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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Uftifilfif I) IN VUCAf AN VOIC33 ma? etlst without Ibte, corporeal authorship, then lhes6 V6I668 WfifS undoubtedly disembodied. this tthefeat- dialogue Ifi Spanish, vblce smoothly (iAdenced, with aefieat of ofie uslnf? his native tottgne. othcf was masculine ettrttagahtly, like foreigner's, and Fadea with bookish abrupt voice said, my youflg fflend, out of fashion. True, aerbaps the Virgin did appear to the poor But that was nearly four hundred years ago. It did takes two to make a- miracle.

One to perform It, and it least one, certainly, to ft." The voice coughed complacently, and continued, "That's sound'phi losophy, While It Is not original with me, it might well have been, have Written cleverer things. "No, miracles are unfashionable. The wisdom of the public Is a terrible thing. Could 1 perform a 1 do not say that 1 cannot would be tha result? The 1 public would put its tongue In Its cheek, It would slyly pull down the corner of Its eye and say that pub' llclty men should be confined to asylums!" The voice ended upon a note of grievance. The softer voice chuckled.

"You seem hurt, senor, that people no (onger are so Stupid." 1 "But they are 1" exclaimed, the other voice with emphasis'. "1 have matters to write should astound the worlds But Will 1 ever be permitted to write about''them as only 1 can write about them? No 1 Certainly noil 1 shall be told that they are 10,0 extraordinary. Nobody would believe A gust of wind, sound like a spattering cascade of rain obliterated the voices for a moment. The blackness was split with a flare ol lightning vividly sustained. The figure of a man stirred in corner of the dark enclosure.

He seemed half buried In swaths of palm leaves. His clothing, mass rags, clung to his, powerful frame. His hair was black and damp, beard-stubble served but to accentuate the strength'of bis jaws and chin. He pushed himself to his hands and knees. The voice with the foreign accent again took advantage of a lull In the thunder.

"Juan, my boy, you should consider yourself lucky thai you're not a genius. Believe'me, suffer more because of my talents than I do from my faults, although If 1 do say it "Zowle! What a crash that wasl Look at that flash! Juan 1 He's conscious! Stir up the are. Frank I It's me, Frank. Horatio Excitedly was blowing upon tlie near dead embers of a Ore. Greene feverishly hauled dried palm Itaves and driftwood toward him.

A small flame broke out; then the fire blazed up. Frank Qrahame sat upright upon the heap of palm leaves. He shook his bead as it clear it. For an instant be stared at the two anxious faces turned toward him, one dark and draw with Mexican boy, other white but gaunt and stubbled with weeks of unshared beard. TIRED grin spread over the of Grahame.

"Hullo, he chuckled hoarsely. "Don't let we Interrupt. You were speaking o' miracles. Answer me this one, Greene; am I you, and Juan?" Greene answered with an excited laugh. "Sure." be exclaimed.

"A cinch! Juan and 1 were just talk- Ing about it. picked you out of the sea this afternoon. Thought sure you'd gone bye bye. RapK ly be explained, When he and Juan had upset the ceremony on the pyramid top, and had plunged Into the depths below, thev bad been sucked into the downstream cavern. They bad lost sigbt or the tilgb priest after they bad struck the surface of the pool.

Clinging to driftwood they bad Jloatedn during day and night, passing In the darkness the cenote- valley where 'Janice and be bad found 'wangton, They drifted down the river- to the spot where Frank on thu previous day had crawled out to the Jungle for that brisr pause in bis Journey, Instead of floating the remainder of the distance, as had done, the, their way on foot through the Jungle to the coast, Here they had been (or several days napthg to ftihlng craft that might tafin tntm 16 cmtltatloft, whers they cbuld slcufe help and It were not too lend assistance to and Billy. The previous evening, on a crude raft thef constructed of driftwood, (hey had paddled but to well of fresh water that bubbled in the sea. Tbiy had discovered balsft-wood jacket keeping bis head the water. At first they bad thought him drowned but finally they decided he was unconscious from When the downpour had become; steady they sought shelter In this abandoned ashing but. Frtnk told then) his story.

