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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ITAt, HOM, AURANIAS Wtdntlday, July 30,1952 eoth laid tfxtny Uiny tto HMtttr who killed an rni hnici gun dun) here tha AUe Sttto Kofnory unld In 0 murder of the Jonuly 81 the under guard at 1 I to wni loy by Km )rt of the hfllol. Brock five bull-nil fired by IMi "ifl inld two MfunochuscttM received "cncouraglns" Ih llio questioning of Ooorgo 89, at IrlBRorhappy TI IW, Puff wounded Id a gun Minn-it, Friday, onoournBlriR Which worn to point iil thV mat in tho Bn- minify Mid, "Wo wan not olona when wfti kllluu and thu mnn wlih ild well hnvti boer) Puff." ihot nine Urnen ho tntamobllc iwmr Mm. btfliowtd he Rt cord at Jontiboro JONESBOHf). Ark, Chun- ttllor hometown numbor at vntod In llw erUUe In which Jnrfgc Cherry opcand. The 1990 roeord (oMI of wit left Mr rr- ft ffttil of 7483 one who WAX wanted by Iho FBI.

Puff and Hormix hnd bean c'louc thoy met In Mil- wnukoo jail coll, It brllnvfd were tho cunmen who robbed a Vlllngft, Udtilt of s. Korr of Oklnhomn Horrimdn and Kerr Visit Stevenson CHICAGO, men who fHil th-jlr bent plus lot of time and money, Into trying to win the Dirnincratic proiiloVnllnl ri'irnlnnUoii, ended on thn mnn who didn't It nrul got ft nnywny. Avcnrll Hiirrftnnri, Mtituiil Si-cur-j Ity AdmlnlMriilnr, mid Sen. plant. ElRtit men.

Including from both groups, hurt In an! outbreak Monday, when jwme AFL! iivn, forced thrr way Into the plant. Thn AFL withdrawn! promise ramo at the request of state Labor Commissioner Thomas R. Hutxon, who suggested "violence might 108,000 taut FBI ngnntu irnlled Puff to tho Congress Hold lint Haturdny, nlan iilng to arrant him In lobby, Hut Puff, posftlbly sonnlng hu hnd been xpotted, walked down nine- floor flight of Inxfclo fire oxcnpo Rtopx Innlcitil of using nn lor, Wlinn he. opened (ho door Ifiidlrig to tho lobby, ho xnw Brack In front of him. He their vUlls In Guv.

Ailhil lltld C'dltic (IWiiy rxpn'SHlll support (if thi' rn'w Dem AFL to Halt Attempt to Cross Line TERRE HAUTE. Ind. ifH An union has agreed to cnll off martial Inw." any more to break Oov. Henry E. Schrlcker also through a CIO picket lino In order asked the AFt, operating engineers to go to work In the strikebound to away from the plant.

The' Alllit-Chfilmrni Jet engine are CIO United Auto Work- union which Is official bar- I litilnina flKent for the workers. volved In com olecUnn. Ar mur los fcdct al conclli 1 during the bul r( no progress towaru St.Joseph ASPIRIN WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT IOC cratic IT. Hiirrlniiin met with Slcvi-nnon In "Hliiir House" iiKiir north of Wlllliitri lll.iii Me; Corinlck, who In trumibor of tho' exocullvi! ulnff. before IcnvlnH tor New York.

The liinky mllllfmiiln- told IIOWN- mcri ho dlnctuiHcd "the wlmk- sit- on the PHI tuition" with Hiovonson. Hi; do clined lo give "I'm going to help in every way I cnn with I'ViM-ythltij! I'vr it'll," flirui-k hy bullet HI he rnn through the lobby, fullma the outnlde lliu lioU-l. Puff's nhpoly young wife, Annlu Lnurlo, mid wlfo, June, worn nrrewtod at thn hotel ond Md In bull mich an UCUCH eorfcg 11 lor Un? fuel In tha bunk rubbery, Thoy nlxa wnro liunknd for crimlmilii. Brook will ba burlod following a ruqulom today. llnrrlniBM mild firmly.

