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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 5

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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r- t- ft WSSta fi plititfd to ot ttrtmwfl hrbrld, to liMri to live eld than to wHhitumJ At blight And TW itfart impwHWrt tart ot 8 ftttt Owl iroeiDM Tine Aad Wort Riceloid Rice II qulok and tho farootw RICELAND RICE ond A few nothing oxtra for low than two Cook look I ful Truman in Hospital With Virus for thrirty main dlflhcs, ioups, BftludB ond fill bo mailed you Jvuit write Orowcra Stuttgart, i for Jroo cook bUlt. I's flit Qukk And Emy To Cook land Rkt Put i cup RICELAND MOB, 8 water and 1 touppon mlt it a 2-quart iftuoepan. Bring to a vigorous boll. Turn down boat an low OB posilblo. Cover pun with a lid and leave over lew heat for 14 ntlnutei, Serve.

You'll have 3 heapin of WAflHWOTCW (UP) dent Truman admitted to Wr flood Army hosiiital today for checkup following a four-day bdttt with what the White Hoime as "mild virus Secretary Joseph Short snid the chief executive might be In the hospital for "two or three "But It won't for very long," Short said. Mr, Truman entered the hospital on the recommendation ot White House physician, MnJ, den, Wallace H. Graham. Short said the Prtmldenl entered the modern Army medical center because Orahnm "wanted to do some chocking out there where they have equipment," Short said Mr. Truman had no temperature this morning for the first time In several days, Clrnhnrn snld, however, thcro was pomU blilty that some "Blight" fever might develop during the day.

Tliu President has boon confined pemonal quarter on the second floor of the White House since Monday. Me all miufiftc- ments and spent most of his tlrnc In bed. Whllo cohfinod, however, ho has been obto to work on the hundreds of bills loft for hid Higna- turo by Congress. White House staff members mild it now is duito doubtful that Mr. will nblo to soo Thorn- its J.

Onvln of Kansas City, his olturnnto on the Missouri delegation to tho -Democratic national convention, Gavin arrived horo yesterday and- planned to fly buck to Missouri Into today. Ho did not sec the President yesterday, Short told reporters the- President got up uitrly this mnrnlng, nhnvod and dreumn! hlmitclf anil rude to the hospltail with Graham. Ho left tho White tluuKc tit 7:40 n. m. Huso Conway the President's per sonal Hi-crutiiry, wont to tlut hos- pltat (lufing the inornlnK to Mr.

Truman with paper work. A number of bllln for Mr, Tnmmn's nljiiitttiirt! woro to bo nutil to thu hustplttU during tho dny, Whllo In the Army hospital, Mr. Truman will live In tho timull, but relatively luxurious proslrtuntlul Htiltp, This IH tho first time cliict oxiiotittvo IHIN occupied this Hpoclut ttulto with grecn-Untod walls Soy 2,000 Killtd I rt Raid Communists' tonight siid 2,000 people were killed and 4,170 Injured In the Allies big rsid on the North Korean capital, Aridity. U. S.

Radio Voice to Be Stepped Up By EDWARD E. BOMAR WAUIirNOTON The State Department unld today the Voice of America will be made a tot louder now thnt Russians may no longer lenrn nbout life In the USA from the magazine Amorlka, which has been suspended. The department said Its radio beamed behind tho Iron Curtain will be Intensified by use of new transmitters and the addition uf new languages and new features. It believes this will offset tho loss of the 7-yonr-old Amerika, the lavishly printed magazine which told Russians in their own language about tho U. S.

was Bus- ponded by the State Department yoslerday after years of squabbling with Moscow over its distribution. At the mime time, the department ordered Russia to cease publishing Immediately Its information bulletin In the United States. Dr. Wilson Compton, head of the "campaign of truth" wold today these steps are being taken to build up the Voice of America: The Vagabond, former Coast Guard vosmsl which hus been converted Into a powerful floating radio transmitter station, is due to sail from New York today for the Mediterranean, from an undisclosed point, It will relay the voice signal behind the Iron Curtain with new At Munich, regional nnd small sitting room. Tho suite hus been occupied by a number of prominent puoplu Including former Secretary of State George C.

