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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 9

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Thursday. September HOPE 50 Candidates for U. of Grid Session Conch Needs Line Looks Good FAYOTTEVII.LE, Ark. Fifty for the 1M-I University of Arkansas football squad Monday answered Coach Thoinspn's rail for the initial workouts of the season. Coach Thomson found his need a punter and hnd nearly all the Imcks in a long kicking drill during the afternoon.

Two sets of big linemen wore available with indications that this will be one of the best Ha- zorback forward walls in history. The squad worked for a short time Monday on plays. One impressive back field was made up of Ralph LaForgc, liid Jeffcries, Choice Hueher and Oliver Criswell. Morning and afternoon workouts wil Ibu held until thy opening of the Classes next week. Antioch IS? BEACH PA6E Mr.

and Mrs. John Mahoii niul child ren, Mrs. Bessie Mnhon, Mr. Willie Mahon and William Cook motored to Camdcn and El Dorado Friday. Hattie Mac MeFarlane of Ecl- cnburg, Texas is visiting her parents.

Mi. nnd Mrs. W. E. Mcfarlnne am i.lhcr relatives.

Misses Irene and Kern Cook will be borne Sunday as it is our annual King- ing day. Mrs. Nancy Jacks spent Saturday and with her brother. Frank Campbell. Mr.

and Mrs. Lee Cook and Frances Mahrm a while Sunday with MIK. C. D. Green at Einmett.

Our advise on insurance problems is as professional as the advice of a Doctor or Lawyer. Coats Just received complete line of new winter Sport Coats. Popular prices. Ladies Specialty Shop "Excusivb But Not'Expensive" nr.f;iN nr.tiK TODAY. HOOTS it A r.

DUN, in nmi ivllh rillSS I.IIM). linmltiimlp Hulmmlnc licciiil'ii- lirr (irlilp lici-n tuirl liy HPIIJT xorliil nniilx, Knot Allainl. promising In for hrr In I or. lliiuM» loli In Uctinruiicni niorr. Klin living In liny room In ivloli Vlllnr.c ivhru ulir alrli'krn wllh llttMl I.TXWA1T.

Tiillni; nnihor. brfrlrmln her nnd Inter In (roil lirf in so IMP nt liU frlrniln. lloon fliiili hrrtrlf ri-Kfnllni; ilip pomrnslvo Jilr brnil- tlful KAY (inn lownnl flrnln. Just lirfnre lipr Illnrrtn npot.n rr- IPllltiK: Uor Itnnfi linil IIITII killed In innlnrliniii arclilrnl. MIC icnrn Ijnrk In llie nfurr la Ion (irniiil In liodl to hor Slic HPTH srivnii, oi frirniin, frrqnonily.

llpuln IN HiinniKT COIIIPN nu'nln nnil It IN nlmnNl yrnr inlnoe HnnlH li'fl IMT liniiio. fiO ON WITH T1JR STOUY CHAI'TKU XXX OOTS had never known a Rummer like thin OUR. Daek In had bonn warm, certainly; hut I hero you had hnd awn- Inged rooniR, llm blue Sound il.solf to Bplnnh al)out in. fiames, Blinded porchen, playing lawn sprays, children skipping deliriously under big trees In the earn of starched and aproned this had meant summer to Hoots. You had a big liouiic, of course, and big windows with the breenes blowing freely through rooms.

There were IF CAN'T FEEL WELL When we cat too much, our food clccnyi in our boWL'la. Our frienila smell thil decay cominir out of our mouth and cmll ij bail breath. We feel the poieon of thil decay all over our bodj'. Jt niukun ui Kloomy, grouchy and no Hood for anything. What the food decay in tho bowelsl Well, when we eat too much, our bill juice cjin't digest it.

What is the bile juice! It is the most vittil digestive juice in om body. Unless li pints of it are flowing from our liver into our Vowels every day, oui movements tret hard and constipated anil of our food decays In our 28 fett ol bowels. This dccuy rends poison all ovei our body every cix minutes. When our friends smell our bad lireatli (but we don't) and we feel like a whipped tomcat, don't use mouthwash or talce a laxative. Get nt the Bailee.

