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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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-''V A Couple df Worried Getttlemen IteraW From False fteportl afternoon by Star Publishing Inc. Alex. tt. Washbum), at The Star building, 212-214 South C. E.

PALMER, President AtfiJt H. WASHBURN, Editor and Publisher Sectttd-claSs matter at the postc-ffiee at Hope, Arkansas Uadef the Act of March 3,1897. The is an Institution developed by modern il the the day, to foster commerce and industry, clttJtitated advertisements, and to furnish that check upon which no constitution has ever bean able to R. Rflte (Always Payable in Advance): Bv city carrier, per per month ease year By mail, in Hempstend, Nevada, MUlef LaPayette counties, S3.50 per year; elsewhere SC.50. Arkansas Sales Tax 'Kitbbet of The Assodate'd Press: Associated Press Is exclusively tb the ti36 lor republicatlon of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein Representatives: Arkansas Dallies, Memphis, New York City.

369 Lexington; Chicago, 111., 75 E. Wack- Dtive; Mich, Woodward Ave.v St. Louis, Star Bldg. on IWrtttes, Charges -will be made for all tributes, cards of thinKs, resolutions, or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial hold to this policy in the news columns to protect readers a deluge of space-taking memorials.

Ttie Star disclaims responsibility the safe-keeping -or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN HEALTH Editor, "Journal of the American Medical Association, and of Hygeia, the Health Magazine Variety of Headaches Caused By Sinuses country's statesmen sell the Arabs down the river with cynical disregard of their promises. He saw this betrayal coming long before it happened; and his book is full of bitterness, bitterness at British statesmen for defrauding the Arabs and at himself for unintentionally assisting in the fraxid. It is also full of profoundly exciting accounts of desert warfare, of deeply interesting discussions of desert life, and of a living prose which entitles this book to rank with the great literature on Arabia by Doughty and Burton.

Beyond all that, the book is a fascinating revelation of Lawrence's own A headache is just a pain in the mysterious and tortured personality. head. But there are so manykinds of Published by Doubleday. Doran headaches and so many causes of the book sells for S5. headaches that it would give you a pain just thinking of them.

One group, however, that has brought i on all sorts of headaches is that con' (cerned-with the sinuses. These come usually. from difficult breathing and congestion. The pain coming from infection of the sinuses is usually worse in the of the day or in the and tends get better in the late aft- ernoon or evening. The reason 7 for this I js that the sinflses begin to drain after the concerned has been on his feet or in an.upright position for eight x)r, ten.

hours! YOUK CHILDREN By Olive Roberts Barton degree of pain is not always a direct indication of the extent of the infection. a very small in-' (fection in one sinus -Will cause a very large pain, and in other cases a very large (infection in a sinus will have relatively little pain. In atgood many cases a large amount of material may be taken out and yet the patient will not have suffered a i I there are several sinuses dis- in various portions of the pains associated with infections in any of them vary. sinuses are in the.fore- head just above the nose. Infection of these sinuses usually causes pain, ripht the sinuses are located, and the pain is usually limited to the side involved.

The maxillary sinuses are in the cheeks 7 'above the upper row of teeth. Aif infection in these sinuses. is more likely to cause pain above the eye tiwri-'directly in the sinus, although pains is also frequently felt in the upper jaw. teeth are jarred, or if there is a. jar to the whole body, pain will be felt in this sinus in the presence of infection.

The spheoQidal sinuses and the eth- moid sinuses, are in. the-skull in back of nose. 'Sometimes, when there is infection in the epheno'uJal sinuses, the pain will be felt'in the back of the, head 'the side involved, and sometimes eyen in the ear-on the side involved, or. behind'the eye. An infection in the ethmoid sinus usually is felt as a pain between the eyes.

Now you -should realize that pains, likethose caused by infection of the Kcllgious Training Puzzles Mothers I heard an interesting argument the ether day concerning the teaching of religion to young children. Three mothers, all up on their reading and aware of the influences in the world today, each had a diferent idea about it. "I won't send Mary to Sunday school," one remarked. "I'm not go- er to hear friends tell about the funny things their youngsters say in their prayers." "Well," said another. "We learned that way.

