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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Our Daily Bread Sliced Thin by The Editor H. Washburn "Buzz" on the Line URAL telephone and rural electric power lines don't always Ret along together as well as they might. The poles of both systems march down the same public highway, and do so ail over the United States, but occasionally there is complaint that the induction set up by the elect- He power line causes a "buzx" in the telephone line. Who is responsible in such a case? you ask; and the answer just given by public authorities is, "Nobody." For, it is pointed out, both the telephone and the pbvver line are given the use of the highway right-of-way Without charge, and the fact that one set up its line before the other, has nothing to do with the case. No damage can be claimed by one line against the other because of electrical interference, so long as the physical property of the line remains undamaged.

In the above paragraphs I have condensed Bulletin No. 17 of the federal Rural Electrification Administration, issued October 1G. The federal bureau cites a case here in Arkansas. Quoting: The Arkansas Deportment of Public Utilities has ruled Ihnt no linbility attaches to the operator at power line to for eliminating inductive interference in one-wire telephone lines. Admini.strntor John M.

Curmody, in commenting on the ruling, snicl: "I was piirticuliirly gratified to Icnrn of the Arkansas ruling bc- the demands of telephone companies for compensation are threnlcniiif! the progress of rural electrification in ti number of Total 238 Negro Venereal Disease 20 Treated Of 700 Negroes Examined 238 Are Found to Be Infected MUST BETTREATED State to Act Unless Infected Persons Respond at Once Out of 238 positive Ciixs of venereal diseases nmotiK Hope and county who were given free blood tests in August of this year, only 20 have returned to physicians to receive treatment. Approximately 700 negroes were given blood tests. This statement was given to The Star Thursday by Dr. C. L.

Young, negro physician of Little Rock nnd field manager of the Southern Liberal Organization. This organization sponsored the examination of ncgros for venereal diseases. Dr. Young is checking over the long list of negroes found affected with venereal diseases, snid that he returned to Hope to find two of them had died. Young appealed to those affected to see the doctor who gave the blood lest in nn effort to check the spread of disease.

Dr. Young said record was being kept of all persons Inking the blood tests. Those found suffering venereal Jis-tfscM will "be co.n-' polled to receive treatment. Dr. YOUIIK appealed to all negro cooks and maids who suspect they are affected to immediately consult a physician for blood tests which will be given free.

Cost of serum and equipment is borne by the Southern Liberal Organization and the Suite of Arkansas. There is a small fee for administering treatment where persons are found affected with diseases. This fee will not exceed $1 and in cases where the person is unemployed the treatment will be furnished without charge, Dr. Young said. The ordinary cost of such treatment ranges from to $15.

A repent venereal clinic will be held in the latter part of November when additional free blond tests will be given. The work the Southern Liberal Organisation has been endorsed by state, county and city physicians awl officials. Montague Freed on Robbery Count "Mystery Goiter," Acquitted, May Make Fortune in Movies N. Y. John Montague, fabulous Hollywood gnlfcr, was acquitted Tuesday night by an Adirondack mountain jury of seven-year-old rubbery charge.

The verdict was announced afler four and a half hours of deliberation. Slay Make Korhim 1 -John Mun- acquitted in Kliziihelhtmvn, N. of a seven-year-old robbery charge, is coming back to Hollywood for iin ambitious seven-year program us film actor, radio entertainer anil professional golfer expected to pay him Montague, whose exploits on the links helped win him friendships with Hollywood movie personages, has signed contract with Everett Bro-sby. Bing's older brother, calling for over a period of seven years. Tliu contract was signed, officials of the Paramount studio disclosed before Monlague went to New York to stand trial.

Biiig, who an affidavit attesting to Montague's good character, en route to Hollywood with his brothei' from Spokane. Wash. Montague's first performance on the radio prhably will be Bing's next radio probably will be in Bing's next for the dapper "mystery man of golf" to make a series of golfing shorts, showing publicly, for the first time, the accuracy of Ins long driving and his nerveless putting that enable him to shoot in the OO's almost without exception. But amateur golf will not claim him for its rajiks. He has played and beaten some of the top notch professionals, imrl he intends to campaign for professional honors, beginning this spring.

tarainuuiit officials Monlague would have a role in Bing's forthcoming picture, "The Badge of Policeman O'Roon," based on an O. Henry story. slates. "A forward-looking ruling of this is bound to help break down the barriers of out-moded rule. 1 whirl, still hamper the farmer in hi.s efforts that rural lilies would not pay.