Tako Carter's J.ittlo Liver 1'ills which gently start thu Uow of your bile juice. But 1C "eomcthlvni lictter" is offered you, don't buy it, for it may a calomel (mercury) pill, which loosens teeth, Kripcs and scalds the rcctuir in many people. Ask for Carter's Little- Liver Pills by name and Bet what you oak, I iced drinks In thn big refrigerator in the roomy, nhabby kitchen. Saladn, crisp rolls, mountainous custards tempted your appetite Jlalh salts foamed pink or green lu the big tub and the fettling crisply Ironed silks next to powdered, sun-browned skin wns Infinitely delicious. All this was changed now.

Mrs Moonoy'a rooms baked and swel tereil under a broiling sky. Morn ings were brief interludes of peaceful coolness but before 10 o'clnnk the store itself was an inferno. At noontime you went wanly In search of food, but nothing was Inviting The limp lettuce leaves In the cnfe- lerla, the howls oC sandwich mixtures at the fountain lunchroom appalled you. At night, dragging a weary homeward way on blistered and swollen feet, you saw soiled children playing in'gutters strewn with dirt and chaff. Sometimes a fire hydrant played, and then the street urchins were delirious with joy, their soaked, tattered clothes clinging to their thin bodies.

There was one solid week in June when the sky was an inverted bowl of brass merciless, unclouded. Then on Saturday rain fell, drenching the parched and grateful earth in the parks. Newspapers published a toll of "heat victims." But Sunday dawned faintly cooler and a cry of grail. tudo went throats. up from a million TT was on this'Sunday that Boots, limp, tired, yet weakly thankful for tho Intorludn.

lay nt In her Fagging rhnlr with the dny's ahe.eta Rendered nbout her. She hnd just washed her hair nnd It curled nnd sprayed nbout her pnlo face In whlnh the brown eyes wnro unnaturally dark. Rho wns wearing nn old frork of white linen, ninny times washed, asked nothing today save pence nnd coolness and the time In to rwt. "The papers say 'hot again tomorrow'," Mrs. Mnnney volunteered, thrusting, tier red, good natured fnro Into the angle of tho half-ripen door.

"I'm jua off to my sister's down to Roeknway. Would there he anything you'd want before 1 go? Mrs. Dawson is mill in room but she's tnkln' t.lia 2:10 for Teaneck. You won't be lonesome?" Mrs. Dawson wa.s the gray, silen elderly roomer who bowed to Hoot remotely when they passed in th hall.

Mrs. Mooney offered the li formation that she had "three ma Hert daughters in Jersoy but Kb won't slay with a wan of "I'm enjoying this," Bool said, indicating with a gesture 111 breeze riffling the mended ciirlaitu tiio quiet and order of her Einn domain. Mow strange it was, nil hnd been thinking only a momon ago, that this room had seemed forbidding, so even shabby to he fight months before. Now (he sat glng bed, the worn cushions nm nil spelled sanctuary (hat (Int. nar Hunt'; 1 gratefully whou eho was weary am discouraged.

Mrs. Mooney. fintlpfioil, went ou( rustling in black UifiVta, and pres eritly Boots heard tho door nliin ul'lrr Mrs; IX-umui who hr.d Bin I lee Rtifl-'iy and primly at (he young Kir in white with ht-r gilt curls sprenc fanwlse over the chair back. Jiootf was utterly alone. The big, empty apartment was very still.

Mrs Mooney's other roomers, two silent smiling Irish hoys who worked foi big chain store uptown, had taken (heir rattan suitcases nnd departei the night before, bound on some hilarious expedition to Summit. Hoots was alone. Presently, she told herself drowsily, she wotih take her littlo blue teapot (from the dime store) from the cupboard; she would go out lo tho silent, scourei kitchen with its eternally dripping tap nnd its linoleum; she woiili make herself some tea and nibble crackers. TOUT the peace nnd the silence were too much for her. She must have fallen asleep.

