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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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SUNDAY SKtblanD ctfhunc JULY 31, 1927 A -21 1 TRAGIC RELICS OF DONNER PARTY FOUND ALONG 8 G-YEAR-OLD WAGON TRAIL stalks man allowing that tragedy the eye of man rested on it acain. This waon a pan of a collection of priceless relics that Davis has turned over to Cuialor Peterson of Sutter's ort at Sacramento. shows a mountain gap, once a part of the emigrant trail. Picture three shows a stump cut off 1 0 feet above ground by a Donner party member when snow lay deep. An ax was found inside the hollows-stump.

Picture four is a eruesome discovery made -on a summit meadow. Captain CHARLES E. DAVIS (It It) retraced the routes of California's pioneers who drove oxrn teams over the Sierra and in so aoing found valuable mementoes wliidi shed new light on the Donner traedv of 184(i-47. 'I lie second picture in the accompanying A -1 Jim, mmiim i beast that lingers- in the high iow CLYDE J. of.

a wauori imind near ar and sun nt 80 seasons betn pistol, bones of beasts, and other articles made up Davis' find, which found repository in the Fort Sutter museum. CABIN SITE FOUND. By a strange method Davis narrowed the circle of the dearth camp down to the spot where George Donner had his cabin. "The Apot was marked by arrowheads. These were not the kind of arrowheads" used by California Indians.

They-were plains Indians arrowheads7 Itw3s -known that the Donner children had collected these arrowheads in the earlier part of their, journey for playthings. So that settled that." Up in the Mother Lode country there is a renewed interest in the Donner tragedy as a result of Davis' explorations. One of the results, it is expected, will be a greater reverence for the past and the pathetic bits that remain as symbols of pioneer bravery and heroism. The site of the. relief camp is also Kwr)twT 80-Year-Old Mute recognizable, according to the captain.

lie said many of the murks on 'the trail between it and the Donner camp are left. He explained hat the relief party camped about eight miles away in a place where they could get out and made the trip to the Donner survivors afoot. TO RESTORK CROSS. In line with his work" of preserving old landmarks and re-locating new ones, Davis said that one of his first objectives would be to re-tore the old Donner Cross. This cross, erected on Klder creek, prior to the placing of the monument near the state highway, Story 1 i in yiiriYrtlfBTm jiiwa fi 1 W'lf'ffr-AWffrMlMlllll III HI Ill III HW Willi lllllllll HlllllilU'OPIDIilTlllllllllllllDilL'lilH' MJUMUUUU JHUUijLIJ JijlliJUlU-Jiimu' HllHJLi.iJUl Cost Donner Party Trail Found By State Explorer JN the entire drama of California history, there is no more "compelling story that that of the tragic Donner party.

It was early in the spring of 1846 that a hand of neighbors left Springfield, Missouri, to make their homes in the unknown west. George Donner was' elected captain. They traveled over plains'with an Oregon party and at Fort Hall forked for California over a little-kuovvn rout. On October 22 they crossed the Truckee river, expecting to be in their promised land within two weeks. Instead by spring 36 members of the party of 81 were dead mostly of starvation.

Their graves are hidden in the mountain fastnesses around Donner lake today, whens 'a winter of incredible hardships was spent. Here Captain Davis conducted his epochal search. 1 By SYL MacpOWELL TALL, bronzed man in a wide-brimmecThat and hob-r nailed boots has just made an important contribution to early California history, lie is Captain Charles E. Davis, the ideajitj of the open places and one of the most in the west. Captain tavis is back today from, the high Sierra, where h-tlunged4ft6Nspring' to uncover tragic untold history of the Donner partyV There, eighty years after, he trailed the rumbling covered wagons which brought to California the first settlers.

