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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 4

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Auguit 1,1952 HOfj STAR, MOM, ARKANSAS MOM STAR, MOM, ARKANSAS to earlier bureau in when 8 HOWLINO ABOUT SOMETHING "Hoot." tho 1 fld "tl ill 1 tho "My Ved I.V 'M Cflu ho dronk Doth of them at thft lu i ho drank Doth of them llvn at trm home ot Mn. Olive In Summit, N. jr. li no We wth'Hbe PRESCOTT NEWS Sunday, Augutt 3 Tha TffllnlrtK Snrvlco of the Flrnt Ilnptirt Church will mvttt Sunday nt 0:80 p.m. Tho Youth PollowKhlp of thfe MttlhwIJul Church Will meei Sunday at OrJW.

Vr, und Mm. N. n. ami Mr. nnd Mm.

will- Jam Gordon ore uponinri. Tho I'lononr rneotlnjj of tho Firm ProNhytorlAM Church will bo hold SuruJny p.rn, would com on- year lo givfl by old njje ami InlUfonce a poiuiun at IBt tlu HdvocatcH In iu tO'-rnmovi. tho limitation nt of nftvc 08 uritl mill 4 flU, The $70 a month, Mngi fVdernl Arthur reporters yeutertlay Hatlon potmloji covered by A young Church of Hiind ny nt norvleon of Noxnrono will held they a billion tent two billion dollar In- taxes, LtWW if per cent pay. emloy. young people of the Ammbly of Oocl Church will mot-i Sunday nt fiUft.

Thorp will be olnxxcN for youritf poopio of Church Suntliiy nt W. 8r. Complimented Monday In compliment Mm. Wat Hr, cm birthday miniver miry, Andrew Gordon nnt Mrs. A.

Dudley Gordon eiUerliiln fd on Mundny morning nt the homo of tho format 1 Tho party, comlnjj completely ns BH mirprlKo to (he the Nimit "Huppy Illrlhdny" and Klfu. A cormiKu of or Chid mum? wns pinned tin Mm, at Mm. J. Ili'sterly, Clnrk White. Mrn.

Qrln Kllsworth. iind Wnt W. White Jr. If. McKcnxle, Cnrl Dnlrymplc, Mm, Bob Reynolda.

nnd Mm. Vvrnon Hiichanon attended Parent Amocln- tlon Training In londnmhlp meet- In Arkudolphlu Monday. Hum and llnlriton have returned from DeQucmi where theyi the ijuegtN of Mr. ttrid Mm. IIown ni nnd furnlly.

Markets mostly firm In enrly IftfUng trKlny. Wholesale TO mostly nnrhaiiR'-'l to IrtWer. nn 1 unrvrnly stondy to higher flnd nrul filaunhici cnttlo ore mostly nu-ndv to wenk C'ollon fiitiirrii fipi-rn-d fi'iits bale highfr to 10 lower. Hogg to 2.1 higher nnd atendy 25 n-nin lower at tmJinn.ipolii with the extremes .10 cents i-nch Eorly llWi to pound (it thc-ic bulked from $23 $21 with topti of nt Indlnnnpoli.M nnd nt ChlciiRO. Heavier weluhts have aold downwnid to $21 for 3iu nt nrc hullMOK inonlly steady to 150 with ihi- Chlenito, The rnnrhel has IlKritwelKhtit tip IM J21 l.nt iTio'it nrc ffclliriK downward from $21 ,10.

New Yoifc Noon Ocloher f' ton 3B.1'|, Progress Is Made on Atom Powered Craft Friday, August 1, 1952 Fair Enough By Weitbreek Pegler Copyright, 1952 By Kino Syndicate. th -i CHICAGO They Rot away with i 1 this yenr. but by 1050, if the Uniied haa not rotted inl'i some presently Inconceivable (hum, the process of picking nom- fni pi-esiHerit surely will bo if only for reasons of iinship. The farcical nature cfiiivention system, so long by plaintive bleeding of ihe fourth csttite wlthoul suddenly achieved per in the -hearrler of I9. Not the '1'iality.

however, but the te- 1'ing-windi-dncss. the gaseous of the orator and impo-iltlon on public patience the important defects rccofc- i practical men as the DriTioi ratic Version of an outworn I American depravity cnme to a fiiiijih. Hundreds of political bacteria In this corruption had Mm. Colburn Stewart turned to her homo In itflwr vidlt with her Mm. Howard Huynlo.

haa Wiitson mother, "On tho tractive eofft'p tnbln won of i'd with pjnk i-ttlndluni leaves In long pink pottery con. tamer, Tho rufrcuhment WHS centered with lovely mem of yellow nnd bronie mumH with green poufs of rnnllne. Mrs, W. Jr, served the white embomted birthday cuke und Mris. Orln Kllsworth.

of the hon. oree, at the punch bowl. Other party dellenclen were on nt. tractive trnya. Invited to uhoro with the hon- oreo In this xpuclal birthday re- wore Mra.