"I think wo'vf jjot fine? tk'kitt." (mother mlllionijli'f who plrerl in the presidency, xwipprd by In Htevcnnon before! tuavlng Minnesota and ott finhliiu He HIIId ho I to for 8Utvcnnon tut'l the two men dliteiiH.iud thu "lasuvs" In- of the convention with Mlatrment fjtevornori thnt hn did not bei llovr; hlrn.tplf "mentally tamper mentally of phynlcolly" fit to be UR prvNldortllnl nominee. Ken 1 proclaimed week thnt he, for one, WIIH fit for thn nom Inntlon. an reference toi the Slovonson ntntement. mild If tho lU-publicnns try! to make cfimpnijm IHHUC out of: the name Htiitemenl they "will Vie; (Uic fur a rude awakening and hhni illrttipiiolntinrnt," "I think it's a minor a inimifctitatkin nn his piirt of humility and what I think IK an ainaz IriKly vahmbli: a nunite of humor," Kerr said. The Oklahoma senator said that Ktevonson iitfreed Hint the farm voter rind the problems of nitrlcul ture were paramount Isnues In the coining contpniKn.

lie suid they tho l.sfuio together. stpke aetllcrnent. He hops to get both sides in a meeting Friday. The strike for higher wages and! union shop (flopped construction of tho main IU-mlllion- project. POLIO INSURANCE Includes seven other Diseases! Pays expense incurred up to these limits POLIO $5000 Small Pox $2500 Dipfheria 2500 Meningitis 2500 Leukemia 2500 Tetanus 2500 Scarlet Fever 2500 Cancer 1000 Applications taken in our office in a strong stock insurance company.

THANKYOU I wish to thank each of you for the nice vote you gave me in Tuesday Election. I will appreciate your vote and support on AUGUST 12. FRED JOHNSON Candidate For ALDERMAN WARD 2 Pol. Adv. Paid for by Fred Johnson.

Individual Policy $5.00 ONE YEAR Family Policy $10.00 ONE YEAR Visit our office. Applications are completed in a few minutes or phone 7-3481 for a representative to call. ROY ANDERSON CO. Hope, Ark 210 South Main MlMISSIT! WHITE ELEPHANT LAST 3 DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY AGAIN WE'VE SLASHED PRICES-SO YOU SAVE MORE THAN EVER llNfS PANTS fcjRIrwl Close Out. One group of and seersucker pants.

to H95. $1.50 REDUCED toys now for All toys reduced up to as the jewelry. only 50c ery Dress in the House Must Be Sold Here is the score. Valuo to $13.95 Get several, but hurry, II $2 $3 tEN'S SHOES fcry $hoe must leovo by Saturday night, Men's value to $10,95, reduced to ,50 53.50 and $4.50 BIRDSEYE DIAPERS Final wind-up. Regular $2.95 $1.92 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS $3.95 value $1.87 MEN'S ARMY PANTS $4 95 value $2.87 at this prico, value to $5,95.

Again we've Slashed the price, IES SHOES 3k at this price, Slas 1,00 $1 JO and $2.00 Ifc 'N DOMESTIC SHEETING Yard ,1 LADIES BLOUSES IKED and RE-GROUPED PRINT Yard 38c MEN'S DRESS PANTS Out they go. Every pair in the house, value to $8.95 81 by 99 SHEETS Close out $3. $1.57 DRINKING GLASSES Big 15c glasses Each 7c BOWLS 29c value Each 7c ALL HOME FURNISHINGS SLACKED. SELECT YOURS NOW. TOILET SETS $1 00 and $1.29 value ONE GROUP OF PIECE GOODS Value to $1.95 Yard 37c Boys and Girls Blue Jeans Sizes 0 to 6 93c MEN'S HATS Men, here is the wind-up Value to $5.00 COLORED SHEETS Fieldcrest $3.95 value $2.74 Men's One Piece Unions $2.29 value $1.53 LADIES BRASSIERES $1.19 value WORK CLOTHES Prices are clashed on all work clothes Save, SAVE, LADIES HALF SLIPS $1.29 value 400 YARDS OF SHEER GOODS 69c and 79c value Yard 38c MEN'S SHORTS 69c value KIDS TRAINING PANTIES 29c value 7 Pairs BIG CANNON TOWELS $1.39 value LADIES HOSE $1.39 value BETTER MATERIALS 700 yards.