His feat of scenting out lost emigrant trails Wagon Tells Of Tragedy is down. Davis saklKhat a party, of campers built a fire which burn ed the cross away at its otmdemned such desecrations and believes the guilty campers should be apprehended and punished. Now that he has finished his little "vacation" in the big timber. Captain Davis is heading back' for Mullet Island where the thermometer wavers at this season around the 13U mark. He will rest op awhile and then undoubtedly break into public notice again with some crusade that only a man who "sees God in the clouds and hears Him in the wind" would think ot undertaking.

Tickets Your Subscription is All Free tops after snow i lies. 1 he ist picture ION, Davis' assistant, exhibiting Trasjedv M-juntvm mav under the the Goose Lake or Oregon trail they trickled, over the Lassen traii, the Donner trail that followed the Truckee. Yuba and Hear rivers, the Placerville and Kit Carson trails, the latter a part of the present Mother Lode highway; over. Walker, pass and Fremont pass. "Jitany of these old routes ovor the mountains are marvels," declared Davis.

"I would mulch Kit Carson or some of those fellows against the high-paid railroad and highway engineers who lay out our expensive highways. Maybe it isn't their fault, but our routes nowad ys are twisted around so as go past Si Higgenbottom's grocery store or somebody else's OLD ROAJ) FOUXD. The captain's observations were oddly -borne out not long ago when immigration officers a caravai. of Chinese smugglers (fa the old Butterworth stage road. Although it had been in disuse for many years, the smugglers were pressihg motor cars laden down with contraband coolies oyer it in the San Diego mounfaina.

One of the bits trailcraft Davis used in the Sierra was to note, tree growth. "Wherever trees grew in streaks, that was a sign f.h'ey had. been cut by trail blazers," he said. "The streaks were second growth. We followed the streaks and sure enough we found Masonic markings on trunks that were hewn there in the forties.

An.l we found stumps cut off 12 feet high, when the snowdrifts were that deep, and the-work was not that of loggers. In one of these' hollowed out stunjpa we found an ax, so old that the handle was rotting" This ax, a dental plate, the wagon tyiil oxen yokes, a deri-ingeu BY UNITED PRESS i LEASED WIRE-TO TRIHTfRE BOSTON, July Governor Alvan T. Fuller's' decision in the Sacco-Vanzett 1 jnurder car's, ex- pected next 'Wednesday, might be.j delayed by the sudden illness of i his son, Aivan was learned 1 today. Young Fuller was brought here by automobile from the Governor's summer hpme in Rye llvai'h, N. early today; and subsequently underwent a -successful operation for appendicitis at Massachusetts general hospital.

Because of his son's Hiie5.s, 'he executive may bo una'Jle to complete the writing of his decision between now and Wednesday night. i Marilyn Miller Not To Divorce Pickford By KAr.tMi By Radio to Tho Oakland TRIBUNE and the Chicago TJaily News. NICE, July SO. Marilyn" Miller and Jack If lekord are not going to be divorced after alt. Mits Millet-told the correspondent today while watching a game at Cap D'Antibes.

"I have decided to drop the divorce altogether," r-aid the dancer. "Jack was here until' a few 'days ago and we have come to a mutual I'll rest here until the end of August and then yail for-New York to resume my theatrical work. Jack will be with Miss Miller laughingly denied she had any other matrimonial inter- ests than in Pickford. (Copyright. 1927, the Chicago Dally Nes.) I ins t' HUOKNALL, July 30.

W. L. Hope in a De ilavilami plane, won the Kings Cup hr? today with an average speed of SO.S miles per hour, I ILLNESS HILTS! suclj as a complete abandoned mullet and thereby ruined a 'promising industry, according to the solemn ly-iold Ca plain Davis also owns a flock hot paint geysers in Imperial county and many other interesting mineral prospects but he is fur-ever turning his back on mining matters to pry up a contribution to Western, lore. AVORKS TOR LOVE. Fo last sprin.y he besran to dli? into the Donner party history.

