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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 8

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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H6M STAR, HO IfCHUrlOH HUM Wmir 8r, Atixlllnry, Wwkm, Mllrirod Ntwi of tht CHURCHES BAPTOf CHURCH A. A. Whltl-iw, M. ThrtiKh, Worship with ineddttK" by UM pn Mor, 0:40 BniHfftt Training Union. 3, T.

Howrtftn, Evening with liy (inxlor, Monday -I Siihlxjnmw Jnhi'ir (i. 7 in, M'-n'K i imcl Kl'di Fry nt 7:30 Ifnur Worship fur the fumily PftttT CHRISTIAN CHURCH North West Avc. B. Wmt P. Minister Burrl.iy We hnv for nil Oliver Artiuru 10:50 Morning Worship, munifirt Srrnion.

The frllinir liy i-hdlr. StirUI hour. Kiippcr, nnrt 1 son for Youth lowihlp. Y'uith choir rchfnrsn). 7 Kvcnlnis Wnriihfp, Oimtnur Ion nnd Sitrmnn.

Tho upeciul rnnii will bn hy thf. 1 combined ymith nn odult fholrn. Thursday Choir rcht-nrsnl. Thfs Church Page Is Published Weekly With the Hope that More People Will Go to Church. ARKANSAS HOPB GOSPEL TAiERNACCB North Mi In Street 0.

M. Montiemtry, 9:45 Sunday School Ouy R. Supt. 10 Radio Bible Clasn. Brondcast over KXAR, O.

snmory. teacher. Morning Worship II a.m. Sermon by the pmtor. Junior nnd Senior Christ Ambassador Services 8:11 p.

m. Miss Jo rcita President. 7:30 Evangelistic Service, inon by pastor. Tuesday 7:15 Christian Service Brigade, Hunter Burwlek, leader. Thursday 7:30

Mid-week worship. July 18, W2 HOP! STAR, Mdfl, ARKANSAS LOVRtlNKSSl rutRod mountftins hnve taken on ntldec! beauty as they look Up from dtpths of Ptrlwpn it duo to their nearer lass austere Thty been wftened nnd humanind. We view them with less of fear. The high, mojeitic too much for ut of the everyday, But when- in tram- Ittrrrting tf (to they claim our appreciation. vS i It with your Idenli and mine your strength, courage, patience, ''Bin with your church.

They ore so faithfully reflected in the wordi we speak In of our aw brwtftt within tlw convnoti Mhwthip, are "meek, the humble, tho merciful, the pure in Whtn them on our level. TVm florioua ever to bo reflected fryn tht lower of tho Umily noithbarhood. There our friends see us as They appreciate the graces and good values of nobility of soul. Alt the of our spirits must be translated nnd reflected back, ns it were, from the Jowly wattrt at. tht foot of tht mountain peaks.

You nnd 1 are known by the reflections Tht waters do not quench our ideals. They beautify tho highest und best in us. Whit art your reflections like? The Church IiiYou, church Mgukrly. man Jirfltttnet of CHURCH. fait a Churchmanl "irr.w;s:?.

jr Sponsored By Local Business Firms Who Believe We Should Attend Religious Services Regularly. Hope Basket Co. Saenger Riolto Theatres William M. Duckett Handle Co. CiHiens Rational Bonk W.

Shonhouie Sons, Inc. The Greening Insurance Agency ond Realty Co. Young Chevrolet Co. 01.1 Normon Moore J. C.

Penney Co. Gunrer Lumber Co. Owen's Depr. Stores "We Clothe the Family for Lett" Groydon Anthony Co The First Notional Bonk Crescent Drug Store E. J.

Whitman Distributor Gulf Refining Co. J. C. Atchley Co. Hope Manufacturing Co.

i Noon Service i CATHOLIC Third Walker 8tl. Pathtr A. 0. Ouftltavy, 7lh Sondny nftor Ppntacost 10.30 a.m. Holy Sacrifice of the! followed by Benediction of the Mont Hlpftned Saernrtirnt.