By simplifying dc- sii'n and construction. REA has made them pay. But they cannot continue to pay if they are loaded with extraneous costs." Under Docket Number 24G, dated October 13. 1937, the Department of Public Utilities granted a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to the Arkansas Power and Light Company in spite of the protest of the Arkansas State forestry Commission. The power company plans to build 500 miles of ruial electric line in 20 counties.

This company has been building and successfully operating wye-connected, multi-grounded power lines since 1935. The State Forestry Commission operates 2.500 miles of telephone line of which approximately GO miles would be made inoperative, it was churned if the power company were authorized to carry out its plans. 'Hie Forestry Commission estimated it would cost 582.68 mile to convert its grounded telephone lires into full metallic circuits and asked that the power company be ordered to pay all or part of Iho costs involved. At the hearing, it was brought out that electric lines must be nt least 500 feet from grounded telephone lines to prevent inductive interference. Such a separation is, of course, impossible where both services use the same highway.

The Department of Public Utilities, in handing down its decision, in part: "The question of liability for inductive interference ITH.S given all Stale Commissions a great deal of difficulty. The Forestry Commission and the Power Companies under the laws of this state, may construct their hues on the State Highway i ights-of-way without payment to the state. The induction from the power lines to the telephone lines injures in no mun- ner ihe telephone properly of the t'latu Forestry Commission but does interfere with its use. The department lakes the position that if there is no physical damage or property injury priority of construction not influence its derision. The Power Company and tl.e State Forestry Commission have equal rights to the use of the highways.

Should electric construction necessitate the moving of poles or physical changes the power company would he 1 required to pay this expense. New York Mayor Race Is Bitterest Accuse LaQuardia of Anti- Catholicism, and Tammany of Craft NEW YORK 1 )- A Democratic Wednesday night accused Fusionlst Mayor Fjorello LaGuardia of "championing" a city official who had expressed "unfathomable hatred and contempt" for Catholics, the the New York mayoral campaign moved toward an angry end. While Sanuial Untermyer, Jewish lawyer and partisan of the Democratic candidate, Jeremiah T. Mahoney, was thus denouncing LaGuardia, the mayor wa.s charging that Tammany Hall had "raided UIL' public treasury in a desperate effort to pay off political henchmen the election" of Nov- four 2. Thf; whole campaign had taken on a dioler not seen in New York in many here and there politicians caught in the banding of charges were threatening to go to the courts for satisfaction.

Mahoney men p.iraded in the Bronx with torchlights and flares. UnK'rmyer, in a prepared radio ad- (frc'Kf, called LuGuardia a municipal "Muraolini dictator," and said he had rcfustd to remove physician in the city employ whom a report of special uldermamc Investigating Committee had found guilty of a "blasphemous indictment of Catholicism and Cath- uhcs in gejierul." The Untermyer added, was not himself even suspected of sharing "the bigotry of his protege," but he Star 'Jig Arkansas Fair and warmer Thursday night; ffitrftty partly cloudy, warmer in extreme east. VOLUME 13 HOPE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1937 PRICE 6c COPY JAPS ARE MOVIN New Cotton Plan to Aid One-Mule Farmer. Is Belief House Committee Closely Questions Farmers at Memphis MAY AID EXPORTS Export Subsidy Is Asked-Stocks Rise $6 Share and More MEMPHIS. agriculture committee members indicated through questining of "dirt farmers" Thursday that they are giving thought tot farm legislation in which acreage control exemptions would favor the one-mule planter over large "commercial Kxport Subsidies Ford, Mississippi Democrat, head of the house cotton bloc, Thursday he would ask the house agriculture committee to include subsidies for exporting cotton, in the general farm bill.

Slocks Move Upward NEW plunged into the buying side of the stock market Thursday, pushing some shares up $6 or more. on Page Three) Margin Cut for Stock Purchasing But Margin Is Raised for Short-Selling, Pleasing The Federal Reserve Board announced Wednesday night a drastic revision in its stock market margin requirements. The move was expected by many Washington authorities to bolster sagging prices. A two-way change in margin requirements will bo effective November 1. The existing requirements thai purchasers of securities must put up 55 percent of the price in cash was charged to reduce the margin to 40 percent.

In addition, the board imposed a 50 per cent margin on short sales of Tlii.s means that a per.son selling a stock short must put up SO per cent of the value. This is expected to act tin a powerful brake against short selling. The reduction of the margin for security purchases many encourage buying. The action was announced after a board Wednesday. This meeting followed many others in tile past few weeks.

