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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 18

Decatur, Illinois
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Mn. McFadden. Artist. Here At AH IiMtituu fa SisWMlM. Mrs M.r.iM.n Netr Tnik iiri- I lei, Me kWK New le fi'f i.iir- of KinoiiiMlm ml "I A.I III" i first seolum I'" i WrrmMen dni 1 i principles nf erl nilMnOf Mnr Hh, ill me of her I IKMI- tier Return To Deeatur IK" fii.tnlli ii li-rl i.f MIL Ml" A In A i rernsjiil i nelfln.n (.

IMn Ase vi i K. HT i iimn ho" i i I i i M- i I ii'irt" Art (iiiiiitl. i i i nitm mmm a i i nf i I lultlxt I i Marie Cline In Organ Redtal WiU Give Program Friday Evening. --Photo By Salts atudio. Mrs.

W. A. Maxwell and Son. h.i 'A'lKhrJI tn il i i i i 11 nil MKS SARAH CLARK 15 94 YEARS OLD i 'Murk I'M Nnflll i i. i I ml i i i i Friday.

I In home Hhe i i i he i '11' I i Id In i A i i I' i i mi.I Ml" 1 ii I. i 1 i a mill I ff A i i a i from Decatur lent October Dr. and Mrs. W. A.

a sue! i ounff son, Stephen f.ejeuiie, have to make their home i ere in the Eleanor apart- when, lived They have been in Chicago where Dr. Maxwell was taking a special course of study. Stephen Lejeune was born In th Decatur und Macon County hospital eight months ago and is, picture indicates a handsome young chap. veil lhi A i A niimi'er of i henm Hi i the ceremony she played Wilt's Dreaan of I The house was decorated in i a ftnwen. This color i was carried out In the entire The ai a i in bluebeH i and wore a corsage of i i i i roues and larkspur.

i i a HURhey served as maid to her sister and crepe. Hale, broth- of bridegroom, who recently i i from Florida, was'best man. Th'i roiiple Immediately on a I iloei.t I I 'I North i imei i i i through the east and upon Minn Mirth i iitreet, i the middle of July will f'" Angeles i in tot the remainder of i i In the early fall Mr. i i i I i Hnle will go to Chrlstop'-er, HI i.ri i Mr Mule teaches school i i ml" 'i i i i i i slili' i Mr. and Mm.

Hale art gradu- i i the unlver- i i I i i Mrs. Mule belnit a graduate this I She member of Theta tIELHEN MERRIS WEDDING JUNE 30 i i Mi I i If 1. I MIX Ill-Ill i i i Mi- It" A i a at. her guest nr rn I i a i i I i I i i i. i i A i anil F.

I i i i I I i i home a a from i i I. nf a and a a M.H i tiril drove to Oberlln, to I i i i i i te'iM i a a i of tholr HOII, i i i A i i i In In.I* Then (hov drove to Brownsville I- mil i a for a short i I ii -I i i of Mrs. Evans. A JUNE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs.

H. W. McDavid and daughter, Joan, returned Saturday from the east. They went first to Montreal to the Kiwanis convention and then to New York, Philadelphia and Washington. HELEN BUTLER AND OMAR ANDERSON WED Cerenoay Saturday Horning In St.

church. Miss Helen and Omar Anderson, both of Decatur, were united in marriage Saturday morning at 7 o'clock by Rev. Fr Smith In the St. Patrick's church. Guests were members of the two families and a feu intimate friends of the couple.

The bride wore a frock of i i accessories to match. Her only a her sister, Miss lleen III i MI nit i A f. Ml licit i In Li i n. .1 nftr i 1 i i a i In i i i I i i i In I 1 i i i i .1. i .1 I i i i i 1 '111 111 IH III K( I GRANDFATHER OF BRIDE PERFORMS WEDDING CEREMONY Mr.

I t'lllei a her afternoon at her home, 77 Hi i The home n.i'i i i i decoiated i i i For excellency i playing i iveie a a i Herbert I.ninth.'It Mi. i Beojiler and MM K. llansen. The next meetInn: i IIP held 50 the K.iiii, Mrs 1'udlry KB in. i will a i i i i club Tues' i i i Hi her home, 188 Wen stroll i snil I a No i i Place have i from i i weeks trip ihroiigh tlu east and are now lo.

tted i i Several par- i a given for them and i planted for the near fu- i In honor of i recent mar- flesli colored crepe Mr. Wilson of Morrlsonvlile served as best man. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, parents of the bridegroom, and Harold Anderson, brother rf the bridegroom, from Morrisonvllle bride has been employed by the Decatur Drug company and Mr.

