with a truck son Highway 11)7, about 10 miles Sr.uth of Little Rock. State Trooper Leslie Caldwell said the truck was driven by Hoy Hunc'ock, 2(1. fif Newport.

lioy Slaljaiigh of Cerro. Gordo, was killed instantly and his daughter, Mrs. Marcenu McKee, of the samu city, was seriously Injured in an automobile accident about 20 miles west of A.shdown. i Saturday. i Deputy Coroner Henry Kord said COMPTROLLER-Ftrst woman ever to hold the post.

Mrs. Margaret Daly Campbell is the new Comptroller of Customs of the Port of New York. The Negro Community By Helen Turner Phone 7-4474 Or to Miss Turner Funeral Home Mrs. Ruby Mac Litlrel of Santa Monica, C.ilif.. is visiting her grandmother of this city.

Mrs. Elifc White and Mr. Crayton Epps were dinner guests ol Mrs. Koxic Hartley and son on Sunday. i Our Doily Bread TMfl by Th.

Urter M. The Label May Be Different But the Language Is the Same Today's Quotation To cheat a man is nothing; but he woman must have tine parts, ideed, who cheats a woman. Qay No Relief for Scorched South Ike Backers in Louisiana Organize iALEXANDRIA. La. Republicans aro organizing Dwight Eisenhower's state campaign for President amidst a new surge of party strife.

While party ranks formed solidly behind the GOP nominee, old factionalism flared up when the GOP State Central Committee met here I Saturday. Rival groups led by National Committeeman John Minor Wisdom, an Eisenhower leader, and over i John E. Jackson, veteran party Hope Star ARKANSAS Partly this aftcrtwon, toWlftht, Wti scattered thundershoWfrti irtbstly In northeast; not mtiu in temiseraturai High I6l Low 74 Rainfall .06 '41 53D YEAR: VOL. 53 NO. 263 Un Jan.

11, HOPE, ARKANSAS, tUESDAY, AUGUST 19, W2 TM MM Clitl. ft I PRICE EASY DOES largest prc-strcssed concrete bridge span makes a spectacular picture us It Into place over nmnll valley to be crossed by Venezuela's new $0,000,000 highway. Most expensive road per mllo In the world, the Autoplsla wilt extend 10 and one half miles to link tho cities of La Quairo and Caracas, saving almost an hour driving time. Few Stolen Cameras Are Recovered llato Highway Depnrtmmu, ON Qualifications and of Ttrms of Pint Commission, aftur thu tho Ctanarnl Assembly of tho in iho your 1083. onioi 1 by untf with the ad' coimont ot tho Scnuto, live poniont who aro ot the State to i tho State Highway Com- lor twroi of two, four, nix, ton yonri respectively, thu parsons to spot) determined, by tot.

ilonm-s to bu appointed SVnte largoj provided, Br, no two Commission- 11 be Appointed from any 1 ten of District. (n ovunt ot rejection by the I of a person whose nomo Hubmiltod, the within five attor ro- written notice trum the ot tho Senate ot such resubmit the nitmo ot an- to fill such the event tlto Governor flvo days thorenftor or fail to subrr.U tu for oonC.KmatJun the of tu bo appoint nte ahall proceed to tho Appointment of iti own irtOjN S. Tarmn ef Office of Upon the expiration of ot Com, avicceisor bo by th.u Qovernor ill tho PHOPOMD CONSTITUTIONAL AMBNOMtNT NO. 41 BE IT RESOLVED Uy tho Holme of of the Btato of Arkansas nnd by tho Senate, majority of All tho Members Elected to Each Ilouio Agreeing Thereto: That tho following In hereby proposed U8 an amendment to tho Constitution of the Stiitc ot Arkan- inn, nnd upon belnjj nubmltted to the of tho State (or approval or rejection at tho next Hcnernl election for lives nnd Senators, If majority of tho voting thereon In election adopt such amendment, Uio name shall become a port of tho Constitution of tho State of Arkmisui, to wit; SECTION 1. That the Constltu- tlon of tho State of be iimended modify Inn Section 10 'of Article 1 nnd Section 3 of mem No.

Ol itftld Coiutltutlon, 10 an to provide for theelection ot a County Clerk in all of the an Id counties of the Stale, follows: "Tho for the eioction of County Clurk upon population nre hereby abolished and theutt may be clouted, a County CUirk In like manner Circuit Clerk, and. lit oases, the County Clerk mny be ex officlo Clork of the Probate Court of such county until otherwise provided by the General Assembly." This Amendment shall ho In full furco und offoct upon and after iti adoption. APPROVED) March 30, 1091. Secretary of State O. HAU, Mny 8 Uiru Oct.

37 (M tUnes) By The Associated Press Fair weather prevailed the truck driven by Slabaugh went most nation today and iti ruler and supporter of Sen. Robert out of control in loose gravel on bi ought no joy to the scorched Taft, agreed on a campaign mana- rond and overturned. South. ger. The point of sharp conflict country Si-vrn other of the truck's passen- -That section faced another day I lhat revived old bitterness was Ark.

