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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fc MOM IfAR, AtKANfAl Thurtdoy, July 24,1952 ivenson rfe- Ful JAM WOI-IIN illnrtato "Wlflhl 10 lor Iho Bfft Ihc Dorrto- filiioto Ik 0 iw three pit Ken. er, Richard Him ellf Harflmatt nro to 'tttJmblned totnl might mccon voler wilt be wTOif.iSwwofti* two )h nllkn in 4rtreront In by birth- In Texait Sievennon In ot UJi grwt fey Rteveniiftn In Blnvennon li eiMnhower will (M ea in Cktobtr, They Iwth of partly ICaeh tnoro than an attaro at tnai quality that quickly Over A fftmrnu mnlie, Quick, unrlngy Mep, turoK, They ant both treat and In oommwi. lirtWni ntHtfon when an d(ro, Stevonaon'n baekground If crowd, ed with woll-ttMlo people, many ot them dlnUnguiahftd, many of them public torvunta, One a vice president of the United SUtcn. One was an rtdvUer to Lincoln. forebearrri were people, atrong, hard'bltton, In ixplrlt, people who nn- the cull of the West In the century of Amorloan expansion nnd building.

Thus, in speech, tho flguroa and nncedotea at Ins nnd tho furms, fltovonsori, Iho scholar, fiom Tacilun nnd Hi. Francis. The Rovnrnor works hard over octth, Innumembta drtifts, comos to the platform, finally with pollihwj text and then orn- broldcrs with iiomn an ho along. KUonhowur la best when hn speaking off the cuff, Neither Id a profexsl'mol Nwlthur on me up from the roots, through tho rwnks, to the apex of the party, Stevunson dorvlnu tho first term of his first eloctlve off too, liwa tftkon tho towHi-d nn office, bnlloved that Egypt hod iho Ilahlhwiiox where bencon tltttn wero mnlntitlned by STATE- WIDE RALLY AT tmri $KR, titTLt ROOC. HIGIIT or 25th to 9p.m.

Ji Time, Hnlly At 7iOO Will Stat. Network BrotdoMt i HEAR McMATH ON JULY 26th AT JULY 28th AT Ci30 P.M. LOCAL STATION 1N HOPE Pel, A4v. For By Henry Woodj, Cum. 'Never Hod It So Good' Is Demo Theme By JAMBS MARLOW CHICAGO nevor hnd It ftt good," tho bnltlo hymn iho Dem- iiimllc piirty will to the volet it In the political wars belwtmn now) Novombor.

ThM marta door night by the ipeevh Oov, Paul Dpvor made lo the Ut-rnocru- tic convention. Since keynote cporth imp- Honed to not the tone nnd mood of Iho pnrty'n cnmpulun, Duvt-r upcnl A tnt of lime comparing the preH enl with the piidl, the credit of thn Democrats. He cited employment figures, corporate profits, In gen- em! nnd aocln) benofltH now, coin- pored with tho limt of the regime of the OOP, which linn on thii oulnide looking In since 10,12. Uut, Ilku intin pulling himself on the linuk with one hnnd while waving unplciisnntiieiis with the other, Duvet' hnd to do double luko. While pt mining the ho hnd lo defend them, too.

In cunt! nnyone wundorcd affect HopubllciiM itUiickn on Ihe Democrats have hud, Dover show od It Imd them self-conscious at bem the cirnCnlfn In- In the will do more forolnl Democmu Into more dofenies. Rut tho will nol In trying to win the election. Until now the main critics of Ocn. Dwight Kluimhowor. who won thu nomination from Ren.

Robert Tuft, were Taft people. kind ot Attitude, walling tor the Repub- to pick their man. But now the two political nrmlog are lined up' facing each other, DouRlan set the pace for the future by Inmbnitlnf the Rep- ubllcnn ttandard bearer, Klien- howcr. Ax time BOPS on, Elucnhower, who rnmo home a uhlnlnjf figure, will probubly Bet up. He nccepted the Republican nomlnn tlon nnd, the renctfon of the oernls xecmii to he, he'i In a political fight he muni accept the rcuponnlblllty and hardship that go with office-Keeking.

