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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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7 Mt NiltoMl'MTCrtMnf Wttar On. York. Obleaflo, Dctntt. Fofetkbtd Cm; Afternoon Except Sunday Bttnd awocd clan matter at port- Mjrtbrrtllc. Arkuuu.

under act et Con. oetobar UlT of Aaodatod SUBSCRIPTION RATES: curitt ID the city of or any (own when carrier it maia- talMd, Mo per week, or 85o per month. By mall, within a radiua of 60 WJXJ pw mr. lor ill 11.00 for three bj mill outside 60 mile tone. 110.00 per rear in advance.

Meditations And I (are ray heart to know wisdom, and to know madneu and I preceircd that this fc veutkm 1:17. Wisdom thoroughly learned, will never be Barbs Borneo head-hunters are said to be dying olf. It 18 rather hard to get ahead these days. A dollar bill can be folded Innumerable and (till won't crack or break. But, what'i the ueT The little woman would itlll rind H.

Safety Up: count your flngeri carefully right grinding up harrburger itealc. world won't wear a path to TOUT door JOB do have a wonderful you al- it going. JWaa often wire senators for action but never for tound. Lewis Strengthens Chances Keeping Taft-Hartley Act tht eurbi necessary will thinking when new labor bill comet up for action. boat man of the miners will bt lucky if his latest move does not perpetuate the very curbs that he has so defiantly opposed.

He will also be lucky if doesn't get one of those honorary s. o. b. degrees from Mr. Truman for calling out the miners in protest against the presidential appointment of Dr.

Boyd. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1949 Unwelcome Guests Cuba's strong note to Russia, protesting the Soviet loyalty statements by Communists outside Russia, is said to be a prelude to Havana's breaking diplomatic relations with Moscow. Such an outcome would not be surprising. 1'herc are, of course, no non-official Soviet citizens in Cuba. Trade between the two countries is virtually nil.

Yet Russia's diplomatic stuff in Havana is second only to this country in size. Cuban officials make no bones about saying that the Russian embassy is headquarters for Soviet espionage in the Caribbean area. can't bjame the Cuban government for welcoming a chance to send this diplomatic fifth column packing. VIEWS OF OTHERS One of John L. Lewis' fellow unionists, Jack Kroll, director of the CIO Political Action Committee, thinks the United Mine Workers president hurt chances of getting the Taft- Hartley Law repeal with his two-week "memorial period" work stoppage.

We agree with Mr. Kroll. One cannot quarrel with the motive behind this latest work stoppage. Mr. Lewis that durxig the two-week layoff, miners east of the Mississippi "will mourn the unnecessary slaughter of 55,115 men killed 'and injured in 1948.

(Of that number 1115 were killed, according to government figures.) "suspension of mining" is also a protest against Dr. James Boyd, whom Mr. Lewis calls "an incompetent, unqualified person" who has "usurped the office and functions of director of the Federal Bureau of Mines." On the first cuunt Air. Lewis is on safe ground as if he had wrapped himself in the flag. But the timing of thii work stoppage has raised a suspicion in some minds that he is again using a solemn and tragic occurrence as a bargaining weapon.

This same suspicion arose, rightly or wrongly, when Kt declared a workless week of mourning in 1947 for the victims of the Centralia, 111., mine disaster about a month before he was to begin negotiations for a new contract. Dr. Boyd has held his position in the Federal Bureau of Mines for a year and a half. Mr. Lewis has opposed his presence there, which may be why the Senate has not yet confirmed his appointment.

Yet Mr. Lewis has only now got around to a point of indignation where he orders his men to stop work. His belated act of resentment comes about two months bef jre another session of contract negotiations is due. It has also been noted that the act comes at a time when theie ii about two-third more coal above ground than usual, because of the mild winter in the East and other factors. Congressmen, mine operators and have chaiged that Mr.

Lewis' real motive is to reduce this abnormal coal supply and thus put himself once more in the position of trying to force demands by threat of hardship on the operators, railroads, industry and the general public. The charges may or may not be true. But Mr. past actions have been that the suspicions are naturally present. Those past actions were mainly responsible for that portion of the Taft-Hartley Law which gave the President new and specific powers for dealing with national emergency strikes.