Anderson is employed at Mueller's. They will reside in Decatur. Miss Ella Race, West PrairJe avenue, entertained with a luncheon at tho Country Club this week Guests included a few close i of the hostess MUSICAL TEA BY THE MISSES MOORE Miss of Long: Beach, was the guest of honor at a musical tea given Saturday afternoon by Miss Grace and Miss Lillian Moore in their home, 256 Cobb avenue, Saturday afternoon A musical program was given by Miss Ade- laldo Pease, pianist, Mlsa Qoldie Bay, and Miss Iillian Moore reader. Miss Judd gave several harp solos and harpologues. Marie Cline, a pupil of Wllna Jfoffelt ol the ilillikin Con- of Music, writ give an organ recital in the Central Clj(irch Christ Friday evening, It, at 8:15.

She will be iwsltted by Robert Walter, violinist, and Miss Helen Russell Hill will serve accom- panUt, The following program will te given: Suite. "Menliet Gothi- ijue;" "Plere Dame;" Cline. "Romance" (Svensen); 'Caprlce Viennols" (Kreisler)r "Obertoss" (WieniawskD--Mr. Walter. "Will O' the (Kevin); "La JBrume" (The Mist) (Qaul); "Scherzo- Mosaic" (Shelley)-Miss Cline.

"Scherzo and Andante Capriccloso" (F. David)--Mr. Walter. "In India" (Stoughton). 1, The 'ove of Palms, Andante con moto; 2, By the Ganges, Allegretto; Th Dancing Girl of Delhi, Allegro ma mo'n Troppo; 4, Incantation.

Molto Adagio; 5, In the Pa'lace of the Rajah, 1 Maestoso--Mite Cline. The members of the Independence Sewing circle will hold their annual picnic Tuesday in Nelson park with a picnic dinner at noon. Each member Is to bring her own silver and glass. A business meeting wilt be held in the afternoon. Mrs.

Frank Gregory, 451 South fftreet, entertained the tiers of the Iris Five hundred club Wednesday afternoon. High score went to Mrs, Frank Hauiley, second, Mrs. Eugene Ensign, third, Mrs, Will Campbell, and fourth to Mrs. Eddie LJoyd. Light refreshments were served by the hostess.

The next meeting will be June 10, with Mrs Frank Hausley, 1116 Cottage Hill avenue, Surprise Shower. About i friends of Mr. and Mrs. Era.ory Parfcs of Harrlstown, surprised them with a mlsceliensous shower In their home Thursday evening. The lawn of home lighted with Japaneso lanterns and a prosjram of muslo and games was given during Mrs Parks was formerly Christine Kuhle ol Decatuf, Mr and Mre Edward Foran, Misi Hildred Kuhle and Mrs Edwin Froltt Chris Smith and son An in Smith, Tillie Wiefel and Evans H.

Ezly of ColunVbus, Ohio, are Msitinsr Mrs. Mary Wlefel, 252 West stroet. Dr. Will McBride, of Decatur, now of a a i Mo a hero a few a last week and also i i his i a a by Rembrandt Studio. MHS.

P. J. DOHAN, Prior to her marriage last Saturday, June 12, Mrs. P. Doran wai A i Snaeth.

The weddhvg took place in the St. James' Catholic church in the piesence of a hundred Mr. and Mrs. Doran i reside new a at 720 South Maf- street a 13. i supper in FairUew park for the members and--Hwlt families.

The Past Presidents club of the Woman's Relief Corps will a a a pot luck i In Fairvlew park Tuesday noon. Each member Is to bring her own plate, i fork, sandwiches and one otner dish of food. Following the i there will be a business All' past presidents are urged to a the dinner. The officers of the W. P.

i be the soeclal PERSONALS motored Friday to Champaign spent daj. The club of Mooeeheart Pat wai gion met Thursday i Mrs. Brennan. A pot luck dinner served at noon. The a was spent in sewing on articles for the bazaar.

