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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 8

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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HOPI ITAt, MOM, ARKANSAS lilt CLASSIFIED IfttM ttl in Offlci Oiy AORATE3 PLAY Inch for ewv roit. to ft olljntlen act and wwlgtloy adimoon IUIHIMO tO. by AriMMM in tli In HofNi and neighbor- in Mwwuwj. ona Mlliw U.OO Ntvodo, coun- i.w A 4.SO 5.38 80 11,00 Ililna Rtprtwn Mfmpltll 3, 504, Dollai 2, TMOII 160 N. Chlcoao 60 (.

YotK 17, N. Oklahoma City Prtiii elattd It to tht UM tor ((publication ifW wtOi A0wi jStfftMtiQ tti tnw Mil at oil AP ntwi Strvices Offered For THREE room Nlctly furfiiihed. box. paid, 204 Bminer, A. R.

8 Prlvnto bsth. PMvata cnlroncoi. AUlo fun. Pecan drove Apart- Dlnl 7.3471, M-a TO Furnuhed collaan i IHiitinonl, 2 biilh Nowly rMloioiiitcd, Elci-tric ri nillN pitld. 017 W.

OUi All np.irtmf-nt, Kurndicd. tiUllllex prilrt, Hcnt en con, 722UI or HOOM rtuplpx, IWI2 Cnrl Urnliur, Cnn Kfidt Second. 7.4343. HOOM School. with 1 block f( Phfiiw 7-44ZO.

Cull 8-31 nnd High fl-3t iipnilnifiit, .1 nnd biith, I'i'iviiii' front etui entrance, 4IM North Mnln Street, Will rnftki" nlli-Actlvc; price for ilimlrnblu leiuiiini, H. I-TIANKI-IN CO, Sew A Deionuy. fl-Pt Notice HAUL nnd sprond 11,2,1 yard Clrnvol available. Koy lUmmoni Phono 7'20RO. JO-1M For Sale Polity Announcements Star ti tuthorlMd to Out UM following for public office lubjeet to tht notion of the Democratic primary Per Tax cnir BTUAHT For If CM It Clerk OARnETT WILttS 8.

A. (Speedy) HUTSON for TALBOT rEILD JR. Cor County Judge CLAUD If. BUTTON C), OARnETT For C. COOK for Ward 1 B.

C. (Dob) DANIELS JOK JOIIKS for Aldormnn Ward I mKD JOHNSON WIGHT It I DO ILL for Alderman Ward D. nETTIO Stftto Senate TOM J. SII.VEV nn. F.

c. enow Chancellor (Plrtt Dlvlilon. 6th Dlttrlotl WESLEY HOWARD A. P. STKEI.

For Conoron OREN MAHHIS BEAUTIFUL quality Holnteln Holf. urn, up, Mulallon Mink, $35 up, Volaht Knrmn. Lntnlrn, WIs Atlanta, Toxfld, 0-151 THKK ripened PJIImrtn from orchard fnch cloy, nit (17, 20-01 ft, xlnh, (iccniul ooa s. Kim, hrickH. ni -in 1000 bidi'ii common Kt'rtHN hny now liolnii cut, flOo bnie ut pri-im at Oxnn.

I'Vltluy nnd Siiturdny, John U. Harrow, 'M4tM. at-at JIKAUTIFUI. blooming put jilanlH, JhuiNn vlni'ii and ulr furrm. lIUuliioe'K Slower Shop, 11110 South Mntn.

Phontt 7-ID-lO. a-nt .18 pentu ilnxt'n, 700 H. a-at FISHING worms, II. W. Powell, Hope.

