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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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HOPE STAR, MOPE, ARKANSAS Monday, December 23, 1086 3Li ii i mil" Wfelrt'c! "every Week-day afternoon by Star Publishing Inc. Palmer Alfis. H. Washbufn), at The Star building, 212-214 South street, Hope, Arkansas. CE, PALMER, ALEX.

tl. WASHBtJRN, Editor and Publisher as second-class matter at the postofflce at Hope. Arkansas tinder the Act of March 3. 1897. ,5 tteflnltloil: "The newspaper is an institution developed by modern eivil- iiatlon tft present the news of the day, to fostdr comnrterce and industry, Widely circulated advertisements, and to furnish that check upon Which no constitution has ever bien able 16 Col.

R. a McCdrmfek. A Subscription Kate (Always Payable in Advance): By city carrier, per 15c; per month 6Sc; one year $6.50. By mail, in Hempstead, Nevada, JfewarU Milfcr and LaFayette counties. $3.50 per year: elsewhere $6.50.

Member '6t the Associated Press: The Associated Press is exclsuively entitled to the use lor republication of all hews dispatches credited to it or! not otherwise credited itt this paper and also the local news published herein. I Notional Advertising- Representatives: Arkansas Dailies, Memphis. I Siericfe Bldg.J New York City, 369 Lexington: Chicago, 111., 75 E. Wack- I er jftrive; Detroit, Woodward St. Louis.

Star Bldg. Charges on Tributes, Charges will be made for all tributes, cards I of resolution, or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial newspapers hold to this policy in the news columns to protect their readers from a deluge of space-taking memorials. The Star disclaims responsibiliety for the safe-keeping or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. Any Old Trinkets? centers threatening to rob New York i of its leadership in the field.

i This book sets forth all this history. contains brief critiques of some scores of American painters, and presents' innumerable reproductions of repre- sentative American canvases. All in all, it is a valuable and interesting book. "i Published by Reynal and Hitchcock i it'sells for S2.75. By DR.

MORRIS FlSHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, and of Hygela, the Health Magazine After tho proteins and the carbohydrates in our food, in order of importance, come the lats. There is a limit-to the amount of we caneat. but whatever we do take- in provides about the en- 0 time of great too-much." ergy or calory value, of stored pro- bo christmas been described, teins, or of glycogen, which is carbo- And ny ways I agree. Thore hydrate. I are far instance, the feet of tired By Olive Roberts Barton some house shoes and a litle negro, doll.

Don't forget my little sister, Ann Howard, she is eight weeks old. Billle Houston. Furthermore, fats have their chief 1 ks Wearied postmen value in the human body as the car- ery Pv' riers of vitamins, which are found Powder, of course, stays on longer sleepless anc looks smoothcr if you use a cot- more abundantly in them than in any Otter foods. Vitamin and vitamin A. especially avej found They are known as tK fat-soluble vitamins.

Actually 't don't believe there can ton pad to press it firmly against face, be too much Christmas as far and throat, whisking off the merry-making goes, but the mechan- sur lus several minutes later. It al- ical end, of and Christmas ay ac Ur C( cards all'piled into the last four or no in, VllclIIlllu, niu icuri, I 1 i "Pet appears in the- human body in i five days, lays a penalty on those who 1Uy whlte whether you re sun-tanned or two forms. There is.that of the tissue, stored 1 tip to provide the body with materials in times of starvation. 'Carbohydrates, when taken in ex-) cess, may be deposited in the body in fat. But when carbo- do much to serve us.

Lipstick must be put on from corner hydrates and proteins are stored in fore the great day arrived. Recently' I wrote an article about to corner anci along the inside edges the unwisdom of beginning the holi- which show when you laugh and talk. day month before Christmas mnkcup. if used at all, should be Marcus, it was, who had his fill of usecl s' Santa and toy departments long be- i If you are one who touches your upper lids with a bit of white vaseline, remember that this, too, depends on subtlety for flattering effect. Vaseline that runs down at the corners and makes lids look greasy instead of shiny is an ugly sight indeed.

