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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 6

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iJt OAKLAND TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1934 llt I US LA. IN POLITICAL NOTES Feiiow Set i'H Brahd MiHitT Rbl'and B. ley Odd Felowi Temple, Bancroft Way and Fulton Street, following the regular business meeting 0 Berkeley Lodge No 270 at 8 o'clock this evening. A talk on fingerprinting will be given at this meet Lodge officers have 3 UNIT The meetine at the Hotel Oakland A. Grennan Wardell campaign row ourselves out of debt," Repre 1.

s- r.iu rn.k n.njiJn, sentative R. Ralph Eltse, candidate mnn.nrH fi manager tor Aiameaa uouniy, nui San Leandro Home Looted by Burglar SAN LEANDRO. Aug. P. Burglary of the H.

S. Spaulding.home, 670 Broadmoor Boulebard, was reported' today by Police Chief J. F. Peralta. The home, entered by burglars who forced the kitchen door lock, was ruled during ths night, according to Sttaulding.

The intruders took sevtril kitchen articles and a coin purse containing $5. Patrolmen H. L. McDonald and Andrew N. Poulsen investigated.

an invitation to all members of the vnune voters from business and cro- De lne speaKerh of a 7th7Berke forder of Odd Fellows to attend. fessioal circles, drew more than tij 1 1 i r-m a. w'AN COh LTpTj Dried Apricots Rich In Vitamins BERKELEY- Aug. 9. If you would have vitamins A and eat dried apricots, tther raw or cooked, advises Dr.

Agnes Fay Morgan, professor of household science, University Of California. In collaboration with Anna Field and P. F. Nichols, also of the State University's research p. Dr.

Morgen is author of a pamphlet just issued by the United States Department of Agriculture as a reprint from the Journal of Agricultural Research. The vitamin A value in dried apricots is comparable to that of butter, cheese, cream and spinach and Is exceeded only by liver or oils from the liver of cod and certain other fish, the bulletin points out. Endorsement of the candidacy of Peter J. for superior judge by the Slavic-American Voters League and the New Deal Boosters Club was announced today. OOO James R.

Agee's candidacy for ihe Democratic nomination for State Senator in the sixteenth senatorial district has received the en srore of candidates of their representatives, eacl of whom had been allotted time on the program after a poll among those In the group specifying the candidates they wished to hear. District Attorney Earl Warren complimented the group on their interest in politics, pointing out that (he future of good government is in LONG BEACH, Aug. 8. VP) Captain M. F.

Nuremberg, for 10 years connected with the Los Angeles sheriff's office, was elected president of the California Division of tfte International Association for Identification. Charles J. Ogle of San Fernando was named vice-president, and W. A. Snare of Bakersfield, was elected treasurer.

Stockton was selected ss the site for the 1935 convention. 1 311) dorsement of the Piedmont. Demo Mie hands of young voters THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Harold C. Holmes, chairman of the cratic Club, according to Thomas J. president of the organ- wi EhMVAV tor frm 1 I group, prerided.

Other officers are i McGovern Earl J. Toomey, vice-chairman: ization. Donald Fuller Lyman, treasurer; ALS fttR FRIDAY, AUG. 10 4 Armonr'i 0 0 0 "It har; been extremely unfortunate that the similarity of the name of Associate Ju-tice Emmet Seawell of the State Supreme Court and Superior Judge Harry F. Sewell has led many, to believe that the eminent member of our State Watson, secretary; and Maitland Pennington, sergeant-at-arms.

Several hundred persons attended the meeting. 0 0 Al McCabe. former State insurance commissioner, has been ap IT-. ifracl Extracts Pea. Tomto pr Celery Soup tin 5c Pigs Feel -t.

lir IOV2C bottla PAINLESS Supreme Court, who is seeking re- pointed by Albert E. Sherman, can- Plums PARKER for re-election to Congress in the seventh district, told members of the Berkeley Taxpayers League yesterday. Endorsement of the candidacy of Coroner Grant D. Miller for reelection by County Clerk G. E.

Wade was announced today by Mil-iex-for-Coroner headquarters. Wade emphasized the efficiency of Miller's administration of the coroner's office in his endorsement a Joseph M. Samuels, candidate for supervisor in the third supervisorial district, last night received the endorsement of the Western Waterfront Property Owners Association. 0 0 0 Quinn-for-Coroner headquarters today announced that Councilman James H. Quinn's candidacy for coroner had received the endorsements of the Taxpayers League of Alameda County, the Moving Picture Operators Union, the Ice Wagon Drivers Union, the Alameda County Civic Government and the Auto and Sign Painters Unions of Alameda County.