Value to 79c Yard 33c COTTON SLIPS $2.95 value $1.83 COTTON SLIPS 1.59 value COLORED PILLOW CASES 98c value DISH PANS Enamel $1.25 value PERCULATORS $1.59 value 97c LADIES BLOUSES $1.69 value MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS 59c value 29c (SKIRTS Joshed prico. SHOES SOc )c NOTIONS and(c MEN'S KHAKI SHIRTS $2,49 $1.73 WORK SOX 39c value 19c 9 BY 12 RUGS First quality $3.92 This is the Wind-UP. Saturday is the LAST DAY at the White Elephant. BARGAINS like you have never seen or heard of before. Shop Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the Biggest Bargains Ever.

The White Elephant QUITS. BLEACHING 36 inch Snow White Yard FASH COLOR PRINTS 36 inch Yard SCATTER RUGS $2.29 value $1.63 COMBINETTE $1.98 value $1.27 PILLOW CASES First quality 42 by 36 43c CANNON TOWELS 20 by 40. 69c value 32c LADIES GOWNS Rayon jersey. $1.69 value 74t 110 EAST SECOND STREET MEN'S OVERALLS Sledge brand. $3.49 value $2.97 LADIES JEANS Slerge brand $2.98 value $2.53 MEN'S DRESS SOX 39c value 22c KIDS SUPS 74c Our Doily Bread Thin by The Editor H.

Governor or Cabinet Officer Which Job Is Sid Running for? Governor Sid McMnth apparent' has his politics fixed so he an't miss. Before the preferential primary past Tuesday it was our understanding the governor's main life was to beat Senator JohtT McClcllan in 1954, and he want- led a third term as governor so he would have the state machine lat his back in 1054. Hope Star Vj ARKANSAS-Purlty ft afternoon, lonlfiht and io with widely scattered afterri evening thundershawfiWH this afternoon. High 08 Low tt -I 53D YEAR: VOL. 53 NO.

247 of ConnlMoUd Jan. IS, HOPE, ARKANSAS, THURSAY, JULY 31, 1952 Aiiotlaurt ft Paid Clrel. Mat. tntillHI Merch 31. PRICE 5c But now, after his disastrous! for business on Local School System to Open on September 8 Hope Public Schools will open showing last Tuesday, and facing hostile vote August 12 which is srhaps 70 per cent of the total, ill appears Governor McMath antl- Icipatcd something like this and jail along had a second deal up (his sleeve.

Remember all those Washington trips of the governor? And how S. Truman himself came to Arkansas and patted Sid the Well, it seems there I were some practical political plans I by the ds. Little Rock-Washington I The national Washington weekly lU. S. News World Report says I in its August 1 issue, now on the that Governor Me- I Math is scheduled to be offered the post of Secretary of Agricul- Scptember 8, James H.

Jones, Superintendent of Schools, announced today. Other dates announced are as follows: Principal's meeting, Sept, 2, at 10 a.m. General Teacher's meeting, Sept. 3, 10 a.m. Registration of pupils will be at their respective schools as follows: Grades 1, 2 and 3, Sept 4, at 9 a.m.

Grades 4, 5, and Sept 5, at 9 a.m. Grades 7 and 4, at 9 a.m. (Jr. High Building). Grades 9 and 10, Sept 5, at 9 a.m.

(High School Building). Grades 11 and 12, Sept. 8 at 9 Municipal Pool Plans Red Cross Life Saving Class Senior Red Cross life saving classes will have registration and tryouts at 6 p.m. Friday, August' 1, at Hope Municipal pool. Classes will not until Mon-' day, August 4, and no one will be permitted to enter the clsscs unless th(ly pass the entrance test Friday.

This class is for advanced swim mers age 10 and up. ture in the event the Democrats a Hi 6 School Building). win in November with Candidate Adlai Stevenson. Sid is traveling in big-time federal political pany, the way the U. S.

News Report tells it. magazine lines up Steven- Grades 7 and 8 will again report on Sept. 8 at 9 a.m. Regular class schedules will start Tuesday, September 9, at 9 a.m., for half-day, with full-day scedule tor Wednesday, son's probable cabinet as follows: Avercll Harriman, multi-million- I aire New York railroad heir, Sec retary of State. 'George W.