If we hadn't, maybe we never would have believed anything. And even if they don't get a clear idea cf what it's all about, they sense something. It can be straightened out later." "Then why not wait?" obser-ed the first. "I wish my parents had let me wait. I still have a hard time trying to get all the wrong ideas I absorbed then to fit in with my ideas now.

One day I'm one way and the next day another. I can't get any fixed view in my mind about anything. All I know is that I try to believe in a God." New Approach to Religion The third now spoke up. "Sunday schools go about it diferently now. They teach thing that children can understand and don't try to expound the catechism, to babies." ''I think you can be religious without church and Sunday schools," the first young mother remarked.

"So do in a way," put in the second. "But I think that church does something. It keeps things going. If there had not been any church all these years, and we had depended on the flowers and trees to teach us about GLORIFYING YOURSELF ggByAlicfo Shoes Real Henuty FM- The girls who looks well in her moves gracefully and seldom looks worn generally Is one who wears comfortable thoes hml takes excellent care of her feet. When you buy winter shoes, don't forget that loo light or too rhort ones can put lines across your brow and pive your mouth a tired, pouty look.

The last i. 1 important, too. A.vk the salesman not only to measure your foot but to let you try on several difficult lasts. If you can't walk grace- with film and show rwtflect, the glamor of eyes, smooth skin and hoftllhy hair is lessened nowewhat. Brushing at least twice a fo keen voW teeth pretty, of but 6f film will collect nnd your dentist nlone cnn remove 1 it ihormighly.

ought to set 'him twice year nrid ench time have teeth cleancsd as well ris filled and Otherwise treated. Don't forpet to keep dental floss on your bathroom shelf. Use it daily to icmove particles of food which the toothbrush onnnot reach. If your favorite toothpaste or powder seems to have no effect on some of the slnins, try using plain table salt or baking soda now and then. If your child's second teelh grow in crooked, take him to your family drill 1st and have a conference about braces to straighten them.

Braces nren'l especially comfortable and certainly not very attractive, but it's better for younn offspring to put up with them for a few years than to have LAX THE BLADDER THIS 29t TEST FrtEF, It IsUit. Wheft irritation you up, use this blndder lux to flush out; TipurHies and excess nclds. Or" juchu leaves, Juniper oil, etc, in Hit' green tablets ortlod Bflkets, Works 01 bladder similar to cnstor oil ori the bowels, Blndder irritation oaf cnuso disturbed sleep, frequent doslM scanty flow, burning or backache. Ii four days, if not pleased fmy will refund your 25c. Gel your ref" ulnr sleep nnd feel "full of peg Brinnt's Drug Store nnd John S.

son Drug Co. fully in hl heols. by nil means Ret CVO()kctl llc "rest of his life. lower ones. 'Since ull heel heights are fashionable now, your choice should depend on your type of Even though you like to throe-inch liecls to teas nnd dances, don't try to hobble around in them during office hours or when you have a morning's Ircnuus chopping to do.

If you have corns or large callouses, Ere a foot specialist before you buy Remember that your teeth nrent lo take the place of nut crackers. Don't use them to break hard pieces of candy or to bite pieces of ice. Even if they are fine, hard ones, you can't expect them to thrive under' this kind of strain. If they are unusually soft, perhaps adding plenty or orange juice and fresh milk to youi diet will help. Big Naval Power (Continued from page one) Wednesday Is Remnant bench every weekend, you probably won't want to holher to use polish on toennils.

However, keep them filed neatly and push back cuticle after every bath. End Teeth Spoil Prettiest Smile. Sparkling white teeth that glisten when you smile are quite necessary to true beauty. If they are covered by Robert Bruce 1915 NEA Service, Int. sinuses, are also caused variety of other conditions.

Serious infections of the teeth, disturbances of the eyes associated with strain or with the wrong kind of glasses, inflammations in the kidneys, and colds of various sorts may set up head- by a great our £P' rits an good will to our neigh- infection of the sinuses. Of course, the best way to cure a sinus headache is to get rid of the infection in the sinua. For this it is desirable to have treatment by a specialist in diseases of the nose, who will know 'how to get into the sinuses and eliminate the pus that is present. bors, we might be believing in ten thousand sinister devils in every room in the house. "People have to believe something.