For Sole or Rent Fair Enough By Woitbrook Poglor Copyright) 1052 By King Syndicate. By WE8TBROK PEOLER (CopyrlQht, 1062, King Syndicate, Inc.) CHICAGO, AUK. ft If Komiv mcH 1 aeem critical of of our prtmii for fdllure to get In the bottom of the let me Offer the ease of Sum Njminl hnndled by the Tuenoii the ijier cf the city which homo. Citizen m.vlc money In paving In Chi-1 whcif hln rock rond con i.v iictlon co rnnny for (he resurfacing rif itrooti und c.r Intr- blK HIM Thompiion. Thin terribly corrupt ad- miriixtrutlnn, tint tht-n, that for rnunlclpHl In Chi- r.ngu prdcticnlly all the time Nunini hnd whlth inltlod him to> the original In Cbrroo had fin.mclal Intercut In a which lined on iniiny xtrifctR in thoxn (Inya Mike was only one of it school of crini linilii Iri the union rtickeln In Chi- I'lillo who v.i'it* known a ninfia In rimiH.

they were either irninl- Kisintf front Italy or ions of lin- iniKi'finlH. Many of tlu-tn Mlled off In diiiputes over union jut (Ion and territorial inoriop (itli-r. In n.illihllriK ilhil In KM7, Niinlni wrote lett'ti tn lin fcilciiil pinole boiird jidvoeiil- Inn mi upplicntlon by l.oulD Cnin- i piiHtifi. l.lttle New York, for from Allnntfi prison where i hi 1 doing t'Mi yeni'H us one the Ilidwne-Hloff mob who b.ul i robbed tho working of tlic movie indiiMliy ot more than .1 million dollnrit. They hnd Inker Another million, more or less, from the Hollywood miiKniitos, but lint wiis in mueh bribery us extortion The workers wore gypped by this and (In 1 purpose of the wii.i to buy off the Hi'iwne-Illoff mob so that they would not have to pny higher Hrnwiic svus drunken bum who hnd been a Illoff was Kntl'THiiip" who up a few trumps nnd opened a brothrl over a saloon.

He got nix months In jiill and finally nnd to i ik rve it, but on the cushions, with a tub of beer in his office in the clink where the movie magnates ciime nfiir to woo his favor. Naomi's friend, C'ampagna, alias Little New York, und his colleagues flimlly not ten years. All were tprnng out of prison when they had nerved the absolute minimum of years. Jim Ooherty, of the I'hleat:" Tribune, a wonderful old school reporter, who hnd watched this filthy lirew for years, exposed the den I so Campagnn and others COTTON STATES LEAGUE Pet 09 36 62 44 657 .557 Meridian Nutchcz Greenwood 55 .49 .529 Kl Dorado 53 31 .510 Pine Bluff 52 51 .495 Monroe. SI 52 .495 Hot 37 66 .359 73 00 ,359 Last night's results: Hut Springs 10 Greenville Kl Dorado 7 Natchez 1 1'ine Bluff 3 Greenwood 7-3 Monroe 3-0 OUT OF DOORS with nt Pino Bluff (2) at Hot Springs MI i idinri at Monroe at K.I Dorado SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Pet A limit a 04 52 .552 Ciiiiltannogn 02 52 .544 Orleans 83 53 Mobile SO 57 .509 Memphis 57 BO .487 liiiminphnm 53 (13 .457 Nn.shvillc 62 Hock fi2 03 .452 Lust night's results: ChattnnriOKn 11 Nashville 5 I.n tie Hock 5 Memphis I Mobile Birmingham 1 Atlanta 4-3 New Orleans 1-2 Tonight's games: Nashville at Chattanooga l.itlle Rock at Memphisxt2) Hiimingham at Mobile Atlanta at New Orleans thai 1st my The work contnot Cannon, Phono 7-aau or WanUd hnvo ol the finest but need one moro.

the beit malurloa in the find furnUh mwula too, Carroll, Uiamond 23-U helper. Apply Mrs, Diamond Cttfo. 33U WATIRMILON with UKntlOOM ulr tiro pi'ool hntino, KlIA Mpeclflcn- tiftnd, HeuKoniible price. Sum llurUflold, 10011 W. Avo.

