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The Daily Independent from Murphysboro, Illinois • Page 1

Murphysboro, Illinois
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THE PEOPLE'S NEWSPAPER Newt, Picture! and Comlca ESTABLISHED 1891. DIMOND MOTOR SALES BOUGHT BY LOCAL MAN T. Rosier Cross Buys Local Branch With County Rights On Chevrolet Passenger Cars And Commercial Trucks. Has Been Branch Manager Here. Rosier Cross, closed a doal Thursday evening for the purchase of the Murphysboro branch of Plmond Motor Sales and as- Humed ownership Friday morning.

Tho deal carries with it the agency for Jackson county o'f the new Superior model Chevrolet passenger cars and the line of one-ton trucks find commercial uliasls. Mr, Cross camu to Murphyshoro last October when the Dimond in tor- bought the Kent Sauer auto- jnobllo Hales and service agency and lias been Jn charge of the business since, He has been connected with the company for tho past two or thfte years in the capacity of branch manager and when the Dimond Interests decided to dispose of their Murphysboro holdings, Mr. Cross was given first opportunity to buy. That the local sales and service branch has been a la shown by the i'act that 150 Chevrolet cars have sold in Jackson county sinco last October and Mr. Cross has signed contracts to take 250 cars next year for distribution here.

The sale carries with it tho good Tvlll of the company and comes to Mr. Croas as a reward for faithful and efficient service as manager. The Dimond interests have had the distribution of the Chevrolet in this section of the state and disposed of their holding here In order to give more Intensive cultivation to a limited amount of territory. Mr. Cross stated Saturday that ho planned to render tho same efficient service to Chevrolet owners, which lian characterized tho agency since it was established here last October under his management.

He will carry a complete stock of genuine Chevrolet parts and new equipment is being added to his service department. The commercial car and truck department is to receive special atten- tlpn by the new owner. It will feature one-ton trucks and commercial chassis. He has made many friends in the nine months he has resided in Murphysboro, who will be pleased to learn that he is to make this his permanent home, and that the ownership of. Is to pass to a Murphysboro man.

The new concern will be known as the Cross Motor Sales Co. Mr. Cross stated that service to Chevrolet owners will be the first consideration In his business policy. Through a consistent policy of advertising he plans to acquaint the people of Jackson county with the merits of the Chevrolet and the policy of the new ownership. GAMBLERS RAN WHEAT PRICES BELOWJ30LLAR Farmer-Labor Leaders Thus Declare Elect Magnus Johnson To Investigate, Report Monday (United Press) ST.

PAUL, MiIHK, July drain KHinbllnK in violation of the Cnppur-Tinchor law is ro- sponslblu for Iho drop ol' whont prices $1 a bushol, Faniinr- Lahor Inadors cloclared linn: loci ny. Snnator-rflnol. Mngnns Johnson, on his farm nuar Kingston, sliirt- otl an Investigation of what, lit; hu would issiiH a stiitonx-mf Mon- torniM "manipulation," and said day. Sellers Strike Starts CHICAGO, July wheat growers hava star tod a strlko" for higher wheat prices, tho American Farm Bureau Federation was Ini'urniC'd today. The federation issued a statemenl.

saying its plnn Tor I'arutei's to withdraw two hundred million bushels of wheat from the market and store it in farm bins is ilready being followed in Kansas with the aid of financing through the intermedial credit bnnk at Wichita. Tho Wichiin bank is now lending fanners about, one hundred thousand dollars dally on stored wheat and will soon be lending two million dollars daily according to word from M. 0. Lasnter, President of thu institution. Tho monoy is being borrowed under the Intermediate credit act passed by tho last.

Congress. BAND CONCERT PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON Van's band will rnvrlcr the follow- iiiK program at flth Gt, park Rnndiiy afternoon at o'clock: co Orlando. Sextett from Baritone Fantasia- Edwin Franko Com and P. Fox Yellon, Calanthe TIalxman. Trombone Dusty Fillinoro, Autumn Romance-Is.

