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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If You Expect to Vote in the 1940 Elections Pay Your Poll Tax Now the Deadline on Poll Taxes Is Saturday, September 30. World-Wide News Coverage Given Impartially by Associated Press Star The Weather ARKANSAS-Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday; cooler Tuesday, and in northwest portion Monday night. VOLUME 297 HOPE, ARKANSAS, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1939 PRICE 5c COPY EGFRIED LINE bift Tuesday Night A Touchdown Play in Hope's 5O-to-O Triumph Over the Smackover Buckaroos Here Last Friday Night Fair to Officially Open 6 p.m.; War Veterans Guests Opening Program Dedicated to "Leg-ion Night" at Local Show 13, FREE Some Space Still Available for Commercial Booths at Fair The llcmpstead county fair begins Tuesday night, and Fair park is a beehive of activity. The carpenters ore busy building booths', putting tip more pens, setting up coops for poultry; the state and federal agencies are all exhibiting their products and communities from all parts of Hc-mpstead County are busy with their exhibits. The carnival, people are filtering in with their rides shows and concessions.

Tuesday night will be Legion night and every member of the American Legion wiU be the guest of the Hempstead county Fair association. A booth Durward F. Kyle, 46, of L. Is Heart LITTLE ROCK Duvward Kyle, 46, architectural inspector for the Federal Housing Administration in Arkansas, widely known over the state, died early Monday at home here following an heart attack. Senate Delays on Neutrality Issue Agrees to Borah's Request for Delay Until Thursday WASHINGTON The senate foreign relations committee Monday delayed action until Thursday on the administration's new neutrality legis.

lation. The delay was agreed to at the request of Senator Borah, Idaho Republican, ranking minority committeeman, opponent of President Roosevelt's proposal to repeal the existing arms embargo. The new bill carries out President Roosevelt's recommendation for a real arms embargo but provides power- uui power- has been given to them where every ful congressional checks on executive man who saw service in the World I discreation. war is asked to register. Every leg- I Jonnnrie should not only come out but urge those who have not yet joined to come and meet his old buddies and find out about the program of the i local post, There is still some left for commercial booths.

Anyone interested should come out and select a Ituy Taylor, Holu-al back (No 77, with the; arrow pointing I In' hall), fallri across I hi- youth yoal-liim for one of two touchdowns ronlriUiliJitf l.o DOJHJ'S victory over I hi; SmackoviM- Iluckai-oos here Friday September 22. Although apparently down just short, of the goal-line Taylor was still moving when (lie camera clicked. He ducked to the right, Sliu- photo, Conlax 1.5 al 11125th second, no flashbulb. tripped, and bounced on the winding over he line. The Hope bloc.kers are lined up ai the, right of the picture, Nearest the.

camera, Hobby Kllon is blocking out a Smackover man. First man beyond Kllcii is Maker, ilehind Baker is T. Quimby, with Calhoun to the right of Quimby, and Simpson at exln-me'back. In center background is Cuptain Kason. place before the good ones are all gone, 'flic exhibit building will be open Monday night, until 10 o'clock.

Hiley Lowallen will be in charge of all space in the exhibit building. The fair will open officially Tuesday at p. m. when the gates will be closed and admission will be charged. All children under 13 years of age will Ijo admitted free during the entire fair and all school children, regardless of ago, and, teachers on Friday, September 29.

Pasture Meeting to Be Held On Friday Good Arranged at University Experiment Station The annual pa.slure meeting- will bo held at Iho University of Arkansas, Fruit, and Trucli Branch Experiment Station Friday afternoon from lo 4:00 p. in. states G. W. Ware, assislanl din-dor, charge of the slalion.

An i.mtf,laiidinK program has brrn ai ranged. Visitors will have an op- First Conference Louisiana Couple Battle On Friday Hurt In Collision Bolicjils J'rcpare for Ilanl'Mr. and Mrs. E. Dc- I'Viday Night Calongne In at Kl Dorado i Chester Hospital Mr.

ami Mrs. K. DeCaloiigne oi Nov. Orleans were recovering in Juha and hospital Mcmday of injuries The Hope- ScliMo! Monday looked forward ooiifoietieo bailie of the- the fuc- In dale: -indie Kri-j iisUiiocd in im aiildmobile accident clay clash with the KlDorado; nine miles west of Hope on Jligh- WHdeals at Kll.Jmad... way G7 late SaUmidy afternoon.

The "dope" places the lioboats mide.rdoy:,. llaynesvillo al Kt lv and the having; whipped Hay- i two Icelh when she was thrown auainst Both laceralions abnut the: head ami face and were bruised II lo li, i about the- body, Mrs. DcCalonyue lost Soviet Dictator Stalin Lives I Presc Simply, Ruthlessly a $35,000 Armory J'owd'ul World Figure. Appears in public Without. Au.y of (luslomary Decorations mi Unil'm-m U.v WILLIS THORNTON Sorviee Stall' i.s l.he best possible material out of ivbicb M.vslcry," a "Hod a of Iho Kremlin Thai I in slories about him.

