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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 9

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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ANSAi ijrtf ot ill. tn; Club 10 nt 10 o'otfffik the Homa Mrs. W. K. All mem- nre urgttti prtwni, Auxdinry will 18, at WJH Comlno and Gofng Wnrtti Knoeh fir her flimt nnd imclff.

Mf. find B. Cooper, nnd family Alnmotl, Nftw Mrxlco, Pnt Kriwh Is vlnltlng hor mint nnd Or, imd 14, Knodt in Ottfolyn thd In of Magnolln of friends Many Fail to Claim Vet Insurance By JOVNti MACFAWLAN AdmlrtUtrntlott offlrlnl (winy only hnlf of holding National Servlcn Life fnfturance will get their of the 300 million dnflflrit hi the rftnuon: they haven't for it (n tMlltfvu Ihttre are two major for thin: 1, Many nf the flvc-mllllon-hold' of about million entitled lo do not know they rnuit apply In writing, 2, Mony who are not requesting ore merely letting their Cfloh bo credited to their account to pay later or to draw 3 cent Interest nfter certain date, estimate thnt only hnlf of Alvln nnd Robert flnrd nnd children, David Paul, Frftd Mnmhnl, and Itnnnah Belock, ot Washington Unlverolly, St. Jjflulir. will nrHve todoy for visit with Mrs, Ike Boll, Mm.

Fred C. MAmhftll, nntl Mr. Mnr- nhnil. Dr. nnd Mm, Kurd hnva H'ccnlly rntiii-iiod from England whcrn ho tnught In the I'l-yslcs Dopt, ut Mflfichootpr University, Tluiy Dfiont month of April In South nl Ungmiros Dw fllgocre whero ho In Dti Midi, Mr, nnd Hubert LnCJronp, Jr, nro vlnltlfid tliclr IJnrbftrn, in Thurmnit Hldiinji nnd i-oy Thtirmnrt Hid- Unit who In iHitlont in tho til In MHIi? Itnck ThurHday.

Mr, nnd P. II, Wfcblj nnd grnndHun, Tony loft this for a vlnlt with Mr, niul Mrs. Tiiukor nnd family in Shvovopdrt nnd Mr, and L. It. SiiUis In liotigvlew, Texas Mi', and Mrs.

D. So lice, Illclinril nnd Bondrn nrc vlHlilnu Iholr pnuTilft, Mr. ond Mrs. li Itoblntion mat Mrs. Grace Dicker- nun, cntlllrd to 1052 will bo bald wns banod on lodtiy't rrporl that 1,148,028 total- had been issued up to 7.

tn addition, a VA official nald, tho department still 000,000 undistributed dividend checks for nnd 00,000 for J992, The amount Involved has not boon computed, ha mild, However, the 1948 nnd 1931 dividend!) ore not "roKUlnr" dividends, llko tho one In 1092, nnd ingulfltlons If for. A dividend In 1040 ond onci of nbout 0)15 million dol- lnrn In 1091 wer especlnl and Ihc unclaimed checks nre not Interest. The 1048 dividend wns estimated to npply to ubout 10 million holders of itomu 20 million pollcIcK nnd the 10,12 pnymttnt to Home six million holders of about seven million policies, and. l.uymtm Roblnaan of TexoH CUy, lira vitfltlni! their ptirmtM, Mi', mill Ben Jloblntlon, Hospital Notes Josephlno Admitted! Mrs, Nnlhloon I)p. IJoney, Hope.

Mn Clnrenco Critch- CHOW authorltlei at Ft. Leslie J. MeNalr, Washington, D. have de- clded to prune the waistlfnw of some ot the post'i 300 dally dlntri, most of whom work tn iwtnUry Jobs and getting plump In the middle on regular Army chow. So this "diet table" has become a fixture at the 702lit Area Service Unit there.