The board conferred with the Securities Commission before acting. Its action wa.s interpreted as meaning that the board would make margins more flexible in the future, adapting them to changing market trends. The 55 per cent margin on security purchases had been in effect since Februray, 1930. The margin on short sales was an innovation, none having been impos- (Continucd on Page Three) MIND Your MANNERS Test your knowledge of correct social usage by answering the following questions, then checking against the authoritative answers below: 1. What should a woman who is dining in a restaurant do with her purse and gloves? 2.

Is it all right to ask a waiter to describe an item on the menu with which one is not familiar? 3. Does making personal remarks to waitresses indicate that one is man of the world? 4. Is a suitable way to describe food? 5. Should a serving fork be placed on the (vlattor with meat when the platter is placed before the host? What would you do You are a host carving a (live each per.son light and some dark meal? Serve the meal as you come to ii, regardless of whether it is light or dark? tc) Ask each guest whether be prefers light or dark meat? Answers 1. Keep them in her lap or put them on a vacant chair.

i. Yes. 3. Just the contrary. 4.

No. Use delicious. 5. No. Serving silver is placed on the table.

Best "What Would You Do" If you are sure your guests will slate a preference tc) is nil right, iCopyright 1937, NEA Service, Inc.) Flynn Sees Stocks 1 Dive as Normal Drop From Entirely Unjustified Price Level Rising Taxes and Federal Credit Cut Spike Boom Talk Shares Find Own Level on Basis of Long-Term Earnings INDUSTRY CAUTIOUS Managers Unwilling to Hold Own Stocks at, Too-High Level "What now?" the country wonders. Will stocks go up or down? John T. Flynn, NEA Service economist, adds up the causes of thVs crash nnd future prospects In this Inst of two articles explaining the current market situation. By JOHN T. FLYNN (Copyright, 1937, NEA Service, Inc.) NEW YORK-Stock prices, as the nation's "post-depression" optimism grew, wore pushed to levels which could be defended only on the continued rise of everything.

In the ease of some stocks the prices seemed they were less than current earnings would seem to justify. But what is overlooked is that stock prices cannot be made on current earnings. It is of no consequence that a share shows a high percentage of profits, this year unless it can continue to show this high rate. The right prices for a stock as an investment is its probable earning power over a long period. Its sqeculative value is based on only one will its market price be higher in the next hour or the next week of month, even if it never pays a dollar dividend? Radio stock, for example, has ranged between $2.50 and $420 a share in the Inst fourteen years.

But it has never paid a single dollar of dividends. Since August it has been clear to many people that the outlook was not so rosy. Hence buying of shares reused. In the last three months a large number of managers and been slowly unloading, not selling short but merely getting out of their stocks. This helped to set off the current decline.

When the decline got under way various minor forces of course gave it a helping foot. The unsettled state of affairs in Europe certainly trouble many people. Beyond doubt this brought some sellers into the market and kept some buyers out. But the one over-mastering force WHS and is Hint the price rise was unjutificd and had to come to its violent end sooner or later. A perfectly normal thing normal as the falling of a ball that has been thrown into the air.

Now there remain several questions to be answered. Did Die SEC cause the break. Did the President's tax plan help it along? Was the mounting government deficit responsible for the general uncertainty which plagued the country? Did the rising tide of labor troubles add to the difficulties? And will the market go up? And will it come down again? It might be profitable to discuss whether or not the SEC caused the break if the actual cause were not so murh in evidence. It may soothe the feelings of many who hate the idea of government interference in business to say that. But practical men must be realistic.

As a matter of fact the EEC has used almost none of its great powers against the market. It maintains a bureau to watch for manipulation and that bureau frequently scotches manipulative practices. Also it forces insiders to disclose their purchases and sales. And iho itself has resulted, through the Reserve Board's action, in 55 per cent I am sure no one would advocate re- axing the policing of the market to irevent manipulation. As to the tnid- ng of officials heir ow has been us- 'igncd as destroying support for the market.

The theory is that corporation executives when they see their corporation's shares declining, step into the market and buy to check the decline. This happens to be a pure fiction. In isolated cases this may be It is not a widespread practice. They do the very reverse in most cases. Or rather they were once wont to do the reverse.

