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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 4

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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'AGEFOUR HOPE STAR, HOPE, IS.A. Fashions a Chance New York Designers May Replace the Experts From Paris By ADELAIDE KJKRB AJP PMhhm Editor A number of ace are work on the creation of without Paris aid. Many at them bclJeve the American tehion world fating most period of its life. The war has raised the question whether Paris will able to tinue iU participation on the fashion front. Sotjn after the war was started nearly ali the big houses on which the New York garment center him leaned so long for inspiration, closed, ffww most of them arc opening again, expecting to produce nnall rnid- iesuwn collections.

But more big questions loom ahead. Can Paris. beset by the economic And psychological handicaps of war, continue to produce new fashirms which have zip? If she can, will the American fashion world be able to get what Paris produces? If not, what do? 'Create for ourselves," Kay some New York tycoons and the little group of dcaignera who have originated fame fashions of their own. "None of 6s wants to profit by the trouble which hajt Mruck Europe. But the ultualirm and it gives American designers a chance to show what they can do," Some say tbt-y have no intention of trying to go abroad while the war Joffta or of importing model's from the coining Parix midseason collections.

They are deep in work on their own for resort and advance spring wear. But there i.i another sizable contingent in the style mart which doggedly to the hope of continuing work with Paris. Mont of its have no axpiraion to the title of "designer." They manufacture clothes in volume to sell and long have to Parlt' guiding hund. If they con'no longer hold to that hand, they feel they will be in the dark, and they view the prospect with "Who's to Kettle questions ax xkirt length and silhouette?" ihcy cry. not a enough leiidership in America to do it.

In this business of fashion smoebody's KOI to be or the whole style in chaos." Nobody Iriiw to answer that ijuc.i- tiOn yet. But in Seventh Avenue akyscnipperjf and 47th workrooms are at grips with the problem of collection!) show what they can do. First problem they tackled wa.i fabrics, since quality and originality of weave arc important in the inspiration and creation of new houttes. A few they expect to continue getting a certain amount Kuropenn rnutcrialx for a time at IraM, but a number declare they have been makintf more of American fabrics than generally supposed and art- Working with American fabric manufacturers to create new weaves. Helen Cookrnan, whose coate and nulls are farnoux, in uKing in her new collection number of American woven to meet her jipecificat- ions and dyed in the subtle hues she likes, Louutc BarncH Gallagher, whose costume are known throughout the American fashion world, making resort clothes in new silk and rayon mixture which she nays 'will look like wool but be lighter in weight." who did (something different full by showing skirls only little above ankle length for daytime wear after 5, expects to repent them in her new collection, Waller Klorcll, young designer now installed in New York, bclieven in looking in unexpected pluccH for material.

1 and ution, He making ebape- tiUX of fabrics which he found in upholstry and rapcry depart. men I stores and hat, trimmed another with the cryvtul he look from an old chandelier. Togo, the former German colony, HCH between, the Gold and French Dahomey on the went coast of Africa, It is DOW divided between France nnd Britain. 'Boma BooterAlmost Blocked Lady G-Man Aids Indiana's Police Marie Grott, 35, Red- Draws Salary of a Year By The AP Feature Service "Lady G-Wan of Indiana" has helped many a policeman in these parts get his man. 1 She is Marie Grott, red-headed and 35, head of the state's criminal inves- tigation bureau and believed lo be the I country's highest paid woman identi- I fication officer.

Her salary is $2,400 a year. "Miss Grotl is doing splendid work," fays Don Stivers, superintendent of Indiana state police. "She has been head of the bureau since 1929." She had been a clerk in the idenli- i fication quarters. This is how she got her promotion, says Stivers. ''I noliccd the other employees in the division i looked to Miss Grott for orders, so she wus placed in charge." "Jerky 1 Ford ham a "Jerky" (No.