She was on some dream voyage, vague nnci pleasant, when she was awakened by the sound of a voice. "Sorry, but no one answered the coverlet hor. It was upon rovr hnd that. Kh bell. She sprang np, startled, all con- Tuslon, Her hands flew to her riotous hair, to her breast.

Fresh, dewy, she faced the young man who, in pale grny flannels, his Panama in hand, stood on her threshold. "Ah, how yon frightened me!" It was Denis and he wore that iloof, faintly mocking smile she remembered so well. "I rang and rang," Denis told ler. "I saw the door was ajar so walked right in. Where's Mother ilooney?" "She's gone to to rtock- iway, I mean," Boots stammered.

Jenis! was wearing this old rag of a white frorik nnd her slim feet were thrust into hnellefis blue leather slipper? nnd her hair wns all over the place! Rho ran skillful fingers through its curly con fusion. do that," Denis Raid with Ihnt dangerously eoft note In his deep voice. "I like It that way." "Like?" Tho (lush, a deep rose, rnlorpd her l.hront, her cheeks. "Child!" The mocking note had disappeared nnd Dents faced her, smiling oddly. "You're riot shy of me, nro you? Where have you been keeping yourself nil these months?" If ne thought he could march right back into her life like this, she thought, with a rnro spurt of anger, he wns mistaken.

"I've been around!" Her tone was light hut there was subtle undercurrent, of resentment. Denis said, "I've been working like mad on the book. It's finished." "Really?" Polite Interest, nothing more. "Yes. I Ihink I've been around in a fog.

That's over now. I want to do things and go places, How nbout. it? What would you llilnk of a drive out on the Inland? Maybe a swim?" Khe'n aicny, Bools said to herself resentfully, tin't anything better lo tin. Just the same, lie- cause she was young and lonely, the temptation was "Come along," lie urged. "Do you good." CHR loHKcd the golden cloud out of her eyes, staring thoughtfully nt the worn pla.ce in the carpet, the Kfiuare of sunlight falling athwart the shabby bureau.

If sho refused she might sit alone all day comimiloiied only by pride. After all, what did it matter? "All right. If you'll find yourself something to read in the sitting 1 room I'll be along In five minutes." "I'll go over to Sixth Avenue." he said easily, "and pick up some clgarc-tfi. He right back." Man, she reminded herself after i he had departed, despised girls wlio wero as easily available as But it didn't matter. Denis iliumlu of her merely as a friend.

Pio'u- lie wanted to talk to her about i Kay, anyhow. That WP.FJ was why he had come. She was ready in 10 lot in fivo. Her striped Holly Grove There will be preaching liere Fri- cluy night and Snturclny morning and night, nnd Sunday morning. Church conference wil be held nt 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Thomas of Little Rock is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. V.

Derry- borry nnd family. Severn) from this comunily altend- ed the Methodist meeting at DeAnn Hint week. Mr. nnd Mrs. T.

J. Pay no were visiting-relatives nt McCnskill Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. J.

C. Atkins and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnic Lumpkins spent thp day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

R. T. Ilcmbree. Miss Delmnr Yeager is visiting her of near Hope. We arc sorry to know that Mrs.

white linen suit wan UIB organdie blouse (from Lncy's i frilly and crisp. She small brown straw down ir.ion ifjr fair hair and crumpled jinves in her hand. Well, she looked all right. Xot'l smart, of course, as Kay 'ord did, hut nice. Denis le ashamed of her.

He had a. rather shabby But why was vondered, as ho helped her hat it seemed ikable than Edward's nr with the powerful engii! wondered idly if Kay rodo hi ar. It scarcely seemed Cay was so elegant, so imp. They left the hot city ind them and ran over ridge. Presently they woro tin? 'arkway, the green courtly ing past on either side.

"Like this?" The dark, narrowed eyer-. r-MirM. ers smilingly. Boots nodilcil, trailed at tho unwilling hicli came to her whenever si. as witli tin's man.

