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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton, Illinois
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Jt. 1 1 i-r Marsh's Drugstore, ALTON, ILL. THIS STORE HAS OCCUPIED PRESENT PREMISES FOR THIRTY YEARS. It will continue to sell good goods at fair prices. For anything you need in the Drug, Toilet, or Paint line call at Third and Belle streets.

JOHN BAUER, TO BXBBB A HOFFMANN Dealer in and Manufacturer (d FURNITURE SECOND STREET, All- kinds of fine and common furniture constantly on hand. Also Undertaker, R'ir) For bale. The late residences of J. J. and W.

H. Mitchell, on Mil) two ot tho best pieces ot residence property In Alton. The property known as Park, east of above lots on Mill and Summit streets, ail 3 a number ol ott In Miller addition to Alton. Any or all of above School Baskets, Lunch Baskets, and Lowest Prices C.M.GrandaH'8 Crockery Store, ae3dwtt PARTIES CONTEMPLATING STAEXINQ A PAPER Should communicate with Chicago Newspaper Union, Franklin Street, on Lot Sale. Lot No.

7, block 20, corner Third and Apple I streets. Hunter's addition, for sale cheap for loath; It la fenced and graded. No luouin- lOraooo. Weed perfect. For particulars In- iautreot W.

Jl. THMPLK, IfiOlm Vino and Fifth streets. for Hale, 107 feet front on Oth street, opposite Oak St. nd 5 80-100 acres, nil In Hock Humor's J. TONSOR, and fagonmaker, 061.

J. Q. Burbfidge, after a brief visit here, has returned to his home at racksonville, Fla. THE Philharmonic Society will sing Oity Hall, October 5th, the last evening of the Catholic fair. THE Spread Eagle, for Grafton; Gem Jity, for Keoknk, and Sidney, for St.

'aul; leave this evening. Call at O. M. Crandall's Crockery tore for good one-half pint table tum- lers at 2 l-2c each, and goblets at 3 ts. each.

lOdwlw REMEMBER the literary and musical ociable at the C. P. church tomorrow ning. A pleasing programme will rendered. SfilT, 10.

Tint DAILY TELKGItAI'H Is delivered hy carriers to nil parto of tho eity 6f Alwn and North Alton, fatten cents per week. Mailod to nny addroia at tlio rate of $5.40 Dor your. I'lII! TELEQUAPJI lias HlO Inmost olroulfi- tlou ol any paper in Alton, ana is tho best medium for advertisers. COHHBR THIRD PlASA 8TR3BTS. TELT1 PHONE SB.

NOTICKTO ADVKKTMEKS. For tliu year 888 we shall charge tho (ol' lowing ratos tot transient notices lit our to- oaf columns! Pet tint. Jlnpflo Insertion, 10 cents Throe to six insertions, 7 dlx to twelve Insertions, Scents HATES OF ADVEimSlNQ! cents per Inch first in- eortlon, and TWSK'fV FIVS cents per Inch tor eaoli subsequent insertion. per Inch first month. 81.00 per Inoli oftoh month thereafter.

LEGAL ADVKKTIBING. per Inch for the first insertion, and 00 cents pur Inch (or each subsequent insertion. WTlio above rates will bo strictly'adhered to. OITV AND COUNTY NEWS. Bananas, oranges, lemons, plums and apples at Connor's Fruit Store.

It TUB weather today was charming. A. model September day. And now all say the beat goods are sold at the Globe. 9 2 wl THE bills allowed by the Council 'esterday made a big hole in tho city reasury.

MR. C. M. Crandall's price list of ino Stone China Ware wilt interest all lousekeepers: New Fall Shawls in newest patterns, Pierson Carr Dry Goods Co's. dlt CITY Engineer Long is doing good work at the corner of Eleventh and Alton streets.

'Nicest and newest of Blankets, at 'ierson Carr Dry Goods Co's. It Lost Between Twelfth street and the losloflice, on Second or Henry streets, gold plated bracelet. Finder please eave at this office. Send your boys for suits, at less ban cost to make, at the Globe. 9 2wl TUB frost prophesied last night did not come, at least not in this section.

