The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Indianapolis Stari
- Location:
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Issue Date:
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- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE IXDIAXAPOLIS SUNDAY STAR, APRIL 9, 1939. Rev. 7. Ambrose Dunkel cn P'ogrejs of local option in other states. CHARTER FOR BANK OF INDIANA Coleman, Parker Named to Operate Jennings Recalls State WPA Work Will Address W.
C. 1. U. Mrs. Wilmeth will be assisted by i The Rev.
J. Ambrose Dunkel, tw" i Roberts, H. M. Stitie, R. D.
Stoher Riverside Park, Soon to Be Opened RECALLS PIONEER FINANCING I Mrs. W. W. Reedy will preside. terian -Church, will address the Central W.
T. U. on "Americanism" at a meeting in the home of Mrs. D. O.
Wilmeth, 4.337 North Pennsylvania street, Friday PLANS FOR SESSIONS. Dr. Orren E. Smith of Indian 10,000 Miles of Roadway Built Program Is Curtailed. i apolis, trustee of the Osteopathic Arthur V.
Brown Acquires Document of 1834, When Indianapolis Was 12 Years Old. With the reduction in WPA rolls effective yesterday, due to a reduced appropriation by Congress, Committees for the annual tea Manipulative Therapeutic and and style show in the L. S. Ayres Co. auditorium May 12 will be ClmiCaI Association, mil appointed, and Mrs.
Elmer Bostic, active in business sessions at chairman of the record of newjthe organization's 43d- national membership, will present awards convention in June at Dallas, Tex. to the Mesdamet R. White, More than 2,000 osteopathic phv-Felix T. McWhirter, George isicians, surgeons and specialists Barnes, Ada Boles and S. Brown from the United States and other for obtaining new members dur-countries are expected to attend ing March and April.
jthe convention. Several affiliated John K. Jennings, state administrator, released a survey of work completed in Indiana since the agency was formed in July, 1935, to create Jobs for the unemployed. The WPA has built 10,000 miles Mrs. Frank Boles will sing and groups will hold annual meetinp of roads and streets in the state; constructed 398 public buildings, Mrs.
C. T. Austin will lead devo-prior to the regular convention tions. Mrs. F.
E. Johnson will re-sessions. Including 15 schools, 10 gymna 24 liouati Gold Fin Sofa siums, live auditoriums, three hospitals, five fire stations, two armories, 163 pavilions, bathhouses and similar structures; laid 121 miles of water pipe, 206 miles of sewage lines and installed 69,000 sanitary toilets in rural areas, the i i j- By RALPH L. BROOKS. An interesting and rare old document which carriei the imagination of the Hoosier back more than 100 years in the state's history hag been acquired recently by Arthur V.
Brown, president of the Indianapolis National Bank and the Union Trust Company. The document was printed back In canal-boat days, when the first railroad tracks were being laid between Indiana towns, when political campaigns were strident, when Indianapolis was a straggling 12-year-old town. It is an original copy of the charter of the State Bank of Indiana. A little booklet of 42 printed pages, it is 105 years old but exceptionally well preserved. Bank Is Successor.
The charter, although interesting enough to any Hoosier citizen, has special significance to Mr. Brown because the Indiana National Bank is the direct successor to the business of the Indianapolis branch of that first state bank. The Indiana National Bank took over the business of the state-con report set out. Other Projects Listed. II.
Coleman and II. E. Parker have been named president and manager, respectively, of Riverside park for the 1939 season which will start the last of this month, the park's board of directors announced yesterday. The WPA also constructed 189 bridges, 6,933 culverts on state highways, 60 athletic fields, 40 parks, 49 playgrounds, 37 swimming pools and wading pools, 148 C. ill Mr.
Coleman has been acting tennis courts, five golf courses and to Introduce modernized and improved 45 ath letic fields, 159 parks and 79 play of Dr. E. Mr. Coleman has announced that, in addition to the many rides and free entertainment features of the park, the Riverside roller rink will remain open, with skating during the afternoons and evenings. grounds, besides installing 1,160 Tavron's lighting units on state highway and city streets, 18,741 street signs and 1,500 miles of drainage ditch.