Endorsement of the candidacy cf Charles D. Heywood, former Berkeley Mayor and postmaster, for the Republican nomination for Congress in the seventh district, by former Supervisor Redmond C. Staatc and former Mayor Fred N. Mor-com was announced today. Moose Convention Date to Be Fixed Plans for the first annual convention of the recently organized California State Moose Association were outlined yesterday at, a luncheon at the Moose Club by Super-vigor William F.

Hamilton. Organization of the group was effected at a meeting in Long Beach, and Hamilton, who was delegate, succeeded in securing the convention for Oakland. The date will be fixed in the immediate future. didate for the Republican nomina- Selection, is the man involved in the Jinn for Lieutenant Governor, as i present controversy," said Superior his Northern California campaign Judge Frank Collier, presiding manager. judge of the Los Angeles Superior 0 0 0 i Court, in a statement given Justice A.

C. Edington, candidate for the jSeawell's campaign committee. Kn. tin Italian Mtuhrsnm 1 Sauce tin 4i2c 2 i Oc i't ELIMINATES 1 1 Democratic nomination for Lieu- 1 For 20 years Justice Emmet hea 4 well served as superior judge of Sonoma County and for the last J2 SPECIALISTS' Bulled Oats Prepirtd: Spaghetti vears has ably and conscientiously served as an associate justice of the State Supreme Court. I trust FEES -lb.

btt Mb. tin 'J DR. PAINLESS PARKER that the voters of the Stale wi '11. bear in mind that Associate Justice 7c Emmet Seawell has no connection with the unfortunate situation that Yellow Clint POUR on milk or cream. Then listen to Kellogg' Rice Krispies.

Their "Snap! Crackle Pop tells a story of delicious crispness. You'll love their flavor. Great for breakfast lunch. Ideal for the children's supper. Light and easy to digest.

Ready-to-eat. Made by Kellogg in Battlr Creek. Listen! has arisen in our local court." 0 0 1- EXACT PRICES QUOTED IN ADVANCE Peaches Aonointment of Don Baldwin, a 1 tenant Governor, today appointed James E. Waddell, Oakland attorney, as his Eastbay campaign manager. 0 0 0 G.

F. Irvine, chairman of the State Legislative Board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, today charged that H. J. Kelley, who endorsed the candidacy of Governor Frank F. Mer-riam, is not a representative of the organization and does not speak for it.

"Mr. Kelly was never a representative of the Brotherhood nf Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen at Sacramento," said Ingram In a statement, "for 1 have held that position continuously sinre 1918. and Mr. Kelley was not In the State most of tht time, therefore. couH not have observed Mr, Merriam's Dinamite Cereal I8c No.

dmOil tin Oakland businessman, as campaign manager for Joaquin de Mcnezes, 10c candidate for the Democratic nomination for assemblyman in the sixteenth assembly district, was an nounced today. Ms' Vl't-ei. botlli 2C LTfi4erv0Or In Parker offices your dental needs are attended by the various Parker dentists who specialize in each particular type of dental work. By having all their dental needs served by this qualified group of dentists, the hundreds of thousands of Parker patients not only get satisfying work, but save time and rnoney. Exact prices are quoted in advance.

Clams Assisting Baldwin nr. members of de Menezes' campaign committee Underwaod't Cluiti Chowder tin 8c TUNE IN KGO every Friday night al 7:45 "The Philistine" and KROW 10:30 to 11 :00 every morning. are Eugene Walsh. J. P.

Many, A L. Quinn, James van de Mark, Louis l(i-i. tin 812C 1 Harris. Len Broadbent, and Sam Booth by. record.

UMii rk( Grorarterln "Kelley may be the opinion that Merriam is sympathetic to labor, but that opinon is not shared Sheridan Downey, randidale for the Democratic nomination for Tit, PMITO WATF.R lr, dm. lieutenant-governor, will address a SAYMAN'S VEGETABLE WOAP. COLOATE'jl BABEB BAB, i for itLUEB. rlnt. mass meeting tonight in the Veterans' Memorial Buildfng in Berkeley.

0 0 0 Mad from Knights Templar Discuss Convention RICHMOND. Aug. 9. Reports nn recent convention of the order held in San Francisco were heard last night at a meeting of the Knights Templar held in the Masonic Hall. George Barnett, commander, presided.

