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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ti SM MOM ifAt, MOM. AtKANIAI TuMtlay, July Mecrnd mi thn annon, Dem Prenldent. niiwio from boyhood ftOdtft Ft LANE lil, A tragic the boynofKl of Ad- In hte 13th held dlnehargrd tiny and fnUlly wounded jy murrljijw, fttith on December 1013. IWMJt fUlod flflertanlnl the day, work for ut tfceupy Him Mart mill owni In Pjn- a prnupBfotiB dully PRESCOTT NEWS of older AdlHi uti ipper but jtormllWd to JAfn Moantlp, Utft tho to 1 call pf tho student military ncmdemy, home for irUimas AdUi 1 get a .32 eallbor rifle. stny youth procofded to olhernl by demon rrtsnunl tit tho to rnnko and chmnbor irnpty.

The Inipoctlon pjjoved r4: I Adlnl nought Utor to du thtt o' rou hti fired bullet the Mofwln glrl'i forehend Utlon sflerwiirdl homo lown, and. hto nor. Ho PrliwWmi on the rws end try. fifotomrm "mbblt" piled AdUl by WAI (nuplrnd by hli purtKllty for Harden He gmtiuatad from Princeton nnd Uludlod at Harvard Uw School Iwo yearn. departure from Hnrvfird won by the death of nn uncle, Hlbbnrd O.

who 'had mannged Oio Pan- liifirnr'h, Adlal, who Inherited of the pnper, returned to Inke hand running Bteventon couple of In vHrlotm mJllorlnl capac lion, but nnd do- elded to continue tho ntudy of law, Ho entered Northwenlorn Unlvor iilly Law School nd anrned degree, With hli Rebooting over, Sloven not out for another look nt Europe before nettling down. July 30 at the First IJnptlut Church are an 7 Bible School and meeting; 7MS Prayer and Bible tujy. walk to on the evening of Auguat 12, election night, by the club cd. will be prayer meatlnjt at the C-'hurrh of Naxnrnnc Wednesday evening at fl o'clock. will at 7:43 p.m.

on Wednesday i-venlnx at the Church of ChrUti Mr. and A. U. Tufner EnUrtaln Wedntaday Mr. nnd Mm.

A. L. Turner entertained with a chicken barbcqu- ed supper on the lawn of their home on Wednesday evening for the plcature of Mr. and Mar old Hot'itol of Atlanta, Ga and Mr. and Mrs.

Forrest Hudton and Thert. will be prnycr meeting all 1 Fo rl! 1 Jr Blevln cortrldgo In tho mnfin tiobKorvcd, dlncharned Ihe rii-st ChrlHtlan Church on Wed I nvenlng lit Choir ro heartal will follow the service. July 31 Mm, Shelton will entertain! of the IflfiO Club at her home on Thui'Hdny nflernoon Mooting of Ihii ft. of the Klrnt Church met In the home of their councilor, Lo- toy PhtlUim, for a meet- Ing, will bo remembered by Picncott the former lludion. Think Its Hot- Then Don't Go to Death Valley By The Aftoclated Preti If this lummer's steam bath Generals to Try Robert W.

Grow FT. MEADE, Md. Seven major will sit in court martial today to hear charges that man of their own rank. Gen. W.

Grow, was careless with secret military information. The charges against the forme. weather left you feeling like military attache to Moscow a broiled a vacation that he made person a I on subjects of a classified nature, then; Arkansans Had Big Part in Convention I i CH'CAGO (Speciali Long be- I fore this convention assembled, it predicted thai Hie State of would be a key stale to Woman Falls Out of Plane Over Brazil RIO DK JANEIRO, Brazil (At-- Thc door of a Pan American Airlines blew open In flight yesterday and thc sudden draft sucked an American-born woman out of her scat and to her travel tip! Steer clear of Cow Creek, in Death Valley, Calif. It's tho hottest snot. Nobody liven at Cow Creek, wenthcr station 152 feet below sen I was careless enough to let tho Run- reasons sinns steal thvm.

The Soviets a propaganda U.S. senators. Son. John Me while holding orthodox field day with what thry said wcic; M.uthfi views on such issues as from orow's diary. riKl'ls.

labor-management iiltribiiti'd to Grow nnd civil rights, has for lovel. But at Greenland Ranch inj i ri jmthor iii'tin-- been considered a con Returnlnsi to the United HUites.) pj nnB were orm for tho the young nttornoy Joined one of Chicago'! oldem Inw It won the boom J027, nrid Atklnt To Wednesday Bridge Club wan hoHtcas to of tho Wednoaday thf heart of Death Vallc-v, only 20 milffH away, a ninc-mnn of Pacific Coast Borax Company em- work the year 'round. Charles A. Scholl, crew superintendent recalls that last summer's wan only 126 degrees. He re- IT, embers it hit 132 in 1031.

