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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 15

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MOM If A ft, MOM, ARKANSAS Augutt 4,1911 OWra MJtK ONI od and ForlUnt THREK mom furnlnhpd, Rtactrle puld, 204 Bonnor, Mn A. Bnbb, 22-tf UNFURNISHED 8 room apartment Prlynte Prlvnto ontrnncon. Attic fan. Pecan Clown Apnrt-», Dlnl 7-3471. 30-Ot TO coiipta, PumUnod roltngn pfli'trnvtil.

2 bull). Newly rednporMtd. Electric re- frlKcfiilor. nillH puld. 0)7 Oth, Plume GAttACII3 iipftctmcnl.

Kurnlnhpd. All paid. lU'tit ri'tmm- note. Tulophuna 7-2MI or 7-OIM7. a HOOM houw.

CUM bv used in duplex, 1002 Eflut Second, Can Carl Orunor, 7-4343. 4 ROOM lirumt? with 1'iith nnd HWfitgn, I block went of High School, Plump 7-44M. :) nnd biith. IVIvnto front And back entrance, 4ftt Ninth Mnln Slrt'ot, Wilt inftko ntfrftcUvi; price fur 0-3t IX FHANKLIN A Dulrmny, C'O, Notice CO, by itlt MM M.rch In oU- IK and atd, 1IMM1IIH mhi moil tM UO 1,10 3,38 -n 1 1,00 Slwle SOS.T.KOI OQIlai 2, 340 N. Chltooo 60 York N.

li IK. for weal printed In ml) ni oil irvieei Offered Q( high work oontnat Clttr- Phono 7-20U or MAUL and uprcml $1.25 yard. Ornvol nvollnbto. Foy Hnrnmoni Phono 7-2090, JO-lM For Sole Wonttd trf the flnwt tfirh but need one more. furnish Carroll, in euU ton.

Diamond 83.U Apply Diamond Cafa. Mm. HKAUT1PUL (junlHy Holnteln llelf- em, $71) up. Munition Mink, up. Vnlght JfonnK.

Lomlrn, WU Atluntii, THfSW rlutinod KHturta Frocli from orchnrd fiu'li djiy, mHo nit 07. 8fl.Qi 12 ft, NOl'BO BllUllf) coili'h, Hllllt, M-i'onil hilhd hi'lckd. J'horio ooa S. lOlni. 3l 0t 1IMIO holi'ii coinnuin Hi'nns hny now bohiH out.

flflc huh' (it prcHd nt Of.ttn. Krldiiy nnd Snturdny, John Burrow, 7-4404. ai-at Polity Announcements iUr li tuthorlMd to wit foltowlai eandltUtti for public office fubjtet to iht action of Democratic primary For Tax Aitcitor OUT STUART For Circuit cjtrk OARRETT WTU48 8, A. (Speedy) HUT8ON For TALBOT FEILD JR. For County Judge CLAUD H.

BUTTON U. CJARRETT For COOK For Alderman Ward 1 R. C. (Bob) DANIELS JOK JOURS For Ward I PRRD JOHNSON DWIQHT HinaniLL For Alderman Ward I D. L.

TOM J. SILVEY DR. V. C. CROW Chancellor Olvlilon.