The next meeting will be a WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS ENGRAYEDAND PRINTED WILDER WILDER IZ9N.MAIN SrPLtr Hule iPh" Muxli. tinllf.l In ih i II. 1 horn. 1 i i i i ti In. In tti the i i I I I Hi" i i i i i IIIK I lli, J.

I i i i.f I I I i i.f I Iw- i i i Minbev "At I I I Mix Henry, the front 543 North Water Street. Better Lest Failures Fein 11 tke itat How Fur Should Be Kept of dollars' wortfc of furs destroytd each ky where been stored away lo-calicd lire- roof moth-proof lar bagg and cedar chests. My expcri- ne III h.ndllng of fure there I. no Ight bag or or known chemical that will cgclude notki fan. Tho cxtromo Summer heat crack, pelM, and werki dimage to and Storo your with fsirrler for storsge facilities.

Cold storage it the only safe method of safely keeping fufs; temperature prevents the germination of moth, prolongs the life of fun, keeps the hair glossy, the pelt firm and the cost is slight. Wo Vnrflar-nroof and cool- plait, wfcoro ttHporitSN kwt tho freezing point. We hoop yonr kt howo whoro jm than Miy day yon wish. ckuuicn of looiBg thorn by having them shipped out of town or by hooping thorn your home? Just call Main Z4I5. HlllllliniNINIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilltUIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllilinillllllllr THE CHILDREN'S SHOP Summery Wearables Vacation Days I.itlje girls and little boys must have the right 5 wear-things for vacation days, same as at any other time.

'Specially those who will be taking outings row and then, and those who will be going away over The For these little folks we have summery garments in wonderful grray. Pretty, lightsome for the irls, wash suits for the oys--everything needed, in fact, at most any price one might wish to pay. Pana Rotarians HearC.A.Parrish Pana, June Botar- ians held their weekly meeting- at the Frances hotel, opeafng with luncheon, Monday noon. In the absence of Webh, the, appointed leader, President Danfori took Secretary Glenn A. who Is attending: the national convention was represented by Wllltam A.

achlot interesting talks were delivered by Kotarlans H. O. Einkerton of Nokomis W. S. Scott of Taylorvllle, and Captain Charles A Parrish Jic latter being the speaker of the day.

Mr. Parrloh Is Known to many of the older residents. He was formerly leader of the Parrish Taylorvllle Military more than thirty years ago. Hon. ft.

N. Schuyler also made au interesting talk in which he took occasion to felicitate Mr. Parrish and related memories of the frequent oominsr to Pana of Parrtsh and band from Taylcrville. Other guests were Mr. Campbell of Clinton, 111., and Mr.

Seward, of Chicago. June 28 has been announced as ladies' night. ANNOUNCE MABRIAGSt Mr. and C. Finch Tuesday announced the marriage on June 12 at Fort Morgan, of their daughter, Mrs.

Mae Finch-Crowe, of city, to Paul B. Carper of Denver, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. Kmgsley. The news came as a complete cur-- prise to the many of the bride in this city.

Carper went to Yuma, some weeks ago to take a position in the pharmacy of liar brother-in-law, Dr. John P. Ham. She had met on a previous visit there. After the first of September, Mr.

anil Mrs. Carper will be at home to the'r many frlende at Denver. Colo BRIEF NOTES. John Sweeney, accompanied by parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward J. Sweeney, arrived home from South Bend, I Monday, where on Sunday Mr. Sweeney graduated from the College Commerce of the University of Notre Dame. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed- Tvard Sweeney attended the gradua- tioa Mrs. Roy Holbjrt was Wednesday at a 1 o'clock luncheon In honor of her house guest, Miss Elizabeth Randol of Missouri. Mrs. M. V.

Boyd of San Antonio, Texas, who has been a guest of Mrs. Fred Law. and Mrs. Dora Crumbaugh in Pana the last several weeks, returned home Wednesday. TOBHRMAN-HAHGUS.

Announcement has been made of wedding on May 30 of Mln Clara Toberman of thla city to John Hargus of near Bdlnburu. The ceremony was performed in the study of the Methodist parsonag'e In this city, i Rev. R. Booth The bride is employed in the office of the Pana Coal company. She is the daugliler of Mr and Mrs.