Mr. Lewis demands the repeal of the law that grants those powers. So do other union heads So does the Irtratfon and many members of Con' I Now Mr, Lewis seems to threaten a the calamity which No Cut-Rate Security JA'hal Is the highest price in dollars which you would pay for American security, or to push the question to a logical Conclusion, American survival? Is It a million dollars, or two, or a billion or more? And more. Just exactly how much more? Maybe you wouldn't want to say. Maybe you would Jeel no ont can set a top price on such thing.

We feel way. We don't think of survival or security as something about which may say that It costs so much he will take It, but It costs more he dosen't care lor any today. We thlnlc of national security is a need which is causing the United states lo recast Its traditional outlook on realtions with the world to the' spectacular extent ol entering a military alliance with nations huving similar ideals ol Interest. A nation doesn't do that by mere choice. It does It only when It recognizes tint the alternative ol not doing is too dangerous.

When It takes thai step It has already gone beyond the question of money cott. It has said: This we must do, at whatever risk, at whatever price, because the risk and prlct ol not doing It can only be greater stltl. So we are inclined lo place On the whatnot beside other bits of Americana from an earlier period such a query as that which Senators George and Hiclcenloopei directed at the Atlantic Pact. Presumably, like senator Talt, they are lor the pact, but Senator thty are wondering about thi program to arm othir nations entering with tht United States Into this program for western security. Senator! George and Hickenlooper, however, put more on quiation of price, less on the question of tactics.

But In either approach there ii a fundamental fallacy. The fact it that maximum usefulness of an to the United Stales reside! In tht strength of the nations with which It nukes alliance. The fallacy to ignori this axiom of pact-making. It would be folly to Impose military weakness on one'i or Imperialism or both. It would folly for a nation with the United alms to permit allies to remain so long as it can strengthen them.

That Is the principle Americans have adopted as the basis (or an Atlantic Pact For that principle they are risking commitments which far exceed dollar commitments and willy-nilly Include them. In doing 10 America has departed from thg hope for "cheap peace," In any of life or limb, pleasure or treasure. What Americans are now asking lor It not a cut-rate peace but the best one their dollars and Ihtir power can procure. 8CIENCE MONITOR. SO THEY SAY Mr.

Lewis Solves His Pyramid Problem British Offer Dominion Status To Colonies in Southeast Asia Congressmen, Seeking Light on U.S. Attitude Toward China Find Situation Quite Confusing By Peter Edson NEA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON. one Republican congressmen, sparked by Rep. Robert Halle of Maine, recently sent a letter to President Truman asking seven pointed questions about U. s.

policy on China. The letter was never answered, so Mr. Halle has now made it public. condensed the highlights of his seven questions: Does the U. S.

consider It has met Its obligations to China under the Potsdam and Yulta agreements? What does the U. S. government Intend to do to make Russia meet its obligations to China? What ij present U. S. policy towards China? To what extent is it based on the Wallace report of 1944 and the Wedemcyer report of 1947? What changes are contemplated on present policy towards China? Does the administration Intend to support elements in China which are resisting subjugation of thixt country by Communists? If the Chinese government brings the matter of Communist aggression before the United Nations as a threat to ment as possible.

That's all right, oo. It's politics and fair game. But in Ihis process an amazing mount of misunderstanding has een built up about U. S. respon- Ibllitles to China.

Also, an amaz- ig amount of misunderstanding In China has been built up about U. S. esponslbllitites to China. It has been generally assumed by leople hipped on this Chinese ques- lon that the United States has guaranteed for all lime the inde- Jeiidence and Integrity of China. The United States has fostered he Independence of China ever since the founding of the "open door" policy in the 1840's.

But It did this as much to protect the rights of Yankee traders and American missionaries in the foreign concessions of China as it did for the good of the Chinese themselves. The so-called Nine-Power Treaty of J923 was supposed to guarantee sovereignty, independence and Irrritorinl independence of China. But when it was violated in 1931 by Japanese invasion of Manchuria anc! In 1937 by Japanese invasion DOCTOR SAYS By Edwjn P. Jordan, M. D.

Written tat NEA Service People who are overweight would 'Ice to be given some drug or medi- ine which would simply make Ihe at melt away while they continued a eat as they pleased. If Ihls is not xissible, they would prefer to spend bout two weeks on some very strlc? let which would restore their slen- figure and then forget about he whole matter and eat as before. Unfortunately, losing weight is no uch simple task. There are no drugs or medicine which will melt he fat off safely, though there are some which may help If taken under physician's advice, strict diets which last about two weeks generally take fat off too fast an(1 re certainly temporary If people go back to eating what gave them their 'at before. Certain general principles of diet- ng to lose weight must be observed; too rapid loss of weight Is undesirable and the body must receive enough minerals, vitamins, and other substances to meet Its needs during the dieting period.