The special mess Is described as "a very attractive, low-calory menu." At diet table, left to right, a re Cpl. Cleo Denmon, Dayton, Ohio; Ptc. Ben Griffith, Unlontown, Cpt. Albert Exum, Washington, D. and Benjamin P.

Paras, Philippine Islands. Pvt, Griffith is eating standard Army meal to show the contrast with the diet plates. JJ i low, Hope; Mst, Jimmy Mrs, J. Ammons, and bnby, mm- 1 Julia Admitted: Frank Martin- dnlo, Emmot; Mm. K.

Toxarkuna, Charles Fowler, Jfopo; Mm, Loo Downs, Hope. Wnymond Taylor, Mrs, C. Kogenbaum. Fulltm, and T. Jones announce tho arrival of a son, Mtchnel Utlvy.

Mr. nnd Mm, Jim Fulton, itonouneo tho arrival ot non, Jimmto Franklin. Louisiana GOP Given 'Best Chance' By JAMES MCLEAN ALEXANDRIA, l.n. WH Th( bltU'f Toft-ElstTihowei 1 buttle thntj split r.uulnlunn befni-o the Nntlnnul Convention flare up ujjiiln today at GOP State Cenlrnl Commlttoc mi'fttnjt to or- "prncinct level up" t-tim- pnlgn for Gen, Dwlght Klsenhower, The point ut conflict Is who will got tho post of I'linlrinnn of the Central Comrhlttce. John Minor Wisdom, new GOP lion a I commlitceumn who backed Klitvnhowcr nil the wny.

Bald In New Orlcims the ithould' bo renritanlKvd to assure hucinony In the cumpnlun. ChiUnnan N. Bryant James', who supported Sen, Robert A. Tnfl prior tn the Republican National Convention, said he would not resign. "In my Wisdom said, "we can work more effectively with Paulina Dune of Now Iberia us our parly chairman now.

JUe's been stnuneh Elsenhower jnnn nnd knows nil tho Elsenhower supporters." Despite the apparent conflict, pnrty leaders, including Wisdom and James, predicted harmonious mooting and said "This is not in any eventu a reprisal move. The Taft people arc working with us MASKED WHITE WINGS prevent Identification, these pickets, employes of New York's Deportment ot Sanitation, wear black hoods oa they picket the department's main office. The white wlnfia' union Is a five-day, 40-hour week. Ike to irrom Ont cclvc tho vote of would neither coixflvm deity ruporU ho would UK liaison maiv botwoen Klaoivhowcr BuV hti did ho has tnlkud with ol since the OOP PRESCOTT NEWS NOTICE Tho American Legion Auxi will meet on Monday evenin Inry ut 7:30 in the home of Mrs. Muxie Lcdbotter, i ifornia, where the bridegroom stationed.

Living Cost In Europe Soars Higher STANLEY JOHNSON UNtTED NATIONS, N. Y. Americans may shudder at cur- nnt price tags but United Nations survey Indicated today that prices have risen less In U. S. since 1948 than In such tightly controlled nations as Britain, Norway and Sweden, Moreover, the U.

S. has held the line against Inflation better than such uncontrolled countries as Canada, France and Argentina, according to figures released in the U. latest monthly bulletin of statistics. The survey showed U. S.

prices have gone up 10 per cent since 1848. Figures for other countries included: Britain, 2ft per cent; Norway and Sweden, 31; Canada, 21; France, 43; Argentina, 185. Some experts, however, claim the survey is not fair gauge of country by country differences in cost-of-livlng. The U. N.

takes 1048 as the base year. By that time, these experts contend, the U. S. already had undergone the worst of its postwar Inflation but the process was just beginning in many other countries. This means that even though U.

S. prices have not increased since 1048 at anywhere nearly tho rate suffered in some other coun- i tries, they started from a higher Sid Pledges Continued rrom Page One a political rncc. -The people of Arkansns wanted VnTe 1 change in administration," snid dcMnth. have won it, nnd will do all within my power to make It a successful one." McMuth refused to comment on cport that his "pat on the back" iy President Truman contributed iinterially to his defeat. Cherry, the Mc- nconwhilc, has denied that 'resident's endorsement of VTath had imy material effect on ho vote.

