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Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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A THOUGHT Vit now should 1 have lam frtlll been I njiould have slept; ihvn hnd Wn At 3sl3. Hope Star vnuunum. Arkansas-Cloudy, temperature II td to north- west and 22 to 28 iti east and south portions Monday night; I Tuesday partly cloudy, colder) In extreme east portion. VOLTiME 37 NT TIT ft RR I.U-J-M. t-rnPP 1 A A mnn iN (O (MiAi Mi-ant Knlfi in iise IlUiCy, A IV IS.

A IN Ab, IVLUJNIJAY, JANUARY 6, 1936 Coliwil trover. 18. 1829. H-IJKH, 1937 PRICE 5c COPY SUPREME COURT KILLS AAA ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 7T Liquor Election Ordered Feb. 18 Hurls Challenge at New Deal Foes New Deal Farm Acts Meet Fate of NRA in TV Deficit of Billion Dollars Forecast to County Judge Gives Doris Duke Back Petition Approval I From Long Tour Monday Afternoon February 18 Is Set as Date for Vote on Whisky Question NO OPPOSITION GIVEN Annual Budget for Operating Expenses Is Set at $28,000 In Hcmpstcad county court at Wash- I inflton Monday afternoon County Judge II.

M. Stephens approved a petition asking for a local option liquor election. 'Die referendum was ordered by the judge for next February 18. The petition, presented to the court by Attorney John P. Vcsey, was in tht nnme of N.

I 1 O'Neal and other legal voters of Hcmpstcad county. The number of signatures on Ihe petition exceeded 35 per cent of the voters, which is required by law. There was no opposition voiced against the petition. Approval by Judge Stephens followed the adjourned term of Henipstead Quorum court which convened and completed its session. Annual appropriations for operating tho government in 1836 were fixed by the court al approximately Detailed.reports of the budgql will be Ilic court held its regular meeting November 9, 1935, but delayed voting nnunl appropriations until the finan- tccord on the complete year was Quit Homestead Projects in State Helena, Fort Smith and Ouachita County Projects Placed on Inactive List Resettlement Administration announced Monday that it had tentatively abandoned subsistence homestead projects The projects were placed on the inactive list because (hey did not conform to the accepted types and because of limited funds.

Projects placed on the inactive list include several in Arkansas which are Helena homestead, Fort Smith homesteads and Ouachita Condition of National Banks Is Asked Monday WASHINGTON The comptroller of Ihe currency issued a call Monday for (he condition of all national banks al tin: close of business' Tuesday, December 31. The comptroller is by law In issue a call for the condition of all national banks al least three Monday's call was (he fourth affecting the calendar year, It has been that American forcM.s capture and as much of the sun's energy annually as i.s contained in one and a hall' billion tons of coal. Hark In her hip aroiiml lliike Cr. e.ii hein- landed in P'llllll. Nanil.

lieell pt'llil i II t'lolie muter: of ill. jiV of III Holly wo MAPPER r-ANNY SAYS: MtG. U. b. AT, OFF.

1 Stanford Safe on i I Long Plane Trip Flies From Dallas, Texas, 1 to Managua, Nicaragua, During Week-End An airplane Irip from Dallas. Texas, In Managua, Nicarague, was completed over Ihe week-end by Major H. 13. J-tanlord of Hope, a wire to bis son, £idney, said. Mr.

Stanford will be stationed at Managua for Ihe next months where he has intraclcd to in.stall machinery for gold mines in that area. The long jump from Dallas, a dis- tanci of more (ban miles t'l Guatemala City, capitnl of Guatemala, was completed in about 12 hours, From Guatemala City Mr. Stanford completed hi.s journey in a company plane to Managua, headquarters of the ild mine company. The n.nte from Dallas, started al a. m.

Friday: First slop wa.s Brownvillo, Texas, at a. m. Changed planes and flew in Tampico, thence lo Mexico arriving al p. in. Loft Mexieo C'ily at 1 p.

in. in another lane and arrived at Guatemala City al p. a dislancc. of miles. From Guatemala Cily he flew to San Salvador and thence lo Tegucigalpa.

From (here he coin- plelcd the iiirney by plane to Managua. Nicaragua, company hcadquart- ei.s. Scarlet Fever Epidemic at Fairbanks Serious FAIRBANKS. Alaska Scrum through lielow-xero-ueather in another epic aeiial dash by Jo 1 Cre. -Mtn.

