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Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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MOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS Star Star of Hope Press, 1937. Consolidated January- 1329. 0 Justice, Delivef Thy Herald From False Published every week-day afternoon By Star Publishing Inc. (d. Palmer Washburn), at The Star building, 2f2-214 S6uth iValnut street, Hope, Arkansas.

C. E. PALMER, President ALEX, ft WASHSURN, Editor and Publisher (AP) Associated Press Newspaper Enterprise Ass'n. Safe (Always Payable in Advance): By city carrier, jfer Ife yet month SSc; one year $8.50. By mail, in Hempstead, Nevada, Miller Snd Lafayette counties, $3.50 per year; elsewhere $6.50.

It toofes Like a Long, Cold Winter MwHber 6t The' Associated Press: The Associated Press is exclusively Srititled to the use (of repubtlcation of all news dispatches credited to it or not othortvlse crediWa lii this paper and also the local news published herein. Cfftfges oiV Charges will be made for all tributes, cards i of thanks, resolutions', or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial! newspapers hoW to this policy in the news columns to protect their readers from a deluge of space-taking memorials. The Star disclaims responsibility tot 'the safekeeping or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. Pttspects for Men Still Without Work EFORE we can get finally straightened out on the problem of unemployment, we might as well face the fact that there is a lot of it which isn't really due to the depression.

This kind of unemployment simply arises from a gradual tightening up in the world of" jobs a process which you can attribute to increased efficiency, to machines, to the increasing 1 rigors of a more competitive business era, or to anything else you choose, but which is keeping a goo'd many vvill- irtgrrten off the payroll no matter what you call it. 2RE is a sample case, which must be representative of a 11 pTesehtative of a pretty substantial number among the annals of our unemployed. There is a man of 45 or 50 in a large citv in the middle who lost-his job a couole of years ago. It was neither a very good nor a very bad an average whitecollar position that paid perhaps $50 a week and kept the man in 'decent comfort. It was partly the man's own fault that he lost the job.

made one of those blunde'rs that average peoole make every so often, and the boss got sore and fired him. It was the soft of thing that sometimes leads to firing and sometimes doesn't; It all depends on how'the'boss happens to feel. In this case the 'boss happened to feel wrong. Anyway, this man lost his job, and he set out to get another. He has been trying for two years, and he hasn't succeeded yet.

He has failed, not because of that moderately Jolack' mark on his record, but simply because there haven't been any jobs open for him. The vacancies he might have have been occupied by men a little bit younger, a little 'bit more energetic, a little bit more efficient. So he is still in the market for a job, and he would have istarved to death long since if it had not been for the WPA. That organization has given him a series of (if you can 'call them jobs) and has kept him alive. He is a sort of timekeeper on some'WPA project now, and what he is going to do when the WPA finally is discontinued he has no faintest idea.

A ND the point is that this luckless chap must be representative of a oretty large group of the unemployed. He isn't such a terribly good worker, and yet he is nobody's dumbell either he is well past his youth, and yet he is capable of years of hard work; he is willing enough, and pathetically anxious to get the sort of job he is trained he just can't land one. That sort of thing hasn't much to do with the depression. This man wasn't fired because of the depression: it isn't the depression that is keeping that is keeping him from getting a new perhaps, indirectly, in that economic pressure forces employers to demand more from job-holders than they used to. What's the answer, for men like him? Are we going to have to have a permanent work-relief program, in good years and bad, to care for the people who drop out of the procession and can't find their way back in Political Announcements By Olive Roberts Barton Modern Education Tends to Shove Domesticity Into Secondary Place During National Education Week, the minds of many parents and teachers are busy with individual problems concerning the schooling of children.

But I suggest that it is an excellent time to delve into the deeper meanings of education, to discuss any shortcomings of our present system. Nothing is perfect, and schools are progressive, not fixed in their ideas or ideals. If they were, then they would be uselss, lor change must first be recognized by educators and the school must be adapted to times and circumstances. Education consists less of knowledge than what it makes of the child. When he has finished his school career, he should not only be informed, but trained in reliance, in diameter and adaptability.

Standard differs from prejudice, and opinion from bigotry. Home Link Is Lost I have something in mind, however, that ha sbecn bothering mo for some tim. This: Are our schools going in for individualism too strongly for the child's own good? No, I am not speaking about government, or the possibility nf a dictator where the people must conform to overhead rule and lose initiative and free conduct. problem is cntirly different. It is very To date school and hove have so little in common that that future generations will probably refer to us as sav- IJ i BY MARY RAYMOND Copyright, 1937, NEA Service, Inc.