Cow Creek's average daytime Club her homo In July last year was 117 de- diiy afternoon. It cooled off to an' average I'lnk day lllllcn and varl-colorcd i no at and the overall aver wore placed at vantngc points through out the house. The high icore prize won age for the month was 103.5, Tho i endings are taken by National Park rangers who come down diliti- fill-out war iigaiiiHt Conviction five loyally and moderate view yrnrs' confinement, forfeiture nf. point. The younger Arkansas Sen pny and dismissal from the vice.

by Allen Qcc and the weekly from high Eml- prize by Mrs. John Hubbard who; grant Pass, worked on new of necurltluN, then bolna mnrketed wholennle. He hosan to move In wealthy eoelety on Chicago 1 North Shore and toward tho end of tDitO married Ellen Burden, xoololly prominent daughter of nn oxplor and big gainn hunter. Three were born of the When the butt ot tho rlflo en tho Hoof In handling. mTwhen tho weapon told re: the Incident hndn't boon I him.

9XA Vhal ho had to no In ,10 yonro, Wot oikfld to relate tho 4 i a oiemontnry Adull high ichool twte elly to nioanv IChollltlo reatird won utn wtu rofimod to Princeton Uni ttnrollodjBt School li ford, to bruth up 01 entrnnce requlr mnrrlngo, which broko up 21 Inter, Thoy were Atllwl now 22, purdan, 10, nnd John Foil, 10. Thn donratilon of the swept hd country, (Irn turned from helping build flnanclii to caulking their lenity nil nnd dismantling those thu vlt the rocktt, fhe nucant of Franklin D. van to Iho presidency In brought Stevenson first call Washington. fntharV fnrm managnmon nnd agrloulluriil oxper menu brought the elder Htovcnso Into contact with George I'owk who bociunc principal arohltnc nf tho Agricultural Adjustment Ad inlnlmrntlon the New Puok Invited Adlnl to Join tho AA lognl olde. and Iho at.

toi'iwy. then 33, necop'tod, wan given the "ipcclnl counsel." LEE VEILS WMU Youth Hit Wfifi held in the Preticott chur- h. At Ihe conclusion of the meeting efruithmentfl were m-rvod by Mrs. 'iiughn Itrluht. Canter Recreation Club Meeting The Center Itccroatlon" Club met nl the club for tho monthly rieetlng, Dolmar Daniel, pntaldunt, pro- aided and coitductiul the aflnr which the owning was ten guest, refreshing tec course was nerved by the hostess.

Democratic Nominees Both Reluctant By JAMES MARLOW Grccnltind Ranch has 32 acres WASHINGTON -The to dates and 20 acres of alfalfa and of Gon iinc i 0 v. Stcv- One hi'i'f' wore several good behind this. One was Its'death in the Atlantic Ocean 1.900, feet below. The victim was identified as Mrs. I Marie Elizabeth Westbrook'Cnpel-I laro, daughter of Mrs.

Bessie Ma- chris of Angeles, anf 1 wife of Emilio Capellaro, a banker i of Rome, Italy. She was accompanying Capellaro on a business trip. In Los Angeles, a spokesman for thc woman's family said her mother knew she had planned to marry Capellnro but did not know the ceremony had taken place. He said thc woman talked by telephone with her mother on Satur- Arkansas representative, day and clic not say anything J. William Kulbright, a little muri! "liberal" in his views than (hi: senior senator, has established rec-ird as an "independent" in thinking and voting that has v.nii the respect of his colleagues.

53D YEAR: VOL. 53 NO. 246 Hays, Little Rock, was I upon to be a moderating in riiiL-nce in the platform preliminaries, and given an oportunity mould opinion and direct the drafting of several important pla- i.ks in the parly platform, especi- that time about being married. I 1 Our Daily Bread Sliced Thin by The Editor H. Waihburn The Tumult and the Shouting Dies and Cherry Is the Man Tackett trusted to a heli ItSpter but ran into a 1 Francis Cherry's Talkathon.

Seriously, the tremendous vote catapulted the Joncsboro I chancellor into the runoff against (Governor McMath was the public's 1 determined grasping for a candidate not immediately connected with state politics if you consider as I do, that the judiciary i LITTLE RCCK Gentry is somewhat removed from poll-jot Litlle Rock, defeated for pro; secuting attorney in his home dls- Hope Star WIAYWtft Widely scattered thuttflet Wednesday, Bttd I Ugh morning humidity, lures continuing aboVo Winds light, efcccpt dtirlntf showers, High 101 Low 7t Sffl i Stai of Hop. Contolldottd Jan. It. HOPE, ARKANSAS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1952 Mimbir: Auodol.d pnn Audit jj PoW Cltel. 1 Indlni Matth 11, Rankin Apparent Winner; Gentry, Chambers Lead th so llcd C1V1 Havs adrmts that a and that it Ice cream and wore enjoyed by members nnd flvo guests Mr.

und Morrison nnd two child ron of Kl Dorado nnd Mlsa Mnry Both llomar of Shreveport. Picnic Meeting Twenty-one of the Bus- Inosn nnd Professional Women 1 club attended a meeting nnd plenlt: nuppor on the lawn of the liotni' of Mrs. UCSH Gist. Mrs. KlUnlx'th llnyj.

mid Mrs. Wlltioii wpre eo-hoHtossos, Mrs, K. Sharp, Mrs. Art lU-g- nlcr, and Martha Slsson were for I evening. De-llti Stewart gayo im In- tcrt'Ntlng prouram on Cblrngo: OPS Price Clinic te Be Held Here July 3 th PrcRcott will be the of another 'price clinic 1 on Wednesday, July 30.