He plained hr.w vital It was that they', secure help and return to the valley In the jungle. Dawn found them staring soberly at the neaped ashes and coals their lire. They had exhausted; every possibility that Involved the) three of them returning to thai They realized tlmtj they could do nothing by them-! selves; they must get outside help; somehow. Juan told them tbat dur-, Ing the rainy season the jungle wasi almost impassable to travel afoot. A THAT comment Prank stared thoughtfully through the door-j Way that was just beginning toj, show a patch of lightened sky.

i 1 During TEe TollowmT two days with Greene kept up a continual rapid! I flre chatter. The little man, Frank 1 realized, was on the verge of breakdown, The hardships he had gone through were unaccustomed ones. Moreover he could see that t'-e plight of his emnloyer and the fate of the motion picture party was constantly on his mind and his Inane chatter was more to keep bis mind from the Subject than for persona! amusement. On the morning of the third day, (Frank, sitting out at the end of a sandy promontory that jutted Into the sea hea.d thf sound of a Visibility was bad. Suddenly, in tho; north be saw the outline of a plane, tleptetid HOU ft IHHAR 6MIW 1 HA HIPRG IfiNBE JUSTANOH INDAN' DEVIL against the mist.

His shout brought his two companions running toward him. The three danced and waved' upon the sand. "He's got to see us!" screamed. Greene. "It's tbe mall plane to Cozu- mell There won't be another for' daysl" The plane droned on.

The three; castaways caught up palm fronds! and waved them. Greene circled hlsj ragged jacket about bis head. Thai airship kept to Its course. Long after the ship disappeared! Into the southern mist they waved PROF. H.

H.NlNfNfiER,ot Colorado Moseum of Mural rDEAIA IN FALLEN STARS Ht Supplier with METEORITES CLARENCE MITCHELL N.Y. WON AND LOST He Pitched for Both Teams Allowing 4 Hits in 18 Innings (Explanation yesterday's cartoon). i 152B WALKING photo from which 1 sketched the famous walker, Jamos A. Graham, waa mado at the start of his Toronto-to-New York walk, when ho broke the existing record of 11 days, 22 hours. Qra- liam'A time was 7 hours.

Another record of which ho is particularly proud In his walk from Rochester, N. Y. to Niagara Falls In 10 hours, 55 minutes. According to his accurately kept accounts, Mr. has taken part In 1526 races and has walked more than thirteen times around the worldl Ho now makes his home In Buffalo, N.

Y. WATER, pcopie over, think of the problem Of Water'supply at lighthouse, but In Los Angeles Harbor It was serious enough'for someone to calculate that It was cheaper for the men to be supplied with water from San Francisco than from Just across the harbor In San Pedro. Tho reason la that tho Lighthouse Maintenance ship from Snh Francisco carries tons of fresh water In itH tank foi ballast, and It Is less expensive to pump water from the vessel on Us periodic calls than It Is to ship the Jpuch needed aqua pura out only a few miles from tho port which tho lighthouse protects. Monday: A Wooden Indian Elected to Office. study.

Work for the day Included patchwork. The Ladles'; Guild met In the home of Mrs. George McDonnell, Thursday afternoon, S. D. Shimp in charge of the devottonals.

and shouted mechanically. Finaliyi Eleotlon of officers was held MTnQ II Afl tH AW MO 11 HA flanil I exhausted, they sat upon the sand and stared at each other They were too discouraged to bunt! for the conch shelliflsh that were! exposed at low tide, and which had: provided them with scanty nourish-) ment Once, miles at sea, a white: steamer passed north bound. Theyi stared at it hungrily. It was late in tbe afternoon whea Frank lifted his head. There was! an unbelieving look in bis Suddenly Juan imitated him.) Greece scrambled to his feet "It's the planet Hear itT The looked like the that had passed In tbe was returning.

It was flying lower! and close Inshore. Suddenly Itf dropped and zoomed. Banking in to-'. ward them the engine gave a serlei' oi staccato if it was slg-; nailing acknowledgment to the, three wild men who danced the beach. It swerved away back toward the! south; then banking again it head-! ed upwind toward them.

Waves spurted beneath its pontoons. With) spinning propellers it drifted to stop a few yards out from tbe Frank was already In the water swimming toward the craft. He, hauled himself up over tbe pontoons. The belmeted pilot observed! him quizzically, "You three guys have been on my conscience all afternoon. But 1 was carrying mall.