(To He Continued) Plymouth Rock was the third landing place of Ihe Pilgrims. They landed at Provincetown. then at "lark's Island, and finally at Ply- noulh. It would cost $140 an acre to return In Oklahoma soil Ihe nitrog'cn (hut has been taken Ironi it, according to estimates. USED MENDENMALL'S CHILL GENERATIONS .11 rs.

A. IIuyiu-1 310 So. William ColdKlioro, C. fioldsboro, X. January li'J, UIKi.

Dr. J. C. Memlrnhall. Ind.

1'leasi" H'li'l six bullies Malaria Chiil ami vcr 'i'cuiir, 1 Mm! it MI useful, ami a good tonic for my children, I used it all the lime when 1 lived in Louisiana, ami am anxious to get il again. Mrs. .1. A. ilaynes, William SI.

(iiildtihorii, N. DiM-iMiibt-r Dr. .1. 0. Mt-n- (li-nhull, Carolina llolel, Raleigh, C.

In reply In ytiur letter of Ilir lil'lh. will Ktulc that 1 used Chill Tiinii- whrii my i-hllilren 1 over twenty UEO wlii'ii wn lived in l.iiul.siiina have tivi 1 griindchlldrt'n, nnil we give tlieia Mi'inleiiimU's fur Constipation. Chills and I'Vvcr, Culds, anil I'nughs due to Culds, ami they nei'il 1111 niher medicine. J. A.

liayues. N'OTHi AVo make Menrtenhall's t'lilll ami l-'vvvl' Tuiiu- in two wilh ami without arsi'iiii'. As In tin 1 vulue of our ('hill 'J'niiii: wilh ursi'iiU-. we tiuute from MIL- II. nispiMiMiiiiry: UM'i-iil ill thi 1 I rt'i'tiiii-ii nl' chronic nia hirij.

111:1 la rial or liiiiiuis rfver, int nn 1 i-nl If nr HARRY Is 111 II tin- apiie- iiiiH iliKi'-stinii. and lhn iialit'NI. ali't IKI.S jinivrr to llio iii uf Hie- liluiiil. li Is at I'fvf i.aim: i.r a Kcni-riil tonli-." i aik' Ijy .1. c.

McdU i KvaHHViHc, Indiana. elson'Huckins! Pillows Properly Laundered and PHONE 8 Publicity Men Make Mad Rush for the Storm Cellars It is the season of darkest gloom. A dusty shade'lias spread across the face of the world, causing football coaches to moan, groan and shutter, and sports publicity men of our leading educational institutions to cry into their beer and pen lines of woe. During the last coupl eof weeks there has arrived at this department shocking epistles which caused us to don our best suits of mourning before pounding out this column. Rather that elaborate on them, we'll give you excerps from these messages of evil tidings and let you wander off into a convenient corner, and have a good cry.

"The gloomy aspects of the are contained in tho fact that nil more than ine and possibly as lew 1 six letter men will return this full, and that a new coaching stuff must take over the reins. Returning letter men are fewer than ever before in Ihe history of the school." That sob comes right from the heart r.f R. I. Thackery, head of the news bureau of Kansas State Colleye. Go "A potential weakness at the end posts looms larger and larger in the cycL' of Texas Aggie Supporters." pen Curtis Vinson of Texas A.

and Please don't end it all Curt. "Ccach R. H. Trelfall declares tha the 1934 schedule is the most that the Juckrubbits have faced ii years," drips from the pen of George H. Phillips of South Dakota State- That's an old standby.

I'ily Poor PiU Frank Carver, the red-headed boy who paragraphs for Pitt, sent in the following: "The hardest schedule in Pitt's history. Hero's what Jock Sutherland lias to do: "Wipe out the stigma of those two Rose Bowl defeats at the hands of Southern cal. Notre Dame for the third time in row. that defeat at the hands of MimiL-a- tola last fall. intact the record of not having lost a game to ani eastern eleven since 1928.

clown the Cornhuskers of Nebraska now mow down Cargcnie Tech." Is that all Frank? Dire forebodings come from Michigan State. "Prospects for a winning team are not very bright. In addition to the material difficulties confronting the coaching staff, the team must play a hard nine-game schedule, one that will car ry over nearly 10,000 miles of railroad and not one of the games may be placed in the ''breather" class. Well the boys will have had a nice, ride when the season is over. i W.

