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Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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HOPE STAR, HOPEV Hope Deliver False Report? ttefe ArttfMSH. afternoon by Star Publishing Inc. The Star building, 212-214 South C. K. PrtsideM H.

WASHBURN, Editor and is Matter at the postolfice at Hope. ArkanfM the Act of March 3. 1S97. 6n institution dereloped by dvil- news of the to foster commerce and todTustry; teta and to furnish that checJt upofl It n4 ctastitwtrcft has fiver been able to (Always fcfyable in Advance): By city carrier, pter one year S5.00. By mail, in Uempstead Nevada.

Howard, Stiller and LaFayette counties, $3.50 per year; elsewhere $5.00. MctWber ot The' Assented Press: The Associated Press is exclusively tff tne rar rcpulbheation of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published hertia. 'fr' ArRarisss Dailies, Aleiriphis, terick York Ciiy, Graybar Chicago, 75 E. Wack- fett DWve; Detroit; 7338 Woodward St. Louis, Star Bldg.

on Tributes, Changes Will be made for all tributes; cards if thanks, resolutions, or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial hold to this policy in the news columns to protect their readers a deluge of space-taking memorials. The Star disclaims responsibility "foV saM-Keeping or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. Yatif Health DR. MORRIS FISHBGIN Editor.

Journal of the American Meical Association, and of the Health Magazine YOUR CHILDREN GiVfe Cathaftlc For Pain hi Abdomen By Olive Roberts Barton The ptoblem of appendicitis con- to? be one of the host serious coming to attention the Medical profession. fenifficicnt Work Makes Child k'rrrsponsible. Thc biograD ier of a man sak Responsibmty anc in dustry at an early age made him what tedeed, in Philadelphia special ar- jho From yfrars on hfe gol up ranrements are now being made at (o (le jvel finishing at that every bottle of any cathaitit rfclock- From thon on muil bears a special label warning he user (ime hc not to take a laxative or a physic wcrked ovcnings tf)0t aftcl sehool prteence of abdominal pain, and md thm aftpr su not to give anything by mouth until Tof W(; ook fm (fal ng the family doctor has been called and c( Jo he lias had a chance to advise WM Bu( tarbnrou fc many others who have fought a good boy; triumph, drill of sacrifice, the need persistence, putiihg self in the i tlie proper procedure Any pain in the abdomen or any cramps or soie-, fj ht an( won back ness thoft, lasts for four hours i-, us-I hood ()ays U) nally seriovts-. The diajmosis of appendicitis is ficult irr children, who' are likely Jiack olmd ih (ho 6 to ktep suffer with abdonminal pains because Th a sue of chet. Moreover.

fc character. tfte appendix in ach.ld a somewhat abow rf thinner and contains more lymphoid cannot alwa work at thin we tissue than does that of he adult, so Qr eyen We cannot fl 'that atspendietis in a child is a more even be interestcd aUhoU it sudden and acute process than it is in better SQ possib Newer me(h tfae adult. I ods caching must consider this and an early and correct not lean strongl toward the diagnosfe Of fee cause of abdominal ay in stlidy Part ofthe pain in a child is much more import- traming for is to cu i tivate a con janfthan-in an adult. tentec i acceptance of routine duty that In many cases the appendix has db es nQt consider desire or comfort Vferoken and peritonitis has followed in a child, because some careless patent has given a large dose of castor oil to relieve colicky. pains.

Appendicitis has been found in ba- soon'; after birth. The number of deaths from appendicitis during the first three years of life is high, And it mtist be started young at that, to be really successful. There is such a thing as making a child very happy as a child, but at the same time sowing the seeds cf future unhappiness. No matter he is or what he does in the future, life will be so'me- i i UUCi 111 LI1U 1UILUW, tm. will to the rate associated witn what of a battle er ap it will appendicitis later in life, simply be- b(J a balUe with if he has no cause infection children of this age is a most serious matter It is-welt known to the medical pro- "fession that the chance of recovery I great need to earn.

However, it i known that the ranks of the uh happy draw heavily from the well-tb do class. The. rich who lack aim DeAnn 14,. 1934 mtl GLANCES By GeotgO Clark Tlie Dennn Home Demonslvntion club met ot the home of Mrs. Willis Poole Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Opal Smn- uels. Devotional rending 1G verses of the Mth chapter of the book of ohn and prayer wns by Miss Griffin, followed by the song, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." There were 12 members and fi visitors preseht. Misfi Griffin Rave an inlerosling demonstration on floor and furniture Each member is to bririr; two jnr.q ol each fruit, vegetable, or meats thnl she has canned to the next meeting, si list of all that lias been canned am! it be judged mid given points on how enter tdc county fair. Also each riicmber is to compose song and it to our next meeting. We shall take a volt- ns to the one arid take it to the nexl council in December.

