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The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio • Page 6

Elyria, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TOR CHRONICLE TBLKOBAM. BLTRtA, OHIO Aumrt IB, ISM Sen.McKeHir FjgbtsFor flood Control MgttPMlg, Tenn. K. HVKeilar, 0, tenfv, toddy urged Senators and Hcpfentnta- tivM f6 UgairiSl NtfttllfriCfit tff flood tonlrof hiiMasH ttMy (livtfi CoriaJifeMlorial approval. MeKelUr, Veteran Senate tfeftt arid ehalftnatl ftf Appro- dornniittee, sent Mr.

Tftl- lout tetter imitating and ehrtltehgint his to nullify ari Ml of Congress. At the time he scut tele- in congress lona I Represents of the seven vnllry states, of his Opposition to. flood control eipendilurM Ilinila- "We have not changed our form Of fcovefhlllcnt," Mcttcllar declared. "There ere ho conditions Warrant- the nullification of what the brunch done. "this Is matter which Involves (tie safety add Welfare of thf Mississippi riVer valley," MsKellar said.

"ft hns, if any, the remotest effect on economy and none on inflation "There ar.e literally hundreds of expenditures havini more effect on TYPEWRITFR SERVICF RurnmiD? Hani MM rettaree el AKBON TIUHIES kf mverte. Prltale PMUm TS DRUG STORI DANaiR ANIADI 2. 3. 4. 5.

TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE Any Slit Tirti Vulciiifing Hjrdw -Flilion 9 toBtr firt Broad Street At Cedar tlilh Hill tnlcn to He asletH sttMHcrn to meet with wm in trie near future the pur-pme nf taking steps as may netelasff Us out the law," McMe-Uar laid that he was and amaWd" 10 learn ef President action iiffiitinf the expenditures the tUfrettt ral yeaf and thai of INi, ef Reconversion tJifetlor John K. iSteelfflafi's fecenl to day Itiorfllot' lum on ftoad tontfol Mr. riiftinft's order to the tary of War. It wax understood, limits flood control exppndltuifs to (his fi.tcal year, and to iti the fiscal beglnhing July IM7. Ondor preiidenlial "rtlfr, Itn'nlcly fur flood Irol and riven and funds will bt unusued at the end ef the flscnl year, Jiinn 90, Although Steclhiah's new con- stniction innndorium directive pli-cs no sfrtictiott tan bt undertaken' unless autflorifrd by the Civilian froduc- tlon Atlminislration.

Cal. Boy Wins Soap Box Derby took 14-year-old Oil bcrt Klp(tntr less than 30 seconds to win himself college edtlciitlon. a grinning from San Diego, won Ihe 1946 AII-Alni-i Iciin Soup Box Derby at Derby Downs yesterday before a record crowd of persons. His lime was 2V 13 in the finnl licat. He beat that record In the fourth round elimination, however, when he defeated Jerry Aullck, ftcotts with an official time of ae.n.

Klcgan won his crown after elimination races had weeded out the other III elty champions from all over the 'United 'States. "I never expected to Win when I came all the from San Diego. but it stire is good," the oil-smeared champion Mid he emerged from his home-made racer. Klegun received a gold cup and a gold medal net with diamonds from the spon.sors of the contest, the Chevrolet Division of General Motors. But the best pi-ire will come when he has finished high school.

Then he will get a four year scholarship to any college he wishes to attend, Second place winner, Richard E. Zoller, Cleveland, Was awarded a 1M6 Chevrolet sedan. James Haney. Be loll. won third place and Harold Hayes, Durham, N.

won fourth. VENDING In addition to Its 15.000 music boxes, Chk-aKo supports 10.000 coin- operated beverage vending machines, n.VOOO peanut machines, 10,000 amusement machines and 25,000 service machines. NIIIPPINtt NTIIIKE HUPHlllT-Sefklng further to swell the steadily-growing ranks of National Maritime Union pickets cruise alongside Ihp freighter Jnmes A. Farrell at the Carnegie. Illinois Steel dock in Chicago, appealing to crewmen to desert the ship iind Join In Lukes shipping strike.

(Acme Telcphoto) Wellington COiA M. Ml Barker II 21-1 DeHtery Servfet rArra WARE. Herrlck Wall MOM 41-1 PtANfl TENNIH EVKNT8 F-ilsom, recreation leader, announces that plans for a series of tennis tournaments arc being formulated. Among these will be a singles tournament for men over 17, one for those; 17 or younger, and a (allies' singles for women of nil ages. At the conclusion of the a doubles tournament wilt be held.

Those wishing to enter nre Hskctl to register as soon as possible HI Bob Hcrrick's store so that, the sct- Hell Harrirk Avenm Home Mr. and Mrs. Laurence BcVifr have sold their home at 320 Herrick avenue East, and wilt soon occupy the farm four miles west of Wellington, in Mrighton township, which they have purchased. Mr. BoVier will commute to and from his business each day.