What's on your you speak Bng- mlndT Say Frank, gasping for breath, strove, to answer. Tbe pilot called out in a louder tone, "You bablo English, HombreT Greene splashing toward them called. "Keep your shirt on, mister, Sure be speaks English, 1 invented it, and taught him how. That's Frank Grahame a little out of breath!" The pilot's jaw dropped. "Grahame my God! Why tbe whole United States is looking for you you been, man?" Htrltrl IfHn) It action in SANDY LAKE Mrs.

Harry Vogap, Sandy Lake representative, palley, Civil War veteran, his S9th birthday Wednes. day. has been custom for a number of years, he kept throughput the 4 ft far into the evening, that Ws friends might call tQ conBrfttmfttlpns and view his collection, rejigs. was the recipient of cards, many fronj also three beautffujly paltes. His daughter, McCalmont, antj fsmljy, of umber of states; wprtb, were 4ay with J.

ta Aid at a luncheon an4 quijtjng on Thursday, P. Barnes lias been 111 for the past two weeks, Mrs, Sarah Mpok. who has been confined to her home since before Christmas, is able to sit up a while each day. The Sandy Lake U. P.

Missionary society held an ajlrday meeting in the Church account of illness in the Wallberg home, where they were to be entertained. A fine luncheon was served after which the regular devotional and business meeting was held. ilra. Wjlijisyn Scott, vice president, pressed. In, tha Mrs, Stanley.

Mrs. J. P. nn interesting suiting as President, Mrs. James Down; first vice president, Mrs.

Weston Patlon; secretary, Mrs. James secretary, Mrs. Carl Hart; treasurer, Mrs. J. P.

Anderson. Plans were made for a pie sale to bo held at McConnell's store March 10. The hostess aided by Mesdames Down and Shlmp, served refreshments. Mrs. G.

Urey, son James and family, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Branson at Greenville, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Lee, Wesley, visited in the Raemon Jack home on Wednesday. Philadelphia Convicted of 18 charges of embezzlement Involving 1 $18,000, George K. Ramsey, former clerk of Real Estate-Land and Trust company, was sentenced to serve two to 10 years In prison. It pays to read the Record- Argus Classified Ads. JAM ESIO Jamestown Record-Argus and Argus'World office, temporary office at home of Mrs.

Emma Kelly, rcpronentatlve, phono 67-R1; South Bhenango and Greene phono 87-R1; Mrs. John' McEIhaney, representative, The spent with MUSIC, CLUB, The Thursday Evening Muslo club met at the homo of Mrs. J. A. Martin with sixteen members present.

Tho following program given with Miss Atella Hague as chairman: Paper on jazz and modern music Miss Atolla, Hague, current events, by the club; vocal solo, "Just a' Wearyln' for' You," Carrie Jacobs Bond; "Smllln'''Through," Pcnn, Miss Alenb 1 piano duet, "Dance of the Winds," Poabody, Miss Atolla Hague and Mrs. Doi- rlcott; reading, "Maggie CIn.noy lias Her Day," Mrs. II. A. Davis; trio, (a) "To a Wild Rose, 1 McDowell, (b) "I Hear tha Bees a Humming," Zarnecnlk, Mrs.

Harry Mason, Mrs, R. B. iPortor and Miss Sara Hague; playlott, "An Evening in the Studio" Miss Alone Carrlngor, Mrs, O. Mallorle, Mrs, Maude Mareland, Mrs. Maude Nolan, Mrs.

Porter nnd Miss Atella Hague. M. M. CLUB Tho M. olub mot at the home of Mrs.

Clark Thursday after- tiL 1g Banquet Breezes 1 1 1 Watch for Banquet Brazes, Folks, 1 1 1 Til Every Saturday! I JJT I k- Vol, 1 March 1984 No. 181 Business Is never as good as we'd like to have but we're mightily pleased with what wo have. We are sorry if milk was frozen these mornings, We did our best, but if this sub-zero weather keeps up we will put a heater in our er, or deliver right from the pasteurizer, Junior (saying his prayers: "And please make. Cyril give up throwing stones at me, By' the way, I've mentioned this before." Be sure to ask your dealer for Banquet Cottage Cheese. Just rigfit.