Jadn M. McOutrc, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, said today that have boon made for two representatives' of the Arkansas Office of Price Stabilization to conduct a clinic on OPS regulations at the Chamber office beginning at 0 a.m. Wednesday. Thu two OPS num will be at thu. chamber office from to 12.

Merchants with regarding price regulations arc invited to consult with them anytime during tho morning. nine hole Rolf course adpacnnt to furnncc Creek Inn, a winter spa 1 RO clown operated by Pacific Coast Borax. extraordinary events in American. state's right attitude, but jcnann as presidential cundlrtatrs, was a an a i will nf H- ist ()l square entirely with the am sure she would have told her JB.f. ver dict against Governor mother if she wcro." He identified McMath and his bid for a third trict two years ago, look the first step toward a political comeback Compton, bachelor of science in Students From This Area to Get Degrees Nlncly U'o Henderson Teachers College seniors are candidates for degrees to be awarded at summer commencement exercises August 8, at 8 p.m.

in the college auditorium. Candidates from this area arc: Hope: Mrs. Lester Brown, Bob-i surprising feat of wining a spot bie Jean Burnpas and Nilla Dean' Victory lor the People, Declares Cherry LITTLK HOCK itfl Chancellor Francis Cherry today heralded his IVlClViiilll rtllU TT nti tho victim as the widow of U. S. was clear an decisive.

Sev- on a larger scale yesterday. He education. Air Force Col. Robert B. West- ucnt of the preferential'led by nearly 30,000 votes a field brook, who was shot down during prlmary vo tc was specifically World War IT.) The plane door blew off shortly after the takeoff from Rio De Janeiro, when thc aircraft was 27j against him.

That he narrowly led the five-man lield is unimportant. Equally unimportant is the ques- libn whether he stays in there from Pofla Two 'i' They mounted and rode ward down Valley. "Good to be living NTftln," Hal "I'd nlmost forgotten how wna," WOW IUU dark, Utt cinch ot ihe tump Hul'i loji und put hulf botora long, day, Wnlt'll uUe you iwl brms Uio UuoK," on with 'am, out in before reply, trip, ton. Liter, ImporUnt work to do, you," thBh ot trouble beyond ho said, "bctsvecn wwnftb." fto Impttlwt In llttlo over ftn hour to another village. Ahead ot pushing a hugo roc.H barrier the Valley, atrotched a chain ot yellow-rook mountains, bold and forbidding, A freight wagon atood before the lazily awitontng tltoa.

They glanced at tho they to rldo by, no around door or nugt wagon. Then auddenly tho door alammed like a tol "Ulalaol" a roaring bull voice called. IXithdeU!" Blaiat twitud around, hand dropplni to A man had off platform and running to them. face lighted. "Slim BUrllngr vaulted trom atwllng up.

Big, in Paul CftHo nnd Mark Davis to tnlta our troubloM to tho U. 8. Marshal, but 0 wouldn't loantwaya Marie nwld It wns no UNO and tho real didn't nrguo with him." "Thnt might havo worked," Blalae nodded. Roy Kumpa la Speaker At Klwanit Club Meet Mr. Hoy Kutnpo representlnn the Arkansas Enterprise for the Blind apolcc to the Kiwnnls Club Thursday on the work of the blind ofj Arkanan.i and how this organization Is helping the blind to do things that will nittko them tii'K supporting.

Ho showed a film on how this work was being curried out. appears to be very worthy project and worthy of support. Tho next proKrnm be in. the hands of Vucl Chamberlain, The course Bets little, if any, play between May 1 and Oct. 15 Low humidity, usually loss than 10 per cent, makes the heat bearable on the Callfornia-Ncvada-Ari- zona desert.

Virtually every busi ness building, store home house trailer has an air condition system or unit of some sort. Some thoiiRhtful persons even install small units for their dogs, cats and chickens. But for year 'round clamp heat, you can't beat Tavcmier, 50 miles south of Miami In thu Florida Keys. Us annual average tempera- lure 'of 77.2 is the highest in the nation. Tavcrnier, with a population of flOO, probably Is the Northern Hem.

ispherc's nearest approach to the climate of the South Sea Islands. political history for" more reasons stoutly maintains that as than one. of general principle it is Both wore reluctant candidates, 'modtrate' and one that, proper- Great support hud been built up for! both bcfdre either mnn actually said he would accept Eisenhower didn't say so until Everyone knew Eisenhowers last January although the cam-i views on international life. He was paigri among his supporters to gulp firm supporter of thc Truman him nominated had begun long be- administration's Policy of fore that. Stevenson never publicly said he und hla subject will be Conservation." Life venttons.

nited with Europe and helping re- miles out on a flight lo Montevi- tQ fjgnt thc runo campaign to deo, Uruguay. Passengers andfl a finish a dead duck. Anyi with 2 60,109 votes reported to- of four candidates for attorney general in the Democratic preferential primary. Gentry and Clib. Barton of Ft.