11, 2-tf Shontz Bests Boston for Win No. 20 PIULAniCLPHIA Wl -Mothei nnluro threw rnlnstorm and iht Uoston Sox tossed In eluht vlght-lmnd hgttory. To ton off Jumbo couldn't control his beni pilch, flul none of deterrents pro- vientod Qubby (Jiunbot becomlnu the mnjor fh-xt ait-unme winner ot thn 1K.VJ setison lust niuht us tho Phllndel- phln A'n topped tho Bontonlnns, A-3. The bittKOkt A's crowd of the son- son, 38,073, wulcht'd, iMnotlouullv nnd sereiunlinj time Shunt A threw strike or man out, I The IHUe lafly, who's been calUnl everything from the mlnisculo suuthpuw to the mighty utom. wus mokt eoiK't'i'iu-d about tho fullvtru of his best pitch knuckler u(Uu' bttComhiK the firm A's pit- to win 20 guniesi so early in ihe seusun ninee Lofty Qrovo performed the job in 691.

lost thruu, two to New York und one to. Cleveland, "I couldn't throw my knuckter whuru 1 wonted It to go," he said quietly und hiilf-upologeticnlly, ru- Iwxing all 139 pounds on dressing bvucb. I tried on several occasions lo the darn thing over for tut it no tho i and one-half inch ace added, "So Joe AitrottU hud me mix up my curve with a fast ball on I s. Then up on several hlltars ftnd proved to bo rlghV modi- (or them." SlmwU into a de- toy in the bottom hplf of the fit-si Itain tweed the delay tmJ It looHed (or few hns published rnp- ithniit Mr, Nunini, who suddenly t'lime to our midst, wont Into highway construction, run up ii sityhdh inibdlvislon, cleared unother e.xpnin<e und started ii cotton ranch watered by rivers of our precious treasure drawn from Ih efnlbni: under- Uraund water table. Ho has also into our local public a very piibllc-tiplrited, (tu'wnrd-lonkiiiK fellow, lie was oleelod to the country elub, which IIIIH declined to wome other of ndmtriible character, nnd Inln our old pueblo club, loo.

CuvurinH the CltleiiHi) union rackets uud expotiliiK aome of the foul- em unhung, nuiny of whom operate tn collusion with comnic-! tors, 1 lung auo unveiled Mike Car-! roo. who begun an a magnate In I pi'tiNllUiUon nnd i-nme on to inutu pick nnd shovol labor, mostly Ititllnn In theme duys, nnd mostly! Ignorant und docile serfs of the Mike roKionnl satrap of the 'huodcarricrs und common Inborers' uninn, which, in more Hum 30 years, never held one convention or election. He furnished thousands of helpless hard- greenhorns for the con- trm'tors, tnxinit them the privilege of working su bard for existence, und hail to go back. Thereafter, tin 1 i use got fouled up in Democratic pnlitlcs, habeas corpuses und ap- i. Then the Democrats won 11)41'.

election so that Is just Her department of justice job will have to await the judgment dny. John Tiberi, another paving contractor, also wrote for clemency for C'ampagna, and Congros.sinun lUisbey, who comes from Chicugo! New York und knows the works in paving tin.I; 15 innings) union i.ieketM, noted for the rec- old thul Campagna's cousin, Tony D'Andrea, had kept roudy-mlxed concrete out of Chicago for 20 yi tii'ii by refusing to let union paving workers handle the stuff. Tony was one of Al Cupone's body- and wu.s pinched In Judgr Wilkerson's courtroom for ciirryini; a gun during Capone's trial. Hurry Truman's patron and mentor, Tom lYndergasl, hnd monopoly on WEDNESDAY'S BASEBALL By The Associated Press NATIONAL. LEAGUE Pet.

G.B, Brooklyn 00 31 .080 New York GI 37 .022 2 Si. Louis 44 .573 10 Philadelphia 54 47 .535 14 Chicago 51 51 .500 llouton ,...42 58 .420 Cincinnati 43 111 .413 Pittsburgh 30 77 41 WEDNESDAY'S SCHEDULE Biooklyn at New York Lundrtim v.s. t.anier (5-7 or Wilhelm 19-21 St. Louis at Pittsburgh (2) (two! nighli Clark (0-Ui and Slaley (13- lli. I Chicago at Cincinali Minner ilfl-7i vs.