Marshall, the Into Gc-n- urnl of the Ann John J. Persh- InK nnd Pivmlcr Mohammed Mos- MKli'Kh of Iron. Thu sultci includes two bedrooms, kitchen, sunroom nnd a living loom. Secret service agents, ns well no military police, sot up immediate noctirlty stations'at entrances to tho President's quarters. I JOHN P.

(OX DRUG (0. 7-4616 or 7-4617 WE GIVE EAGLE STAMPS ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY ET COMBS (Umitl) Sport. QOi yO Tooth Paste AQr SACCHARIN VMr i MiiSf, IN, tOTTLt 1000 (Umiti) SHAVING CREAM 2169' Pwfc BTO i dO SPORTS SPECIALS! 59- Fro With Ar4t Blue Grow COLOGNE KH.4 ovet ONI THIRD relay station. Hew languages and programs will soon be added, they will supplement the principal broadcasts originating in New York. Additional facllltfet and electronic devices are to be put Into use shortly to help overcome Russia's continuing effort to Jam the voice.

Dr. Compton said about 1.000 or more Russian jamming stations are trying to drown out the Voice. He sold the State Department, figured its "range of penetration" nl between 20 and 70 per cent. Around Moscow arid Leningrad interference is worst. Dr.

Compton told a reporter the United States is ready to call off Hit suspension of Amcrtka and its order concerning Russia's Information bulletin if Moscow will live up to a 1944 circulation agreement. Quebec supplies two thirds of the wuild's asbestos. PMA Advances Election Date in County The annual PMA county and community committee elections will be held in the near future according to Earl Martlndale, chairman of the Hempstcad county PMA Committee. Community and county committee elections are being held earlier this year than formerly In view of the contemplated new approach to the 1953 agricultural conservation program, Mr. Martlndale said.

A scries of community nominating meetings will be held prior to these elections at which candidates for community committeemen, delegates to the county con ventlon, and their alternates will be nominated, the chairman point- ed out. These nominees will be selected by their neighbors at each of the twelve community meetings in Hempgtead county and the prcs ent county committee urges all farmers to attend the meeting in their respective communities and have a voice in selecting the sons that they desire to represent them on their farm programs in 1953. Listed below are the meeting places and dates scheduled for each community in the county. Is hoped that farmers will consider these meetings with rsepect to their importance in properly administering their farm programs and arrange to attend the meeting In their community. DeAnn-Bairds Chapel, 0 a.m., Tuesday, July 15, DeAnn.

Blevins-Sweet Home, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 15, Sweet Home. Spring Hill-Stephens, 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 18, Spring Hill. Patmos-Ratliff Store, 2:30 p.

m. July if, Patmos. Shover-Sps-Rocky Mound, 0 ft. m. Thursday, July 17, Sbover Sps.

Fulton-Guernsey, 2:30 p.m. Thuf July 17, Fulton. McCasklll-Belton, a.m; July 18, McCasklll. Blngen, p.m. Friday, July 18, Blnjjcn.

Ozan-Sardls, 3:30 p.m. Friday, July 18. St. Paul Church. McNab-Cross Roads, 8 p.m., Monday, July 21, Liberty Church.

Hope, 9 a.m. Tuesday, July 22, Court Room. Washington-Columbus, 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, July 22, Washington.

Ground Dweller The mammoth did not get its name because of its enormous slzf Siberian peasants called the animal a "mamantu," or ground- dweller, because they had never seen any such creature on earth and supposd it to be a burrowing animal, since Us bones were found in the ground. HARRISON COTTE( EVtMlNGiHADE. CALICO ROCK MTN.V1EW. -WSHP CITY OZARK I IEEN- IWAIMON. WffiF TUCKEWAAM I NEWPORT OSCEOLA RUSSELLVIUE cgrgM 'ATKINS 'DANVILLE.

PERRY- WRESTtR. VILIE 'CONWAY -CABOT LITTLE 0 -A cnrKto CARLISLE SPRMGS LONOKE -CLARENDON CITY 'GLENWOOD MALVERN. A STUTT6ART A 'AMITY BLUFF COVE MURFftEESBORO 5PARKMAM ft MrMn POINT ulklc 0 FOROYCE pRE5COTT CAMDEM PE BANKS STAR CITY NWRG MOHTICELLO STEPHENS STOVER ONOf RUNIO See you Helicopter! EUDORAJ YOU, THE PEOPLE, ARE THE GOVERNOR-MAKERS Tackett Is Going To The People The People Are Going To Tackett! More than 200,000 people have heard Boyd Tackett speak in this campaign. He will speak to thousands more before election day. Boyd believes in the people and the people believe in him.