Nonconstruclion work included 7i distribution of 3,000,000 quarts of trolled and virtually state-owned president since 1933 but does not assume his full duties until the opening of the current season. He has been connected with the park for the last 16 years. His first job was that of picking up papers during the early morning hours before the park opened for the day. Mr. Parker has been with the park since his return from overseas service during the World War.
Hid first post at Riverside was that of brakeman on the old Thriller. New attractions and more athletic contests will be held this year, Mr. Coleman said. Announcement that Frank Holmes has been appointed pro Silk-Sifted FACE POWDER This Sensational Offer Made to Show You the Neu "Glamour Illusion" Make-up With Silk-Sifted Powder. milk, 42,000,000 pounds of food Institution during the last year of S-A --r the Civil War, 1865.
stuffs to the needy, renovation of 1,800,000 school and library books. In the early days Hoosier cit serving of 2S0.000 lunches to needy school children and production of articles, including cloth ing, towels and bed covers. Tony inkle to Speak At Banquet in Church Paul (Tony) Hinkle, director of athletics at Butler University, will be guest speaker at a fathers and sons' banquet, sponsored by the Layman's League of All Souls Unitarian Church, in the church at 6:30 o'clock Friday night. Mr. Hinkle will speak on "How Athletics Improve the Mind and Body and Affords Recreation for Old and Young." Herbert O.
Bloemker will izens had unfortunate experience with finances. There had been wildcat banks and various kinds of banking troubles; they had used "shin plasters" and small segments of silver money for change. Tut on Firm Basis. But the Legislature of 18.14 J. motion manager again this season ANGLER HOOKS CYCLE.
Crockett, April 8. (U.P.) -An unidentified fisherman made and praised by many movie ajueena, aa-ciety women and thousands. Be th envy of your friends with this new jew airy sensation. See how TAYTON'S silk-aifted Face Powder fives your make-up that "Clamour Illusion" effect like tha Hollywood stars. Hurry don't miss this offer! All you do to fet your TAYTON bracelet is buy a 10c or 2Se box af TAYTON'S Fac Powder in your dime atore, druf or dept.
store. If your favorite toilet foods counter Is not stocked insist they order for you. Tear off tha pink band around box and mail It te Tayton Room 1021 3631 Main St, Kansas City, Mo, THIS buatiful 24 Karat fold liniih charm brae. let with four 24 Karat f.ld fiaah food luck charm attached a wiihbana, bluebird, haruthe and lour laaf clavtr will ha fives you absolute-If tree. The latest jawelty rati it'a raviauiljr smart.
Designed axactlr like tha $60 fold bracelet presented lovely Marfaret Lindsay tar her treat motion picture work. It's yours free solely ta introduce yau te the exquisite silky liaeaeas af TAYTON'S silk-silted Face Powder and th new "Glamour Illusion" affect tha new skin tones five your nuke-up. Com On Ilka tha down on a flower petal. Does not cake. Clinfs for hours.
Helss cover little blemishes. Used also was made by the directors. Arthur V. Broun exdmlnes the original copy of the charter of the George Golding will manage the Showboat, refreshment gardens. Changed all this, and put banking State Bank of Indiana, (Below One of the first notes.
A first aid station will be main In Indiana on a firm basis. That the catch of the season here. He cast his line and snagged a motorcycle which had been reported to the police as missing. tained at Riverside park through Two years later his company assumed $640,000 of the state's debt. out the summer, under direction legislative session provided for the State Bank of Indiana, and that financial institution turned out to a phenomenal success.
