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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 6

Indianapolis, Indiana
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MclNTYRE rf4 coal miners are clamoring for It and threatening a strike next month if they do not get what they ask. Able lawyers In both branches of Congress have declared the law will not stand in the courts. The Senate may block passage, but there is no assurance of that or anything else in the closing scramble to adjourn and go home. The Guffey bill is a good example of some other -KY ROBERT Ql'ILLEN" TELEPHONE RI ley 731L Established a Tba Indianapolis Journal in 1S21 Tha Indianapolis Sunday Sentinel absorbed in 1906. I ANY people long for wealth because they wish to "be somebody." They are not unhappy for want of great houses, servants, fleets ot cars and yachts.

JOHN C. SHAFFER. Editor. NEW YORK, Aug. 19.

OST high towers in Manhattan now have a suicide guard or squad as preventive against self-de proposals on the "must" list. Its serious defects are Thi Memo's Star The Indianapolis Star overlooked by those concerned most in getting It on They live- In baleful diseontent because they feel Inferior, and they covet wealth because they believe It would enable them to feel important. It Is not wealth they desire, but self-respect. To plan your life on the assumption that wealth is essential to happiness or decent pride is to invite and merit disaster. There isn't enoush wealth in the land to provide a surplus for the books.

Months would be required before a court ruling could be had, even if the act were nullified eventually. That would mean confusion and uncertainty. There are other items on the presidential list that cause serious anxiety not only as to validity, but TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily, by carrier, 15 cents per week; Sunday. 10 cents per copy. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES-UNITED STATES OUTSIDE INDIANA TERROR AT rOINTE ACX BARQUES.

The peace of the evening was broken with terrible cries of distress. There were warnings and ahrieks from the treetops and the reason no mortal could guess. The terrified robins were winging a mad flight from tree unto tree As though sounding the signal of danger and telling their neighbors to flee. The nuthatchers scurried for safety, the wrens fluttered wildiy about, And I sensed from this scene of excitement it wasn't quite safe to be out. The thrushes with fear were aquiver! Where once had tranquility been Now a threat of Impending disaster had suddenly altered the scene.

I put down the book I w-as reading and went in the garden to see 1 Wk. as to the effect they would have even if found to be 05 1 valid. The danger is real that Congress may throw 1 Yr 3 Mm. I Ml Daily and Sunday $14 00 $7.50 $1 00 $1.50 paly 9 00 5 00 3 0(i 1.00 6.00 3.50 2 00 60 MAIL RATES FOR TOWNS IN INDIANA .15 discretion to the winds and jam through whatever is handed to it. struction.

The lone visitor is usually under suspicion for a would-be suicide never brings a companion in a tryst with death. In the past few years there have been nine sudden plunges from various observatories. The deadly circle of three is invariably manifested. That is, some one leaps and two others follow in space of a few days. So far guards have frustrated more than a dozen attempts.

Two were climaxed by fierce and teetering struggles on the parapets. And one was diverted by a running fire of talk while an attendant from the rear expertly looped him with a lasso. Each one expressed gratitude and declared the impulse was of the moment- There is a specious theory that a falling body loses consciousness the first 500 feet of drop and that the method is painless. This has been Dailv, Per Year Da'lv. For Less Than One Year Ter Week.

15 JO1 CONSTITUTION AS AN ISSUE. "NE of the interesting by-plays at the recent meet- Sun Uy, per Copy DtTit ROUTE IN INDIANA 40 Cents Month ing of the Indiana Democratic Editorial Associa. everybody; the winning of wealth requires rare good fortune or a peculiar type of mind and conscience; and i no fortune Is secure against the moths that corrupt and the thieves that break through and steal. As the sole and proper foundation ot self-respect, wealth commends itself only to Hie unthinking and the simple. There is another and better foundation, available to all.

It consists in being respectable. Consider the engineer of a locomotive. He has no wealth, but he is content with himself and his world. He feels at ease in the presence of the rich and the great. His job is necessary and useful; he is a trained man not easily replaced; he knows his worth to the world, demands and receives respect, and therefore respects himself.

He isn't unhappy without wealth because he doesn't feel Inferior without it. You can enter any community in America, except the resorts of the social elect, and win universal respect simply by working at your job, speaking the language of intelligent and -well-informed people, and behaving like one who respects himself and takes it for granted that the world will respect him as well. If that were not true, middle-class people would be uniformly miserable. The first essential is to deserve your own Rood opinion. Once that Is achieved, you can face the world without misgivings and no mere money loss can break your spirit.