Such a partnership can only mean a new era of good government and greater prosperity for Arkansas. Mose Hum 12,000 people heard Bo Tackett at the MacArtfeu landflieU In little Bock, Tuesday, July fill. KNOW BOYD'S PUBLIC RECORD: Boyd Tackett has served 4 years as a Prosecuting Attorney 4 years as a member of the State Legislature and is now completing 4 years as a member of the United Congress! He has successfully engaged in the private practice of law for 12 years. Boyd Tackett is capable and enced AND HAS PRQVfN HIMSELF SO. His record shows deep ind active interest in the welfare of all the His Congressional voting record is evidence of a great confidence in labor! His zeal for honesty in government ha.s brought praise from all! And, Boyd Tackett's adherence the principles of sound economy have served to build the confidence of the business interests pf Arkansas.

As Governor, he will attract new industries and people to this "Und of Opportunity." IOYD TACKETT IS GOING TO DO A JOI FOR THE PEOPLE OR ARKANSAS Congressman 'M Our Doily Bread TMn by Alex. H. Washbu tenton's Water Prefect Is Lesson for Arkansas Cities Hope Star COMIOMi 53D YEAR: VOL. 53 NO. 236 ContolMattJ JM.

mr 11. HOPE, AUKAWIAS, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952 Arkansas todny, MflHWlfta Scattered, mostly era. thundorshowors. No 1 temperature changes. Thursday's high 00; fotlJU'flf, precipitation .06.

if i. Quotation. 1'Ye can call it influenza if ye said Mrs. Machin. "There RS no influenza in my young kys.

We called a cold a cold." Bennett County to Ask for Drouth Disaster Aid A drouth committee from the county agricultural planning committee with Melson Frazier of Washington, chairman, met in the Extension Service office yestcr- day to plan local emergency ac- ome Finance agency, plus tion and to adopt rccom menda- City of Benton is going to Juild a small dam across the creek Ihich furnishes it with water, and nstruct a 30-inch pipeline into kwn all because of a growing Jiortage of water. (Benton's modest project Is be- financed with a $24,945 grant the federal Housing and 8-yeor-OM Girl Is Killed as Chum Demonstrates Golf GLEN COVE, N. Y. Coble, 8, died of head injuries yesterday after being hit accidcntly by a golf club swung by a playmate who was teaching her the Farm Price Support Bill Becomes Law in local funds. The dam, on iushy creek, a tributary Saline fiver, will be 78 feet high and feet long and will not onlyi care of Benton proper but ill also serve the Aluminum Ore Iftmpany's new plant near Bauxite.

tions to fit local conditions. Four- teen'leaders with Extension Service agents took part in the activity The committee stated that extensive damage had been done to all crops by the continued drouth game. Barbara and Robert Haggerty, also 8, were playing in a sand trap at the Nassau Country Club. Their mothers, Mrs. Gene W.

Goble of Garden City and Mrs. John F. Haggerty of Manhasset were in tho clubhouse. WASHINGTON President Truman signed into law today a bill continuing government support ot prices for cotton, wheat, corn, rice, tobacco and peanuts at OC per cent of parity through 1054. The President snid In statement the new law "is a valuable Av.

Paid Clrcl 3 SI PRICE 5e Police said Barbara was struck! adclition tn tl)c agricultural legls- by Robert's backswing as he at tempted to hit the ball. Benton's action highlights a prob- of 50 days to date. The committee bm that is becoming increasingly recommended that food and feed ammon among Arkansas cities from spring crops be conserved iere to find adequate water sup-, to the fullest extent; that tiles for our own people and forjgcncy summer feed crops be luch new industry as we are seeking, Water, much more than flectric power, is the major factor new plants, it ap- attr acting bears. Most Arkansas cities depend on deep 'wells for their supply, -although at Benton the source was freek and river water, and the planted through August 15; that small grain be properly planted in early September; that other adapted pasture plants be plant- ed; that fall garden crops be plant cd in season; that a seed supply be secured at once; and that live stock and poultry management be development there represents icrely an extension and improve- foent of existing water facilities. Jut the towns depending on deep veils have a similar problem.