Dk-U Mrs, Sam T. White, Annie j. W. OflmoH, Mm. w.

T. Hart. Mrs. Thoo Elgin, Mrs, Mary Mm, Sr. Mm.

Dun Plttmmi, Sr. Mrs. John A. Davis Joe A. nuiley, Mrs, K.

E. Shell, Hunter Scott, Joe Hnmllton, Mrs, Ernest Cox. Mr, iind Mrs. 1. VnuiiR nt Herder Hpt-nt Tuesday In HrescoU.

Mr. ttnd Mrs, J. Cole hnve hod mi their nwstN MM. CJ. C.

Mellnn tind children and Oar Itiml of Turcll, Texas, Mr. nnd Mrs, KrnoMt Cox iiiul Hurley Cox attended a recent family celebration In Cnnulr-n hon. orlMtf Mrs, COX'M mother. Mm. J.

M. on her birthday. They Were accompanied by Miss Mury Thomas. MM. Uonnlo Mclilhnltnn of Tex- urkuna has been the of Mr uiul Mrs.

Mux Bryant. Mr. and Mrs, Bukley Bishop nnd enildi't'n who hjivp the guests of Mm. kin Murtin nnd other relu- hnve returned to their home in New Jersey. to Rc-Eloct $Uf NN SMITH Chief Justice H) tho Court of Arkansas vote and Influence sincerely appreciated PoU pnid tw by Grlffln Smith Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Jerome Benrd. Jr. of Unlias announce the arrival of duviKhter on July 211 Mrs. Board will remembered by Prwott friends ux the former Miss Mury Fnnn Tumllnson.

Gambling Business Is Picking Up By FRANK CAREY Attoclatecl Press Science Reporter WASHINGTON Tho United Stnti-M, rttporlioK on fltomic-powered siibtnnrlnc und alrcrnft. todny Inunched project: development of Klnut atomic-powered warships. The Atomic Enerjjy Commission niinounced It had nsked th(f West- iriKhotiKc Kleclrie (-'ompnny to df- vulop nn atomic cnpublR of propelling vessels such Jui alrcrnft farriers." This inimgdjiili'ly revived speculation that hatllf- nnd fommerciiil linem like the Mary and Ihe US.S Uniti'd Stales could Yasily m.ike HIO.IMK; mile crul.stvs at top and without refueling. Sueh oHllmatcK arc bnseil on the that a pound of fissionable iiriinhiin or its titanif twin, pin- tdnium, could ci-nerate as much (ioivcr as l.riOO toii'i of coal or Kiilloit.s of fni'l oil, Tin- AKtVs announcement came only few hours after release of! its 12th ttemi-nnimnl report to Con-! Kie.s:i in which the commission ported proftrcN.s on the develop ment of nticlear-powererl iiircrnfl und on two different types of atomic engines for suhmarines. This a likely because he shown for a few seconds on the television.

Time and again, after chairman of delegation had brayed the voti; from the floor, iMiie vnj-ue figure rose to demand (i roll-call on the round thut he Mispccted foul play. And almost us often, after the clerk moaned the names and the weary tellers had totted up the votes and fractions of votes, the total tallied exactly with the original version of chairman. There was less of this In tho republican show than in the Democratic and the reason may he that there was firmer discipline in the hopefuls of the Hungry Party while UK Democrats had no confidence in or respect for anyone. Tinman had run his arm around Alhen Harkley, his old accomplice many a dark deed, and wound up v. nh his fingers dux into the 1'oor fellow's rustling wattles.

Then he had given Adlai Stevenson a IK arty back-handed indorsement Delivered Ijy a walk-on figure named Gavin, which might as well have been delivered by a Western i I Union boy. He has neatly cut the liver out of Averell Harriman, con- la'minn a common suspicion that it was white, with 4iis snarling ob- is an atomic 1 0 thilt onl a Wall Street eiiKine at the lHUlkl be dumb enough to loud-locked site in Arco, Idaho, l' hink Street man could get which Is scheduled to be InKtnllefii 1 1( eu (1 Allt l. few months ago In (he Navy's projected nlomicj hl ntl J'mmy Byrnes, the USS Nau a KvitUnlly doubts that because the laid the keel Meanwhile, atomic submarine the USS Nautilus. Ihe Navy, too, luis nn the engine will work. service already of the Nautilus.

another projected engine is being into By RICHARD WASHINGTON, MOONEV i nul ufflcluls sold today tho now tux on gamblers hus lost its punch nnd business in the ling world is up uamb- tlu- lu Wiuhlnitloii, hijth tax clul calliHl the poor showing Nmlly ONIYIAI tCj A United Press survey of major fiuus Indicated most of the lion's bookies, punch board tors mul numbers racketeers had not bothered lo register for new federal gambling sumps by Ueudllne lust midnight. menUblo." la Six months ago, the same vrffi- ciul said the law requiring gamblers to come out In the open and buy a stamp and pay a 10 percent tax on all handled had cut gambling operations to Un- bone. Today he said the "small-tim ers" vimlng operations some undercover uivd others right out Ihe open. Arrests have increased, he nuled, and the, number of horse race "scratch sheots" fur sale on stands has grown. Throughout nation, local tax eWtclttls reported a sharp drop in tax stamp sales.