"mercy" air hero, was used Sunday in Fairbanks' bailie against starlet fever. Dr. F. 13. Gillcspie, deputy tenitiirial officer, be- can immediate administration of the antitoxin.

The lillle city cf 2.5UII remained in a virtual slate of siege. Special police lontainned to palrol the streets. churches, theaters, Ihe Uni- veisily of Alaska and all public inciting wen. 1 closed. Kesidenis stuck close to Iheir homes, A and Alcoholism Death Rate Rises in Dry Areas of Nation Rate Increases in Dry States Have Best Record HALF IN THE SOUTH U.S.

Supreme Court; FDR Vote Is Six to Three in De-1 Counting on Liquor Rev- i of States Showing Big-j gcft Increase in Deaths, Are in Dixie study by the Census Bureau disclosed over the week-end that four of the states thai were dry during the first full year of repeal were among the 10 which had the biggest galas in deaths from alcoholism that year. And, on (he other fide. New York had the biggest drop in the number of who drank themselves to death in 193-1. The 10 that had the biggest gains in Jhe number of deaths from alcoholism between 1933 and 1931 were California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. Numerically.

Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Ohio led, the two former having 55 such deaths, each, more than they had in 1933 and Ohio a gain of 5-1. Georgia, North Carolina Oklahoma nnd Texas were still dry in 1934. the four. Texas thus far is the only one thai has legalized the sale of hard liquor. Three Lead In Decline New York, Kentucky and Wisconsin wire the three suites that had the biggest drop in dentils from alcoholism.

New York had Gl fcwper than in Kentucky 23 fewer and Wisconsin 18 fewer. In addition to these three, 12 other slates and the Dislricl of Columbia had slighl drops in the number of deaths ascribed to alcoholism. The 12 were Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon. Rhode l.sland, South Carolina. South Dakota, Tennessee and Utah, Maryland and Mississippi had the same number of deaths attributed to that cause in both years.

All others showed gains. The national increase wa.s the total for 1934 being 3,655. Figures on which to base a calculation of the death rate for 1934 from Ibis cause were not available, but the bureau found that in 1933 the deaths ascribed to this cause were 2.G per hundred thousand of population. That was the year that ended prohibition and brought beer back. The cision Handed Down Monday FOOD SHARES BOOM enue to Bring in Half Billion in 1987 I Ruling May Doom Bankhead Cotton Control Act and Other Legislation a sweeping decision by the United States Supreme court Monday the entire AAA program was held unconstitutional.

District Meeting of Woodmen Here Delivering his annual message to Congress, an address that immediately kindled nation-wide debate, President Roosevelt is shown here as he flung a direct challenge to his foes to meet the Issue of accepting New Deal standards or disciivdiug them entirely. An audience that packed the House chambers and aji invisible audience of millions heard (lie president's words. Behind the chief executive arc shown Vice President Johu N. Garner, left, and Speaker Joseph Byrns. 6 to 3 The AAA met the afte of the NRA Monday in the United States Supreme court.

In a momentous six to three decision, the high tribunal killed the extraordinary New Deal farm relief plan under which over a billion dollars had been paid to men of the soil since May, 1933. The act, even as amended last August, held the "invasion of the states rights" and its taxes beyond "general welfare" clause of the constitution on which the government relied. Justice Stone, Brandeis and Cardozo dissented. The administration planned councils immediately to meet the set back. The ruling Monday appeared likely to doom other farm legislation such as the Bankhead cotton control act and the Warren potato law.

NEW HIGH DEBT SEEN Political Leaders Generally Withhold Detailed Comment on Budget WASHINGTON Improved quality and lower prices, plus other factors is increasing the liquor consumption in the United States to such a point that President Rdpsevelt-is coutUinf? on this source for more than a half "billion dollars in revenue in the 1937 fiscal year, In a supplement to his budget message delivered to congress Monday, the revenue from distilled spirits, wines, fermented liquors, was estimated at $554,800,000 for 1937. This is an increase of $51,700,000 over the 1936 estimate and over 1935. This increase, said the summary, "is mainly accounted' fcr by the expected increase in consumption of distilled spirits as the result of improved quality, lower prices, enforcement ac- titivies and increasing incomes." State Officials on Pro- Arr a f01 Hope utrell Discloses iWeek-End Accident eeing ay fafawM PlfiM MOUlltS tO 71 The South wept District convention of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle will convene here Tuesday for a one-day session, with Poplar Grove 19(1 as host. The business sessions will be held in the Woodmen ball. South Main street, Tuesday, and will be presided over by Mrs.