Smith will oppose each olher in Ihe runoff primary Aug. 2. crew members said Ihcy did m(, see Ihe woman disappear. Capellaro, sitting next to said he sp cancelled by thc fact that he wou iti ncoc i everything he's got to hold in line just what he polled in dow and just forward of the door day preferential. t.c.

c- IIP I -it-ii-l tin ff i I fit II maneuvering he might do to pickj day om lg8 s) tne state's 2281 opposition voles in the runoff boxes, the count was: was nol looking in her direction. Thc woman's seat, next to a win- twisled and part of thc lining the ceiling of the cabin wasl ripped off. The plane returned Rio and three Brazilian Air Force would accept until Friday before': But, except for some scattered the third and final balloting begun. slaloments he made while he was Thc city has never had frost; the temperature never has reached 100, Its residents wear mid-summer clothing all year. Coconut palms hibiscus, bougainvillen and other grow from the thin soil and limestone.

This damp heat also prevails at times during the summer months Stevenson never said one word president of Columbia University in behalf of himself through all the --statements which revealed very months when Sen. Kc-fauvcr, Sen. little of his knowledge of domcslic general public knew almost nothing of Eisenhower's thinking on affairs at home. This didn't seem to bother the l.tople who voted in thc stale pri- Kerr, Sen. Russell and Averell Harriman wore making speeches and looking for votes.

Eisenhower did not eumpaifin all unlil Ihe lasl month before the Republican convention his is chief rival, Sen. Taft, Iravelcd i ii: New. lirouch at least states iincl prob- who hat although where they picked him, a Hampshire, over Sun. Tail Yd spent years making his ably set an American record for views know.n. Both men are newcomers to politics, Eisenhower oven more than It's almost a dead certainty that Francis Cherry is the next governor ot Arkansas.

I didn't vote him personally. I voted for Boyd of the disappearance. planes were scnl lo search Ihe areaj Tack tt as our regional candidale bul this newspaper remained editorially neutral. Today we our unconditional support l-Ao Cherry, and if there's any indication thai McMath is planning to roll up a slush fund for Ihe runotf we'll help Cherry wilh a Six Injured in Subway CoUison NEW YORK iyP) Two trains collided in the Street! (Bronxi stalion at 5 today, injuring six persons. The injured included a motorman, who was hurt seriously, police said.

along the Gulf Coast and HS far stevenson had taken no part in up 1 the Atlantic Coast as Wilming-l po itics until wnon he agreed, ton. N. C. It's at these times that aftel wcc 0 hesitation and soul- lo ritUnf direct you know you'll on fc. a rldo," HM and him.

Slim atood a good two mcnw over fix toot, a bear ot a man with black, unruly hair and a flaunting hawk tt In a swarthy taco. You old hortel I knew they couldnt put you away for good! Hey) We got to a drink tor lout hand ftt Wm. tit" to thu ramallvil- Introduoexl Hal, who when Wg ahook handa. Slim eaUa tor plenty ol pow. wow, you heading old ranch." "You'll run into and try to trim you to atie again.

Rim ftlona, Blain." already run Into bint." told ot wwting in Slim ahooH hlft and IM way waa ettftr (n bftcH, room wough for ft mira wrt a4 to 4rts up gave you a legal bushwhack," Stint continued. "Then I said that we could move Into that high Box Canyon among tho rocks ot the Bantu You could hold oft an army there, and we'd see that none of Lcoma'a men or cattle roved the Valley, range. Mark HUH) that wan crazy, and the real tell 'in with him. Anyhow, they all moved out. 1 couldn't fight Loo- nla alone, 1 went along with "To Conojo?" "Me farm) Blim Starling push ft plow!" He grinned.

"The drought came not long after nobody run cows any more, took to freighting. Boon doing tt ever amce, between QomoB Station, IMS Angeles, Flllmore and Buenaventura." "Mark Da via awtnga a wide loop," Wai quietly. "WhyT" 811m acratchod hla chin. "1 don't did Know. He oould talk a badger out of hla hole.

Ho right, ho knew it, told you, and you waa a fool otherwise. It'd olwaya make my hackles raise, but I never did nothing about It," "You left land belonging to you," Hal Instated. but what good was ItT How halt tho ridera and tho other hall wo was vatchtng tor 'em? That 'a what Mark and he was right. oould get further by Juat letting tconls nave it. He WM right again, tor tn Conejo have done real well, But 1 atill wanted to attck on." Mrs.

Clarke White, Mrs. John A. Uovls, Mrs. O. Cannon Jr.

mid daughter, Mary Clarke o( Ual- IHK were the uucsts Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. John Cox of, Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Merdith Bright, who have been tho guests of Mr, and Mrs.

C. H. Tompkins, huvu returned to their home In Sun Antonio, Texas, Mr. und Mrs. Milliard Whltakcr und daughter, Judy, have returned to their homo In Laurel, after a visit with her mother, Mrs.

Fannie Newth and sister, Mrs. Mildred Dawson. the steaming residents will tell you: Isrl't the heat as much as thc humidity." turned from Longvicw, Texas, where she was the guest of Mrs. Well Crank. pro-convention speeches and inter-1 It wasn't he came back to 'this eoi.ntry'last June that Eisen lunvei 1 began to express opinions on domestic problems.