Last year's stamps expired with the tax year on Junts SO. and. last midnight was deadline for renewing them. Officials iturprised when only New York City gamblers registered with Uw tax bureau and wught tax slamptt last But ihta year their number is down to three, lit San Francisco, BO stamps were sold last year and only nine year, More than 3,000 Illinois gamblers bought stamps last year. state of Washington, where punchhoards are legal, led in sales last year.

Some 4,360 were sold. stagey deep South county-seat stated- with a honeysuckle accent a knife in his boot, had got a ribald suit-letting in a cheap calling each other built by General Electric ut an AEC-owned site in West Milton Y. Presumably, the AKC and the Nnvy have their sights set on cause uranium-fueled atomic fur- nncoK must have their ashes dumped, somewhat like a coal fur- nneo at home. And spent fuel would hnve to be replaced. But, for all pnietical purposes, their cruising rnnnes would be unlimited.

This Is an advantage for any- kind of a naval or commercial liner but will be particularly advantageous to submarines for! these reasons: 1. They'll be able to cruise sub- i merged for indefinite periods, with-! out need of surfacing to recharge! batteries. 2. The virtually unlimited elec-l trical Mipply that would come! from an atomic engine would per-1 mlt use of equipment to continual- i ly freshen air for the submarine crew. At present, submariners depend on tanked oxygen which can be curried only in limited supply, Cherry, Continued from One ville and at Ashdown and DeQuoen.

UTTI.b:- HOCK McMath left here today to beat the bushes ot Southwest Arkansas for votes east in the unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign of Hep. Hovd, Taekett, The governor, bidding for a third! term in the Democratic, primary against Judge lak Francis Chcrrv. magazine These are only a sketchy sum mary of the dirty tricks and hatreds which took the heart out of this coiuention after a bold, con tident beginning. For two days it seemed as though they would have to draft Truman as the only man qualified to -slap General Eisenhower silly with the beautiful abandon of a back-room fighter tear ing down a formal, book-taught boer. Toward the finale, they would have been willinK to take.

Oratory is, of course, the most Insincere form of expression ever invented. The tremolos and burbles, the nickers and bellows all aiv affectations which in private conversation would get a man e.mmitted. The distaff version is, if anything, worse, and the grisli- ist note of all was struck when one big female bawled a demand for respectful attention and then boasted thai she had been widowed one war and bereft of her son by the next. Bolh of these slaughters were waged exclusively by Democratic JUlmmtstrations, so the sentiment ol these remarks created some wend, as to the whole effect of v. omen on our politics, whether for beUer or for worse.

For television these follies run much long. And the television public being thousands lo one over the attending audience in the roomiest hall, too taste lo television's millions must prevail over the ha bus of the wind-bags who lake an hour, as Barkley did the t-lher nijjht, to say a great deal than nothing or sneak in cqp- ns in announcing that junior state, a state never has backed a loser, pleasure i i backed ard counties. Top Ottlcittls in Sail Francisco and as well several the slump itt shows been out of It's not the it'i the they aiftny have tows shortly cofprs to the John Mur- Aluminum Industry Seeks Price Hike WASHINGTON price increase for tho aluminum industry averaging 5.5 per halt the amount ed in tho mill today. One puce official said it would be announced nest Monday. The ojficial told a reporter l.ue be one cent per pound Vj and 5 cent semi-fabricatod and fully fabricated products.

Ihe chair tried repeatedly, as the chair has done for many years, to restrain the vanity of microbes in these temptations, but they still smiek in their recitations. Now it will IKIVV to be done, perhaps by ho clerk sole author- a celluloid cnrnlvol gadget somehow caught fire, perhaps from a dropped cigarette. That wbuld explnln why the fire persisted for i two minutes or go, with the firc- I men and Frain nnd one big unl- dontlfi-d civilian stomping Mirawllng oil over it. Frain grabbed a coot off a chair und dropped It over'the center of the fire. The firemen warmed In like a football team but were badly handicapped by the very crowd they were trying to from fire nnd stampede.