(v He is im Asiatic, not. a and proud of it. He i elenl amM proud of it. He is in finitely patient. He prefers lo behind the and in private He is bluett aijfi plain WHIM'S, id to distrust Ih -j "Man of i frpoly don 1 Ai'kadclpliia, Pari.s, Rogers Arc Also on List of Projects Wi'shiuaton that Iho had been 1 its pers'Jimcl by land lia.s been ei'iivci led to B-niontlu which have avi'iagcd more Ihan -toil pounds of beef per aero per Oca 1 1 Walter If.

oul- livestod; aulhoriiy and dean and director nf (he t'ollegc of Agriculture; Professor Marliu Nelson, Sienc.1 of tbe Departmonl. of Agrojiojuv and one ol Ihe Sc'iith's greatest pasture authorities; M. W. Mnldrow, extension livestock specialist; Paul Carruth, extension dairy and J. Kain.s, dioirict agenl.

will bp pic to, assist with Ihe deiiioi stralioii, lrl v-i'cil cont of pasture, in'-'Cttinp affords apri ci.U-tcd men. M-to WPA Adliim- livestock men an opportunity "to get I'loyd Miai-p over first liand informal ion to their individual ijioblcrns roiK.trurtU'ii of National Guard loadinc aulhoiitios. huge crov.c! However, Coach ilaimiidiis have pears comparatively in iin "ace in Ihe holo" in Iho 'return! fl 1 about SK, is report- When you combine- all to the lineup of Jmimy 1 i-'hemUt. Their iiutomobile, I wiln lh" thai the ciuarter back, who a bore ii Shreveporl, jknew liille of him until no was moments of action Ihe first name- cil tag. They gave their ad- denly in the seat.

twcj ago because of injuries, ''s -li-10 Barracks Avenue, New have the clemenls of a mail of mys f-. i i I i Band Membership Growing Steadily Director Cannon Expects -to Have 100 Members By October 1 With nn enthusiasm unmatched in recent years, the instrumental music department of the Hope public schools is growing daily. With eighty-one students enrolled at, the present time, thp list, i.s far from complete and the goal of 1.00 band members by October 1st i.s within striking distance. following is the list of new students brought, up to date: Neoma Duclncy, Hobble Joyce Formby, Boyce Stcrlinp, George Ware, jr. Rose Myra Dossctt, Eva Milam, Elizabeth Marlha Ann Atkins, Alice Lyle, Alice- Loraninc Heard.

Moore, Glen Hart Ophelia Dorothy Nrsbitt. Sue Phillips, Aubrey Collier, IJinzel Graves, Carlton Mitchell Joseph Floyd. Roy Gates, T. Calciwell, jr. Harold Gunter, Billy Joe Morton.

Drums Hermaii Ivucspert, Jui'K "1 have boon able- contact only (t Mnall percentage of (lie parents who have called mo for conferences," Mr. Cannon said Monday, "but I to able to reach all of them within this wv-ok. Tl.o rental plan for buy- IIIK iiislnimem Mi a ji a bi and 1 waul everyone to lake advantage oi There are two band-owned iustru- mi'nls al Oglesby school that are available yet. ami bandmaster is anxious lo go! diem placed this week. Floyd Gibbons, 52, Ace Reporter, Dies Heart Attack Kiih, Him on for the Wnr Fierce Artillery Fir eon Western Front; Drive Begun Aii-plane Motor Factory Reported Bombed by Allies BERLIN DENIES IT Germans Claim Subma- 1 rine Has Sunk a British Destroyer PARIS France French troops struck the German positions in the Haardt mountains Monday under cover of heavy artillery fire whichX French dispatches said, was bombarding the niain fortifications of Germany's Siegfried line.

The entire Western front sprang to life. Military advices said shells screamed across the Rhine for the first time since the first days of the war. The Siegfried and Maginot lines are seperated only by the river along the southern half of the German- French frontier. Russia and Neighbors MOSCOW, Russia Soviet Russia, with her position vitally strengthened in the first weeks of the war opened commercial and diplomatic talks Monday with her northern neighbor, Estonia. The conference started as Russia banned foreign ships from traveling the river Neva, which flows inte the Germany Factory Bombed ROMANSHOKN, Switzerland -W)One of the Germany's main airplane motor factories was reported Monday to have been put out' of action tish planes staging a raid on the Zep- by bombs from French or Brit- pelin works at Friedrichshfen, Germany, Sunday night.

The first alarm in the Friedrichshafen area started searchlights to sweeping the skies at m. A number of anti-aircraft batteries 011 the German side opened fire. The explosion of a few bombs could be heard here. (A Berlin dispatch said the German high command flatly denied there nad been -any raid.) The mam part of the raid apparently came when a second alarm was sounded at 11 p. m.