Many corporation executives engaged in pools to accumulate large blocks of their own stocks at low prices and then conducted market operations to push up the prices and then unload the shares on the public. The number of known cases would take a full volume to describe. The act makes that difficult and should. But recently the "Will the market go up? come down? I9ai I9Z6 1927 Itf lit New York Stock Exchange chart shows fluctuations in average prices of listed stocks from 1925 to the present lime. Note now steadily the average has dipped since last spring.

Bulletins LONDON, P. Nair, Indian airman who left here Thursday on the first leg of a projected roundtrip Atlantic crossing, was reported killed in a plane crash in France Inter in the day. BATESVILLE, Ark. The A Presbyterian synod Thursday selected Hope for its 1938 meeting place, at the conclusion of its annual gathering. (Continued on Page Three) PARIS, 1 Duke and Duchess of Windsor are planning a double swing across the United States from New York to Hollywood and back to Miami, a close association disclosed Thursday.

The westward trip will be along the northern route, and the eastward journey along the southern route. The exact itinerary of their five-week tour still is under discussion. CHICAGO. The National Safety Council reported Thursday that 28,140 persons died in traffic accidents during the first nine months of an increase of 9 per cent over the same period last year. Arkansas showed a 5 per cent decrease.

LITTLE E. W. Saphore, retired head of the Episcopal Church of Arkansas, called Thursday a special diocesan convention ut Trinity cathedral here December to elect his successor. DAMASCUS, 1 great flood rushed down from the hills northeast of Damascus Thursday and swept through the (own of Emcir, where almost all the houses washed away. A dozen bodies weru recovered from Damascus, ami 11)11 persons arc missing.

ROGERS, Arkansas United Daughters of the Confederacy Thursday elected Mrs. James B. Clark ot Blytlieville their president. 23,095 Bales Ginned, Against 20,072 in 1936 Cotton ginnings in Hempstead county prior to October 18 totaled 23,095 bales, compared with 20,072 to the same date a year ago, according to an announcement this week by the federal Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Elixir Death Here Confirmed by Test Official Report Made in Case of Jenell Long, of McCaskill LITTLE M.

J. Kilbury said Thursday that a chemical analysis of the viscera of 7-year-old Jenell Long of McCaskill, Hempstead county, showed that her death resulted from elixir of sulfanilamide. Report on Cotton Sales in 15 Days Notice Given of Change in Methods on Cotton Subsidy Plan The date for filing cotton sales certificates for the 1937 Subsidy Payment to farmers who cooperate with the 1938 Agricultural Conservation Program, has been changed. Cotton producers desiring to become eligible to receive cotton price adjustment payments will be required to obtain sale receipts or sale certificates showing sales of their cotton and mail to, or file th'em personally with the secretary of the County Agricultural Conservation Association chronological order. For sales made up to anrl including October 15, 1937, cotton sale certifi- or sale receipts must be filed iot later than October 30, 1937.

Fore sales made subsequent to October 15, 1937, cotton sale certificates or sale receipts must be filed not. later Ihan 15 days after the date of sale. It is necessary that the above dates be adhered to because each sale must be certified to by the Secretary of the County Agricultural Conservation Association, therefore it is very important that all farmers watch the date of sale of their cotton and file it promptly at the County Agent's office. All cotton put in the government loan will not be eligible for subsidy payment until it is sold outright. New Feed Store Is to Open Saturday Feeders Supply, S.

Walnut Will Handle Purina Products The Supply, company, South' Walnut street, will hold its formal opening this Saturday. The opening of this store will give Hope a distributor of Purina Chows and associated items such as seed, fertilizer, groceries, flour and The new enterprise is owned by Roy D. Hopkins and Paul 0. McLouth of Texarkana, both of whom have had years of experience in merchandising feed products. For years they have worked with poultry and livestock owners and are ready to assist Hope and its trade territory with feeding and management problems.

Mr. Hopkins and Mr. McLouth operate a similar business at Texarkana, which has met with a fine acceptance in the Texarkana area. The Hope store will be under the management of R. E.

(Bob) Griffin, who has also had a great deal of experience with all kinds of poultry and livestock feed and management problems. Mr. Griffin is establishing his residence in Hope, having moved here from Texarkana. Perry Moses ol Hope will be assistant manager. Mr.