L. King. Grand Huff. Damaging Fire At Hays Home Fire at city tlreman James Hays' home near 14th and Gartaldo Streets at 3:15 Friday caused considerable damage to a summer kitchen and contents. Much fruit was ruined.

The damage may run to $200. Acting Chief Baxmaiin trnid Jt was going ome when firemen hatl to put out fire at a fireman's home, METHODIST MEN'S CLUB ENTERTAINED LADIES FRIDAY The Methodist Men's Club of tho Centenary M. church woro hosts to a number of ladles of tho church to a 7:00 o'clock the church Friday evening. Plates were laid lor three, and a delightful menu was served by the men. After the banquet while the men were engaged in dish washing, th ladies rendered a program which consisted of songs, readings, stunts and yelte.

A general good time was enjoyed by all, and the men were highly complimented on their Bervlng and having arranged Htich an enjoyable evening for the ladles, Negro's Fear Of Ghost Froze It A colored bellhop at a local hotel was confronted by a white man in a sheet on the second floor hall some nights ago. The porter was carrying a pitcher of water at the time. He touched one stair stop getting down to the lobby, darted outside and slmpod down into a chair, moaning and shaking. Not a drop of the water was spilled. The hotel proprietor took the pitcher from tho nogroe's palsied hfind, Tho water was fiwon.

ENT EXCLUSIVE Now In Our New South Twelfth Door South of City Hall. MURPHYSBORO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1923 PER WEEK FIFTEEN CENTS TAKE THE MEN TOTHEWOODS, BOYVILLE FIRST CAMP CLOSES Aetna House At Danville Leased DANVILLE, 111., July A record lease for this section of tho country has been made in sucur ing of the Aetna House, oldest hos telry in Danville, by its present lessee, Joseph W. MelUler, for a period of fifteen years, for $300,000 payable trl-monthly at Meitzler, who secured tho hotel three years ago, 'had been paying $11,000 yearly and ten years ago It was being leased at No additions or'Improvements except by the lessee have boon made. Tho property Is ownod by tho Dick Cannon estate. Ono of tho lei-ma of tho lease is that Mr.

Moitzlor can erect a new hotel on tho witn within tho noxt livo yoars, find tho lonso extended In proportion to tho monoy opont. Tho Aetna House was rm-ct- t-d in 1SCC. ELKVILLE COUPLE SECURE MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued here Saturday morning for Bert Craig and Margaret Eberaolil. The couple nrn prominent young people of BlkvlUo. Whicker Writer Thinks Rotary Is Going At It Backwards I icates Some M'boro Grownups Need A Lessoning In The Tall Timber, Et Cetera.

Whickerbiil Center, Peemony Township, Jackson County, A (Sposlml) Dear Editor: I jiint ono fcr to cast aspersions on no organization, loaswise the Rotary, hat, thorn wlmol sets right down to tho bub of it and every spoke speaks. Tint in my humble opinion, the Mur- physbur got tho fail foremost and tho bead bohindst when it ostab- liHliod Boyvlllo down Tligh Rook way, which wo all aro martin so much about down this way. Why didn't thn Kotos takn a cm-lain bunch o' Miii'physbur men to the woods instead! Thn boys up there fujom to bo gittln' along alright. All tbn scrappin snows to be goin' on amongst, the grownups'. Shucks, from what wo yaps down hero can obsorve, sho Kiiro looks as if a considerable number 1 our County Seat mon should bo woarin the short, pants and still gittin spankod six times a week for jevcnile cussodness.