State were hospitalized at DeQuecn such as Sunday, which brought 113- degree temperature to Alva Trooper Travis Ward to Hollis in Oklahoma. and Mrs. Mabel Mitchel 33, of There was no rain in sight, and wns injured fatally Saturday' little relief from heat at least in I.ITTI.K near Prescott, when Rock: the car in which she was riding i uif cur in hue was riaing A. M.

Jlaynie says hil br abutment on Highway Hint iibout 20 of an estimated 2,000 2-1. Mulrti ciimoru.s viilliec! ill OOO-'Wi'ri: recovered over the weekend, i Haynie said H. K. Ciivanatigh of' l.lttle Hock, (jiiiility control eimi- iH'i'r of the camera divisoin at tho U. S.

Plan Not Accepted by Union NKW YORK Federal medi- the 90s. The only reported exceptions to the generally fair weather were local thunderstorms in Missouri, Southern Iowa, and a few showers in Michigan. U. S. Time Corporation plant in'ators, unable to win union acccp- I.ittle Hock, was arrested Saturday tri plan to end a strike nifiht and charged with threat against the New York Ceiv n.ent in connection with the tral Kiiilroad's Eastern lines, aro KiRht of the.

stolen camarna were their conciliation efforts to cllsctpverecl in Cavjinaui'li's hoir.o, top-level company-union talks in here the offieer said. Cavunaugh! tomorrow, was released on bond. William White, president of the Htiynir- said several cameras as-1 railroad, and the chiefs of three of semhled at the U. S. Tune olll brotherhoods in- poration plant, had been found injviHved have accepted thu govern- pj'wnsnups and that Cavanaush I lm nl request for the Washington I aclnuttod i os i of several; iv-'eting.

others in Memphis. T1)t mediators mover! for tomor- Drtective Sgl. John Oilbeck said conference shortly after the at 211 other persons have been! unions last night rejected the plan implieated in the thefts that date f()1 settlement of the two-year-old over period. dispute- over 58 grievances. An-i A company official said that Rail- nouneemenl oi the union rejection way Kxprcss had informed fallowed a company statement of firm that more Hum $50.000 worth acceptance.

In World War II the British clim inated the race course and cricket fields at Gibrattcr to make way for a modern airfield. Wisdom's challenge of Jackson's Old Guard majority control. dom lost in his bid to place new members on the Central Committee. Wisdom, however, was successful in winning support for his. selection of Theodore Lyons ot New Orleans as campaign manager.

He lost by a 27-25 vote in his effort to seat new Central Committee members from local areas that never had been represented. He contended the move was vital the Republican primary, was in expanding the Louisiana Repub- nreatening to vote Democratic in lican party. he general election. That was the threat in the Novembei? general of tho cameras had disappeared from company shipments during tlio past Uvu years. provided for Ui Socticm 8 tvn which ten ytiiu's shall thereafter member of tho Itgtl Notkt Eisenhower Tour Won't Include L.

R. L1TTLK Gen. Kisen- BATTLEGROUND BIKINI-The French soldier nt left scorns to have adopted the favorite Riviera beach Bikini model whipped up out of flour sucks. Ho nnd a couple of U. S.

Second Division aro taking breather after flvo solid hours ot fighting off nn attempted Communist advance in howtT's proposed airplane hdppiny. campaign to 10 Southern cities be. p.iimig Sept. apparently does not i iiu-lude a stop in Little Hock. I Hut Robert Ko.ieh, chairman ot i the Arkansas Oituens for Eisenhower group, said he was going to make arrangements for the GOP; Methodist Church onjojvd a'presidential nominee to' come to PRESCOTT NEWS Details of the government plan, presented as a package, were not disclosed.

Highway Seeks Bids on Jobs AuQuit 20 Westslde HU Club will meet Wodncaday aftonvooh HI 3:30 In the- homu ut Mrs. McGulro. 4, Rimovtl of Mam- Hinrlnn Rtvlow and A Coinmloionor niny be Uy the Governor only for no HI apply (o other utlonal after Imnr. i muy bo reviewed by tho Court tor the Firtt DU- of ttppoftl therotrotn Court, rovtew to bo without preiump- of any finding by the or the trial court, rthor, in addition to the PROPOBID CONiTITUTIONAL NO. A3 DK IT RKSOUVKD by ot of the State of ArKunxMi and by tho Senate of the SUte ot Arkansas Majority of All tho Members Elected, to Each House Agreeing Thereto; That the followlnii Is hereby proposed an mneudmont to the Ktltutlon the State ot and upon being submitted to the of the State for approval or rejection at the next general, election for Representatives and Senators, It a majority ot tho voting thoroon, at such im election, adopt such amendment, the same shall become a part ot 1'i'tiyor ivioi'liUM will beuln at 7:43 p.m.

on uveniny ut i ho Church ot Christ. Thtiri' will bo prayt-r itii'ulinii at 7: HO on Wi'diu'srliiy ut tho Church of 1'ruyvr 7:30 p.m. will bo huM at ut First Cnrblism Church, mid Choir prucltco will folUAv. scluuil and tcuchi'i-'s and watermelon teast on Thursdny ening In tho City Park. Lee Klnney Is Uio toucher of the class und 1'.