Douglnn' crack about Eiaenhow cr wan the statement that the gen oral wan chairman of the Joint t'hlofx of Muff when It decided, fore the Korean war started, that Korcn couldn't be defended. But hout'K biifoic Dover took tint pluttonn, Hun. Paul DouKlns of Illinois tlu; convention. DouHlim' Npeach wtui a detente nnd oxplnnntldn of the Trumon AdmtniitrAtlon'R policy In Korcn. Tlmt too won nn nttompt to reply to Kcpubllcim ci'lticlHin of tho nd- inlnUtrntlon, pnrtlculnrly Hut bnrbs tossed dui'lnn thu Kopubllcnn con vontlun, "you never hnd it so ijood" In kind of ccmblmitlori with Dumocrullo of ycnrs: "Why iinnc lun-soH In tho middle of utraiim." Thnl ttlognn wiiein'l mention od but whut Dtwer WUR MiiyiiiR in effect "if you ni'vur had -II fco uood, why uhnnito While tin? Democrats should bo nblo to bunefll from Uopubllcnn through hnvinu convention after tho it puts them a dlsndvnn- JIavlna flntt crnck ut tho public's attention, the Hcpublicims can RO On the offcnxtva front tho wtiirl, HS thoy did, by lumtmstlntf tho Since tmc convention follows so taut upon tlte olhor, tho public's memory ot the nttncks IK vivid when Uip Democratic convention ThU pushes the Democrats Into position of having to defend of tholr actions, thus using up tlma which might otherwise Potatoes May Be Frozen or Canned Ilemp.iteud county home will be glnd to know that the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home has found Bails factory methods for freezing and cunning small potatoes, Home Demonstration Agont Lorraine Blnckwood Hives their recommendations for freezing Select small one 1 to 1H Inches In diameter.

Wash and the potatoes well. Cook in boiling wuter for four minutes, then cool In cold water. Drain and pack Into containers for freezing. Flit the container full. Do not leave any hend spiice.

Seal the container, freeze, nnd store at zero degrees Fahrenheit. To cun potatoes, select potatoes 1 to Inches diameter. Wash nnd scrape. Cook in boiling water for 10 minutes. and pack into jars.

Leave one-half space. Add one-half teaspoon salt for pints nnd one teaspoon for quarts. Cover with boiling water. Process In a steam pressure can ner ut 10 pounds pressure plots 30 minutes, quarts 40 mlnutes.S The U. S.

Bureau of Mines' syn tholtc fuels demonstration plant near Louisiana where experiments are conducted In producing gasoline from coal, employs nearly .100 pernomi. The word carat used to measure jewels Is derived from a srtvall oriental bean a carob. The phenomena of result froth ot living or- ganlxnu to radiant energy and Cleopatra wore peart earrings pcnd primarily on the sun. worth. In today's curtttiry, a mil- lion and a half dollars at the brated banquet for Mark Anthony.

Third MIMUn KIM brinf ui your next. Three ref tortd dniffiatt JOHN P. (OX DRUG (0. DIAL 7-4616 or 7-4617 WE GIVE EAGLE STAMPS Be Sure to Vote Next Tuesday It is not only your privilege it is your duty. so'ioox ACl I hvrvvr jShoeWliilei 1 Liquid.

(Limit t) 9-ounw SERUTAM PLASTIC TUMBLERS 8-oz. pastels. Implttl lutttr your fttlr Cleanses hair thoroughly. Wtlgrttn'i Own ASPKRIN TABLETS 100 None Letter! "Farmult 20" Grim SHAMPOO Rlcbtrd HuJnvt Enriched Creaje 20" CreM Oil Hilr Dreifing 6-01. TOOTH BRUSH tkolct In travel case.

lilt I Softens hair. hair. MAREE WAVE SET BRECK 35 Pltuft Flor-S-ent Golf Tees 39' Hirt'l ForWttk-tnd Jivnlt $1.79 ZIPPER CARRYALL Dork brown sailcloth with tan vinyl trim. 59 Kodak BROWNIE Aviator type men's or ladies. 1.00 Up Cool Brttttt During Summer ELECTRIC Heavy duty motor Propeller blades Our Doily Bread 'Sliced Thin by The Editor H.