Except for some vague know- It about he had been a good governor in Illinois and had some experience in the foreign field while working for the State Department thc general public didn't know much about About 30 million people the U. S. national forests for recreational purposes in 1951. Stevenson. The general had never been in politics before.

searching, to be a Democratic candidate for governor of Illinois. But perhaps more extraordinary', him. than all this is the fact that the country as a whole knew practically nothing at all about the think- This was Ihe year the convcn- tli'iis turned their backs on the professional politicians to pick new- ing of either man on domestic corners more on faith than know- fairs until shortly before tho con-1 ledge. Barlon Gentry Rep. William I.

Purifoy of cam- den Ben Reed of Lonoke 31,879. The successful candidate will be the Democratic nominee to sue ceed Atty. Gen. Ike Murry, an unsuccessful candidate for gover nor in yesterday's Bolh Gentry are for mer cily attorneys of their res pective cities. Land Commissioner Claude Rankin, who sought nomination to a sixth term, held a majority over two opponents and it appeared likely he have to enter 'the runoff.

Returns from 1906 boxes gave: Ira J. Golden of Little Rock C. C. Smith of Russellvillc Prescotl: Helen Barksdale, Mrs. in the Democratic runoff tor governor of Arkansas as "a viclory for the people." Predicting that he would defeat McMath, Cherry Win Run Berths in a Close Contest; Sutton, Garrett Lead Ticket B.

Kennedy, Peggy Anne Mc-jfjov. McMath by 75,000 to 100,000 Clelland and Martha Mellard vtl tes in the runoff, Ihe Jonosboro Smith, bachelor of science in education. Rosston: Mattin Ann Atkinson, said: "I am deeply Kratifiod. I think it is a victory for the people, tor bachelor of science in education. I had no one for me except the people.

"I think the people have definitely repudiated Mr. McMath and his administration by an overwhelming majority." Asked if he had received any pledges of support from the three candidates who were eliminated in yesterday's preferential pri mary, Cherry Replied no, but added that supporters of the defeated rivals had kept him on the telephone since 5 a.m. pledging their votes to him. He said lie may resume cam paigning tomorrow with a radio tulkathon, the new political gimmick to which his second place finish yesterday hns been attributed to a large degree. opinion against the governor is overwhelming.

And there's no question whatever about Ihe inlegrily and ability of the Paul Chambers of Helena had the people have set up gainst) a him Francis Cherry. There is an ol'd tradition thai when a man sleps inlo a campaign he's got to talk and act like a poMlician. The surprise of the i i campaign is- that the man who re- ported: t. ly by the right man, need not conflict with stale conl 1- I do lhat, who insisled on II was a. well known like! 1 lu nnp wise, among those in the know all being merely himseU is the one the nation's capilal lhat ex-Senal who stormed th 'ee top-notch tor Scoll Lucas of Illinois spent! 8 andd years about ten days in oil.

4 political ghosti lead in a four-man race for Democratic nalional commiltee man, bul apparenlly will have lo enter Ihe runoff with his nearest opponent, Noble Gill of Blytheville The vote, wilh 189 boxes re 1 "Lasi from the South, and lhat he wasl be 'elected." very much impressed with Senator nc v.mninrr mntn fnr Our thanks due folks Fulbrighl as a running mate for Governor Stevenson. Mrs, J. C. Wollock of Hope was Wednesday visitor in Projcott. Mr.

and Mrs. Duwson Barlow and daughter, ot Houston, Texas have been the recent suests of Mr. Audrey' Barlow. It, P. Hamby spent a purt of last week in St.

Louis. Miss ICIolse Hudson has return, cd from Texurkuna, whore she spent the past two weeks. Chambers Dan Cowling of Fayelleville Gill Rabie Rhodes of Harrison 43,901. Latest tabulation of returns on Ihe various dislricl races gave: Chancellor, ninth districl: 115 of 115 boxes Bob Bailey 5507, Losers Seem More Surprised Than Dejected LITTLE ROCK Iff) Although not saying which, if. either, of the surviving gubernatorial candidates they would support in tho Democratic runoff primary, the three aspirants who lost out in yesterday's preferential primary spoke out frankly today about their defeat.

(Tackett got entangled in a private vs. public power issue with Governor McMath sometime before the campaign, and it was carried into the governor's race as an issue between Ihem. Harris and Tackett were thrown inlo Ihe same district when the state lost a Congressman last year due lo a drop in population.) Former Ally. Gen. Jack Holt said it had "never entered my mind that Cherry was a factor, was surprised, and I think was as surprised as anyone else a-boul Ihe showing he made." "Bui il makes no said the veteran polilico, "when lighlning slrikes il jusl strikes and there's nothing lhal can be done who helped put on last night's 12tn biennial Election Night party in Irftnt of, the newspaper office in South Walnut street.

The show on the screen, over the loud-speaker and over the radio, began at 7:30 and wound up at 11:30. Returns came in about as fast as we have ever experienced thanks to the prompt reporting of precinct elec- lion officials. could we get auywhcro when time wo was fighting night Mr. and Mrs. Dale Yurbrough ot Alexandria, announce the arrival of a daughter, Stephanie, on July 22, at Alexandria.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wynn of Prescott are thu maternal grand parents.

I Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Logan are tho guest of their daughter, Mrs.