Buckley Infant. Glacline Buckley, infant daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. L.

Buckley, died Monday at her home at McCaskill. Letters to Santa Claws Hope, 123 N. Walnut St. Dear Santa: I am a little boy almost two years old and I want you to bring me a big rubbar ball, blocks, the body, they retain at least three pprts of water. Fats may be deposited in the body When fats are digested, most; of the process takes places in the duodenum, or upper part of.

the small intestine. 'The ferments which.take care of this digestion jfcice' that comes from the pancreas and the 'bile which cones from the liver. -Fats are not as -well used by the as carbohydrates or proteins. 1 Physiologists have had a hard time 'D 'a JO 'Xijsnpuj 'neajnq sty oj Xq pamoojd aq UEO jo nBajnH ssau A'q aqv tv aq pmoqs jo XqM. SUOBB3J AtBlU OJ8 jb 'jaoueo 3ur op seq jaip isq; uofjou ain jaj ou ieaui jo eq; si JEIJM pus jaauea SB qans 'sasaa jo Dsrico juajod SB loip jo imtip tioX op 'b uojjsinb A merchant read that story and al- though he agreed with me, explained! that business people had been driven to early decorations and advertising, not to sell lirORE (because the family purse is pretty well budgeted but to the buying.

"Some people never- thirilc' of" the circus until they hear, the calic-pe," he said. Late Shopping Causes Delay same way with holiday i trade. Not only that, but we cannot! tell just what type of article will prove i popular and run out. Re-orders take I tune and often the identical piece of i merchandise cannot be procured, with- i a search.T We have to allow for -that. One' of-'our chief difficulties at' Christmas is to accomadate the late shcpper-and procure for her a special book she for her son or a particular for her daughter in time to put under the tree.

If these do not materialize before Christmas, it is just too bad. No one wants to children; neither does a storekeeper, We used to-urge early shopping. Now we have learned the psychology of the late buyer and hang up the holly the I first of December or earlier." A photographer said practical the I same "There used to be more disappointments about family pictures than anything else," he admitted, "Most photographers now are pre- pared to take care of the late-comers Cjtl Mary Raymond ight NEA BEGIN ur.HK TODAY Porccn lire nt work that Ilirciit- cn flie finpfilncAM of lovcJy jho resigned himself to a 'five-mln- She i 'te interlude with Paula. linpiilnc.SH of lovely 13V and her iittriic-iivc looked queer, excited. "What's on your mind?" Scott blind, Oil.

SCOTT STAN 1.13 Y. striiHRl'i'S fuuns pliyHielnn, Diinn'B vplio had Imped Nhe mnrry riell KOX- MOORE, in casor for the mnrringc to KO on the who lifts been luipi'leialy in lore Scott (or yearn, also lioiios the mnrrins-t- will tnll. Dunn's linlt-xlstor, iVANCTf, IB rteepl-y in love with Uonnld. Knowing lie lot-en Diina. slie ni.iKkH her reeling liohiiul nil tnR'onlstic nHituile.

I'atiln KOCH to Scon's olllce nnil iisk.s him to preserihe for Per answer, Paula caught and drew him inside his the room. Since lie had left the apartment, five minutes earlier, all the lights i except a few shaded wall lamps grinned at Her. His face was slightly flushed, Dana noted, and there was a smell of liojjor, too. She said, "1 know! It ninsi have been real entertainment to keep you out nCter 3." "I was at Paula's," ho said. "At Paula's!" Dana's heart, which had been heating quite normally moment nntore.

missed a hpnt. Sho repeated. "At Paula's." "Thai's what 1 said." had been turned off. The room was in a soft glow. Paula was islanding close to Scott.