Texanj Conspiring to Steal Red River From Arkansas Today's Quotation Because half dozen tfrasshop- crs under a torn make the field Ing with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle reposed beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud arid arc silent, pray do not imagine that those who make the noise'are. the only inhabitants of tlje field. Hope Star WtAtMM Today 1 cloudy, little turc with on expec temper nlurc of 100 de minimum of 74. Temperature High 103 Low 71 53D YEAR: VOL 53 NO. 242 1899, 1927 Coniolldntod Jan.

It. 1929 HON, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, JULY 25,1952 Auoclotcd A Audit Burttw at Clrculalloni Av. Net Paid Clrtl. Met. Indlna March 31, PRICE Sc Opening Ballot Is Clos fftg.

SS.4?. Now onV. $9.95 Electric Fan as above but 10" size 2 Colgate i Tooth Paste 47c size 94c value 69c AMUROL ITMWI I Filt Any Ftuett 98' BATH SPRAY No-itmfc. 5' tube M'assaje head. Cigarette Lighter 98c CHROME FINISH IT REALLY LIGHTS OPEN TILL EACH TUESDAY 9 P.

M. UITSU! THE SELLING IS FAST! At OUR PRESENT LOCATION. MANf CLOSE OUT VALUES AT OWENS Final AH $1.00 $3.00 Men's Dress Straw Hats $100 Every one must go. Value to $3.50 Genuine Adam Panamas $2.00 MEN'S SHOES Value to $8.95 $4 911(1 $5 All Ladies Dresses Must Go Men's dress straw hats. Value to $5,50 Buy them at PRICE and Less PRICES SLASHED ON ALL PIECE GOODS If you sew don't miss this.

Buy for months to come. Save plenty on piece goods. Check the reed tags. Our on All Men'i Summer Pants UVI AS MUCH AS Work Clothes Save in our work department. Buy at Sale Price The famous Tuff-Nut Cheek red tog EOftWS Ladies 59c Rayon Panties Out Volue jr FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL MILLINERY Regardless of original price.

66c LADIES FIRST QUALITY NYLON HOSE Value to $1.59 54c LADIES HALF SLIPS $1.25 Value. 47c 1 I 35c FAST COLOR PRINT Sypply limited, 69c and 79c Sheer Goods Thousands of yards to select from Yard 40" HEAVY DOMESTIC BIG BARGAINS Yard 21c DtisssNirrs v-' UNDERSHIRTS Hurry. SAVE IN OUR Home Furnishings Dept. Bedspreads, Pillow Cases, Curtains. Buy your 9 i S-s 4 Although it is a commonly known! fact that Texas is perpetually short of water I think you will be astoinlllcd to learn that sortie of neighbors in the eastern of the Lone Star state have enter-'i cd into a conspiracy to swipe -Red river from Arkansas.

1 am placing what I think'is an accurate and fair construction on I a press release from Texas, which I have been iioiding here on my desk, for re-cxajrilna- tion. It is an- announcement that Fred Conn, publisher of the Den'i- son Herald, has accepted the iiairmanship of a finance com- Ittee to raise $30,000 in Texas and Oklahoma for making an economic survey to show justification of of Re'd river from Texarkana to. Denison. We have put the phrase "Texarkana to Denison" in boldface I.ypc because as everyone Texarkana isn't on Red river at ill. Red river runs through Fulton, midway between Hppe a.nd Tcxarkana and ff' this, a aarefaced attempt to steal' a river and relocate it for the' exclusive benefit of Texas towns then 1 i Long and Costly New Egyptian Steel Walkout Finally Settled Will Take Long Full Production By 1 ROWLAN' DEVANS JR.

WASHINGTON longest, costliest' steel strike in American history in pffect is over. Production is -expected to resume nejtt week. Stcclworkers Union considerd virtually certain today 'to- ratify a strike- ending 'agreement "reached at don't know'w'hat I'm talking about. House President tru- But I do know what; I'm. and U.S.

