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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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1 star 0 Justice, Deliver TlKy Hemld From False Report! PubBshed every tteek-day afternoon by Star Publishing Inc. fi Palmer Alex. H. Washbuni), at The Star building, 212-214 South rtrefct, Hope, Arkansas. C.

E. PALMER, President A1ES. H. WASHBURN, Editor and FnMisbet Ottered as sStond-elass lUntter at the postoffice at Hope, Under the Act of Match 3. 1897.

newspaper is instituUort developed by modern civfl- to tfrestSif the of the day, to foster commerce and' industry, Wideljf circulated and to furnish that Check upon constitution has ever been able to R. Bate (Always Payable in Advancer: By city carriet, per six months, J2.7S; one year $-xOO. By mail, in Ilcfnpstead, Nevada, ftowafd. Miller and LaFayette counties, $3.50 per year; elsewhere of The Associated Pressi the Associated Press is exclusively iititfed to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. tfattctaaf Advertising Representatives: Arkansas Dailies, Memphis, Stelick New York City, Graybar Chieago, 75 WacJs- er, Drive; 7338 St Xonis, Stni 1 Blag 1 Charges on THbirtes, Charges witt be made for all tributes, Cards of thanks, resolutions, or memorials, concerning tire departed.

CoiflniefciaJ newspapers hold to this policy in the news columns to prtMeet their readers frbm a deluge of space-taking memorials, The Star disclaims responsibility for Jhc safekeeping or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. Your Health By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, and of Hygcla, the Health Magazine YOUR Step WU'eplng CcuglV Before Whoop Begins CHILDREN By Olive Roberts Barton Children Seek it in Movies and Books. HOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS The Light Bringer The nlost contagious time in whooping cough is before- the whoop. Even before the peculiarly wheezing type of coughing develops, the or- ganisiYVs which cause whooping cough are being spread about to those in contact with the infected person.

These organisms get into the linings of breathing tract jfiirsohs who are infected are seldom sick to be isolated during the early stage of their infection. During this stage they cough anil the droplets of sputum containing the germs infect other people. If it were possible to isolate everyone Who had been iri contact with the patient having whooping cough for a Ion genough time know whether the one exposed was going to get the cough might be brought under complete control. or the most debated subjects among specialists today is the value of different types of vaccines in preventing and treating whooping- cough. Most doctors beileve that giving the vaccinrie early in the infection will shorten its duration.

Most of them also believe that the vaccines do little, if any, good when they are given to those who are already whooping. The experiments that have been made in laboratories Show some value to such vaccines for producing substances which oppose bacteria. The Danish investigator, 'Madsderi. was able to study an epidemic of whooping cough in the Faroe Islands. He found that the results of whooping cough were much more serious in those who did not get any vaccine than in those who did get vaccine, and-also'that in those who were injected with vaccine the disease was much milder and did not last as long.

Following injection of the vaccine, there are ocsasional cases in which there is a slight rise in temperature and sometimes a little swelling at the spot where the vaccine was injected. Beyond this-there does not seem to be any reaction to these vaccines. Most authorities advise, however, that they should not be injected into children under one month of age. Whooping cough is generally regarded by people as a mild disease, whereas actuary it can be one of the rnost menacing that attacks human beings. From time to time all sorts of remedies have been suggested for use in controlling the condition.

Actually, nothing that is rubbed on the skin, n'o vapor that can be inhaled, has been found to be of much value. Belts have been developed which Help to support the abdomen and chest q'f the child who is coughing. These seem to' give a certain amount of relief. As with other infectious diseases, tfie complications are far more serious in causing death than is the disease itself. "Should school children go to the I movies through the week?" a mother fasks.

"I had a dreadful time last year I Mary. She went to the four i o'elfick show about every other day and she was terribly late for her supper. And always ou Saturday, too." i If Miss Mary had been mine J'd I have been after her with a policeman, jl think. No child has any business to £it in school all day using up mental i energy and then continue to use up emotional energy on pictures or any- I thing else, except for an occasional i splurge. i his does not-concern movies as such, cr their influence good or bad on the child's training.