Ponrs to me that whilst tho real men o' Murphysbnr am down in the woods at closo quarturs, enjoying themselvos and practicing brotherly love and conductin a real little city according' to Hoyle, the County Scat's boys are tick'in to'the paved area, scvappin like so many cats on a frosty night and meowin 1 and'cuss- in and bristlin and scratchin lit to disgust tho county. But since Boyvillo is there and the Roiarians are right, I speak a word 1 advice from the Whickerbiil City Council, which is to say: Teach them (n scrap it but parly in life, Every body ku'os a scrapper, specially if he starts early. Hut it ho gits to scrap- pin Loo late in lil'e he never ends it, and becomes just a honory, billions- beai-tud peace disturber and detriment to the'town what harbors him. Teach them boys to so conduct themselves at Boyville. that when they become men they will be prouder ol' their town than anything else and against everything that is not L'or tho town are proud of.

Warp a hickory limb over their anatomy, if need be, to instill in this here Boyville bunch o' Young America that the community as a whole is always first and they as individuals are to be.the next served. That the majority rules. And that the majority, no matter how bad a town is, is 99 times out o' a hundred tho best people in it. Teach 'em co-operation. Learn them to pull together.

Make the lesson so alfired good that the boys can come home and make their daddies ashamed o' themselves. Cooperation is the real thing. For instance just remember how our Whicker young men cooperated a bunch o' high-neck ed floods out. o' the woods near Etherton a few years ago. If Murphy would cooperate more and coagulate less they'd be less room fer lemons and more Cer roses.

Learn them boys that when become men 'they should always paj their license fee, also the preacher Always stop, look and listen before tongue-lashin a man that aint pros ent. Never raise a hand or beget a evil thought agin a woman. Nevei preach what they can't practice. Al ways to leave a. town they can't stam up for, and thus treat the town to good ridance.

Respectfully, RILL FUCKRR. ISAAC BULUAR'S FUNERAL MONDAY AT DE SOTO AT 2:00 The body of Isaac Bullar, brother C. C. Bullar of this city', will arrive at De Soto Monday morning, Iron Santa Anna 1 Califi, for -burial, -Fnnera services will be conducted Monday af ternbon at 2:00 at De Soto cemetery- Second Group Takes Possession Monday Juvenile Administration No. 1 To Retire With Honors.

For six days sixty-five boys have 3njoyed the tented city of. Boyville, tenure -oi: occupancy lu that nngic city expires Sunday nvenliig. hit tho memories of this'wook in the pen will remain with them to be told their grandchildren. Monday morning a new group of younger boys will take over the reins of government and under tho capable iianagement of Rev. itartung rule for one week.

Tho closing dnys will he full of activity as they have during l.ho week, "Gee, this has been "the shortest veek of my lite," one husky said Frilay night when he recalled that the text day was Saturday. It was short because this lad and the others out at Boyyllle had bnon busy. Friday night the wireless program via, Clyde Wisely's radio set was a jig feature of tho evening entertain- nent. Mr. Alters spoke of the subject 'Business." Sunday afternoon MilliUan's orchestra will give a closing program for the )oys.

Saturday afternoon at 3:00 tho boys will drill on court square. Sunday morning overyono will attend Sunday school either at camp or town. Tho members 1 of the St. Andrew's will be brought toVthe. city in ars both for mass aml, church, Sun- lay school for all Protestant noys will 10 conducted on the grounds.

Sunday ifturnoon Father Mueller will art- Iress the boys and after supper Sun- lay Rev, Ransome will speak. 1m- mediately after his address the boys will break camp and march to the city. Many Want More Of It While some of boys became lome sick at first; the end of the week found' them going strong. Camp Director Hartung asked for an older boy from each tent to' volunteer to remain over next week to aid in taking care of the smaller hoys and many more volunteered than needed. Others would have volunteered but they had not seen their parents for their consent Eyqry night brings something new, some' -of it pre-arranged and other stunts spontaneous, Thursday night when lights were out and all were supposed to be quietly sleeping, a light robed figure crept out of a tent, then another and another until the entire tent colony passed in a night Maughan Before the Flight the tent -of street and shirt before Director Hartung, up Hilly Way they went all bent on the run of a.

after hours stunt. Later in the night the rush down Hilly Way was almost a repetition of the earlier planned affair. The Next Group Following are the names of the next group of boys who have registered and who have been notified. Many more have asked for reservations since the closing date but this number will tax the camp to its limit: Robert Gardner. Wallace Harrell.