Perkowski (10-U) 1'hilaclelpbia at Boston (2) (two- Roberts (10-(i) and Muyer U-I2I vs Uickford (7-Uli and Wil- 110-tt) TUESDAY'S RESULTS 7 Brooklyn In Full Swing By AL McCLANE Fishing Editor Don Norton nnd I ore looking for a world record pike this month. Alaska might seem like a funny place for northern pike, but judging by the one an Eskimo carried into the airfield at Anchorage, the tundra of southwestern A In ska must be the home of all great northerns The pike was longer than captor, and all Don could get out of the Eskimo was, "Katum man." which he repated over and over again. Could be anothehr pike fable, but the fish was real. The northern and walleye season is in full swing all over the continent now, so we might clear up few problems for you pikers. In general, the walleyew pike is lish of the deep water and rock ledges, while the great northern prefers the weedy bays and more shallow regions.

During warm weather this will mean that you usually fish deep for walleyes and cast or troll a wobbling spoon, plug, or minnow over the weeds for northern pike. There is nothing hard and fast about the fishing, however. Wall-' eyes occasionally feed around the mouths of streams emptying into lakes. They are most apt to do this in the evening or at night, and at such times they may Ue taken by casting in fairly shallow water. Most of the time it is more effective to still fish or troll for them.

The favorite bait for sill! fishing is a minnow, and the most used lure in-many areas for troll- Ing, is a June Bug Spinner, behind which is attachcu a minnow or a good-sized gob of night craw lers. During midday, the lure should practically bump along the bottom, and walleyes are oflen taken in these locations late in the day or at night in hot weather. They will strike artificial lures, such as plugs and wobbling spoons, but these ordinarily must be fished deep for best results. The most famous lure for northern pike is red and white wobbling spoon, and it is usually cast along the edge of the weeds or into the bays and coves. They Juniors and Little Loop Win Games Hope's League boys w4.

a thriller from Nashville last night in an extra inning by 0 to 5 score. The locals were trailing 4-1 going Into the Oth. the fina inning, but scored three to tie it up 4-4. Nashville pushed across one rur in the 7th and Hope tallied twice to win. Whilten hurled the first four innings for Hope and was re lievecl by Hoy Duke who pitched a couple.

J. Nix was the winn hurling the Cth nnd 7th. The Junior Legion team 1 the hurling of little Lee Lane swamped Arkadclphia 15 to 2 Griffin was the leading hitter getting four for four. Thursday night Arkadelphia if scheduled to come hero for a dou ble header. Pittsburgh 3 (night- (night.

Louis -I innings) Cincinnati -I Chicago 0 1'hiladclphia Boston i2-twl- r.ij'.ht) postponed, rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet. G. B. New York Cleveland Boston Washington Philadelphia i Uclroit ready-mixed concrete In Kansas.

City for many years Including Tru-i Chicago man's term as loyal heeler on the St. Louh ci.unty board. Congressman Uusbey said the union's objections to the use of lefuly-mixed concrete were withdrawn after Tiberi, the contractor, added lii.s indorsement to Nanlni's appeal for Ciimpugna's parole. Ulll Malimey, of Chicago, tho international president of the operating engineers, not a moek-wprk Job for one of his loafers nt $25 day on each rig. Malonoy's racket Is a's I'ad sis the hodcarricrs' and mon laborers.

He and Nanini are i old pals, too. In the congressional inquiry into the paroles, congressman Melvln C. Siiyder. of West Virginia, show- owed' 1 1 'bat t'ampagiia had dune one of term for bunk robbery, had been 63 43 .594 50 47 .357 4 55 46 .545 54 49 .524 7'j 51 48 .515 54 52 .509 44 63 .411 19'i 3U 08 .340 26 DN KSDA Y'S SCH KDULE New York ill Washington (night) 7:00 p. m.

Nixon (3-3) vs Byrd will also take largo plugs, although I think moat fisherman make a mistake in using lures that are too big. I In trolling for them, it is usu-1 ally best to use a fairly large minnow without a sinker, and occasionally it is necessary to use a bobblcr to keep the minnow from getting down into the weeds anc tangling up. Troll around the edge of the weeds and over submerged weed beds. The reason why pike arc inclined to be inactive during hot weather is generally due to the! abundance of natural food and the higher than average temperatures In the marginal areas of the lake where pike usually forage. In fishing for both walleyes nnd great you can use the same tackle with slight variations.