For this failure farmers and market gardeners are duly thankful. Maj. John A. Auten and Miss Beom will be pleased to see their old nonds with the Haagan Fuess Dry Goods Co. Sldwtf WE are pleased to learn that, "in accordance with a suggestion of the Sen- eZ," Spam and Germany seem inj cilncd to compromise their differences.

IT may interest a sympathetic world a know that 150 barrels of beer were ionsunied at the "bread or blood" )icnic of the Socialists in Chicago last sunriay. It will be a cold day indeed and the hermometer will be frozen up, when you can buy as cheap elsewhere as you can at the Globe. 9 2 wl THK YACHTING Mr, Ed. lonnor, Kued Stanford nnd Will Sacht- ebon, liavo returned safe and sound rom.thoir trip to Quinoy. They report a fine lime and pleasant trip coming back in their sail boat.

More of those new Ginghams and Prints, at Pierson Carr Dry Goods o's. It THE action of the majority of the Public Buildings committee in ng t.ho contract for city coal to B. L. Dorsey, was fair and right, be being a responsible man and his bid the lowest. The Council should have promptly con- Iruiud the majority report.

Responsible men will not care to make bids for city vrork hereafter if they are to be trifled with in this manner. And now our house is full of the best jai'fnuns over offered; no old prices at the Globe. 9 2 wl Tuesday night as a gentleman of this oity was driving alone from the camp meeting ho overtook Home persons in a wagon at Piasa bridge who seemed to bo in trouble, their team refusing to go forward. The gentleman passed thorn at the bridge and then to lend assistance, it when 1m asked -the stranger who ho was the answer in a gruff voice was: none of your The Aitoulan then drove away, but na ho did no hoard the soreama of woman at bridge. Don't forgot that the best coal for all purposes IB the Ullloeplo coal to bo had B.

L. Porsey'8, Hollo Bt. uoar Third. you appreoluw aflne ttoraua cigar ratist Landing. You csifi't holtf it.

See "Little 1 Ilomombor Urn Mhtinoa. THE Weekly edition of the ottAPii is for sate at this office and the bookstore. THE newly appointed Deputy Collector has not yet assumed his duties does ho modestly hang back and allow a Republican to draw the salary of the office? "To the victors belong the spoils." POSTAL MESSENGERS Postmaster Holdenjhas reoommended. MatthpwJT. Carroll, aged 17 years; Kdward Yager, aged 18 John Fahng, aged 20, as tal messengers under the special ery system which goes Into operation Oct.

1st, prox. THE Chicago Alton has commenced to run a now line of Pullman palaoo buffet sleeping it is claimed, are superior to nny yet placed in scr vice. The principal features of tho new cars are tho decorations, which are in light mahogany, with plushy trimmings iustead of the usual wood trimmings The seats are high backed, reaching almost to the neck. PERSONAL. Mrs.

L. J. Clawson, has returned from visit to Chicago. Alderman Curdle is pushing the work of sidewalk building with commendable energy. Mrs.

13. M. Hume returned last nigh 1 from Atchison, Kansas, to lior home at Brighton. Misses Mae and Lizzie Slanton leave jomorrow for a visit with relatives at Mitchell. Col.

J. T. Cooper, of Clarendon, Texas, sends us a copy of the Sherman Vourier. Mrs. Annie O'Neal, of Tascumbia, who has been visiting Mrs.

F. S. started for New York this morning. Miss Emma Fletcher loaves for Ypsi- ami, this evening, to bo absent until Oct. 1st.

Miss lono Bodgers will have charge of the office during her absence. Chicago and Return, $0.00. Excursion tickets low rate Alton to Chicago and return will be on sale at C. A. ticbat office, Monday 14th, up to and including Saturday, Sept.