flth Dlitrlot) WESLEY HOWARD P. STKKI, rnmioy in pnviftg In Chi- rock loud con- en. got mrifiy for thf resurfacing of streets und- Hill Thompwm, Thin win corrupt nd K.itiiBii bill then, that gin-t for rminlrlpnl government In practically iill tho time Nfifilnl hud pruepiu which per! initltrd him lo thi' original fmiriftntiiin In rnpnvlnn I CI.IK.O hnil it financial Interest In iMVintf ''(impound which iinf-il on runny (mlillc in Hum'- doytt Mlki- wan only one (i flt'lioiil of murderous crirti intili in the- union rnckKx In Chi i-nfio who WITC known IIH a innflii i.x fume thi-y wi-n- cither irnrnl- from ll.ily or nl Irn Mfiny of them wt-rc I i illrd off Iri ovi-v union JIM luilii linn (mil territorial nioiinp I iilii'ii in and Itnuxc. In IIH7, Niinlni wroli- letter lo fi-ili-inl pinole bonrd ndvociit- I itiH fin by Louis Cum i nllas l.lttlf New York, for rHiM-n' from Atliintfi prlnon whcir- lie whfi dolru! ten of tl.i mob who hud loldx'd tin- wurkliiK Rllffs (if Uir ninvic iiiilii'itiy of Minri- thnn I mlllloti dnllnni. Ttu-y hnd liiken i Jinolhcr nillljon, morr or less, from the Hollywood mriKiKiteH, but thnt much bribery UN extortion.

Tin- win kern wciri- Kyppcil by this piocoi imrl the purpose of the miiKimtes to buy off thi- Itrowni'-Mloff mob so thai they would not luivc lo pny hlghor COTTON 8TAT68 L6AOU6 Meridian Natchez Grrenwood HI Dorado I'IMC Bluff M-inroo Hot 69 62 55 S3 52 37 73 night's Hnl If) Greenville Kl Uorodo 7 Nalchux 1 1'iiu- Bluff 3 Greenwood Meridian 7-3 Monroe 3-0 38 44 ,40 51 51 52 68 ofl Pet .937 .557 .529 .510 .405 .495 .359 .359 Cieeuwood lit Plni: Bluff (2) (li' t-iiville at Hut Springs Meiidiati at Monroe at Kl Dorado SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Atlanta Moblli; 04 02 57 53 58 )2 For O1UCN HARRIS hiitl I lii few Hirmlnjrhnm I.iillo flock I. ust night's results: rhiitt.moomi Nnshvillo Little Hock 5 Memphis 1 Mobile Bh-mlnghum 1 Atlanta 4-3 New Orleans Tonight's Koines; Nashvillf nl Chuttonooga I.Hilo Hock nt Memphis Mirminghnrn at Mobile Atlanta fit Orleans I. 52 52 33 37 00 03 62 03 Pet .552 .544 .543 .509 .487 .457 .450 .452 1-2 vlnnn nnd 'd Khiwi-r Mn In. KISIIINC! worms, ulr iiiin flfl crntu ilojtfn, H. For Sole or Rent 3 1MSDIIOQM nlr phiot hinmn, FHA tlbim, lU'iinonablo price'.

Ilni-Uflcld, 100U W. Avo. Sum n. Shontz Bests Boston for Mother iftturo throw rnlnstunn th Bouton tU-il Sox tossod In ulitl butters. To top couldn't control his liltuh.

Fair Enough By Woitbrook Poglor Copyright, V952 By King Syndicate. WKDNKSDAY'S BASEBALL By The Associated Press NATIONAL LEAGUE Dy WE8TBROK PEOLER (Copyright, I9R2, Klnq Fanlures Inc.) CIIICAaO, AUK. .1 ir Nome-1 tlnii'M 1 sri'iit crltlciil of of onr press for fnllnri 1 In In Iho linllnm of the story, let mi'I olfi-r PHMI' of Sinn Nnnlni lumdlrd by (hi 1 Tncxon the i ovttnlnjj pupi'r r.f (lie city which i In my home i The CilUen IUIM pubilshcd rnp-l tnrmiH (ii'llclini iilnud Mr. Nnnlni. who Hinldenly lo our

wont Into hltihxviiy ronMtrncllon, rim up subdivision, ricnrml imnlluM- expanse nnd Hturt- cotton ritni-li wittered by I'lvi-rtt of our pri'ckiiiN tri-usiiry druwn from ih cfiillimi underground water ttililc, llo him nlsn Into inir locnl public school pnlllles UN very forwiird-lookliiK follow. Hi- was oli-ctcd lo the country club, which lius dvclliifd to lulinit other cltltcns of ndmlruble chnrncter, wild Into our old pueblo club, loo. Covering the Chicago union rack- els exposing some of the foul- cut unhunn, many of whom opurnte In collusion with eontnie- toi'K, 1 Inns ago unveiled Mike I'nr- HHI. who begun magnate In WIIK driinktM) bum who ii Ncelic-sliiftcr. Illoff wus who xntherod up liiimp.s and opened a brothel OVIT saloon.