dH double duty with this boot in the second quarter of the Alabama- gams ut Mew York's Polo The ball saic'ly away and Mosloy's flying leg fellows through to rnt'jt outilun" body of a Fordham biocktr. Alabama won, 7'to 0. One Missed the Other Got Him Navy back Louis Mayo (carrying ball) slipped past the flying Dartmouth tackier at left, but Sanford Courier Cright), substitute Dartmouth back, downed the middy a moment after photo was snapped. The game, played in Baltimore's Municipal Stadium, was fought to a 0-0 tie. HARRISON IN HOLLYWOOD Chaplin Mocks Hitler With Speech of Gibberish in 'Dictator' Picture HOLLYWOOD-Short takes: At home or at friends' parties Charlie Chaplin rehearses the Ilitlei speech which he'll deliver in "The Dictator." J'coplt who hear it, and who Cifi'inari, usually strain for several in complete Ix-witderMen to the impassioned oratory.

Then they that Chaplin isn't (Jennan all. He can't. a Teutonic-sounding that seems to make but'l -like the lyric: to his "Tcitina," in "Modern As Hitler, in his double role, Chaplin will lie called "Adenoid llinldcy." liilly Cilhn-l been tested for the part of (incring. who'll In; known a. 1 i and Oakir is tested Mussolini.

Jf character used, it'll herninc "Gasoliiii." Hollywood's Miarky dinner hcmor- IIIH Al.toinc.-y General Murphy off hut not liy Hollywood mi Ihe day thiit hundreds of mcivirmen were served to appear before the federal grand jury in the govei mnenl's investigation of the industry. The attorney general, who probably would have Ixjen the only haii'iuetc-cr who could have rel- i.vhed the vittles, decided he Washington. Sbift Holes Knr llemnke Jean Arthur rlrew a 12-week suspension for refusing to play in "His (Jill Ki idny," which a of 1-Tcmt 1'age" with a girl in the iole formerly phiyed by a ini; malir rciiorter. And Ralph Bellamy Itla.y, tin: part originally wiilten for Ilic only tin: east. Rosalind Kirsi-ll will be the new llild.v Jolinsun.

Miss Artliin I'rcviciuxly was slated lo in a -wc'slern with a SrilW.fWO replu-a oil early Tucson, lint that wasn't super enough for Di- MTlor Wesley lie went out on location and ordered hit; Irci-s moved lo provide a icr ca-niei-ii angle. Then he ordered a OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR, THE BOYS ALL TI-UMK THAT WRESTLIMG OP FOR TUB OWLS CLUB 'BEMdPl IS A NEY, AMD AS rub WL- COME TO ASK YOU TO WP.L-TjTLt-' OM with MAJOR HOOPLE VAC'S ABOUT FA.UGW* ILL Ml IT AAt MrAL-AbUKABLY, IV6AD, TO INFORfVs YOU THAT I WAS INCAPACITATED FOR TI-IE MAT YEARS AQO BY A SACRO-ILIAC INJURY SUSTAINED I A CJOUSV THE U'AK- DL'-LLlrlL-, EMILY bU P'RAALY, 'I ML- OWLS L.UT moved. Tlie studio totaled up the the hell with it. and pul the whole tiling on the r'cud Bob Taylor's but only to his the he ha.s had lately. A few more like "Lady of the Tropics" and ho may as well go back to playing the cello.

However, Hcdy Lamarr, who fared heller in that picture, is bidding for more money. A lot more money. Bclte Davis and Warners; arc i again. The Hedy Lamarr-Speneer Tracy picture, "I Take This Woman," will be hauled back into the projection room and sound stage for transfusions of story, new dircclion, and general rcshoofing. They could even recast Mr.

Tracy's part, if they liked. What they've got now is mosll.v a series of closcups of the batting her eyelashes. Alokc Tun Kilins from une Story "Northwi-sl Passage" is another that's hack to the factory. Fini: lu-d, previewed and iippliiuded, it's much ton lonj; for regular exhibition. There really two in it, anyway, so it's to be made into two pictures, only a little more shooting to round out the English half of it.

"Gone With the Wind" ran three hours and -15 minutes when first previewed, and the audience-opinion cards were; almost unanimously against cutting it at all. But David Selx.nick now is chopping it down to three hums, and he's wincing with the deletion of each fool. "drapes of Wrath" has been definitely cast, and it. now may be announced thai Tyrone power will not play Maw, f-iiw, Grandpa, Grandma, 'ir Kutlue. Don't blame 'me, though, if (hey disguise him a.s the turtle.