19th. (Children under 12 half are.) Good to go on day of sale only, and good for return on or before 21st. Exposition admission ticket, price 25 cents, sold with each excursion ticket. State Fair opens Monday 14th. 10 8 wit THE WATER WORKS QUESTION.

At tho meeting of the City Council Tuesday the committee on Water Works made the following report: committee on Water Works to whom was referred tho matter of the purchase of the Water Works by the city of Alton, would re- spectfuliy report that your committee las had a conference and consultation with Henry Watson, President of the Alton Water Works Company. Mr. Watson places tho probable price of the Water Works at from to $150,000. Mr. Watson states the probable terms of tho sale of such works to the city would be: First, That the city of Alton assume payment of tho outstanding Water Works bonds amounting to the sum of $40,000, the Water Works being held in by Charles A.

Caldwoll, as rustee, for the payment of said bonds, ivo, ton and fifteen years after date. Second, That the Water Works Co. would be willing, if a sale be effected, to take $40,000 cash; the of purchase money to be paid in yearly installments, in such sums nnd at such rate of interest on the different pay. ments as may bo agreed upon by the respective parties. Tho Water Works Co.

reserving tho title of said works until fully paid for by the city of Alton Third That tho yearly income do-, by the Water Woijks Company from said-Works Is about $15,000. Your committee would further report hat if tho Water Works are purchased by the city of Alton in January A. 188C, tho County and State assessment upon which tho five per cent constitu- limitation will bo estimated, and beyond which the city of Alton cannot become indebted for any purpose, is five per cent estimated upon such assessment, $89,766.20. The present indebtedness of the city of Alton, $01,880.24. Tho amount to which tho debt of tho city of Alton may be increoss od is the difference between $89,766,20 and which Is $28,804.96.

Your Committee makes no recommendations, but submits tho above facts for tho consideration and action of tho City Council of the city of Alton. All ot which is respectfully submitted. FHKD W. I10PPE, THOMAS PATES, JOHN Water Works Committee. ALTON, Sept.

8th, 1886. The council postponed action on the matter until tho next meeting and it will, probably, not bo heard of again. While no one would have any objection to tho olty's purchase of tho water worku, providing it could bo done without Increasing the public debt or raising taxation, still the constitutional difficulty the way is insurmountable, at present, and there is no use in the ooun oil's wasting further time or thought over tho question. To Parents nnU Uuardliins. Tho Rector of St.

Paul's church will, if BuiUolent pMronawu is promised, ustablmh in Alton one of the Cathedral schools of the DIOUOHO. The instruction will include, elementary, grammar and classical courses; French ami Gorman, 'forms reasonable. Addreas, before Monday next, or call upon M.S, TASTLOB, tuth Alton, III. Opened V.Aswege, tho tfell known caterer, has formally opened tho Oyster Season at hlB Belle street saloon. Oysters in the shell, and In any other style, served on call.

Also for sale in cans or by tho quantity. Call and lest the best market, Saddle rooks and Blue Points a specially. 6 7 Smoke tho Domestio Cigar. mch27 8m If mil i i- i i Hoi 1 Tho last Moonlight Hop of tho season will be given by tho Alton Orchestra at North Alton Park, Thurs day evening, Sept. 10th.

Everybody cordially invited. 74 Seventy rolls of now patterns of carpets for fall trade are now in, and more to come. Call and sec them, at A. Noorman's. dtf Smoke the Bluff City Cigar mchl48m Tito Illinois C'iTil nights Act.

Tho Legislature of this Stale ut its late session passed an act, the first section of which is as follows: That all persons within tho jurisdiction of this State shall bo entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of tho accominon dations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of inns, restaurants, eating houses, barber shops.publio conveyances on land and theaters, and all other places of public accommodation and amusement, subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to all citizens. Coal. For your Hard and Soft Coal go. to H. Winter office Second street west of Piasa, also at Junction of Second and Third streets.

3 tf Loyscr to the Front. Oysters, Oysters, just, received, fresh and good; served up in all styles to suit Also Peaches, Oranges, Lemons, Ice Cream, Candies, Wedding Cakes. Fruits of air kinds. dif A complete line of Fall Goods for Gent's Wear, just received, at H. C.