Stelle Mooro and family In Dallas. "That 1 the way I felt," said soberly. "And now I want to go back." Slim twisted around and squinted out door, "I'll help you I aort ot Ing away tn and quiet "But your BlalM and aitm'a roajrtnf Umgn him, WM I tied to any Job, got a load top suttoJj ft return haul to numow. WbWi I ttnuih. TU Mid to now you'M owning along.

you ntftd t'tt tUek proun4 you don't. I'U to Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Beniis and family art) the guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Simp son in Cincinnati, Ohio. D. B. Turner of Calt spent part of last week as the guest ot Mr, and Mrs.

A. L. Turner. and ft a III tor trouble. 1 SUm diamtssed it witti ft of Wa moWo you.

rtnohing right MKt to ft DMA Uxat bates you. I ft rtcfc jaaper trom the ttP of Hi dfiB't Uke aeigh- 5fou coyl4 iock hU Lt. Jack Stivers, who recently graduated from OSC at Ft. Riley, visiting his mother, Mrs. B.

C. He will August I for Aberdun, Mu. he will attend an ordinance school. Mrs. Jim Yancey.

Bob Cox, Mrs. Wylie Bint and son of Ft, Cobb. Qkla. have returnsd from motor trip through Smokey Mountains. Mrs.

C. D. Ward. Miss Grimes and Miss Ula of ftforrUton have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Taylor and family in Commerce. Texas- TUey were'accompanied home by Wandw, Bobbie Ann and Bill lor who visiting their mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Otto Hollowly oil ire due the following persons: Jones and Jess Davis, of The Slar, and Bill Gentry, who handled Ihe tabulations and the big board in trie office. James H.

Pilkinton and Aubrey Albrillon, for preparalion of projec- lion slides. Roy Anderson, for telephone work preparalion of precincl re- porls. L. B. Tooloy, Haskell Jones, and Wes Ninarm're, of Radio Slalion Viclor Cobb, who conlributed Ihe public address syslem.

The Hempslead Counly Melody Boys, for their band performance on a truck in the street. And finally, the Business Professional Women's club had a big soft-drink stand set up in the alley on Ihe norlh side of Slar ing, for the benefil of Iheir sludent loan fund. I undersland the girls did right well. We figure last night's crowd had a of around 3,000 persons, allhough there were many more in Ihe as folks came and went. Central Comrpittee to Meet Friday Hempstead County Democratic Central Committee will meet at 10 a.m.

Friday at Hope City Hall for the purpose of tabulating and the official vote returns in Tuesday's preferential primary and selling up Ihe ballot for the August 12, runoff primary. Chairman W. S. Atkins announced today. Holland Bradley 4997, George Patterson 5288.

'Prosecuting Altorney Second district: 187 of 242 boxes Clarence Meadows 155, H. G. Partlow (1) 17780, Ivie C. Spencer 5118. Sixlh District: 105 of 111 boxes Kenneth C.

Coffell 9933, Tom Downie (1) 9300, W.N. Herndon 1920. Thirteenth District: 65 of 116 boxes Bruce Bennell 5737, R.H. Peace 1078, Hugh Wharlon 3284. Eighlh District: 64 of 64 boxes Jack Clark 5611, Russell Criner 2552, Laury D.

Wilburn 294. Ninth District: 114 of 119 boxes: Milum 5074, Ernest Nicholson 4253, O. T. Tippilt 121, M. F.

Walls 82. Fifteenth District: 81 of 83 boxes: Position No. 1 Dr. Edwin Barron Max Howell 23797, Phird Pharis 1000; Position No. 2 Ellis M.

Fagan 18269, Hersel Medlock 2991, Mrs. David Terry 10715; Posilion No. 3 Artie Gregory 16972, C.F. Henderson 1132, Bob Riley 14332. Seventeenth District: 108 of 109 boxes J.

W. Best 2513, Mason Ellis 2145, Tom Logan 3853, Dr. C.D. Tibbels 2036. Twenty-fourth District: 60 of 60 boxes position No.

1 J. Lee Rearden 5471, Henry K. Hoyt 1633, W. Wyall 224. Twenly-fifth Dislrict: 67 of 73 boxes Posilion No.

2 C. E. Bell 3768 Carroll Durham 1615, Lamar L. Rodgers 2719. about it.

It has struck here. "Cherry's radio appeal showed one thing everytime a new political gadget referring to the Cherry talkathon comes along you's betler grab it." The last man in the race, Atty. Gen. Ike Murry, declared he was grateful to his "loyal workers and supporters," and said "I'm not in anyway embittered about the outcome of this election. "I am still interested in the cause of good government and intend to make whatever contribu tion to this cause that I can.

"The people ot Arkansas have been good to me. It has been a great privilege to serve trlem ab attorney general." Local Girl Enters Wilson College CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. July 31 Miss Katherine L. Smilh, 20i East Sixteenth Streel, Hope, ha been accepted for admission the freshman class at Wilson Col lege, Miss Margaret D. Gordy director of admissions, announce today.

Miss Smith was graduated thi spring from the Hope High Schoo She is the daughter of Mr. an Mrs. J. W. Smith.

Nevada County Sheriffs Race Is Close In Nevada County Cummlngs and Ward will enter a runoff in the Sheriff's race, the only county contest of the night. The Nevada county poll follows: Governor Boyd Tacketl 852 Ike Murry HO Jack Holl 318 Sid McMath 992 Francis Cherry 869 Attorney General Tom Gentry 1266 Clib Barton 608 Bun Reed 158 William I. Puritoy 915 Commissioner of State Lands C. C. Smith Claud A.