But, most observers wise in the Icvicius ways ot Arkansas polities, say that the President's public etv Lorsument of McMath spelled the of a young and promising jnlitickin. Meanwhile, Sid McMath has n'oved that he has what ft takes sometimes that is the jroof of a mnn. now." The Ccntrnl Committee will nnmo campaign chttlnnnn and a finance chnlrmnn to coll for the Elsenhower drive; The Republicans arc pepped up over tho riMVtnrk of Qov. Robert Koimou, titntex ritfhts Demovnt, thut tho OOP has Its Uesit chimcu 'V- :4 5i 1C" to Stusswn left ytutftrduy after a fUml prl- dlnnur talk with the general. Qov.

Kavl Warren at Callfaniiti, like StBsgen an unsucoeisful con- tonder tor tho Men, headed into early Urfay. it ichwlulod to dUcuss campnlBu strntogy with fionpral uud chief advisors. Warren also will work out with Kkenhower the for the ken' Wednesday iu Wslw. wtth the ID -RepuU- ws ot states. town ot that In yonrs to curry Loulsinnu in the Nov.

4 general election, hasn't happened since 1878. when Rutherford B. Hayvs won disputed eltctlon. Chairman FarmurvUle banker, said the Republicans will wolconie any support "offered by the Democrats, espechUly In view of the way the Democrats treated Mrs. Dan Plttmnn Jr.

Hoetest to 37 Club Mrs. Dan Piltmnn Jr. was ihos- less to members of the '87 Contract Club at tho Lawson I-Iotel on Tuesday afternoon. Pink asters In crystal bowl were used for decoration, Mrs. Dob Reynolds was awarded tho hiuh scoro prize, A delectable sulud course was served from the tables centered with pink listers In crystal vases to bridge guests Mrs.

Reynolds, Mrs. Gray, ten guests Mrs. John HUman. Mrs. J.

Franks and to ten members. Ucau other by will nuiko flmt aJ tttcUitt delegation in the delegation wns seated only niter a lenKthy tloor battle. more than mUlton registered and only ubout Republicans In tho state, the OOP attract a great number of Democratic and Independent to win. Wisdom "Republicnns will slwjot vvovks for the Democratic and Independent votes," 20 Ptnont Hurl in Train Accident CARUSUE, locomotive hit the rw ol a paswnifti' Just north of Carilsle early today. Injuring 80 per- ttuns and tying Up roil traffic nearly two hours.

Norwtgtan Prince to Visit U. S. UR Norwegian Minister Oscar Twp will arrive York 9 tor a United States, week visit to was officially nttumitui eastward by to route. vwre that wiUT support from Wnlte-Keown Vows Exchanged In a lovely coromony on Tuesday evening, August 13, Miss Ann Waite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry of Lovellc, Now York, became the brldo of IlMl-c Charles Willlum Keown, U.

Nuvy. Tho cwnumy wns solemnized in the homo of tho bridegroom's PW- cuts, Mr. and Oliver IV Keown Pix'scoll, Rev. Wfsloy A. l.inds«y hvurd thu vows boforv nn improved altar of arched cnndi'l 1 holding white tapers with floor baskets of grocnery.

Kupttiil music was prvtvidod by Miss Gonovieve King, who played tho processional and recessional nnd Livbeslrnum. Shu accompun- iod Miss Clark, whu sung, "I l.ovo You Truly." Mrs, Denver liuckiiboe of ong- Tfxus, sister of the bride- served matron of hoiv or, tuid Mrs, Oliver Keown. of Arkadvlplvia, was bridesmaid. wi liiihteil by Miss Bobby Qenp Stowari and flower were MUdmt Uuehonun mul me Adatyn UiK'kuboo. Itio who wits given in riage by Mrs.