It is the physical ef- feet we are regarding here, and the i upsetting of habit and hygcnic routine. There is a time and a place for children to ese pictures. It depends on their age, their bed time and their own susceptibility to excitement. But when a'child sits in school all clay, even the healthiest needs change of air and position and to stop using up nerve power, motional interest of motion pictures, it is true, does divert i and rest the brain to a great extent, but what growing children need is the balance of. physical activity after a session at lessons.

As it happens there is no reason 'why Mary should not stop in at a four o'clock movie' once in a while. But when it becomes an obsession and a regular thing it is out of balance. If i-he has studying to do after supper there she is again concentrating on books. When are her muscles going to get a chance? The same is true of the child who habitually comes home to his story books. Many a boy has some everlasting pirate or a Jesse James waiting for four o'clock to come along.

shuts himself up to read rather than go out roller skating or play ball. There is no great difference from a physical point of view between the movie and the book. Both are emotional fillips instead of muscular and fresh air tonics. Too often the movie-mad child, or book-mad child, is escaping from real living. Perhaps they don't care much for things the way they are at home or have no desire to take any part in small home responsibilities.

Butwhat- eve rthe reason, there is a limit to these diversions, a place where they cease to be "rest." IL Cutters in Pursuit of Japs Americans to Avenge Attack on Philippine Peace Officers MANILA, p. Stales revenue cutlers wore through the China sen Saturday in hoi pursuit, of Jnpanvse fisliiiiR honl whose crew reputedly nttncked a nit rohbod tlircc Pliillppinc ponco officers on Americim soil. The cutter Bnnnhnw was ropolrtel ditcctl yon the trail early hut dolnils of tho chase wore lucking bucauso tin 1 cutter cfii'l not be rench'jd from bore by nulic. The Arayut was thy oilier cutter in tha purMiit. Both American vi were equipped with deck RUMS.

The fleeing bout, llnyim 50- fooler, crew of 21, registered us from Formosa, prefsuiiuihly was heading either for home or in tho direction of Borneo. Consul Gencrnl Kiniura in Manila referred to the reputed attack as but belief the men in the fleeing ship were not his countrymen. He sent a messaw to Pci-mcsa in an attempl to check identity of the vessel. The Japanese official said ho would co-operate with Philippine authorities. The alleged attack occurred in province September 11.

Pala- wan it the westernmost island of the I hilinpine arehipohiHo, southwest of Manila. at conclusions where others arc concerned. Generally you know only half of the circumstances which prompts another's actions. If you knew nil. the chances arc that you'd be filled with understanding rather than intolerance.

Give the benefit of the doubt and it to them with none ol that holier-than-thou alli- tude. Ihey'll be happier, of course, and you will h.ive gone a long way toward building that important foundation cm which you'll be able to stand, smilingly, after you're forty. Ether was not put to any practical use until 1H-12 altliouyh discovered in the llith century. I The expensive arlnnn-il automobile of the Marion. police is locked in a Karaye when not in use.

HBHE rouXv i Boots fiercely. She telt me taste ever she saw that familiar oranse- HA IB it nnd ot snlt on ner llpa and knew it to covered magazine; it gave her a iin-tiy. or ntnitin pang tor years 1 i tje the taste of tears, not ot the sea. RQ OQ the platform as the She dad been so foolishly Happy ra mover) tall, dark. Items on a hotel menu always have kind of liixiorous, complicated sound, even when, as it often happens old and familiar friend is hiding Latin and French nomencla- tu re.

Chicken Tetrazini, you expect anything with such a hifjh c.ite protluct soundinp title to be some very intricate product of a chef's kitchen, requiring endless supplies that are not to be found on ordinary days in the iflA "it TV 13 ilool- dl HBSS Lrl'XU. linridannir nwlmmlnB tiutrnoinr. and impulsively tvltli liiiu. Inimpcllutelj- nhr renllion thf nnirrhtei- In mlMtiike. only a few short hours ago.

She wrong to come. They oeen -Dd (were all laughins at her for a tool! i.rnniNllitf lo ror her He LeQ wag marshalling his forces. not ivrlio. nno tiu-ii "-cm Hun (They must all go on to lonys, tne MIIMI m- occi- House ne said. They dent.