DOROTHY DIX Calendar GARRETT MEMORIAL North Ferguson Strett Elbert O'Steen, Pastor "Rock of Ages Broadcast" from church auditorium 9 to 9:30. Sunday School 10 a.m. Grady Halrston, Stipt. 11 Morning Worship 7 p.m. H.

T. S. Classes for all 7:30 Kvenlng Message. Message by Pastor. Monday 2 p.m.

Sr. Auxiliary meeting at the church. Mrs. Ted Purtle, President. Wednesday 7 p.m.

Teacher's meeting in charge of A. C. Klrby. 7:30 Prayrr meeting conducted C. C.

Booth. Thursday 7:30 Jr. Auxiliary meeting, Miss Vorla Allen, President. We welcome you to worship with us. CHURCH OF CHRIST Walnut Street A.

T. Oliver, Minister 9:45 Bible Study 10:37 Preaching 11:30 Communion 0:30 p.m. Young Peoples Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. Evening worship.

Tuesday 2 Ladies Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 Bible Study A welcome awaits you ot nil services. ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL The Rev. Charles Chambers Priest -In -Charge a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN East Second Street Rev. L. T. Lawrence, Pastor Sunday 10 Sunday School. James H.

Miller, Supt. Bible Class will meet In the Parish House at 9:30 for coffee and doughnuts. Teacher of lesson which will besin at 10 o'clock will be Ury McKenzie. 10:55 Morning Worship, Sermon: "Come what may then, Post Indiscretions I' Dear Miss nix: Many years ago 1 had a love affair that ended ke whon Iho nnnlhor POSt fOF What It IS tt de when the man married another girl. I went through a very difficult time emotionally.

However, I threw myself into my work and carried on normal social life. In time, I found that life was still and I overcame my original bitterness and resentment. After a few years I married a fine man whom I loved dearly. W1HI lervor mai ma Before our marriage 1 told him woman should approach the of my relationship with the other rail with absolutely no secre man. I I never had! While ones pas is so remote to me.

It never an open book! The theory hlsrnlnd Evef nn 1 were ma now and -then will make some theories instead of emotions. remark about it, perhaps compar 1--- ut Wilt WHO HUB inij himself unfavorably with the through such an experience i her man He is keeping the thing enrry more conviction than ad alive in his mind. I have brought, from me. it out in the open trying to explain Just how I fee). I'm not of a "roving nature." Covers Two Problems Janet's letter, in fact, offers HJVIIIK uuiuru.

utions to two problems. Shei All I want is to be a good wife that one can recover ql and mother. I've done nothing adequately form what is consi" since our marriage to make him distrust me; I never shall yet he has these times when he seems to have no faith in me. What con I I am confident" Solo by Homer Jones Lord, Be Merciful." p.m. P.

Y. F. Supper will he served. There will be a film "The Difference." 7:30 Evening Worship. Special Montreal Service with talks by Mrs.

John B. Lowe, Mrs. J. W. Branch, Mrs.

Jim McKenzie and Mrs. James H. Miller. Monday 7:30 Deacons will meet. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH West 2nd at Pine V.

D. Keeley, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Churrh School John L. Wilson will teach the Century Bible Class. a.m.

Morning Worship. 5:30 p.m. Senior MYF" p.m. Intermediate MYF. 7:30 p.m.' Kvening worship with sermon "The Reward of a Christian" by Minister.

Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Regular weekly adult choir practice. PRESCOTT NEWS Sunday, 1 July 20 There will be i. Young Peoples service at the Church of Nazarene Sunday at p.m. The Pioneer meeting of the Presbyterian Church will bo held Sunday afternoon ut 4:30 p.m.

The Youth Fellowship of the First Methodist Church will be held Sunday at 0:30 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. N. K.

Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gordon are sponsors. The Young People of the Church of Christ will meet Sunday at The Baptist Training Union or the First Baptist Church will be held Sunday at 6:30 p.m. The Christian Endeavor meeting of the First Christian Church will meet Sunday at 0:45 p.m.

Woman's Federation Meets The Woman's Federation of the First Presbyterian Church met on Monday afternoon at the Church "for the monthly business meeting and Bible study with twelve members present. Mrs. Tom Bemis presided and opened the meeting with a prayer poem. After the business period Mrs. Charles Dews presented the study on "John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist Church." Mrs.

Dews discussed the lite of John Wesley and the early beginning of the Methodist Church. The hymn "A charge to Keep I Have" was sung and Mrs. closed the meeting with prayer. Leo Cox Davis Class at Gist Home The monthly social meeting ot Uie Leo Cox Davis Sunday School Class of the First Methodist church was held Monday evening ut the home uf Mrs. J.

W. Clist with Mrs. C. A. Wynik and Mrs.

George Teat assisting hostesses. A delicious picnic supper was enjoyed by the twenty members present. The invocation was given, by Mrs. E. E.

Shell. The business meeting was conducted by' Mrs. J. A. Cote, vice president.

Mrs. John Eagle voiced the clos ing prayer. Mrs. Charlie Harrell of Hope and Mrs. D.

B. Russell of Dallas were the Monday guests uf relatives. W. S. Woosley was a Monday business visitor in Hope.

Mr. and Mrs. linan Gee have returned fruai Monroe. I.a., where they we it the guests uf Mr aud Mrs. H.

L. Chaddick. Lou Thomas has returned frwm Houston. Texas where she atleuded the Pi Beta ttanfti convention at ifae Shamrock trojn the University i daughter, Debbie have returned to their home in Bartlesville, Okla. after a visit with Dr.

and Mrs. A. W. Hudson and 5 Miss Kloise Mr. and Mrs.

Brozie Haynie left Monday for Ft. Smith where they will mnke their home. W. A. Newth of Popular Bluff, who is the guest of daugh ter, Mrs.

B. C. Stivers, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powell in Hope.

Mrs. H. D. Bullock has returned from Gallatin, Tenn. where she was the guest of relatives.

Mrs. E. M. Frisby and Mr. Elmer Frisby, who have been the house guests of Mrs.

Mettle Robinson and Mrs. Jim Woods, have returned to their home in McAllen Texas. Road Contracts to Be Let 25th LITTLE ROCK Contracts on 19 highway construction projects will be let July 25. the Arkansas Highway Commission has announced. The commission asked bids on two more projects yesterday.

The new jobs are: Pope County 0.564 miles of crushed stone base course, one reinforced concrete slab span bridge on the relocation of Arkansas Tech road in 7. Faulkner County 4.987 miles crushed stone base course, double bituminous surface treatment on Junction Highway U4-NorUi road. Highway 36. past am i dead" sure he loves me; Friday, July 18 THe Sweet Home Demonstration Club will have a plate supper riday night. July 18, at 8 o'clock this Sweet Home Church, 5 Allen East ot Blevins on Highway County candidates will speak, he public is invited.

seems impelled to hurt himse and me with my past. Answer: Whenever I firm conviction that a wife withhold Information on a love affair, I am besieged mall from indignant assert, with fervor that a ma tween them each one's past! fine, if people were mad words of a wife who has 1 ed at the time as mortal break. She also bears w.itnes the fact that a husband, ueing pletely human, will not 'forgive forget a confessed indiscretion! the part of his wife. At the time, Janet admitted transgression, she was really intent oh salving her own col encc and prostrating her pastL before the masculine superiority her husband-to-be than in honest for honesty's sake. If fiance had been a perfect man of compassion, and understanding, matter would have the But where in humanity does find such a combination in a hi band? Occasionally, perhaps very, very seldom.