Suddenly she put her arms around his neoU, vere lieniiiielie'. Ki-nti pulled his bead down toward her i-irt like a lilllo "lirfw by Pnuln'K liystericsil ili-seripilmi ulvp of her siifTcrins. Pauln tells Dnun nhotit Inneheon wllh Seott, mid a Seott. nlniiist iinnrrvl llnna when xlic ciiiextlniiN lilin Inter. Scott nt tends Ponveiilion, Re- unexpectedly, lie Iliuls Dunn hns jrnno to tllnner puny, lie noeenls invltiitlon COTT round himself hficnming angry.

It wasn't like Onnn to ard her fnct face, his lips toward hers. I ramp home." Scott explained, Scott loosened her arms quickly, clipnod. cnrc.ful tones, "and you've beon dvinklng too i found you gone. Then Paula Hope, Ark. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy almost seven years old.

1 go to school like it fine. want you to bring me boots, boot pants, spurs, a cowboy ranch set cut out book, fireworks, fruits and candy. Douglas Mulllns. Ozan, Arkansas. Dear Santa: 1 am a little boy six years old.

For Christmas I would like a pair of gloves, a doublcbarrel shotgun, and a cnr, That's all for this time Santa. Don't forget my baby sis- tor Martha Ann, daddy and i mother. I would like firewrks. Ifj you add anything to this I would like a tractor. James Monroe Osborne.

nice, 1 want a very lorpe doll, apples, oranges and nuts. My teacher Is Mrs. Johnson. I like her just fine. forget my little girt friend, don't get my little sisters and brothers.

Symlnla Woodberry. Season's Greetings "Say It With Flowers" FLORAL HILL GARDENS Phone 369 Hart Brannon Prcscotl, H. F. D. 5 Dear Santn Clnus: 1 am a little girl 11 years old an din the fifth grade, to Nolen school, teacher, Mrs.

L. V. Johnson. I like her just fine. I want yo uto bring ine set of dishes, a doll, piano, apples, candy, nuts and all things nice for a little girl like me, and don't forget my mother and father, sister and brother and my teacher.

Susie Mfte Snowden. Prescott, Ark. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me hook.s for Christmas. I am in the 48. am trying hard to make another grade by the time the term ends.

I am 12 years old, my teacher, Mrs. L. V. Johnson is a good teachr. I love her very much.

Ruth Lee Jnckson. Frcscott, 5, Box 5. Dear Santa Claus: I have been very of HAPPINESS From us (o you and all the best wishes for this hafipy season thank you for the patronage vof tho past year and our hope 'for the New Ycur is for our mutual friendship to deepen. LEWIS BEAUTY SALON tS4. Another Yule Log is rolling in and once again cheerful greetings ring 'round the world.

We like the season and most of all we like to say "Merry Christinas to You All!" HOBBS GROCERY Our Sincere Wish To Our Friends and Patrons Is These Simple Words MERRY CHRISTMAS The Cleaner much, arid don't know what you're railed nsldiiR us to cnmo over for doing," he said. "I do know! 1 she cried wildly. SOW fiO ON WITH TUP, STORY CHAPTER XXIX AULA'S bridge party had In- crenscrt to throe tables by the i "Oh. Snott. don't leave me now.

jStay, stay!" Scott's voice was cold and stern. "Go to bed. Paula, and sleep It off." He opened the door and stepped Into the hall. Her deep tlme's'poa The hip liv- sobs wore following him. Not fixing the safe low limit governing and do mirpcles with retouching and in o- ron looked cheerful nnd for tho elevator, he ran the amount of fat that we ought to finishing.

They work all night for! comnar son to the lonely tlio stups. He couldn't get weeks and hire extra people for the emergency. Few pictures are actually i promised that cannot be delivered, even at the last moment. Getting Best for Money When people are trying to reduce and are talcing small amounts of food daily, for example as little as 600 to 900 calories, the amount of fat to which they take should be restricted is from 20 to 25 grams each day. This is about i a11 in that family group for Daddy has gauze 'the floor for days, then flayed were donpor purple velvet nans- ho had just left.