The- best soiiK in the county will be (he club song. Delicious refreshment's wore served by the hostess and Miss Elsie I'o'ol assisting. The next meeting wil be October IU at the home cf Mrs. W. H.

Burke. The dorrionstralfon will be oh making rolls. 'Penr Conserve Five pounds pears, 5 pounds £ran- ilated sugar, 1 cup water, 1 p'oimd raisins. 2 lemons, 2 oranges, 1-1-2 cups nut nieats. Fare bears, r.ejnove.

cores cut.jn thin slices. Pour water and pears into preserving kettle and brinf! lo the boiling point. -Sift in sugar und simmer until (He fruit is tender. AtUi the raisins thinly sliced rind and ice of oranges and lemons, bring tn the hoiliiiK point and simmer for Add nuts and cok klU minutes longer. Pour into slerilizod jars and cover with parrafino.

Cover with a second of purrafine when cold. l.y I1EIIE TODAY A u'S', nAd iVftti ItCSS Lt.NII. been Itiirl viinir Kix-n in lot art t'looti izv In deimriiuc'ni llvln'jS in ii Greri "i i ii is in I rlen a "'Snfttn Ontfi BOOTS fl( loll co- "We're not supposed to Bave telephone calls at th6 etore." she told him. "Cait't call you Instead?" That Was all right, Denis said. him about noon I lift! JllHl I fu- hail, to from appendicitis after operation is purposc in Ufc usua iiy have a hard ibuch greater when the infection is timo con tent, and are often limited to the appendix itself.

Re- i indeea most unhappy of a n. moval the appendix at this stage Anrf SQ js on)y for malerlal yield recovery irt almost 101) per succesE that chitdren need to have ne cent of cases. wor habit ingrained in them early, The great danger comes when the fat hsure againi the dr ft tb appendix breaks and the infected ma- i wafds purposelos ness terial is spilled in the abdominal cav- Natural (hol is a di ff erence in ity, setting up the condition known as childreR Somo take more rcadi i to peritonitis. Under such circumstances routjno habit than others what wc the chance of recovery is much less. often do mistakcnly in this case to The chanc6 of recovery from ap- driving a childr but unlcss we pendicitis is also much less when ttie iro very carefu by usjng such means child happens to be suffering from I arg ohly tQ makg things heart kidney inflammation, worFC and set his face against wor brpnchitis.

or any infectious disease, i definite The driv ing method is not i rf- llnc Klltrii Slip liru-U ion, oroilil SHr VA.V IV- MH. mil- ol fril'iufx, unNn nno HIMMM ii'nililiii: triii" Ofl'iln. rt nnr SuiKlin iirtrrnuaii lir lift in lit' for ifrlvc. MJVt CO WITH IMIR CHAPTER XXXII OOTS nnd Denis lunched at an inn uanging over a willow-circled pond where ducks swam razfly In the duppled water. Denis was She would call then? Good.

Today he was a delightful companion, easy to talk to, interested, amuslns. He told lazy stories e'i- pertly; ne'flashed his remembered smile at tier occasionally: anrt when the girl, relaxing In the pleasant atmosplvKe. responded In neai'tily at tier nerer felt so witty and assured. She kind he laughed i sallies. Boots ay.

so day to remember The Cranes, a long-legged set ol youngsters with blazing blue eyes and lantern Jaws, variously Introduced as Jinny. Kits and Loo. flung themselves upon Denis with enthusiasm. -You Drought a girl! Swell." said Leo, surveying Boots with Interest. Jinny and Kits, the twins, announced that Mother was at the Hayfleldscs garden party No bod knew wliy or how she'd got dm somehody must call for her at seven.

Meantime would Hoots have a corUtail? Would somebody get I'eiirs Always Preserve Popiilnrlly BY MARY E. DAC.UK NEA Skff Service Writer If the pear tree in the back yard litre well this if you find a pear bargain at the market, do try a few for preserving that satisfying fruit for next year. Spiced pears u're good witli winter roasts nnd stews. Pear conserve- goes extra well with hot rolls or toast, and tjinut'r 'Well, lot's ask for this wcok-tind and if Uiey can't 1 make it ao much Llie but Lor." THIS CURIOUS WORLD him brief sketches of some ot her a ualhlns suit? the people at the store. She was i repaid ny the deep chuckle with which they were don't Relieve' a wo'rJ of It." ho said Indolently when she had CHE dressed in a airy cabana at the water's very edge.