B. Hinsun of kaua wure frock- fashioned with Among those from out-of-tow who attended the funeral service for Mrs. Ben Phillips were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Galloway, Baton Rouge, Mr.

nnd Mrs. Bob Seals, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seals, Benton; Mr. and Mrs.

A. O. Weuv- ei, Shreveport; Mr. Jesse Weaver, Mrs. Elbert Jones, Mrs.

Parker, Mildred Dlckerson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Campbell and Wanda, all of Hope; Mr. Dale Phillips, Mrs Cora Saals, Little Rock; Mvs. Dixie Franklin, Mr, L.

D. Galloway, Stumps; Mr. Charles Davis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Veldon McKniKht, El Dorado; Rev.

nnd Mrs. James Harris, Mrs. Kay Wic kerson, Mrs. Pierce Hnrris, Mrs. W.

W. Wallace, Mrs. N. W. Me Couch, Mr.

and Mrs. A. L. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.

J. N. Shoptnw, Mrs. Vern Aaron, Mrs. Marie Stub blefleld.

Miss Norma Sprigs. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Floyd Duke, all of Texurkunu; Mr.

and Mrs. BUI Marry and Billy, Hot Springs. LITTLE ROCK Cov. Sid McMath formally congratulated Judge Francis Cherry yesterday for his victory in Tuesday's election with a letter pledging "my support and co-operation." He invited the new gubernatorial nominee to send his department heads, when they are named, to "sit in on all board or commission meetings pertaining to their departments." The governor sent copies of the letter to state department heads, urging their co-operation in helping Cherry and his appointees prepare a program. In letters tir members of the State Highway Commission, McMath told of his offer to Cherry and requested that the department "complete as many projects as possible In the remaining time that we have." ore higher.

Another point made is that many of the most spectacular American increases have occurred in tho price of such items as meat which has little weight in an index but makes a big difference in the aver age person's budget. Basic foodstuffs, incidentally, arc shown by the survey to have risen only 10 per cent in the U. S. during the past four years as comparer! with 21 per cent in Canada, 38 per cent in Sweden and 37 per cent in France. British food in contrnsi to the rest of the nation's economy, went up only 0 per cent.

The sharpest rise in American pi ices, tho survey showed, came immediately after the outbreak of tho Korean War. The index was steady from 1048 to June 1'JflO and inflation in the U. S. appeared un- er control. Other Races Brought Into Izard 'Fraud' MELBOURNE, Ark.

i cnt illegal voting in Izard Cotw rtmoff primary last Tuesday off a recount of the votes yesterd in ono race and a possible, app' to the Democratic State Commj tec. Two apparently defeated can dales snid they would take thi cases to court, and a third cated that legal action was a pi sibility. In a turbulent, 3-hour sessi the Izard County Democratic Co mittee canvassed the primary turns and rejected a request Stnte Sen. Y. M.

Mack of Mo: field that it throw out all vo cast in the county in the 1 District senatorial race. Mack's attorney said the decis would be appealed to the St Committee. The County Committee order a recount of all votes cast state representative and sher with a detailed check of the lei ity of each ballot. But the Co mittee then decided that such investigation was impossible agreed to make only a re recount, without testing the leg ity ot the vote. Fred Beach, the losing Candida for sheriff, and the defeated repr scntative candidate, R.

L. said such a recount would be satisfactory. Hub of the dispute is tho that Izard County cast about 3, votes in tho primary although had issued fewer than 2,400 tax receipts. The discrepancy larger than the victory margin any of the winners in the thri contested races. Mack led Sen.

Orvillo Cheney Calico Hock in Jackson and In Little Miss Marcia Ann Duncan of Little Rock is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dnllis Atkins. fitted bwdiee ojf white lylojx lace and bouffant bluck acctu'diun plaited skirt. Her accessories White, and sho carried a wliite prayer book with a shower bouquet of white carnations, Oliver Page Keown, his brother as best man.