Rankin Ira J. Golden Democratic National Commltteeman Rabic Rhodes Nobel Gill Paul Chambers Dan Cowling, Jr Sheriff Shakleford 904 West 1071 Cummings 1190 Jones, Ridgdill Lead Ticket for Aldermen Posts Claud H. Sulton, veteran county official, led the tlckel In Ihe county Judge's race, the only contest on the ballot. Button polled a total of 2159 votes while his opponent, Ulysses G. Garrett, a rank newcomer to poll- tics, got 2,058 voles for olose second.

The Ihird candidate, Fred A. Luck, former county Judge, received 734. Garrett and Sutton will enter the runoff primary election on August 12- In two city aldermen nrccs Joe Jones led the ticket in Ward 1 and will be opposed by R. C. (Bob) Daniels in a runoff.

Daniels received 630 ballots while third man in the race, Jou Brill, got S14 voles. Incumbent Paul Raley lost his i bid for a second term as alderman in Ward 2, running last in a four man Held. Dwighl Hidgdill led the tickel with 757, followed by Fred Johnson with 500, J. Put 800 1078 992 578 407 1420 307 Duffle with 467 and Mr. Raley with 370.

113,688 U.S. Casualties in Korea WASHINGTON Announced U. S. bailie casuallics in Korea 113,688 loday, an increase of 305 since last week. The Defense Department's week summary based on notifications of families through last Friday reported: Inc New Total Minor Damage in 3-Way Accident A three-way accident on Street, near Third, yesterday re suited in minor fender, grill am bumper damage to the vehicle involved.

The cars were owned by James Edward Stewart, John F. Stegall of Houston and C. M. Thomas of Tampa, Fla. City officers arrested Stewart on a char ge of not having a drivers license following the collision.

Killed in action 40 17,915 Wounded 244 83,177 Missing 12 12,570 Total 805 113,688 Reds Protest 'Killing 1 of Prisoners PANMUNJOM, Korea (UP) IV-iping radio said tonight thi Communist truce delegates hnv lodged a "strong protest" agnins he killing and wounding Nor iCorenn prisoners of war at tl Konsim Camp last Sunday. The Chines Communist broadeas said the protest was lodged wi the Unllcd Nations by Gen. Na II, chief Red truce negotiate Presumably the protesl was del creel by subordinate officers, The United Nations' rinnouneoc earlier thnt one Korean was killed and seven were wounded, the result of beatings administered by fellow-prisoners in the compound. All the prisoners In the compound had said they would forcibly resist repatriation lo. the bamboo i curtain.

At any rule, thu incident s6rved as a pretext for another Comma Francis Cherry Reds Seen as Trying to Ruin Government Cherry to Everyone By LEON HATCH Ark, ty Judge" Frnnolf Cherry cloy established hlmMU who'll oppose Sid McMath's bfd Democratic tlon In ft showdown on' A Cherry, man lltlcnl plBcu Htronfith bonlnd Muth, who led a I yesterday 1 preterontlal Definite losers were U. 8, Boyd Taoketti Atty, Qen, Jko ry and Former Atty. Holt, who was narrowly I by McMath four yfinrs Returns from 2214 ot boxes gave: Cherry 88.782$ McMnth Murty TncUctt It WHK obvious the final totnl would bo far below tlon ptedlctlons, some ot runRlnK IIB high as Chorry todny confidently he would wtpo out of being Arkansas' second, 1 term tlrst WASHINGTON Wi-An FBI port claims documentary proof lute JetJ ihnl the Communist purty In the dnys ot this United Slates "tenches and udvo- votes In tho runoff cntes the overthrow and destruc- McMnth countered with lion of the U. S. government by I his own that ho run torce and violence." The long-secret report was made' public yertterduy, with tho slon of FBI Director J.

Edgrir Hoover, by the Semite inlornnl security hcudod by Sen. McCnrran (D-Nev). It Wllllnm Z. Foster, chairman of the Communist party In hjs country, in July 1040 culled he writings of Stalin, Lenin, Enles and Mar "Communist votes ahead In tho runoff The 40 yeftv stuunch 1 ics propaganda blast at the United Nations. Pelplng radio quoted Narn as saying the U.

N. "must bear 'as absolute responsibility for these barbarous methods oC tearing up the Geneva convention Nam demanded ot the Americans an Immediate and close accounting for the massacres of prison ers of war on July 27 and earlier," thu Communist radio said. Earlier, Red China accused United Nations planes ot Invading ils skies 124 limes in five days. Meanwhile, Communist staff of fleers haggled with their U. counterparts of Punmunjom ovc minor changes in the proposed draft of a Korean Iruce.

The main armistice talks hav en. Unofficial Hempstead Tabulation Of Pnwcott HAMM TIRE APPLIANCE tO. 215-217 S. Wolnul Phone7-2121 Bethel Revival Starts August 3 Evangelist E. R.

Hooks of Chi cago, 111., will conduct a revival at Bethel A. M. E. Church starting Sunday. August 3 and contin uing through August 17.