Kva D. Taylor, of Texarkana, state president. The- convention will close Tuesday night with an open meeting to which the public is cordially invited to attend. A splendid program has been arranged and announced for the night meeting. Oilier state nnd district officers who attend the convention sessions will include Mrs.

E. C. Geyer, of Lil- lle Rock, slate manager of the Woodmen Circle, jurisdiction of Arkansas, and member of the National legislative committee; Mrs. Katie Crowell, of Texarkana, state auditor; Mrs. Dora Mcador, of Toxarkana, stale inner ten- and Miss Lucillie Boswcll.

of Would Take $300,000 Out Ohio Leads List With rate .1 )H-r hundred thousand Hope, slate outer sentinel, over the year The Southwest District is composed one more such death out of each mil- Hcmpstr-ad. Miller. Little River. Howard. Columbia, Nevada, Clark and LaKayette counties, and large delegations of ihe membership of this organization are expected from each county composing the district.

lion inhabitants. That wa.s the first increase the death rate from alcoholism had shown since 1927 and 1928, when it reached its prohibition jjcak to Maud for those twi years at four deaths out of each hundred thousand. During the depression years that followed, it ha declined to a low of 2.5 in 1932. The high for the entire 24 years covered by the- Census Bureau study was per hundred thousand in the pre-pruhibiliim year of 1913. Then (hi figures and rose again to 5.8 in lillfi.

It began In shrink under the gradually increasing grip of prohibition in 1918 and 1919 and reached its lowest in 1920 first full year of prohibition. That year wa.s only one death in each hundred thousand population attributed to alcholism. 35 Lives Lost in December Blazes of General Revenue Sinking Fund LITTLE Fu- iri'll disclosed Monday that he had outlined for the Centennial commission members a procedure which might be used to obtain part of the funds for the Slate Scntcnnial celebration without a corresponding tax increase. Seven has Has Two By the Associated Press Traffic accidents over the week-end took at least 71 lives in the nation. Food Shares Boom NEW of the AAA by the United States Supreme court Monday brought a surge of buying in food shares on the New York stock exchanga which lifted many dollar to three dollars a share higher within a few minutes after the decision was handed down.

Prices were up a dollar or more a bale in the New York cotton exchange with heavy trading, Tenant Aid Sought WASHINGTON Authors of legislation to provide federal aid to tenant farmers for the purchase of land, left the white house Monday with the assertion that President Ohio led the states with seven deaths. Roosevelt favored its enactment at New York and California each report- this session, ed six. Other deaths by states: I Massachusetts, Pennsylvania a Although emphasizing that be was Oklahoma five each; Missouri, Geor- not endorsing any revenue raising plan. Governor Futrell said that a of the 5300,000 the commission members said was needed, might be obtained through use of the general revenue sinking fund after it had served the purpose for which it was created. gia.

Indiana, Illinois and Texas four each; Maine, three; Louisiana. Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas and Virginia two each; Tennessee, Arizona, Minnesota and Kentucky one each. May Hear Bruno's Plea on Wednesday Jersey Court of Pardons Scheduled to Meet This Week Members of Loan Body to Hold Meet Production Credit Association to Meet at Nashville January lo county farmers who arc members of the Nashville Production Credit Association will attend the annual stockholders' meeting al Nash-r ville, the headquarters of the a.s.socia- lion, on January i Warren Nesbilt, C. F. Lane, W.

H. Etler, dip Martin and J. L. Kley have been named members of Ihe attendance committee in Hcmpstcad county. An interesting program has been i arranged.

The nieinbers of tin; asso- borrowers and on two direc- tor.s for a three-year period. A representative of Ihe Production Credit Corporation of Si. Louis will be pres- Italians Renew Aerial Bombing at Important Cities on Northern Front Conference Called WASHINGTON President Roosevelt called Attorney General Cummings and Secretary Wallace to the white house Monday afternoon for discussions regarding the Supreme court's decision on the AAA, Creation of AAA WASHINGTON Groat gang plows which nearly 20 years ago threw up earth from millions of acres of new western land, creating more fields to feed a world at war, led indirectly to AAA's creation. Proponents argued that production had been stepped up beyond peacetime needs and that AAA, through LIIUI ill-Una illiu in.11 Lillisugll I 1 OrayS Al'e Directed rental and benefit payments, afforded MPJ (III I. iJClMV I in- iiivini'v hear Bruno Hichard elation an- the fpir clemency, there -stockholders will vole 'ires in Arkansas Take Greatest Toll on Record trii'ls seem to Uiinlc that the.