James Thompson. Franklin Edward Plater. George Millikan. Gardner. Floyd Johnson.

James K. Rolens. Wm, Roswell Williams. Woodrow Wurthberger. Joe Borge'rs.

Harris Curtis Wilson. Harold Blacklock. Paul Hnppert, Karl McEntlro. Louis Widen. Robert Woli.

ThoH. Guietto. Arnold Buck. Robert Maloney. Raymond Schwebel.

Carl Thompson. Aaron Bellm. Wilbur Davis. Walter B. Smith.

Chester Eriksen. -Lieutenant R. J. Maughan (right) says farewell to his bunkie, Lieutenant Edwin Johnson, at Mineola Field before his second attempt to fly across the continent, between sunrise and sunset. He conquered all but.

COO miles of thedistance before he was forced to abandon the. trip, on account of engine trouble. (Continued on three), VILLA, FASTEST REVOLVER SHOT HAD NOCHANCE Famous Ex-Rebel Bandit Dies In His Car In Hail of Shot From Shuttered Scour The Country For Assassins. (United Press) MEXICO CITY, July 21 Mexico moved officially today to investigate the sudden end of its most picturesque bandit, Francisco Villa, who fell dead over the wheel of his automobile at Parral yesterday, his body riddled with sixteen bullets. The Mexican Chamber of Deputies voted make an immediate inquiry, while General of Divisions Martinez arrived at the scene of the-asbassina- tion to take charge of the investigation and of troops chargett with keeping order.

Federal forces tramped through the hills near Barbara at dawn today in search oC the seven assassins who shot down Villa! Troops Seek Assailants With Villa, the famed outlaw of Mexico, dead, the government made every effort to trace his assailants, and as daylight broke over the eastern crest, Federal troops again took up the pursuit The assassins apparently have covered their traces well. There were no reports here oindicate any of them had been found. Army officials however, are hopeful'. Troops are being moved into the region from all nearby posts this morning. The town of.

Parral resembled an armed camp and business is practically suspended. Crowds thronged the streets. They wanted to see the body of the famous Villa and the three other men killed. Always Escaped Before Several attempts were made last year to reformed rebel, hut they were all unsuccessful. There is 'considerable- speculation as to what will be done with Villa's famous ranch, where he has lived the past few years in solitude.

It was stated unofficially that the property probably will be given to the surviving widow and children. Fastest Trigger Finger Villa died without a chance. A hale of gunfire from assassins hidden behind the shuttered windows of a house swept the- car as it sped through the streets. Villa slumped in his seat without a word. The man who boasted the fastest trigger finger in Mexico died without an opportun ity of self defense.

Occupants of the car immediately returned t'he, and it is believed several of the assassins' baud were shot. GOLFERS TO ENJOY BENTON COUNTRY CLUB Quite a Few LocaI Players And Club Members To'" Accept Franklin County Invitation Next Week Localx.golfers visiting the West Frankfort golf club report that, the fairways-' at the Murphysboro Country Club are superior. West Frankfort's greens are great, they said. The locarc'lub is playing on sand greens while the permanent grass groons come on. West Frankfort has an elegant country club and has spout many thousands on its links.

Local golfers will have the pleasure a. week from tomorrow of playing the Benton links. Quite a number 'of local country club members are to visit the Benton club at the invitations of its 'directors, have lunch and dinner at the elegant club house, and enjoy the course in the afternoon at Scotch 'foursoms. Benton's links is one of 2400 to 2500 yards as compared to the regulation 3200 yards course near Henry station. Benton has enjoyed rains this summer and the fairways are in prime condition.