He alx In jiill nnd finally hud to servo it, but on the cushions, with ii tuli of beer in his office In the clink where the rnovlu cume afiir to woo hl.s favor, Brooklyn Nnmni's friend, Campacna, alias New York I.title New York, and his eolleaiuics Louis finally ten years. All wore Philadelphia sprunK out of prlnon whun they had Chicano jiervcil minimum of! Boston yoar.i. Oohorty. of the i Cincinnati 'rrllnine, a wonderful old ritthljurjjh reporter, who had wtitchodj WKDNKSDAY'S SCHEDULE this filthy crew for years, exposed! Uiooklyn nt New York Umdrlim the deal so rampamm and others! ii.oi vs. Lanier (S-7 or Wilht-lin to HO back.

Thereafter, up in Dcmocratli: i St. I.ouls at PilUburKh (2) (two- corpiiHi-s and np-lnitjht) Clark tO-0) and Slaley (13 Democrats Won 00 01 50 54 51 .42 43 30 Pet. O.B. 31 .080 37 .022 5 .573 10 .535 14 .500 17J.J .420 25V. .413 41 44 47 51 511 01 77 had case not fouled linlilicK, habeas peiil.i.

Then the Hie Ill-Ill election so that IN just another department of justice job that will have to await the nil-ill day. John Tiberi, another pavinK contractor, also wrote for clemency for Campaiina, and ConKrussrnan l.tiisbey. who comes from Chicago knows the works In paving ami union raeket.s, noted for the rec- ortl thul cousin, Tony D'Andrea, had kept riuidy-mixi'd concrete out of Chicago for HO ycai's by refuslnu to let union pav- Inn workers handle the stuff. Tony wus one of Al Caponc's body- unil was pinched in Judge Wllkerson's courtroom for cnrrylni! a jjiin durinti Capone's trlai. Hurry Truman's patron and mentor.

Tom hud monopoly on rencly-mlxod concrete in Kiinsus City for many years including Truman's term as loyal heeler on the cr.unty hoard. Consrossman Uusbey said the union's objections to the use of leiuly-mixed concrete wore withdrawn after Tiberi, the contractor, lidded 1iis Indorsement to N.inlni's ill. Chicago at Cincinnti Minner vs. Pi-rkowski UO-(l) riiilndelphin at Boston (2) (two- Roberts (10-111 and Mayer VH Uickfnrd (7-10) and Wil- TUESDAY'S RESULTS New York 7 Brooklyn 6 (niKht- IJ innings) St. Louis 4 Pittsburgh 3 inningsl Cincinnati 4 Chicago 0 rhiliidelphiii at Huston (2-twi- night) postponed, rain.

AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet. G. B. Hut none of thoto dotorronto pre- prostitution and cume, on to dom-! inatw pick und Khovel lubnr. mostly for Campayna's pnrolo.

Bill it In days, and mostly! of the interna- Idnornnt nnd docile serfs of ihc of tho operntinu I'arjroni's, Mike WHS n-Kional I WR'neers. wot mock-work job for mitrnp of the 'hoodcin-rlers andi 0111 ot nls lfe ''s $29 dny on vented Qobb.v fmm tho innjoc first aO-tfame winner of last night ues' 1832 common laborers' union, which, in more thnn 30 years, never held one convention or election. He furnished thousandx of helpless hardworking ureenhorns fur tho contractors, taxlnti them for the priv ill-Be of wurkinu so hard for miserable existence, and owed Kovernmcnt a inuirtcr of racket Is ers' and com- and Naninl are New York 03 43 .594 Cleveland 59 47 .557 Boston 55 40 .545 Washington 54 49 .524 a Philadelphia 51 48 .515 8Vi Chicago 52 .509 9 St. Louis 44 03 .411 Detroit 30 08 .340 2U WKDNKSDAY'S SCHEDULE New York at Washington (night) 7:00 p. m.