The Stnr ntithorkcd to make the following cmitlldnie merits subject to the nellon nf Ihc Democratic city primary election Novennwff 30: Transition in Spending 'THE part that heavy government spending plays in business 1 revival is illustrated in the recent announcement at Washington that bids are wanted for completion of Grand Coulee dam and power plant. To finish this colossal job, the government is going to have to buy mofe than 7.000,000 barrels of cement and some 60 train loads of steel and machinery. Those orders are going to have a lot to do with keeping some industries up near the normal level of activity during the next few months. And when you stop to think about it, you can see that the job of ending government spending will have to be done pretty carefully. It will have to be dovetailed with a resumption of heavy spending by private industry, or the transition will give us ciuite a bumb, T.

M. Res. U. S. Pat.

Oft By DR. MORUIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, of Hygela, the Health Magazine. Both the Nerves and Skin Affected in Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Cases This is the 22nd of a series in which Dr. Fishbein discusses skin diseases. (No.

372) An important fact about the occurrence of shingles or herpes zoster is the appearance of the blisters in groups along the course of one or more of the nerves of sensation in the skin of the body. The condition is thus quite definitely a nervous disease as well as a skin disease. Shingles usually are found in people whose nervous resistance has been lowered by overwork, disease, or some long continued toxic action on the human body. The blisters are usually preceded by pain of a neuralgic character in the region of the body that affected and the disappearance of the blisters is not infrequently followed by burning, tingling or other irritation. Sometimes one crop of blisters will persist for a week or 10 days, then dry up, from crusts and disappear Shortly thereafter a new drop of blisters will appear at the same place 01 nearby.

The blisters vary in size from a pinhead to that of a small pea. The wall' are thick but they will break eventually. Then a fine fluid appear? and dries. If, however, there has beer secondary infection of the blisters they will fitted with a white pus- like material. Younger people usually get over the shingles in short order but when they appar in people who are old, they are painful arid they are quite frequently followed by repeated attacks of nerve pain in the region affected.

In most cases the shingles appear on the sides of the chest, the back or the eye. They may appear in the groin and actually, of course, on any portion of the surface of the body There are all sorts of superstitions about shingles, one of which is tha' wht-n occur on both sides ol the body and meet in the center, the condition will be fatal. This, of course is ridiculous. In persistent cases of shingles, the in diseases of the skin i. sometimes able to prevent recurrence.

1 the use of the X-ray, ultraviolet ray by various other measures appliec "iirectly to the area concerned. In nany instances, however, a genera iuilding up of the body with a suitable rest from work and nerve strain is the most important factor in the treatment. CAST OF CHARACTERS JIM, WEXTWORTir, heroine, debutante. AI.A.V JKFPRY, hero, rlHingr ftrtiKt. BAHKY WENTWCmTH, Htoplirotlier.

JACK WK.VFWORT1I, JHl'H SYLVIA. oil TeBtprdnys Jill plnkod up by police IIH she drove nimlexHly a bunt the The net In In about her. Hut what nliout Hurry, Jill It hare been him, What must Mhc dot CHAPTER XXIV ALAN'S apartment was locked. Shades were drawn, A prolonged pounding by Patty, after continuous ringing of the bell, brought no response. She went to the apartment next door and pressed the bell.

An elderly man answered the door. No, he didn't know the occupant on the other side. He had often planned to call on a fellow artist. And, now, the young man was gone. He had seen him leaving this afternoon in a cab.

He had carried several large suitcases with him. "Thank heaven for Ardath!" Patty thought wildly as she headed for the evclusive shoo where Ardath modeled. Thanksgiving Salad Boil apples. Cool and 'stuff them vith cranberry jelly. Then top them vith cream cheese.

Serve with French Ireping. Mold cranberry jelly into ring. When it is thoroughly chilled Fill the center with ripe olives and celery curls. "What do you warn?" Ardain began belligerently. "I'm pretty busy ii you don't "I do mind," Patty answered.

"Take me to some private place where we can talk." ATTY went directly to the point. "Ardath, Jill is in trouble. The police think she had something to do with the death of her father, who died, they say, at 6 o'clock. Jill wasn't at home then. She had just left you at the door of Alan's apartment." "Why didn't you go to Alan Jeffry?" Ardath asked.

"I did. He wasn't at home. The people next door saw him leave this afternoon with his suitcases." Patty immediately regretted the words. She had seen a look in Ardath's eyes that she recognized. The look of the rat slipping between the cat's paws and into its own dark hole.

"Pretty dumb of me," Patty groaned to herself. "Gone away, has be?" Ardath mused. "Well, even ii he were here, and even if I were at his remember, I'm not wouldn't help you any. Jill Wentworth is not telling the truth. I didn't see her that morning around 6 o'clock.

You can tell her for me that she'll have to think up another alibi." "Nobody can prove was there, because I wasn't," Ardath gisted. "And if Alan says $0, I'll wy ta If RQ enUemaa tod is only trying to save Jill from prison. I guess with all her looks and money, she'll get by with a few years in prison. When she comes out, she won't be so highhat, I imagine." HPHERE was no help here. Patty admitted to herself that Ardath had the upper hand.