Howard Toberman, and Is a graduate of the Pana Township high school of the class of 1522. Mr. Harsu Is a graduate of the a i high school of the class nf 1911. He is emploved as a school teacher a Mrs.

Hargis A NEW PASTOR IB hwimr "I Mr. Th. miBi-lii UbtlMl W.I,. rooms i Ull'-' 1 nine In nut INe brl.U.' snil tnont, Mr Mrs l.mll. i i lh I I I I I I I'AHTT Thu A riret lll livid ll dm- In Tursd.ty I Hi l.l'l.

br IHmbraartt fludlo. a. A new minister In Decalur Is Rev. J. B.

Bell who accepted i pastorate of East Park HajHIit church. Although a oomparalUrlv new man in Mr. Bell made many amonK people of his congregation and also in the city. Rev. Mr.

and Bell and family come from Texas. will retain her here for short time. BANdBRT-KIUSHS. Friends of and Enill J. Eilera were i learn of their secret marriage, took place last October 10.

Itli. I the Baptist panonage at Ky. The bride Is daughter of Mr nn.l Mrs. Louis Eangert of Palmer itn last year was a.taach«r In the inston grade school. The brid'Kronm Is a son of Mr.

and Ellers of Pana and proprietor of garage in Palmer. They i in Palmer. Mrs. James D. Corman anil Mln Kathryn De Lane.

Mr. and Mm. Fu-rt J. Flesch and Rev. Father J.

Moroney left Friday i for Chicago to attend the Congress. The St. Maryi Sewing Circle wmi entertained Wednesday afternoon the home of Mrs. James J. Ixng.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe BurdziUukas a a i were pleasantly surnrlwd by a visit from their niece and Mr. and Mrs. John from Wilkesbarre.

Pa who slopped off In this city while on an extended moon tijUr of the United Stall The members of tho Tumutay cluh held their first annual luncheon at the First Presbyterian rhtin-h. H-Pond and Kltchell a afternoon. The members anil nf 'he Pana Country olub enjoji'd a o'clock dinner club hmne Monday evening. i seri ml to i and i bridge and rook. BUFFBT I Mr Mrs.

Robert i i re Inllrr III 1 It ft, I IHKII1 in a i M- Mills, M.III M.iirlmi. im'dr A 111, 4 i i I'llS. uinl Min I i i I I I A Mrs i i i "I i i i i i i Anil 1'No AltierlCNll i A i 4 i In uliservrfiii'x r'Ug Tin. I i ti. i i nlil i I i Miiil.m* Be Waved NOW i for Month Cmt 15 9sWer VMT I A I fMf GOODS Off Regular A I i IRI Something New Matched Sets Pretty a frocks with parasols to match, for litlle girls of 2 to 6 Maoe of smartest prints, and priced very specially $2.95 The QHUDRENS SHOP HOTEL ORLANDO BUILDING 146 South Water Strwt.

Phone Main 237. Tie June Everything Furnished $385 Living Room i This living room group Indeed Inviting and it consists of a superb two-piece over- i suite In mohair with gracefully shaped arms backs, a handsome davanport (able, a room size rug, table lamp and a pair of curtains. The Bedroom This charming outfit Is designed the Perlncl ityle and has a large dresser, full foot bed and chlfforette. two oval and a pair ol ourtalns. All these splendid are sure to appeal to all who appreciate true worth and Ing quality 35 Delivers It Tea to mot euh to take advantage of this marvelous offer.

Just It roar heme and you pay for It you are enjoying la order 10 make It easy for iau 10 new furniture we have selected ruoni groupings represent 'be talM home furnishing. The four rn.i»« low are Indeed priced low for such high quality furnishings. The Dining The distinctive aiiilng room eeptlonal merit. deelKnod In style An esrenslim table anil lour finished In rich welnut ealnr. rimm ru( pslr" of are all Included, The Complete A orrteletil, eluding range.

while tfco Willie enamel bow oMlM. pound lop Ming refrlgerslor Mir A kllrhen will tfollCM keort of OJir wommn. xt All Purchases Delivered by Truck Free BiCHMAKT 234-238 NORTH MAIN STREET for 45 llfllllliliilllillllillilltUllillH IN SPA PERI.

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