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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 9

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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If M6M STAft, MOM, ARKANSAS Hiss leniedin rd Appeal Aluor ft third Irlnl rfmtrntlon thnt hp of by typo' ycmordny Jil ct Cmirt, urer'n mo- dwlBi- Henry W. In hid ftfetnfmi i tlf newly fliwoverarf which would jtiNtlfy thit BliJftort that, If It wore prtucnt- lll UJ' $ijJ 1 ttfnbfibly rtqqiW" 16 hlftlt Hlnlp Ihe eaio, bid for the new Irlnl on the nllrtfitrtlr talked wrltrr ftftd othfr fSodrtnrrt Hold yi-stcrrffty (but the hod no proof to mipiKirl the thnt thp nlli-nrd duplicate from the typewritten In HIM IcUi-rg, or thnt It ilorip for him HOOK typfwrlu-r Markets By Whwl a In ly todny, tint the rent of the ft lower. SI, ewivlrtwf I (WO ynitr a ftfleriu Jury fttii ho never uttvc fi) i to Wnit A former Com- sunlst rfriff coiirlor, befure II. ORO, nrd thnt ho in HIP future brotifiht out in tinker wns by (tflry, nftnr HIM fl pi'Uort iiml the U. M.

hnd declined to TV Negro lommunity Tumtr 13 SI to MlM Tiirntr kt Hoirit ien Turner, Jiovo returned apitmdlritf two Ivinit- Mirrc ni (vldonri' ut IIP two trials, produced nnd tin tided they were flovorn it rnnrtB Mr Rfivk-t typewriter If finrt wile. T. Loftp, HIM' ha would decide in opinion. Convention Gives Ovation to Mrs. FDR My MAftGUKftirt CONVENTION MALL, Chicago (UPt Mm, Bltnftor Rnonevelt wnllfnd down to tho upenkern plat, form and into the heart of thc aut JJflhiacrntle rJollonnl Convontlon, She hnd t-ome to talk about tho United She onrrlod prepnred upeech In which the thin country, but for the UN, "would walk nlono, ruled by Inxtand nf confidence and Hut tha'dolcfflteii.

the nltcrnnlcn id tho flrxt wanted to In the record nbouV Mm, HooMdvolt. They loved her, and sold no for 17 utrnlght mln- Welmond, Vo, IJalUmiU'v, Mm, John Ctmnon, Mrs. Cnrtitffoii of Kiinnaw city, Jit, fiWJ 'Ut. Cluy Murphy of Ule Hoek were the rucent and MM. nnd JSxltlel Frlerson ini Knrnontlni' Krlci'son or ell and goUUm Noblo of Chi ara 'rviRtUng vholr Uiolr and Leon Calif mulhvr, of Mt.

thank far their imp. tjufcrtacty jwf itennwi 29,50 17.AO 7.00 40.00 48.00 0178 88.45 04.70 IS01.75 ind (damping feel. Tempornry Convonllnn Chairman 'nul Dcvor Introdticcd Mm, Sho look plnco on podium and the tumult bouan, II lookffl for tlmr that iho never would Ret to uppnlt. The dploantng thalr stotc Jdandfi-dfl In Mro, lice. The nlternntcn tried to crowd heir way througli the inekud 01lmw tn elbow In front of Ihc platform.

unllory whistled and yrtllod Its approval. Indln Edwards, vice chair- mun of tho Democrntlc National Cummlttuo, to quiet the uproar. retreated when her forts Intensified II. Dover Raveled nine futllo Union, then up when no one pnld iiltcn. Uon.