Must Cut Calories Many who are overweight fool themselves into thinking that they do not really eat much. Quite often they eat very little lor breakfast and perhaps for lunch, but forget ail about dieting at dinner. In order to lose weight, the number of calories taken in during the 24-hour period must be eut down, rather than starving at a single meal. Obesity, with rare exceptions, is simply a matter of overeating. use of will power, together with knowledge of how to cut down the food intake and what to continue eating, are both necesary to conquer this It Is a dis- By Stanley Swlnlon I Fur DeWitl MarKcnilr) AP Foreign Affairs Analyst A British dominion l.i In cards for picturesque Southeast! Asia.

Colonial Undersecretary David I Rces-VVilliams gave ihe tip-off. It I would take a long time, he said In an Interview in London, but ain's rich Southeast Asian and protectorates definitely slated to become a self-govcmlnj I dominion. Later a colonial spokesman confirmed that was what the British have in mind. He expressed surprise, though, that the minister had taken "tne lid off hitherto secret plans. A Southeast Asia dominion probably would encompass 132,092 square the combined ares of 'Michigan and Minnesota.

The population would be slightly lew than S.SOO.OOO. Almost certainly these countries would be included: Area Population (Sq. Miles) (La-st Census) Federation of Malaya Sinpapore Sarawak North Borneo Brunei 1.356 50,000 29,500 2,226 4,124,549 1,124 1" 1 490,585 210,223 30,135 ease. Overweight people, at all ages have a greater susceptibility to almost all On the average. they die at younger ages than those who are of normal weight.

Overeating and obesity are really problems or eight years lo defeat the Chines lommunists? Is there anyone in the U. S. read advocate sending a million an a half or ten and a half mlllio men to make Russia live up to Potsdam and Yalta agreements with espect to China? This would involve making Russia return sovereignty of Manchuria to the Chinese Nationalist government. would in- olve making Russia live up to its 1945 treaty promising to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Chinese government. How do you do that? Any Impartial and independent commission going Into China today would probably have to find the country so torn by civil war that its report wonltl undermine what little strength the Nationalist government has left.

This Nationalist government has proved itself so corrupt, so weak and so Inefficient that it is now almost beyond support. It has lost more battles through its own Incptness than it has for lack of American aid. of national health. as well as individual Note: Dr. Jordan is unable to answer individual questions from readers.

However, day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions in his column. QUESTION: In the first stages of cancer does the breast become sore when touched? Can it treated by medicine or is surgery necessary at once? ANSWER: There is usually no soremess at all In the early stages of cancer of the breast, Tf cancer is present or even suspected, surgery should be performed at the earliest possible moment. 75 Ago In Harry Kirby spoke on "The Aim and Method of Methodism" at a meeting of the Womens Missionary Society when they met Monday afternoon In the Church. The prospective dominion's most far-flung points would be the Cocos-Keeling Islands, 100 miles southwest of Java, and lonely Christmas Island, 222 miles south of Java. Both i are considered part of Singapore Colony.

Good Politics, Economics Possibly Hong Kong might be in- eluded. That colorful Oriental is- land-city has a population of at least 1,600,000. Thousands more Chinese refugees are still crowding in. Hong Kong and Kowloon, on the adjacent China mainland, have an area of 391 square miles. i A Southeast, Asia dominion would be of great economic Importance to the United States ax well a Britain.

British Southeast Asia produces some of most essential raw materials many of them available nowhere else. Rubber, tin, petroleum, pepper, palm oil copra and sago just part of the list. There 1 5 gold In Sarawak, too. More important than the economic side, though, Is the political one. By building toward self-government in one ol the hearts ot empire.

Britain Is dealing the Communists a real blow. It ruins their chief propaganda Communism offers their only chance for independence. Asian authorities belief that particularly Important Just when tidel wave of Red successes in "China threatens to spill over Indochina ajid tiireatens all Southeast Asia. The bifc thing has been to convince the local peoples that Britain Isn't handing out political really plans to free them as soon as possible. The British feel they have largely succeeded In thai.