You may enjoy wealth, if good fortune brings it, but you won't need it. College degrees mean little to an inventor who has won fame disproved by parachute jumpers who have fallen far greater distances and No mail subscriptions accepted in Indiana towns where tion at French Lick was difference in attitudes ex-Th Star has carrier delivery service. presse(j by tne Indiana senators on the constitution. 1 Senator VanNuys told the assembled editors that he MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oppQsed tQ wRh the consUtution Sen. Usorp0uUtclo7all ZZk2Z or Minton immediate.y gave assurance that he also ltv or not otherwise credited in tnis paper, and also to js opposed to "tinkering with the constitution" if that the local news published herein.

I means destroying the fundamentals. He is, however, a "new dealer" and is for human rights over state LET US then stand by the Constitution as it right9- shail not hesitate," he said, "to back an is and by Our country as it is, One, united, amendment so that we can serve the humanity of this 1 i country." and entire; let it be truth engraven on our Senator Minton's pronouncement does not mean hearts let it be borne On the flag under which anything, of course, so long as the form of amend- dawn, slept until 3 in the afternoon and awakened thoroughly refreshed, amazingly calm and hungry. He ate a whopping ham-steak breakfast and at his office the first letter opened, mirabile dictu was an offer of a job that paid him more than the income he had been making and in a city where he had always wanted to live. Lord Northcllffe on one of his visits told a group of reporters in an ofMhe-record chat over a midnight snack of some mysterious mental contagion that seemed to inform him of successs before it arrived. The details are vague but it was when he launched his first newspaper venture called "Answers." He had used all the money he had and could borrow.

Then came a sudden impasse in financing. He needed a sizeable sum and could not raise a tuppence. He was for two weeks in the lowest depths. Unable to sleep, he was walking through deserted Curznn street and of a sudden felt exhilarated, a surge of inexpressible happiness he fancied might be the fevered forerunner of delirium. Ha went home and fell instantly asleep.

When he awakened there was a telegram from a bank in Manchester that it would see him through. Ho had forgotten he had appealed to them. made him rich. 7" -i- -5- Sinclair Lewis has become a Lone Wolf of literature. Rarely is be seen in haunts he used to frequent the Brevoort.

Lafayette and other mellow sanctuaries fringing Washington square. Also he has completely absented himself from the occasional first night. His base is the Bronxville home which he gave to his wife, Dorothy Thompson, but there are neighbors who have never laid eyes on him. His isolation is taking on the remoteness of Eugeno O'Neill and many believe for the same reason he just wants tn be let alone. When he sails suddenly away as he frequently does, hi3 name does not appear on the passenger lists.

Charles Dana Gibson is another top man in his line whose life has become cloistered. From a fiction story: "Nothing Is so disconcerting to a young man in love as to be walking with his lady love in the moonlight and run suddenly out of words." The author has never been "rocked home" from church with his girl The cause of so noisy a clamor and just what the danger could be. Thought "is it boy with a rifle, or cat that has ventured to prowl?" But low on a tree branch, a-blinking and staring at me was an owl: It was plain he was merely a fledgling and 1 doubt that he knew as he gazed Why his coming to rest in that maple such a terrible clamor had raised. But I shooed him away from my garden, and thought as that owl disappeared. Wherever you go you'll be hated; wherever you go you'll be fearvd.

seen conscious of every sensation. -5- -f- Clay Morgan, who press agented the Normandie into first page banner lines, has the most complete indexed compilation oT jokes, gags and stories extant. For twenty years he has jotted down the key word to every one heard. They run Into thousands and all are variations of eight different that we have i mt'nl uas nl Dot'n u'sciosea. it simply is puoiic ad we rally, in every exigency, mission ot his willingness to trail along on anything humorous situations, owns the biggest li-and humor, having tnan five thousand Ed Wynn still brary wit (Copyright, 193.1, Kctcsr A.