Appeals to Russia on Prisoner Issue By JOHN (vi. HIGHTOWER "WASHINGTON Ml Tlic United States has appealed to Russia to ask the Chinese and North Korean Communists- -provide better treatment for United Nations pri's- Strong Man Jails High Officials CAIRO, Egypt (UP) Egypt's new army "strong Moham- ineci Nuguib Bey, arrested seven high interior ministry, police and of of avar in Phe The ar in Korea. sent also to the International Red Cross, was an- nptinced by Slate Department yesterday in' advance of the opening Toronto Monday of a world- about. It is ciuitc obvious the financial drive announced i'roin Texas, is just another Psame prograrn which the sccre- I tary-manager. of Texarkana CnTSrrT- ber of Commerce and a consulting engineer outlined 'to me 'a couple of years ago.

They came over to Hope to enlist for a proposition' to make a shortcut in the channel, of 'Red eliminating which now carries, through. and close to Texarkana, en route from Shreve- ot-t north to Denison', Texas. i presumed -it 'Fulton high and- dry, and double -the distance from Hope to the and I told the Texark'ana men they were crazy. At the same time I put Hope Chamber.lof Commerce on guard against this fantastic proposal. .1 not it could happen unless smashed by n- sharp and united counter-attack from the Arkansas side of the river.

Let me go on with the quotation from the press release from Denison, Texas: "This is a challenging project, one that is going to separate the men from the boys, for it will take vision and foresight, confidence and hard work to bring to pass navigation on Red river from Denison to Shreveport," Conn said. But he added that we will be left high and dry if we permit other portions of the Red River Valley to have water freight rates and other rivers in Texas and Oklahoma made navigable, and not have navigation from Texarkana to Denison. a settlomcnt. It was not cut victory for anyone the Industry, or the government There was, 'give and take Hm all The -end; of'jthe, crippling, 53-day strike was announced late yeslier- day the. President hinrfself, with President Philip Murray arid i IMlIt; (Jl.Uln.Mll wide Red at, clL 1( i which "the'vaVious Otfrnmuinst re- army officials today control of Alexandria, King Fa r(iuk''s summer capital.

Five of the officials were nc- eusecl of plotting against NagiUb. Another, Lt. Gen. Hussein Sirry Amer, former commander ot the I'rontier Corps, was arrested on the western desert while trying to escape into Libya. A high const guard official also was arrested.

Premier Aly Mahor Pasha announced in Alexandria that Naguib had been appointed Commander-in- chief of armed forces, increased in rank from major general ti) full general, and given the pay of a cabinet minister. Mailer announced the resignation the and ate in the Suez Ca- Plans Shaping for Annual Festival Here August 6 llcmpsteiid County's annual watermelon festival, revived three yrars ago.will bo held at Fair Park Hopo, on 'Wednesday, A'lfgust (i. Tho festival was originally scheduled for July 24, but delayed bo- cause of the melon harvest. Tho melon season is in full swing here is expected to: be near it's peak by festival lime. Meanwhile plans are rapidly shaping for the which as in past, two years, has been 'con-i filled to, a 'district affair although everyone is invited.

'Committee' Uhairmen Hoi'aco and Arch Wylic issued an appeal to the public for pprndo entries to list their names with the committee. Practically apylhing can be entered from to floats, bicycles, menl displays, new uutos, etc. of Pasha, i king's economic a i gimcs be' of television viewers saw an unscheduled 1 bit of -drama' at the Democratic National Convention early today burning newspaper, threat- set off a stampeding Ipani'c. Assistant f'ire Commissioner Anthony J. Mullanoy.

expressed tlu- opinion the blaze may been Steel Chairman Benjamin se deliberately to force a-recess Fan-less "have reached-agreement ma tlt nn spssinn on important basic issues" aftev day-long confere'nces, and' predicted a resumption of steel production." 'He''said'Murray'would meet today with his 'IVff-man Wage-Policy Committee --to obtain ratification 'of Fairless, it learned, make personal appearance before this icommittee inia dramatic "at 'wiping out any bitterness. The jiri- vited him to 'rriake a short talk to the group after a closeoV'session during actual ratificption of the'agreement'was sch'eduled. Sidelights of Demdaatic Convention By H. D. QUIGG CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO The 31st Democratic a tional Convention finally struck note of harmony early today.