A. Kscarrc the president. Mrs. Oil Duchannn has vrlum- t'd from Magnolia where she has spent thu pnsl several weeks with Mr. und Mrs.

Puul Uuchmuui. Dr. mid Mrs. Jack llanvll and! daughter, Amelia, ure in Panama City. Florida.

tho Arkansas ciipitol from Mom- phis. State GOP members havo said Kisi'iiiiowi-r planned to tspoak iu Arkansas whoa ho campaigned in ttu- south. Osro of Litllo Kook, state that bo planning to l.itllo Hook for major ud- ilross, C'olib siiia yor-tonliiy that if the i prrMiiontiiil aspirant dot's oonio to jl.iltlo Hook iH-xl month that "wi-'ll! hold sUitr conuuittfo moolings (schorluloil for August until ho LITTLE ROCK Tho Arkansas Highway Department is advertising for bids to be opened Aug. on construction projects in Pope and Poinsott counties. They are: miles crushed stone bnse course and ono reinforced concrete slab bridge on relocation of Arkansas Tech road, Russcllvillc, Highway 7.

miles double bituminous surface treatment on Marked Tree northeast road, WATCH FOR BEAUTIFUL NEW STORE IN NEW LOCATION Do Democrats down In Arkan as talk the same way Republicans sed to talk back In Pennsylvania hen that state also had virtually one-party system? They sure I read the following headline in st night's Star: "Democrats arned Not to Bolt Party." It as an Associated Press dispatch Little Kock quoting beloit. aylor, secretary of the Pulaski -ounty Democratic Central Com- ilttee, as saying that any Arkan- an who supports any Republican andidate In the November gen- election can be suspended rom voting in a Democratic pri- ary for the next two years Mr. Taylor justified his threat vith these words: The fact that a voter pre- fcents himself at'a (Democratic) primary and asks for a ballot is a tacit agreement that he will support the party's candidate in the general election. That is almost the exact lang- lage the Republican Old Guard jsed to publish in the newspapers Afhen I was a boy back in Pennsy- vania and the Progressive wing jf the party, having been beaten election but I never met a. man KIDNAPEDi Lois Phillips gives Dallas County Deputy R.

A. Walters, center left, and C. R. Miles, right, a big hug after giving them the details of her kidnaping by a Odessa housewife, Mrs. Helen Corlne Woods, left.

Mrs. Woods has signed a statement In Dallas ad- milling she kidnaped the blonde, blue-eyed youngster from, her Odessa trailer home. Kidnap charges were also filed against her husband, Vernon George Woods. NEA Telephoto. Retail Merchants failed to Special Meeting Tonight Retail Merchants Division ot the Hope Chamber of Commerce has been called to a general meet- Inn tonight In the Chamber of Commerce office, according to Syvcllc Burke, chairman of the division.

Mr. Burke urges every member to be present at this meeting so that the desired business may bo conducted. Matters to be discussed tonight include plans for the annual Third District Livestock Show which is scheduled for the week of September 22, and plans for regular meetings of the retail merchants division. $73,000 Missing From Dierks Bank, Woman Cashier Held; Items Juggled for 20 Years DIERKS UPl Attractive, Mrs. Opal Simmington, 49-year-old as- cashier of the Bank of In Pennsylvania who was ever todayll 11 he 3 of a thorough investigation of the bank's books.

And this Southwest Arkansas lumber town of some 1,300 persons waited with her. Mrs. Simmington was ually barred by the time another rimary rolled around. It is true there is some moral ustification for expecting a voter stay with the party on an of- ice for which he has balloted in he primary. But even then the Foter can't always be held to account.

There may have been flagrant buses in the primary, such as co- rupt counting, undue expenditure of money, or bloc voting. The only protest on earth that the com- non citizen can make is his final Ivote in the general election and lit -is the only thing that the pro- jfessional political manipulator (afraid of. is COP Kisenhowor may of the First Uaptist Chui-1 lci olored to Tcxarkana oh will on Wednesday oven-1 ncuduy for the day. liiK 7 o'clock, Prwyt-r and IMblu study will l)o hvkt nt Ann Duko Compllmantcd Mry. Roy Duko ontorUiincd on Mrs, Guss McCuskill, Mius Kita'yots hoi.

McCaskill and Mrs. Gordon Kisonl wi-r's Ucnvor hoadqtiart- 1 tho Constitution of tho State ol Arkansas, to-wtt: Amendment No, 18 to tho Constitution ot the Stato ot Arkansas. aduptod by tho nloctorn ol this State at the General Election held and conducted on 6th day of November, is haroby amended to read foUowsi SECTION iMtng ap. rciu that privately operated factories, Industries and transportation faculties am nweiwary for the development ot i community and. tor the ot iVi inhabi- annual tax at not axceed- per cent ot tha assessed ot all taxable property thtt corporate may be by (he tlrft and second cliM tor ot pwvlding IvuuU to be the acquisition ot or without such and construction ot tltas of and other talc, tor Thursday afternoon at her homo with tin informal complimenting her Heiee.