Although the bank went hand In hand with the "internal improvement system," and was supported by the same people, it rode along throughout its existence in good shape while the "internal Improve ment system" collapsed and car Tied the state to bankruptcy. The Legislature met in Decern ber, 1833, and on the fourth day ing business done between banks and their customers through a large part of its career. "If the history of this bank should be written it would be both interesting and instructive," he wrote, "It would be the history of a bank which, although established in a new state and committed to the charge of inexperienced men, through periods of speculation and depression, prosperous and unpros-perous years, was so managed as largely to Increase the wealth of the state and secure for Itself a reputation for honorable dealings and fidelity to its engagements which placed it in the front rank of wisely and honorably conducted banking institutions." Strength of the State Bank of Indiana and its excellent management was revealed in the fact that, it survived the panics of 1837 and 1857, and was one of the three hanks in the entire United States that weathered the financial storm Oi the panics. Lanier Headed Branch. or me montn a committee of the House and Senate was appointed to prepare a bill for creation of a state bank.
The act Incorpor ating the bank was approved Jan 28, 1834. Noah Noble, then Gov ernor, had been one of the1 advo cates of the state bank plan. Cashier Elected. It was shortly after the approval of the act that the printers, the nrm of Douglass Maguire, whose Imprint is on the document owned now by Mr. Brown, turned out the booklet.
Acting under authority of this charter, the directors met within a few days after approval of the One of the outstanding men connected with the bank was J. F. D. act reb. 13 and elected James Lanier, head of the Madison branch.
The famous Lanier home m. Kay cashier. (The first president was Samuel Merrill, and the state directors 'Included Lucius II. Scott, Scton W. Norris, Calvin Fletcher nnd Robert Morrison.
in Madison now is a state-owned shrine and Is one of the finest ex amples of early American architecture. Each year it is visited by The president, under terms of the hundreds of persons from this charter, was elected bv the Gen and other states. eral Assembly. -The state directors William W. Woollen, in his "Biographical and Historical Sketches of Early Indiana" said that in 1846, when the war with Mexico broke out, Mr.
Lanier, then head of the Madison branch, offered financial assistance to the state. "War not having been anticipated by the Federal Governor," he said, "no provision had been made for clothing and feeding the soldiers. To meet the emergency the Madison Branch Bank, then under the presidency of Mr. J. Fi D.
Lanier, tendered Governor Whltcomb a sum of money sufficient to clothe and feed the Madison soldiers until they were mustered into service. The Governor having made other arrangements, declined the offer, but his action in the premises was such as to occasion much criticism at the time." were chosen in the same manner. The president was allowed a salary between $1,000 and $1,500 a year. At their first meeting the directors established branches In Indianapolis, Lawrenceburg, Richmond, Madison, New Albany, Evansville, Vincennes, Bedford, Terre Haute and Lafayette. Later they added branches in Fort Wayne, South Bend and Michigan City.
Sponsor Sale of Stock. Working rapidly, the directors sponsored sale of bank stock and May 20, 1934, the stock was reported fully subscribed, and Aug. 6 the state made Its loan to pay for half of the stock. The charter stated that "the capital stock of said bank shall be $1,600,000, in shares of $50 each, one-half thereof to be subscribed for and owned by the state of Indiana, and the other half by individuals or corporations." The bank charter provided that the various branches should be mutually responsible for all the debts, notes and engagements of each branch. The operations of the state-controlled bank were to help finance public education In Indiana, and Sec.
15 of the charter provided: "There shall be deducted from the dividends and retained in bank each year the sum of 12 cents on each share of stock, other than that held by the state, which shall constitute part of the permanent fund to be devoted to purposes of Years later, during the Civil War I I 1 when Mr. Lanier headed the New York firm of Winslow, Lanier he loaned Indiana more than $1,000,000 to finance this state's Nrftcted Kn-Actlon Riding System (With Improved Shoclproof Steering) Ride In a Chevrolet and experience the unmatched comfort and safety of this feature. Knee-Action available on Master De Lux models only. Inclusive Vacuum teanhlft Vttnia Imw Swill th) Mms EM A imall lever conveniently located on lb steering column enables you h) shift gears swiftly and effortlessly. part in the war.