It as announced this week that the of Magnolia had lost one of Jits' four deep wells, although the (remaining water supply is adequate for present needs. Every ince in a while Hope also has trouble I am the water level throughout Arkan as and much the rest of tho Rquntry has a tendency to sink I progressively lower as we increase I the number of wells tapping it. The long-range our is pretty Sooner or later we are going to I have to reach far out and wrap up I for ourselves a large and depend able source of surface water. The problem over much of Texas is critical because out yonder there is; as in New Mexico, Arizona and jftaltfornla. a chronic shortage of Tsurface water.

BUt Arkarisss has plenty of surface water the cities merely have the financia: problem of redistributing it to suit their needs. This, however, can- be expensive. Perhaps it isn't too visionary to see at some future date towns like Hope, Texarkana, and Nashvill banding together to build a pipelin practiced that would maintain, quality herds and flocks. The group recommended thai Hempstead county be designatec a disaster county by the Depart ment of Agriculture and that the county PMA committee issue pur chase orders for seeds and ferti lizer at an early date. Those in attendance other than Mr.

Frazier were: Claude Self, Carl Zumwalt, Ne Kidd, H. W. McClellan, Ivan Br Jesse J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs J.

E. McWilliams, Mrs. F. Smith, Gordon Prescott, W. Sparks of FHA, Extension Agem Dliver L.

Adams and terrain Blackwood, and Assistant Etcn- slon Agents for Negro Work Walk eivFleming, Jr. and Farilla Smith oec LIT! 16 Hempstead Youths to 4-H Camp Monday Sixteen Hempstead county 4-H Club members and leaders will cave Hope Monday morning at 6 o'clock to attend the 21st Annual l-H Club Camp and Leaders Con- lerence at the University of Arkansas at FayettevUle. The group will return to Hope the following Friday afternoon. The theme of the camp is "joining with Friends for Work, Fun, and Fellowship." For It) oC the Hempstead County delegates this camp will afford their first opportunity to be on the campus ot the University of Arkansas. Dr.

John T. Caldwell, President, to the Naifows lake in Pike coun ty. Cafcfornians think nothing abou millions to go much furth 'er for waier than the 49 road miles from here to the Narrows. Or it is possible that we might have a new water source in Little river when the Millwood dam is eventually built west of Saratoga, a source which would be closer for all three cities. The present situation on the Millwood project makes its construction a matter some years in the future, how ever.

The engineers have agreed one big Millwood dam is preferable to several small dams, but the construction of this 48- million-dollar venture is unlikely until the government gets out of its present foreign crisis. In any event, this water prob lem is something our people should be thinking about in the years to come. And we ought to keep our local financial house in order so when the time comes, we can join hands with our municipal neigh and solve a common problem Guerin Joins Thompson Brents Here Dr. David Lloyd Guerin, optom etrist, is now associated with Emmet Thompson and Dr. Hai old M.

Brents, it was announce by Drs. Thompson and Brents Dr. Guerin was successful in passing the Arkansas State Board examination in optometry in June after having completed the five- year course of study at Southern College of Optometry, Memphis. A native of California, Dr. graduated Irom polytechnic High and San Francisco Junior College, both in San Francisco.

Pr. Guerin is no stranger in Hope, LITTLE ROCK UP) Arkansas farmers in six counties, hard hit by the 58-day summer drouth, are turning to the federal government for help. V. director of the Farmers Home Administration, said yesterday that requests had been received from the six counties asking that- they be designate! disaster areas. Such a designation would allow farmers living in the counties to obtain three per cent interest loans from the FHA to buy livestock feed, seed id fertilizer.

Highfill said the requests were received from Benton, Union, aulkner, Fulton and Independence ounties. He said only Benton ounty's request had been approv- by the State Agricultural Mo- ilization Committee and sent on the secretary of agriculture. The ther five applications will be University oE Arkansas, will np-1 pear on the first general session oil the weeks program which provides the youth many opportunities. "Previews of the Razorbacks" will be given the group by John Barnhill, Athletic Director and his staff. The 1952 camp is limited to 1000 boys and girls from the counties of Arkansas plus leaders.