A woman screamed nnd Frain clapped his hand over her mouth. The fh-e extinguishers were some distance away, and the only thing the men on the spot could do while others were rushing up the stirrup-pumps was to stomp and slap at the burning papers and beat at them with big cardboard candidates' placards. The Chicago cops also came out of these two trying experiences with a profit In their reputation They had dragged along through many bad administrations, from Buaso and Thompson and Kelly to Ihe present, more often sold out lhari selling oul and, on Ihe whole as good ns Iheir betters would let them be. The era was as bad for them 'and their renown as the La Guardia and -O'Dwyer administrations were for the New York force. In were on -in numbers where there might be need of help or force, and it Is a compliment lo say that they behaved much better than the delegates and higher politicos and left much more respectable impression.

The police arrangements for President Truman's safety and comfort were so lavish that one had to look back to Hyde Park and the Royal Roosevelt Regiment of fool in World War II; to Garmisch- 1'artenkirchen at the winter Olympics of 1936 or to St. Petersburg in the days of the czars for anything like Ihem. Balbo street, the southerly boundary of the Blackstone Hotel where Truman had a whole floor to himself, was blocked off from Wabash to Michigan, a whole block, wilh a hundred uniformed traffic men turning back all comers, even accredited reporters. In the basement of the Conrad Hilton hotel acrrss the street uniformed cops under a lieutenant and sergeant stood by as a reserve. The 1 a one lobby was hushed wilh a strange tension.

Truman had brought 12 secret service men from Washington and Ihe local regular detail were thrown into the assignment along with many Chicago detectives. Someone plainly was scared stiff, whether the plain, beloved, snarl- little Man of the People or tho men responsible'for his safely, or bolh. The scene was a forthright display, of muscle and fire-power with big pistols exposed in ammunition belts on the hips of heavyweight and the flycops conspicuous in the elephantine stealth. The cost of the plane that I 90,000 to See Coronation LONDON. Britain will set uni-'up alwut 90.000 seats and for Queen Elizabeth's coronation procession next June and spectators will have to out from $10 to to sit in them.

Works Minister David Eccules told reporters odny more than 27 miles of fib.OOO Nixon Gives Catchy Phrasct for Thought be rowed in tiers in idpnlial Abbey and other state property. The construction cost will be nearly two million dollars. Ike, Campaign Director Tal Over Drive By L. ARROWSMITH DENVER Gen. Dwight D.

Lisonhower rnei-ts today with his as- December, and policy arrests have "almost doubled." Tha Washington official blamed the law's failure knock out on three factors: Con- didn't provide enough money ttt police often faU (KMttffh evidence on an ar- are many other portions of the process that can be trimmed away. Debates and roll-calls on resolutions und the reading of platforms, which are invariably thrown away the day after election at the latest, are a tempting field for the producer. If television gave the nation a ghastly impression of its political sjstem, it nevertheless performed owe pleasant adjustment. The little fire in an aisle almost at the feet of Governor Byrnes on Thursday uight was a terribly dangerous emergency in which the burly young firemen in white shirts and dress caps of the Chicago lire prevention bureau were caught in act wilh glorious wttsci. plans for his White House bid perhaps decide the role of a group seeking a major jiignment.

In advance of the closed session, the Republican presidential nominee was reported to be determined to give the national Citizens for Eisenhower Committee an. important place in the campaign organization. The question was, just how to do it without causing friction between the professional the re-iular Republican organizations around the the self-described amateurs of the citizens group. That matter, however, was only one phase of the discussions scheduled lo continue over the weekend. Issues, campaign itinerary and general strategy also were on tho docket.

Those called lo the huddle by Ihe general include his running nifite. Sen. Richard' Nixon of California, and the new chairman of the GOP National Committee, Arthur K. Summerfield, who also will manage Elsenhower's campaign. Among others on hand for the first big policy conference since Kisenhower was nominated are Gov.

Sherman Adams of New Hampshire, the general's political chief of staff, and Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, who managed the general's campaign for the nomination. Lodge, seeking- re-election to the' Senate, has fiiven up his more active role to the campaign Advisory Committee. broughl Truman here, the rent of the entire floor of the most expensive hold in lown, and Ihe pay and expenses of tht- secret service all were routine charges against the taxes of the Common Man. And the journey was made in the political interest of the Democratic party and by no conceivable twist a legitimate presidential duty in the public COLUMBUS, (UP) Sen Richard M.

Nixon gave Republi cans a catchy phrase to play will today. He called Democratic pros nominee Adlai E. Steven a "captive candidate." Nixon, GOP i e-presidentia i hopeful, expanded his descripti I to charge that Stevenson would I a "good president" if elected. The 39-year-old Californian made i his first major speech last night I when he appeared before delegates 10 the Ohio Republican convention, His audience had worked stren I uously lo win Ihe Republican pros- klenlial nomination for a fellow Ohioan, Sen. Robert A.

Taft, but 11 gave the youthful No. 2 man on the "rival" winning team a warm reception. Nixon said Stevenson, of Illinois, is the candidate of President Truman, Chicago Demo cratic Leader Jacob Arvey and citi-i Jack Kroll, head of the CIO Political Action Committee. -Nixon said he believed Stevenson and his Democralic running male, Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama, were men of good in lenlions.