G. Moritz's. 26tf CITi COURT. The case of J. H.

Raible vs William Fries was tried this morning; Wise Davis for the plaintiff; no defense, attachment for debt, on a lease. The jury rendered a verdict of S627.77 for plaintiff. A. Neerman vs P. Cain, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

The case of Eliza Gaty, William K. Burbndge, Molliu L.Hope, Homer Luce and Josephine Miller vs J. Q. Burbridge ot al, contested will case, was settled by J. Q.

Burbridge, one of the defendants. Luke Brennan vs city of Alton, for damages, J. N. Hayes vs Wm. Flynn; Eliza Green vs City Marshal Joesting, replevin suit; are all jury set for next Tuesday, to which time Court adjourned.

For Sale. My residence, containing 17 rooms, corner Third and Market streets, with or without furniture, at a great bargain and easy terms. Call on the premises. 92 A. HERBEL.

FOH house and lot on the corner of Alton and Sixth street, at reasonable price and easy terms. For particulars inquire of Thomas Rowan, on Fourth between Piasa and Belle. 66 Money to Loan on improved real estate. Apply to Rudorshausen Sonn tog. tf Artistic Painting and Papor Hanging; also wall paper for sale at lowest prices Graham, State street.

18 tf For a good smoke try the "Papa." 6-tf, St. Louis Exposition. Tho Chicago Alton R. R. will soil excursion tickets Alton to bt.

Louis and return on Sept. 8th, 12th, 14th, 15th and 19th. Good to go on day of sale and good for return five days from day of sale. Exposition admission ticket sold with each excursion ticket. 8 8 Money to loan on improved far a property.

For particulars, apply to SMILEY. GOUFUEY. GODFREY, Sept. 9. Miss Stolla Virdcn is visiting relatives in Jerseyvillo.

Miss Maggie Waggoner is in Urighton at her brother's helping to take care of her slater and her cousin, who are both quite mck typhoid tover. Mr. Chas. Virden has returned from an inspecting tour in Kansas and reports, hlmsujf well pleased therewith. He talks oJ buying land in Harvey county.

Mr. Chas. Andrews, of Piasn, called on friends hero Wednesday. YVell, the folks are all homo from camp meeting again and they must have enjoyed it, for they say there was nolliing about it. Mr.

Sawyer, of Alton, visited relatives Uere tins week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lour, of Upper Alton, spent Sunday at.

Mr. Thoman Korr's. ICvory one is on the qui vivo as that Butliany church fair is to take place noxt Wednesday evening, Sept. l(i, al the residence ot Mr. Jolm Y.

Sawyer, iu Godfrey. All who have over attended auytuing of tho sort at Mr, Sawyer's know how much enjoyment can bo crowded Into the space of a fuw hours, and all who hivve never had that tild snroly come und SKO lor lliuiiisolvos. Come anil nee what a BiHhuny fair is, It has long been noted for Us full 1 (onus). Kov.MoCurd, the evangelist in holding a uunus of inuulingB in thu Presbyterian ohuroli HI Godfrey. Meeting every evening 7 Mian Faimle Bartlott, Mac Donnolt and brother, who nave been guinmertuR bero, have returned to St.

Louis. Sept. '8 has boon a llttlo fouling worked ftp in town bduatiao the people who lire on Second street, or do business on Furcoll street, objitct to tho county building another "nuisance" where tho ono was, on the northwest corner ol tho square. Tho matter carao bofora the County Board today, and wo arc Informed tho members thereof decided to tost the matter in the Court, and see if the Injunction could be dissolved. We beliovo Kdwarilsville (San lay claim to being tho only town, or city, that has such a nulscnco dircot- Jy in front of a church, for over quarter of a century.

A little common seiisa in transacting tho business of the county would bo appreciated by tho taxpayers, even if it hurt tho pockot of some individuals and the pohtlca aspirations of others. We hoard it rumored that if tho nuisance cannot bo erected on the old site efforts will be mado to removo the county seat elsewhere. Horo Is a chanco for Alton. A. A.