Guest.) the President wants He apparently is ready to aIui fortune without them. shelved more (CopvrlKht, 1935.) ONE COUNTRY, ONE CONSTITUTION, ONE DESTINY. DAjNJl WEBSTER. March IJ. 1837.

volumes. Often a gag that seems shining with sophistry of the modern day will be a variant of some remark of Ben Johnson or some other wag WASHINGTON Bystander OUR READ He that aspires to be the head of a party mil find it more difficult to please his Jriends than to perplex his Joes.Colton. rubber-stamp a constitutional amendment before he knows what it is. if that does not mean "destroying the fundamentals." The President has given no definite idea as to what he wants, but indicated in his famous "horse-and-buggy" statement that he considers the constitution out of date and should be so changed as to prevent the Supreme Court from upsetting an act of Congress. It would be immaterial what the "new dealers" might say in support of "human rights" or anything else, an amendment to prevent courts from declaring laws unconstitutional would "destroy the fundamen- of long ago.

I 'talked to a gentleman the most joyous I've run across in months on the phone this morning about an astonishing recovery he had from a business upset in his importing business. Over night a foreign imbroglio beached him high and dry along with twenty-eight employes and not a chance to make a penny for months, if ever. For three days not a bite passed his lips and he dozed off for not more than an hour nightly. He lost eleven pounds. The fourth morning he fell into sound slumber at CARE FOR MENTALLY ILL.

OFFICIAL agencies should endeavor to find the means for continued financing of the psycopathic The Star invites from ill reedert etpressionx ot opinion on topics of gen era' interest, which must appear ever the names of the writers. Letters thould ot written on one lid of tht paper only and ihould be brief ond to the point. Those ot more than 300 words will be subject to condensation. ward at the Citv Hospital. It has intimated that un less the county Council and commissioners provide tals." It would wreck the whole basis on which our the nere.s5.arv assistance the ward may be discontin- republic has been built.

Instead of conserving "the AHOOS1ER LISTENING POST A ued. That would be a grave mistake. For the last eight years a thirty-bed ward has been maintained at the hospital, equipped to provide treatment for the mentally ill. A staff of neurologists and nurses has been in charge of this work. The public is less interested in the agreement by which the ward and staff were maintained during past years than in the necessity for co-operation which will continue this valuable sen-ice.

The com humanity of the country," it would open the way to demagogues to destroy state rights, property rights and the security of all the people. But, until the President lets it be known how he would make over the government, it is idle for the junior senator, or any one else, to discuss the subject. Senator VanNuys is on much safer ground when he sticks by the rules laid down by the forefathers. The senior senator probably realizes that much of the "tinkering" that has been done in recent years has AX KATC MILNER RABB BIRD HILL. The pioneers who were religious, and many of them were, were strict in the observance of munity, county and state have taken pride in provi- sions made for treatment of various kinds.

There is not served to strengthen the original structure. The no more important branch of medical science than people also are pretty well awake to the danger of that which treats mental cases. The modern trend getting away from first principles and trying "new is a decided gain over the neglect ana in treatment tAiuiiruw. im nouU1. uie iiunmnuy ui me country" may impress the superficial.

The thinking Victims were roughly classed of former generation! citizens, and most of them think, know that "the humanity of the country" has been conserved during as "queer" or as incurably insane. Little was done for the former, who were allowed to remain at large the Department of Law which manages and, as it has been since the law-was passed, makes the law. The Governor, the auditor of state and the attorney general are the members of this department and as the Governor appoints his attorney general, under the law it is plain 'to 'see where this set-up could work a great hardship for the people. Before this law was passed the Lieutenant Governor had a salary of $1,000 a year as president of the state Senate. When this law was passed he was placed in four of the departments of government and his salary-was increased to $6,000 a year and he was furnished a secretary at a salary of over $3,000 a year and a clerical force of over one hundred persons, and expenses which the Indiana taxpayers pay for and for which they have not received a nickel's reward.

The other angle of the proposition is this: The constitution of Indiana, Sec. 9. Art. II. provides that no person shall 'hold more than one lucrative office at the same time.

The constitution also provides that the salary of no officer shall be increased during the term for which he is elected. To cover this defect the Legislature of 135, page 1215, passed a law "relieving all officers from liability who in good faith had illegally taken money from the state" under these various unconstitutional statutes that I am writing about. Although this "forgiving statute" of 19S5 undertook to relieve these various officeholders from liability, I maintain that the Legislature can not relieve any one from liability who received money under a law that was unconstitutional, and that a legislative act to legalize such a law does not make it so. It is a moral proposition that the Legislature could not change or DEFENDS THE AAA. To the Editor of The IndicnpoUt Star; I have read from letters contributed to The Star column by a Mr.