Mm, IlooRfVrH stood In hnnd, tried ngnln nnd ognln to the cxtendlna hpr hands palm downward In a thnt proved wholly futile, Thu band utrwck up "Happy It) 50 hlKhcr nnd Wi-rn Itri'gulBr. Cut Ion fuliircK opened 2.1 to cento it bulq lower, Jfcn? commodity re- by thr KSDA: J'rlcn IrmuU art? li-rogulnr on nt Koitcrn cornlwlt Wednesday, Jufy 23, 1952 utondy (it Chl- 2ft cento hlKh'-r at Kant At. IrfinU nnd wfnk to Ml lnwi-r Sulcn of c-holcp were made downward from inontly How f'Vi-r, tho (oft wai only $23,2.1 nt Kant Ml. thr rnnrhi-d at tind M4 ut MndlnnripolU. CMcuyn rfporln to 50 centi her on (daughter and yeurllnm with the bulk nf choice and primp Wlllne at 431,50 to $.13.50.

Tho cnrly top wan with, norno high prlmo being held $35, tfood to low choice from $28, to $31. 13.000 and at 12 compare with nearly 18,000 weak few early ii a I en wurc Atciidy ut eastern corn- bolt where choice nrut uprlnu nold at $20 to $29, no. Nww York wholcwalf meat prleen wen? unchoiiKcd to $1 lower on biti'f Kent-rally Mtoady on other inoatii, York lookn for an unchanu- od to two ci-nlit lower market on with of two cents likely on larya extra aradca at Chicago. Chicago wholciialo butter uxpeeted to range from tin- to fractionally lower. As itome OU nc'iirc butter hold at 71 to 7H'4 fcpntH per pound.

Nuw York looks for a Hleady to fructloniilly higher on butler prices. score sold from 7 Hi to 71 3-4 oetilH per pound. Aco Anolix'i the theme thnt cntrller wild during tho Mrs, Into hUDbond. The re- null like old It wus the domonxtratlun far nt a convention that no far Imd calm by comparison to Kupubllcun here two woekn Steel Strike Prolongs Long Due Slump By 8AM DAW80N NEW YOHK M') Tho Steel strike In stretching out the time table the loiwfcnred quick truce In Korea with its almost Inevitable letdown in for Hpoody ruariuiunom probably wouldn't offset this effect on llmlnu by tho strike. Armament was slated to reueli UK punk Intit this your.

Now the Council of Economic Advisers Indlcutcs the slackening off In the flow of uuvorn-. ment won't come until late thin year. Now the president's Flnnlty Rooanvelt i Council of Kconomlc Advisers diciitus tho MlnckvnlnK off In the ngnln to He got order IHBI by ri'inlndlnu tho nt thai "TO.OOO.OOO persons tiro nns- hum to hour the flrnt ludy of the world, 1 noosevelt then had hor upoke of tho United Nu- wlili Mncerlty and emotion, Kho suld that to or Imm- the UN now, through lack of or look of would bo "to condemn to tor survival In a jungle World. 1 Defended UN pnrtlclpatlun In the Korean war. if the UK- ftroKtion by tho North Koreans hud not been further 1-onqucntij would have been encouraged over tho Mrs.

Roosevolt nald a "just and canhot bo uchU-vod until tin; Communists agree to Iwn- a inarfe is hie of Kuvernmwnt funds won't come until Into year. Thc prudrum of dldn'i KO as fast UK first planned, Am from now on tho strike may slosv it down further. Even a Korean truco wouldn't makt- much differ unco. True, so much of the industrial boom IN traced to defense pro- eroin tlutt a truce and letdown mluht viltimatcly take a lot of tip uut of the economy, Immediate effect of a truce, however, mluht be slight, because sc nuteh of the armament proKram had been set and is in the works. Tho steel strike's real drag on the economy will be later this your in the civilian field.

And Its Indirect effects seem sure to carry over into next year. After the strike ends, it will take two to four weeks for the steel industry to regain its old puce. Armament and defense-sup porlinK Industries will get first vail on the steel. Civilian goods makers will sit at the second tuble. Even Washington Insists If the Reds stop htultlnit in Korea and sign a truce.

Steel users have had seven weeks now In which to use up their Inventories of the metal. Many can see the- bottom of the barrel. est Through the UN, she said, negotiations can be continued and the desired peace may eventually be reached. She said tho cost of supporting the UN and Us ugen- jcies to 77 cents a year fur each man, woman and child in World War she said, has been estimated at 91.108 for every person then alive. Mrs.