Don't give the ballyhooed renaissance of tbcj corset a second thought. The n-presc-ntative of a foreign fashion salon interviewed most of Holly, wood men and the idea nf getting some dandy endorsements of the wasp-waist idea. What they told bun praelirally curled his 1'Vsl production unit to close down in (hi- face of the war market is United l-Min Service, which made some fine pictures, as "The The Signal Corps of (he army has assigned additional officers fo 'movie- making. The SherifFwas" His Own Scientist liUULDKIJ, prisoner by Sheriff George Kit-hard a M-I burglar's tools in his pos- "-lon. with a bntilo appeared lo filled with nitroglycerine.

The buttle remained in the Vc for LM while offux-rs about r.uitcnt.s. One of them sheriff il for an analysis. "I know a quicker way hi find out said the And lie 'I ft remote lighted tin. an. I 'I'll Jl'MlltS.

niiiinenl th a boh' Voroshiloff Chief of Russian Army Stalin's No. 1 Man Got His Job in School of Experience By the Feature Service Tlie smaller armies of lesser coun- tjies arc commanded by career soldiers from military schools. The gigantic army of the world's largest country is commanded by a man who learned his soldiering when he was thrown into it on the battlefield. Until then he had been a rnineboy, shepherd, farm-labor- fr, factory-hand, revolutionist and many-limes political prisoner. He is Marshal Klcrncnti Efremovich Vor- oshiloff.

Soviet War Commissar. Russia's present dominant position on the coiftincnt of Europe is due in no measure to him. Convinced that Red Russia could expect, at any time, a war at the hands of a capitalist power or group of powers, Voroshiloff organized a staff, mechanised the forces, built a large air fleet, encouraged sue)) novel military ideas as "parachute infantry." Well-built, powerful-looking astride his horse, easy to talk to. cheerful, and handsome in Russian eyes. "Klim" has come a long way.

Born in 1X31 into the family of a railway watchman, he went to work at 7, earning a nickel a day in a mine. At 10. he turned shepherd and farm-laborer. At 18, he organized and led a foundry strike, was blacklisted by the police, found himself unable to get another job. At 22, he joined the Lenin-led 'Bolshevik) wing of the Russian Social-Democratic LaborFarty.

His life became a series of arrests, exiles, escapes and resumptions of revolutionary activity. The Russian revolution of 1U17 turned him into a military 'man. Generally considered the ablest commander to emerge from the civil wars that followed the revolution, Vor- oshiloff was promoted to increasingly important posts, finally Dccame People's Co'mmissar for Military and Naval Affaris in 1925. Saturday, October 21 Hundred French Sailors The billowing black smoke in the background comes from a blast that destroyed tin French light cruiser Pluton and killed 400 oflicers and men. The explosion happened while the warship was load- ing war supplies in the harbor of Casablanca, Morocco.

'Baby Rat' Is Latest Star Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Vencent A-sheraft left Monday for Tucson, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs.

John Bell and Lulhur Bell all of Hugo, weekend guests of realtive.s in Blevins. Mclba Sue Tribblc student of Henderson State College spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tribble. Miss Sage left Saturday for Washington, D.

where she has a position in the Treasury department of tlie United States. Mr. and Mrs. W. R.

Stowers and children and Miss Roffie Ashby all of Li till; Rock were Sunday guests of iflalives in Blevins. Mi'. Douglass Bailey left hist week for his home in Phoenix, Arizona after spending several weeks visiting relatives in Blevins. Tollell Taylor spent last week in St. Louis.

Mrs. A. H. Wade and daughter, Eva Jane visited relatives in El Dorado last week. Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Wade Mrs. Geo.

W. Mayficld, Mrs. Boycc W. Mayfield, Mrs. Murry Willett and daughter Gloria Jean, all of El Dorado, were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Wade The and family. Blevins FFA boys with their bucket of oats? That's the favorite question that comes from automobile-minded visitors in Yellowstone National Par who get out from behind their sl ing wheels long enough for a trail trip through this national playground.