Miss Ann Duko of Dnlliis, Texas, who is her house guest. of summer pUiooit nt van- tlljjo points In Vllo Other inoluiUxl Misses June White, Martha Ann Mitdu-ll, Mr. and- Mrs. J. M.

Duko. had as their Wednesday KIIOSIS, Mr. und Mrs. W. K.

Guntor, Mr. ers yestoiilay rolvasod a tentativo cichoilulo (or tho general to! speak 1'ivui airports KU'hmond, Allanlii, and Miami, New and Mrs. E. E. Gunter ami sous Worth of McNeil.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson, Wai- tor and Jane wore the Wednesday evening KUosts of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson on Luke llaiuil- ton.

Mrs, Ben Hawkins nnd children of Lake Village spent last wook in Mimphis, Ton. OUStOM, Dallas, Ft. Tex. a i Judy Gilbert, Jo Cairin ton. Mary preseott with Mr.

Hawkins, who Jewoll and is spending several weeks here. Kuy King, Julia Smith, Simoiie Gglden. Margaret Humor Mrs. Walter Montcastle and sons Patsy Walker ol Nashville. and Monty, have returned tot Mrs.

Shell Blakely, Mrs. Lester, their home In Columbia. Sparkman Back i Home, Urges Unity HUNTSVn.l.K, Alii. Joiip Sp.irkii'.iii ciimo buok home 1 UHiuj tu uryo follow suiithui'iiera to umto oiico bohind tho Ocmo.i'1'.itK' p.trly. It IMS urst visit since be-j coming Steed, and Mrs, J.

M. Uuko, Sr. DuruiK the attonioou dainty refreshments were nerved. or tor ut bonds bearluf at not Qwrn than four per cant per annum LuuiKt SECTION pe wJ by not less ttuyi ten per ol the itM aUctors residing therein, City CwjncU or joveni- bofly ot any wen city shall to not thareafter of ttee qual- tttlftt Ttniu Murry Mr. aiut Mrs, Kuckor iioiuiee tho oinjagomciu o-t their torn, Sr.

Tatuia. to Jamos HowvU. son of MfS, Jamos Bryan! ABen alter a vUU with her mother, Mrs. Joa Balloy. and sister.

Miss Frances Bailey. Misses fat and Carolyn iUltoivi spent last Camdwi as the Murry Mr. ind Hal-. was a Thursday ilowcll and the late Mr- Howoll of mess vUitof tn Hope. North Littlo brldt'-olcct is a graduate of! Prescott School and Qua- cluu Colloiic.

Miss Uanioi has return from Miami. Florida, whore she was the guest of Miss ico presicioiitinl 11011110 louud his own state in tho a ijrowiiu; rebellion SHOP IN HOPE TUESDAY Many Doniocrais wore' with Spai'kman's, tlw civil duo- trine in platform. The return to Ala-' hiiikia touohi off a 5 I a i i 11. Noighbors fromi Jthl'QUsiuHU tro Tennessee valley i and from other parts of the slate AS well cs-i-rtoloJ inla Huntsville torj stiiit tho four-day affair, i more than just a hou p.ui-i.a. Sparkman arrived'.

Mr. How ell is a graduate of i'" North Little Hock High Sehuol and' is couipletins his commercial p4-j rt lot's training al LitUe Hock OU CoUv'ge. He served with the, GRANITE, -dan United Stales Muiina Corps and at reformatory band said is toil tostUoard man with the I todikv Southwesloin way in Uttb Octohw. ht re iOcv. a eotiference with i the Demo-11 com band concvvts- The saxophone and uo more out- pioivu UUdn't I ivd Its part puign.

'i'HUS. Sparkiuan sectiont of band slipped away next to to.e station Saturday, iav iiiiniineo. and it iiuieed it they Dixie journey the election cam- speculation that 11 -ijto bio.idcast sched-; over a I NT MISS THE BIG MONEY SAVING VALUES AT OWENS WE QUIT IN OUR PRESENT LOCATION FINAL WIND-UP! But Beloit Taylor isn't really Jklking about the district land state nominees on" Whom we Ivoted in this month's Democratic Iprimary. He's talking for sure labout the presidential- nominee, on Iwhpm there was no primary', and Ito whom no man is bound, either (morally or legally. It is generally understood that (party loyalty ends at the state Iline, and the voter has a free for President.

If I am right bbout this Beloit Taylor is wrong but so were all the Beloit Tay- of the Republican Old Guard wrong back in Pennyslvania.Other- wise there never could be such an animal as "the independent voter" and it's the independent voter, taken in the agg-regate across the country, who will name America's President in November. I am a uemocrat, and was so registered in Pennsylvania when I ame to Arkansas in 1923, I have iniformly supported all county, district and state nominees of our party, but I have voted indepen dently for President at times and no one has done about it yet. I am curious about how Taylor would enforce his "law" penalizing independent-voting Democrats. He says election officials have the arraigned before U. S.