"Regardless of their good inten- ticns, they must continue tho Tr man policies." he added. Nixon said the Truman administration's record on the Alger Hiss case "alone is enough to disqualify it." Nixon played a major role in sending Hiss to prison for perjury, and indicated he would make an issue of this case throughout the Re-publican campaign. Nixon called on all Republicans lo "unite" in the struggle to win the election in November. He said "unity" would be the theme he an- Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican presidential nominee, would use in their drive for votes.

The delegates gave Nixon a five- minute ovation at the conclusion of his address. He was introduced by Sen. James G. Bricker of Ohio, 1944 GOP vice- pi-esidential nominee, who also blasted Hiss and the Democrats. "If it was up to the Democrats, Alger Hiss would have been only; a red herring and not a canne sardine," Bricker said.

SOCIETY Pftont 74431 Between 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Describes the War in Korea as Fantastic Calendar Monday, August 4 Mrs.

R. L. Gosnell will present her summer piano class in recital for their parents, Monday night, August 4, at 8 o'clock at 119 North Pine. tia There will be a called meeting of the Nandina Garden Club Monday, August 4, at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Thomas Fcnwick, Jr.

The Fidelis Sunday School Class of the First Methodist Church will hold its annual family picnic at Fair Park on Monday night. August 4, at 7 o'clock. Each member and her family is urged to attend. (Editor's Note: The U. S.

Nnvy today released the following story by Jam s. A. Michener, author "Tales of the South Pacific," no Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harris and: Korea as a correspondent ft Holiday magazine.) Starts Sunday at the Saenger Hospital Notes children, Nina and George, arrived in Hope Tuesday from Washington, D.

C. Miss Norma Jean Kranks Given Canasta Party Mrs. C. W. Tarpley entertained her niece, Miss Norma Jean Franks, bride-elect of Bob Shaddox, with a canasta party Thursday evening, July 31.

The Tarpley home was decorated with arrangements of summer flowers. Miss Franks was presented a corsage of glamcllias mid a gift of crystal in her chosen pattern, Canasta was played from three i tables with high score being won by Miss Nancy Camp. A dessfert course was served to eighteen present. Coming and Going Julia Chester Admitted: Mrs. O.

A. Chirk. Rt. 1. Hope.

Mrs. J. J. Honeycutt, Hope, Jud Bush, Hope. Mr.

and Mrs. llollis L. Calhoun ot Hope announce the arrival of a son, Gary Lynn. Mr. and Mrs.

O. A. Clark, Rt 1, Hope, announce the arrival of a daughter. Josephine Admitted: Fuller, Hope, Hope. Ms I.

Mrs. Dennis Larry E. 11. Saundcrs Branch Admitted: Miss Sharon Tippctt, Rt. 4, Hope.

Discharged: Mrs. Fred McJunkins and baby girl. Saratoga. King Farouk Says He Is Not Rich Mrs. W.

A. to Jett B. The Jett B. ool Class of Church held luck supper the home of Thursday Supper Mudgett Hostess Graves Class Graves Sunday Sch- the First Methodist their monthly pot- in the backyard of Mrs. W.

A. Mudgett night, July 31. was served at 7:30 to fourteen present, after which a social hour was held. The flowers in Mrs. Mudgett yard formed the background foi the tiutdoor supper.

ISLE OF CAPRI Italy Roly poly ex-King Farouk of who claims he is "no longer a rich man," dined richly with his; fnmily last night at one of thisj pleasure island's most exclusive night clubs. The unemployed monarch, who, said at a news conference clay that he would "live simply" now that he has lost his throne, was a guest of British musical star Grade Fields at her sumptuous "Canzone del Mare" restaurant. Gracie, nn old friend of the do- By JAMES A. MICHENER With The U. S.

Marines, Korea 'Delayed by censor) UTI For the Marines it was just another day. For me it was a strange intro-j I'uclion to the fantastic war they i are ti.chling mirth of Seoul. 1 1 wish all Americans could have experienced it. Then they would understand i of the Korean War. I started early with a helicopter trip to the front, rode at 100 feet in a 'copier whose side had been ripped away so I could hang over the edge and look straight down at i the strange, beauty of Korea.

Ked green pines, handsome rivers, ancient grave! yards and up ahead the battle line. Our troops are dug into bunkers ami deep trenches, but. even so. I each day incoming enemy shells i kill some of our men. Today more than 1)00 enemy shells will hit our positions.

The temperature rises to 114 degrees. I've never known such heat, not even on the qualor but probably that's because down there I never worked so hard as I shall I this day. For we climb to several i different hill positions and from the moment I start shall not be dry. It in a stinking, steaming dangerous war. Mid-morning I visit one of the most incredible positions ever occupied by American troops.