Maddox. He asserts that the farmers are being socialized and in the end will be gypped out of their land by the government. A tariff tax paid by the people and which increased the industrialists' income, and highly protected business was not socializing the big interests. To return the income tax paid by the wealthy was not socializing this group, but to give the farmer a break was socializing the farmer. He admits that the packer did not pay the processing tax he is trying to get back, but he is mistaken when he says the consumer pays it.

The increased price reduced consumptive demand which in turn lowered the price paid to the producer. The drought is responsible for the high-priced pork. Millions of pigs were sold immature because of feed shortage. The high-priced feed and low-priced pork trrove the pork producer out of business and the people are suffering because of high pork prices. By slaughtering off a large number of pigs the remaining portion went to market with enough greater weight to offset the slaughter and the public was furnished a better grade of pork than if the entire number had been sent to market in a poor, immature condition, for there was not a sufficient amount of feed raised for all.

Delphi, Ind. MIKE RITCHEY. WHERE ARE WE HEADED? To the Editor of The Indianopoiit Star: The President of this nation has been accused of attempting to socialize or communize our country, and as the charge is so serious I if deemed not dangerous. Others were cruelly housed nearly a century and a half and will continue to be in iails pending disposition of their cases at state in- without departure from the course mapped out the constitution, as it stands. BY KIRKE SIMPSON.

WASHINGTON As chairman of the House committee on appropriations during the "new deal" regime, Representative James Buchanan of Texas is presumed to know something about future spending plans of the government and how the bills already contracted are to be met. He has been around Congress a long time, even though his official account of himself is limited to the admission that he is a Democrat of Brenham, Tex. If he were not an appropriations committee senior, he would not be chairman. When Mr. Buchanan elects to risk an estimate as to when an actual budgetary balance may be reached, therefore, his position and experience warrant attention to his words.

And the following expectation was drawn from him in a recent House debate by an incidental question: "I firmly believe that, with the $270,000,000 to be raised by the new tax bill, with the payments due on money heretofore loaned by various government departments, with a reduction in the enormous working balance in the Treasury, we can pass through the next Congress without any additional taxation or without the issuance of any additional bonds or increasing the national debt, except to cover appropriations heretofore made." "Does the gentleman mean the Seventy-fifth Congress or the next session of the Seventy-fourth Congress?" asked Fiesinger of Ohio. "I mean the next session of the Seventy-fourth Congress and future Congresses," answered Buchanan, and House Democrats applauded, while Republicans sniffed in scorn at the prediction. -i- -j- Buchanan may be overoptimistic about that. The results of the work-relief recovery drive and of the effort to shift the relief of unemployables from Federal taxpayer shoulders are still to be demonstrated. Buchanan may not have considered what the Senate vote next January on the pay-t he-bonus bill might bring about for the Treasury.

Secretary Mor-genthau, wariest of cabineteers at committing himself on any budget-balancing question, has been carelul all along with warnings about any expenditures outside the White House program. Nevertheless. Buchanan is on record as at least believing an actual balanced budget can be attained next session with income meeting both ordinary and emergency outgo. That is a pretty plain indication that he has heard no whispers of new and costly recovery or reform ventures for next session. It implies that the Treasury then may be prepared to reduce its current rash balanre which consistently has been held so high as to protect it against any emergency.

It implies, also, that in the minds of Democratic party strategists planning for the next oresidential cam- sane asylums. Cases of mental illness should receive the same care provided for victims of any disease. Neither reason nor justice condones the erroneous attitude that mental patients are a family disgrace to be shunted into the skeleton closet. They are entitled to whatever care the community can supply, provided means for private treatment are lacking. Officials of our governmental units are besieged with numerous demands for money, some of which may be well-founded.

They can not grant every request. There are activities, however, which should be curtailed or eliminated altogether before the psycopathic ward for mental victims is abandoned. If properly administered, it should be a permanent part of the public health service. When the time came for the family to start back to Indiana, the father had injured his hand between two flat stones and could not work but must carry it in a sling. "He finally contracted with a young man named Rudolph Fry to come to this country and drive the wagon and come as one of the family.