Mr. iirifl Mrs. John W. Hubbard of Los who purchased the BoVier home will occupy it soon. They have a daughter in Cleveland.

the board of trustees and president losom reports that the courts are in excellent condition. llerfcer To Travel Miss Eleanor Upcki.T of Oberlin. who for the past two years has. taught instrumental music in the Wellington school, reports that she will not teach music the comJntc year, but instead will travel with Brown's Musical Miijnrieltos, im all- Rirl band' from Cleveland. Miss Decker will play the trombone in the band, and will appear in civic parades and outstanding football games all over the country.

LCL FIREPLACE I Before you build ycnir new home or us for complete details about the Heatilator Fireplace. Circulates to all corners of the room. WILL NOT SMOKE. Saves fuel bills during cool weather, New low prices make cost but Rule more than old-style construction. Easier to build.

Any style fireplace. Thousand! in successful use, MURBACH Cod and Supply Co 201 IrMft St. fh WHAT HT. no; Remove (rout wheelt and inspect lining. Inspect, and repack front wheel bearings.

Inspect brnkt drums. Check and add brake fluid if needed Adjust brake shoes tn serure full contact with drumi. Carffully test brakes. of. the Lorain County Fair.

Board, underwent nri operation fnr an in- foctcd kni'p Oberlin hospital re cently. He home and able to be about. Receives tlegrer Earnest R. Oney, of Mr. and Mrs.

Earnest R. Oney, Magyar street, was awarded the degree' of Bachelor of Science of Education at Ashland College, Friday of last week, in' the annual cpmmence- mtnt. He Is one of the seven veterans of World War JI included in the class of 13. Oney has been commended for his extensive library and rrsearch work, particularly in languages. Fool Bobby Norton, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Norton, Taylor street, while attempting' to cross the street in the path of a truck, in the downtown district near noon last Saturday, was knocked down. He was taken to Fans Clinic, where it was found his foot was slightly bruised. Mrs. C.

n. Williams of Orlando, is visiting her brother Arthur Peahoriy and other relative! In town. Mayor F. M. Jones Is home after a fishing trip at Lake Temagami, Ontario, Canada.

Col. and Mrs. James C. MacDer- mnlt are vacationing at the Viamede hotel, Mount Julian, Ontario, Cntiiidn. They plan to be home August 28 Judtie and Mrs.

Frank B. Gott, who have been spending Ihe Summer with the latter's sister, Mrs. Iretn Morgan, and Miss Leona West and othr-r relatives in town, have returned to their home in. Florida. Street Commissioner and Mrs.

Herbert H. Keep have been spending several days with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Jacobs at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Miss Esther Crabbi has returned from a week's visit with her sisters, Alice and Jean of OVKRFl.OH'IN'ii riE Our grandmothers to use strip of i-otton cloth moistened in ruld water and fastened tight around the plate. This the i-dye of the pie in place during bak- inK.

Sonic cooks insert a stiff paper funnel in the center of the lop crust so thai juice may rise in it without "MM flowing. Juicy fruit pics often run over because the pit; niiikcr tries to put too much fill- )IIR intfi iho pic. CLEANER. FURRIER PLANT AND CASH CARRY STORE 117 CLEVELAND ST. PHONE 2714 PROMPT PICKUP ANP PB14YBBY SERVICE Rocket To Take Sun Photos At 90 Miles Up N.

lalen of the be in from within the ef liint rotiet. the pIlAtM till It eiiimated the tarth by of ft ipetially designeti and, cohslfucttd Itrnfos0htfe rocket bUilt by and Lamb Optical Co. at the request of the War which in currently rtueliht V-8 racket exprHments at White MMico. Although Ihe ISO-pound Iteel probably Will be smashed to biu when the rocket to earth, III flint ekpvcted to i-ettialti Intact to fcVeal the first record of the mut's enemy as it exists at more than four times a.s great nun has ever attained by balloon. The Stephens add Anderson expedition in 1935 Rained height of only three miio, While three balloons sent up four years later rote to It miles.

The Alisust experiment Will attempt acquire photos of the sun's before It enters the atmosphere. The rocket is expected to enter the Ionosphere at the top of the "Kannelly-Heaviside." Several aucceaMve exposures will be made at 30-iecond intervals. beginning. the start of the flight and continuing to the peak. At the peak, the casette will automatically close and lock to withstand the crash Impact.