Knots Job In ilrnnri- ar Tonne niiihor. He net io mime ol inchlttlliB nonuiitul KAY 01III.t.lN«l.-OUU. Out- Sumlnjr uiicx- nnU lo vIMI i-oiiKliia of in rriTlvc-d rordlsilly mid lime until Kay npprnni. handsome young man In well-cut clothes. And with all her heart she hated him! OUT you did not cry on a train: you settled yourself In the dot car.

not glancing about at your have lobster and crepes suzctte. i neighbors. You tried to read and 1 when the type danced before your Tony's crepes were swell. "How about It?" Ho was at Boots' elbow, urgin "Oh. I've got to get back to GLORIFYING YOURSELF Alicia Hart town." she said, looking about her.

"Do you suppose someone could me to the train?" I She had only a few dollars in her Cu'fTh'ad'fa'llen' over the face purse. Please God. rnaUe It. oe of the snn for Boots. The day enough tor the ticket, she prayed.

ON WITH CHAPTER XXXIII had' been' so little oasis in a desert of Kay nad appeared to spoil it for ner. But she remembered Boots, cer talnly! Please! lENIS tore himself from Kay's side and the older girl watched eyes you stared out of the window. Tho green lush fields of Long Island rushed past; the villages. There were cows In the meadows beside running brooks. There were polo fields and golf clubs, lying white and smug in the rays of the setting sun.

Von thundered past safety gates behind which dozens of motor cars were drawn up. their power Impatiently leashed until the bell should etop ringing nnd the crossing guard lift the gates again. People eo 1 all together, thought the girl bitterly. Mothers and fathers IP. little sedans; lovers BREAKFAST: Diced mixed Iruits, cereal, dream, creamed codfish with egg, commealmuf- fins, milk and coffee.

LUNCHEON: Stuffed eggplant, raisin bread, celery salnd, French pancakes, milk and tea. DINNER: Jellied tomato bouil- licn. chicken Terrnzini, buttered lima beans, salad of mixed greens with hard cooked egg dressing, peach parfait, macaroons, milk and coffee. IGL'HKD silk or rivpe enhance tho youthful lines of this i iV-hlon loiidiM' fi'atitrint; the. gracefully (lured skirt bottom.

Hj j-; (U-sifiif-d in to 51'. Slzo 4 requires 5 7-S yards of Inch fahric with yard coHtrasilni; innterlal. With Ions sleeves 5-S yurtls of inch fabric and I1--1 yard of contrast will bo needed. To secure a 1MTTKK.V and STUP-BY-STKr SKWIN'O IV- STIUTTION'S, fill out tho coupon below, being sure to 'i'JlK 0V THIS XEWSl'Al'ER. The rATTKUN" HOOK, with complete selection of Julia now is ready.

15 cents when purchased separately. Or, if you want to order It with the pattern above, send in just an additional JO cents with the coupon. JULIA HOYD, 103 PAUK AVENUE, NEW YORK Enclosed is 15 cents In coin for Pattern No Size Name Address City State Kama of this newspaper home kitchen? That is just what I thought when I ordered lo, and beheld, when it came, it was just a dear old friend. Here's all you will need to try it on your own family. Cne five pound stewing chicken, 1-2 package spraghetti, 4 cups chopped tomatoes, 1 pound mushrooms, 1 cup of cream, 1 pound American cheese, 3 tablespoons Worchestcrshire sauce, 3 teaspoons salt.

1 medium sized onion. Ccok spraghetti in boiling salted water with onion until tender, but not the least bit soft. The onion is prolcd but not cut. Drain and blanch spraghetti. Canned tomatoes can be used when fresh ones arc not in season.

Rub them through a coarse sieve to remove teh seeds but be sure to force all the pulp through. Add tomatoes to spraghetti and simcr until absorbed. Clean and parboil mushrooms and add to Cool, cover and place in refrigerator until wanted. Clean and disjoint chicken and cook in boiling salt water until tender. Cool.

Remove from bones in neat pieces, not to osmall, being sure to discard the skin. Put this in a refrigerator until wanted. When ready to E.ervoscrve combine spraghetti mixture and chicken. Add Worchestcr- shire sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, ci'cam and half the cheese which has been prated. Mix lightly nnd put into a buttered casserole or shallow baking dish.