His work was performed, not for any historical group or even for personal gain or but simply because he loves the old California that is fading so fast under the hurrying tread, of the new. ay was the time. -Only, an-ex-perienceit Alaska, imisher such as Davis could kiov that then the linserinR driftij of winter held down the snowrirush that raised to form an impenetrable barrier in summer. It was snowtime when the ill-j fa.ted Doun6r party struggled oh the frigid baV7leP-'of the high tiierra. To trace their hemic path, the captain knew he must do his york in the (same Outdoor liisunci a con- dition- historin ovnwrn' of book icarmns would not anticipate.

xn weens, mis trailer on an SO-year-oId scent wore out three stout pairs of hobnailed boots. He spent his own money, sustaining a AT GLORIOUS NEPTUNE BEACH 1 A Full Days Outing at IMeptune Absolutely pack outfit and a-field assistant, Clyde J-. Bennington. AUTHOR GIVES AID. C.

F. McGlashen, author of a book on the Donner party tragedy and a recognized authority on that subject, gave Davis much aid. Finally, all hist souvenirs, photographs and map traajinsra ware turned over by Davis to X'of. Harry C. Peterson, cunytor olthe museum at Sutter's Fort, which is to be made into a state museum of 49 relics.

Being a man of aclron, words do not come so easily to Davis eo he has to fire up his old pipe thoroughly to get under way. Then'he Proceeds with his story of the chae after the -ghost "wagons: "Wo went inlp the country by the Yuba pass route as soon ai it was opened," he related. "We worked back from Reno by automobile, investigating old train tracings and gathering all possible information from old-timers. "Then we tried to visualize ex'- aeily what happened to the Dormer party. To do this we went over the ground with the -greatest care.

We climbed every mountain and explored every gulch. OLD WAGOX l'OUSD. guess We jnade our biggest strike on the hogsbaclc above Cold Stream and nerLUus summit. It was an old and oxen yoke. It had lain there, mind you, in the sun and snow and wind for SO years, undiscovered: "Well, that was a piece of news that's what -it was.

It was evidence of a tragedy and in a location that marked it unquestionably as one of the Donner wagons. We figure that the emigrant wag the pass and got. off the main trail, as any woodsman can see. He realized his mistake. The snow was getting deeper and probably flakes were sifting down out of the sky right then.

So he tried to go along the hogsback and get back to the pass entrance. "A little way ahead was down slopes and California, the promised land. But up there among those boulders his wagon broke down, the oxen gave out or else the whole outfit got hopelessly stuck in a drift. "The. snow was ten feet deep all around it when we found that wagon.

It had melted ((over the spot, of chimney, RKe-'the spring thaws do and, we saw-a part of a yoke sticking Two months and Mrs. Ralph Revis of Stock' Oakland Sportsmen To Present Show Exhibiting one of every" California predatory game animal and bird and covering more than seven acres, Oakland's first Sportsme'n'a Show and one of the largest ever held in California, will be opened September 3 in the block south of the Oakland auditorium by tho Lake Jlerritt. Rod and Game club, E. B. Douglass, president, announced last night.

One of the features" of the show will be 'a miniature ot Mt. Lassen more than 80 feet high and the surrounding lakes and rivers. The show has the backing of SO, Out) members of the Associated Sportsmen of California, who are attempting to awaken the public to tho value of California's wild life scenic resources. A similar show in San Francisco recently waa attended by nearly a half million people. Free Admission-" Free Tribune Readers Gratef til For Insurance Protection later; right now, no man could get to it, with the snowbrush standing up jungle thick." MAXY AVAGOXS BURIED.

This was one of the many gons in the Donner train that were left on that storniswept divide. Some were burned for-fuel where starved women and children jiti-fully hovered. Events that transpired at Donner lake during the winter of 18-16-47 became an epic, in California's stirring Ipstory. Death stalked almost daily there on Tragedy mountain. As spring neared the survivors were reduced to the Unspeakable horrors of cannibalism.