Many state contests for 4-H Club members will be conducted during the camp. Each member of the local dele gation has certain contests and other responsibitities to perform, at the camp. Girls making the trip will be Kay Kent, Route 1, Patmos who will model a navy blue nylon dress in the state revue. Others taking part in the state revue will be Patsy Ann Hollis, Route 1, Patmos, school dress, and Barbara Ann Griffin, Hope, play suit. Edna Earle England, Shovel- Springs will represent Hempstead UUion which has been so important in maintaining a strong nnd stable farm economy and which has con- trihutcd so markedly to much- needed increase in tho American standard of rural living." The law provides that parity forj these six crops will be determined, through 1955, by whichever of two present formulas gives the higher price.

The controversial "sliding scale" parity program was set aside fojr the 1953 and 1954 crop years. Parity is a price determined by the government to be fair to farmers In terms of things buy. Secretary of Agriculture Brannan- ulrcady has announced the six crops will be supported at 90 per cent of parity this year. Housewife Is Cleared in 'Con' Killing Ip's New Premier Asks Peace on Oil TEHRAN, Iran, Police broke up a demonstration against the jnew premier, Ahmed Qavam, ond Shah today as Qavam announced he will the Anglo- Iranian oil dispute or resign. About 1,000 demonstrators gathered in downtown Tehran nnd shouted slogans against Qavarn and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevl shortly after Qavam took over the government from his ultra-Nationalist predecessor, Mohammed Mos- sadegh.

Qavam, who called on the Shah today to discuss formation of new (Cabinet, said Mossadegh had enticed the end for the means" 5 Senators Bucking Democratic Jinn for Nomination Regardless of the Platform 1 Rule May No Party Has Any Chance to Put Civil Rights Into Law VA-. vt TEXARKANA, Ark. A 33 year-old housewife was cleared by a coroner's jury yesterday of th shotgun slaying of a paroled con vict here. The Miller County Coroner's Jur ruled that the fatal shooting Hcrschol Martin, 23, by Mrs. Myr le Hake was "justifiable horn cide." Martin was shot to death wll a 12-gauge shotgun as break' down the front door to Mr Hade's homo Deput Sheriff Tillman Johnson said.

Martin was paroled' froth tho A kansas penitentiary last'Saturda Police Chief Mav Tackett said was serving time lor a Texarkana robbery. idered by the committee Monday, he said. here BrannanPlon Liked by the Platform Men CHICAGO (ffi Farm-minded members of the platform drafting committee said today they believe Democratic national convention's agriculture plank will endorse some but not all features of the controversial Brannan plan. This plan was advanced by Sec retary of Agriculture Brannan in 1949 and has been endorsed by President Truman. But strong op position from both Democratic and Republican members have kept it from getting congressional ap proval.

The Brannan Plan would (1) set up a new standard for determin ing "fair" prices for farmers, (2i support a large list of farm products at higher levels than ever before, (3) widen government au thority to control farm output, am (4) make broad Use of tax money to help keep farmers prosperous. County in the state baking contest. Betty Fay'e Thompson, Guernsey, will take part in the state talkfest. Billie Anderson, Spring Hill, will take part in leadership development and Anette. Oliver, Hope, will give the devotional on Thursday morning at the general assembly as well as taking pai't in all the general camp activities The leader will be Mrs.

LJoyd Smittle, Patmos. The boys attending with main camp activity are: James Robert Fuller, Soil Conservation Judging, Donald Hay Brown, Dairy Demonstration, Charles Beck, Plant and Seed Identification, Johnny Burke, Tractor Driving, Travis England, rteat Identification, and Delbert ohnson, Forest Identification. Billy Jack Coffee of DeAnn will erve as leader. "sn in his attempt to vindicate Iran's "rlglUs" in the oil controversy. The 80-year-old premier was accompanied by police escort as he rove to the palace and was from his car by four at- ndants.

He hns boon recovering owly from along illness. Informed sources said Qavam speed up formation of his abtnct to avoid possible trouble with Mossadegh supporters and lat he might call for the dlssolu- ion of-parliament and nationwide lections it hamstrung by the Mos- adogh faction. The city itself still was under guard and police placed religious Deader Abul Ghazern Kashnni un- ler surveillance and warned him not to 1 start any trouble. Kashanl, a Mossadegh supporter, is lender of extremist Moslem group. By JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON Iffl mnltor what kind ot civil vlfihts plunk they produce nt Chicago there's no more' reason to believe the Democrats cnn pnas civil rights Inws in tho next tour years, if they win.