These naggl reminders will come up, recrjf nations will be made, suspicf will creep in. Nothing can sf the onslaught. Once a wife pi herself on the defensive by ing a past sin, she is open to 1 consequences. Her married life be as exemplary as aa angef but she cannot pi Of rour.sp, if the ah scandal that v.everyc knew, it must be a eios door should cover such a Janet's. One can continue to protest dying fidelity to the doubting hi band, and pray for a return his faith to achieve a baj change in his nature is possit in no other way.

Dear Miss Dbc: My problem ml not seem serious, but it is -drivij me to distraction. Two weeks nl we bought a TV set, and then my husband refuses tod) out- to the movies or anywht. else. We used to go out ot leal one night a week, but not ai more. Wednesday night he jfa me some money and Xold me go to the movies with some -gl friends.

Will our life be like tr, from now on? G.R.I Answer: Your husbands a victil of an epidemic that has sweeping the country for the la. three or four years. Practica every new owner oi a TV set acj the same way. As a matter of I'm surprised that you haven been bitten by the same As the novelty of the new to. wears off, your husband will al sume at least some of his formd social habits, but I cannot gua antee that he'll ever be as willinl to go out as he was before en tertuinment walked into his housJ Released by The Bell Syndicate Inc.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE Up to $4,800 annual salary and Inl centive commission to man, ao 28, to 45, for special sales work 1 Hope as our Estate Control Pla Specialist. Seven-weeks training it home office at Hartford, Conn, with salary and expenses paid part of training program must be a resident of Hope, mif Imum of 2 years, rate scere on our aptitude tests, and give eyl dence of success In former occupa Won. College degree preferred State qualifications and telephon number in first letter to: CAMPBELL 4 VINEYARD, AETNA LIFE'INSURANCE co. Wallace FOR GOVERNOR Qualified by HONESTY MATURITY iXPI Hope Division of Practical The Hope Division of Practical Nurses met at the home of Mrs. Eldridge Cassidy with eleven members present.

The president gave a talk on the progress and how we should improve our organization. Mrs. Oliva Wells gave a report on the State BIGGER AND BETTER MOVIES FOR HOPE SAENGER Without a Doubt The Funniest Picture Francis Has Made! HOLT llarring DONALD O'CONNOR LORI NELSON ALICE KELLEY A UNIVEISM.INTEItUTlONAl PICTVII Color Cartoon News Color Short RIALTO A Grand First Run Musical You Will Thoroughly Enjoy! TECHNICOLOR ft MITZIGAYNOR-DENNIS DAY-Dale Robertson PLUS COLOR CARTOON LEWIS-McLARTY For a breeze-cool Wear a fresh Life Bra every day SOCIETY Pnont 7-8431 Between A. M. 4 M.

Convention which was held in Little Hock May 6-7-8, the theme of which was "Progress Through Education." Those having parts on the program were Mrs. Jones, "Imagination and Rules," Garvett. "Giving a Miss Hartsficld, "Seeing the Real Patient," Mrs. Parduc, "Imagination," Mrs. Lase- ten, "The New Patient," Mrs.

Pool, "The Patients Friends," Mrs. Wells, "Visitors and Rules." Following the program tnc hostess served refreshments. World War II Victory Medal. He entered the Army in March 1M4 and is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

A. U. Yates of Hope. Coming and Going Little Miss Irene Purtell of Lake Charles, is visiting her fathei Hubert Purtell of Hope. Chapter AE of PEO Meets with Mrs.

O'Neal Chapter AE of PKO had a called business meeting Thursday niglu at the home of Mrs. E. P. O'Neal South Hervey. Mrs.