Local club folks will make the trip in cars and by train. Egyptian Championship The Egyptian open golf championship for the Centralia Sentinel cup' will be held at Centralia August 15- The championship division will be limited to the 32 lowest scores. In addition to the cup a consolation prize will be given for the first defeated Small Answer Blanket Denial (United Press) SPRINGFIELD, 111., July Judge Jones today heard the state's exception to the answer filed by Governor Len Small to the suit for accounting on state funds during his term as state treasurer. The suits were filed by Attorney General Edward Brundage. The answer was a blanket denial of all charges.

Two AutoistsjVre Arrested Police arrested two local men for auto traffic violations over Thursday nig-ht and Friday. They were fined for speeding and running with muf- "flors opened. Cue man was fined for being drunk Friday night The Forecast BALLEW GOT SHACKLES AT COUNTY JAIL Ex-Sheriff A. G. Davis, Loaned Irons To Father Who Had "Enlisted His Parent Wished To Frighten Daughter Into Obeyance.

Better Anything a Geneva, Is Position Former Official Irons There, Gave Them To Ballew, Forgot Them --Says He Did Not Advise Chaining Or Switching. Kx-Shcriff A. C. Davis loaned Frank Ballew the log irons with which Ballew later shackled the ankles oT his daughter Florence, 13. Ex-Sheriff Davis, now a state automobile license agent, said Saturday morning that, Ballow had enlisted his sympathy by repeatedly coming to Mm with his woes anent Die alleged waywardness of.

Florence. Ex-Sheriff Davis, when asked if ho had let. Ballew have the irons, said in an aggrieved rone: "Well, yon have already written it and tho news reporter replied: "In the writing of it the belief of officers was expressed thai yon never ie.t Ballew have Din shackles, at least: for the purpose they were put. to." Wanted to Scare Her Davis said, "Ballew came to mo almost every clay for a lime and told me about the girl. Why, he said, sho would even get out of her bed at night and run away down town.

"If I had a girl 1 would rather try almost anything rather than her go to Geneva. Some of them sent, there have not come out very well. (Geneva is the location of the school for incorrigible girls). "I never told Ballew 1o shackle the girl or to switch her, as 1 understand the article, yesterday said. The irons happened to be at the ofllce.

Ballew was after me to help him. He took the irons shortly before 1 left, We had never used them even on a man. with Ho said he might scare the girl into obeyanco. Later I forgot IK had the irons. "You can ask Miss Welch (county nurse) if 1 have not done more than my share for dependent and delinquent girls.

She will tell you." Seems Unconcerned Ex-Sheriff Davis was told today that Ballew had told officers after his arrest that the sheriff who gave him the irons had told him to use them and that officers refused to believe Ballew. Before taking the irons the father had had his girl named an "incorrigible child." She was later paroled to a relative and remained at home. Batlew Remains a Prisoner A demand is heard expressed that officers watch Ballew and protect; his girls against further cruelties in. reprisal in the event ho is released on bond. Ballew remained a jail prisoner Saturday Hot anger was the community's answer Saturday afternoon nnd night to the story of the shackling of the girl and allegations of what amounted to cruelties to the older daughter May, a consumptive on her death bed.

Certain neighbors of Ballew's claim that some time since, when BalleAy was single for a. time, his small chil-' dren, afraid of the darkness of the house at nights with the father down town somewhere, remained outside in the cold for hours awaiting his return. Florence, tho roconl. prisoner in irons, was ono of these. Generally fair tonight and Sunday.

Continued warm. TOM ROLENS' CAR KNOCKED OVER, ESCAPES INJURIES Tom Rolens, brother of Dr. E. Rolens, of North llth Street narrow: ly escaped injuries Friday nopn, whc-n his car was knockod over llth Illinois by a service cap Rolens was thrown out of. the, was not injured.

The- car waa damaged. The service car driver, took his car to the garage and repaired it.

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