This made seven instead of six to occupy the wagon. "I think it was sometime in April when we made the start. When we moved to Virginia it was fall, bu now it was spring and where there was no pike the roads were awful. We came bacK from Virginia with a few exceptions, the same way we went. When we reached the I river cliffs, or 'Hawk's Nest' as it called, father had the wagon stoi and driven to one side of the ro.i i.

All of us that were big eno -gli io walk got out and we walked do to the brink as near as it wa-j safu to go. This is a projecting tending as far out as the river n-vl is said to be one thousand feet hig i. We could look over by holding io some 'bushes and see the foaming and hear the roaring of the river p.s it plunged over the rocks. Son-e have said that the scenery is in some respects as great as that of Niagara. I came by this place when last in Virginia but don't think the cliff is so great as it is reported.

We found that nearly every little stream had to be ferried. Most of the streams were high on account of the spring rains and at the Kanawha river the mud was so deep and the horses so fagged that the party had to stop and rest awhile. Here the father said he would get a steamboat on which to go to Cincinnati, but the steamboat paid no attention to his signals. They had often to be dragged out of mud holes by oxen, but finally arrived in Clinton county, Ohio, and stopped awhile at Grandfather Knox's home. -r -T- "Here father decided to take the National road, which we hoped would be better.

After reaching a section of the country called the Black Swamps we found the roads almost impassible. At one place the roadbed was covered with water for a quarter of a mile." He described their difficulties, hiring, an ox team to pull them through the water, the balky horse, the breaking up of the wagon tongue finally they were through and in Johnson county again. "You are welcome to stay as long as you please." said Grandmother Brunnemer. We had traveled 1.000 miles. Father was satisfied to remain here, but would always say there are no people like the legalize any more than it could le- the Sabbath, and the father of W.

J. Knox, some of whose recollections have appeared in this column, was one of these. However, during that cold winter of 1S39-1840 in Virginia, he cut w-ood on Sunday for "it is either cut wood or freeze," he said. The fire did duty for candles, too. "We were scarce of money and could not afford candles," says Mr.

Knox, "so we would take buckets and the women, aprons, and Mother would lead the way for she was well acquainted with the mountain, and go out for a mile or two and gather pine knots and then all we had to do was to put them on the fire and they would burn like tar. Then father would read 'Pilgrim's Progress' to us. This book was appropriate for us, for Pilgrim was a constant mover. "This Teter's mountain was a spur of the Allegheny mountains. It was several thousand feet high in places and covered mostly with pine trees.

We were there when the great flood occured. My brother and I were down on the brink of the river when it seempd to flow the other way. The rivr was, frozen almost to the bottom. We were looking up stream. No rise as yet.

All of a sudden there was a crack as loud as a gun. The great thick ice would rear up on end, the cakes, many of them, as large as a house. The ice had given away above it, had just reached here, only a short distance from our house. We tan to the house and all hurried to the river. It rose at a rapid rate.

It covered all the bottoms all along the river. To see the grinding ice gorges as they came down was a sight I have never seen since. All the boats, canoes, skiffs and everything along its banks were swept away. When it came it gave no time tn save anything. A wild deer, a buck with horns, was caught and left in a drift near our house.

Mother took the hams and the meat was as good as any venison ever eaten. Everything was frozen, so that meat would keep sweet a month." Food was scarce, so they did not complain of a sameness of diet. He tells of his father setting a fish trap in the river once that winter. "In the morning, he called us into the smokehouse and ponred out the contents of the sack about fifty ells. Of all the flopping! We had eels nearly all winter and they were as good as bass and no bones." tliink the President should answer galize murder.

Never before have his accusers in his speeches when he matters of state been jumbled and scrambled as thev have been under tours the country this fall. Silence NAZIS' AMERICAN BLUNDERS. XJEYV YORK city, as the leading port of entry for foreigners, is unusually susceptible to agitation by alien groups. The metropolis has been annoyed repeatedly and the entire country made indignant by the bombastic character of propaganda and demonstrations. The attitude of the Hitlerites at home has been duplicated to a considerable extent by that of sympathizers in this country.

The German government's officials in the United States are particularly obtuse in failing to appraise the damage thus created. Americans may be displeased by extremes of the Nazis, yet they are broad-minded enough to refrain from meddling in Germany's domestic affairs. It is another matter entirely when the Hitler supporters make American soil the sene of demonstrations. Groups with foreign attaohments may retain their sympathetic ties with home lands, but any political activity of an alien character should be suppressed. There should be no place for the League of Friends of New Germany, an organization which only intensifies American feeling toward the Hitler regime.