V. Morgenstern, University of Chi newshound says: "In the backfield there wil he satisfactory candidates, but unless something can be done about tackles and ends the outlook is not so good." Well at least they have something, to be thankful for at Chi. Uobiu Still Dreads From Cornel comes word from L.L. Doochever, director of public information, that Gloomie Gil Dobie is inl the proper spirit. Gloomy's statement i according to Boochever is: "Cornell football prospects look better or worse thun they have for- the last few years." Enlightening? And so they pour in; these touching little tales of sorrow, indicating that the various college campuses are all decked out in black, and that there really is danger of noble athletics dy- fcv the honor and glory of dear.

old Backwash. I But a minute, here is a note that just arrived from George Kclley, publicity man at Duquesne. George wiites of Joe Bach, the fellow who fuc'ct'cded Elmer Layden when Elmer went to Notre Dame. i "Joe probably is the only coach in the country who would say his squad looked great on the opening day ol' practice." Kelley writes. "But it did and he did." George you spoiled our whole day.

Hungarian To way wine, maile in llilO, i.s still held in Fukier's wine I at Wai saw, Poland, nnd can be hud quart. Tile moon was believed tu be made 's before the indention uf teie- The dark markings on it were bought to Im Ihe reflection of land ind sea areas on earth. Maude Elliott is sick, Mr. and Mrs. Loon Willis have-returned to their home at DeAnn after an extended stay with J.

F. Willis and family. Mr. and. Mrs.

Dewey Worthey and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Clark and family.

Miss Sallie Fay Ray of Little Hock was visiting relatives here last week. Bells Chapel Rev, John While of Sulton filled'Ins regular appointment here Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Several of the young people of the Sweet Home community attended church Sunday night. Mrs'. Lorene Arnold was the Sun- clay guest of Misies Irma and, Joyce Wood.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shack'elford were Shopping in Saturday. Mrs. Olive Merchant sspent Sunday wilh her mother Mrs.

J. R. Folsoin. Mr. Dalbs Hucg is staying in Prescolt now playing Mrs.

Jack Foster of Blovins was the dinner guest of Mrs. Brooks Sunday. Mrs. Lorcno Britt of Kilgore, hint wilh her mother Mru. Biiiley.

Mr. Elmer Honon lies velum to liis home at Fnycttcvillo after visiting relatives in (his community." Miss Evelyn Stewart spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George. Stewart.

Mr. Mnrvin HartlosK and Collie Bailey of the CCC camp of Dierks the week-end with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wood of Pleasant Hill community called on Mr.

Lcn Wood and family Tuesday, The many friends ot White are sorry to know ot his Mrs, Leonard Brown of spending two weeks with at this place. Bilious Attacks For bilious attacks due pation, thousandeofmenandWdflil en take Thedford's B)ack-Drftttgl)i because It is purely vegetable brings prompt, refreshing. "I have used Wttttl Mr, T. L. Austin, of McAdenvl N.

O. "There is a package of it my mantel now. I take it tot ousness. If I did not take It, dullness and headache TOuId put me oatf business. it Is the quickest to relieve me that I know." Thedford's Purely Vegetable fcsttAtfw "CBILDBEN LIKE THE lilttt" present 1 and so again the brilliant of a new season unfolds and the linens and chiffons of place to gleaming satin and the rich sheen of velvet.

Fashion highlights her costumes with glamorous jewelry in gold, in turquoise, in rhinestones. Leaves flutter clown to cover the ground with a gay carpet whose color is mirrored in the shades favored by new green, browns tliat go from rust to amber, wine tones and dazzling of crimson. Indoors, summer clip-covers and hangings are folded away and houses grow inviting with color, touched by soft glow of lighted lamps The stage is set for autumn gayeties, there's a festive note in the air The store and shops are filling with the best of the new in apparel and home furnishings. Make your selections from the pages of the Fall Fashion Edition Tuesday 18th Hope.

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