The rod should be a bait caster with which you can cast or troll as the occasion suggests. can be of bamboo or steel, whichever you prefer, and should be about 5'ii feet in length and ratlvi stiff- ish. The reel should be a ciuadruplc- multiplying one and you should have ample line somewhat heavier than is used for bass fishing; it should be 12-pound test or he stronger if necessary. (Distributed by NEA Service The Negro Community By Helen Turner Phone 7-4474 Or bring Items to Miss Turner at Hicks Funeral American mines arc furnishing coal for more than half the world's steel production. Services Oak Grove Baptij Church Sunday were good.

Rev. B. Jenkins and his wife wor visitors from Kansas City, Missoui ri. The pastor had arranged new order of service which wa: timely. The congregation was eni thusiastic, the spirit was high amj all seemed elated.

The night service was left- it' charge of the Rev. M. Williams! while the pastor broadcast on thi-J Chapel hour. There will be a wcnicr at the home ot Mrs. Hellen Flen .) Thursday night, August 7:1 sponsored by the BTU of the ing Star Baptist Church.

The lie is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Sherloy JohnsoD of Phoenix, are visiting Mr 5 and Mrs. Frank Flenory, and friends, Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Toilet; and son have arrived home after? spending several weeks in Dallas! Texas. SPANISH RANGE LEE WELLS Copyrlelil. Ix-o fi. U'ellj.

l.y KIIIK riMlinvsKyn.liril the uovernmont quarter of million dollars in Income taxes i I'inched on a charge, and was whi'n he died In luxury al hln I'lfki-d up in the murder of two WM on Lake Mu-hljjim. Sam Naninl is a rich man us ho hut not fulled to inform the Tucson Citizen and he is said to have given the Italian government tt lot of money lor charity. That is, 1 rend that he so. He members of the Illinois Legislature, Hepresentatives nnd llolton. Additional Q.

and A. goes Thus: July 11, 103(5, there was a charge against you for espionage us one of the leaders of the Sici- Cleveland at Chicngo Wyim H2- Jl) vs Oobson lO-'J) Detroit at St. Louis (night) Trucks (4-13) vs Pierce (7-0) TUESDAY'S RESULTS Now York 3 Washington 2 tnight culled end 7th, rain) Cleveland 0-3, Chicago 0-6 Philadelphia 5 Boston 3 (night) St. Louis 5 Detroit 1 (night) SPORTS ROUNDUP By QAYLE TAUBOT. Sfe.

our Nur- throiit Iho groaU'jit font runiuvr of all time, an even move munnUiccnt uthloU- than fabulous mi, have just had jumped down. "All this tit Ik about mo wry tired." said with iron In his vwu-u. "Nurmi would have run up his buck. I hadn't too busy I would the'gttmo wight ua calljKl ott. But written something ubmit u.

11 tho subsided tfte i suggested, mildly, Uuu he IHMI4 lu? would have backed Nur- ml Jlck the. Olympic sensation Ut 5,000 and 10,000 meU-rs. AUer all, we pointed out, Zatopi-k won the marathon, too. a distance ol Finnish hero never By QAYLE TALBOT charged with taking largo hunks NEW YOttK ul'i Somehow wo' "appearance" money, but the had uulnvd Uw innocent business about the marathon had thai everyone now conceded ISmil Zutopck, the sUtltnit CYcch, be our memory. We since have dins into the files and find this eeerpt trom an interview given by Pauvo in 1946.

"Only onoe did I train for a special distance," he said. "That svas for the marathon run at Los Anjjeles, And even today 1 am I didn't net to run and achieve a result iUUU)yed lhal lho ma in that race removal ftlVSJ i'f- Bobby Uve of the SDK hand packed Unoup, Ho fared VKvept (or Sammy blast into Uie field. (or (our bases to the WiH. i After that Hoot linsd a 1 (tee swjtojr in tyko other run came Oft by Don DiMftfKio in the stetii (ollowwl by tt witdi throw hy shortstop Kddbt Joott on grounder. FigKtiUtt Night -Oh, didn't tori- "Paavo then djtiance, which certainly wouldn't be proached even today." That would seem to leave liltic doubt of what Haavo had intended i to do.