Roosevtit concluded her address by reading excerpts from a speech her husband was to have tt Jefferson Day itm- jner 11 1045. the day after his He said: "The only limit to our of tomorrow will bo our ol today, let us move forward with strong and active Said Mrs. ftoosevoU: "We must the faith, strive to slmigth- en the UN which is the one ma- Uu-ttugu which we-must far greater understanding and eventually, tor a peaceful world." The had Whistles as tte- Congressman BOYD TACKETT HAS A Practical Program (A Program Announced FIRST and to Be Carried Out FIRST) SCHOOLS Encourage the enactment of a law providing for increased salaries for teachers based on training and experience wilt) adequate financial from state and local A of $2,400 for a ti'ncher with a bachelor's Is a minimum. HIGHWAYS Boyd Tnckett is tho only candidate who will remove the Highway Department from tho control of tho governor's office STARTING WITH HIS ADMINISTRATION. Thill is the only way Arkansas will have a CONTINUOUS highway construction and maintenance- program.

UNIVERSITY Hoycl Tnckell will secure cooperation ln-twi'oh the heads of the institutions tor higher learning so they may become more fully accredited and give the greatest possible educational advantages to the youth of Arkansas. HEALTH DEPT. Royd Tackett will pro- mute preventive medical of the State II call (Department through public health programs in each county all public health inspect inn will be (air and impartial not arbitrary, WELFARE Boyd Tackett will propose and work unceasingly 1 to see that those in honest need of assistance from the state will receive at least the $38.00 national average monthly. Red tape and continuous investigations will not be tolerated. Tho Child Welfare Department must be strengthened.

GOVERNOR'S OFFICE Boyd Tackett will consult with the Congressional delegation work ttiid advise with the State Legislature. (He was elected to terms in the Legislature and is now completing his second term as Congressman.) There will be NO DEPUTY GOVERNORS NO THIRD TERMS! STATE INSTITUTIONS Boyd Tackett will co-ordinate tho work of the state hospitals and tin' Medical School to improve the standards of treatment of the state's unfortunate sick. Better management and personnel programs, out-patient treatment for mental and tuberculosis institutions must be established. system and practices of our penal institutions must be reformed. Politics must be removed from the parulo system.

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT Doyd Tackett will establish and develop a research program which will attract industry and increase the earnings of labor and business by making the state facilities available to private research. July MOM IT At, MOM, ARKANSAS The TACKETT Program Will Be Accomplished Without Increase in Taxes Through Greater Efficiency and Reduction of Waste in All Departments. Any Tax Increase Must Be Approved by the People! ELECT CONGRESSMAN BOYD TACKETT YOUR GOVERNOR SOCIETY Phono 74431 A. M. and 4 P.

M. Calendar Thursday, July 24 The Hope Country Club will entertain the Ladies Bridge Covered Dish Luncheon Thursday. July 24, at 12:30. Hostesses will be Mrs Jack Lowe and Mrs. E.

L. Archer. Jr. The 47 Friendship Club will 'meet Thursday, July 24, nt 3 p. m.

in the home Mrs. J. D. Bullock. Badcr and Mrs.

Sam Hnrtsfield as co-hostesses. Mrs. Brack Sch- cnck will lead the Bible Study. Tuesday, July 29 Invitations have been issued to a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Clara Allen, bride-elect Ike, Nixon to Meet, Plan Campaign By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH DENVER UT1 Gen.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and his GOP vice presidential running mate. Sen. Richard M. Nixon of California, will discuss campaign plans Sunday at the general's vacation haven in the Colorado Rockies.

It will be their first get-together of Joe Barrentine, Tuesday since they conferred briefly in July 29. In the home of Mrs. Ora' Chicago after the Republican Na- DOROTHY DIX 4pron String Boy Dear Miss Dlx: How can I over-, come my fiance's family's objcc- while; now when he sees me he tions to me? They are belter off! cts though we were complete than my family and arc very much gainst our getting married. When calls on me in the evening, his almost always comes ong. DELL A Answer: If, during his engage- lent, your fiance is so tied to is mother's apron strings that Cox.