The heady tanp of air wns in her nostrils. No would nnvfe 11 was like finished an im'ltatfon of Mr, linn- i affected her liko this, cock, the floor manager, and n( famous monologue-'about "I.acy. gftyly she came out Into the daz- Service." Mnz light, 'fhe others were I assure you!" Boots began. 0 disposed. Kits was lyln prorestins dellslitedly.

I. canvas cot iindor a striped on red at nls most ah- ers driftPd I nm white iimhrella. I.eo was as) straciert nor titfiJlly Interested, tie Do not try treat every pain in the abdomen of your child by administering a cathartic. The right procedure is to appy heat or cold to relieve, the pain and to call a physician. The doctor makes his diagnosis on the best way to approach any child, but it is disastrous with the temper- mental one.

Approach him with easy but regular tasks that he won't consider out of the ordinary- And, if he has lacked was solicitous for nef comfort. But ills rong. lean nrowfl hands llRlueii cigavet after cigaret and Boms noticed that he ate little. He seemed thinner; he had a tine- drawn look about his mouth. She had sent him a money order for $10 the week before, her first payment against the debt caused by her Illness and P.uss's burial fie spoke of this gently.

Me hadn't written to acknowledge ne said. away. They, were quite alone now in the nip clean room with tUe tables. Walter? drifted to nnd fro' with trays ot shining, empty glasses and someone turned on a radio la an Inner room. A nasal tenor wailed the refrain: "You have my heart Suddenly bright scene revolved for the girl.

She was dizzy: tier palms we're wet with the revelation ot the moment. There was some magic the presence of such symptoms as se- rcgulaj duties up to date to have vere vomiting, ffever, nausea and se- theco smba ii ut i cs at first conform vere pain in the abdomen localized (somewhati if not altogether, to his over the appendix, and changes in the abi)Uy and (asle timc there can blood which are found by exammation fcc gradual na nge toward the tasks ot the blood under a microscope he not SQ fond of The safety of the child depends on kin dncss to create in the art early and correct diagnosis dum the germ of industry. Watch it a vast cliference -habit and the willed to the appedix itself. ng -work habit. It is the differ! ence the real hustler and the i one who is always waiting for some': thing to turn up.

Children need play and lots of it. They need freedom and lots of it. j'lhey need time to call their own and do somewhat as they please. Child 'Communism "Gaining in China, She labor is a destroyer and a scourge and because he'd wanted to see her JD )(? a something Dad snruiiy first. She was not to bother about i lln between her and this lean, 'legged youns man with the narrow dark eyes and fho reluctantly won smile, art early ana correct uia 0 i cnjld lhe germ of condition and on an operation while grow a inflammation is still definitely limit- I tween the that until things were better with her.

It was simply a loan between friends. "flow are you likins tlie wor.U?" He wanted to Icnow. She shrugged. No one wns to know how dreadful the Ions days at Lacy's seemed to her. It was all right, she said.

A littlp tirin? sometimes. It was a job; that was all. Tioot.i Barbara leaned toward her, his brown hand 'Do you know you're, most awfully pretty'; ta'tinq a mammoth silver shaker. Denis, already tn onthing kit. fat tailor-fashion on a rug at the edge cot.

conversing with his cousin In low tones. As Boots appeared, ho jumped to his test. "I sny!" I.eo snouted. "Doesn't she look simply swell?" The white ruhher suit with Its scarf-lilte bodice Indeed suited the delicious curves ol Hoots' slim body. She had left her hnir freo.

It was like spun silk In the sunshine. "First time for me this year," sho said, taking the cushion Denla placed for her. Sho was suddenly almost suffocated with shyness. It was absurd. All her life she had ho one unconcernedly about in the briefest of casual swimming gar- capturing ner small white one.

mPtlI3 Now. with Penis' eyes on her slim rounded shoulders, she full self-coiiKclous. "Not reallyV" Kits drawled, yon mind?" She Yes, she hadn't until 'his moment how in anywheri besides. (Singer I'cnrs Nine pounds pears. cups Uiled cups water.

lemons, 0 ounces ginijrr. Bire fruit and cut in thin slice. 1 core. Drop into a weak saltwater lo prevent discoloring. Drain (Vein water and add to bailing Tomorrow's Menu BREAKFAST: Baked apples, cereal, cream, frizzled dried beef, crisp rye toast, milk and cofeec.