Porlcy was in liMwardsvDle last week, the guest ol Mrs. A. Metcalfo. She will make Taylorvillo her future homo. Mr GJO.

H. Coventry wont down to 8t. Louis this evening to attend a social party. Murray B. Trabu6, of Jorseyvillo, was in town Saturday last.

Ho sowed 70 acres of wheat last fall. From what he left standing ho secured twelve bushels and nJliaU. Frank Williams is up from St. Louis, Tiuiting his parents. Mrs.

J. H. Yager and daughters here 1 las Alton, wore visiting friends Week. Miss Jessie Benedict is visiting at Nameoki. Miss Sadie Coventry was visiting a Litcli field last week.

Mrs. Mills and Miss Fern Duffy, ol Collinsville, visited in this city last week. Mrs. B. R.

Burroughs is visiting in Virginia and Maryland. Charley Gaisor, an old Edwardsvllle boy, now a druggist at Hannibal, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Belcher, of St. Louis, the sugar relinery tnan, is in town on business.

woman, a man, a horse and buggy, all combined, made a terrr ble racket near Wolf's coal mine last Saturday night. There were live applicants for teach nrs' certificates last Saturday. Miss I J. Mills conducted the examination. The abash pay car passed through on Monday last.

West Pnckett have managed to do business during the hard times paint tbe front of their building. This firm is one of the safest banks in Southern Illinois. Mr. John Miller died Sunday last Ac was'well known, and was highly respected. His age was 26 years.

The Intelligencers beat the Brookside base ball club last Sunday, the score 21 to 23, in favor of tho Intelli- The game was played at Troy. Madisons of this city played the Standards of St. Louis Sunday. The BCOI-O was 4 to 13, in favor of tho Madi- sons. This wiis the best game played this city this season The county board meeting drew about the usual lookers on at the court house today.

The Bradshaw-French building is ftearly completed. Tho Building Association meets Thursday evening to loan money. Thirty-two deeds were filed for record the recorder's office last weoK. Marriage license business is improving. County'Clerk Bayle granted three fast week.

The wise ruon of Madisan county wore in town at least, the men who think they are the mean the members of the County Board. Dr. Zacconi, of the physician who can talk seven languages, was elected county physician today, be being lowest bidder. Postmaster Coventry stUlfl "holds the fort" in this city. It will take more than a charge of "offensive partisan" to have him removed.

Col. W. R. Morrison believes in the "present incumbent" business, for he knows how it is himself. Work is progressing on the Trares block.

Will. Arbuthnot, of Liberty Prairie, was in town Sunday he did not come alouo, either. There are preaching services at the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian ohurehes, every Sunday now, morning and evening. ADAM. Now Is the Time Xo order your Hard Coal for next winter.

A largo consignment just received of the best qualities in market. Lackawanna Chestnut and Range, $0.50 per Egg, $6 Lehigh Chestnut and ttango, 87.25 per ton; Egg, $7. Order early and save D. NOONAN. 14dtf N.

side Third St. near Piasa. For Benefit of Users of Tobacco. If you wish a piece of Plug Tooacco, beats the world, with Revenue Reduction, ask your dealer for Bluff "lity. dtf The Present Generation Lives ut teloKfaphlo too fast, roil; os too late, does not rise betimes, smoUos (alas, that wo should have to any it I) 4liowa too much tolmeoo.