Franklin Horton, president, opened the meeting and presided over the business session. Mrs. Kenneth Powell gave the devotion- 1. Refreshments were served by he hostess to fourteen members jresent. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Williams of ran's New Continued from Page trs arc idle, the huge Abadan re finery has closed and the government is hard put to find funds to pay government employes and meet even day-to-day expenses. A London dispatch said Dritish sources hopeful that a compromise could be worked out with Qavam where efforts to reach a sittlenunt with Mossadegh had foiled.

ccptions. Thus, the unit i-ffect successive Democratic conventions Since he part of the coming convention's regulations. It has been the consistent practice at past Democratic conventions to reo, 're state deleRntion to be bound by the unit rule when that state's Democratic convention Instructed Its delcRates to vote unit. Rule May Continued From PaBc One of Kansas City, casts his vote nmosu: various contenders for McGraneryls Praised for Probe of Oil WASHtNOTON (UP) Son Thomas C. Hennlngs, praised Attorney General Jnmcs Me nil of Us convention voles.

loss of the preference of minor- whether U.S. cartel controls the world oil market. The Missouri Democrat who has from the rule arc (m waging running fight with hxivptco uom nil. i t. for nn liuinlrv Blvthuvillu will arrivi- today forl tlu ivnioi-ralic nomination.

visit with Mrs. Willinms' sister Mrs. Franklin Morton, and family. Horton ts, Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. Franklin iiiul family and their Kiios and Mrs. W. M. Williams of Bly- thoville, will leave Saturday for Paris, Texas, for a visit with relatives.

In hot, sticky weather there's nothing like a fresh Life Bra every to keep you cool and protect your daintiness. So you'll want plenty of extras to tide you Ufa Bras are "Triple Fitted" to you, for a -lovelier bustline with greater comfort and freedom. They're proportioned to (1) your bust stee, (2) your cup size, (3) your wide, medium or narrow. Won't shrink, won't lose their shape, no matter how often you suds them. So thrifty, top.

Come get your extra life Bras for extra summer daintiness today I Life Bra shoprnt In Nylon, $2-50 In Cotton $2.00 Others from $145 Mrs. Dill Thompson, College Notes Branch Admitted: Smmet. Josephine Admitted: Mst. John Webb Pi'CS- Miss Jessie Anne Burke of Hope among the thirty-five students Southern State College who are candidates for graduation in the August 30 commencement pro gram, Dean E. E.

Graham announced this week. She will receive a degree of bachelor of science in Personal Mention Sergeant First Class James Yates, whose wife, Syblc, lives Route 1, Hope, will participate i the one-week exercise "Operatic) Signpost" July 19 through Yatcs, a gun commander in Ba tery of the 510st Anti-Aircraf Artillery Gun Battalion, has wo the American Campaign Meda Asiatie Pacific Campaign Meda Good Conduct Medal, and th STARTS Four Star Program NO. 1 FEATURE Hospital Notes Arkadelphia. Discharged: Mrs. the Missouri delegation is lalkini: (if adoptlnK the unit mile.

Gciv. KiM'resl i'rohiihly will Smith lias said be invoked. it lUil M. I'endernnst, who Inherited the powerful Knnsns City Democratir organization from his uncle. "Huss Tom" IVndernast.

served notice yesterday lie will fiKlil any such move. It Smith has his way. Gnvin niteht uimt to cast Truman's convention vote for one candidate-, but be obligated to vote for somebody else fuvored by a majority of the Missouri delegation. Of course, Gavin Truman himsrlf---eould reveal the Truman down stales and the District of Columbia, which choose their tlunar Convention detonates In primary elections. The dozen states are California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey.

Ohio, OrcRon, I'enn- s.vlvania, Sortth Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Delegates from these states arc expected to vote the choices Indicated in their primaries. One other exception Is provided. The National Convention, by a two-thirds vote, may lei a state dispense with the unit rule. Michigan's 40-vote, delegation next week's convention decided Tuesday against being bound by the unit rule, even though instructed by the state Democratic con- the administration for on inquiry into the alleged cartel, told a reporter the Justice Department's action was "a constructive step toward solution of a problem which has been all too long overlooked and neglected In this country." McGrnnory announced last night that ho had ordered Justice Department ftnwyiera to seek both criminal and civil action attains! of the world's largest oil companies accused of splitting up world markets and fixing prices under a cartel nut-cement, Mc.Grancry's action followed closely charges ycslur- investigation would whether thcte- hrfve attaints ot trade flttd practices'Us lefits by the seven ilt The Justice, Dejp was the nard Unimergllck, an slon lawyer suoty ccutcd monppply the Aluminum Corp.