The delegates were unanimous on on thing: Utter confusion. in the marathon session. Three men, including Amos He'a- cock," president of- Air Transport nal Company. Nuguib was movinj', swiftly to remove all. possible opposition -to his throo-day-old military coup aiu the Maher govurnmenl be obligee King Farouk to accept.

The occupied the state Fulbrightto Give Way For Senator Russell sc-n. -vvii- broadcasting- 1 station in "mfcintnin. order Naguib flew to army to confer with Maher. A simultaneous announcement said-Farouk had signed a decree appointing Naguib chief of the Egyptian armed force Associates, of Seattle, Hc prcvious i had' been army -jiirni-d' shehtlv while outline out slightly while putting out he fire CIO Throws Full Support to Stevenson CHICAGO Kroll, CIO political action director, today asked all CIO member-delegates ut the Democratic'convention to for Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois.

'Kroll issued a statement through press aide saying he wanted all C3O members who. are convention to vote' for Stevenson as the presidential nominee "as soon as they can "fulfill their commitments." By this he said he meant they should vote for Stevenson on the first ballot, or on the soonest subsequent ballot possible. The CIO had been wavering be twecn three candidates Steven son, Sen. Estes Kefuuver of Tcnn essee and Mutual Security Direc- commandant in Cairo. No reason was announced at once for the army's occupation key points in Alexandria, but guib said in a communique he bad arrested the five interior ministry and police officials because theyi were conspiring against public se curity.

He, said the arrests were necessary to guarantee the security of the army coup. Farouk and his court moved to Alexandria from Cairo two months ago Mahcr, sworn in by Farouk with Ham -Ftjlbrighl," 1 Arkansas' favorile e.mdidate,-'offered to pull' out of the Democratic presidential throw his support to Sen. Richard U. Russell at- any after the first ballot, it was learned loday i Fulbrighl, dodging reporters and photographers, conferred, privately with Russell for morcithan 20'min- utes i'n the Georgia suite. Neither woujd comment on tht session; but Russell later 'told re they a little poll i It "was learned, however, lha Fulbr.ight coulc expect 'all' bill 0 of Arkansas I 22.

time the poorgla sen a lor 'want's Ihem, afler the 'delega tion casts 1 its first favorite son vote for Fulbright. Russell also haS been assured, i was learned, of Arizona's 12 votes on the second ballot. Three Southern Rebel States Are Victorious By WILLIAM M. BATES CHICAGO Three rebellions southern states won the right to vote in the Democratic convention today without sinning a "loyalty" 1 pledge which they refused to swallow lit the risk of being thrown out of the party. The action apparently ended the possibility of a convention-bolt anti-Truman Southerners who hiulj threatened to shatter Democratic unity in the face of an anticipated Dixie invasion by GOP nominee Dwlght D.

Elsenhower. The South Carolina, Virginia and Louisiana delegations were stored lo full mcinbershp by vote of the convention after a blistering floor fight which raged into the curly hours ot tho morning. Harmony -seeking middle -of -the road Democrat's lined up behind the throe hold-out states to hand he liberal wing ot the parly it sound thrashing. Backers of Averell Mar rim an and Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Ti-nn), angrily a that sponsors of the Stevenson draft made a deal with the Standing solidly on their refusal sign even a watered-down "loyalty" engineered by northern liberals.

Tho three states were seated after giving verbal assurances that the parly nominees to bo named today would appear on the ballot In their stales in November. of the Ihree James Byrnes of South Carolina, Robert F. Kennon ot Louis- and John Buttle showdown yesterday. Officers Recover Stolen Auto One Arrested Arkansas State Police and local officers wrrestcd a Fulton Negro yesterday In connection with the theft of nn uulo at Texarkana Sunday. Snl.