These Nazis staged a demonstration at a camp they own near New York city, renewing allegiance to the political and economic creed of the present German system. There was much heel clicking in the militaristic fashion of 1914 and. incidentally, a determination to give America the questionable blessings of the Nazi program. A number of deputy sheriffs tore swastika banners from cars which did not also display the American flag. The Nazis may go to any extremes at home, that a downtrodden people permits, but they should be prohibited from using American soil for their political propaganda.

That Guffey bill can accomplish more wonders than a patent cure-all. In addition to soaking the consumer, it tosses a sop to the coal miners and permits another brain trust swat at the constitution. itiHf be golden, but in this case silence is giving strength to the suspicion that the charges are true. As far as I am concerned, I am convinced that the new deal is a cunningly devised plan to socialize or communize the United States, but there is still a possibility that the President does not realize that fact. And it is possible that "the President is in the stream of revolutionary action and can't get out," as the "state executive-administrative act." and never before was su-h power given to any one man under a constitutional form of government as was given to the Governor of Indiana by this law.

The King of England does not possess such powers. I am glad that Senator VanNuys is one man in high office of the Democratic party who says this law must be repealed. Even after it is repealed it will take many years to heal the wounds made bv this iniquitous law. H. H.

EVANS. State Representative. Newcastle. Ind. MOTOR TRAFFIC HAZARDS.

GOVERNOR McNUTT cited several leading haz-ards which confront motorists on Indiana highways. In his weekly radio address he urged co-operation of citizens and law-enforcement agencies in the safety campaign which has been inaugurated by the state police force. The average driver is familiar with the recklessness which contributes to so many accidents. High speed in congested traffic, failure to exercise proper caution at grade crossings, taking curves at an excessive rate which forces the car into the other traffic lane and reckless weaving in and out of motor queues are the reasons for many casualties. Two other factors mentioned by the Governor have been responsible for many automobile tragedies.

One is failure to dim lights. The other is the menace of the slow driver the "creeper" who causes needless congestion on main highways. The driver who refuses to dim his glaring lights may be an elusive offender, but the state police should concentrate one of his brain trusters is reported i to have said. We have genii so many charges; against the socialistic chararter ofj the new deal that have become i alarmed and the time has come for the President to either admit the truth of the accusations or prove them false. Stuart Chase has open LOYAL TO THE C.

8. A. To the Ed'tor of The Indianapolis Star: It Isn't any wonder that some I paign much wind would be taken ly stated that the new deal is social Former Senator people are strong for the new deal, izing this country out of Republican sails by going into that campaign with a balanced budget. James A. Reed of Missouri says that especially if the government is tak- i ing care of them.

Who is the gov re all taken from bolshevik Rus- a ernment? Is your neighbor who is sia." Ed Howe of Kansas says that President Roosevelt's liberalism Is struggling along, depriving hinmelf on this individual a road hog without the slightest consideration for motorists coming from the opposite direction. Some of the lights are so glaring that the LITTLE BENNY'S NOTEBOOK BT LEE FAPE. notning Dut tniniy veuea everything but the very necessi-ism." The President can not ignore tie. hf h.ini hurHnH in Heath such serious charges. If the new i under the load of taxes to furnish deal is not socialism, what Is it? The whole nation awaits the answer.

Indianapolis. E. F. MADDOX. Victim can not see the road.

He runs the risk of Even if Congress adjourns Saturday, there is into traffic or leaving the road, facing death firient time in the interval for a lot of unconstitu-or serious injury unless fortunate enough to run onto tional mischief. a level "shoulder." THAT BODY OF YOUDS Mussolini, of course, may think he can rattle the sword for weeks without danger of starting a fight. funds for those who are being cared for, any part of the government? Is each and every one trying to the best of bis or her ability to provide things honest in the sight of all men, or are we taking advantage of the "government" (our neighbors)? There was a certain road foreman who made the remark that he, if it were left to him, would not use politics in his selection of men for work. About thirty minutes after he made this remark he came to a group of idle men. six in number.