In tho same interview the i Klying Finn refers to 1924 games, in which be won 10,000: meter cross country, the meter and the a feat of versatility which bears compar- i ison with Zatopck's. he?" came the ro- "Did you know that Paavo couM only ran the mara- have run a four-minute mile!" a lot sister than it! demanded the man who started! specifically hud ever been run before when he was training for the Olympics at Los Angeles. Ot Course it wasn't Ut ottidai competition, but Uve he set left no ques- Uuill Ulttt would Vioji it they hadn't kicked hUn out. He 95 then, intended to run only in th? it as his tare- this thing. "Well, he could wanted to.

I saw him mi every race he ran over here and I'm absolutely convinced of it. The trouble was that Paavo wasn't interested in selling rec- PAC1F1C COAST LEAGUE Seattle 7 Sacramento 3 Siin -I San Francisco 1 Los Angeles 3 Hollywood 2 Portland 1 Oakland AMK1UCAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis 7 Charleston 3 St. 1'iuil (i Columbus 3 Milwaukee Indianapolis 9 Louisville 3 Kansas City 1 lian Cumorra to control gambling. tbat 1 remember. Q.

--You would remember it if it happened, wouldn't you? any espionage. Aug. 12. 1936, were you and ijuestioned with refer- tnee to the Capone gang to con trol gambling, prostitution and bootlegging? may have been. I just don't recall it.

Will you deny you were attested A. No. I just don't recollect it. -On Aug. 3, the following day.

were you arrested concerning the murder of state representative e.s Uolton and Prignano? may have been arrested but 1 never was questioned about any of these representatives or whatever it is. you arrested but dis charged in a drive against public enemies? don't recall that 1 was. know 1 was arrested once on but I was discharged. Oct. HMO, there was warrant for you charging, con spiracy to seize the union.

Were you ever arrested on that charge? you had this tax lien against you for $468.877 on fund received between 199 any time he in nearly 1941. Did to write you ask letter? am Mr. Numini may entertain Mr Cfepagnu jt the Tucson countr club and the old Putblo club ail feuOlabaJao wfeta orcis for The epitome' put htm up for guest privileges 01 of ruimuig to him was to see how membership far ho could go in a given I ttattthl the Cub reporters a half-hour, an hour, two hours." the TOwon citizen should kno Ctevhs or others wishing to that it is good policy not to take huffy Uus matter should stranger at his own evaluation i 4Un Gould, executive, himself a phUanthropist. You can teU what mixht tur ji you CHAPTER FIFTEEN HAL HAD svaited, watching closely for the first sign of trouble. Now he trotted easily forward, reined around and fell In beside Blalse.

He spoke low. "You could've been blowcd right out of the saddle." Blaisa grinned. "I never thought of it. 1 had to prove to them I didn't set the fire." Thcni'?" Hal asked softly. "Or her? 1 Them!" Blaisc repeated emphatically and a moment later wondered if ho was so certain.

They rode at a fast pace. Blaisc and Hal In front, the Thatchers ajid Raikes following. They reached tho ranch road and Blaisc led the way deep Into the hills, finally climbing up to his canyon and drawing rein before the remains of the house. Thatcher and Rcnnie looked around, missing none of tho destruction. Finally Thatcher dismounted.

Blalso led htm to the bushes where tho burned oil can lay. Thatcher studied it as Ronnie cwne up tho slope to them. She stopped before Blalso. "Wo wronged you. "I'm sorry." "I apologize, too, Mr.

Randell," Thatcher said quietly. "We might have made a bad mistake. But why would Leonis want to do this?" Blaise explained the use to which Leonis had put the ranch during the prison years. Rcnnie watched Blaisc closely, then asked directly and bluntly, "And did you murder a man?" "No." "Rennle," Thatcher cut in, "I think I need a talk with Mr. Randell.