It is an isolated hill four miles within enemy lines, completely surrounded by Chinese Communist territory and looking down upon the fateful iiimistice negotiation tents at Pan- munjom. As I stand in this strange out- Pjtricc WYMORE, Virginia MAYO ami Gene NI-LSON Bros. 1 "SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH Tcchnicolof. Starts Sunday at the Rialto Key Witnesses to Testify in Bishop Case LITTLE ROCK Throe key wore to testify today bo- fore spocinl Rrnnd Jury, Investigating chortle thnt fl-time slayer Tuek Bishop paid $1,500 for a day (nrlouRh from nn Arkansas penitentiary. 1'ulaski Prosecutor Tom Oownic snld the State Sen.

Clyde. Uyrd of Kl Dorado; Prison Supt. Leo Ucnslee nnd Assistant Atty. Gen. William T.

Mooreheadj were subpoenaed yesterday. Downle requested the tfroml In investigate statement by Bishop that he pnld the money for extension of a Christmas furlough. Bishop didn't return to the Ar- kunsas prison nt the end of his 10-dny Christmas furlough last year He has been convicted in Utah for the slaying of two Ophir, Utah miners. He is presently awaiting death by firing squiul on Aug. 27.

Bishop was in the Arkansas prison for the slaying of four persons in In 1043, In 10S1 over R3 million watermelons were rniscd and consumed In the United States. "4 Tho second sweeten ni sudfose, of commerce. posed ruler, his wife, to Later. invited Farouk and i ()st see her the villa for party cock which DALE RODGRTSON and JOANNK D1UJ in .1 roinamic moment I'roiu 20th Century-Fox's "RETURN Ol- THE ATTEND A MOVIE TODAY THEY'RE BETTER THAN EVER After more than five years of preparation, a photographic sky chart of tho Milky Way as seen from the southern hemisphere is r.cady for distribution to 150 astronomical observatories throughout the world. 0 JL or- DOCTORST" And it's America's mother-and -child favorite.

Tablets are adult dose, orange flavored. Buy it today, 39c. STJOSEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN AIR-CONDITIONED STARTS TODAY Best Double Features COLORFUL STORY! MARIA MONTEZ JOHN HALL TURHAN BEY in 'SUDAN 22 YEARS IS A LONG TIME! it's time to change COLOR CARTOON 'Radar Men From Moon S3 IS The prescni C'hnn- I'fHor liaa served continuously for i'J years It's time to change to five' new life to an Important offire NO MAN IS IMMKPKXSAJiLK 33 years JN OFKICK has givtti the present cliun. very judge all the honors the uflice ran KlN him why does he. wiuit it again? He rould retire and be eligible under the law lo retirement pay of JHOO.OO ner month tor rest of his natural life.

IT COULD BK SKLPISIINKSS (he lircsffU judge of the chancery court isn't Interested In saving Ihe taxpayers any money, lie is Interested in $600.00 a month instead of (lie $300.00 a month retirement pay. i of State of Arkansas hadnl thought that 70 years was relire- juent age for Chancery or (1rc it Judge ttwy would have never passed the retire- law. a judge reaches retirement age and hug served nearly a quarter of a century ITS TIME TO CHA.NUK. liefore my opponent could serve out another term, he would be approaching of age. Another six years would 8 lve him hi office.

My onpoitettt's JNIr8 in he udge given him all the honors Ilieof- ike ran give him. Me should retire, he said he would. 0 THE PRESENT CHANCELLOR SAID: "I HAVE NO INTENTION OF RUNNING AGAIN THIS IS FROM PAGE "88" OP TRANSCRIPT OF "CASE HK.YKIXG ON TO HIS. SOI.VK TKMPOKAKY INJfr.NO. TION IN THE OHANCEKY OF MILLER ARK.

JIDUE STEKLSAII): "This not Circuit Court. don't have a jury and I sorry Ihst they don't. But the court has to do without it. Public opinion has vary little to do with running Ibis gmt mill. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF RUNNING FOR OFFICE AGAIIJ.

I do what I Ihlnk right regardless of public opinion. I just as Independent as woodchuck." 'HOT GARTERS GERTIE," Burlesque Beauty, Goes to College! PLUS DONALD DUCK CARTOON through the glasses 11 Communist soldiers filteriiiK down a hill they mistakenly think to be in the neutral They are ROI to set up a sun with which to I harass our hill. A beardless lieute- I limit at my side calls clown an tillery mission, which lands smack on enemy and inflicts heavy casualties. The young lieutenant shows no sign of triumph. Less than a week ago 17 of his buddies were killed by the Communists near that very spot.