than they could In the past four. And in tho past four they couldn't, In spite of tho fight tine promises made at tho 1948 convcn tion. In tnct, It would be hardoi now for tho Northern Democrats to get through civil rights leglslu tion than It was in 1948. Why? Because the Southori Democrats using special Sen- ntc rule which the general public may not understand very well wore able to slaughter tho Tru A two-thirds of those pro- scut nnd voting whon thoro's a limnim of nt lonsl 40 la lllllo more difficult to get than major ity vote. But two-thirds ot nil 06 senator!) 04.

called con- slttutlonnl two-thirds Is so hard to that It's almost Impossible. And this Is where you begin to move into tho civil rights problem the Northern Democrats mnkc motion to bring up civil rights bill, tho Southern Democrats can stnrt a filibuster. That will kill thi' wholo business unless tho filibuster can bo broken. cnn't bo broken unless that constitutional' two-thirds 04 ot tho 00 senators vote for cloturo (which means vote to stop a Informed sources snid Hie- new premier favored continuation of the oil nationalization policies but was prepared to mediate a solution "as long as Iran's rights are not jeopardized." The new premier made knowr his resolve to reach a settlement with Britain in his first communl QUO since accepting Shah Moham mod Reza Pahlcvl's mandate las night to form a new government Mossadegh had provoked the dis pule-with Britain by seizing Iran Ian Dwells-'teased by the Brit 'Honest Ave'Is Slogan Promoted for A. Harriman CHICAGO Harriman dug in a little harder to'day jtn liis attempt to do a two-fold selling He is trying to sell Demo job.

mnnitca' efforts at civil rights legislation since 104(1. They can uso the same rule nnd tactics again. This Is an explanation: No law can be passed unless oth House and Senate approve. Join Mouses transact their business according to rules of their own. The rules In the two houses nre not the same.

In the House no one can fill- filibuster). If tho filibuster, against the motion to bring up thu bnl li broken, then as soon na th'e ilsclt is brought up, tho Southern cnn start 'another filibuster al over ngnln. this time against the Radio Station Given Morrilton AP Special Washington Service WASHINGTON Ufi' The Mo rilton Broadcasting Company having married the former Miss Morrilton, was issued a pe Jacqueline Thompson in 1942 be- it by the Communications Cor fore entering the armed forces. He the U. S.

Army in OctobolM 1942. and did overseas In North Africa and itajy. Upon IMS discharge from the serv- ici Of. Guerin reuirned to where he his family made tbeif home. The optometric practice, which now includes Drs.

Thompson, and Guerin, is one of the individual practices in the It was folded by Dr. W. $40,000 Loss for Hot Springs Mill HOT SPRINGS (ff) Fifteen, housand feet of lumber was de- troyed here last night when flames swept through the Nooner Bros, dumber Company's sawmill. Joe Nooner, a partner in the firm estimated damage at $40,000 and, said the loss was not covered by nsurance. Origin of the blaze was unknown, but Nooner said it apparently started in the boiler room.

cratic party on the idea that any retreat from the New or Fair Dea on civil rights be disastrous. And he is trying to sell -them, too, on the idea that Averell Karri- nan is he onlv candidate in the National Convention opening Monday who stands "four square for the program which was begun by Franklin D. Roosevelt and was continued by President Truman." Every politician hereabouts deals exclusively in optimism, and Harriman is no exception. He says he will win on both counts. He planned to talk to a number of delegates today, trying to convince them on his point of view.

Harriman's admirers are trying to portray him as the modern Abraham Lincoln. This was ex pressed in a sign carried by a Harriman backer greeting him at the airport. It said: "Honest Ave." Anfilo-Iranian Oil Com pony, only to find that none of th company's old customers woul buy oil from him. Cut off from its multi-million do lar oil revenues, Iran is noo bankruptcy. Thousands of oil work Continued on Page Three Hope to Get Billboards and Folders As a result of the action taken by the Hope City Council Tuesday night, July 15, in setting aside $100 per month for an industrial promotion fund the 'committee to handle this fund was formed and buster (talk without limit until the other side gives up and measure is killed) because the House- las rules limiting debute.