A reception followed the core- many. The serving table, was laid with a cloth of imported Japanese lace, was centered with a two-tiered wtntdmg cake holding a nvmUtture and groom, en circled with Mrs, HttCk served the wedding cake, am Mrs, Keovm presided at toe punch bowl. Mrs. Watson Bucnan an Mrs. B- Hmson of kaoa ut serving.

Olburn of ol Uw a to Mrs. J. W. has return- to her home in Marshall, Texas, tier a with Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson, Allen Gee and Bernard Rcphan Hot Springs were Tuesday busi- visitors in Hope, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. McMahen and laughter, Betsy Jane, have from two weeks" visit with elatives in Tucson, Ariz.

Mrs. Jim Nelson, Jane and Waler were Friday visitors in Arkadel Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Thomas and Harley Cox attended the nuptials at the Conal Churcb in Texarkana I'uesday evening. Miss Lou si-rvevi us bridesmaid. The was held at the Country JONESBORO, Ark.

UPI Francis Cherry rode in triumph down decorated Main Street of Jones boro yesterday in his first trip home since he won the Demo cratic gubernatorial nom last Tuesday. Accompanied by his wife nnt their three children, the Jonesboro chancellor was overcome emotion ally when the parade ended ant he was presented with a 1952 Oldsmobile automobile purchase through donations from Jonesbor residents. The presentation speech, made by Jim Sloan Cherry's Crit tcnden County campaign manage said the car was bought will- gifts of $1 to $50 from people "wh wanted to do something to expres our appreciation for the recogn lion and glory you heaped upoi the city." Cherry, the only gubernatoria nominee ever elected from Jones boro, was unable to deliver a 10 minute speech, prepared for th victory clebration. The gift was presented to Chen- after parade down Main Strec where show windows displaye "Cherry" red welcome signs. I the parade were 163 decorated car nnd a high school band.

The procession ended ut Wood land Field, where city father union, church, school, business, farm and bar representatives made welcoming addresses before crowd estimated at 4,000 persons. Judge Cherry, who defeated third term candidate Sid McMath earlier this week, said that "this is the happiest moment of my life," Vuusing often to clear his throat. Cherry expressed his appreciation (or the welcoming celebration and gift: Qlub. About 250,000 beetles have been atalogued in museums, says tho National Geographic Society. pemlcnce Counties, but lost Cheney in Ixard County pave almost 90 per cent votes to Cheney, and the stj senator won by 745 votes.

Elmer Fudge was nomimi sheriff with a 370-vote load As much money is spent on tomobilcs by Americans annu as was spent for everything DOROTHY DIX Overcritical Friend Dear Miss Dix: I have a wo- nan friend who criticizes me incessantly. Over a period of time she has taken me apart from head toe, voluntarily offering sug- jcstions on the sort of hat I should wear and with what dresses it looks best, how I should have my hair cut, how I should apply my lipstick, what height heel I should lave on my shoes. She fusses with my collars, putting them over rfly coat and re-arranging any clothing that happens to displease her. Now, I am certainly not a slovenly person; in fact I am considered a perfectionist and "crazy clean." Finally I became irked at her attentions, spurted out my objections to her gratuitous opinions informed her she was down right rude. I am open to constructive criticism yes.

However, her uncalled-for opinions were more than could take. I do not consider hei the epitome of fashion nor a connoisseur of style. She countered with the accusation that I am ov ersensitive, and claims her sug gestions were offered in good fai th. She added that if she mus watch everything she says in the future, it might be better if we didn't see each other again. What is your opinion? LORNA Sue Jones returned to Dalas Tuesday after a visit with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Horace Jones. She had as her guest. Dr. Harold Pollock of Oklahoma City, Qkla.