The unbelievable aspect of this artillery shelling is that while I followed the flight of our shells, the shadow of our hill fell almost across the tents of Panmunjom. HI turned less than 40 degrees away! from the dead enemy, and I could watch our negotiators enter tho meeting at Panmunjom. Tonight, when the negotiations have ended, Communists will try to penetrate this lonely outpost and if they succeed they will destroy our men. The war never ceases. In the afternoon I climb to another advanced position to study the effectiveness of close Marine air support against a hill which our ground troops cannot reach.

Four Marine pilots roar down through intense flak and blast a hill with tons of fire. They accom plish wonders but as the last plane pulls away it starts to spray I Musical Opens atSaenger Here Sunday Middle of Road Policy Seems Pretty Cozy oil. know it will have to crash. Si- prayerfully, we wail for the explosion. But none comes.

This is the lucky day for pilot Marcus McNally of Houston, Tex. He belly lands within a thousand yards of tho press train at Munsan within three minutes after he walks away unhurt, he is being interviewed. Say his friends, cheap bid for publicity." In the late Col. Fred Henderson of Gary. tells me 1 must see this wild man I A big campus musical comedy, i complete with new songs, dances, I gorgeous co-eds and six of War- nor lop stars, marks the I entry of "She's Working Her Way Through College" into the Saenger Theatre on Sunday.

Virginia Mayo Honald Regan. Gene Nelson, Don DeFore, Phyllis Thaxter and Patrice Wymore comprise the stellar cast of the Technicolor production directed by Bruce Humberstone for Warner Bros. Virginia Mayo, who was discovered for films dancing at Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe, has the central role of a burlesque queen benl on a college education. Kegan, Nelson and Miss Tba.xter are on hand to further this end, I while Patrice is seen as a jealous! classmate who vies with Miss Mayo for the "Most popular" rating at the school. In addition, the Blackburn Twins, Ramon and Roycc, famous night club performers, highlight the spectacular college play sequence in the film.

Sammy Calm and Vernon! Duke, two of the nation's top songwriters teamed up to write "I'll Be Loving You," "Love is Still For Free" and "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of," among the hit tunes heard in the picture. Roland Ginger Crowley and Eve Miller are featured in "She's Working Her Way Through College," produced by William Jacobs. By JAMES MARLOW WASIIINCTON l.l'i This is the yrar when Ihe middle nt till 1 road The politicians indi- they thought so when they picked (Jen. Kisenhower and Gov. Stevenson.

(join are middle-of-the-roaders. The general is a little to the right of the governor. Stevenson, apparently, a little to the right of President Truman. Neither man an apostle of change, socially! or economically. Although Jioth are internationalists, that's usual now, not radical.

If there had been wide pressure lo move left or far right, convention politicians undoubl- would have responded by producing Ihe kind of candidate wanted. Nu matter how boss-ridden, a political party which wauls to slay in busiiu ss must be a kind of thermometer measuring the public mood. The people have shown that in time of 'crisis, when great remedies are needed for survival, Ihey i not only will accept but seek changes, even severe ones. This was -demonstrated in 11)32 when they elected Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was iger to experiment, instead of Hei berl Hoover who didn't want lo nek the boat even when it was sinking.

In choo.sing Hoover that year Hie Republicans eilher misread their IhermoiiteltT State Needs Lawyer in McMath Suit I.ITTI..K HOCK Ml I'ulaskl Chancellor Frank Dodtfe will open a he.arint; today to decide who will ch fend the state atfalnst Oov. Mi-Math's suit for recovery of more than $1)00 In back state income taxes. The hearing was scheduled yes lerthiy but postponed when Revenue Department Attorney O. T. Ward was unable to attend.

Atty. Gen. Ike Murry has petition ed the court he be designated to defend the state. He said that Ward should not represent Stale Revenue Commissioner Carl 1 Parker In the suit because Pinker is a McMath appointee, Murry said Ward was ap pi.inted with McMalh's approval. Parker opposes Murry's petition.

MrMalh's suit claims the back taxes were wrongfully collected him. The watermelon Is the the cucumber family. Senators Plan European Tour HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 3. Main Country Club rd. LAST DAV IY Time In ARKANSAS We didn't know that the ARKANSAS CHERRY would be ready for harvest so soon, but IT HAS, W1JZ AND IS.


Long (D-Lai and Son. Morse (It-Ore i pian to leave next Tuesday on a 25.000-inile tour of U. S. overseas airbasest" Their goal is to find works the rockets. Capl.

Joel ways of saving the taxpayers mil- Travers, Buffalo, N. is this, liens of dollars on costs of foreign 104 Confed- bases. "I'm convinced from testimony taken by congressional thai we arc spending loo much on some of Ihese bases," Long lold a reporter yesterday. WESLEY HOWARD for CHANCELLOR A LAWYER 9f NIGH INTfigilTY WIOI ftimvy PROVEN WRIALT year's version of the crate cavalry. lie says, "you can watch us fire Ibis mission if you want lo.