Military observers on the Swiss side estimated at least 30 bombs were dropped by the raiders despite heavy anti-aircraft fire, which included tracer bullets. Unconfirmed reports reaching here said several direct hits on a factory had been scored. British Destroyer Sunk BERLIN, Germany Sink(Continued on Page Four) Seven Convicted for Drunkenness Dave Hicks Pound Guilty for Possessing Untaxed Whisky -i i.nrnpo.-m pol In at county, and is inspected to be present I'roni 1'ii- 1 Death; had finally approved. I eotmlios of ArUan-' HIH 1 lllu 'ei'ortial l.i Ihe: KJoyd Giljlmii.s. I two ago of injuries.

Daniels, i.s a fine blocker. a jjreat defensive player and i.s a hard runner. Hi.s abilily in aiding Taylor back up Hie line inueh defensive l.o the Uobc.d team. Wbclbi'i- a spoeial Irani ivdl he: ohar- lered Id Kl Dorado uiulerid, MI.HI. clay.

dl the gallic', eoinpile fullov.s: l''i'sl- 'li'N llc.jn' Average on, for Hope, for yard.s. V.inl., gained j-etuui- I ing by Smackover, total 72. Punts Hope -1 for an average of o'J Smac-kover II au 'iheii- oar collided with an autu- mubile oi-eupied by residents of Cor- IJii.s Chri.sti, Texas, names were inn They were nc)l injur- federal and local lax costs amounted to a sum of comparcc.) to regislra- and license fees, of Cotton NKW cotton Ion opened. Monday ill 11.01 und lory., lie is mast lii.oian in mc Tiimmuny sense.

Ho mi biiM theoretici.jii. Ihougli Ids wnlings 1'i-iiviicl during l.ho I 11 -''i of Ihe Bolhcvbik rovolutioii had or and sense. But few men are 'inn. I.OIIM-I-S stuffed into rreal A Wl lv nler 11 1111 In summer, lr 01 1 11 11 cf the i'miorirb I'ers limn ic-ulale I prcjljably will be is.ued within two Malm lia.s lormal wt 1:: Ml Hie projeet-. pri'lKibly ivdiild j.pcoflc.'d lieoa.usc of a reci'iil ouler fiom nalioiiid WPA lo pieforeiice to a pr if drunkenness and disturbing tlie peuce comprised the majority of cases heard Monday in Hops municipal court.

The results: Forfeiting cash bonds of 510 for drunkenness were: E. Pool, Jess Atkins, Claude. Glenn, D. B. Russell.

Sevifr Stuart. C. Tidwell. Smcad 'Ialley pleaded guilty to drunkenness and was fined Ervm Moore and Eulen Huntley pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and each was fined S5. Mary Lee Jones li conuccled with national de- 5 Dead, 24 (ione isi California Stor intimates.

he years of i-nu- spiracy marUed him willi au Dictator Minus Di-conilions Me lives simply, and always has. His offices in the Kremlin are simple almost lo Ihe point of harness. His homo i.s ui'ba Gorlii is uiiiiiiprc.s- sive. If the fust liniou.vincs in which he drives to and from work are ihc- fen: Approval of Ihe Washiiiylon WPA office of proposed projccl-; for new Niilional monos ut Arkadel- I 1 11 1 1 i' lK 1(1 1 11 --7 is v.c-,0 I no I Man is ap- proji-cis wi-j-e filed several auo. Hoat Wave Is Broke i With Vonyoance in Los lfs Area Ihc-re ies which murdered guards stole money for party work in Tiflis in The now, will be valued at approximately The Ur.i'J legislature increased the on juiriiiiulual belling Ihe llol i.o:-; n'.

five: 1. mm and I I lieved IM owned. held Monday for t.he seme: of unacec-'unlod in Sun wind and rain slcum v.lncl stnic'k California shore, th. 1 correspondent for a cjuai tor a f'" ctl i50 for bhig the peace. I eon I my.

C. W. W'ilherspoon was found guilty of i In the midM. of plans lu uci abruad to disUlrljill the peace, was fined 52.50, I em-cr Iho iMiropoaii war. the noted i VC llolice oi appeal to circuit i.

court. He was released under bund. Dave possession of unta.xed liquor, fined $25, Notice of appeal was I given, with bond being set at $150. I Emmet Curry and Alvcster Glasgow i pleaded guilty to di.sturbini; tlie peace was f.ned C-'uldoiiia Moore Jones was acqii'Uled on fi eluii'ge of uiitaxed liquoc. Heecc Chambles was fined un a cJuiigo of maiming a nuilo.

He gave notice oi appcul to circuit court, bond I'CJiig ut CaJJfunia's histoi i i I fi.ur lo five per allocalion linn riibbt-i i'yge i''vur) Tl IJ-lIc John unco "By imilin.U uo by ijividini; we. fall." Bid here i.s a problem where wo boKin with division eii'j in Linny. Divide lil into two parts in Mit-b a manner that if one is divided by and the oilier by IIit- sum of Ihe will be A Thought Misoiy assails 1 riches as lightning does the tower.s do riches iletroy tlic virtue of their pos-.

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