They always have. I think we would all be so superstitious it would be dreadful. If some people think we are superstitious in our religion today, I wonder what would be IJKKIN HERB TODAY JEA.N tiTttty, yt-yc nnd UOIIIIV youni: iiutoniofiilc inlvsnmn, an even Inn n( The Onlilen tfciitlicr club. (he proprietor. them to Snntly tlnr- ivhn exnliilnN lie Is In Unvvr on Sanity and Jcnn Unncc.

When he if tic lirr evndos. fmlcr Snnd.v a myfttcrloiih cnnvt'rftntlon vvlth two men who mention Jemi's DONALD MONTAGUE, nnd him they "inn? he able to do vouie. hiiNl- ness." CSI.ENM. federnl agent, tnlkit tvlth nohhy nnd Jenn. After the; lenve.

MIKIS IIAGA.M. detce- tlve on the Int'nl iinlire forre. jolnw who him aevcrnl Ithntocrraplifl nf pretty drl nnd u.ikn. "Ever nee her finrry he 011 the trnll of WIXGY I.KWIS, hsiiiU rcihher. nnd tn Inente him through.

eiri. nvni.vN IIIIADV. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORK CHAPTER VI riONAI.D MONTAGUE signed the last of the sheaf of letters tint lay on his desk, shoved the little pile aside, and said. done." He looked up at Jean anrl said. "Well, if you'll get these off.

Miss Dunn, you might as well call it a day." Jean picked up the letters and started for the outer office and tier own desk. Glancing at her wrist watcb as she did so, she exclaimed, "But Mr. only half- past eleven." of it?" he asked with an air of paternal "It's Saturday, Isn't it? I've a luncheon engagement and I'm not coming back this afternoon. You can use the extra hour, can't you?" of thanks," she said, slightly confused. She withdrew, prepared the letters for mailing, and five minutes later was on her way out.

Born and reared in a small town, she knew moments when the great city was almost unbearably oppressive and confining; and she suddenly realized that this afternoon she must manage somehow to get out into the open country, away from the crowds and the noises and tho bustle and confusion of Dover. Td like to take a long hike across the flelfls," she mused. "Let's could I get to go with me?" new ones. Don't try to treat corns yourself. It's good idea to an foot powder during the winter months I when stoam honied rooms are likely to make your feet perspire.

Remember, of course, to wear fresh stockings' every day and to air yoxir shoes in the I sunshine at Icnsl once a week. (province along 'he Set it river. Now that vou no longer go to the Match Aynlcu faces the Italians with IfiO.GOO soldiers. East of Aynlu, from the river lo beyond the lofty position of Adigrat stands another iiripy of 200,000. directed by the com- mamler-in-chiof of all Northern troops.

Has Ecyoum. Premier Mussolini. Ethiopian 'sources asserted, tried to incite Has Scyoum against the present emperor by offering him'the throne of Ethiopia under an Italian protectorate but II Duce discovered him as implacable a foe of Italy as was his uncle. Emperor Mcnelek. Supporting Seyoum in the northeast is Haile Selassie, son-in-law of the emperor, with 50.000 troops.

Immediately to the south, on the eastern edge of great central plateau at. Dessyc. is Crown Prince Asfnul with 100.000 warriors. Thither the em- ncror, himself, with Minister of War Mtilugueta. is preparing to po with a r.till larger army which is now rushing to Addis Ababa from southwestern provinces.

Two hundred miles east of Dessye, i beyond the barren Dannkil desert, s.lrutiR along the Eritrean border fac- forces are 30.000 Mus- tribesmen. On Southern Fronts Southeast of Danakil, in the oasis of Aussa. facing the Italians based at are 100.000 hardened troops. In the extreme southwestern front, chiefly in the large province of Bale, is another son-in-law of the emperor, Has Dcstn Damtou, governor of Sid- atno province. Defta is aided in the Harar district to the east by the famous Turkish general, Vehib Pasha, credited with causing a crushing defeat of the British at the Dardanelles at the beginning of the World war.

Two hundred miles below the main southern beyond the Somali sands, stretches another line of outposts which Italy has been bombing desultorily. Positive Relii Sure End to Chills and Fever! Here's real relief for Malarl! Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic I Quickly it stops the chills and and restores your body to con Many remedies will merely alleviate symptoms of Malaria Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic goes alfj vay and completely rids your sy o. 1 the infection. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is i corrective of Malaria because it contl two things. First, tasteless quinine wti kills the Malarial infection in the blq Second, tonic iron which helps ovcrccjj the ravages of the chills and fever fortifies against further attack.