Mitchell, Chicago Federal Reserve Bank officer, Secretary of Treasury. Jacob M. Arvcy, Cook county) (Chicago) political boss, Postmpst-' ana er General. McMath, Secretary of Agriculture. Chester Bowles, Connecticut Fair IJfcaler and ex-New York bcr 10.

All lunchrooms will open Wed' nesday, September 10. School buses will run Tuesday September, 4, and Friday, Sept ember 5. Regular run of buses begin Monday, September 8. All grade schools, and grades 7 in session on half day schedule Monday and Tue day, September 8 and 9. Full-daj schedule Wednesday, Septembe 10.

W. V. Rutherford, Principal advertising, man, Secretary Commerce. Frank P. Graham, former president of the University of.

North Carolina, Sgcretary of Labor Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense, a holdover' from the present Truman cabinet. Scott W. Lucas, former- Illinois lenator, Attorney General. Joseph C.

O'Mahoney, senator from interior. Of McMath, U. S. News World Report says: "Sidney S. McMath seems to fill the bill for Secretary of Agriculture if Governor- Stevenson makes the appointment.

He is young, 40, with a distinguished war. record, and comes from a Southern farm state." One of Francis Cherry's origina lope supporters wise-cracked thi; morning: "I suppose if he's named Secretary of Agriculture Sid will appoint Henry Woods governor." Personally I am confused. McMath isn't beaten for governor yet. And Stevenson hasn't, at least at this writing, been elected president. To make it plain and simple, our duty on August 12 is to nominate a man for governor who will devote himself exclusively to the job of managing Arkansas' 1,909,511 citizens and her 53,104 square miles of domain a major job in itself.

I figure Steel Settlement to Cost Every Family $102 By WILLIAM O. VARN WASHINGTON -Price Stnbll iwr Kills Arnall predicts the new price boost will, cost the nv- enige American family about $102 a year in higher prices. said in a television (NBC) interview that the $5.20 per ton price boost he signed reluctantly yesterday would touch off a new of inflation. He made it clear the steel in- rveiise was not his own choice, but ordered by acting Defense Mobiluer John H. Steelmnn.

Arnall said last night it was "a very, very bitter pill for me." Earlier in the day prico control officials had said the cost of living, already at a record is almost certain to climb even higher be- cnusc ot "inevitable increases" in some major industries. A top official said the higher ceilings' probably will force the government to drop its hold- the-line price policy and center forts on keeping apparently inevi Price Support Program Is Discussed Operating details of the 11)52 Price Support program for cotton are being discussed by County; Committeemen and office employees of the Production and Marketing Administration from 11 counties in a two-day meeting here this week. The sessions are being held at Hope, with B. E. McMahcn PMA District Supervisor presiding.

Changes have been made in lhcit a blu increases as small us pos cotton loan program this year, Mr. jt)io. McMahen said to make loan jf id it was hoped "some more easily accessible to producers! semblance of stabilization can be should they' decide to pay oft' their salvaged." Local PTA Officers Attend Training Program Arkiidclphin Tho flnnl SCS' sions of state-wide li-ndorshlp IrniniiiK proKrnm, sponsored by tin- CoinmltU'o on CuopcrHtlon with Colleges of the Arkunsus Congress of Pnrcnla mul Tench- ors, were, hold on the Henderson Stain Tcachurs College campus here Monday iind Tucsdny. Mrs. Ellen Doll Dlelcr, field workei for tho Natlonnl Congress of Parents and Teachers, Chicago, has! beiMi conducting the institutes tn varans sections of the state since July 10.

Over 50 P. T. A. officers from eight Southwest Arkansas comities nttemlud the meeting here. Attending from Hempsteacl coun ty were Mrs.

Oliver Adams of Hope, district director, and Mrs. Lester Kent, president, Mrs. WuV- tor Hatcllff, vice-president, and Mrs. Jimmy Griffin, the Patmos Elementary P. T.