old adnee says tho sluill bo lirst. persons are ill with the diseas 2(1 others' are of conlauian. "11 was all in the day's work," said the man who flew Ihe bodies of Will Hnycrs and Wiley Posl from I'ninl Harrow lo Seattle after (heir fatal plane accident. LITTLE -Thiily-fivi persons lost their lives and -1o oliicis suffered injuries as December fires in Arkansas look their greatest loll on i record, the Arkansas Fire Prevention bureau reported Sunday. i 1 properly loss during Ihe month amounted lo $553.710.

tin 1 heaviest in i recent years, the bureau said. I December's total brought to ii'Jl Ihe number of fire casualties fur compared wilh in Of nuinher 107 proved fatal. There were fire deaths in Arkansas in llic previous year. Two fires at Forrest Cily and Hot Spiings accounted for almost one half of Ihe December damage tola). Al Forrest City a meivanlilc store. offices and garment factory were destroyed with an estimated $1110.11011 damage al Die resorl city a Day fire did 5125.1100 damage to a theater and hotel and look four lives. TRENTON. N. -Although Governor Harold G. Hoffman has not i yet fixed a date for the New Jersey i court to Ilauplmann plea im ini-n.

I were definite indications Sunday uighl il would be Wednesday. i No notices of a mceling liav been i sent lo the court members, but iheM'nt al thi' mecling, and have a part i governor, at their last session, asked in Ihe which will include a i them to keep Ihe first three of i review of the past year's husincxs, a Jlbi.s H'c-i'k "open." The governor i-'lvar and complete report uf Ihe oper- tin 1 notices would 1,01 iie scnl durinr ations of Ihe as'-oeialion, and a the week-end, and indicated of plans for would go out Monday. The Nashville Production Credit as; Wilh for of tin makes lo farmers in notices In Ihc member-, and to counsel i this county for agricultural produc: for the state and llic defense, who w.ill 'ion purposes. The loans ut bear a per cent interest. The associa- i tion is a pcrmancnl co-operative credit agency making loans on a sound busi- ness basis.

Kach borrower owns voting slock and has one vole in eleelinL; Ihe di- rectors of the organisation ie ans of subsidizcd cdllclion of Purpose: to increase the farmer's in- i come to the point where his buying ADDIS ABABA. Ethiopia power would equal that of 1909-1SH4. Italian armies have plunged into the I 77,000,000 Acres lU-nted most intensive air bombing activity in In three years under AAA Uncle their three-months- long compaign, Sam has become perhaps the grcat- Ethiopian authorities said Monday, cst land tenant in world history. were ordered in an The cumulative total of acreage advances by native rented to the government in 1933, 193) and 1935 in consideration of benefit payments to farmers and thus withdrawn from commercial crop run above 77,000,000. The agricultural adjustment administration first had control only over wheat, cotton, corn, hogs, rice, to- hacco and milk.

In 193-1 rye. flax. barley, grain sorghum, rattle, sugar' and peanuts were added. In 1935 potatoes became the 15th commodity lo be termed by congress "basis" and lo become eligible for AAA benefits. Budget Report Given treasury- deficit exceeding one billion without counting unestimated new relief forecast to congress by President Roosevelt Monday for the next fiscal year.

Unprecedentedly, he withheld a complete budget estimate on how much the government would spend in the 12 months beginning July 1. For the" present' he listed $6,752,606,370 said; rlajpc money would be forthcoming. He gave notice that next year's the public mount accordingly. Just now, Mr. Roosevelt foresaw a debt at the end of the 1936-37 period I of $31,351,638,737.

This would be an. all time high; There was not the slightest hint of readiness to meet demands from the opposition for an immediately balanced budget. Pending study of the voluminous document, political leaders in general withheld detailed comment. From start, however, dispute was plainly inevitable. Comment varied largely according to the economic views of the legislators rather than along strictly party lines.

To run all the regular activities of the government," Mr. Roosevelt said bluntly in the message read, from the rostrum to senate and house, "I will need a total of 55,069,000,000." Operating Costs Higher This figure, put forward as a new standard for the government's permanent operating costs as differentiated from "emergency" outlays, exceeded comparative "regular 1 costs of recent years by around 52,000,000,000. In a new expression of policy, Mr. Roosevelt moved federal public works, the Civilian Conservation Corps and agricultural benefit payments from the The air attempt to halt forces on all fronts. Official reports said that the renewed air raids by the Italians were directed at important cities and troops concentration centers on the northern front.