Sprinkle top with cheese and heat in a moderate vcn until hot thruogh and cheese is light brown and bubbly on lop. The shallow dish is used because the mixture wil heat through quickly. Of course this same coriconotion can be made of left-over chicken for Ihe family's Monday luncheon, if you indulged in chicken for Sunday dinner. Always keep in mind the danger ol over-cooking chicken when its rc- Only coo kthe made-dish long enough to make it hot through. Other wise the chicken becomes dry and cottony and quile tough from prolonged cooking.

the little scene with amused, al- in roadsters with the canvas tops It would be easier to bate mocWng eyes Boola folded back; picnickers waving SlO.ttCO Prize Novel-Is Flrst-Ratc Book at the Grove" Is Fine Story of Real People By BRUCE CATTON In a day when most young novelists seem to prize utter objectivity and a I -staccato, closely-clipped literary style above all other things, it is exceed- i ingly refreshing to read a novel like Samuel Rogers' ''Dusk ai the Grove." This novel would be refreshing at any time, as far as that goes, for it is an uncommonly good one. It is, as a i matter of fact, the Atlantic prize novel for 1934. But just now it seems especially welcome. i Mr. Rogers tells about an Episcopal clergyman's family which spends its summers in a cottage on the Rhode Island coast; and his book is simply story of the three children in this sons and a and how they grow up through childhood to manhood and womanhood.

They are what we call "nice "talented people, living in a goo:) environment; but somehow, as these youngsters grow up, they contrive to get all tangled up in the business of living and to miss the prizes they seemed certain to win. And yet, though the book shows people making hash of their it is not depressing or pessimistic. Perhaps it is because these people are f.o like ourselves, in the way they yet their wisdom just too late and drift with the tide just a little too far; per- haps ii is because Mr. Rogers has that Any girl is apt to ask occasionally, "How will I look when I'm forty?" The only honest answer is, "That all depends on you." Beauty, like most worth while things, needs a firm foundation. If, year by year, you build for the fu- Uu-c, there's no reason why you can't be as lovely when you're forty as you were when you were- twenty-five.

But that building needs to be more than merely excellent caro of skin, hair and Those are important, of course. Skin must bo nourished lo keep it tmooth and hair must he- brushed and groomed so it retain its youthful shininess. and oxcrcifos must bo done lo keep the figure firm and shapely. However, any smart woman should know that what she really down what counts, particularly after she's forty. A very young girl often can get by on physical beauty alone, but a mature woman needs a great deal more than that if she is to be popular and well loved by her friends and family.

She needs charm, poise, graciousness and a lovable, understanding nature. A good way to go about acquiring those admirable a girl should begin when young to cultivate tolerance. Don't jump thing splendid and noble, even in de- teat. Whatever the trick is, Mr. has pulle dit.

" at the Grove," as a is fine and appealing novel about people who are real enough to out of the page and chut with you. Published by Little. Brown and it sells for $2.50. her, thought the younger girl with a llerce pang oE resentment, if her manner were not so perfect a blend of cordiality and patronage. It would be easier to Hate her It she snubbed one openly.

But tnls was not Kay's "line." indeed, aa Boots observed her, she was hard put to It to decide what the other's "line" was. Denis, she noticed, was cool, almost sulky with Kay. And all at once suspicion, verified by further observation, Hashed Into Boots' mind. Denis had known that Kay was- week-ending Eastnampton. He had planned this whole thing.

He had deliberately used her as a pawn in his game. They had unimportant probably but still a Denis nad brought Boots with him to show how little he cared Oh. I hate him, I hate him, sho cried In her heart, affronted. They were murmuring together now, side by side, in low-slung canvas chairs. Boots, through Leo's Billy runnlug lire of slangy patter, was actually conscious of Kay's silky voice; of Denis, protesting, angry.

"But, my dear, It's only until tomorrow morning," Kay said easily. In a silence. "You can't mind that, surely. Yes, I know the man la a rotter but after all I'm bis wife's guest. And the chef Is too, too divine.

1 couldn't resist the Invitation Denis' face was white, set. He wasn't responding properly to her easy blandishments. Leo's demented monologue went on and Boots, the origin spray of her hair biding her troubled face, halt listened "But you nave your own small amusements." she neard Kay's creamy voice say indolently. "The little blond from tho Village Her heart thudded angrily against tier ribs. Denis said something, very low, for Kay's ears alone.