Paula's apartment was attractive; In a say and colorful way. It was Mite Paula herself, vivid and insls- into the clean, bracing air soon ennnglu But many a mother who has put her 1 tent. Strips of lavender and green in that famil rou for Dadd has gauze hung at the windows. lieie ANA had come home from tho dinner at 12. And now it was 3.

a tentative the other pillow sev- an ounce. When a person is eating a well-balanced diet containing 2500. calories a day, he can take twice as much fat each day, or about two ounces. he is a hard worker and takes pillows'of green and lavender ornl times during the night. She is looking for.

It arrived on Christmas gold. Bowls of dogwond on the light as often. Eve, but in the meantime she has lost i soms one forget that it was nt wns simply not here he- sleep. Yes, surely we welcome the late comers. Were in busiess, aren't wo? We want and need the trade.

I am from 3000 to 3500 calories a day, at I trying to show merely that if people- least 100 grams may be in fat. A hun- could manage to attend to things dred grams is a little less than a quarter pound. A Book a Day By Bruce Catton earlier they would save themselves worry get the best for their money." But as foi- me, I see the tired ones' whose idea of Christmas is to stay in bed all day with a box of aspirin near. a rainy, dreary April nlRht out- sirle, Thore was Kruat deal of cheerful chatter. And Scott, who hart forgotten lus resentful, deserted husband fouling of a short while before, created a mild uproar when side her.

Ho hadn't come in quietly and crawled into bed without disturbing her. Could there nave been an acrldentV No! she couldn't hear such a dreadful thought. Scott drove rapidly lots of times. bridge." "So yon wont to Paula's instead of comiriR to the UtchardKons as Bill asked you to do." "1 didn't know how formal Bill's party was, nud I didn't feel like dross ing." "You stayed away until past 3," JJnnn snlil. She was ashamed of herself, but the long wait, odor of liquor and something in Scott's ryes combined to make her foel terribly shaken.

"If you don't nolievo me, call Irene Winchester nnd ask her what lime we left," ficntt suggested coldly. "I suppose tlity were to leave," Dan said. "We ioft Scntt taied. chocking hlmsolt. "Well?" "Look here, Dana, I'm sick of this Infernal questioning." Dana's face was so st-'lckeri that lie added.

"If you mum know, 1 was leaving with them, when ho related his humor -about his own ous emliellli-liments- state of mind Dana wns not disconsolately be there hod been a blowout. Or perhaps the medical meeting had May ranln called me back for some Id I- had to stay overnight. home, but having a swell time surcl y- In that case, he otic reason." "What did she want?" "Not a diu-ii thing!" By time Scott was raging. It Ihia was served. Scott would have telephoned.

Dana discard the thought of an accident. By this time she too much. Perhaps that was the reason her bridge game was going By Alicia Hart The key grated In the door. Scott entered, tip-toeing in the KO badly. Sho appeared to be play-j (Inrkness dun man-Cushion.

ing mechanically, lost in a vague th the Oana reaHzcili of Scott tried to warn of us take it for granted that! Ma ot hel th last-minute has always been a land foray into the shops. This is ligitimate i vnmoiii nun. wWch the fine arts drooped and wiit- i and excusable. But it is well to: Drinks were UC11L llllB vlmo BllB wj ed. So many precious painters have understand that good-nature go along.

thought that Paula was drinking avvake te iy alarmed made so much noise getting up the and patience. gangplanks of Paris boats that we as- iume that art is an unknown puantity an the history of the republic. There is a good corrective to this point of view in "Art in America," a fine book edited by Holger Cahill and Alfred H. Barr, Jr. These men have marshaled a number of experts to trace -the history of painting, architecture, and sclupturc- in America, and the result is both interesting and tn- Jjghtening.

Portrait painters were making a liv- ing in. New England as early as 1640. sort of haze. her tactfully. "You'll he calling me i no( wn jf ng el Sc tt sue i tomorrow to prescribe for a real hy bed yw itching on lloney? lenisiche.