Hostess will be Miss Fuy Black. Friday, July 25 The VFW Auiliary will have an ice cream party. Friday night, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Hut. All members, past members, prospective members and their families are invited.

Each member is asked to bring ice cream for their guests and family. Coming and Going Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Foster, and children, She-Ma. Sharon, and lniles to th(l secluded cattle ranch tional Convention.

Sen. Fred A. Seaton, an adviser to Eisenhower at the general's headquarters here, announced today that Nixon will fly from Washington Saturday to Denver. On Sunday Nixon will motor 72 Vince, have returned from a 2 weeks vacation in Colorado Springs and Estes Park, Colorado. where Eisen Mrs.

Tom Carter and son. Tom- last Thursday. Nixon will fly Monday aftcinoon from Denver to Los Angeles for a brief rest in his home state before traveling to The Garrett Memorial Baptist beth, Pritchard. Church will be hostess to a miscellaneous bridul shower in honor of Miss Virginia Tonnemaker, bride-elect of Carl S. Willis, Friday night.

July 25, at 7 o'clock at Fair park. No invitations will be issued. my, of VicksburK, Mississippi, ore CoUlmbus to nddrcss thc ohjo Re-publican Convention July 31. In Los Angeles, the adjutant gen eral of tho Veterans of Foreign Tackett Is Going to the People and The People Are Going to Tackett Poetical Cor by Jtomy McCain. Monday, July 28 Circle 5' of WSCS of the Virst Methodist Church will meet Monday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m.

at the home of Mrs. LaGrone Williams. South Pine, with Mrs. Steve Miss Martha Waddle of Dallas, Texas, is visiting hel 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George Waddle. Mrs. J. D. Chcsshir and daugh-j ter, Jan, were the over night; guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Levins. David McKenzie left Tuesday Wars, Julian Dickenson, announced Eisenhower will make his first ma jor campaign address there before the VFW National Convcntioi opening Aug. 3. Eisenhower also will receive the VFW's Bernard Bnruch Aware given the American citizen a pane of judges says has contributed the most toward fostering unity and for Montreal.

North Carolina, to good will among peoples of th attend the Youth Counsel of the General Assembly of the Presby- SUN MON Stewart Granger Tethnitolor JULY CLEARANCE SHOES All shoes hove been regrouped and repriced for greater savings. Come in early and buy several pairs at this low price. LADIES SHOES AH Shoes on Tables 3 Groups $2 $3 $4 CHILDRENS SHOES Greatly Reduced for CLEARANCE X-RAY FITTINGS Burners Secoad St. SHOi STORE Phooe world. Air-Conditioned for Your Comfort STARTS TODAY Color by TECHNICOLOR Short "The Bired Beosrs Were There" Color Cartoon Late News STARTS TODAY ALSO COLOR CARTOON Eisenhower aides said the gen oral and Nixon will talk over var ious aspects of the fall campaigr including the role the 39-year-ol California senator will play.

Eisenhower will confer at th ranch tomorrow with three kc supporters. They are Sen. Jame H. Duff of Pennsylvania. Ralp Cake, GOP national commttte man from Oregon, and Gov.

Da Thornton of Colorado. Duff arrived in Denver late ye terday and told a news conferenc that "Ike will lick anyone" th Democrats nominate for Prcsiden "The Democrats have been long in power they have abused their power," Duff declared. "Tho public is tired of them and wants a change. We've got the kind of a ticket that will assure that change." Duff specifically predicted Eisen can's get an evening off to all on you, you can be sure the strangers. What can be the matter with him? PATRICIA Answer: The ways of men are beyond the comprehension of low- women.