Commissioner Elmer Tackett at Hot Springs, on a federal charge of making -false entries. Nearly $73,000 of the bank funds ate miss- Ing. She was released on $7,500 bond after waiving preliminary examination. The $72,990 shortage in the bank's books first discovered by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Examiners on Aug. 11.

Eisenhower Plans to Get Women's Vote By EDWARD O. ETHELT. DENVER Plans are being drafted for a concerted effort to woo the women's vote for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Some of his aides feel It could mean the margin of victory for the GOP presidential nominee. Mrs. Roy F. Priest of Utah, assistant national GOP chairman and head of the party's Women's Division, is leading the movement. This tall, plbasant woman has been ai Eisenhower's Denver headquar- Local Dairymen Attend Meet Of Breeders Hempstcad County dairymen were represented yesterday at tho Arkansas Artificial Breeders" Association meeting at Fayctteville.

Dexter Alford, secretary of the Mississippians Try to Put Ike on Ballot i JACKSON, Miss. Mlsslsslp pi's Democrats for Eisenhower today to place the GOP nom- on the ballot with an Inde OEndent slate of electors. JThe group lost a skirmish yes tyrday with the forces of Gov. Ad lit Stevenson, the Democratic nominee, in the State Democratic Con- Name Delegates to State Demo Convention The Hempstoad County Democratic Convention met here Monday afternoon and named delegates to the state convention which Is scheduled for Sept. 19-20, Regular delegates Includes: W.

S. Atkins. Judge. E. F.

McFaddln. Judge James H. Pllklnton. Dr. Oeo.

H. Wright, Oraydon Anthony, W. White, Beverly. Johnson, T. It.

Seymour, Lyle Brown, Judge C. Cook, Ray Turner, E. L. Archer Jr. Alternate delegates named; il York Dr.

FiC. Crow Talbot Felld Emory Thompson, C. V. Nmm Albert Graves, Clifford Franks, B. R.

Hamm, Frank Douglas, El- mcr Brown, John L. Wilson Harry Hawthorne, A resolution was passed to place the names of the following Hempstead Democratic nominees on tho general election ballot: C. Cook, Sheriff; J. G. Prescott, surveyor: Crlt Stuart, tax assessor; Harry Hawthorne, clerk; Lucille vent Ion.

In Mississippi, NEAR MISS Pfc. Ronald Ballcome, Coronado, eats a cracker as he tallf of his bat- 11 experience In the stepped up fighting In Korea. At the aid station he commented, ''I was lucky got two burp gun slugs through my helmet and helmet liner but they only scratched me 1 Medics removed a place of shrapnel from the arm. NEA Telephoto any group may The FDIC exam in ers, FBI ters nearly a week conferring with auditing firm, and general's top advisers. place electors on the ballot by getting a petition signed by 400 qualified voters.

The Stevenson victory in the State Convention yesterday was Hcmpstead County Artificial Breed complete and tantamount to opprov al of the national Democratic ticket. Former LI. Gov. Sam Lurnpkln, unofficial head of the Eisenhower supporters, said his group would meet at 11 a. m.

and complete plans to a petition to get the Re publican nominee on the state bal lot us an indcpendent-not a Republl can-candidate. Without qualification, convention delegates voted 222 to to pledge its eight electors to the II linols governor and his vice presl df-ntial running mate, Sen John Sparkman of Alabama. The turned I'ttck ap peals to qualify and water down what amounted to an the candidates! The Democrats ers Association, a dairy improve' ment group, was official delegate. John Shirley and Oscar Hodnett, local producers, and Oliver L. Adams, County Agent attended with Mr.

Alford, The state dairy breeders association which supplies member groups With semen from quality dairy 1 sires bred 17,056 cows during the past year. This was a 20 per cent gain over the previous year. The organization was established in 1948. The local association first offered service to its dairy cow owner membership on May 15. During the first two and one-hall months of operation the group serviced 77 dairy cows.

Interested produc agents of the State Bank Commis sion worked all day yesterday and throughout the night in efforts to clear up the situation. Employed the Bank of Dierks for 32 years, Mrs. Simmington also was the city treasurer and had been in complete charge of the bank's bookkeeping department "about 20 Residents of town said they "couldn't believe it" and described her as a woman "everybody trust- ar uni Little Rock FBI Chief M. W. McFarlin said evidence" showed that depositors' balances had been manipulated and ledger sheets removed from current files for almost 20 years.

The "black eyed, dark haired" Mrs. Simmington, divorced "about 15 years ago" has been living with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Epperson, in a frame house described as "not new but a comfortable home." Mrs. John Franks, who operates a store here and has "known her all my life." said "everyone has anything an abiding faith in her. Mrs.

Kenneth Lowfton, who lives "down ayt street" from Mrs, Simmington, said "everyone was upset and no one could it hardly." Today, another leaders of the party's women joined her for a round of. conferences and a luncheon discussion with Eisenhower. Republcian strategists are not forgetting the large part women played in many sections in Eisenhower's drive for the nomination. Mrs. Priest is working to repeat that success on a larger scale.