That means the British can work together with the Asians toward Other on the program the peace, will the U. S. government support action? These are all good, lough. ng questions. There is no use suspecting the motives of the 51 Republican congressmen who asket them.

They are genuinely concerned about the Chinese situation. POLITICS INVOLVED AISO There is of course a domestl American political angle to thi business. ill Republicans from Governor Dewey on down have used Ihe Chinese Issue to beat the Demo crats over the head and to cause them as much political, embarrass China proper, the other eight powers couldn'b do anything about It. They didn't do anything about 11 till Pearl Harbor came along and Ihe U. S.

was attacked. Then the U. S. went to war to protect itself and to defeat Japan, Liberating China was secondard. JAP LOSSES HEAVX IN CHINA Incidentally, the Japs lost a mil lion and a half men in eight year trying to defeat China.

Is there anyone in the U. S. Republican Democrat- willing to send a million and a half American troops to China IN HOLLYWOOD Er ne JohnsoB UN 1 I VVWWU' NEA Staff Correspondent The United Stales used its best efforts to bring peace to the warring factions when It was invited to do so by troth Nationalists and Communists. When, by bad faith on both sides, those peace efforts broke down, the United States could only withdraw from the situation. As for presenting this case lo the United Nations, the Nationalists themselves have backed down on making charges of Communist aggression.

The question of U. S. support for charges that don't exist therefore hardly enters into the picture. McKENNEY ON BRIDGE Rv IVUtfam F. MrKenneY were; Mrs.

Lloyd Adcock and Mr Riley Jones. A salad course, wa served at the conclusion of the prc gram when Mrs. c. S. Stevens an Mrs.

C. N. Neal acted as hostesse Mrs. Alvin Huffman spoke members of the Women's Misslor ary Union of the First Bapli Church when 40 members heal her speak on of Lo Power." a club, and discarded his losi diamond on the ace of clubs, i he lost was a heart and a spac At another table declarer we down at four on his har When East opened the queen spades, this declarer decided to low in dummy. West over-took queen with the king and Immc lately led a club.

East ruffed cashed the ace of diamonds, a The condition! of modem life are drawing the American In an Increasingly close community of. neighbors. It a basic and enduring purpose of the foreign policy of the United Statu to pliy the part of the good neighbor In that Truman. Today all men, regardless of party or creed, themselves llberidi, while conservatism carries of reaction so discrediting that, In political circles, It become a smear Alpneui T. Mason, Princeton University.

Any hope that EJMt-West relations win improve is merely wishful thinking. The men In the Politburo believe that war Is absolutely KravchcnKO, author of "I Chose Freedom." Minltlnd has always been confronted by a choice between peace and war, out Hie A-bomb has made thtt choice "Peace or Bradley, authority on radiation effects of the atom bomb. I honestly believe that men lire basically Uua XeUth HOLLYWOOD, will have a new comedy star in the fall and it's none other thnn your old friend Jack Benny. Jack's successful debut on TV here convinced him and everyone else that, his personality comes over as well on video as OB radio, if not better. He's already discussed plans tar a monthly live show, wlilcU will kincscoped for release In the East, starting in October or November.

As a master of ceremonies who tried to get into most of the acts, Jack kept both Ihe live audience and home viewers howling. He lamented Fred Allen's future, on TV. Button will do another movie iuick after completing "Red, Hot and Blue." Figures she's been off the screen too long Bums and Allen, who lost their radio sponsor, have writers working on a television idea. It's about time department: Motorcycle officers will be in a semi-documentary, "Road Patrol." which Andre Lamb will produce from Jack Barren's story, Oroucho Marx told his "You Bet Your Life" audience that a friend of his had to borrow so much money to get married thst the Bank America carried the bride across the threshold. "With those bags under his eyes," Jack s.ifd, "Allen look like a butcher peeping over two happen only In Holly pounds of liver." He apologized for donning glass- of ft new filmi everyone cones.

