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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 6

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Substitute Ready fftatanuska Lai Good for 1936 Also Gopher Team for Last Three Reasons, 24 Games 1 By D. R. MACKENZIE 1 rrcss Correspondent Minnesota' gridiron drcadnaught, the (liin presumably "wrecked" by in feUgiblltty and injury but undefeate iwW for the third straight seasor. threatens to stretch its 24-giuno win streak through the 1936 cam -Ufltrowned champion of the nation in 1934 and claimant to th riiythical title again. Minnesota atread: fe talking of another offensive Aiforry the opposition next fall.

JJespitfe the loss of many stars fror- the unbeaten 1935 Gopher crew, the prospects are decidedly encouraging Undeaftcd in 3 Years 'University of Minesota football vet- fang have set up a record, at least Gopher gridmen. They played through three sea- undefeated while wearing the maroon and gold. The graduating players who Minnesota through its 24" winning streak that began in '1932 and carried through the 1935 Reason are: Capt. Glenn Seidel, quarterback; Beise, fullback: Babe Lc'. voir, George Rennix, Mai Eiken George Roscoe, halfbacks: Dale jfRenenbohrn, Dick Smith.

Vernon Oech, Frank Dallera and Bill Frei- linemen. for head coach Bernie Bierman and his staff composed of Dr. George He-user. Lowell (Bed) Dawson and Bert Baston. The Fullback Problem Cne of the paramount questions if Who will be the next fullback to succeed Sheldon Beise, the graduatinr line-smasher wh ocarried on in the manner of his predecessors, Joestinp and Nagurski, whom he beat in yardage gained while he was best known 'for his blocking.

''Stan Kostka, the burly fullback whr 'alternated with Beise in 1934, had more drive but Beise proved himsel' the better blocker. Whitman Rork, a reserve, may be in Beise's shoes, and though it may be surprising to some, young Rudy Gmitro, a 468-pound halfback who runs like lightning, may get the call. He played that post in practice Quite a lot this year until he ran wild against Michigan as a. halfback. prolrctaes Into position, bf the-positions that nefcds tt tht tfttkle station Vacated Dick Smith, one of the Gophers lamed oh the Big Ten all-star eleven.

Ends Available Saston, thie; end coach and here in his day, will retain Reed, nepro. and Ray Kihg the wing stations, they were sen- ntiohal sophomores this year. Dawson, the cagey backfleld tutor, have another able field general -one Sam Hunt, reserve for two years who played hot at all .1 1934 and only brief ly'this fall, the tichigan game showed he has prem- ie and with a little more experience he conches expect him to make Go- fans forget about Glenn Seidel 'ind Babe Levoir. On top of all this. Bierman can be Depended upon to have a teoni com- of eleven secret if Gopher gridiron success.

They will have the including the kickoff play for which Bierman is rioted. for Processing Tax Wallace Asserts That A A A Is Prepared for Possible Court Defeat 'Goes JUVJlb XlUi IlllUOkl wr Secretary of Agriculture Wallace declared: "1 venture to say that no mat- what party Is in power, something of the- sort will continue." "It has worked bolter than anticipated." Farmer co-operation has been whole-hearted." He spoke at the 36th annual International Livestock Show. Admitting the possibility that the United States Supreme Court may invalidate all or part of the AAA, the secretary said that substitutes already "Since MinnesoTastaTted its sWng of AAA 24 victories back in 1932, the sweep have been prepared to enable tlie AAA 4n nations of the team to the ball-lugger and then to the sidelines has netted many a touchdown. Bierman is enthusiastic also over one of the best looking freshman squads in years. British and French (Continued from page one) to continue to control the nation's farming industry.

Substitutes that he mentioned are: 1. Raise the money for acreage control by a general sales tax. 2. Raise it by higher income taxes. 3.

Control production by compulsion, giving each farmer a quota and taxing each farmer if he markets more than his quota. 4. A combination of stabilization purchases and loans to farmers on commodities in years of large crops and lew prices. Given an initial capital of $1,000,000,000, perhaps more, a government agency might offer loans above the market price much as has been done with the 1933 corn crop, provided that borrowers agree to reduce acreage by some specified nmotint the following year and that enough farmers accept loans to make the plan effective on supply. 5.