HIGH-HANDED F.W DEALERS. To the Editor ot The Indianapolis Star: The "state executive-administrative act" was passed in 1 under the pretext of economy in state government and the inception of it, if carried out as first represented, would not have been a bad law, but BY JAS. W. BAR-TOM. M.D.

State and national gladiolus growers adjourned their conventions without action permitting Hoosiers to speak of pretty gladioluses. WTHOTt Vibv afon mmlhinr jare more valuable In keeping tho If state and local police bestir themselves, they could easily eliminate the slow-driver menace. This type Is equally selfish in ignoring the rights of others. The desire to enjoy the scenery may be laudable enough, but it should be gratified on side roads where slow speed wi'l not involve serious traffic risks. Tourists wishing to make time on long trips are compelled to creep along at twenty or twenty-fi-e miles an hour on major highways, with the resultant weaving in and out which results in many mishaps.

There see laws supposed to govern the slow-driver menace, but U-jTJ that was tainted or which no( five Republicans and one Democrat. when it was finished it did upset your digestive system VLi I and have had a severe at abolish a board or commission, bureau or committee. It also took Republican members cheered a. the new G. O.

P. representative from Rhode Island took his seat. That was a cheer that sent shivers down the new deal back3. the rights away from the constitu ne pic-Ken out me uemocrat to "flag'' while they were oiling the road. He doesn't use politics, just pirks the Democrat.

Frankly speaking, I am for my country, the old U. 8. A her Supreme Court, her constitution, her people (my neighbors) and for those who try to uphold the principles of self-government and who are willing to have and let have an equal chance in this our good old V. S. A.

Bedford, Ind. A. COLGLAZIER. they have been added to numerous dead letter? on If Congress adjourns next Saturday, a lot of home-the statute books. A vigorous enforcement campaign coming members will be wishing they could appear should eliminate the creepers from major thorough-1 nonchalant.

fares, both in the cities and over the state Modern blood and tissues from getting too nearly acid; a condition which occurs during any wasting illness. Dr. Jean Bogert outlines the food3 to be used in a fluid diet as follows: 1. Fruit juices. 2.

Soups broths, clear soups and cream soups. 3. Cereal gruels (thin). i. Milk plain or flavored, hot or cold, acid or fermented, malted milk, with addition of cereal gruel, beaten egg, cocoa.

5. Raw eggs in combination with milk, fruit Juices or other fluid. Remember, the liquid diet Is necessary only when the stomach or digestion is upset for a short time. When the patient becomes stronger, It is the soft diet fluid diet to which is added cereals, toast, simple dessertsthat should be used. tional officers of secretary of state, treasurer of state, auditor of state and state superintendent of public instruction to appoint any of their employes excepting their chief deputies.

This was put up with in this administration because these four constitutional officers are Democrats and they were afraid to whimper. Suppose any one of these four constitutional officers had been Republicans and a Democratic Governor had undertaken to appoint his friends for their clerical help to annoy and harass them as politics has been played and is now being Now that the city has piled up an exce3s of moisture, the baseball fans will appreciate a deluge of base hits. Me and pop was starting to take a wawk, pop saying, Swimming has its adherents and I've heard strong men extoll the fizzical benefits exerted by tennis and golf, but it's my private opinion, though I have no objection to stating it publicly, that nothing can take the place of stretching the good old legs. Meening wawking is swell exercise, and just then Mr. Simkins stopped going passed in his new green auto-mobeel, saying, Hop in.

Potts, I seem to be going your way, I want you to tell me what you think of this new buss of mine. Do you mind if I give you my impression of it from the outside? pop said. I'm just taking a little wawk for my constitution's sake and I'm afraid if I got into a car it wouldn't he the same thing, he said, and Mr. Simkins said, well of course just as you prefer. And he kept on going exter fast, and pntty soon somebody blew a sutomobeel horn to attract his attention, being Mr.

Shotes, saying. Take a load off your feet. Potts and let your sistem absorb the rithm of this little old made over last year's boat, it's practically better than new, you're going my way is seems. Yes but not by the same means of locomotion, I'm wawking thanks, pop said, and Mr. Shotes said, well, dont be high hat about it.

And he kept on going quick and mad, pop saying, I insist that the legs offer the most natural and wholesome method of transferring the body from place to place and 1 am prepnred to stand by my convictions. Wlch Just then still another auto-rnotjeel stopped going passed and some man said, Climb in, Potts, this new Spielberner job runs like majic and I want to give you a treat. Being pop's boss Mr. Hammer, and pop got in looking against it and I got. In with him not caring much, and Mr.