Your whole family will enjoy it- Qenjus IB one per pent nlnetyrnine per pent prespiratlnn. Stopping at tblrij base doesn't the score any more thaji string Ct Jj3 t' You Just can't beat Banquet Dairy Products, Store at 177 Main street, It always makes us nervous to watch ft man light match then stand and hold It. for a minute or two before be applies It to his pipe, Mr. Stull was in Butler, Thursday, repairing Frlgidalre equipment for the Herolds Pairy at their dairy store. Greenville phone 150 andm yiilt fl Jiftin Store, Open 7 ft.

tui bfo "Can any llttlo boy tell mo what a (1st net is made of?" "A lot of llttlo holes tied together with strings," replied the never falling bright boy, We sent five tank- loads of milk to burgh this week, Contractor: "Pon't you see that sign, No WorK To4ay?" Colored Applicant: "Yassfth, das why ah They recommend it for healthy people as well en eick, young as wells, 014, sicians know milk Is ft Prink at least a quart pt Gream-Top milH Report pb, SPV! WPOUBlt CQMsjPirm needlework and socially. Refresh monts wore served, ELECT OFFICERS Tho March, mooting tha Ladles Missionary society of the United Presbyterian church met In tlio church parlors Thursday, Dinner was served at noon, Tho hostesses were Mrs. A. J. Art- rnan, Mrs.

P. A. Plant and Mrs. Orr Herrlck. Mrs.

Clark Jamison con ducted tho lesson taken from tho study book "The Never Falling Light." Parts of tlio lesnon wore taken by Mrs. H. F. Hnzlott, Mrs T. W.

Sherbondy and Mrs. John wfirtinfyv Mrt. 0. troitmifftf, MM. T.

W. sootaUify of lUefattfo'o, MM MottraMhftn! t1mnh jottft ttlbte fending aeot'ota'fy, MM, JN 18. MfSStONARV The tfomft nnd Ualotiftfy nooiaty of the tan eMiWU ntot In fhe church day, At nobn SO wetnbora nhd frlomla wijoyotl rv (thicken dinner, The 8. A. (Jfirt Mrs.

tubert At the afternoon meeting? Mrs. In Ctllll land led tha devotions ftrtd lifmttlflott led tha lesson on the Awot'leftfi Indian, A pnpor on waa road by Miss White hunting In near tho oUl fox farm Thursday, Robert Burnett Ulllod a rod Pearl fleaman who has been employed in aroonvillo hns returned to- her homo hero. Miss Dorothy Roeno of Momtvlllo spent Thursday with her hero. Stanley visited friends In Frodonln, Tuesday. 18.

0. Mooro IB upending a few days with hnr daughter, Mrs, Mildred Turner In MK-Kfttt ftwtty, Atleft Sunday wtth Mft ttftd titcWnrt nnd family, dinnof wns served In henor of BWWWl, Lois ftunitftftiSS'', Ahil Allfih ttlefendftrfot whono itws the is, and $8 of Mr, nnd Mrs. $, d. GlAtK Sunday with thotp fnnilly, Sharon, GooriNs Oroett, and NaftiyAntvufra week that Vot-nort, ixooompftnied thow, former eallod on brollifef dom at who frowt the atialdelft hsrc Bovornl wooftg itfro whott ho hud ItW ledr broken' while follltiff trees on tha Uoyh Mr, nnd Mrtf. Will Nagtls Uto Mordfti 4 County ArglcutWrtU Mills Woman Bruited in Bad Fall UA8 OPTOUAT10N Mtntnott Mnrstolier, son of Mr.

and Mrn. ISarl Marstollor, lit Slowly recovering 1 from an tton In (ho Grove City hospital. Mrs, Maratollcr WOB at hlR bodnldo tho past wook. CARRY SHOVELS Tho honvy fall of nnow Monday nlffht caused many oara to stick, and diivoi'rt to walk to farm homes to got Hliovols, Tho thaw will bo appreciated, for thoHo who liat! frozen plnoa and short of water, The CWA work Imn boofi stopped oy tho snow, an trupka cannot got through, Tina SICK C. 8.

Boat IH Htlll confined to his bod. Floyd Wonte IB Improving Mrs. II. Slinons not no woll tho past week. Mrs.

Alloo Simons ro- nmlnn about tho name, Harry Voor- hloa was ablo 10 bo out. Sunday nf- tor sovoral woolcs at homo with ft broken olbow, Frank Yoniror IB much bolter. Mrs, Mdnn Burrows IH nblo to bo about tho honno aftoi a flolpo of pneumonia, Mre, HarK ct Mills In In wltTi and heart trouble. Afrs. Ilalllo niHBoIl whllq descend ln(r the stairs Sunday rnornlng, foil striking her baok.