Nixon (3-3) vs Byrd Cleveland at Chicago Wynn vs Dobson (9-9) Detroit at St. Louis (night) Trucks (4-13) vs Pierce (7-0) TUESDAY'S RESULTS Now York 3 Washington 2 (night phut lopped s-a. I'lic biuHust crowd of the xeu- 38.073, wutuhod, riwotlonwll.v hl and Rcrouuilng tlmo ShniUt threw or sot 1 million dollars in Incom man out, jwhon ho died In luxury lliu Uttli) lefty, who'll been colled Bfcat estate on Luke Michigan, everythlntt from mlnlscule Sum Naninl is a rich man as southpaw to the mighty atom, wus hu not fuilcii to inform UK- moat concerned abovtt the failure Tucson Cliuen and In- is of besi pitch a knucklor (mve jjlven the Halimi uovernment ttfK'f bocomlng the firat A's lot of money for charity. That to win 30 games so uorly in is, I read that he said so He the season Lefty Qruva per- fovnwd tin? Job in 831. has lost three, two to New York, and one tg Cleveland, 'T couldn't throw my knucklur whore 1 waniuct it to go," said quietly and laxlnu all 138 on a loom bench.

tried on several occasions to as the mon laborers. He old pals, too. In the congressional Inquiry Into the paroles, congressman Melvln C. Snyiler, of West Virginia, showed that Campugna had done ono It-vm for a bank robbery, had been taxes pinched on a gun charge, and was at his I Picked up in the murder ot iwo members of the Illinois Legislature, Kcprcscntutlvcs Prigiuuio and Additional Q. and A.

goes Thus: July 11, 193li, there- wns a charge against you for espionage one of the leaders of the Sicl- SPORTS ROUNDUP By OAYUE TAUBOT, Uw Mnit over lor was no go," the flve-liwt, and ono-hulf tnch oddt-d, "So Joe veaichei- hud me mis my with a Jast bail on Then wo on hHUi's and to bo the r'ght for thenu" into T.nvUivU« ui Ihe hjitt of t(ic first innbtK. Rain the dvlfty and looked a minutes like wight Uo But the storm subsided By OAYLE TALBOT NKW YOKK Somohow Cleveland 0-3, Chicago 0-6 rhiludelphia 5 Boston 3 (night) St. Louis 5 Detroit 1 might) PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Scuttle 7 Sacramento 3 San Diego 4 San Francisco 1 Los Angeles 3 Hollywood 2 Portland 1 Oakland AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis 7 Charleston 3 St. Paul li Columbus 3 Milwaukee 14 Indianapolis 9 Louisville 3 Kansas City 1 han Canmrra to control gambling. tl-at 1 remember.

would remember it if it happened, wouldn't you? any espionage. Aug. 12, 193U, were you and nuestioned with reference to the a pone gang to control gambling, prostitution and just with taking large hunks I rriv Irive "appearance" money, but ol recall" it. luut gained the innocent business about the marathon had! you deny you were av- A. that everyone now conceded Eiuil' slipped onr memory.

the Croch. to "V'lS mto the grttulvHt foot runner of all; this cccrpt trom time, tut even more magnificent in athlete than fabulous Haavo Nur- ml, just had our throat jumped down, "AM about Xatopek makes me very tlv with iron in his voice. would have run up lus back. man If I hadn't two uusj would have written somethinB about We suggested, mildly, that he We sincu lie files and find an interview liUli. "Only once did 1 train for a special distance." he said.