the ID.WS. McGranery to present firms Jj soon us Pnrt of the eyldftftcaitft be milled grand JttM; wl a federal trnds commission on the alleged International monopoly, HpnrUCW governmont. ol, "a rcfu'8ea tho ground it would impair naj' tlonal security. fr It has been nsscrtcd that sormV groups of people depend mWCh on to supplement spoecJl that they cannot carry on vorsntlon In tho dark, but the OS 1 fovtlon has been widely disputed. Tho first klndorgnrtcn was set.

up in 11137. choici the simple device of Bessie Edards, Hope, Mrs. O. McQueen, ope. Julia Chester Admitted: Mrs.

Al Morsani of 'layton, Okla. Jimmy Lynn Burns 3 almos, H. E. McKinncy, Sava- oga. Discharged: Mrs.

Bill Stroopc issuinK slatement. Kvery Dcniocratlc convention rclnpts its own rules, but past rules hre usually accepted with few ex- and son, Hoyce Donald, Hope, Mrs. Claudia Kitchens, Hope, Clyde Coffee, Hope. veiUion to vole as a unit. Parly officials officials said probably will Michigan have to carry its plea to be exempted to the convention ftyor.

Nose Bait Sea lions gulls by poking their noses above the water am wriggling them. When a gull at day thnt tho seven companies op unite as an "Independent world government" controlling, tho oil ndiistry outside the United Stales uiri "dominating" tho oil industry vlthln this country. The seven firms listed in the mil-trust action by McGrannry v.cre the same us cited by Henr.iiiHs: Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, Standard Oil Co. of California, Texas Socoy-Vucuum Cg, Mr.

and Mrs. Al Morsani, Clay'- tei ton, Oklahoma, announce the arrl- To val ot a daughter, Rita Marie. I mpls 16 procure what It believe be food, the sea lion spring up and seizes it. Gulf. Oil Co.

nil U.S. firms and Royal Dutch Shell and AngUv Iranian Oil Co. British-controlled firms, McGrnnery sold tho grand jury HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 8. Main A Country Club r(f. LAST MAGIC MUSICAL WITH THE SCREEN'S BIG LAUGH TEAM! Abbott and Costello 0ne Night In the Tropics" NO.

2 WESTERN NO. 3 SERIAL CHAPTER ONE OF THE EXCITING NEW SERIAL "Radar Men From the Moon" NO. 4 CARTOON "Morh And The Flame" HOLT ATTHf COLISEUM FAIR PARK HOPE 7:30 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 22nd JACK HOLT SPEAKS AT 8 CLOCK HE WILL TELL YOU: STARTS TODAY 2 Big Hits 2 LORETTA YOUNG ROBERT PRESTON EDWARD ARNOLD in "Lady From Cheyenne" (1) Of his qualifications for Governor. (2) The Problems that confront the State of Arkansas, (3) How these problems should be handled a (4) What the Highway Audit Commissjorffr vealed and What has not been done, aboul it PLUS Western Adventure! CHARLES STARRITT SMILEY BURNETT in "Bonanza Town" FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE THERE HAS BEEN PROVIDED MUSIC YOU WILL ENJOY.

Stan of the GrfM JIMMIE DAVIS Ex-Governor of Louisiana, playing and singing his own Are My Sunshine, and other heart songs you like to hear. CHARLEY STEWART "The Arkansas Traveler' AL DEXTER Nationally Famous Personality OTHER CANDIDATES WIU IE GIVIN THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS REMEMBER JUt.

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