The first part ot the loan was $420,000, which was used to finance A the first six infantry regiments mustered into service, in Indiana. Chevrolet is first in sales because it's first in 53 Photo Art Topic For Kiwanis Club tyling first in acceleration first in hill-climbing and first in value in its price range! New "ObMrvatlM Car" Visibility See end be safe! Chevrolet's wider windshield and large, squared windows give visibility that will remind you of the observation ear of a modern train. common school education, under New Atre-Stream Styling New Sedles by Fisher The smartest enpretslon of the newest style trend Imparting an entirely new appearance of greater length, lowness and luxury. The art of photography will be discussed by Brandt Steele, Indianapolis architect and son of the late T. Steele, noted Indiana artist, at the luncheon program of me direction of the General Asem-bly, and shall be suffered to remain in bank and accumulate until such appropriation by the General Assembly and such tax shall be In lieu of all other taxes and as the Kiwanis Club in the Columbia Club Wednesday noon.
sessments on the stock in said Chevrolet is winning leadership in sales because outstandini leadership in quality features identifies Chevrolet as the only low-priced car combining 'all that's best at lowest cost." Visit your nearest. Chevrolet dealer today! See, drive and buy the nation's fastest selling motor car and the nation's biggest dollar-value! Chevrolet is winning leadership in sales because outstandini leadership in performance enables Chevrolet to out-accelerate and out-climb all other low-priced cars! Chevrolet is winning leadership in sales because outstandini leadership in stylint marks Chevrolet as the most beautiful car In its price range! bank. $5 Smallest Note. The bank was prohibited, bv an Tipte-otl Clutch Mr. Steele will describe some of his experiences in his travels and study in this and other countries.
He studied as an architect at Grasset School of Design in Paris, the Sorbonne in Paris and at the University of Munich. Mr. Steele studied designing and drawing under his father and taught designing at John Herron other section of its charter, from Issuing any note of less than $5. 1 vo presiaeni, casmer, cierK or teller of the bank or anv of Its The greatest clutch advancement in years exclusive ta Chevrolet in Its price range operating with a minimum of pedal pressure adding still further to Chevrolet driving easel Chevrelet'i hmii Vlv-ln-Haad tlx Her the angina without em equal in the low-price field. Bringing you an unmatched combination of power, acceleration, economy and dependability.
Art Institute. He has devoted his 0 photographic experience to architectural lines and his pictures have been displayed in prominent salons of Europe, Japan and the United States. branches was permitted to serve in either House of the General Assembly by another stipulation of the charter. The first report of the State Bank of Indiana was made to the Legislature in January, 1835, and showed deposits of notes In circulation, cash on hand, specie, $751,083 bills of other banks, $78,150. The bills which the' bank issued mmrnmEf AMNItAl MOTORS VAIUI Th Only low-tried Car Combining 0 01 bore the portraits of officials, one "ALL THAT'S BEST AT LOWEST COSH series having portraits of Mr.
Mer rfctd Hydrtulk Ink Chevrolet's famous Perfected Hydraulic trades, phn new Trigger-Control emergency Irate, mean deueJe safety for your ramltyi rill and Hugh McCulloch, who also served as president Mr. Merrill was cashier when that particular series or bills was issued. Catholic Youth Group Will Sponsor Dance Members of the St. Patrick's Young People's Club of the Catholic Youth organization will sponsor a dance to be held April 18 in the Riviera Club. Members of the committee on arrangements are Paul Gootee, chairman; Marion Tinder, John Gallagher, Felix Chiplis, Jack Clark, Ernest Greenwood, Frances Wade, Josephine Kot, Martina Keller, Vivian Miller, Rosemary Lindner, Rose Gallagher and Mr.
McCulloch afterwards served as secretary of the Treasury under tnree Presidents. He was appointed cashier and manager of the Fort SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Wayne branch. Lauds Conduct of Business. lit. McCulloch, In writing of the tank of Indiana, said, "there Theresa Koernei.
tr a rrrt irtoletwat bank Carl miitn is. club srtsidtnt iaClUb.
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