"That was for the marathon run at IMS Angeles, And even today I aw annoyed thai I didn't get to run in that race and achieve which certainly wouldn't proiiched even today." That would seem lo leave little doubt of what Haavo had intended I just don't recollect it. Aug. 3, the following day, were you arrested concerning the murder of slate representatives Bolton and Prignano? may have been arrested, but I never was questioned about any of these representatives or a result! whatever it is. be ap-j you arrested but discharged in a drive against public recall that I was. arrested once on Bobby the £imut tho Sox rtgbf hand packed He fared (or Sammy White's blast Into tipid for four enemies? don't have backed Nur-! lu UA tno same interview the 5 was mt tu the Olympic sensation' Finn refers to Uw 1924 ParUi vvas at 5,000 and 10,000 meters.

After al which he won Oct 8 'WO, there a all, we pointed out, Zalopck won' meter cross country, the Nvari aitt 'or ihtt you charging, con- marathon, a meter and the a f'eat' rac Ul seise the bartenders' ground Furnish hero never' of versatility winch bears compar- nlon Wl 1 1 ever arrested on 1 warrant spiracy ia futh. Hoot Even lined a clghttt. Tlw oihw i on a doublo by in the (oUownd wiW thrpw tty ICddMt Joott OR grounder. i tackled. "CMt, didn't he? i tort.

thuii over Fights Night iPffHp came the reran the niara- faster ison with JJatopek's. "Did you know that Paavo could have run a four-minute mile?" demanded the man who started been run before when'this thing. "Well, lie vould have, he was training for the ISW3 Olynvjauy time he wanted to. 1 saw him nli loTrii" pics at Los Angeles. Of Course in nearly every he ran A-Yes wasnt official conuteUtioit.

here and I'm absolutely- convinced Mi Nj nu that charge? you had this tax lien against you for $463.877 on funds specifically received between 1931 and 1941. UiU you ask Sam a letter? but the times he thai he would Mht him out. left no it. The trouble Paavo 185 ww wteiested ui setting and (he old tf hadn't kicked ords for epitome wt um up foi- was nearly 35 of running to him was lo see how nieiv to only thy; far he could go in a given I wm it as his half-hour, an hour, two hours." i the Any or others wishing to'thai Mr utrj and that huffy about this mtlUr good at his" A reporters of should know not to take a own evaluation of You our OF DOORS with In Full Swing By AL McCLANE Fishing Editor Don Norton nnd 1 arc looking for a world record pike this month. Alaska might seem like a funny plnct- for northern pike, but judging by one an Eskimo carried into the airfield at Anch-or- the tundra of southwestern Amskn be the home of all Kreat northerns Tlu; pike was longer than hli captor, and all Don could Rot oul of tin 1 Eskimo vvas, "Kuium man," which he repatod over nnd over ayain.

Could lie anothchr pike fable, but the fLsh was real. The northern and walleye season is in full swing all over Iho continent now, so wo might clear up a few problems Tor you pikers. In (it-nerul, the walleyew pike. i.s tish of the deep water and rock ledges, while tho great north-' urn prefers the weedy bays more shallow regions. During warm weather this will mean that you usually fish deep for walleyes and cast or troll a wobbling spoon, plug, or minnow over the weeds for northern pike.

There is nothing hard and fnst about the fishing, however. Walleyes occasionally feed around tho mouths of streams emptying into lakes. They are most apt to do this in tho evening or ut night, and at such times they may to taken by casting in fairly shallow water. Most of the time it i.s more effective to still fish or troll for them. The favorite bait for stll' fishing is a minnow, and the most used lure in many areas for trolling, is a Juno Bug Spinner, behind which is attached a 'minnow or a good-sized gob of night craw k-rs.