Milton Mosler listed the man's name UB Frank Woods and Kiiid he had been charged with the theft. The nuto wan discovered by Herman Wnlkar of the State Police working out of 'I'exnrknna, The stolen vehicle had been put In a Hope -garage for repulrs, of- fleers sold. htf Sen. Kefauver Stevenson and, Russell Top Lis Tho- iivo lenders of tho' round ballot nro; Kotauvor Stevenson Husaoll 2681' mnn Korr 69, Cherry Brands Welfare Use Low Politics By The Associated Press Chnncullor Fruncls Cherry says the McMatli administration's handling of Arkansas stnte welfare, rolls "is the lowest political trickery ever heard ot." Cherry, one ot Gov. four rivals for tho Democratic gubernatorial nomination, charged in a 0-houi- radio talkathon al atid Conway last nighl They, sent joint letter to convention-Chairman Sam Hnyburn asking if "we are, or lire not, members of the convention Tho test came when Louislnnn'j3 nan-jo came up in the roll cnll for presidential uomlnntlon.s.

Battle, amid boos, formally asked for a ruling. With great reluctance, Rayburn, who is a Texan, wiiid the IVVJ VY II 1,1 (1 AViAKII, fllllVI HH, The Georgia senator, cheered th ce stn cs could not vote because developments ot the past 2 tnuy hnd nol compiled with the which saved his anticiaptcid his all-independent cabinet in Alex-' Southern votes, confidently pro andria last night, announced that i dieted that the "synthetic 1 boom" the government would move back; for Gov. Adlai' Stevenson woujfl to Cairo at Once to maintain close I fail and that he will get some of contact with the army. It was not known whether Farouk would follow his government the Illinois governor'? support if the ballot goes beyond two Russell also said he thought back to The U.S embassy Vice-President Alben W. Barklcy also -had not decided whether to leave Alexandria, to which U.

S. Ambassador Jefferson Caffery moved only three weeks ago. At one point during the weary tor Averell Harri There goes thqt "Texarkana to Denison" line again Texarkana not even on Red river, in jfact a good 18 miles away. I don't know about this project separating the men from the boys, but it is certainly going to separate Arkansas from Texas before they separate us from our river. When the Texarkana promoters were up here a couple of years ago I told them The Star was very much interested in seeing Red river made navigable, but along the original river route, I through Fulton.

They said this jVwas too expensive, I don't think that's even close to the truth. The fact is, the pro position to alter the channel away from Fulton is Texarkana's price for supporting the navigation project. And Hope's price is just this: minutes shortly before 2 a.m. the roll-call clerk call out: "District of Columbia." The chairman of that delegation arose spoke mike. "For what purpose does the chairman call the name of District of Columbia?" "Well," answered Chairman Sam Rayburn" and there- was tender patience in his voice, "we started calling the roll early yesterday for the purpose of giving any state in the or tho District of Columbia, an opportunity to put in nomination a candidate fpr the presidential nomination." The D.

of C. oh, well, in that case it had nobody to nominate Kroll had announced against Vice President Barkley and was credited by the "Veep" with being a party to causing his withdrawal earlier this week as a candidate. However, Barkley's Aame has been put before the convention anyway. Union political strategists, including the AFL as well as CIO, had been divided as among Stevenson, Harriman and Kefuuver. They have been frankly opposed to Senators Robert Kerr of Oklahoma and Richard Russell of Georgia.

A couple of tired state 'delegation Ousted Professor Loses Libel Suit FAIRMONT, W. VA. ffi Dr Luella R. Mundel, who was ousted as head of Fairmont State College's Art Department and lost a Either nel through It at all. voted "no" on a motion to table $100,000 slander suit growing out of (that is, kill) an adjournment ti as been released from jail tion, when actually they meant to; here she had been held in assault vote "yes" because they didn't ac-: all lunacy warrants.

tually want to adjourn at thatj she was placed in the custody of if he allowed his name, to remain in the race would hurt the Stevenson forces more than ho would hurt the Georgia senator. He said the Barkley development "will further divide the voting strength within the convcnlion and enhance my chances." Russell supporters welcomed Ihe overnight delay in convention balloting as a boost to their own chances and a slowdown in the Stevenson drive. Truman's Vote Goes to Stevenson CONVENTIO HALL, Chicago, (UP) J. Gavin of Kansas City, alternate for President Truman, cast one-half vote for Gov Adlai E. Stevenson for the Democratic presidential nomination on the first ballot today.