Thai is why the House, with majority of Northern-, Democrats and Republicans, teaming up against Southern Democrats, has several times pnsscd civil rights bills, only to them dlo in tho Senate. Before examining what happens In thu Senate, a little arithmetic of tho utmost importance. Ttysn nre sehntoVs; They puss laws'by a majority of those present and voting, provided quorum is And that filibuster cnn't bo bro-N ken except by constitutional two thirds vote. senators fighting for cratic for, arc bucking a stubborn Democratic senators hkVQ'J )otoro but neVor Tho records show orats have chosen two tial candidates from' 1, ranks of tho was elected. Tho RopubllcanH have one candidate from the Warren Harding, who wt All told, 18 candidates wii utoriol experience have incited since thd U.

presidents 103 only throo were olevated inttttv Inatlon whllo actually tho Senate; In the Democratic Jockeylngi avovvod candidates now tors Bstt's Kofauvor of Richard Russell of Ocorgl Oklahoma and "nut. since tho senators them- Mahon of Connecticut. elves made tho rule, cnn't they us! votu to chunso It so that a minister could be broken by, say. slmplo majority or simple two- liirtls vote? Sounds eusy. But trying 'o change Sunato ulo cnn bo toughest of nil.

For his reason: Any time the North- Democrats suggest changing ho rule, tho Southern Democrats sent. A quorum senators. is 40 of tho 0 But on Bnmp very vital, or very controversial things, more than just a majority volu is needed. On them the vote must bo two-thirdi But, and that's whuro Uio calcl comes In, there are two kinds two-thirds. Other Senators ing dolugnto HVipport as Huns but not actually tlB tho nomination are Senators phrey of Minnesota; Arkansas.

Douglas ot Gillette ot Iowa. They seem uncdncorhedj the presidency though It one ot them rule, tno soutnorn uemocrova 'i tlllbuaier ondlessly, Why? Bo- nom noted, he-u have toj CUUHO no Sonttte vlcllnR for a-Vrtim filibuster against change the rules. In other words, the Northern Democrats' only real hope of got- tlrtK through civil rights, legislation would bo a rule change reducing the required cloturc vote on motions and bills, But tho Southerners can filibuster, without about cloturo, on uny attempt to change tho rule at all. McCord Ends Partnership With Malco MEMPHIS A transaction Automotive Hint Because of inadequate distribution during the warm-up period, the use of too heavy an oil, rather than, one too light, often is responsible for worn cylinder blocks. Footnotes on Life by That Self-Proclaimed Socrates of the Sidewalk, Hal Boyle met Thursday.

The fund will be kept In a separate account and will be called the Hope Chamber of Commerce Industrial Promotion Fund. In makirtg this money available for promotional purposes the Hope City Council stipulated that a five man committee handle the expenditures of the funds. Two mem bers of the committee arc from the city council and three from thu 'chamber of commerce. Mayor John L. Wilson appointed Aldermen Jesse Brown and Joo Jones to serve with Chamber of Commerce President Ben Owen's appointees, Fred Gresham, Rae Luck, and W.

M. Sparks. The chamber of commerce members are chairmen of the publicity, industrial and agriculture committees, respectively. Previously thu chamber of commerce publicity committee had presented a plan to erect four highway billboards and to publish a new Hope folder. This was the initial project carried to the city council for assistance.

In the Thursday meeting members of the industrial fund committee chose Fred Gresham to yesterday that dissolved a partner ship of more than three decades gave Malco Theaters, and Mulco Realty full control of its 03 movie houses. The chain Includes theaters In Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas Mississippi and Louisiana. Thlrty-threo per cent of the stock of the two corporations was obtained from M. S. McCord and M.

J. Pruniskl of North Little Hock, Ark. Prunlski and McCord will continue to control and operate group ot theaters la North. Little Rock. ,35 ago, and that time has rendered ferytoef mission yesterday for a new standard radio station.

The permit grants the station permission to operate on 800 kilocycles. 230 watts, daytime only. In other action, the Commission reinstated a construction permit for proposed Radio Station KGRO. Malvern, on 1380 kilocycles. 11 kilowatt, daytime only, and dismissed an application by Station KDAS.

Malvern. to transfer to the J38ft-kilocycle frequency- By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (At Foot notes on life by a sidewalk Socrates: What will our modern youngsters come up with next? A young lady of nine recently was given a chemistry set for her birthday. She took it out into the the family jet they ever invent that it will discourage back seat driving. Before a wife can say, "be sure and turn left at Chicago," you will already be over Denver. People in times of great stress always turn to a new hero with a Her "father warned from the program.