Drop production control but 0 0 substitute marketing control with each internal one and that by maintaining armer given his prorated share of 'he country at a feverish pitch, of pa- the domestic market at a fixed do- triotism, continuance of sanctions will I mes ti price and with the surplus fauoraKto unfavorable ng the foreign markets at whatever the world market price may be. This Ls known as the "pro-rate two-price' 'system. the British attitude is felt here. The great difficulty now is not so much to persuade the British to agree to peace terms might be acceptable to Premier Mussolini, but to persuade Mussolini to let France and Great Britain pull him out of the hole into which he has got himself. Mufsolin! Hanging On So far the Italian dictator has shown, no disposition to do this, apparently feeling that his greatest danger is an be more favorable than unfavorable to him.

The Italian game at present is to try obtain' a postponement of the oil embargo by' hinting at a willingness to make concessions, but not committing itself in any way. This leads the French to believe that Premier Mussolini has no Veal strategy and is only cutting off his difficulties from day to day, hoping for a miracle. 6. Drop production control and restore foreign purchasing power by loaning approximately $500,000,000 annually to foreign nations. 7.

Drop production control and restore foreign purchasing power by lowering tariffs sufficiently to cause imports to exceed exports by at least annually. 8. Use some combination of these different methods. Wallace said that he considered compulsory control a project "not generally desired." He opposed wholly voluntary control on a co-operative basis, too. He said: "I think it is better to have the government as a rallying point." Colonization in Alaska's Mala- nuska Valley may not have been so easy on his elders, but it's apparently "great stuff" to this cheerful young "Eskimo." "Vlth his new fur parka, this son of one of the American colonists can pretend he's a real whale- hunting Eskimo, or even Admiral B.vnl.

And is he thrilled! Is Near BreakWith F. D. Excessive Regulation and Taxation Complained of by Management Copyright Associated Press NfcW parting of the wnys between Amcricnn business nhd the New Deal Impended over Ihe social and economic policies of the federal government as Ihe 1035 Congress of American Industry nnd the 40th annual meeting of the National Manufacturers Association opened here Wednesday. Authoritative quarters forecast the adoption of a i935 "platform of business" affirming support of the American system of capitalist expansion, economic progress, freedom of competitive enterprise titul unequivocal opposition to procedure and methods evident in New Deal policies. Such a stand would be in direct reversal of the platform ratified lost year, in which co-operative method was the friendly theme.

It was expected that business lenders would voice belief in: 1. Maintenance of constitutional guarantees and protection of the American constitution. 2. Preservation of individual enterprise. Ellimination of undue regulation of private business.

4. Opposition to excessive taxation, unsound government financing, and excessive federal expenditures beyond the normal operating expenses of government. 5. Establishment of a national currency upon a dollar of fixed gold content. C.

Adherence to the national theory of "economic progress" as the best means for social security. 7. Adherence to the "American 1 Here andThere (Continued front poge SWAPS Cofll Cotfcfc best this year. Hanson and Svendsen i Italo-Ethiopian tally: 2000 natives to' probably tyill get the nod unless an ibne.Italian hit in the oil tank. VP- Corn-Hog Contract (Continued from Business Census Begins in January This Area tc Be Managed From WPA District Office at Camden LITTLE A business and industrial census that promises one of the most comprehensive ever undertaken in Arkansas will begin I January 2 as a WPA State offices for the work established in the 'Federal building several days ago by W.

of A good pond of water should produce as many pounds of fish per acre as a pasture will produce pounds beef, says L. A. Whitford of the University -of North Carolina botany de portmenl. A single row of corn 20 miles long is on Grady farm near Danville and he cultivates his farm by proceeding spiral fashion until, three days later, his one-row farm is plowed. It is the adults who are and distributors of pun- ithtncnt.

And when adults fall out among ft punishment, and then spare the rod when dealing with each other, doii't you ever think for one moment that this silent, youthful audience all around us i missing a thing. They don't miss a thing in the family they don't miss a thing In the public arena, either. I'm not telling you folks just reminding you- Bank Robber Shot to Death in Ohio Town Marshal Brings Down One of Three, Is Himself Wounded FRANKLIN, One of hrec.robbers who held up the Franklin bank Thursday was kiled by Mar- ihul B. Graham, who was wounded in the exchange of shots. The other two robbers escaped after kidnaping a woman motorist.

FLUSH OUT 15 MILES OF KIDNEY TUBES Medical authorities agree that your kidneys contain 15 MIL.BS of Uny tubes or flltere which help to purify the. blood and keep you healthy. If you have trouble with too frequent bladder passages with scanty amount causing burning and discomfort, tho 15 MILES of kidney tubes may need flushing out. This danger signal may be tho beginning of nag- ping backache, lee pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling', puulnesB under tho eyes ana dizziness. If kidneys don't empty 3 pints a day and so get rid of moro than 3 pounds oE waste, polsonouH matter may develop, causing serious trouble.