Play Take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic now coiws in two and $1 size contains 2J4 times as much ai SOc size nnd gives you more for money. Get bottle today at any drugs RINTING! That Makes Ah They were in Sandy's roadster almost before Jean Icnerv it. Remember? My name's Sandy Harklns." "Oh," said Jean. "Oh, yes. Mr.

Hark ins." "Well, listen here, good-looking. I'll bet down where you come from you like to go horseback riding on your afternoon off, don't "Horseback riding? Why, yes. "I thought so," said Sandy. "You looked like a girl that knew how to ride. Listen, how'd it bo if 1 She thought of Bobby; but she came around and took you out to knew he would bo working all day, without it? Of course you get a broad- an 8 he also knew that an after- er and more intelligent view of things when you learn to think for your- A BOOK A DAY BRUCE CATION Lawrence's Account' of Arabian Uprising.

Puzzleirent Is Beneficial Then Number Three spoke up again. "Ycu said a while ago, Mary, that you were all mixfed up. One day, I sup- pose'you mean, you are fundamental 'and the other modern. Do you know, 11 think that's a good thing? i "When people begin to think and worry about the way to interpret God and our own souls, it shows the matter is keeping alive in their hearts. None of us can fix it.

All the preachers know that no one can fix it to everyone's satisfaction. But I agree with Katharine here, tiiat you have to have some start when you're little. What, if thought does change? It books have ever been quite so I changes all the time about everything. and cleverly press-agent- Anyway 1 am going to teach Davy ed has the "Seven Pillars of Wis-labout fuiih and truit and good if I dom," written by England's famous lean. I think the world is starving for iltrroaker the late T.

E. Lawrence, i a little faith in something' besides it- redeeming feature ia that not i self." books are BO much worth read- We might get under the words of as this one, either. i these young women and do some Wa ia the bulky volume of which i thinking ourselves, thur.e among us i famous "Revolt in the Desert" was' who are perplexed about this problem nrufenfiation- religion for our youth and little tells how he went folk. condensation, fa it, into Awhis how England could on the tribesmen's dissatisfaction with Turkish rule. i fife rtot tribal leaders together and them to fight for a free and independent Arabia; he directed their jnUtttsyy efforts with rare skill, doing wwcfe to produce that behind- thf wnfusion on the Turkish front which helped make possible Al- peat triumphs Syria; and at the conference he saw ius One by One "When I was a boy," said a gray- haired physician, who wa.s in a reminiscent mood, "I to be a iuklibr, but my parents persuaded me to study medicine." well," consoled his sympathetic neighbor, "such is life.

Many a man with wholesale ambitions has to content himself with a retail American Legion Monthly. noon In the country would revive his romantic instincts and him to speak pleadingly of marriage and a little apartment. Today slie didn't want to be proposed to. Hastily she mentally scanned her list of girl friends. One or another of them, surely, could be induced to join the expedition.

"I'll hurry home and change, and then start telephoning," she thought. She walked to the corner and caught her street car. When she had reached her apartment, bathed and changed her (rock for a rough tweed skirt, woolen stockings, low-heeled shoes and a sweater, she discovered that she was ravenously hungry. "The telephoning can wait," she told herself, and she went to the little kitchenette to a lunch. Just as she was plugging In the percolator, the telephone rang.

She scampered into the other room and answered u. "Miss Dunn?" said man's voice. "Well, now Isn't that luck for you? didn't think I'd be able to raise you on a nice afternoon like this?" UB voice was vaguely familiar but no more. She frowned and said, "Who is this?" A laugh came over the wire. "You wouldn't break my heart and tell me you've forgotten nie already?" said (he voice, teaslngly.

"I'm the long, lanky guy rliat managed to get a dance wilh you at tlia Goldeu Feather the ether night. a riding academy and we got a couple of nags and went for a little how about it?" grown elope toward a little stream and a clump of woods. Sandy had been watching her with a knowing eye, and he evidently had satisfied himself that she was quite at home in the saddle. "Come aji," he cried. "Hnco you to the woods:" And they went off down the slope, the horses' hoofs dnuninins on the springy turf, while the wind whipped the ends of the scarf Jean had bound about her hair, and sho laughed aloud from sheer happiness and excitement.