Hammer drove us around a while and then took us home and pop didn't look cheerful again till bis 2nd plateful of liver and onions. Two Words a Day BT L. E. CHARLES. Publication of freshmen to matriculate at Indiana University means the end of vacation for the rush captains.

played in Indiana? tack of vomiting or diarrhoea. Naturally you do not want any food the thought of food distresses you. This is when you should go on a "liquid diet." Or perhsps you are recovering from an illneBS and are not much interested in food; the liquid diet is what you need, as you must have food to restore your strength. The liquid diet is just liquid foods, and is valuable because as all foods are reduced to liquids in the body before they can be used and absorbed, taking foods already in the liquid form means just that much less work for the weakened digestive system. Liquid foods are usually given in small amounts and more often than when the patient is well; about one glassful every two or three hours.

Naturally although the food is In liquid form, it must be nourishing if the patient is to maintain and increase in strength; milk, cream, raw eggs being the best liquid foods. When the patient can not take much milk or cream, an eggnog made up with syphon soda (purchased for about It) cents a quart at the drug store) instead of milk gives excellent results. Other fluid foods are clear soups, cocoa and malted milk. Meat juices supply necessary liquids and allay hunger, hut have less nourishment than milk, cream and eggs. Fruit Under this law, that even United JAPE.

Noun. Possibly from the French Japper, to bark or yap, at any rate this is used facetiously for a joke or jest or trick, or some device to amuse and fool an audience. Jape, long rhymes with "tape." Now it begins to seem almost as if they may have to enlarge the District of Columbia to make room for all those on the Federal pay roll. Senator Rtiewer should quit worrying about postmasters as delegates to national conventions and mln 1. 1 1 1 traffic has speeded up until safety demands that slow drivers, especially during week-ends, be diverted to other than important state and Federal roads.

ELEVENTH HOUR JAM IN CONGRESS. rpHE country at large shares the anxiety that was apparent in the New York stock market yesterday after the Guffey coal bill was passed by the House. The members of Congress are weary and anxious to go home. Apparently a frantic effort will be made to clean up as much of the slate as possible 80 as to lie able to adjourn this week. The public, along with the Wall street Investors, will be apprehensive until the legislators are out of Washington.

If the other Items on the President's "must" list get as little intelligent consideration as was given to the Guffey bill, the whole "must" program may be Jammed through. The Guffey coal bill is the one concerning which the President wrote that note urging its passage, regardless ot duubti as to iU constitutionality. The JOBS GALORE. Lafayette Journal and Courier. The sum of $49,000,000 a year is to be spent to "administer" the new social security law.

It seems that Mr. Farley no sooner gets one $400, administration set-up in shape to function for 19:16, than here comes another political organization to be worked out, to take care of another $49,000,000 of campaign funds. We don't really see how "Big Jim" stands the strain. States Senator VanNuys says must be repealed, let me give you the different parts of government into which the state was divided, namely: Executive Department, Department of Audit and Control, Department of State, Department of Treasury, Department of Ijw, Department of Education, Department of Public Works and Department of Commerce and Industries. The Governor is at the head of every one of these eight departments of state and of the two big departments the personnel is the same.

One is the no ixrm iii mum mm 11 i.i "'ng lane mat nas turning. OVERTURE. Noun. It is true that this is taken directly from the modern French ouverture, opening, and at lirst designated a hole or aperture. Now, however, it is usually taken to mean an opening like an opportunity, as a friendly approach to a person or a formal proposition between two opponents.

In music it refers to an orchestral Introduction or prelude to a notable work like an opera or oratorio. The Secretary Wallace seems willing to try any kind of an experiment the consumer will pay for. Ti, nepartmeni or Aunn son oniroi The new dealers who are preparing to sornd hlrn the finances of the WILL HIS EARS Bl RN? South Bend Tribune. While Jim Farley is studying the public reaction to the "new deal" It may be best, for him to wear be-tos ear muffs. 219.000 next year on rural electrification mav get the state and the members are the Gov- first syllable is long and accented.

Shock of their Uvea in Novemher. ernor. the auditor of state and the juices supply soma nourishment but attorney general and the other is o-vsr-tui.

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