LUNCHEON: Cream of tomato scup. toast sticks, fresh vegetable baked custard, fruit punch. DINNER: Chicken pie, buttered onions', baked sweet potatoes, es- cnrolc and cucurnbc-r salad, mock angel food cake with peach whip, milk, coffee. lyrup made with sugar and water. Simmer until fruit begins to look clear around the edges and add the grated rind of two lemons and the juice of four.

Add ginger cut in tiny bits and simmer until mixture is thick and pears are transparent. Piit into sterilized jelly glasses and cover with thing layer of parrafinc. Whe cold cover with more parrafinc. Store in a dark, cool place. Spiced Pears Six pounds pears, 5 cups light and brown sugar, 2 cups cider vinegar, 1-1 cup broken stick cinnamon and whole cloves mixed.

Pare pears before weighing. Place in crocy alternately with layer of If the pears are quite large hey should be cut in halves and let ever night. Drain off the liquid nd add spices tied in cheesecloth Bring to the boiling point and bcil for five minutes. Addd poors and simer until tender, but not broken soft Puck in hot sterilized jars and pour over boilin" syrup and vinegar to cover. Seal at once.


1 OTHERWISE; THE WEIGHT OF THE SHELL. COMPRESSES THEIR INTERNAL ORGANS 'TUIE mists landscape cleared righted awny. itself, the and HP cive her a thout'litfisl look, i only her poundlns. pounding realized IIP iitr under the ihln organdie ot tier niucli she nnd mindorl hoiiiK away Find: -Agnes Smedley Tells Story of Valiant Kcd Army for a hoy of nine to get up at three in the infjrning is unthinkable. Btit let u.s avoid the other extreme that By BRUCE CATTON wraps thc-in in cotton, figuratively, and The Chinese Soviet Republic is one ec them a diet of candy.

of the most noteworthy, and at the All children are the better for some same time, one of the most unheard effort and small routine tasks that of- nations on earth. It has 90.OOft.MiO a struggle al times to finish. inhabitants, it covers an area larger Their whole mental fibre will be than Germany, and its armies stem strengthened by some work each day. almost invincible; y'-l most western--'School tasks do much more, but liters do riot even know (hat it exists. tl home responsibilities are valuable £6 says Agnes Smedley in "China's because they are diversified from Army Marches," a vivi I start me to i me Some children have too "I soiiiethina in mind," ne said.

"Remember Maslnrson. that chap I talked lo yoii about a year ago?" Slie remembered. had benn when she wns so desperate, so unhappy, not knowing wliiclj way to turn. blouse, testified to the giddiness of ru nil this, the sea, and the the moment. "Iteally?" "Rea'lfy!" This was nonsense, she renilndett herself swiftly and sternly.

She white sand and the warm sun hiirnlna over all. "Mh.s lifting a hearh club Klrl?" i she looked up. flushing. Into 1 IJonis' keen eyes, lie was uncanny. i was Iltiss Lund's widow aud IE; He had heen reading her very a firm lins an outlet was In love with Kay Chllhneforrt jthonshts.

i He wasn't In the least Inti-resiPd In That speech he had up I do!" And yet last I g(ie wasn't sure slie meant it. She missed the ease and warm Indolence of the life But sho was proud her 1 to think she had stood on her own purse and gloves. feet this year, without anyone's we really ought to he gei- iielp or connivance. She had "Well, the BlrY-o'ne of the glrla. tlrtg Mck." she'protested, looking proved, at least, rhat she wasn't 1 should ay- 1S leaving ID two I vaguely about ner.

I weeks. She's a southerner. I think I Denis followed. over on fClghth Street. Nice Hale plare Copper koitles and spin whnelj, that Bon of thing.

You uttered was the merest plcttsaiilrj. tl ow y- the Idlest compliment. She'knew. She remembered pass- Confused, she gathered Ing Dy, stopping to read the tulef on the bright jackets. beach club Oh.

come, tie getting married. Tbey want how about swimming? How parasite! She let the sand slip through someone. When I was Master- I about going on down to her lingers of cugh. It matter for judgment ling" book telling -if th: spread Bolshevism in China. i Communism, says Miss Smedley, n( thought.

The mother must de- fys gained steadily China for a ticic half dcszert years. The Nanking gov-' sou's office the other day ne was much to do at home. Others not eh- a (kfng to someone on the tele- phdne about IL I thought cf you." tou? The Cranes, his cousins. Dad "Going In?" Denis had her arm. been asking hiro to drop In Tor ages.