During midday, the lure should practically bump along tho bot torn, and walleyes are oflen taken in these locations late in the day or at night in hot weather. They will strike artificial lures, such as plugs and wobbling spoons, Juniors and Little Loop Win Games Hope's uitue League boys a thriller from Nashville night in an extra inning by a 6 5 score. The locals were trailing 4-1 going Into the 6th, the final inning, but scored three to tie it up 4-4. Nashville pushed across one run in the 7th and Hope tallied twice to win. Whitten hurled the first) I four innings for Hope and was re I lievcd by Hoy Duk'e who pitche a couple.

J. Nix was the winnr hurling the (ith and 7th. The Junior Legion team behind the hurling of little Lee Lnnel swamped Arkadelphia 15 to 21 Griffin was the leading hlttorj getting four for four. Thursday night Arkadelphia iij scheduled to come here for a ble header. plugs will also take large though I think most and make a mistake in using are too big.

I In trolling for them, it is usually best to use a fairly largo I minnow without a sinker, and oe-' casirmully it is necessary to usei a bobblt-r to keep the minnow from I getting clown into the weeds and tangling up. Troll around the edge of the weeds and over submerged weed beds. The reason why pike are inclined to be inactive during hot weather is generally clue to the abundance of natural food and the higher than average temperatures in the marginal arc-as of the lake where pike usually forage. In fishing for both walleyes and great you can use tho same tackle with slight variations. The rod should be a bait caster with which you can cast or troll as the occasion suggests.

can be of bamboo or steel, whichever you prefer, and should be about 5'a feet in length nnd rath-'i stil'l'- ish. The reel should be a quaciriipJc- mulliulying one and you should have ample line somewhat hr-av- but ier The Negro Community By Helen Turner Phone 7-4474 Or bring Items to Turner at Hicks FuneVal Home i tlla is USL ci bass fishing: these ordinarily must be fished it should be 12-pound test or stronger if necessary. (Distributed by NEA Service deep for best results. The most famous lure for northern pike is a red and while wobbling spoon, and it is usually cast along the edge of the weeds or into the bays and coves. They he American mines are furnishing coal for more than half the world's stool production.

Services at Oak Grove Baptis Church Sunday wore good. TM Rev. B. Jenkins and his wife were visitors from Kansas City, Missoil ri. The pastor had arranged new order of.

service which wal timely. The congregation was enl thusiastic, the spirit was high ancf all seemed elated. The night service was left- ill charge of the Rev. M. Williams! while the pastor broadcast on Garrott Chapel hour.

There will be a wenior roaS at the homo of Mrs. Hellnn Flenl roy Thursday night, August sponsored by the HTU of the Risl ing Star Baptist Church. The lie is invited. Mr. and Mrs.

Shcrley Johnsoil of Phoenix, are visiting Mrf and Mrs. Frank Flenory, and othel friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuol Tolletl and son have arrived home spending several weeks in Dallas Texas.

SPANISH RANGE LEE WELLS CHAPTER FIFTEEN HAL HAD waited, watching closely for the first sign of trouble Now he trotted easily forward reined around and fell in beside Blaise. He spoke low. "You could've been blowed right out of the saddle." Blaiso grinned. "I never thought of It. 1 had to prove to them 1 didn't set the fire." "Them'?" Hal asked softly.

"Or her? 1 "Them!" Blaise repeated emphatically nnd a moment later dered If ho waa so certain. They rodq at a fast pace. Blaise and Hai In front, the Thatchers and Raikea following. They reached the ranch road and Blaise led the way deep into tho hills, finally climbing up to his canyon and drawing rein before tho 'remains of the house. Thatcher and Rennie looked around, missing none of the destruction.

Finally Thatcher dismounted. Blaiso led him to the bushes where tho burned oil can lay. Thatcher studied it as Uennic came up the slope to them. She stopped before Blaise. "We wronged you.