(Continued on page three) Lessons in Law-Making By the Associated Press "Every borrower should I I and vole for Ihe must cap available for ihe board of probably be pennitled lo argil 1 merit of i leniency for (be man convicted of (hi' Lindbergh hahv slaying. Wednesday was looked upon as Ihe logical 1 liir.e for a session Indications from olTtci.d 1 coin I no! di.Mi' vd lo deal with ihe peiiiimi for modifira- lion of Ihe death penalty to life imprisonment hastily. With full allowance of time IPI counsel, the i and (bus was expected to continue an enliii I day. Unless (be cmirl departs iVoi: practice, a division the same i would be made. 1 Haiiptmann and his uii'e.

maiiilaiiu'd an allilude of hopeful op, despite the approach of Update of execution the week ol Jaii- uaiy Thei'- 1 were no signs 'ihe aulhorilies would tlepart from their uiaclice of carrying out such penalises on Tuesday niuhl- al m. liiilain Reinforces Great Britain turned abruptly to reinforcement of its African military position, pressing several liners into the Mediterranean Irnap transport service, it became known Monday amid renewed discussion of the possibility of oil sanctions against Italy. Three liners have been convened into transport ships, ii was learned. Lindbergh Refuge Is Heavily Guarded 8 Who Can Be a Member Strictly speaking a member of cither tho senate or house of representatives i.s a coiiBrcs.smiin. However, in general practice, a member of (he senate is referred to as a and a member of the house as a congressman, although the official title of the latter i.s a representative.

There are 116 two from each of the 48 states, and 435 members of the house, population bciiiu tho deU'r- 1C ble men continued good man- aueiiienl for the lhal bei'ii luiilt for llie farnu 1 benefit." said ,1. V. Toland. secri'lary- of (he association, i'l poinl- inj; out the impoitaiice of attendance al ihe annual Tiichinae atfi'ct only 1 or 2 eint of Ihe hous in the United bill still llvie is daiiKer if the meal is ealen wilh nit firs! bring thiirough- Iv e.jpiked. LLONDAFF, Behind a M-neii ul elaborate police protection.

I Col. and Cluirles A. Lindbergh and Iheir sturdy, three-year-old son. Jen. enjoyed the Sunday in (heir I refuge.

The were on the grounds of Ihe home of J. Llewellyn Morgan. relativi by marriage of Mis. Linil- bernh. Thc-ro were two uniformed I on and a police car pat rolled the onlside the house.

The iiason for was not given. The anived ihe Morgan home Saturday coming. (rum Liverjiool. where ihey disem- I barked from a boat. First Steps Drastic Voluntary co-operation between growers and Uncle Sam was the original keynote.

But acts were passed to use compulsion in controlling acreage mining factor in each stale. of cotton, tobacco and potatoes. Com- A member of the under the pulsion was designed lo constitution, mutt have attained the and police crop agreements for cot- age of 25. have been a citizen of the ton and tobacco. I United Stale.x for 7 years, and be a A force, of 6, 500 in the AAA itself, resident of the state in which he plus thutiNinds of farmers aidint; in AAA county or 1-ical has worked to keep the program going.

Marketing agreements have been devised for milk, fruits and vegeiables. hies. Of a total of 52 agreements negotiated for milk, 30 were in effect al the turn of Of "3 negotiated for fruits and vegetables. 16 slill were in effect. Price Increases Sharp There has been disagreement as lo the ultimate of the programs but price AAA say elected.

A must be 31) years old, have hoeii a of the United Stales for 9 years, and be a resident of ihe stale which elects him. The cath of office taken by meni- 1 bcrs of Ihe IIOUM? administered by Ihe Speaker, r.nd by the Vice President lo senators. It is: "I ill solemnly swear tor affirm' that 1 will support and defend the of tin United Stales ug.dn.-l all enemies, foreign ar.d do- have been I mcstic: that 1 will bear title faiih and November to the same: that 1 lake this Snaki i ihs. (he ends of Iheir 1.1. 1935.

prices for wheal were obligation 1'iwh. without any mental cents a higher than ihe 19.72 i vesei vation or of evasion: average; corn 25 cents higher, cotton 5 and lhal 1 will well and cents a pound higher, tobacco 10 cents discharge tho cf tho office on pound higher: hogs $5.20 per I Oil which I am 10 cnier. S.i help pi unds higher: cattle SI.SO per 10',) me 1'oiinds higher. Scin'iiiv IVIMIJT..

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