Gavin cast his half-vote when public poll of the Missouri delega- i.on was requested. Gavin saiu tie nud said a "thousand times" that Mr. Truman's choice is choice. When He an- fantrymen today hurled back a 500- nounced his vote there were loudj man Chinese Communist drive pn boo's and loud cheers about! T-Bone Hill in a bloody opening to loyalty requirement, Rep. Lansdale G.

Sasscer (D- Md.X asked that Virginia be seated on the basis of a statement by battle that Virginia luw required the Democratic nominees to be placed on the ballot. In 11 nolscy, two-hour roll call, Virginia was by a vote of 015 to 520 after a number of states, including Illinois, switched enough votes to assure victory for the Virginians. A short lime later, Battle moved that Louisiana and South Carolina be seated. Rep. John McCormack (D-Mass), who had taken the chair put the motion to a voice vote arid declared it passed.

thai: "In many Instances, old people who apply for pensions are sent to the local political boss, who clu.cks their poll tax receipts and gives them a lecture on how to vole and warns them that If tho McMulh administration isn't kept in, they wouldn't get any more money." Ally. Gen. Ike Murry ehurgad last night Unit the administration ot Gov, McMulh hnd allotted about $500,000 £01- road, In Union County in "a tc bribe tho Union County voters with their own money The work, which Includes some street Improvement In El Dorado, was among projects on which bids were opened today by tho Arkansas Highway Commission. Murry, McMuth and three other candidates are seeking the Democratic gubernatorial nomination McMalh for the third time, "Since McMulh took office only one (highway) contract has been Jet in Union County," Murry said in spocx'h at Cnmdun. "Thut cost $.888.

I am nol joking. Thut'a thu amount allocated to. Union County CONVENTION la tho Htnlo-by-atato at tho Democratic nntlonnt conV tlon today on tho first ballot selection ot a presidential hico: i Alabama 22 votes; Kofauvor.jOtf Russell' Mi; Alaska fj 'Votes! Kofauvor 0 Arizona '2 votes: Kerr 12 Arknnsti8.22 votes; Fulbrlgll California 68 votest Colorado 10 votes: Kctauver 2: illiasoll not votlns Connecticut 16 votes: McMdll 10 Dnlnware 6 votos: Florlad 2 votes; Russoll 10 rj Georgia 28 votes; Russell Kcfuuvor Stevenson Nebrn.ska 12 voles: Kefauvor-t Kerr Russull lj Nevad a 10 votes: Kofauvor Kerr Russoll StovonsOfi New tlumpshli'o 8 votes! I fnuver II New Jersey U2 votes: Hnrrlm 1 Kofauvor Stcivonson 36' New Mexico's 12-mim dclofcat: wns polled. Now Mexico 12 votes; Hnrrlfi Kofnuver ift; Kerr soil Stevenson 1 Now York 0 votos: Hnrtiti Kutuuvov Stovensprn Kwlna 3 in thut contract less than 1(1 French Hurl Back Attack of Communists SEOUL, Korea lyfl French in- evenly divided. The alternate cast his vote foi the President just as Mr.

Truman was boarding his plane in Washington to fly to the convention. the 26th month of the Korean War. French defenders of the Western Front hill inflicted heavy losses during two hours of pre-dawn hand- to-hand combat. ither bring your navigation chan- linrle Voting "yes" when you mean, a sister yesterday. through Fulton or you don't to si 8 nif no-I-don't -want to -goj The warrants naming home is a bit confusing when it's! year-old diminutive blonde 2 a.m.

and you've had only four cee wero ssuec i or Mrs. Eric Local Students Taking RQTC Training A report from -the JiOTC si'irn mer encampment at FOrt Benning, lists two studentp. from this section as Irffaey are: Tnc taking Uraining. Joseph L. Martindale, Ouachita of Arkadelphia.

spc "Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martindale of met.

the 3- hours sleep the previous night. Barnitz. Her petition contended Anyhow, on the next go-round' Dr. Mundel was mentally ill and the two states had to switch their should be taken into custody. vote completely.