Could you come with us to Las Montanas, sir?" He smiled wryly. "You will not bo ordered out again." "I could. Why?" Thatcher's jaw grew hard. "I think I'm going to take a hand In the local situation. I'd like to hear more of your story before I decide which side i will join." Just at twilight they came to the meadow and ridge on which the ranch stood.

Blaise saw how close had come to de structlon- "You hftd a hot fight," Blalse Thatcher needed grimly. "Very hot thought it was all going. It will ruin everything for years to come." "Next year, after the rains, the grass will grow," Blaise assured him. "I'va seen happen before. 1 Mrvftnt nut them at the door.

Thatcher bad them shown to a pedroom as large as the bunk- boiuu back at the ranch, the windows overlooking the Cftnyons to the aouth and west. Ha gently bed after the MNTVMt left tn4 looked around at rich wallpaper, tbick drapes at the windows, the heavy dresser and chairs. -My Mood ain't to take this, partner. Sow could one man (At HO HMSMy?" -Not in parts," aat down vearily. A breeze came in the window, bringing the scent of burned vood and brush.

He looked around he room. "Leonis would be against someone bigger'n him, if Thatcher took a hand on our side." "It's about' time that someone ive us a hand," Hal said dryly and dropped on the bed. In tlie library, next evening, Blaise told the story of his quarrel vith Chavez, of the trouble svith iconls and the raids in the Valley and how he had tried to fight back and have his friends stand firm 'or their own rights. Then he told of the killing, the sudden arrest, and his sentence to San Quentin and Hie years ho spent there. Ho finished and, for a time, Jierc was silence in the room, fhatchcr sat listening intently, rtennie had edged to the front of her chair as she watched Blaise, eyes wide with understanding and compassion.

'Pardoned, and it took years. tt took money, too?" "All 1 had, practically." Blaise nodded. "I'd had some good years before Loonis pinned the Chavez murder on me. He didn't want anyone taking up land in tho Valley." "The land, you say, was open to homestead. How could Leonis keep anyone from filing?" "He couldn't," Blaisc answered swiftly, "but he could give them so much trouble that they'd never last long, enough to prove up.

Leonis had somo of his riders file and then he planned to buy from them when they had full title. But that's long and slow, and others came my friends in the Valley and I died down there. Leonis always figured the land should have been his." Thatcher looked toward Rennie to note her reaction. His eyes widened and he looked sharply back at Bluiso, then his glance shot to Hal. "And Mr.

King? He's never been fully explained." "My friend," Blaise said simply Thatcher's eyes warmed slightly. "In the West a sufficient explanation," he agreed, "But I'm from the East, and we haven't been that generous in couple ol gen trations that I know of," "Your bad luck," BJalse salt with a grin. He sobered, "Hal and me are together, trying to build up the rancho." the rest, Blaise," Hal cut in dryly. "I served a term for robbery. 1 don't want to go back with the old bunch that tangled me up before.

Blaise asked me to throw in with him. I accepted." "Guilty?" Thatcher asked abruptly. "Of making a fool mistake ant running with the wrong crowd. I learned my lesson. It's (real start down here." to Mr.

Randell," Rennie said softly. Hal turned to her aod smiled as he nodded. "Thanks to Blaise," be agreed, Tftatcher leaned forward and frifl MI hSj "It like a straight story ft MlWftMMiA itf Randell. My daughter has told me low you handled the outlaws who; ricd to rob the stage. That's inij 'our favor.

Now, you think iet the fire?" "I'm certain of it." I "It threatened us," Thatcher said ilowly. "If Leonis is land hen he'll probably attack Last once he's driven-you oft is and made sure of the Valley." "Maybe," Blaise said dubiously. 'The drought hit him hard and he's lost a lot of land hungry with it." -4 "Market's picking up," Thatcher said shortly. "It won't support ranches like the old days, but will pay a few to go back to cattle. It's Leonis' chance.