Meanwhile, there were these other developments: 1. A member of the top-level Eisenhower team revealed that Eisenhower headquarters will be moved to New York City's Hotel Commodore net Sunday for the duration of the campaign. The rea son: to be more readily accessible to party leaders in Washington and in the more populous Eastern states. His general headquarters will re main in Denver. The move will be simultaneous with Eisenhower's flight to New York to address the American Legion Convention ne1 right in the next primary to make I Mayor Harold Smithson said suspected general-election-bolt- -r '8 an affidavit that he really supported the party in November.

For a false affidavit suppose they could try to send you to jail. But that requires evidence. And the first election official who tries to tell you, me, or any other American how he voted under the United States' secret-ballot system will go to jail for That's why Beloit Taylor's state- Mrs. Simmington's car and a television set were paid for "on the installment He said a complete audit of the city's books be made today "in light of yesterday's events." The ban's other employee, cashier Tom Westbrook said Mrs. Sim mington, who operated the only teller's window in the 'bank in addition to her bookkeeping duties, was "faithful in reporting to Rugglcs, treasurer; IL G.

GnrreU, judge; Gnrrctt Willis, circuit clerk; Charles Taylor, alderman Ward-4; loc alderman Ward Dwight Rldgdill, alderman Ward B. L. Rottig, alderman Ward W. S. Atkins, city attorney; Mrs.

Charles F. Reynerson, city clerk; Talbot Felld representative; Roy Anderson, T. A. Cornelius, J. M.

Dodson, T. R. Bryant and Claud Taylor, justice of peace of DcRoan township; O. O. Brlnt, justice of peace Spring Hill township; R.

F. Caldwell, justice of peace, Saline township; Floyd Matthews and C. M. Lewis, justice of peace of Mine Creek township; Tom C. Lee and F.

A. Scwcll, justice of peace, Bols 'd Arc township. Truman Drops Whistle Stop Bf JOHN 8TEELE WASHINGTON Truman has abandoned plans tot whistle-stop campaign touY tall, but will deliver a major speeches on behalf of Democratic ticket in'pivotal crn cities, It was dtsdlWHSd Now Is Time to Watch for ers should contact the County A wanted.the convfin lion to go on record that pledging its electors "shall not be construed gent, the Inseminator, Jessie Brown of Route 1, Hope, or any member of the group for information. The services are available to all owners of dairy cows at a fixed fee. Candidates File Election Costs LITTLE ROCK Several candidates for office in the recent maries yesterday filed reports with Secretary of State C.

G. Hall listing campaign expenses incurred. They included: State Sen. Ellis Pagan, Little 2. Sen.

Ridhard M. Nixon of Cal- $4.12.44. Rock, $360, and Rep. J. W.

Trimble, Berryville, F. F. Acree, Perryville, defeated in his bid for a -Senate seat from the 10th District listed expenditures of $296.70 and Dr. C. D.

Tibbies of Black Rock, who lost in the 17th District Senate race said he spent as an endorsement, nominees:" of the two Truck Damages Neon Sign An AMF truck and trailer, drliz- en by Francis F. Wells of Little Rock, struck and seriously damaged a neon sign at Diamond Cafe early this morning. City police investigated. U.S. to Post Food Prices in Stores WASHINGTON Iff) Tajlno.vcrn- mcnt up plans today to post dollars and tents food price ceilings on the of more than hnlf of tho tuition's 500,000 grocery stores by Oct.

1. The Office of Price Stabilization mi id orders will go out shortly to Us district offices' to get the pricing ready for posting. Each poster Is cpcctcd to show the ceilings for Home 300 major market-basket Items. The action will be a return to the uniform community pricing program used In World War II. Price Stabilizer Kills Arnall said this has proved to be the.

effective means of food price control. He Bald tho have two big advantages: 4. will let consumers know at MMill IM tj Authoritative Democratic sour said Mr. Truman "readily accfcpW cd" this restricted assigned to him by Oov. Adlal Bi.

Stovonson, tho party's presidential nominee, and other Democratic--v strategists who met In Pprlngltold, last weekend. The conferees decided that cnson's big Job la make self better known to' the American people 1 nnd that any speaking tour by tJlt. would detract own campaign, Informants 11 Stevenson and his advisors hfctf desire to shunt Mr, 'Truman of tho campaign entirely. contrary, they said, the 1 tlal role is regarded as the out ono of "trouble shooting 1 tut! Democrats hi critical' Mr. first Bpeeph will bo delivered waukco on Labor day.

While 'noKl definite schedule 11 Pasture, Meadow, and soybeans should be observed closely for fall army worms warns County Agent Oliver L. Adams today. Fall army worms were observed in soybeans and pasture yesterday. Last year one farmer found a field of Icspedzrt stripped by fall army worms In a weeks time, For control use 10 pounds of 20 per cent Toxaphcne Dust per acre. This is applied as a 20-40 commercial mixture.

