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Abilene Daily Reflector from Abilene, Kansas • Page 4

Abilene, Kansas
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ItltWKI) STORM FOR INSTITUTE STATE Sl lT. V. l. ROSS HERE HA Tl'K It.tV, MARCH 4 Seed Potatoes UIITI) TALK Kick folks need the best of everything. Wo can fill your Jj prescriptions correctly.

We offer you our guarantee of jirlty of medicines, skill anil accuracy in compounding, promptness in service and rea- sonahleness In charges. Let us attend your wants. You will call again. Smoked Halibut and Salmon Our fish for the lent season are now arriving. We have now Kxtra Flue Hinokel Halibut Smoked Salmon Car fine Minnesota Seed Potatoes now on sale.

Price reasonable. When you get ready to buy come and see us. Bring us your Eggs. Have large orders to fill and pay highest market price. BREWER CO.

J. E. You Can at C. E. NORTHCRAFT GO.

1 Druggists For sale, between five and six acres of land adjoining Abilene. Address F. Reflector offico. 27dtf "Tho Heel Lie," a three reel ilnima and a Nestor comedy make up the program at the Lyric tonight. See this show.

If No, I iuility In laundry work is wluit you until, we luie II. Model I.1111111I1-.V, Snlina, Kan, Call agency 7002. I'nckagex called for and delivered. Ho you want a nice room mod-tin Iiouhc, paved street, pure air, cliohe neighbors, 11. 1 floods, va'ant March $20 a month.

See M. Nlc-olay. J. A. DltAKK, lir.

of Chiropractic. Phono 204. Over Mlnlck Taylor's. 3dtf Lost, bill by collection In business section, Wednesday. Reward for return to Reflector.

It Wanted, calves from 1 to 3 weeks old. T. A. Rogers, phone 1174. 1 I For sale or trade, modern residence, close In.

Address I'. O. box 2 5 Abilene. 2w2t2dl2t; Let "Callahan, the Itlcyelo Man" overhaul jour bicycle. Spring time Is near.

1 1 mo Wall Taper Cleaner, anyone can use It, at A. R. Klwick's. dtf IllKltest prices paid for poultry nd egg. J.

W. Kluick, 500 West rtn phone dvvtf Rhode Island Red eggs for hatch-1 lug. 1). L. Campbell, phone 1051.

21H11 2tw2t Dead horses and cattle removed 'ree. Phone charges refunded. Call 731, 1060. Dederlck Rendering Works. 26dtfwtf For sale, 5 acres north part of town, cIobo in.

Address A II Reflector. 28dtfwtf, Announcements of the birth ofl a daughter, Josephine Hess, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rogers of Marlon, have been received by Abilene friends.

Mrs. Rogers was formerly Miss Lena Shearer. Ernest Sexton purchased a Litchfield manure spreader of II. U. Kug-ler.

w2dlt J. W. Elwlck pays 14c for green hides. 20dtfwtt Rest barbers, best of everything at the Wat kins Harbor Shop, corner Second and Ilroadwny. (live us a call.

For sale cheap, windmill and steel tower. Call at 200 N. Elm or phone D046. 2fidCtwlt LANCES' Better Quality for Less Money Farm and Home Meeting: lroved Interesting The farmers, who were not to be cheated out of the beneficial things awaiting them at the Farm and Home Institute after staying away one day, braved the snowstorm and bad roads and a large number were in attendance today at the all day session In the Abilene Chamber of Commerce rooms. Outside of the regular program the officers found time to substitute additional helps and talks and the farmers and their wives have been having a most ex-(ellent meeting.

Mr. Thompson and Miss Hoover of the Kansas State Agricultural college continue to Interest all In their work and much good Is being accomplished. Officers were elected for the coming year and Mr. Kyle, under whose direction the organization lias secured results the past year, was reelected president. Sheep raising and farming was the chief topic discussed this morning find the general opinion accepted by all was Hint every farmer should at least haw a few sheep on his farm.

Talks on this subject were made l.y Mr. Hoover, Noah Zook and L. Reep, the two latter being prominent raisers of the county. Geo. Len-hert spoke on the subject, "Why 1 Am a Dairyman" and Mr.

Blaesi told the farmers what had been his experience In saving the first crop of alfalfa. I Sot Ii talks proved very prae- In the afternoon meetlu Mr. Hoover urged the hog breeders and raisers to visit the state fairs and big farms where they could see and study the pure bred stock under the proper conditions and ideal environments. The advantages and I'lhileges of farm life, not to be found elsewhere, were discussed by Dr. lilayney in an address.