A candidate waa accepted and It was announced that practice would be held for the Red Cross dgree in by the members of this organization, which unanimously endorsed C. C. Young for Governor." 0 0 0 J. H. Nerney.

candidate for Su-nervisor in the Third District, has been informed by A. Ft. Field, secretary-treasurer of the Order of Railway Conductors, that that or OR So JACOBS, Manager PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST 1128 BROADWAY, Corner 12th IAN FRANCISCO SAN JOS! lACKAMINTO STOCKTON 'RISNO lAKIRSFIElD Principal Prntin Cooit Cltlof WATER MAID RICE Lydell Peck, candidate for Ihe Democratic nomination for the State Board of Equalization, has been endorsed by the Roosevelt RSI AROMATIC CASC AH A fl-or. Mr CASCAftA tr.i 19r WINKLE UMl-100 BEEF. IRON A WINE pint.

Sic VEGETABLE COMPOLN'C, lli-01. 71)0 Oomeitlo B'htel SWISS CHEESE ganization has endorsed him. 0 Republicans hold a lead of 933 the near future. tiver the Democrats in Contra Costa Pound 25c County registrations for the August irimary. The Republicans have rtj- Jrv; i Progressive League, the -Partisan League of Alameda County and the Good Government League.

0 0 0, "Supervisor William J. Hapiilton was one of the early members of the board of supervisors to advocate a program of necessary and worth-while improvements for the county and to oppose expenditure of money that would not produre an adequate return to the taxpayers," said T. J. Roberts in addressing a meeting of the Operating Engineers Local No. S07 in behalf of Supervisor Hamilton's candidacy for re-election.

0 0 0 "We have bpen launched on a program of spending billions of dollars as a of returning prosperity, but we cannot, squander ourselves into prosperity, nor bor- SfflS EMENT 'ANNOUHC 1 "rsrv a 80,083 while the Democrats number 19,150. There are 92 Socialists, 2fi Prohibitionists, 13 Progressives, 19 Communists, and two members of the Liherty party. Voters without any partisan affiliation number 726. The total-Contra Costa registration is 40,111. 0 0 0 Justus Warden's supporters in the southern end of Alameda County will gather tomorrow night for a rally at the Garden of "Allah, Niles.

Charles H. Spinks of Los Altos, who Withdrew from the Democratic contest to support Wardell, and John Sea Bats, .200 Fresh Tuna, lb. 200 Filet Rock Cod, lb. .156 Smelts, lb. 106 Sand Dabs, 100 Abalone Steak, Hah in.In SUfcedl 15tf 12C vpVttt BRSflUlVR TrFFJ TIIOHT TO LIMIT ftt'lAiVTITIE! TO EAST BAY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS OF A I tv i i tt.

I T9nn Sail Pflnlo Avo nf PiiffJnrr RKrrJ F1 rw.U tH 'i 1 1 ft' jjgj 11 res 'A We want to make it easy for you to get the same high quality in fresh milk and cream that you know the Borden name assures no matter where you live or visit in the entire Bay Area. We have therefore decided to use the same company title on both sides of the Hereafter we will be known in the East Bay Cities, as well as in San Francisco, by the name Borden's Dairy Delivery Company. This announcement will be of particular interest to present East Bay residents who formerly lived in San Francisco and on the Peninsula, and who were customers of the Dairy Delivery Company. Our new name the iSt the East Bay munity and faith in I i i i i-v rr-ti ure is on di It at 1900 San Pablo i at Gu 'r ff El Cerrito emporium ofiens ifor inspection tomorrow at 7 A. 'ft Ltfflft open 8evenlay each week until 12 midnight.

Wodra1 invited tq(dijiv6 -iut and see with your own eye a 8(fW thaVwill not seat to anything in America. imptfrted grotn4, aiarge meat department, a delicates- wnet yur aPRtite, a large liquor department and a tre- DAIRY EUV i f5 vcgciie aispiay ottering a variety undergone Wh ownership and omanement of over 5000 commodities. C6MRANY nd lf yoWPleas and not something just as good- i auk a ime ouncn or empWees who are truly a part of the business. jVOTtnermore, all mercha wiM be priced on anticipated sales vol- olume? We have done our nart toward e. Won't you do vours bv at lckst Dav- Fast Bay Branch and Plant 2743 San Pablo Avenue Hayward Branch and Plant 1056 Street will welcome whether you buy or Wendlyvisit? i fces will be on the job to greet you.


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