Stole Committee Meets Sept. WTTLE ROCK Democratic State is scbedui- to meet here 18-80 to certify and declare nominees mpuri in ruuqft election. Secretary Frank Newsy ot Uttto Rack ether "Without your help, I could never have been successful ui this race. You people in Jonesboro stayed with me when everybody said I didn't have a chance. Maybe you didn't think 1 had a chance either, but you stayed, with me and kept on working.

I Just can't make a speech today all I can do say Uunanks, from the bottom of my heart." Cherry's family his wife, Margaret, their three children. Sandy. ScoUte and Charlotte and the Chancellor's court reporter and cceretary, Miss Jean McGregor. Also received inscribed gifts from the residents of Jones bora, Answer: One of the essentials to friendship is that we accept our friends complete with virtues and faults, making the most of the former and minimizing the latter. If, on the whole, a friend's virtues outweigh her faults, if her compatibility as a companion is offset by minor vagaries, the lesser flaws must be ignored in favor of the greater merits.

Her Number Is Legion Your friend definitely is not in a class by herself; her number legion. Everyone ut one time or another has experienced siml- reconstrction from a pal. We all know the friend who comes to the house, then proceeds to redecorate it for you. Or the ono who corrects your system of bring ing up children, or suggests melh ads of improving your cooking. Now.

on the whole, such criticism is good. At the moment we may not like it, but on reviewing the lecture we often can find points of justification that can be used for self-improvement. No is perfect enough to be beyond the pule of criticism or correction. However, when the passion for reform becoines almost a crusade, as it has with your particular friend, none but the most patient soul can bear up under it. Sometimes the incessant reproofs can be stopped with a quiet, "Weil.

I like to wear my uat this way. so I think I'll continue to do so." Or, "My hair style suits me, I won't bother to bit tatt tiut 9QO.QQO bitum right now." 4 of subject might also in order as at a temporary however, the critic pot stayed canv JfftMT ITS NOT I' 1 i 1 i WIVES KNOW MORE ABOUT THEIR HUSBANDS THAN HU58AND5 KNOW ABOUT THEMSELVES MEAN AFTER A HUSBANDS C6AS6 BE PEOPLE? IVE BEEN MARRIED ID YOU LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW HOWVOU LIKE COFFEE By J. R. Wllliamt OUT OUR WAY to previous Kentucky Colonel IT AIM'T THAT WEVS SO MANIV IT'S THAT THERE'S SO MAMV CATALOOS PRI.MTEP A WB IT WOULD BE OUR LUCK.TO BE THE ONES TO COME. TO TOWM THE VERY ALL.