A. Holt, Murry to Back Cherry in Runoff Bui Tackett Stays Silent loans or sell their equities jn the uotton. Under this year's program Officials were reluctant to discuss the new policies being consid- loan papers will remain cred, but they said the situation the county in which the cotton was', may call for a complete revision of stabilization This decision, however, probably will await President Truman's re- produced either at the bank or Production Credit Association making the loan or at the county PMA office. In addition to loans, cotton pro- turn to Washington Aug. Any drastic changes probably will have ducers may obtain purchase agree- to get his approval, an official said.

Negro Schools, will announce th dates of registration and Teachers meeting for Negro Schools. Additional announcements as to the opening made later. of school will be ments on their cotton whereby the government agrees to purchase a designated amount of the cotton at the loan rate if the producer does not sell it prior to the close of the loan period. Under this provision the producer signs a purchase agreement covering a cer- Some of Arnall's close associates said the former Georgia governor may decide to quit as price chiei in the wake of the steel price hike, because he considers some of his main weapons for controlling prices broken. Arnall and his aides fought bit- tain number of bales of cotton I tcrly to hold the steel price hike a vote for, Francis Cherry August 12 is a vote for a man who will stay tyorne and do that job.

Campaigns Certain to Be Costliest By EDWIN B. HAAKINS'oN WASHINGTON thing appeared certain today about the national political races this year: the campaigns will be the costliest and best financed of any ever staged in the United States. Total expenses probably will run well into the millions of dollars, because (1) the price of campaigning, like everything else, has soared, and (2) the campaigns themselves will be elaborate. Chairmen of both the Republican and Democratic National Committees already have made it clear they are out to of costs. Technically, federal laws fix a top limit of three million dollars upon the spending of a major political party.

But the laws are full of loopholes. For example, there is no limit upon the number of national committees that may support a presidential candidate. And each such committee is entitled to collect and spend a lull three million. Arthur E. Summerfield, new Many Arkansas Points Get Rain By The Associated Press Those widely scattered thunder showers came through as promised yesterday to bring cooler temperatures to most Arkansas breaking a week-long period of 100-degree heat.

The highest temperature reporl ed in Arkansas yesterday was 99 'Arkadelphia. The low was recordec at Little Rtck, a cool 83. Rain fell in large amounts terday in four Arkansas cities and chairman of the Republican National Committee, parried questions of reporters here yesterday on how much Republicans would spend, or where paying new cam' paign staff official's. Summerfield explained that his campaign strategy, in behalf of presidential nominee Dwight D. Eisenhower and other Republican candidates, is to first shape a winning plan and and then figure the costs.

Earlier Summerfield listed plans for not one but two special campaign trains; speeches in all parts of the nation by Eisenhower, vice presidential candidate Sen. Rich- and pays a small fee. At any time during a 30 day period ending July 31, 1953, notify the county PMA committee-, of his intention to deliver the cotton under agreement. Loans will be made on cotton stored in warehouses or in approved farm storage. Loan rates vHH be announced shortly after August 1 and will bo based upon 90 per 'cent ot.

August 1 parity for cotton. Loans will be available at the county. PMA office or from Iqnd- ing agencies such as banks, PCA and other financial institutions approved by the county PMA Committee. They will be available through April 30, 1953 and will draw interest at per cent per annum. It is expected Mr.

McMahcn said, that warehouse facilities will be available for all cotton produc' ed in this area and warehouse receipts-issued as basis for loans Committeemen were urgud to contact banks, PCA and other agencies to secure their participation in the cotton loan program Agreements- with lending agencies will be on a continuing basis and will not be executed every year as in the past. Lending agency agreements and forms for use in obtaining agreements will be made available to the counties in a short time. Instructions for selection of clerks to $2.84 a toss permitted under the law and the existing price standards. Arnall has said that nny- tliing above that figure would break the price line. OPS now is confronted with the demand of the aluminum industry for a price boost ranging from 10 to per cent.

A high official said today ho doesn't see how aluminum can be denied an increase in the face of the steel decision. Ike to Attend Indian Tribe Ceremonies By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH UENVE.ll (yPI Gcti. Dwlflht Eisenhower, the Republican prcsl dcntial nominee, will nltcnd the 30th imruiMl intcr-tribiil Indinn ccr cmonial at Gallup, New Mexico AUK. 10.

The general will fly from Denve to Giillui) the day of the ceremony pnd return here by plane tha night. He will be mot at Gallup Airpor by Gov. E. L. Mechcm of New Mexico, Gov.