That explain, the porch as the two small fry began playing with the chemicals. Soon, to his dazed ears floated the fol- What makes the political picture lowing remark by his daughter: in troubled 1952 so interesting "Well all right Jack, you can! that the Democrats still have the make hormones if you want that has been sure-fire I'm going to make for two the Eepubli- OPS Order to Boost Cost of Meat, Report WASHINGTON Office of Price Stabilization hus issued an expected to boost. the price of veal steaks, cutlets and roasts and lower ceilings on rib chops, shoulder cuts and breast ol veal. serve" as chairman. The commit-1 The effective July tee acted upon a motion by Jesse permit wholesale filings'of vedl Brown, seconded by Joe Jones, hundred pounds for prime and for the chamber of commerce to hindquarters increased per proceed immediately with the c- hundred pounds for prime and rectiort of the signs and the pub- choice grades and $2.80 for good Hshina of the folders.

Further, grade. Ceilings on fprequarters that bids should be taken for each will be lowered $4.60 per hundred job One bid has already been re-Lpn prime and choice grades and ceived for the signs and on good. Light Rains Fail to End State Drouth By The Associated Preii The ruins light us they were, and apparently hove gono iiguln leaving Arkansas with lit- tlo hope for an end to the 511-day drouth. However, the U. Weather Bu- rea'u in Little Hock (lid forecast scattered showers through Monday.

No Important temperature changes are anticipated. Thu heaviest rains yesterday were at Gilbert, .70. inch; Cotter, .4.9, and Pine Bluff, .48, Many other A a as cities received ruinfall In lugger amounts. YuBtuiday's high temperature for tho was 0(1 degrees at Newport. Further north, FayettevIHe en joyed Arkansas coolest reading of 82 degrees.

Tho only two fliprs to bo nominated wot on Douglas of Illinois in better-known citizen na Ham-Lincoln won the el Lewis Cans ot In 1048 by Mlllttrd Once lot of preiidenf prpsld'cntial candidates experience, but since If) have'boon only two Hard tho present White' Hurry Truman. Tho 'Republican were senators, before trying presidency Werq: John flfji California, 1800 James-''Bl Malrie, 1804( and Benjittrilnm von, Indiana, 1888 and 10M, The Detnocrati: Andraw, son, TennoHsoe, 1828 and-'tMl, Ham Henry Harrison, Franklin Pierce, New Hit) 1852; Jamesi Buchsnani syvAnia, and CHJCAClO UR Democratic party tra thwart Presld Qea JntenOon 01 by proxy his choice for this, presidential That tradition Is the which binds a state dj east 'all Its National voles as a bloc on candidate, Truman has tial choice when his altern Continued Oklahoma Oil Hit Further by Steel Cut TULSA, Okla. of the nation-wide steel strike bit more deeply into Oklahoma oil field activity this week, cutting the number of new wells to 81, a decrease 31 from the previous 3 Call PlaneT week. A shortage of tujjfn'g and drill pipe has brought ab9ut a ruling by the PrcJHcttpn AU- thority to tbf Vital pipe to wjldqatting Completions totaled 106 as com i the Roosevelt era. is the name assigned to the at planet and it is expected that other bids Translated for the housewife, the pared to 108 a Ul be received immediately.

OPS said she probably will ulsa World showed. Because of the monthly to pay about cents a pound Total depth drilled WM WMtt OCLituBC 1 unit utunliK and 90 nnn than the ore. of this fund the committee re- more for cutlets and steaks and that the chamber of com- Ubout 6 cents a pound less for rib Dtocetor. make shoulder cuts and breast of powder." The fact that men have flown jet planes 1,300 miles an hour is more likely to dazzle the average matt than impress him. ol speed already has cans have cornered a national hero as their candidate.

Does your wjfe leave you little notes pinned to your pillow to help you mend A recently received it from hla merce Board arrangements to finance the build ing of the signs and purchase olj the folders. President Owen called a board of directirs meet- fcjTlor tonight at 7:30 in the chamber of commerce office. The Louisiana Nevada Transit has made contribution of IIQD to this new fund, over and Quarterly Mttt Spring Hill quarterly feet, some 29,000 less than vious period. Of the 98 ftttl two and six The than he M9?.

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