"I'm sorry." "I apologize, too, Mr. Randell," Thatcher said quietly. "We might have made a bad mistake. But why would Leonis want to do this? Blaise explained tho use to which Leonis had put the ranch during the prison years. Rennie watched Blaise closely, then asked directly and bluntly, "And did you murder a man?" -No." "Rennie," Thatcher cut In, "1 think I need a talk with Mr.

Randell. Could you come with us to Las Montanas, sir?" He smiled wryly. "You will not be ordered out again." "I could. Why?" Thatcher's jaw grew hard. "I think I'm going to take a hand in the local situation, f'd like to hear more of your story before I decide which side I will join." Just at twilight they came to the meadow and ridge on which the ranch stood.

Blaise saw how close Montanas had come to destruction. hud hot fight," Blaise Thatcher nooded grimly. "Very dot. We thought it was all going. It will ruin everything for years to come." "Next year, after the raina.

the grtuu will grow," Blaise assured him. "I've seen it happen before." servant met them at the door. Thatcher had them shown to bedroom as large aa the bunkhouse back at the ranch, the windows overlooking the blackened Ctnyons tQ the and west. Hal gently tested (he bed after the left looked around the rich the thick drapes at the windows, the heavy dresser and chairs, "Uy Wood ain't going to take this, partner. How could one man "Not rttkchiAf ia these parts," (jioWB Copyiit-Ill, Wells.

DiAltiljuU'il Kim: rf.iUlivuSytu!U-«te. wearily. A breeze came In the window, bringing the scent of burned wood and brush. He looked arounc the room. "Leonis would be against someone bigger'n him, if Thatcher took a hand on our side.

"It's about- time that someone give us a hand," Hal said dryly and dropped on the bed. In the library, next evening, Blaise told the story of his with Chavez, of the trouble with Lconis and the raids in the Valley and how he had tried to fight back and have his friends stand firm for their own rights. Then he told of the killing, the sudden arrest, trial and his sentence to San Quentin and the years he spent there. Ho finished and, for a time, there was silence in the room. Thatcher sat listening intently.

Rennie had edged to the front of her chair as she watched Blaise, eyes wide with understanding and compassion. "Pardoned, and it took years. It took money, too?" "All I had, practically," Blaise nodded. "I'd had some good years before Loonis pinned the Chavez murder on me. He didn't want anyone taking up land in the Valley." "The land, you say, was open to homestead.

How could Leonis keep anyone from filing?" "He couldn't," Blaise answered swiftly, "but he could give them so much trouble that they'd never last enough to prove up Leonis had some of his riders file and then he planned to buy from them when they had full title. But that's long and slow, and others came my friends in the Valley and I tiled down there. Leonis always figured the land should have been his." Thatcher looked toward Rennie to ngte her reaction. His eyes and he looked sharply back at Bluise, then his glance shot to Hal. "And Mr.

King? Re's never been fully explained." "My friend," Blaise said simply. Thatcher's eyes warmed slightly. "In the West a sufficient explanation," he agreed. "But I'm from the East, and we haven't been that generous In a couple of gen- trations that I know of." "Your bad luck." Blaise aaid with a grin. He sobered.

"Hal and me are together, trying to build up the rancho. Tell the rest, in dryly, Blaise," Hal cut served a term for robbery. 1 don't want to go back with the old bunch that tangled me up before. Blaise asked ma to throw in with him. I accepted." Guilty? abruptly.

"Of making Thatcher asked a fool mistake and running with the wrong crowd. I learned my lesson. It's fresh start down here." "Thanks to Mr. Randell," Rennie said softly. Hal turned to her, smiled as he nodded.