Tho women in conference with Miss Mary Hoover have been having interesting meetings and a good number were in attendance today. Miss Anna Engle read a paper on "Home Reading for the Children" which showed much study and practicalness. Other (itest Ions discussed under the direction of Miss Hoover were "Some Insects Troublesome in the Home" and "Laundry Helps." Officers elected were: II Kyle, president; Clyde C. Easter, secretary iMid treasurer; vice presidents, W. R.

Mullen, poultry; Fred Meunch, horses; A. II. Wilcox, dairy, Jno. Hook, cattle; J. I).

Shepherd, hogs; Arthur Merrill, wheat; Noah Zook, silo; II. C. Hrenlzer, alfalfa; II. II. Henderson, corn and oats; F.

L. Hlaesl, vegetables and fruit; L. Reep, sheep. Notice to Owners If you wish to rent, exchange or sell your properties send me description and price. Milton G.

But-terfleld, Case Building. lOdtfwtf AIIII.EXE ROITE 1 Albert Wingerd moved on a farm near Industry Monday. Mrs. C. A.

Teare is visiting In Abilene for a few days. Charley Aumai expects to move to Abilene in the near future. He will he greatly missed by his many friends In this vicinity. Norman Kolm expects to move on to his farm recently vacated by Albert Wlngord. Mrs.

Bert Schuman visited her girls, Misses Vera and Mabel, at Chapman the first of the week. Lottie Aumack visited Monday afternon with Mrs. A. C. Long.

Miss Mabel Funston and Miss Haisol Bryson attended the play at Chapman Saturday night and were guests of Mabel and Vera Schuman. Accidents will haDoen. hut the best regulated families keep Dr. i nomas h.ciectlc oil for sucli emergencies. Two sizes, 25 and Sue at all stores.

Golden lllontors (toneless Herring Boston Heauly Mackerel "Dainty" Codfish and a full line of canned fish. Let us know your favorito IIhIi and If not In stock we will have It In a fow liourH' time. Fresh Catfish and Lake Trout next Friday. Leave your orders now. SMITH BELKNAP PHONE 277 $aUy tcflcitor THURSDAY, MAItCII 2, 1916 TIIK WF.ATIIKIl Probably fair tonight and Friday.

Not so cold Friday. Minimum temperature 10 prevailing temperature IS. Three Inch snowfall and still snowing. RECK NT INFLECTIONS very road Is a Maxwell road. Bulck "quality remains long after price Is forgotten." 7dttwtf Catflnh dinner tomorrow at tho Owl Itestaurant.

It Wanted, woman for general housework. Call 4 I K. Seventh. lidtt Theo. Niihz, who litis heen seriously 111, Is reported Hllghtly Improved today.

Wanted, girl willing to learn the cooking at tho Owl restaurant. 28dt.f i For rent, 4 room houso with electric lights. S. H. Cowan.

For sale, commode, dresser and idoboard. Mrs. N. Vandenherg, 221 Kast Third. Id2t For rent, furnlslied room, modern, 615 W.

Oth, phone Midi. Id it For sale cheap, alfalfa hay in the atack. C. M. Kldeslnger.

2d2t Pee A. n. Elwlck lor glass. He pats tliem In for you. dtt For rent, 6 room house on North Olive, in good shape.

See C. O. Mus-aer, 814 N. lluckeyo or phone Mills. For sale, single comb white Leg-born eggs in season; ono ToIohc Bander.

Mrs. Frank Sullivan, R. II. 7. d4tl7w4t The entertainment at the Methodist church, "Lullabies of Nations" will be given 14 instead of 13, as first announced.

it SEELYE W. I). Ross, state superintendent of public instruction, will deliver tn address In Abilene Saturday at the high school to the members of the Dickinson county teachers' as sociation and all others who may desire to come. He will speak at 1:30 in the afternoon, instead of the morning, as announced on the program. Supt.

Steen extends a cordial Invitation to all to come and hear Mr. Ross, who will make his Initial appearance in this city. The capac- ty of the high school auditorium will only limit the number who care to attend. This Is the regular monthly meeting of the teachers and with the coming of tho state superintendent an exceptionally large number is expected to attend from over the county. For sale, Bulck model 10 roadster, at Redman Garage.

HOLLAND Miss Alice Stoecker went to Chapman to Isit home folks over Sunday. Mrs. flcorge lliler and daughter Mabel came Thursday of last week. Miss (irace Reed visited at the Tweed home south of Holland Sunday. Leslie Logan returned from Cali fornia Friday, having been gone five weeks.