They came noment, and then grinned. "Oh," he said, "I just sort ot ravel around, from here to there ind back." "Lucky," said Jean. must be lico, not to be tied down." "It is," said Sandy. HEY came out of the woods into nn unpuved country road. It cd them in a gently undulating course past tho woodland, along he edge of prosperous-lookiiiR 'arm and around a to an an- wooden bridge over a small To ride a horse nearer and nearer to the little thing she had not done since she left Maplehurst.

She suddenly discovered that that was what she wanted to do this afternoon more than anything else; and before she knew that she hart made up her mind she heard herself saying, "Oh, I'd love to." "Kayo, baby," eaid the breezy Mr. Harkins. "I'll be at your front gate in half an hour." In precisely half an hour her bell rang. Sandy met her In the little lobby on the first floor and they were in his was a flashy yellow thing which looked only a little shorter and less powerful than one of the navy's newest before she know it. 1 ALP an hour's drive got thorn out of the city.

They followed a graveled country road for a few miles, and at last came to a huge, white-washed barn, so big that completely overshadowed the little cottage in front of it. Along ihe side of the barn there was a sign, 'The West Park Riding Academy." stream; at this point it was no more than a brook, not six feet wide, with firm banks. Jean boldly spurred directly toward it and took lier horse across it in one graceful leap. Then she reined in, and came to a halt at the edge of the woods. Sandy was beside her, looking at her admiringly.

"Say," lie said, "you can ride, all right." She was breathless, laughing, with little wisps of hair escaping from under the scarf. "I used to ride almost every day, down home," she said. "Good girl," said Sandy. "You did that jump like a champion." Their eyes met in comradely appraisal; then, with one accord they turned their horse's' heads and followed a shaded lane through the trees. It was cool under the trees, and the horses' hoofs made no sound on the black spongy earth.

Sandy rose with effortless ease, his Ion? body relaxed loosely In the saddle. "You must have ridden a lot yourself." said Jeun. He nodded, 'i was brought up on a horse," river. They talked lazily as they roile. Sandy seemed it strango comhinn- ion of frankness and reticence.

He spoke of life on the western plains, of going hunting in the Osage hills, of nights under the stars In far-off camps; hut he seemed to be reluctant to say much about the present, or about his reasons for leaving that oneu western country. "You must want to gel back there," Bald Joan. He looked at her soberly, and when he grinned, at last, there something wistful in his eyes. "Yeah, I gnes3 maybe 1 do," hn said. "Heckon 1 will, too, some dny." They left the river and came out in a broad pasture lot.

Beyond the level expanse of grass they could see tho roof of the riding academy barn rising above a clump ot tries. "Another race?" said Saudy abruptly. Jean answered by leaning forward and spurring her mount forward. Again they went drumming across the springy earth, anil iiwiin a wild sense of physical exhilaration and mental well-being look possession of the Tax Troubles A man has told a county court judge that he would have bought a house 1'or his daughter last year if the income tax had been reduced as anticipated in the newspapers. In other words, his ambition was nipped in the We turn out Jobs That Do Look Like ''Rus' Jobs.

Our rcpreseiialive will glad to call nnd furnish estimates on your work. STAR Publishing Co.l tMIONE JUST 50 DOZEN Now! NUCRAFT Collars On Fast Color Topflight Shirts Sandy drove in, and a few min. jhe said. "Not here. Oul west." utes later a groom had brought tbdr horses and they were riding side by side down a leafy lane which led them, at last, to the top "Cowboy?" "My.

folks owned a ranch." They rode oil farther in silence. Presently Jean asked him, "What of a rounded hill, from wliich they 'do you do, anyway?" could iook Uowa a grass- He looked at her coolly, for a girl, so that she found herselt 98 laughing aloud, for no especial reason, when sho dually reined lu her horse at the far end of the Sandy came up bsside her and pulled his horse lo a halt. Then suddenly he leaned over, slipped his arm about her shoulders, and kissed her on the mouth. (To Ue Continued) added this famous collar to give you value for your money! What a shirt, and what a bargain! White and solid color broadcloths, fancy I percales cut the Topflight way, and that means' la fit! Sizes 14 to 17! You'll want plenty of them! PENNEY' J. C.

PENNEY. COMPANY, incorporate..

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