Thirty -six persons' perished, one by one-, while rescue parties fought hliz-jcards and the whole nation waited. The news electrified America, dt. was the story of the year of a year before epochal sensations wero the daily order as now. The President of the United States despatched a relief expedition. Finally, as students of pioneer history recollect, it was the intrepid Stanton who pressed through times with food and supplies and finally perished as his errand, of mercy ended.

HERO TO BE HONORED. Davis said that the U. S. Coast and Geodetic, survey has agreed to re-name Pine riioiih tain Stanton mountain, in honor of this forgotten -hero. And this is only the start of re-christening many other landmarks iii the Donner lake region in order to memorialize pioneers who died there, he said.

Fort in, the mecca of Tverjj-fortune hunter bound toward Jh. sun. They came. iy irtaur routes fixed mostly the pathfinders of Kit Carson. By BJORN RCNlCItffr.P-T By Radio to The Oakland TRIBUNE and the Chicago Daily Kaws.

OSLO, July 30. Final results of the general election In Iceland give an absolute majority to conservatives and the agrarian party, who obtained 20 out of 26 seats Altinget. A nrhiisterlj-I crisis is expected immediately. (Copyright, 1927, the Chioago Dally News.) (J. S.

Farmers Sail To Study in Europe 3Y UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE TO TRIBUNE NEW YORK, July 30. Embarking on a sixty day tour of Europe to make a first hand study of agricultural conditions there. President Sam H. Thompson of the American Farm Bureau Federation sailed today on the steamship Aurania at the head of a group of prominent agriculturists. Countries to be during August and September are Denmark, Germany, Holland, France, Belgium, England and Scotland.

Marketing and production methods of farmers in each country will be closely studied, and viilts- Wllf be paid experiment ttatrone, schools and leading agriculturists. Jarvis Named to Reclamation Board SACRAMENTO, July 30. Although the entire- personnel of the new state reclamation board was not named. Governor Young today announced that he would appoint Clarence E. Jarvis, Sacramento banker and former member-of the state board of education and board of control, as a member of the reclamation board.

Need a. roadster? See the bargains under "Autos for Sale." HI 111 ICELAND I The joilouiiia letter from Mr. and finding priceless relics, wagon wakes si story no less mar tling than Lhe oMtinie dime novel. This was not 'rhe first exploit of Captain Davis, ia known front Nome to ilazatlan for liis strange quirk for upturning odJilits of Keture anrl history. It was Davis who discovered the herd of 85 sea elephants lupe which amazing creature scientists swore were extinut like the fabled dodo." Ee located and established as a monument the only giant Arizona cactus in California, a 60-foot -plivt whose arras, like friendly semaphores, pointed the way for early ies'ert explorers and was mentioned hy them in their chronicles.

tM OLD ROAD. TRACED. He traced the old Bulterworth stage road from Yurna to "Warner's ranch in San Diego back country that devil's own highway with one spear of grass tO'every blistering mile. The address of Captain Davis, when he's at home, is Mullet island the.Safoii a parachute's leap below sea level and only a post hole abovs the bad place durin? summer. It was- there he imported Florida mullets in hope that in the salubrious water.s ol wax.

uimii grow to, box-ear lenfth, each fish Dig enousn to leruuae a u-aui field. However, It turned out" that the native carp grew just three inches -longer, swallowed the imported UNITED PRESS i. LEASED WrBE TO TRIBUNE 1 GLENDALE, July A fllscharged houseboy was being sought here today in connection with the poisoning of three persons, including Leroy --Armstrong retired financier, who is in his home here in a serious condition. The poisoning, which occurred 'July 20, was revealed today when a chemist's report on the contents of a can of coffee was turned over to, police disclosing that aisenic had been put into the drink. other victims, Armstrong's-Wife ahd a nurse, Mrs.