Howard Pyle of Ar zonn, and a delegation ot officei ot the Indian tribes taking part i tho colorful affair. After lunch at the El Rancho Hotel, Eisenhower will go lo the ceremonial stadium on the outskirts of Gallup to watch the pageant put on by 37 Indian tribes, mostly from tho Southwest. The general then will make a Bombers Level Aluminum Plant in North Korea By ROBERT B. TUCKMAN SEOUL. Korea IWfta leveled a huge Communist aluminum plnnt near the Mnnchurlnn border early todny In the biRKest vcrnlght raid of tho Korean war.

The 03 unescorted bombers brnvofl 'Red anti-aircraft fire and iRhter opposition which American described "tho heaviest months." But nil returned safely to their bases In Jnpnn and Korea. Tho 12Mi acre factory of tho Oriental Light Metals 10 miles southeast ot Slnulju, went up in smoke and flnrnu after the 1120s 030 tons of bombs on It and mi adjacent troop buildup area. Five other Superforts hit other North Korean liirKels. The (13-plaiiL armada which blasted the me I plrint wns the biggest Superfort Both Candidatt Have Started Final Drives r- els Cherry today entered 1 struggle to NtuUv 'rom tho slnn, nrmcd with tho dprsomenJi ot two dates In Timsday's Barbara Marie Pankoy Kinmut's. contribution to the mid of the wur against a objeclivo.

Pilots reported flak from the Manchurlan as well n.s the Korea side of the border about four miles from the metals plant. It was the northernmost penetration of the year by B20s. Former Hope Student Studies in Paris Miss Patsy Mabie, Helena, former resident of Hope, is one ot 32 Baylor students who went to Europe in June where she will study 1 for a Masters Degree in Paris. Enroute to Paris the group visited England. She is the niece of John H.

Barrow of Hope. brief speech greeting the tribes, an the political will put in a plug' for election of Republican senators and House members this fall in the New Mexico and Arizona contests. The U. S. Senate seats at stake are held now by Democrats, Sen.

Ernest W. McFarlarid of Arizona, the majority leader, and Sen. Dennis Chavez of New Mexico. Chavez is opposed by Republican Patrick J. Hurley, former tary of war and ambassador to China.

Bidding for the GOP nomination in Arizona arc Barry Goldwater of Phoenix and Lester Kahl of Tucson. As the Republican standard bearer, Eisenhower tins said he wants as much emphasis put on capturing control of Congress from the Democrats as on his own campaign for the White House. Places the Blame for All the Flying Saucers Squarel on Shoulders of Tom Swift i i severa others received a trace. ard Sen Taft (R oh io) and Valley got the most with 1.30 inches, had 1.10 itches, Pocahontas got .80, and It. Ida received .70.

Others receiving rain were Glen- bood, Clarksville, Heber Springs, Jardanelle, Cotter, Batesviile, Pine iB Iff and Texarkana. White River Water Carnival Opens BATESVILLE, Ark. 3- other top-floor GOP campaigners special GOP units to attract labor, agriculture and other large voter groups; and similar costly plans. Form Aid to Boost Conservation govern ment's aid to farmers program next year will emphasize a long to execute loan papers were cussed. Committeemen were urged to make immediate plans for the schools of instructions for clerks.

The cotton seed price support program was also discussed. It was explained that the program is similar to the one last year and is expected to operate through the normal channels of trade. Under this program cooperating gin- ners agree to pay producers not less than $62.40 per ton, basis grade 100, for cotton seed and they in turn are guaranteed a price nof less than $66.40 per ton, basis grade 100, f. o. b.

gin by cooperating oil mills. This actual support rate for a particular week will be based upon the average grade of cotton seed for the state in the proceeding week. Each cooperating gin will be notified of the support rate and will use that as the basis for his minmum price for cotton seed. Committeemen were urged to By HAL. BOYLE NEW YORK must be Tom Swift.

Yes, who else could it be but fun-loving Tom Swift, flying those flying saucers around? You remember Tom. the all- American boy inventor. He took up where Thomas Edison left off. The Horatio Alger heroes were scheming opportunists, tho Rovei Boys were juvenile hoboes, anc Frank Merriwell was a.tramp ath lete compared to Tom Swift, the dedicated youthful scientist. A generation ago he wad the fictional hero of every near-sighted lad whose scrawny frame com pelled him to believe in the powe of brain over brawn.