"But really." he said, "I only, mne( cxammes the fMme or use them for seeing. lis ovn par lcu ar contribution. He kidded himself about not hav- The actors watch themselves, the trig a reputation tor art libbing. cameraman watches Ihe lights, the "Fred Allen once said 1 couldn't i designer looks at the clothes, the ad lib belch alter a Hungarian sound engineer listens for clarity dinner." Talking aboul the Academy! other ciny claurtettc Colbert and Awards, he said tlic only way to Robert Young filed back on the set win an Oscar was to make a picture a Pr seeing the daily "rushes" of "love Is Big Business." Prop Man George McGonlglc rushed up to director William Russell, "Just see the rushes?" he asked America's Card Authority Written for NEA Service Loses Chance To Set by Waiting The Park Sheraton Hotel, lonn- rly the Park Central, in New York Jity, was the headquarters for the recent world and national Individual contract bridge tournaments. The winner of the world Individual championship was George Repee, son of the late Erno Rapee, sing! of It.

monds, acid four -odd was down one. their common goal: dominion status. It may be ten years off, probably a. good many more. As the Eighth dominion, Southeast Asia would have the same status as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan or Ceylon.

Under the Statute of Westminster, the document that reshuffled r.he old British empire into a team of cooperating independent nations, a dominion Identified as: 1. An autonomous community within the British empire. 2. It is equal in every in home and foreign Britain and the other dominions. 3 it is uniled with the rest of the commonwealth by a common allegiance to the British crown.

4 Its relation with the other dominions is one of "free a-ssocia- lion." Read Courier News Want Ads. without a single laugh. Then he added quickly: "My last one almost made It." Talent Scout Errol Flynn finds gal friends lit i Russell, The director nodded. "Tell strangest places. He first saw me." sniri McGonlglc, "how did the Nora Eddlngton behlnc' the counter vase ot flowers on the piano look?" ol a cigar store In the Los Angeles Hnll of Justice.

Now he's dating a Hollywood night club waitress. Aside to Blng Crosby, Fred As- tairc and Charles Boycri Gene Au- Miy Film Vlckl Johnny Welssmuller is talking to Olympic diving champion Vicki Diaves about a role in his "Jungle Jim" series. Lamour will do a musical at RKO before retiring try is about lo Join your Dome to keep her date with the stork Doilcy Set. He's beting fitted for i in October. Bui she'll continue to toupee.

Jo Stafford Is dieting for a film test that may sec her co-starred her weekly atrshow. In IMS gas utilities sold about 3.400,000,000 thousand 'ect of with Gordon MacRae hi a musical, i natural, manufactured and nuxic vantt to get down to 134 from I RSI lo ultlmaU aoruuinera. A A 2 VJ8 AK109854 vul. SouUi West North Eut 1 Pass 1 A 2 Pass 2 2 3 Double 4 4 Double Pass 5 Pass Pass Double Pass 43 Feline Creoture HORIZONTAL I Depicted long-limbed cat 7 It it nativt of 13 Gratify 14 Slicker 15 Forenoon 18 Ten times vil Reserve who was musical director at the Radio City Music Hall In New York for many years. George held the North cards In today's hand, and he smiled when he told me how he made It.

East opened the queen of spades, which Rnpec won in dummy, and West unblocked the king. Rapee saw now that he was off a spade, a heart and a diamond. He led the Jack of hearls from dummy. West played low and the Jack held the trick Rapee Ihin led a club to his a.u**n. back to dummy with 19 Indistinct 21 Augmented 22 Goddess ol infaluation 23 Ireland fod ot war Mentally sound 27 Harbor 28 Pronoun 29 Ruthenium dymbol) 30Street (ab.) 31 3 2 Cloy 34 Egyptian rivtr 37 Imitated 38 Obstruction 39 Courtesy iilli 40 Great blood irlery of tht body 45 Mufflt 46 Him 41 Alpine horn 49 Goddess ef thi carlh 50 Card game 52 HlrveiUr 54 Rellgloui 55 South American VERTICAL I Shovels 3 City in New Yor.k stale 3 Concerning 4 Cistern 5 Bewildered 6 Accommodate 7 Century plant 8 Lap 20Paslor 9 Staff 22 Wakening 10 It Uwny 24 Profiled ind black in 25 Dress color II Middle 12 Take into cuslody 17 Defender of the Faith (ab.) proteclort 32 Girdles 33 Each 35 South African camp 38 Tent caterpillar: 40 Singing voice 41 Unclosed 42 Rhodium (symbol) 43 Civil wrong 44Exlenl 47 Limb 48 Short sleep 51 Measure ot area 53 Mixed type ii a ij S7 44 S4 1 0 5c fc 17 i 40 7 7 4- 41 42 4J 52 55 31 3 45 9 ii 49 1 96.

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