Your ertswhile friend simply hasn't grown up yet. Kither he is shy with yon, after not seeing you doesn't know how to handle the Holt Is Old Pro of Five Candidates (This Is another in a series of sketches on Arkansas' five candidates tor the Dentocrntlc guber- nntorIM nomination.) t.lTTI.K HOCK itf Jack Iloltl wc ot Miller County Van Thomas the admitted "old pro" In ot Woodruff County. Van Smith of current Democratic nomination! Montgomery County, Richard Miles 4-H Youths to Of fleers FAYETTKVILI.E, Ark. (M The 1,037 delegates to the nnnunl Ar- knnsA!) 4-H Club summer camp today voted on five candidates for the presidency of the atnte organlza tlon, Which embraces 58,000 The candidates, nominated by the convention yesterday, nre A. Giri Tells of LITTLE -Aft It Rnda Alien, tofd'fi fi Black horia alt old girl, Amand that a mnri 'in eel to molest nt her home to rifle the 'hotneV She snld she scrcnrrtod ftttct (ifnV cd his face until he She escaped through the window.

contest which has the Arkansas nf Benton County and Futrcll Hutler of Clny County. Vice presidential candidates, no- for some time, and Kovcrnorsmp as the probable pru pron won't be untied nfter mar-l situation, or he is annoyed ul somej to minuted by districts, are: Inge. Unless you are or fancied offense on your a Northeast District Jimmy Vnn piny second fiddle to Ills moth. 111 tins for the rest of your life, brenk "--cans showmjj it. Oon't engagement.

your pretty head about him. y) )s udicinl Circuit. Hear Miss LMx: On what finder Dear Miss Dix: For ten years I UH ild the friendship rinn be worn', 1 If the friendship is broken, ami the keeps the riny, where have gone with a man who has riled faithfully every Wednesday, iaturday and Sunday evening. Now le has suddenly began to drop the Vednosday date. If he comes 'at ill.

it's very late, nnd ho has no xcuse to offer. VIVIAN C. Answer: A ten-year courtship is i rather long session. Are you convinced of the man's serious in- entlons, or is he whiling away lis time waiting for a less patient prospect? Of course, his failure to appear on Wednesday nights may just be a desire to break a long standing habit, or it could indicate .1 definite slack in interest. Better decide which, and act accordingly.

should she wear it? LOU Since then he's been In many buttle for office. Ho won most Imt lost the two biggest one for U.S. Purr, Jnckson County; Jim Taylor, North Mississippi County, and Virgil Qrltfln, Craighead County; Northwest District Illn Lee Koone of Faulkner County; South' Senator; the other for governor, i west District Iluth Davis of Now he's trying again for governor! Columbin County, Southeast Dis- Holt was a youngster of 2ft nnd! trlcl Joe Stroud of Desha County only one year out of the University Tin- ring finger of the 'Arkansns Lnw School when hi riKht h.ind is the usual fll SO culor In the circuit winch to di.splay a friendship ring.j which includes his native county nnd Billy Joe Kllard of Pulnski County. Three girls are seeking the seere- post, They are Diana It would be very pour taste to He carrlofl all five lit of Lee County, Unrbnrn such a run: when the friendship I tlu rtreuil's counties over the upends, and nuich poorer taste continue il- Dear Miss Uix: I live in a section ol the country where there are many horse farms. Recently, at one of these farms, 1 met a boy who worked with the horses and we became friendly.

1 am If), he of older candidates. After six years us prosecutor and the oldest man In the youthful field Kcil of Garland County and fMm; Drlseo of Jefferson County, The 4 day meetings tomorrow night. WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT IOC St. Joseph ASPIRIN SAVE MORE-BUY 100 TMKU two more as circuit judge. Holt I and terms himself tho "mature moved on from Harrison to Link Rock as the state's attorney general, In the 1SK1G primary he performed the almost incredible feat ol currying all except one of llu- state's 7ft counties over his oppo- Divided Family Dear Miss Dix: My parents nre not living together, and my father is trying to get me to hale my mother and keep my 7-year-old brother from her.