How they loved to read about Tom Swift anc his motorcycle, Tom Swift and his glider, Tom Swift and his submarine, Tom Swift and his flying machine, Tom Swift and his pogo Chairborne Eagle. "Just Tom Swift," will come the firm but modest reply. I hate to think what will happen then. Three airforcc cops will hit Jiirn from three sides and cart him off to a psychopathic ward, as 'the fine old inventor yells, "I am, too Tom Swift! I am! I am! I ami" And that will be the end of Tom Swift and his flying saucers. This will eliminate ono of thu two major problems facing tho air- force today.

One of these problems is its inability to catch 'a flying saucer its pilots can sec but don't believe in. The other is the problem in Korea: Its inability to put up a plane that will enable its pilots to close in on a Russian MacArthur Takes Arms Co. Position NEW YORK (UP) Con. Doug las MacArthur was elected chair man of the board of Remington Rand Inc. today.

The announcement was mndo by James H. Rand, president, at a luncheon at which the 13 other board members and company executives met MacArthur. Uand who has been serving also as board chairman, will continue as corporation president. Formal election of tho five-star general took place at nn orK zational meeting of the board this morning. Band disclosed tho com puny originally offered the board chairmanship to MacArthur in 1041).

Reports of the offer at that time said the general's salary would be In the neighborhood of a year. Those reports never have been confirmed, Remington Rand employs persona In 22 American plants anc factories in 15 foreign coun tries, manufacturing typewriter calculating muchlntiH, electronic computers, and other equipment. MacArthur remains a general of the army, unasslgned to upuclflc duty. Watermelon Festival Quoen Is Miss Barbara Mario Punkey, lii, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

li. Pnnkey. A Junior In Emmet llii'h School, Barbara Marie Is flvo feel, six Inches lull, weighs 121) pound!) and has brown hull' and ttyos. Swimming IH her fwvorllo sport, and her hobby la collecting records mid dancing, WetbacksAre Turned Back Into Mexico BROWNSVILLE, (UP) on ntfw groups Mexican wetbacks was' sending upwards, fiOO Illegal Immigrants batik Francis Chorry, onndlttatj govurnor, will bring thon to Hope's Hotol from tit noon to 4 p.m. AllgURt 1, tV.r, Jack Holt, Little Rook i nd Ally.

Gen, Ike nlshed fourth und last vospV In tho n-mun gubernatorial nid lost night they wo'-' or Cherry in tho rurtofl UK, 2. McMulli, this the hands by his ook on tho stump last night' bllslorlntt radio attack on vho sock to thwurl his thlid mbltlons. Murry sold In a neiit that while ho was not sumliiK to dictate tho vho supported mo, I'm vole for Judge Cherry." Holl, who lost his sivo major state race a Id 'ho was bo wind "to of tho popple" who on the man they wont to In tho Hunt, to defeat the Texas Group Threatens Turnabout Mexico during tho pnst 24 hours. The crackdown came yesterday Two task force of U. S.

border placed patrolmen swept through tho lower nto Grande Valley, Mux- Icun nationals. Tho 100 border patrolmen took only three hours to roundup the InrgeHt number of wot- bucks taken Into custody in tho past uovoral yearn. In a normal day the patrol takes about 000 to 1,500 wolbackH Into custody and ships them back to Mexico. Yesterday's effort Was an nil out movement to halt tho recent bulldlim of Mexican nationals in tho valley. John W.

Holland, director of Immigration and Naturalization Service In San Antonio assisted in tho raid, flo said criminal prosoctutlon charges were being considered some U. 8. employers of thu aliens. Holland suid largo numbers of workers were crossing to the U.S. because cotton picking is now in full swing, More than 1,000 of tho wetbacks wore returned to Mexico by train others were walked acr.oss Rio Grande bridges and turned over to Mexican authorities, VFW Plans Feed The local VFW plans a 'big fqod tonight at the organization's hut, on Highway Q7, starting at Commander Herbert Griffin requests all men to be present.

htJUra tfibfr you an honest administrate before the' 1 approval 43-ycuroM jurist vltcd the support of tho tv and the third losing cand Rep. Boyd Tackett. "I would be glad support, ot ali throe," said Oh "I sho strings AUSTIN. Tex. Governor Allen Shivers was 'sticking with his threat today to "go fishing" during the general election in November if Democratic Presidential Nominee Adlai Stevenson doesn't ex- should' got it but -will 'bi ngs attached if I do.