Oh. to get away, to get clear away from all this, this bright, careless, cruel crowd ot people, thought eyes. must stay, Denis said, with contrition In his voice. lie would drive Her back later. But she was firm.

Honestly, honestly, she protested, she must get back. The air ot the place now suffocated her. She longed only to be alone, to review tho humiliation and the bitterness of the last hour dressed hurriedly In the cabana, hearing the boom of the surt. the light laughter and the clink oi glasses outside. Denis, again In his jray flannels, stood on the veranda it the Crane's nseucto Colonial jouae aa she emerged.

He'd drive icr to the station himself be said. Die wore again the aloot, almost cold look she had come to Know. He seemed to bo completely withdrawn Somehow Boots made her Tare- wells to the group. Kay waved a slim, ringed hand at them. "See you later, darling!" Her eyes lingered on Denis and she turned away.

silence. So at last It was arranged. She from some saniy knoll. Only she In all the world seemed to be quite alone. A truck farmer's wife appeared at the door ot i collapsing shack and threw grain to some chickens as the train rushed past.

In the gathering dark Soots saw a lam;) lighted within tlio little house and a table set for supper. 'Lights In all the little houses, she said to herself, nnd men coming homo to their wives after golf or swimming, and children going to bed In little She In The slender, golden-haired girl in the striped linen suit climbed Into the rather battered roadster beside the young man in gray. Casual passers-by might havo observed that they were a very delightful looking couple. They bad good looks, a certain dash. Yet neither was very happy.

Denis, lost In bis own thoughts, scarcely spoke during thr drive. Boots stared vaguely at -the baronial "cottages" they passed, scarcely seeing them. "Sorry you feel you must go!" He came away from the ticket window, the green stub in bis hand. He nad insisted on buying her ticket back to the city. She be was immensely displeased with her, that he thought her childish and capricious but she did not care.

He bad used her aa a stalking horse, she told herselt passionately and proudly. She had thought better of him; she bad believed. In her sublime Idiocy, that he really liked her a little "Thank you for a nice day." She said It with stiff lips and the words were wooden. They had no life or conviction In them. Denis gave ner a twisted smile.

all the world was quite alone. The city was Insufferable after all tills. Streets which had been lying balilng under the sun all day gave out tlio pungent odor ot hot tar. She toiled up the long (light ot Blairs leading to the room called homo. Hot tears pricked her eyelids.

It was a bitter ending to her happy day. else happened, Boots determined, she would not telephone Denis ou tlio morrow. Sho refused to accept tho patronage be throw so casually her way. Why, she might have been a stray dog he'd plcliod on the street, for all lie cared what really happened to her! You threw a dog a bone give htm a kind word. Ifnss had loved her and he was gone She had not thought ot Russ, consciously, in weeks.

Now, In reaJ earnest, the tears came. Her pillow was soaked with them. After the storm was over she lay shaken, trembling in the narrow bed In tbe narrow room. Street sounds came to ner through the light-pricked darkness and the sound ot doors opening and shutting. Mrs.

Mooney came in. Her hearty, good-natured voice was heard in the ball and she opened Boots' door a crack after a faint knock. "Ah. she'a all right. She's asleep." Mrs.

Mooney had a mild, maternal interest in the affairs ol her roomers. She wouldn't put the chain ou the door until the creatures (Cod love them!) were all safe borne and abed. Even that email crumb ot comfort orouglit solace to tbe lonely girl in the Iron bed Sin: went to VCUIO ilyl o--He bought a magazine ior her. put I sleep at last, the tears dried on her it Into her baii'i. All ner life I chocks.

floots remembered that day when- (To lie Continued) Keep Posted on Happenings at Home FROM NOW UNTIL JUNE. 1st To any Boy or Girl Away at School PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Getting the Homo Town newspaper every day is just like getting a letter from home Long, lonesome days and nights pass swiitly by when you are in touch'with happenings at home. If your boy or girl is going away to school be sure to subscribe for the home paper and eliminate all worries about them getting homesick and lonesome It will be the most treasured gitt you can make them. Phone Today.

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