He reported a good time if it did rain most of the time he was there. Mrs. Fred Ilross has been on the sii list for several days. She Is some better again. Her son, Harvey, I who is attending school at Chapman came home Sunday but returned on Monday.

Clem Hell purchased the old creamery house and has rented it to (ieorgo Weber who will take possession of It as soon as It is repaired. Will Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Hutchison and Mrs. Ralph Spher and sou were Abilene shoppers Sat-orday. Miss Margaret Bell was visiting homo folks a couple of days. Misses Kdna Shumaker and Laura Bell took her back to Abilene Sunday. Little Ruby Rucas has been quite sick but is some better.

Misses Grace Reed and Pearl V'hitten spent Sunday evening at Ralph Splcer's. Fred Bross sawed wood Saturday. Will Kntrikln shelled corn one day last week. Mrs. Harry Marlatt and children, Mrs.

George Weber and children and Ethel and Roy Logan visited at Ralph Splcer's Thursday. Miss Gladys Miller Is working at Fred Bross'. D. M. Raffensberger Is slowly Improving.

We hope he soon gets well so he can be with us again. The people of Holland miss him very much. Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous Few of us realize the danger of Coughs and Colds. We consider them common and harmless ailments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment.

Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years.

Get a bottle today. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments. Druggists. TALMAGK Mrs. Walter Watt spent part of last week in Abilene.

Galen Nickels went to Chapman Sunday to attend the senior play. He spent Sunday with his cousins, Jean and Helen Baker. Miss Edith Stafford missed several days of school on account of illness. Miss Blaako, a deaconess In the Methodist training school In Kansas City, gave two very interesting talks in the church Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Turk spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Turk's parents near Detroit. The Embroidery club entertained their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Book last Thursday evening. About thirty were present. The evening was spent in games. Ice cream was served. All report a good time.

Harry Moore and family will move to western Kansas near Oakley in the near future. Miss Alta Rainer spent Sunday with her parents In Manchester. F. S. Houser spent the week end with home folks.

Roy Book returned from Colorado much improved in health. He and Mrs. Book went to Newton Saturday where Mr. Book has taken a position in the Santa Fe offices. LYRIC THEATRE Tonight THE RED LIE (Laemmle drama de luxe in 3 parts with Rupert Julian, Elsie Jane Wilson and Doc Crane) FLIVVERS IN THE DANCE OF THE SHIVERS (Nestor comedy) Price 0 and 10 cents.

Get It Better I Than Ever I We are now getting some of the finest qualities of beef ever cut. We Have In Market Corn fed beef, tender with excellent flavor. Pork, fancy veal and lamb. FRESH CAT FISH Don't forget the Pickwick Groceries. All we ask Is a trial.

MOORE'Si Market and Grocery I Phone 681 Merchants' Delivery Bring yourlPOULTRY and EGGS io the Abilene Cash Feed and Produce House 307 North Spruce Street (Successor to Badger's Cash Produce House) and get the highest cash prices. We also carry a full line of hay and grain. THEATRE Don't Whip Children Or scold older persons who wet the bed or are unable to control their water during the night or day, for it is not a habit but a disease. If you have any kidney, bladder or urinary weakness, writes today for a free package of our harmless remedy. When permanently relieved tell your friends about It.

Send no money. Address Zemeta Dept. 6001, Milwaukee, Wis. 14-4wk PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet prepare Uoa of merit. Helps eradicate dandruff.

For Raetarin' Cnlnr and BMutr to Gra or Faded Hair. nn ai ft DR. B. E. KELLY 4 DENTIST 0 Case Building Abilena "The Theatre Worth While" TONIGHT" Lubin Feature Drama In Three Acis "The Law's Injustice" A story picturing the injustice the in the punishment oi a young Italian girl who finds herself in the clutches ol a loan shark with a smashing climax in which the girl sacrifices her future happiness to satisfy her instinct for revenge.

"The Caretaker's Dilema" Kalem "Bud and Ham" farce comedy Doors Open 7 p. m. Show Starts 7:20 p. m. Xrlces 5 arid.

lO Cents Coming Tomorrow William Elliott in the Paramount pictures production of the famous dramatic success, "When We Were Twenty-One." ii Give ft brflllant firlossy shine thnt i docs not rub off or dust oif that 1 anneal to the iron that iuur I time lontf a any other. Black Silk Stove Polish I i In a class by Itself. It's mora I fii'si? in tula and muuo troin bt itr ntaUriais. T. R.

CONKLIJf SpecUltlea Bur (jury, Gyms- cology, Conunltatlon Residence phone Office 1 4 Over Smith A Belknap Grocery Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA.

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