Bui be ready to scram like a bat oul of hell. Don't turn your jeep off." A ripple of rockets is something never to forget. The roar and the flame and the swoosh and the excited movement of the crew are iihoslly, bul the tell-tale flash and the great pillar of dust thrown up by the back-blast betray your po-iiny the recent session of Qonsress. silion immediately. Long was chairman of a Col.

Henderson ripped our jeep i subcommitlee which handled the I right out of there al frightening, defense construction bill and speed. Thirty seconds after we hauled tail a salvo of Communist shells lundcd right where we had bc-en. They were Ida's and they chewed the place up pretty bad. Ironically both th shells and the Long and Morse are members of a Senale preparedness subcommittee which criticized wastes und extravagance in the cf multi-million dollar airbuses in North Africa and Greenland ilur- the Sunutc to cut nearly 700 niilh'm i dollars from a three billion dollar i defense projects appropriation. 11 or ignored it.

Allhough they elected Roosevelt times more, il was in 11)32 that the voters made it most clear they'd for change when they thought it necessary. i Roost-veil's lour victories were! in abnormal times, iiy when! he was dead, the -picture had I changed. We were still in serious trouble abroad, thanks to the laccording to the IJerno-1 cralsi or to Democratic bungling (according to the Republicans), But war was not imminent. I And home the people were' irore prosperous, in spile of in- 1 i flution, than any lime- since the' HI20's. People wilh full bellies don'l 'lun'thrjugh the screaming for Million, even mild one.

So in wilh Ihe nation more normal than it ad bneri in HO years, hen; vas wide pressure for far-reaching social or economic changes from groups. 1 In that fairly normal year the Dernoci-iils and 1'resideiit Truman, although lie had offered his Fair IX-a! us a continuation of the New i Deal which had been interrupted BROS. Fine Fabrics in Two Groups AT CLOSE OUT PRICES STARTS 2 BIG HITS 2 That Famous Comic Character JOE PALOOKA with Joe Kirkwood, Jr. "TRlVul CROSS" PIUS WHIP WILSON "ABILENE TRAIL" with ANDY CLYDE PIRATE HARBOR COLOR CARTOON STARTS SUN DAY Dale ROBERTSON Joanne DRU CARTOON SHORT gun which fired them were handed to the Chinese by America in 1947. 1 join Gen.

John Selden's briefing at Marine headquarters and there I hear the remorseless adding machine of war: "First Ma-j nues, three the F4U pilot never got out of his plane when it a case of beer to the Korean Marines who capfured the The two senators, with sn staff of experts, planned to be gmiu a month to six weeks with slops tit Greenland, North Africa, Iceland, European bases and other locations still listed as top secret. Long taid most of the trip would be made in military Ruling Favors School Board LITTLE ROCK Chancery by war, barely squeaked through. This election year is much like 1MB with some notable new excep liens: higher taxes, corruption in government, and the distressing Mid unfinished Korean War. Otherwise, incomes and employment are at a peak. Our foreign relations are serious but war still does not seem imminent.

The arguments this year between the parties and the candidates will be over government ex- included ex-Queen Naniman and Farouk's three daughters by his, previous marriage joined regu-j ao-dayB notification lar customers at -'the restaurant, i Jud 8f Williams made the- Narriman yesterday alter hearing a suit filed by Hugh Donaho, 27-year-old foc- a Junior High School. he might appeal tht It was learned that brought only four pieces of luggage with her when she followed' mathematics teacher at her husband into exile. The young ex-Queen revealed this when she asked the wife ol the owner of the hotel where Farouk and his family are stay-1 ing to have her white suit cleaned nt A contract, said that his soon as possible." "1 Couldn't salvage much," she confided. Previously it had been reported that the royal family brought 204 Court Judge Guy E. Williams ruled! penses and corruption, the han- yesterday that the Litlle Rock jelling of foreign policy, and other School Beard can discharge ori issues which Ihe politicians will refuse to renew teachers contraciil have no trouble dredging up.

But the- voters, not in peril now, ill not have to choose between a stand-patter and a man with a Little Rock Donaho said decision. who sought a mandatory injunction forcing the board to re witfr on voyage lour more probing attacks by How It's war. It all happened within a few miles of Panmuojom and wiill go on bsppe fof here that gleam in his eye tht- promised land. and a key to Radio waves travel at the speed of light, about 186,000. miles per second.

Genuine Powder Puff Muslins Fairyspun Dimities Sport Denims Washable Rayons Fine Chambrays and Permanent Finish Organdy. VALUED TO $1.15 49c Dumari's Lovely Lqdy Solids and Patterns dotted swiss Some Dumari's Yippi other VALUE fr tract was not rent-wed because his union activity. The chool board claimed that its contract with the teachers that either the teacher or the may. terminate MEN'S STRAW HATS PRICI A GRQUPW OF su Mil TO.

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