No bonaa woro broken but sbo painful bvvilBoa will Ueop her In for sovorftl days, Mrs, Raymond Hawthorne, Greenville, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ous KaltQiibauK 1 Sunday, Ralph Oroanvlllo, spent Sunday wltb bin father W. Q. noaroo and family.

fls brother Karl lias with Btonmoh tronblo. Mr, and Mrs. Hoy Shillings, dati- Blitor Twlla, KaHt Palrvlow, spont Sunday at 'tho J. V. KaltonbatiKh h'oirio.

Mr, and Mrs. T.A O. Oadnby and Marlon Qratt spent Friday In Sanely Uako, and were dinner Ruoato at the Frank homo, Mr, and Mrs. V. Kaltonbavifrh ncndny, nt tho court house.

Mont Simons attended tho annual Wnfthlntfton Birthday 1 dinner of the n. 0. rtsiioolntlon Thursday at Mr, and Mrs, Arehlo Voorhlos, Harry and Martfftrot Voorhlos BpiSht with Mf, and Mrs. enoo Voorliles, drbonvlllo. Air, and Mrs, Clark and daiiffhtor Darbnrn.

and CtoorgA of Sharon, Bpont Thursday afternoon at tho J. It. Caroy homo, Mr. Carey returned homo with them tot a viBlt. Mr, and Mrs, V.

SXrluht, fiber Crook, and Mr. and Mra. Will Natrol of thin place, woro dinner (tuoats at tho Jolm Clark hOmOi TTrlday. Mrs, Clark wna aaslatod dan- Bhtor Mm, Graoo Condlt, Beef Crock. M'rn.

J. MoCormlok, whoso death was notod In thin paper, i was tho dauRhtor of, Oodtroy and small Uuff, and spont her early ilfo here. Tho store, Strlglit and MoCor- mlclc, was woll known by the older people. Bho was on aunt of. ''Marl lloyd, and relative of tho Small family.

In 31, Lmvls, president I6B6. MsUltod hi t'etum of Rcadlnjj i- MM. braved flames to old son. from burning, Stonework, New Otter Creek School Report Impressive Thtwo not missing 1 a day at Snydar aohool'for Jfobruftry woro Virginia Conloy, Toarl Kltoh, Joan Komlno, Ilnxol Kltch, LcnilMo Dale, Helen Dale, Qrtioo Violet Shaffer, Hannah Kltoh, Wnyuo nomine, Bobby Hill, tCciuioth Boatty, OoorgQ Dalo, Charles Dale, Homer llonnlnir, Toaohor, Wilson Boalty. SNOW HAMPERS DUSBS Tho school buses woro not ablo to Try Our Women's Pure Silk Full-Fashioned HOSIERY Real Values.

69 BOOT SHOP 169 Main Street doption of a very Bniall tho off wall, hnti'beeiv nit'ltt tho hoisting tllflmantlod. The piaolrii last stones cannot bo uni til a section, ot tha has beon poured. Duo to the opld men lidvo boon iinnblo to! oreto slnoo Qovonimoitt cnfflneor in today. 1 'About romatna to UDIO, the -sotting 4 ofc Jc and other interior ope undortalcon. wiSt( BABY CHIG Bngllsh lay largo i.

JlKkxb L. DANN 2, yew mmi Mir lM. TUNE IN i i AT BOTH STOR: FOULK Cut Rate Drug DAVIS ON DISPLAY TODAY! Come in and See The NEW TERRAPLANES and HUD SONS THE TEHBAPtANB 6 PEl-PXB 8ERAN TERRAPLANE 6 565 BO Af.l) the new 1934 the in the low price field (15 ft, 10 in, Jong) wore and 85 horsepower) with the only fully advanced line ityliflg in the low price geld, Cowe them and drive them for the per' thrill A I I At I (Jk 1 I I I A I The Wg pew Straight 8 ii.t,, fiqd owt why it other 8 ever bmlt, Sense surging power 1108 and 113 horiepower lewo why thia big Hudson Straight 8 challengei other eights to deliver more with lew jaj, HUDSON 8 i Jr A i i NEW HOME OF TERRAPLANES AND HUDSOJSS IN GREENVILLE, PA, Oakhurst Garage IB PHONE.

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