Mrs Barnitz said Dr. Mundel attacked her with a letter opener 'Adding to the confusion was a llast bruising her and sign in the Hoopla 'presidential! ct lns a a cul demonstration for Gov Paul A.i assault waiuanl was s- Dever of MassachuseJ It said: ss nd lhe Counly "We want Dever to' continue build- Ment yg ing. Massachusetts." yg one Dr tne custoaj of Mrs. S. Sieensen of Iowa.

rg leensent ho said she fourjd Moderp communication is- a won-! sister "perfectly all right," dej-ful tiing. Gov. foj-rest Smith, jaid the would leave for chairman of thefMisjouri 'delega- undisclosed spot in ids downtown "when -heard Muhdel's friends have I Henry O. Green Henderson Collie, ArkaaelpJrfe, sofc and.JJrs. H.

O. Street, Jf 7' rt on the ridio that cast the art teacher has been 8 votes 9 no' on ly she lost her slander tht- to Virginia syit last against Mrs. Theln-ja fl ip. vice-president i i pobee screaming. 'of to.the Iron Premier Warns People of Communists TEHRAN, Irun Prcmler Mohammed Mossadegh's new national police chief warned IrunlunB last night that Communists are attempting to use the nationalistic outbreaks which drove ex-Premier Ahmed Qavam from power to further "sinister" Red aims.

Speaking in a nation-wide radio broadcast, Police Chief Kazam Sheibani indicated members of the outlawed Tudeh (Communist) ty had infiltrated Nationalist organizations. "Hound out such elements from your ranks and try to know them and reveal their rilans," Sheibani urged the Nationalists. "You must know that such people ostensibly but secretly prepare means lo put into effect their filthy and pevfi- dious plans." Sheibani, an Army brigadier, took over the police after the bloody riots Monday; that forced Qavam to resign and restored Mossadegh to greater power than before. Thirty-five or more persons died in the outbursts. Three Children Lives 9y The Associated A.

drowning nnd a pair of unusual cidjeats took the lives of three Udrftn to briflg the Arkansas violent 4eath toll tor the Star CUy cenls per capita of p'opuliition. "Now four days before tho primary he wants Union County people to forget all that by stepping up the contract awards for thw four years to $10.10 per capita. That still leaves it near tho bottom among the counties," Murry said thai Ouachita County, of which Carnden is the county sent, had received per capita In highway contract awards "In sharp contrast lo Mudison County, which dous not huvo a highway carrying more than 100 'cars a day but where $100 per capita has been put into contract." Meanwhile, threo of the other candidates stuck with oft-repeated charges of positions and Judge Francis Cherry conducted another 12-hour radio "talkathon," this time in Conway arid Russellvllle. McMuth charged again in a speech ut Ft. Smith 'that three of his opponents Murry, Little Rock Attorney Jack Holt and Rep Boyd Tnckclt had underworld connections, The charge, first made by the governor Tuesday night, has been by all three of his opponents.

Holt promised In Newport thot if he's elected he will support a proposal by the Arkansas Education Association that the state adopt a minimum salary law ers. Under the proposal, the minimum annual wage for a beginning teacher with a bachelor's degree would be $2,400. Tackclt criticized the care of children living in state institutions, especially the State (Mental), Hospital. The congressman called the children's ward at the hospital most pitiful sight in said that if he's elected) tbe state Education Department will increase assistance to inmates of the institution "or I'll clean house get a department that will." No Damage from Fire sell 26; Stevenson North Dakota 8 votes: 'KefatJ Korr Russoll Stev- Ohio's 5-rnan polled. Ohio votes: Hurriman 1" fuuvor 20'Xt; Kerr 1, RUBSO Stevenson 13; Buckley Oklahoma 2 votes: Kerr Oregon 12 votes; Kofauv Pennsylvania's 70-man delegat was polled, Texas 52 votos: Russell Utah 12 votes: Kefauvor Mi i Kerr a RusseUf Stevenson Vermont 6 votos: Stevenson Dover Mi, Virginia 28 votes: Russell Washington 22 votes; Harrlr 1: Kefauver 42; Kerr 2Vi; soil Stevenson Btyi' 'The-West Virginia gallon was polled, By WARREN ROGERS CHICAGO (ffi The ball toduy for tho Democratic Nat political Clndett Ho cah-takb off his 1 cilman-of For almost a week acting When it time to ballot, he cast one-halt delegate Harry.

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