Rangers don't know the exact answer, but they may figure! I out at the end of the season, when their work slackens. As the end of the riding season noarcd, they said park visitors have bounced 12.563 miles on saddle leather and that's enough mileage lo burn (up a lot of oats. Legal Notice ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance to Fix the Salary of the Chief of Police of the Clly of Hope, Arkansas." Meet Hollywood's After 77 other babies hnd been turned down, 14-rnonlh-old Peter B. Good landed job in "Brother Rat and the Baby." He has made such a hit that third "J-irother Rut" slory is being written lor him.

sponcer, L. J. Brown, spent Friday in ne Hundred Years Little Rock altending the Fat Stock Show and Ilodeo. Miss Opal llonea formally of Blevins was, married September 'i'i, loJackRallsto of Show Lou, Ari, They are making their home in Show Lou. Mrs.

Dallas Hugg and Norman are leaving for Tucson, Monday, when: they will join Mr. lluyg and fro 'mthcre go to Ajo, where they will make their home. The law in Salt Lake City: No opera hats or hats with ostrich feathers may be worn to public gatherings. The word alphabet is derived from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, Alpha and Beta. of Married Life HOQUIAM.

Wash. One hundred years of married will be celebrated by the brothers C'arnic next October 111. Tom Carnitie of Hoquiain and Charles 1'. Carninc of Silver Lake, married anl Klla May Tippcr.y~-at a joint cere- October Kl, The four arc planning a golden anniversary celebration. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPE, ARKANSAS'.

Section 1: That beginning October 1939, the salary of the Chief of of the City of Hope, Arkansas, is hereby fixed at the sum of $150.00 per month, payable monthly. Section 2: That Article Section 6, of the By-Laws of the City of Hope, Arkansas, and Sec. 1 of Ordinance No. 472 of the City of Hope, Arkansas be, and the same is each hereby, amended to provide that the salary of the Chief of Police of the City of Hope, Arkansas, be, and the same is hereby, fixed at $150.00 per month, beginning tober 1, 1939. Section 3: That all ordinances parts of ordinances in conflict here.

with arc hereby repealed, and thisi ordinance shall take effect and be full force from nnd after its passage PASSED AND APPROVED This day of October, 1930. Published in the Hope Star this 21st lay of October 1939. W. S. ATKINS Mayor Attest: T.

R. Billingslcy City Clerk Warning Order IN TIfE HEMPSTEAD CHANCERY COURT tVTHKL FRANKLIN ct al Plaintiffs, FRANK HENDERSON ct al Defendants The defendant Frank Henderson hereby warned to appear in this co within thirty days and answer complaint of the plaintiffs herein. Witness my hand and seal as clerk of said court on this 13th day of October, liMy. RALPH BAILEY (SEAL) Clcrk Oct. 14, 21, 28, Nov.

4 Checking Up On Horsepower YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, low many gallons lo a As Naval Traffic Cop' Gave Liner the 'Stop' Signal lai-hed I awav iff 1'he I-re-null destroyer T-81, photographed from tho duck tht Italian liner Hex, which it stopped lor searching "somewhere in the MocliU-rryneyn." Tho Rox. en route from Genoa and Naples to New YorU, ran into fiTidc-nt Allied sea patrol again when a Hritisli warship haltprl ynd FeaiThc-ri it at Gibraltar, i'uur liundred German citizens aboaid were nut molested imd landed safely in Ktw York. Electrical iuul Refrigerator Service If others have failed, try us. Work guaranteed, Prices reasonably 1 Graduate Coyne Electrical School ARTHUR MORRIS Day and Night Phone liSG. AT YOUR SERVICE CHILDREN AND SMALL THINGS We're just as attentive to your children as to you Whether they come in for chewing'gum or tooth paste, we're happy to serve you and your family well.

Two grudualc pharmisls on duty. WARD SON The leading DrtifgM "We've Got II" PHONfc 62 Motorcycle Delivery.

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