I am .14. My father insists on our going to camp this summer, but we'd rather be with 17. One night I went to the farminont, also a well-known lawyer, and learned that he left with- I He was finishing up a six year mother. G. L.

out Icuving an address. I'm sure lie must be working at one of the race tracks, or some large horse farm, and wonder if you could tell me how to locale him. MATT1K J. Answer: Though I try to render many services, locating missing joe tt.nurc as attorney general when in Hl'ta he suffered his first political defeat. After leading a four-mini race In the preferential primary, Unit was defeated for U.

S. Senator in the run-off by Johy L. MeClollan. Then came a six-year period Answer, This is a problem much too weighty to be solved at. your tender age.

Your parents have created it; it is up to them to find a happy solution. If you can't talk to either of them, try to have a friend of the family, or your minister, intercede for you. candidate." Holt wns one of a family of 11 brothers and sisters. Ills IM-your- dil.mother, and all but two of the children are living. Holt his wife Margaret hove two children: 2H-year-old Jaclc and Ill-year-old Peggy.

Holt's Methodist nnd has served on tho Hoard of Stewards of the First Methodist Church here. THAT AAELT YOUR Dear Miss Dix: At Christmastime I was going with a young man two years older than I. I am 19. We stopped seeing each other for a that this country had little stra- keys is not one of them. Since the during which he resisted the lun young man left without leaving an of politics lit least In his owi address, or without communicating! bi half.

Rxctipt for two years it with you at all, I think you'd bestj military service he volunteered consider the incident closed. Try although he was over the custo- to find a more permanent fixed mary age limit he engaged in the private practice of law. A forceful courtroom lawyer, ho was particularly sought after as a defense attorney In criminal cases. Holt jumped back'Into the fray in HUH, losing the governor's nomination by a scant 10,000 votes to Sid McMath in the run-off primary. Holt has never conceded defeat.

He declares he was "counted out" and sometimes remarks that he was llu- "only man to be elected governor who never served." I loll, now 41), is a ready man on yi.ung man nearer Dear Miss Dix: 1 am '10 years old and married. Although have always tried to be broadminded, I have recently been told that am narrow minded. What is your definition of a narrow-minded per- ,1 JULY SHOE Answer: Of course, a discussion along those linos could go on for logic interest in keeping American many a newspaper column or troops in Korea. They were re-i even a page. Briefly, though, 1 moved later and the U.

S. had! think you can assume that ti uar- howcr will carry Pennsylvania. He no troops on hand when the! row-minded person is one who does the stump and perhaps is nearest Communists attacked South agree with the person who jr. style to the old-lime orator of makes the designation. If your any man In the current race.

He's principles give you opinions that, said he has received assurances of enthusiastic support for the general from state Republicans who bucked Sen. Robert A. Taft for the nomination. Just before Duff's news conference, Eisenhower headquarters labeled us propaganda a suggestion at the opening session of the Democratic convention yesterday that the general must accept part of any blame for U. S.

Korean policy sharply criticized by the Republicans. The suggestion was made by Sen. Paul H. Douglas of Illinois in a speech lighting into the Republicans for criticism of the rcan program. Douglas said the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reported in September, 1947, tcrian Church, U.

S. Mrs. Dudley Rouse, Karen Ann and Bob of Temple, Texas, are visiting in the home of Mrs, Rouse's father, F. N. Porter, Master Preston McLain let 1 Tuesday for Tcxarkana where he will be the guest of Mr.

and Mrs H. S. Bearaen and children. Mrs. J.

C. Carlton has return eel from a monthl vacation in Ogden, Utah, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Dallas, Texas. Mrs. C. E.