I'Ve'i no promises up to now intend to. 1 Tackctl remained silent future plans, McMtath led the ticket; pooled, In the first prlfriom votes, But wjjjf counted out only because had been counted in, the run-oft with an a votes only 8.8Q4 vo rear. Tackott was third votes, followed by Holt Wi and Murry with 27,099. Normally Dumocratlc is tantamount elec'" has, But thin year, choice will have to Jeff Speck, in tho Speck, us a politico polled 80.QOQ voiei' in 1050 a gubernatorial sas, day White water carnival term conservation practices, Sec which opened here last night was A in high gear today with activity centered on a fishing derby, and gulf tournament. Tonight, 32 Arkansas beauties Pwili try for the coveted Miss Northwest Arkansas title.

retary of Agriculture'Brannan Thursday. Brannan called it a "farm-by farm, first things first" approach. He said the agriculture department will make every effort to see that assistance given under the 1953 The annual fete will wind up to-1 Agriculture Conservation o- morrow with a parade, motor boat ruces. and the selection of Queen White River. To Teoch Close teach at toe gram is directed to soil and water conservation practices thai farmers on their own likely would not carry out to the extent needed the oldecjk kwiwu Well, sometime after the end of the first World War, as best I can recall, his fans lost interest in Tom and his fantastic contraptions and began reading Ernest Hemingway Mig-15 they can see and believe press suhport for state ownership can't catch.

The reason I believe that tho flyig saucers are a Tom Swift invention is that I can't understand (He air force's attitude toward them. has checked some 2,000 reported sightings of "flying saucers" in the last per cent by military says 1,600 Dr. F. C. Crow Outlines His Campaign contact all ginners and oil mills in the counties to secure their cooperation in the price support program for cotton seed.

Ginners sign an agreement to participate in the program and oil mills sign an aceptarice of offer by CCC to purchase cotton seed products. Counties represented at the ing here include: Hempstead, Nevada, Little River. Miller, LaFayette, Ouachita, Union, Sevier, Columbia, Howard and and Faith Baldwin. They had of them can be explained as optical learned about love, and found it; illusions, caused by weather condi- more fascinating than anything tions. Some 400 cases are still left Tom Swift ever had invented.

unexplained, but the air force says Heart broken, Tom dropped I it sees in them no pattern inimical (roin sight. What happened to to the United Suites, him? It is my belief that all these! What puzzles me is why, with years he has beeij secretly per-jall the'thousands of American air of the tidelands. The Texas governor suid vaster- day he could not support any didate who is for federal ship of the oil-rich submerged lands. Shivers said he plans to confer with Stevenson at the Illinois governor's "convenience" on the tide lands issue. II Stevenson does not around to -the state ownership side.

said, "I may have bi just p)ain old go fishing," Shivers said he has" sent Ste Information on Texas' fight feeling flying saucers, hoping with this crowning scientific achievement to win his old fang back. Naturally, he will turn bis invention over to the American govern-1 vented in 1947? men in the sky in the last World War. no flying saucers were reported before 1947. Were optical illusions and weather changes in- tor state ownership, since the noifl governor said he not ficiently informed on the question The Democratic platform ignor ed the. issue, the Republican plat-f form endorsed state ownership.

Truman twice has Up Own Feed Yart body, years, at 707 brough, stimd past clor trsi ment. as he did with all his earlier', Nope, I still believe there U-ed legislation for state ownership inventions. Right now, he's just something besides illusion to it all, of Uie Tidelands. father of Hope Suwumbi having a little fun with the thing- Some one of these days a tall, If it isn't Tom Swift, then some other inventor fooling around up elderly man, not unhandsome Jules also blasted erfttie farty'n civil spite his greying into air force in, Pentagoa the, 1 will one other possible.

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