THE MAIL ORDER CATALOGS NOPOPV FALLIW6 IN A TOOL ONI MAW ALISOM HABp-POBt A ON THROAT. SVH6 AMSHT 6 Sutfm I UCOMB TO QP MS6T HBR HORIZONTAL 58 Send payment 59 Indian peasants VERTICAL 1 Expended 6 Goldenrod is Kentucky's flower 11 Soften in temper 13 Domesticated animals 14 Dinner course 15 Artists' frames 16 Court 17 Compound ethor 19 Drink made with malt 20 Greek WAVBVVAMTBI? W5SNAN 1 Kentucky is nicknamed the "Blue 2 City in Nevadu 3 Singing voice 4 Weight of 1 India 5 Dirks 6 Flew aloft 7 Transposes (ab.) ocean 9 Relate 10 Essential being i 18 Crowded 43 Proportion dwelling 44 Oriental 21 Apple center guitar H2 Arabian state 45 Asseverate 23 Canvasfshclter 46 Chest rattle Indion 47 British 27 Smell 28 Church part i street car 49Jujitsu WASH TUBBS iSHnvfnir 29 Native metals 50 The dill 12 Having made 30 Lease 51 Personal (ab.) a will 33 Figure THAT'6 T.eiMMETHATJ WOT 1 ANfiWEfi I TOOK THIS TIE I SAID V'Yfi, MEAW.SWOOP/W'J MOWESTl HOW I IT WHEW TAKING IT 53 52 (Rorrjan) COULDN'T MV DID VOU NQBODX tombstone 21 Dove's home 25 Article 26 Giver 31 Sheaf 32 Number 34 Challenge 35 Hindu queen 36 ostrich 37 Baking chamber of a stove 38 Penetrate 40 Measure of BUVI HOW DID IT GET HERE? FOttAPOLL BORMTHIiSTy YEAR'S TOO SOOM Wlfft Major Hcoptt OUR BOARDING MOUSE IT'D BE OUR LOCK TO ARR.N& JUST A6 ODTOF CABBASE- AMD ClRCLlMS FIELD WITH HIS FAMSS VOE G.OT FREEDOM FROW PEAR PART OF OUR VACATICM AT THORMY YOU CHARACTERS AMY IS VMORKlMS AMD 41 Pause 42 Sea eagles 45 Wile 48 Father (comb, form), 46 Tokyo native 52 Scoundrel 54 Bring into harmony 56 "Lily Maid Of 57 Pantry former State Trooper Fred Ben BETTER ROUTE sis tHAfsi COLUMBUS LET'S BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Blair lost by Arthur Harris. 1890, including food, clothing, ing, taxes, and battleships. CARNIVAL Dick Turin i her. Cultivate, instead, who arc more tolerant of your An inferiority complex is us ly the dictator behind a pcrson BUNNY ty such as your friend and if you can do anything WHY 7H6 ALARM CLOCK, guasyg POEgN'T YOUR REST? TTTeUBB (VVf --v- V.

change, 'her own point oC view I'V FIRE HINN IF I COULP SET 60MEBOPY EU6E TO WORK FOR. MIS will be doing both her and yo self a great favor. FUNNY BUSINESS By Hcrafiberger Dear Miss Dix: I am a ager. with a mother problem er different from what most yo sters my age have. My mothe wonderful housekeeper an marvelous wife and mother.

she is running around two men and, as a result, I dare bring my friends to the for fear the men friends will there. ANNABE Answer: Are you sure you not letting an adolescent im nation run away with you? seems a trifle incredible tha mother would bring men frie ALLEY OOP to the house where they meet her children, if there WE'RE BACK.CVER 'TWA6 AN AWFUL MORE BARKEN- U3T OF WATER, AN' LOOKING MOSTLY IT WAS AFTER HOURS I AN' NOW I SEE A AND HOURS I'RIVER DIRECTLY OVER WATER. UP AHEAD) AND LOOK AT THO6E OOP BUIUD1NG9V BUILT A DOODLV anything more than casual fri ship involved. If the situation is serious, i beyond the scope of a young your age to handle. It is something that should not be en outsside the boundaries of T.

M. U. 8. Pit Olt. Copr.

1962 fay NEA Inu worthy and understanding a Indiscriminatate confidence, got a measuring spoon?" case like this, could lead to serious trouble for your entire ily. Your minister would be most logical person for your SIDE GLANCES By Galbrolth Now I don't have to wait to get back my first trout!" Dear Miss Dix: I go with a to camp to taste year-old girl and I have to her home by 10 o'clock. She not gett off from work on CHRIS WELKIN, Ploneteer FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS day until so it seems 10 o'clock curfew is rather we HONE QF TUB TO LEAVE.I CAK. FOB A HIAWATHA 'fA AFRAID IN We've CDVER6D ie WMOte PM AFRAID WEVE LOSr HOPPER, i Answer: I agree with you ouhly. An 18-year-old girli HUMK GU6S is earning her own living is tainly entitled to more hours than this.

Eleven o'cl would not be amiss. Released By The Bell Syndic Inc. HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 8, Main A Country Club SATURDAY "The Bowery Boys in BUSTERS RISHTi ITS A WEC6 OP BROKEN MIRROR. DANGLING ON THE END OF A "Wondcrer of the Wofteland' SUNDAY "King.

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