Wincmiller and nleci Katncryn, have returned fron Pine Bluff where Ihey visitec Mrs. Wine-miller's sister, Mrs. C. Ward, and other relatives They were accompanied home by Mrs. Ward and Miss Ann Holli man.

might be characterized by some 1 as narrow minded you will be! personal inter happiest living up to your "'Vorly-six'" are seeking ideals rather than trying to create a new person within yourself in order to please others. Released By The Dell Syndicate, Inc. June, 1950. Alluding to the 1947 report, Dougas said: "Now, who do you suppose was chief of staff of thc Army when his military advice was given? It vas Dwight D. Eisenhower, the standard bearer of those who now charge us with withdrawing our.

and bringing on thc Korean iVar." Newsmen at Eisenhower headquarters asked for comment from he general on Douglas' remarks. In reply, Sen. Seaton put out this statement: "There will be no comment 'rom thc Eisenhower headquarters on any propaganda statements is suing from tho Democratic coiv vc-nlion in Chicago. Once the opposition nominees are chosen, wo method of recording interviews of will bring every issue to the at-j prisoners by prison tention of thc American board would review the recordings We arc offering in this Somi-Annual event, a big group of shoos. Broken sizes, and discontinued numbers, but- shoes for now, or through the a big saving.

See them. GROUP OFF GROUP 2 than Parole Board Studies New Plan LITTLE ROCK W) Tho Arkansas Parole Board says it is considering a new policy for interviewing applicants for clemency. The board will meet at. Tucker Pivison Farm Aug. (i to discuss a clemency this month.

GLIB BARTON for Attorney General Has more experience than all his combined. Endorsed at Home by lawyers and judgesl Pol. Adv. Paid by Paul Johnson, Monticello. $10.95 Values $4.00 SANDALS $1.00 DON'T MISS THESE GREAT VALUES IF YOU WANT BIGGER PAYLOADS, YOU WANT A DODI Mr.

and Mrs. Milton Eason and Danny Monts returned from a visit svith Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Monts and Mr. and Mrs.

Lonnie Pate in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith and daughters, Mary and Martha, and George M. Dcrrybcrry of Lima, Ohio, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Reeves of Patmos. Mrs. J. W.

Turner has returned home from a yisit with her daughter, Mrs. Kclsy Kaplinger, and family in Fordyce. Miss Jacqueline Breeding returned to her home in Knoxvillc. Tennessee, after a three weeks visit with her grandparents. Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Jones. Miss Carole Holmes of Fordyce is visiting Miss Bobbye Kaye Turner.

Mrs. James Rowe and daughter, Peggo Jo, and Mrs. Bryan Clark and sons, Charles Ray and Gary. have returned from a visit with their brother, Ollice Me Corkle and family in San Angelo, Texas. Mrs.

J. W. Turner has as her guest her son-in-law, Kelsy Kap- iinger, of Fordyce. Mr. and Mrs.

Lyrnan Armstrong and boys are leaving for their home in Florence, Alabama, alter a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Evans, Sr. Mr. and Mrs.

J.C. Atchley hav returned to their hpme. afte. spending three days at the furni lure shewing In For bigger payloadi, chooio from many "Job-Raltd" through 4-ton. "Job-Kaltd" engineering II for you to haul morr with right Dodgt truck for your You haul more tconomlcally, bvcauit of advantage lightweight olu- mlnum-alloy pistons and For tmoother ppwer and extra load gyrol Fluid Drive It able on 'A; and Howie- Van in for a an oxtra good dvall whoelbasq allows rporg the front ajilij.

located axle ia moved' with BERNARD J. CARNEY, Manager, Weyerhawter Dtnkmann Rock Ifland Lumber Rock Island, III. "Our business calls for trucks that can haul big loads day in and day out we like our trucks to last, too! That's why we prefer Dodge trucks that are 'Job-Rated' to fit our particular hauling job. "We recently put in service two Dodge 'Job-Rate? models and they sure haul big loads the way we want tliem to! For instance, the 170- inch wheel base models allow for a 14-foot body, which is ideal for our business. And Dodge easy-handling advantages enable us to maneuver these trucks in the same space ta some other trucks with 12-foot bodies." Tht right load-carrying The frame, axles, springs, and other unite that carry the load are "JahRatetf 1 on Podge trucks.

Each is engineered to provide the strength and capacity needed to support your load. And all are "Job-Rated" to work together! to loa HAMM.

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