Don't wait. Ask your druggist for COAN'S PILLS, which have been used successfully by millions of people for over 40 years. Thoy give happy relief and will help to Hush out tho 15 MILES of kidney tubes. Get DOWN'S PILLS at your SMy thousand tofts of Turkish coal have -shipped 1o Rio de Janeiro within four months In exchange for BrwJlUin cot- lee, trade figures reveal. It la believed that the barter will be doubled next year.

Turkey's Population tirows 1 popuintlfln Turkey has Increased by 2,540,494, 18 pw coht since 192t, tho nationwide census revealed, Tho population listed at 16,188,7. Istanbul Is credited with 877,106 Iri labltAnts, CASH STORE SPECIALS FOR SAT. AND MOR LARD Tucker 8 Pound Carton LUZIANNE COFFEE Pound 23c PET MILK Small 3c Large 6c TOMATOES No. 2 Can 7c CORN FLAKES ISODA Package 6c 7 Packages 25c Prices For Friday and Saturday, December 6 7 follows: oW IA-V BUY AT THE SIGN THE OF WE GIVE EAGLE STAMPS TOHATOE JUICE 3 Large Cans 29c 2 18c fURE SYRUP RIBBON CANE Gallon Gallon Qt. 68c 35c 20c normally dc- the farm.

IAJ complying with the hog adjustment provisions of the 1936-37 receive his entire hog payment as soon Jonesboro. Vipen checked after the close of each Newport. yea? The 1936 rate will be at $1.25, Third, Thurman W. Euner head for each hog in the base, rc )ta Springs. less the pro rata share of.

the local i Fourth, Royle R. Sikes, Fort Smith. administrative expenses; Deductions I Fifth, Allen Newton Jones, Little will be made at the rate of $2.50 per oc k. head if the producer fails to raise 50 per cent of his base hog numbers and $5.00 per head if he raises more than his assigned base number. Corn adjustment payments in 1936 will be made in two installments, about August 1 and December 31, at UJl 1J1KII 1 the rate of 35 cents a bushel multi- ex i la ustive compendium of jnforma- plied by the appraised yield and the ion on lnc a to's industries and man- number of adjusted acreas, Deductions, ufactureS) Mr.

Knight said, will be made for local administrative. evera i classifications formerly in- expenses as heretofore. I The rates of adjustment and rates of payments for 1937 will be announced by the Secretary by November 30, 1936, and will be determined from the outlook for supplies and prices at that time. A contract, signer, however, will- not be required to plant more than 25 per cent of his corn base nor make an adjustment below 75 per cent of his base in 1937. To secure the maximum hog payment in 1937, the sUncr will not be required to produce more than 60 per cent nor asked to produce less than 75 per cent of the assigned market base.

The rate of payment on corn in 1937 will not be less than 30 cents per bushel and the rate on hogs will not be less than per head on the number in the base. William A. McCartney, Sixth, Giles A. Gibbs, Hot Springs. Seventh, Okey E.

Westfall, Camden. Flans for the census include the use of a much larger number of manufacturing and industrial schedules than- in previous enumerations, and the final report is expected to be an cluded, such as doctors, dentists and others in professional service, have I felt like Washington at Valley got into 7 obsE-riMPLES? I used lo have them as big as lemons! Mj- skin felt as rough as sandpaper from Fall till the first of Spring. But that -was before I got hep lo HAKES. I'll never forget first suit. I pulled it on and buttoned'up, and it felt as soft and warm as could lie.

I'm telling you those HANKS people, know their knitting. They're not a bunch of knit-witK. They make that clolh BO clastic, and so true to jour trunk and chest-size, that it stretches and gives with every move you iniikc! I've never even had it cut in the crotch when I Iicnd over to lace my shoes. I know I'm hot for HANKS HANKS mokes it hot for me!" P. H.