Evangelist Hooks is a nationally known preacher and sha has held revivals previously at the local church. The public is invited Tired of Much Criticism From India By G. MILTON KELLY WASHINGTON Sen. Green said-today he is tired of India's criticism of the American rearmament program and bluntly suggested that country practice what it preaches. Green told a reporter the United States is spending billions to rearm itself and free nations against Communist aggression but India; Fulton.

For Governor For Attorney General For Com. of State Lands Absentees Beards Belton Blevins Cross Roads DeAnn Deanyville 35! 164' 18! 15 16! 92 10r 57' 27 Calhoun Child Has Polio Reports Physician Nancy Calhoun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calhoun of Hope. definitely has polio, diagnosing physician Dr.

James W. Branch was officially notified today from Texarkana. This is the fourth polio victim in Hempstcad County within the past ao days. The other children been recessed by the U. N.

unti net Sunday in protest ugains against Communist Radio Peiplng said U. N. air planes crossed the border int Manchuria 24 times during th five-day period July 20 through 24 It said these alleged border violations, plus the "wanton" bombing of North Korea's giant Sulho power plant on thu Yalu River border last month, were designed to "frighten" the Reds into making new concessions at the truce talks. "The dimes people and the Ko- ican people can never be cowed into submission" by these "atrocities of the most indiscriminate kind, thn barbarity of which would shock even Hitler or Tojo," the broadcast said. N.

staff officers at Panmun- loin were- puzzled by changes the 14! a woman have been strick- The Culhoun youngster wus nt lo Texarkana on Monday. 1 For Demo. Nat). For County Commltteeman a sr 2" n' 1 2. 1 VI 4 1 1 1 cr vi i "87 5' re2 Judge I f' tn to 0 ffl 1 "421 30! 31 151 181 15 accepted by nil Commu- list parlies, Including our own we American Communists apply hem strategically nnd tactically tho need of specific; American conditions," Tho report then quotes from hose "classics." assorting that Lenin and Stalin both specifically 'peaceful in 1 revolution," The FBI said Stalin, in his book called "foundations of Leninism' published In 1030, wrote that Marx a 19th century theorist and one the founders ot communism, be lievcd there was an oulslde chance for peaceful Communist revolu tion in the United States and Grca Truman an tho White House, openly for a third for resident.

However, the i was fought on local. Cherry, a 43-year-Old uclge from Jonosboro, rcdlt tor his showing to thon, an hours-long tr lon-nnd-answer session in the Florida a tow Britain. Stalin rejected this View, th Truman Is Out of By ERNBftT VACCAr 1 28! 61 271 I 80 has built up an armed force to defend Kashmir "in a territorial dispute with Pakistan." "We are far more unselfish than India in spending large sums and men for an ideal of peace in theJQ zan world," Green said. "India is keep- ji a 0 ing forces in Kashmir to promote a selfish interest." Guernsey McCaskillZ McNab 20! "108 42 i 74 Beds have asked to make in trq draft armistice agreement. FBI said, and wrote: "The proletarian revolution I impossible without the forcible dt struction of the bourgolso (rnlddl class) state machine, and tho 'sub ntltution for it of a new one," Lenin, Stalin's predecessor a leader of Communist Russia, wa quoted in the FBI report us saying that only "a swindler who juggles quotations and references" would mid peaceful intent Into Marx's words.

These are some of the writings, the FBI said, that are circulated daily by S. Communists as doctrine "adapted strategically und tactically" to their program. Avers Cemetery Cleaning August 1 Ayurs Cemetery, six miles east of Hope on Highway No. 4, will be worked and on August 1. All Interested persons are asked to be present.

KANSAS covering President homo became increasing" vlnced out And greater ed today that hfl o( the relaxation than he teomed to prefer -itrj From Uje duccd Adiai Steve ocratio National Cq party's new thc Illinois loved the DemocraV ccratlc prtl his time by Indepeti quarters pentho Ho is (Buck) Democi; beyo little vlty- i Piney Grove His blast was directed at B. R. Sen. Indian ambassador to Washington, and Prime Minister Jaw i il aharlal Nehru, both of whom baveTShoyer 10 25 2 been sharply critical of the U. S.jSpringhill 41 19 41! 19 program.

Sen's latest criticism was; Steghenson S. H. 45 10 4 in a speech Monday to the Colgate Washington. 83! 9' 28' 24! 37 36 "IT 31 "i'i'Jss 3l 26' 24 University foreign policy confer- Ward 1 Wafd'lA 20i 71! 116 Ward 2 ence. Green is'the oldest member of, the Senate, and would bead the WardZA 84f powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee year as successor if the cflstroj of 81" 1291 158! 225; 22 "32 61' 135! 701 771.1*41, 24' Z02! "105! 193; 103! 19IJ11 16l'42 Wj Business Under Woge Controls WASHINGTON types of small business enterprises have been put under wage by Eonomlc Stabilizer Roger k.

Putnam, They are: 'Trucking outfits; tool and die enterprises; automotive repair; logging operations and building and construction industry; all Alaska concerns; new- small businesses which expect to biro more than eight employes soon; concerns in which the onoj or more employes is industry or 'area basis; (other than get 25 per cent Cattle fattening operations near VnionvUle, involve who ride the range in traditlojval costume. prepare) He UP KL Aldermen Vote CHC.

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