"What do you mean tomorrow?" "i so worried I couldn't Winchestnr said, smiling. 'sleep." Dana said. "Where on Its 2 in. now." earth have you been?" "IVs not possible!" Scott ex- "Where have you been, you claimed. "Sorry (o break up the mean?" Scott countered genially.

The woman who has U-oublc putting game, but my wife's at home "I came the way home puritan tradition did not discour- her makeup on smoothly and evenly alone." -and found that you had been pretty hard when a man had definitely, unequivociibly put temptation behind him to he met with suspicion and tlisirust. True, the temptation. In thn guise of a woman with all her defenses down, weakly throwing herself at his head, had hecn no temptation at all. Scott had been revolted by Paula's oxhibiiion. Yet here wns Dana, surveying him with unhappy, accusing eyes.

"Dana," he suid, reaching out toward her. "Don't kiss me, Scott!" "If that's the way you feel about it, I won't," ha retorted angrily. Dana heard him go to the linen closet in Hie hall. Ho came back into the room with a blanket on 9go painting; on the contrary, it seems so she will look the same day aiur, she was at the Richavdsons, running around to parlies, young hl It I dav (not the- iiexl't s-hnulrl i-nii ran rnimt on hcnlinsr IIPP linnin u. nl Lin lieu Olll ina to have nourished it.

day (not the next) should experiment you can count on beating her home, woman. before the a sturdy with different kinds cf rouge and at that." Sam said. "Lots of times Dana laughed. "You didn't stay and competent group of American I ipcnd a good deal of time learning their guests stay for breakfast." I for the meeting?" light. In the cold, gray morning, Dana painters h'ad taken shape; down to the put them on correctly.

"Please don't so until we finish i "No. phoned Bill from the of- awoke arter a tful sleep. Scott time of the Civil War the artist was Rouge never should be blended be- this rubber," Paula put in. I flee. I was trying to get up a waa lyl tlouul up on one ot THE Williams Lumber its directors and its employes extend to their friends in Hope and Southwest Arkansas their wholehearted best wishes for a joyous Christmas and for a most promising New Year.

It is our sincerest hope that the eyes of good health and good fortune will look kindly on each of you during the holiday season and for the coming New Year. With Deepest Gratitude, We Each MERRY CHRISTMAS an honored citizen, doing much good low the imaginary line from the end work. of the nose to the tip of the car. Keep Then came a lag. Post-Civil War it well up on your cheek bones where 1 but it ended fl na Then the "Didn't lie ask you to Join us? I bridge game, and he told me you I L1)e ade( luatB sofas, with a blan- TT was a long drawn-out rubber.

were there." Uil WUL JL VUUC'U A L1CU VUC JVJUU 1 LU JIJ1 America was one great boom pink would show you had a natur- i vl roon) was aulck deserted. "Yes, but 1 decided to and the arts fell on evil I ally high color. Don put it on your tl though such gifted men as Homer, i ears, hollow your throat, eyelids RyoW. and Inness found it possible or under your chin. Pick a shade that; Scott and to flourish, regardless.

Ol late a reaction has come end makes you look naturally healthy. Wiuchestors As they were Paula called, Cream or Uciuid rouge ought to be a moment. Scott!" wceitent; diSinc- applied after foundation and before i ba fber w1 Wtetag Awe, PWdw. Dry varieties (best for oily 1 topatient look toward the eie- skins) should put on after pow.U-r. i vator as It snot downward.

And home." "You didu't stay long come did you?" "No. It was lonely as the devil without you." "So you went out to find amuBe- do you think?" ket halt across him. One arm sprawled grotesquely off the sofa, his hand the floor. "Poor darling." Dana thought In swift remorse. She lifted Scott's arm, pulled the cover up, tucking it about him closely.

Then she laid a repentant kiss on his forehead. (To De Continued) J. L. Williams Sons, Inc. Lumbering Along Since 1890.

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