If a spray Is used, apply two pounds of actual Toxaphene per acre. cttlllh'g' The Life History of a Mild-Mannered Newspaperman Would Make a Fine Movie ifornia, the Republican candidate for vice president, returned to Washington and will base his own campaign there. -4- ment yesterday is just a lot of He said she-usually "walked the network State of The j-uoko in so uatv.od fey newsmen ta the appeared to fee cravviitti DEPARTMENT STORE HOPE, ARKANSAS rackety-yak. It'si old as the hills, back in the land or states and the fact that we're beginning to hear the same jargon down here in Arkansas now may be a good sign. I'm a Democrat, but I don't like to hear Beloit Taylor talking like some hatchet-man from Pennsylvania's Republican Old Guard.

THINCS THAT COST US MIUIINS! owtchaa ton them they can fotcit fires. And the davwUOoo by Amonea in Und in it would take you 14 to dnvc around hour. taw inta Mctutty. nanMtxu) you jour Drown your cntah your break match, UM Do your ptH to str three or four blocks to work every Westbrook said she was a life- ling native of Dierks and "didn't smoke, drink or anything." A member of the Diekrs Methodist church, Westbrook Mrs. Simmington didn't take part in civic functions or church activities.

Steel of Nashville said tfie -bank's were protected up to $10, Tabernacle to Hold Special Program Tonight A varied program of quartet singing, special vocal combinations and preaching will be presented by the "Torchbearerg Quartet" from Revivaltime Radio Department in Springfield. at 7:30 Tuesday night, Aflgust 10, in the Hope Gospel Tabernacle where the Rev. O. M. Montgomery is pastor.

Included in the Torchbearers are Everett Linville, I from Missouri, Dick Champion from Michigan, Warrent Grant from New Mexico and Harvey, Meppelinlf, from Iowa. Linville is -first tenor, Champion, second tenor, Grant, baritone and Meppeling, bass. The four boys are traveling this summer through ten friideastern and southwestern states putting cm one night Would not be protected. Former Hope Man Heads Legion Post Stringer, a former Hope resident. and nephew of Dewey Baber, has been named commander of the Gainesville, American Legion post.

During World War II he served in the Far East theater and is the holder of several outstanding medals including one from the Nationalist Chinese government. Mr. Stringer was wed, August 10. to Miss Emily Phillips of Gainesville. Severe pains caused by the venom of a black widow are sometimes mistaken for symptoms of says the National Society, rallies and pre- Pro-Toft Men to Support Ike CHARLESTON, W.

Va. Wh-Walter S. Hallanan, a strong pro-Taft man at the Republican National Convention, said last night that the West Virginia GOP has closed Eisenhower. "We stand as a mighty political force behind the Republican ticket from top to bottom," declared Hallanan, Republican national com- teem an who served as temporary chairman of the convention. "We have learned as sound Republican principle to accept the will of the majority." Hallanan spoke at rally of By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK UP) The slender man' with the white shock of hair looked up from his news desk to the clock on the wall.

He pulled off his green eyeshade for the last and his unlined boyish face and blue eyes broke into a shy grin. The clock was saying goodbye to the men around him at the end of another working was saying goodbye to him at the close of his working life. It was a pleasant "30" on the job for Sam Ochiltrec, retiring at 65 after spending 10 years as a telegrapher and 36 years as a re porter and news editor. "In this business you hurry all your life, don't you?" he said. "That is what will seem funny from now on.

I will never have to hurry again." Hawkins discovered some 800 West Virginia GOP faithful honoring him ss national committeeman since 1928. Deaf School Head May Take New Job many basic foods they buy. 2. It will relieve grocdro of the necessity, of calculating Individual ceilings on the items that must be posted, OPS said the decision to cpand community pricing program from coast to coast la based on results from trial lusts In three areas started lust January. The agency said these testa tfnvo bepn a success In the marketing areas surrounding Fla.

Farijo, N. and Fresno, Calif. Officials said both consumer arid trade groups In those areas', out tor his subsequent appearances," informants mentioned Chicago and Detroit as lot Truman speeches. Ho Is expected to carry tho hod for the Democrats on such touchy issues as civil The theory apparently l.s that Mr. Truman can Negro and union votes with f.lro i 1 ing speeches mi these without necessarily stirring much protest: among Dcrmocruts as'would ensue "If Stfl" cnaon himself made such.spcflcbc Informants said budgetary, prob lorm, as well as strategic orations, dictated the limit Mr.

Truman's campaign ro i They that, tho crats felt they' will have to moBU'Of, tnolr available broadcast funds on onson into evory living Some of' Stevenson's aldoi eluding national Chairman en Mitchell, urged the Jllino governor to challenge RepObllcqd nominee Dwight Elsenhower tr series of nationally-televised'dt) Informed sources said Stovonsc shrugged off the suggestion impractical, 1 and oommentod thf Elsenhower, as tho botter-krtoWt candidate, must realize it wov bo foolish for him to share spotlight with his opponent; for a trip to 'London he planning. Holding up the shiny suitcase, Sam said: "This ought to even get mo by St. Peter without a passport." The next day Sum and I met for lunch, and he gently objected to some of the Ideas people have about retirement. "People who other people regard as old don't feel that way," he said, "Oldness isn't a particular feeling you feel the same, but you just get tired sooner. Old people have the same feeling as young people.