Vaat FnrtM Invelveal Magnitude of the forces 'involved at the instant of impact are so great that the strips of film which weigh only a fraction of an ounce. will, at impact, exert a Weight of approximately 90 pounds. Among the facts which are expected to be learned from the experiment are the rate of intensity of hydrogen as it comes fronvthi; sun, the nature of the elements present, the possible presence of sun spots, and the effect on radio wave leiiKths of Ihe sun's energy. Optical parts of the Instrument were built by Dohn Forrest, Harold Strnnt, Ralph Dakiti and Walter Ouenther of the optical firm's instrument development division. The parts are of lithium fluoride.

synthetic crystalline material, which penetrates deep into the ultra-violet regions. Designers of the instrument rc- vealbd that at sea level, the atmosphere Is so absorbent it takes away all energy in the far ultraviolet, transmitting only down to about 3.000 angstroms. But as the rocket trave's through the atmosphere and attains its maximum Two Hurt Iff Bus Driver Is HeW PtftiFttLB, 111. tiv- Chicane. dHW ef hound bus whiCH overturned neaf here Saturday flight, killinf nnt) Injuring Was held Without ehfifife litre today.

Livingstone, who was treated" fef minor ihjuflfs after the heifhti will be virtually no atmospheric absorption and the photographs Will Show the of the iun's light practically It in tpnee. the racket which will enclose the casette is of original German design, duration of the upward flight of the JtJ-fon rocket, fitted WJlli a special Warhead, il approximately 2oO seconds, the scries of will be taken during that period. wlMt fellow when he comet to qett loen end ell billt. Then hit loen little et time end fett out of debt. itt a qrand end qlerioui feelinq.

Try it. Phone or ttop for your refill of handy "Ceth In Purte." For (edict end qentt alike. Jutt tay C. I. P.

pleese. PAUL CARBIN. Mgr. Phone 2228 Cmr LOAN IM Street If HltlMMI exit tend. Mrs.

MaflafU Lundrfilrl, iuffdle. N. Hied ef internal in- in tilinl tIMpiUI Ml result 6f the Aceideof. Mn. Walter Maujhrnnn, PltUfiHd, killed liv Mthtly.

Her hustMihrt ind mail children weft injured. The bun, en from City to Chicalo, While it Mtiary BftflKI IfM iniift IN Mill Miii DIN A salt ntfifikfeil ffl fruttinii in trie (it fat tfMK )i fried. MASON'S MYX MASOMIV HOUR, at Mill, let, etONOMICAL TOffINO flMH, A i ci iiy AM Mr MM li fftatft to MM, CLEAN COttVENttftT The B.YRIA LUMMR ft COAL Co. MtlKII Truck Tires Tractor Tim MARSH SON Tire Battery Service Recapping Vulcanblng Same Diy Service 111 Cedar St. Tel.

2438 Blood Pressure A WARNING OF Dangerous ComplicoH Treated at Worlds Famous Health Resort WOkUD'S MOST FAMOUS NIALTH WATIRS A bnunirmit iMluw KM hem within I htlt-milt ndiui, grMtfr mnirn (htn in my oihff minnil wiirr tht wotW. Hwllh irom of iht world in numbcts irt confirminj IMrdmj "i mirtnilm tw found ill it on High Blood Prasmrc THE KILLER' leads tragedy in sit extremely high percentage el when proper treatment it not wed, may he ciated with Hfoke, paralysis, hardening of the artetiea. Heart Trouble and many ether Since it the nature of the condition 10 grow steadily wore tNitil properly treated, yott by ignoring it of dr pending on ineffectual- In addition the foregoing, there sre usually dtetrfjtM tpsMB geaj dneaies auociatrd with High Blond Praiure. It el mow itmriably ta kftdicMiss) el complication of complicated in fact, that few it snear how treat it mwceufuHy, It it an unfortunate fact that many tiecevely High Blood Pressure ro be definitely incurable. Yet, have that in the entire field of chronic very few IJMI vsl tpond more favorably to proper treatments than High Blond Pressure, Aside from drugs thai temporarily reduce the blood, the usual tion rest in M.

Both of these procedures for of symptoms eoty and in Me- wtf any value in correcting the condition, it eyre. To successfully treat High Blood Pressure, it it neccttary to (He real of the ailment-the underlying causes and how administer the proper to cw Then, not until then, can you your normal activities Unlett yoq do take 10 correct High Plonj if i threat of sudden death or psrsrf sit from strode. MOMI TIIATMfNTI VIUAUY MPVI fUTIll TV eM oi trutuij Hifk frcsniff lh U4 it inertly ti home not ft condition! nil) 1 4 Acidity, Syltrmic Tosunii, rion. the PwtUtt C'-Und conditiom only ifcf highly filled clinicfl Tht Ippntr wnpletc of your cuoJilion oMI ywJ cnll Ipj on the bf itri hrjUb. fill AWO jotii irrw'l' bf'f Wflsf I you il IP tpccialhir to hii fw You frjnllv rjcarnienB ottd what it YOU DECIDE THPN NOT YOU WIUL.

TAKf THE TBFATMfNTS WE ADVISfe, I6W (Oil III ATMf Hf to KTVfrjW TOy; W'" 1 yvu cqji gf fat High Itmd dp noi givf up until you htvt writ- copy of out ckar.

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