There were times when Ardath could look so sweet and appealing. She could picture Ardath with that innocent look she had at times, looking up at a jury through a mist of tears, swearing she was being made a victim to save Jill. There was nothing else to do. No one else who could help. In a flash it came to her.

There was the old woman with the red scart Jill had given her. She must find her. Her testimony and the scarf would cleur Jill. But nobody on 67th street had seen an old beggar woman wearing a red scarf, "Beggars don't come on this street," one irate woman told Patty. "Some of us may be poor, but we're all respectable, and able to take care of ourselves.

Who ever heard of such a story? An old lady, pegging at ihat time of morning." Patty turned away. Well, of course Jill hadn't said the old lady was a beggar. But she had kept the money Jill had given her, which amounted to the same thing. And these cold mornings, she would be sure to wear that red woolen scarf. She had covered every place in the block.

No, there was the apartment next door to Alan's, occupied by an elderly artist. She would go back to him, and tell her story once more. If he couldn't help, she would ask the police to keep a lookout for an old woman wearing a red scarf. Beyond Patty wouldn't think beyond that. more, Patty rang the bell of the apartment that adjoined Alan's.

And again the friendly face of the elderly man appeared. "Still looking for the young man?" he queried, before Patty could speak. "I'm afraid I've no news. I haven't seen him since he left today. And nobody has come to his apartment." "No," Patty answered.

"I'm not looking for him now. I'm trying to find an old "An old woman!" The elderly man smiled. "So it's an old woman instead of a young man you want to find?" Patty smiled wanly back at him. Of course, she did sound crazy. But somehow she must him she was not.

girl friend of mina is in great trouble," Patty said. "This young man and an old woman who was begging in front the day my friend came here ara the only two people who could help her." "We have no beggars," the man began stiffly. "I've heard that before," Patty- answered. "Just the same thera was an old woman in front of this building, and my friend gave hep some money and a red wooleft "A red scarf!" the man exclaimed. "Oh, of course.

Will you come in?" They were walking clown a hall. And now the man was throwing a door wide. OEATED near a glowing fire, knitting briskly, was an ancient-looking old woman, About her shoulders was a cheery retf scarf. "Nanna," began the man starn- ly, "did you take some money from a young woman when you went out for a breath of air early yesterday morning? And where did you get that scarf?" The old woman's bright eyes twinkled. "Did she repent hep bargain and want the pretty scarf back? Or maybe she didn't know it was a beeg bill she was giving The man uhook his head In mock disapproval.

"You'd never know that you were the mother of a respectable painter. less. Taking money. No wonder this young lady was out searching for a beggar." "She looted at her watch and said, 'It's seex the old woman broke in merrily. "And I said, 'You don't have to tell me the time.

I know by the So pretty she was. So ashamed she would have been, if I geeve the money back." Patty sat down weakly. "Please excuse me. But I feel a little faint. After I recover a bit, I want you and your son to go with me to the police.

The girl who gave you the red scarf is in trouble. The police claim she was where else at 6 yesterday morni- ing." "They do, do they?" began the old woman. ''Those police! Well, I guess this will prove something. Are those the do you say in your She took the red scarf from hep shoulders and handed it to Patty. Inside were the letters, embroid-.

ered on. a sillc marking band. Be for CHy Attortusy STEVE CARWGAN ROYCB WElSENBEHOER Aldermjin, Ward Three F. HENRY ages. Why docs trie school of tridny keep Itself so aloof? Thf public school docs' better than the college.

The child has his two worlds, home nnd school, but one Is never completely favored nt the of the other. Dnily lite melds the two into one composite experience. The boy nntl the girl have the school group nnd the home group to satisfy nt the siime lime, nnd he draws richness from both. In prepaftory school nnd college, home becomes a distant drcnm. The student uses it more or less ns supply house, nntl to add to his problem, for it is not his fnult he becomes greater figure of prominenc in the family.

This would not mntter, if he were not already nt a disadvantage in his school life. Individuality Cities Uncurhctl And (his is the crux of the matter. In most curricula there is nothing to substitute for hLs erstwhile responsibility to the family. He WHS individual there only to the point that would not interfere with the happiness of his people. He had home duties.

He had to do his share of work. He mndfi way for mother, father, sister nnd brother as much as they made way for him. In college he has his groups, but seldom do they interfere with his comfort or pleasure. He is individual. And college stresses his importance and his independence.

All duration today tends toward this god of individualism, and it is pernicious in many cases. It does not prepare for mnrringe or the sacrifice of any hnppy home life. Read into it many things I have no room for here. Once out of school the student is prone to extend his osvn personality to th undoing of his own happiness. Girls especially, except for career courses in home economies, are seldom prepared for the co-operation of marriage.