Tho consequences are dyspepsia, a general absence of that ro- lust and manly vigor which characterized ancestors, and (i manifest vronouoss to ourly decay. nebular hours, a duo allow- nioe ol time for meals, tho disuse of execs- live smoking, and chewing to- ouaco In connection with a course of llos- Stomach Hitters, will lu nine cases of ton olfaco consequences of the abuses of tho laws of health Indicated above. A want (if stamina, dyupi'iisla, nervousness And biliousness ar nuiontf those conaeyuon- eon, and they are bodily llfs to the removal ol which the HHtors Is specially adapted, Nor tho loss tilted to overcome and prevent fever and kidney and bladder roubles and rheumatic uilmcnlu. It la also i lino appetizer and promoter ol oonvalos FOB SALE. A Residence in This City Overlooking the two Great Rivers of the West, One of the Finest Views to to be Had in Alton, I offer Jof Hiilo my roaldoiico, sltiuiloil on the corner of fourth mid (luomo HlrooU House contains I'i with cellar, cistern, brlcli walk-new outhouse combining ooijj bin, wood house, wash house, water cjpsyt.

etc Grounds frontWO foot ou Gcoruo utroot NoUeTwyvJew School-Time Outfits. We are prepared to supply all things neatly to get the young folks ready for school. CALICO, GINGHAM, CANTON ELANNEL, DRESS GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Etc. Third Street. HAAGBN BROTHEES.

Are receiving daily an immense stock of BOOTS and SHOES. They can assure tbe public they have everything' to meet the demands of the trade. everything NEW, FRESH, and SEASONABLE for the Spring trade. Special attention given to VINE LINES of Goods, including Geo. W.

Liudlow Co's and Reed Weaver's Ladies' Wear, the most stylish and attractive goods in the market. The genuine HARTFORD BOOT. Hatheway, Soulo Harrington's Fine and Medium goods. Tbe Famous STOWTG SUOI3 of Western Massachusetts. Ladies' Elegant Kid Shoes, worked button holes, only $2.

Men's Stylish Calf Shoes, ouly $3, Stowe's make. Buttons and Balmorals only $3. Compare the Goods and Prices at 107 THIRD STREET. Machine and Blacksmith Shop. Machinists' and Engineers' Supply Depot FOURTH STREET, ItKT.

B1SLLE AND STATE STREETS GEO. EDDY, Proprietor. Takes pleasure In Informing the publlt that he nas fitted uplwlth entirely new tools a complete machine shop whore he Is yi-oparodtodolntho best manner nil kinds of now work, and tho repalrlnsof stationary and portable engines, mill anil farm machinery, steam and hand pumps, lawn mowers and sewing machines. lie will also keep ron hand a stock of Machinists' and Engineers' Supplies, Roller Fluos, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Steam and WaterGaugos, llubbor lioao Steam Packing, Babbit Metal, Boiler Feeders, Engine Governors, etc. PLUMBING.

Hhvlng engaged tho services of a first class Plumber from St. Louis I am prepared to to do all kinds of work in hU lino in the best manner guaranteeing satisfaction In all oases. Special attention given to tho repairing of llouso and Garden J'uinps N'JW rumps furnished and sot on short notice. Neat! We have the BEST Printing Office in Alton. Those in want of anything in our line will do well to remember this and call at the office of the ALTON PRINTING Cor.

Third Belle C. Montgomery, Manager. To Whom It May Concern. Public notice Is hereby given that at a special meotliiRof tho stockholders of the Alton Havings Bank, on tho 12th davot August A.D. at 4 o'clock p.

at the onioo of Hold linuk, in Alton, Illinois, hold Inpurmmnco of notices duly given and published according; to law, It resolved by suld atookhold 01 that tho capital stock of said Uank should bo Incrousod mini to and a coi'UUoiuo of said pr ocaodinga indue form of law, verlflod by tho afllduvlt of tho President and under tho seal of said beonlduly (Hod in tho oillco of tho Secretary of State ana recorded in tuo recorder's ooice of Madison county, Illinois. J. K. HAYNEU.l'resldnnt. Alton, August 15th, 18SS.

15d3w BOYS' CLOTHING. WE OFFER THE REMAINDER OF OUR STOCK OF Boys' and Children's Suits At Reduced Prices. This is a Fair Chance To get First-class Goods: Not Goods Bougrht at Auction For the purpose, of Selling Cheap or Moth-eaten Goods, But everything First-class. At the Old Reliable House I Third Street Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher..

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