"Thanks to Blaise," he agreed, Thatcher teased forward slapped his hands on his It sounds like straight AND WHATS MORE, DONT WANT VOU TO SPEAK TO HIS WIFE ANY 1 THROUGH WITH HE' WOODLEY NEVER At Home HORIZONTAL 11 Lion's home ,4 Rude home i for domestic animals 8 Bird's home 12 Anger 13 Cordage fiber 14 Century plant 15 Baby chick's first home 16 Praise I 18 Comforted 20 Endure 21 French, island 22 Glimpse 24 Magistrate whose home was ancient Venice 26 Poetic Island 27 Hint 30 Wards off .32 Players 34 Cut teeth 35 Shops (Latin) 37 Roguish 39 Carry (coll.) 40 Mirth Pig's home '42 French city Homeless I wanderers 49 Waiting! rooms 51 Make lace .52 Press 53 Song for two 54 Age ,55 Operates oars 56 Hireling .37 German, article VERTICAL 11 Expires .2 Therefore 3 Women wear them, at home 4 Area 5 Conceal, ,6 Musical 1 I exercises 7 Split pulse 8 Spruce 9 Pen name ot Charles Lamb 10 Before" long II Care for 17 Appearance 23 Cut 24 Facts 25 Above 26 River In) France 27Wearing a' small crown 28 Chemical, suffix Randell. My daughter has told mol how you handled the outlaws who! tried to rob the stage. That's Inl your favor. Now, you think set the fire?" "I'm certain of it." "It threatened us," Thatcher saidl slowly. "If Leonis is land then he'll probably attack Lag! Montanas once he's driven- you and made sure of the Valley." "Maybe," Blaise said dubiougly.1 "Tho drought hit him hard he's lost a lot of beef gry with it." "Market's picking up," Thatcher! said shortly.

"It won't big ranches like the old days, butS it will pay a few to go back to I cattle. It's Leonis' chance. Yours, I too, and Leonis will know it. He'll try to knock you out again." Blaise had a growing admiration for the old man. Thatcher might? be from the East and not too familiar with cattle, but his forecast seemed accurate.

Thatcher leaned forward. "All right, Randell, I'll go the whole way. I propose you and I work together to light Leonis. Between us, we should be able to hold him off. Agreed?" "I'd like to, sir," Blaise said slowly, "but I have to tell you something else." Thatcher's eyes narrowed, but he- said nothing, waiting.

Blaiai looked embarrassed but deter mined. "I checked on the sale of my land to you by tax title. I sttU have a month in which to redeem. I'm giving you notice that I will." Thatcher laughed, a relieved sound. "Randell, I want that section, but I guess it belongs to you, I'll accept the redemption payment and deed it back.

It's your right. But that has nothing to dq with Leonis." Blaise sighed gustily and grinned. "I figured you might give me a fight about that land." "I make quick decisions, Randell, I've had to in my business. You're case in "Me?" "You've point." two Jobs to do. must clear yourself of that Chavem business that's your probl You've Leonis to keep in bou I can help you there.

But the situation is such that you can ranch without danger of raida or burnings, and once you're cleare4 of murder, I'll back you financially in cattle raising." "Back me!" Blaise Jerked Thatcher nodded and pointed cigar at Blaise. "I think you're worth the But 've got a job beforf advajice you a cent. Otherwis it would be bad business, and nrf Thatcher felt that they had cov-i ered the pressing questions and suggested that Rennie play to, toem. They went into anotS room she played the and for newly an hour, singing to (To 'i Hjrrt IT At. HO Af ft A A By Chick OZARK IKI BUT OAGWOOO.

TOOTSIE IS NEAREST FRIEND--WHY DO I HAVE TO BE MAD AT IF AUU AT EACH OTH OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Willlomi Answer to Previous Puzzle Mkhol O'MftlbT I JU9T CAN'T LET THAT 29 Essential being 31 Former v. German coin 33 Pole in front of American Indian homes 38 Containing cerium 40 Narrow 41 Adhesive 42 Wild animal's home 43 Nested boxes 44 Pack 46 Portent 47 Unusual 48 Leading actor at home on the stage 50 Poem MR. KE6GS AT THE NOT $0 (300D7 WE'LL MEET THE FELUA MR.


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