Yours. and Leonis will know it. He'll try to knock you out again." Blaisc had a growing admiration 'or the old man. Thatcher might. 3C from tho Blast and not too nillar with cattle, but his forecast seemed accurate.

Thatcher leaned forward. All right, Randcll, I'll go the whole way. I propose you and I together to fight Leonis. Between us, we should be able to hold him off. Agreed?" "I'd like to, sir," Blaise said slowly, "but I have to tell you something else." Thatcher's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing, waiting.

Blaisa looked embarrassed but mined. 'I checked on the sale of my land to you by tax title. I still have a month in which to redeem. I'm giving you notice that I will." Thatcher laughed, a relieved sound. "Randell, I want that sec-, tion, but I guess it belongs to you.

I'll accept the redemption payment and deed it back. It's your right. But that has nothing to do with Leonis." Blaise sighed gustily and grinned. "I figured you might me a flght about that land." "I make quick decisions, Randell. I've had to in my business.

a case in point." "Me?" "You've two Jobs to do. You must clear yourself of that Chavej that's your probl You've Leonis to keep In boun I can help you there. But onef the situation is such that you can ranch without danger of raids or burnings, and once you're cleared of murder, I'll back you financially In cattle raising." "Back me!" Blalse Jerked erect Thatcher nodded and pointed Ml cigar at Blaise. "I think you're worth the ble. But you've got a job befgrf I'd advance you a cent.

it would be bad business, and one ever yet justly called mt a fool." Thatcher felt that they had ered the pressing questions and suggested that Rennie play ftv them. They went into anottef room she played the lor nearly an hour, alulae am and a sultry voice. (To 8 AugiAt 6,1952 HOPE STAK, HOM, A If KANSAS ILONDII Ir Chick OZARK IKI AND WHAT3 MORE, I PONT WANT VOU TO SPEAK TO HIS WIFE ANV MORH, BUT (WTWOOQ TOOTSIE IS V.V DEAREST FRIEND-WH t5O I HAVE TO MAOAT HER TOO? HI GMT NEXT TO THEM, ITU. BE IP AU. EACH OTHER i MTHROUGH WITH WOODLEY' TO THAT GUV LONG At Home Previous Puzzle HORIZONTAL 11 Lion's home .4 Rude home i for domestic animals 8 Bird's home 12 Anger 13 Cordage fitter 14 Century plant 15 Baby chick's I first home 18 Praise I 18 Comforted 20 Endure 21 French, island 22 Glimpse 24 Magistrate whose home was ancient Venice 26 Poetic island 27 Hint 30 Wards off ,32 Players 34 Cut teeth 35 Shops (Latin) 37 Roguish 39 Carry (coll.) 40 Mirth -41 Pig's home French city Homeless I wanderers 49 Waiting! rooms 51 Make iace .52 Press .53 Song for two 54 Age 55 Operates oars 56 Hireling .57 German, article VEBTICAL Expires 2 Therefore 3 Women wear them at home CARNIVAL 4 Area 5 Conceal', 6 Musical exercises 7 Split pulse 8 Spruce 9 Pen name of Charles Lamb il 11 11 11 2: 26 2" 2( i joe i ore ion Care for Appearanct ICut 1 Facts i Above, River in 1 Wearing a small crow Chemical suffix 12.

IS ZH 50 JH It 52L 55 "tT" 3 HH i 1)0 -IzlBlKloBl 29 Essential 4 1 Adhesive being 42 Wild animal's 31 Former home German coin 43 Nested boxes 33 Pole in front 44 Pack of American 46 Portent Indian homes 47 Unusual 38 Containing 48 Leading actor cerium at home on 40 Narrow the stage valleys 50 Poem 13 it 31 SI iu si 11 36 7 23 31 35 17 11 8 9 33 39 Z7 51 57 a 17 II VS just one big family here, son! SIDE GLANCES OUT OUR WAY By J. R. WIIHonw I JUST CAN'T LET THAT SET AVW WITH TM6 COUW6 TO THE FIK5T TO 5BAT AMJ5HY THE COUNTRY CLUB AMP VVAWsl Klft. 10H by WASH TUBBS .11 Ulll. MR.


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