M. ootf. werejeported to Save recovered from the effects of the, arsenic. J. J.

Fitzgerald, father of Mrs. Armstrong, started the police in-tiuiry "fallowing the sudden illness of the three members of the Arm-strolig household and the coffee Was turned over to a chemist. A who was reeencly-rtlseharged, -is being sought for "questioning. U. S.

Journalists Arrive in Oslo By BJORN Sy Hidio to The Oakland TRIBUNE and.tlia Chioago Daily News. 4 July 'SO. After a trip to kha North Cape, the party of American journalists now on tour in Norway, arrived in Oslo Friday night and were received by the king' prior to the start of the- week-end program for their entertainment. Interest in the visit ot the new s-paperftien. is intense all over the Enthusiastic greetings on all fides hav6 emphasized Norway's rradltional friendship for the United States.

The Aftenpost pinted a special edition, partly in English, contain ing long article of welcome writr ten by Premier Lykke'. lOpyriglrlv 1937i th Chicago Daily Svn POISING I TIHHf i to 20 Concessions 20 All you have to do is to get just, one friend who ia not now a subscriber to The Oakland TRIBUNE to sign he order blank below. You collect no money Pay no mone y. Tickets are good for boys and girls under 16 years. of age, any day during the 1927 season.

(i Send in the, order at once, and as so on as Wis verified, the tickets are yours. ton is self-explanatory Stockton, July 28, 1927. OAKLAND TRIBUNE, Calif. y- SIRS: Iii receipt of your lo.tlW of July 20, and also the check of fifty-fit dollars ($55.00) benefit of Ralph'. Ro is.

We thank jou tei'y kindly and must ay tto appreciate it tcry 'much. We foci as tiiomili ve mailc a very wise investment in taking out this policy wit!) the OAKLAND (TRIBUNE, as well as the Continental Lite Insurance Co. Wo (lou think we eoulil ever dispense with (he OAKLAND TRIB-I'-NK. as it is one of the best pallets on the Truly yours, MK. AND RALPH REYIS, 131 Jj (south California Street, Stockton, Calif.

Continental SJ5UO Policyholder No. U9418. cluims lias been paid by the Continental Life Insurance Co. to Oakland TRIBUTE readers since this liberal insurance protection feature was first offered TRIBUNE to the public two years ago. 1 USE THIS tORDER fJLANI" I Want to Spend a Big 1 need.

SUBSCRIPTION CtilT.uc Pg Route OAKLAND TRIBUTE: I bave not been a subscriber town's OAKLAND TRIBUNE foHhe p30 days, but herewith subscribe and agree to take the paper lor a period of three months from this thereafter, until otherwise ordered by me. I will pav your collector the regular w4 of S.jc month. (This price includes the big Sunday TRIBUNE without etra charge.) Name of. City. Hatg, 192 "Mail Subscriptions, Transienti ami Roomers I'ayubl'i 'ihtdvnncv Day at Neptune Beach.

ORDER I. state Route. QrtklanD Russian Student On Tohr of orld By JOHN By Radio to The OaMnntt TRIBUNE and the Chicago Daily News, PARIS', July 30. Nineteen-year-old Alexander Kazarinov sailed for the United States today on the Albert Ballin as winner ot a prize glvejj the Society ot Friends of Aviation and Chemical iJefense of Russia, which tsEcna ins around the world, i The youth, a student in the Leningrad Polytechnic nt'hool, worked In a match factory, studying inventions in his spare time. "I want to see the Chicago stock yards, the Ford plant at Detroit, the bureau ot standards' at Washington, the Metropolitan museum at New York and the harvesting plants in the northwest," he said.

Kazarinov got his American visa only af ter considerable difficulty. (Co'pyrigiif. 1937, the Chicago Daily, Newt.) Need a. roadster? See' th bargains under "Autos for Pliotie' Phone. District.

NAME 5T11EET ADDRESS Order taken hyi Address If TKIBUNE Carrier,.

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