That is why they make fools of them- Radio Department of the Assem blies of God, npw producers of the world-wide missionary broadcast "Revivaltime." million Us 1 teners was the conservation figure recently for the program's audience. Follc-wing the musical program by Revivaltime Torchbearers Quartet one of the members will bring a short inspirational gospel sermon, also telling the work of the radio department. Rev. Montgomery indicated there will be no admission charge to the musical program, but a free-will offering will be received. The meeting is the public.

The position of court jester was last filled in England during reign of the first Queen Elizabeth, says the National qeograpbic So- Sum Ochlltree. It isn't interested in working newspapermen like Sam. And that is too bad. For his life story would make a wonderful film. But how could Hollywood dramatize a man whom no one can remember ever lifting his voice, saying a word in anger, or ever criticizing another human being? One of Sam's first tasks as a LITTLE ROCK W) John M.

I telegrapher here in 1906 was to Wallace, superintendent of the messages on the great San Francisco earthquake and fire. On his final day he edited Associated asked that the program 1 be con tlnucd. The lists to bu posted bo selected from about thu upprolniutely B.QjOOT Items sold by grocers. The OPS off ices will pick the items' from foods munities and their importance to the lumily budget. Fresh, frozen und canned fruits and vegetables will not be Included.

These- items, making up an estimated per cent ot a family's food costs, by Congress July I. Meats, which account for tho remaining 40 per cent of food items, also will not be included at this time. Meats are subject to dollars and cents ceilings but butchers only have to label the selling price on meat displayed. Individual grocers have been figuring thtir own ceilings using specified markups on various types of good over their costs. Prices have varied from store to store.

Under the new plan will determine wholesale costs In an area and apply the markups to get uniform ceilings. OPS will provide the charts each month for posting. They will be amended on the basis of changes each week. Thy charts will differ from store to store depending on the volume of business done by each grocer. kansas School for the Deaf, will be recommended today for appoint-.

ment as new head of Florida's! Press dispatches about a war in School for the Deaf and Blind place he'd St. Augustine. In between he helped cover or edit The Florida State Board of Edu-i stories on most of the great news cation will consider the recommen-! events of the century, dation made by the Florida Board The constant acquaintance with of Control, W. F. Powers, board disaster and the follies of human secretary said.

flesh that make some newsmen sometimes selves." "For some reason people think when a men retires he has to have a to drive' him like a madman to make things out of wood. "I have plenty of interests. For example, one of my friends is a religious editor who doesn't be- lltve in religion. I have been try, ing to convince him of the value of prayer. Also, I would like get him to start going to church." Bam himself has always been interested in religion.

"But sometimes you have to have the courage to disbelieve," he said mildly. "I have gone through whole range, train complete unbelief to working out faith in God that now me completely happy." Sam married at same year he became a and still goes home to the same girl. They have two sons, five grandsons. "You notice how many meo who live to be old Have remained with toe wife of their Anderson Union Safe With $65,000 Is Stolen BLACK QD A 88 containing more than $03,000 cash, bonds and -chocks'was stolen from an automobile firm here lasl night by two men said to fit closely tho description of those wl robbed the dank of Augusta, Aril July 28. At the time the Tato Motor puny was broken Into Foley, his deputies lice were patrolling roads in Northeast Arkansas area for the robbers who took cash from the Augunta I Foley sold later the dj of two men seen loitering tho motor company's offii about the same as that on the banjs robbery The sheriff said onlr amount of Hie motor cpr was believed, to be jtjep Bowit County Attornty Diti ATLAflf A' Hughes, 77, vjbp Bethel Church to Hold Meeting Bethel Methodist Gfejrch will hold a revival meeting, starting Monday, August 25, an4 continuing through the week, The Rev.

county, altfr the borne 0, He. several of of Hot vrtU fio tby ty courtsT Anderton Church Rtvivcl at LJTTSL: Powers said that 15 of 20 ap- cynical never robbed Sam of bis plications had been received for i warm and steady sense of broth- the post, to be vacated Sept. erhood. His last hours on the job Wallace is a native of Ft. spent breaking-la his successor and former Fay.etteviUe resident.

First Grosser -who is 21. "He's a bright kid," said Sam. up things fast." The Savannah, a vessel of about Sam then went across the street 350 tons' burden, measuring 1001 to an office party in his honor, feet in length, was the first steam ship to cross the Atlantic She finally was ol the and as be is a modest man this was something of an ordeal They gave him a shaving kit. a leather Winston Churchill," he said. "That I three miles south of.

Spring Hilij is'a splendid Me: for people to I will hold a revival (netting grow old together." Not that Sam has any idea he is old yet. He reciUed that when Abraham Lincoln left Springfield lor Washington be spoke ol (pg there as a young man and said that now he an old man. the greatcjpt part ol bJs Ule was ol Mid "Wbat August 24 and ending August 91. Services daily at and 8 p-m- Clifford Palmer in Hint the hoc of worn-out II.

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