Griffin said the intention of this new store is to see that its customers receive the most benefit possible from the money invested in merchandise bought from this firm. The public is invited to inspecl the new store. It is located in a remodeled building with new fixtures just across the street from the office of Hope Star, directly at the rear of the old Julia Chester hospital building. There are 11.021 miles of railways in the Mute of Pennsylvania. Among Uie safety features of a superfast airliner under construction lor various transport companies is a new type of air flap.

Used for landing and for taking off, the flaps permit the ship to contact the ground at 65 miles per hour and reduce di' lar.ce by 18 per cent. Carrigan Enters Race for Attorney Announces as Candidate in City Primary Election November 30 Tile Star is authorized this Thursday to announce the candidacy of Steve Carrigan for city attorney, subject to the action of the Democratic city primary election November 30. It takes about 20,000 bees to bring in one pound of nectar. 1. The present calendar, known as the Gregorian Calendar, which is now used in America was introduced in 1607, 1570, 1752, 1879, before 1492.

2. From which side, right or left, does a farmer milk a cow? A rider mount a horse. 3. How can you carry water ill a sieve without spilling a drop? 4. If the letter A equals 1, equals 2.

equals 3. and so on, what word of six letters does the number 566135 form? 5. A man and his wife had two married sons and two married daughters and each of these had two sons and two daughters. If four persons of the family died, how many would remain? Answers tn Classified Page Definite Advance 5 Scored Thursday Against Chinese Doomed Chinese Batalioii f- Rejects Aid by U. Marines A Asserts Italy Will Support German Claims to Colonies By the Associated Press Major Japanese victories in the Chinese theater of war held world at- tention Thursday, while Premier Mus-f solini's outspoken approval, in of Germany's colonial ambitious was given serious thought by observers looking into the future.

The Japanese appeared well on'ihc i way to achieving their aims in China, as the nine-power treaty signatories prepared to hold a conference' in Brussels on some means of effecting an amicable settlement of the conflict. The occasion of Mussolini's significant statement.was the 15th anniversary of the; march on Rome. Speaking to 100,000 Fascists, II Duce declared it was "necessary" that Germany be restored to a "place in the African' sun" and that "some clauses of the (World war) treaties be revised." He said that for a "durable and fruitful peace it is necessary that Bolshevism be eliminated from Europe." In the Spanish war, insurgent and government troops clashed along the extensive Aragon front. The insurgents breaking through government lines on the XJsera sector, of Madrid. -The Belgian Gerrhany ana 1 Russia" to'par'tlcipafe in the November 3rd nine-power conference.

''I Offer Aid SHANGHAI, United States marines and British troops offered aid Thursday night in the withdrawal of a Chinese battalion, trapped by Japanese, to end the menace of stray bullets falling into Changhai's international settlement with its thousands of foreigners, including Americans. The offer was refused. Defiant, the almost certainly doomed battalion held grimly to its small area within Chinese Chapei which the remainder of the army abandoned Wednesday to flames and the advancing Japanese. Chinese Dig In on New Line SHANGHAI, defenders fought Thursday with their backs to the Soochow creek on the border of the International Settlement. Across the stream, at barricades on the south bank, United States Marines watches the shifting battlefront under orders to shoot in self-defense at any airplane attacking them or noncombatants.

Further upstream, to the west of the International Settlement, the Chinese were entrenched on the south side of the creek, defending a narrow strip of jthe native city between the stream and the foreign area. The Chinese dug in on their new line after withdrawing from historic Chapei, seared by miles of flame from fires started nesday when the defense collapsed. Wind Whips Flames The conflagration was caused both by Chinese leaving fires to cover their retreat and by Japanese shells and incendiary bombs, Whipped by a southerly wind, the flames stretched from near Kiangwan, north of the International Settlement, south through Chapei to the edge of the foreign zone and west for an unknown number of miles. In one area where the flames jumped the creek 150 buildings were burned. About 35,000 refugees from districts in the notrhern and western parts of the city streamed into the International Settlement.

I 11 Counties Have Not Filed Election Returns UTTLK ROCK, tary of State C. G. Hall warned 11 county election boards Wednesday that they had only one more week in which to file returns of the Ottober 18 special election. November 3 is the deadline for submitting the county returns to the secretary of state, Hall said he had received no turns from Ashley, Baxter, Boone, Craighead, Dallas, Garland, Greene, Howard, Lee, Polk, and Union ties. I Approximately 60 per cent of an plane's lift is in the top of the wing.

Cotton NEW (fft -December cotton opened Thursday at 8.26 closed at 8.19-21. Spot cotton closed steady and changeil, middling 8.2q..

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