HANES KNITTING COMPANY, WIISSTON.SALEM, N. C. nearby dealer Ttai HAKES Union. Suita, $1 and up SlilrU and Drawer! bruin at 75e Union-Suits, 7Sc Merrichild 75C alia Winter-Weight and Knit Short! (ttlunrated at anil 59c earA FLOUR Every Sack Guaranteed 48 S159 MEAL FULL CREAM 24 45c MUSTARD QUART JAR IOC OATS COUNTRY CLUB Pound Package COUNTRY CLUB TOMATO JUICE Small Cans KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Package 2 LARD 8 Pounds 99i CATSUP Large 14 oz. Bottle CHOCOLATE DROPS Pound JEWEL COFFEE Pound 17c 51 THE ANTI-FREEZE OR MEN AND UNDERWEAR BOYS ITALIAN Macaroni or Spaghetti 10 Kinds to Choose From, lb 15c CARROTS 5c CELERY Stalk POTATOES, 10 21c SPINACH Home Qrown, lb Tic SAUSAGE VERY BEST MIXED lb IOC CHILI BEST MADE Mexican Style lb 18c Anti-Saloon League on a New Crusade And Bishop Cannon Once More Heads Belligerent Prohibition Forces Hanes Are Sold in Hope by The new corn-hog contract to be in full force from December 1, 1935, through November 30, 1937, unless the Secretary: (1) terminates all corn-hog contracts with respect to 1937 by an COUNTRY CLUB PUMPKIN Large No.

Can lOi GLAZED FRUITS PINEAPPLE, lb 35 CHERRIES, lb LEMON PEEL, lb ORANGE PEEL, lb CITRON, lb BEANS NAVY 4 Lbs17l ST. LOUIS, Lunching a "new crusade" for prohibition, the Anti-Saloon League of America Wednesday night called upon President Roosevelt to iihojish the use of intoxicants at all White House and public unctions and as leader of the repeal movement which promised the saloon would not return to condemn "puhtic- announcement not later than Novem- ly and emphatically the violation of her 30, 1936, or (2) approves an appli- this pledge." f-ation made by a contract signer not The resolution was drafted by Bish later than April 1, 1937, for termination of his original contract, or terminates a contract because of noncompliance. op James Cannon Los Angeles, powerful dry chicflian of prohibition STEAK BABY BEEF CHUCK and No. 7- -Lb ROAST BABY BEEF CHUCK Pound OYSTERS Baltimore Standards Pint J2c 25c BACON PECKER'S TALL KORN lb 32c Harmony Home Owned HOBBS Gro. Market Howe OperuUd Killing hogs beums to be thu order of the day in this community.

Edwin Britt wus the dinner guest of J. W. McWilliams Sunday. Mt. and Hdrold Sanford ure the proud of a son, born Thursday, November 27.

He was christened Billy Bryan. Both mother and son arc nicely. Mrs. Irene McMHlon spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. J.

S. Daugherty. Mrs. Gco. also called at the Daugherty home in the afternoon.

Miss Bofinic Crews of Magnolia A. and M. spent the Thanksgiving holidays with home folks. Mr. and Mrs.

Ray McWilliams and little son. Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McMillen and family. Mr.

and Mrs. George Crews called or. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkinson Sunday atferaopn.

Mrs. Nellie B. Lench is spending ii rlays, and adopted without comment. "Tragic results of repeal, the enormous increase in the sale of intoxicants with the consequent result of increase ol drunkenness especially in women and youth, the shocking traffic fatalities: and the prevalence of crimes of were deplored. In other resolutions, calling for campaigns for local option and state restrictive liquor laws, the league predicted "the return to prohibition is inevitable.

"While we recognize that we must start once again with local units we announce positively and unhcsitutiiig- ly that our final objective is prohibition for every stale and for the entire nation." The league re-established its Legislative Committee, abolished six years ago, and named Bishop Cannon as its chairman. few days with Mrs. Mills of Nevada county. Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Vines ynd children have returned home from different points in the west where he has been iinployed. Personal Tax List MUST BE PAID We have the personal tax list at the Hope office located over the Citizens National Bank Building. This office will be open from 8 a. m- to 5 p. m.

each week day and payment of taxes should be made there. I will have to proceed under the statute, which makes each item assessed responsible for the taxes, so please call at the office at once and pay your personal taxes and avoid the embarrassment of having your property sold to satisfy taxes. J. E. BEARDEN Sheriff and Collector 1 GINGER SNAPS Pound 10 COGOANUTS SPINACH Each Young and Tender Pound I LETTUCE Head POTATOES HAMS No, 1 RED No.

1 Skinned Half or Whole 10 2 ROAST Fancy K. C. THICK RIB or No. 7 Lb STEAK Nice, Tender Baby Beef LOIN and T-BONE Lb 12 i BACON Sliced Rindless Sugar Cured Lb 306 PORK SAUSAGE Southern Style Seasoned OYSTERS "FRES-SHORE" Med. Select Pint 23c LARD SNO'WHITE Compound Lb 121c ROAST BABY BEEF POT or KETTLE Lb IQc OLEO EATMORE Fresh Stock 2 SALT HEAT No.

1 For Boiling Pound.

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