Interest in domesticity is lost, nnd divorce is too easy an answer. What is a cnreer to home? What ore liberal arts to home? These questions should be openly discussed and answered by our schools. Velvet For Royalty LONDON The Duchess of Kent, the British royal family's fashion plate, is wearing black velvet this winter. She has a Molynetix evening gown of it, designed with a bodice strapped crosswise above a very full skirt stiffened with crinoline. Black velvet also makes one of her afternoon ensembles which combines a slim skirt with a short fitted acket trimmed in sliver fox.

Successfully tested abroad, the new helicopter combines normal flight characteristics with vertical ascent I and descent advantages. Tuesday, 16, FLAPPiR FANNY, "All right, I'll semi back your presents. Out don't forget that bust' fhe the perfume bottle.didn't have any stopper Eleanor Holm Just Swamped With Work as Film Actress little Eleanor Holm isn't quite -sure that she likes being a movie actress. It's pretty strenuous. As the gal-pal of Ape- Man Glenn Morris, in "Tarzan's Rc- vtnge." she sets roughter treatment than she received at the hands of the American Olympic committee.

Standing on the edge of a movit' swamp, into which she soon would have to wade, the former amateur backstroke champion of the world complained that as a film player never knows whether she's good or bad. "After we've done a scene a few times the director says 'okay' and they start setting up for another scene. Thai's all there is to it. "In swimming races I always knew when I'd finished, and I could judge whether I was good by whether I'd won. And on the stage the audience tells you whether you're doing all right." A few days ago Miss Holm had to get into a tank and race with some crocodiles.

Or maybe they were alligators. Their jaws were tied shut, but there was no way to keep them from threshing around with their tails. "I was scared," admitted Miss Holm. "I still think I must have set some new world's records getting out of that water." When I saw her. Miss Holm was Today's BY CAROL DAY HEN planning practical Christmas gifts, include the pretty, apron in Pattern 8040.

sizes 40, end fll if i If. rJ hize requires 1 7-8 yards duties complete anu sew chart, giving full instructions. Pattern 8040 is designed for The bias cut of the skirt fits smoothly over the hips and of 32 "a'nd doesn't add a bit of bulk at any 7 1-2 yards of bias binding to point. It is cut to give you coin- plete protection back and front and slips conveniently over the head. Made up in sheer organdy edged in lace or contrasting binding, it is a pretty apron for tea time.

You will make this apron again and again for your gift lisl and you will use it for your own wardrobe, all through the season. Jf you have never sewn before, don't hesitate to make this lovely gift. The pattern in- an4 sure to MENTION THE NAME trim as pictured. The new WINTER PATTERN BOOK is ready for you now. It has 32 pages of attractive designs for every size and' every occasion.

Photographs show dresses made from these patterns being worn; a feature you will enjoy. Let the charming designs in this new book help you in your sewing. One pattern and the new Winter Pattern BooW25 cents. Winter Book cents. muring some soro ribs bruise muscles from her part in tcscue sequence tht pievums Morris himself in saving her bud stone biuisc on one but foot atliess felt like tin.

stooge in in gio act. And now for hour' Miss Holm been standing up to hei an oily swntnp. She was supposed to be struggling helplessly in the with Taram and a chimpanzee, swin ing on ropes disguised as vines, ca through the forset to her rescue. I suggested Hint the water look almost as bad as the Cleveland la front. (Miss Holm was swimming a summer at Billy Rose's Aquacade the Great Lakes Exposition.) She laughed and said Lake Erie n't so bad because they used lo Ihro buckets of chlorine into it before eacj Out here, though, stage hands throw cigaret stubs int her swamp.

Sol Lesser and Principal Productioii hold an option for her to make fou. more pictures after "Tarzan's Keipi; venge," but the company ami she botjjjl are wailing lo see the results of thiffo flicker before they make any plans. She expels lo go to New York sooner to appear in Billy Rose's Follies, andj'f- after that would like to sandwich tures betwen stage musicals. She the stage, even better than or swimming. Shu said: "1 haven't swum in conv petition since 1 was kicked off Olympic team.

Pardon me, 1 'dismissed' from the team; said that sounds better. "Anyway, the results were the didn't get to swim. Al it-ast I a lot of friends among the newspaperfjjj boys. They were all complaining how dull the trip was until that champa'gne business came along and gave them a ff story." Eleanor Holm doesn't train on chain- piigne. 'Jn face, she still observes her Olympic hours' sleep every night, no heavy gravies, sauces, sweets or fried foods, She expects to regain her matrimonial amateur standing within a.

few months. Miss Holm and Arthur rett, the band leader, have agreed to (jet 9 divorce..

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