They had bathhouses simply "But." she cried. Her heart thud running over with extra battling dins painfully, happily at Uie "inayba the loh's already been taken. Oh. probably it nas!" goes on- Nanking's armies arc making her pages thrilling. TT was cruel of Don Is to tell ner rcuted again and again, and the pea- She tolls here of soldiers who march about too late 16 do anything sants and workers are rallying to the barefooted through the snow, and get; abou it.

Because ot course tnere himmer and sickle with amazing for- only when they capture them tferft a way a dozens ot girls af "1. i from the enemy: of women who fight the sort. So different fr after om Miss Smedley believes that Chinese' in the ranks with men; of Peasants ifj cy wjl its clac u. an( roruiiunisni is not to be rising en masse to breet the Re'Is as etefua vigilance, the wary eyes of in jihort. she' says, the armies ideliverers-of what in short, seems.

of iUisnek lose a little more she presents her facts- the rise of the be a 'eat mass movement which Chm than WW was the Boxer te a series of sketches of se for result, for the the hook the supervisor, the steady ache In back aud fuct "I don't know. It's a chance any- I how. Wortb looking into." Denis warmed to the Idea. "Look, I'll call you -r can IT' suits "1 don't know." Boots told him. wavering.

The prospect was enticing. The reat of this golden, Oreezy afternoon with this man as against a long, lonely evening In tier room Wisdom counseled flight cut she- was young and Inclination won. She might as well enjoy all this she told Uerself recklessly as me i car sped aioiig the shaded, dipping roads where every vista was a delight. Tomorrow she would be Dack among the chintzes, neat tn tier tblu Dlack witn the white col)ar. They were racing along the beach.

Now they were cleaving the water with their bodies and the strong, remembered tang of salt was oa ner lips- The beautiful clean strokes came nacU to her an(1 sne felt a sa'n lhe pure exhilaration ol swimming. Oh, it was delicious to ba back In her own element of BUD and air and glittering eea after this long interlude, with Denis beside her. Then she heard Jinny shout from "Denis! Coma nere!" Ouns the drops out of bor eyes. There, elegant and poised in lloatiug summer silks, stood Kay but tired, laded under tier new sun' bar a. SUe might aa well bave Una I By Alicia Hart 3lorifyinK Yourself Tile motion pictures often influence hu cosmetic as well as the fashion fields.

ThiH fall luivu set lhe leoparta Of course, women have been unrihg iihoul lhe fiiiuous jueen's beauty. As matter of fuel, most of tlie beautifying we practice we're pai'l of her routine luin- of years ago. Anyono who loubts need only go to the Metropolitan Museum in New York to see rows of rouge and eye makeup pots, unearthed by archooloyisls, that were used by ladies of Cleopatra's time. However, right we're all morn Cleopatra-conscious than ever and ccsmelics are making the most of the opportunity by suggesting various kinds of makeup in keeping with the little queen's own ideas. The ideal haircut for one who wants to go iu for this new mode is simple- Part your hair in the middle, ask your barber to cut fairly long bangs aim then wear your locks straight, pushed back of the ears and long on the neck.

For evening, get one of the handsomu Egyptian-type jeweled ov- ivjments of tiaras with bracelets ami ring to mutch. If you simply can wear your hair straight, have it loosely waved, comb it back from your forehead uad wear the tiara well to- v.iird tlie trout. Remember that eyeshadow is important in this Cteoputra-scheine-of- If your light, wear green. If they've dark, try blue and purple to which is most flatter- inij. Use rouge sparingly.

Lipstick is an absolute necessity and so is mascara-carefully applied, of course. A DM- of. heavy crt-pe. or novelty woolen, this town t'nx'lc promises to be as sfM-viccabh- as it is aUractivc. is dcsigiu'd for 14 to -0 and to -IL'.

is rtMiiiii'i'S -1 1-1 yai'ds of fabric I with II-S yard contrast. To secure and STKl'-UY-STIOr UN'- STIU'CTIONS, (ill out the cuiipuii below, IHMIIJ; lire lo AIKNTlOX Tiii; OK TIII.S The TALI, ItOOIC, with complete Keloction of Julia lioyd ready. 15 cenls when 'iiii'diusod Kopui'att'ly. Or, if you wain lo on'nT It with I ho pattorn nuuvo, in just an lu tin' coupon. JULIA noYi), TACK AVKNUK, YOIIIC is .15, cents iu coin for vii No Name City (if thi.l State.

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