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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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cie MRS. SID HENRY TELEPHONE 821 finds Cnll to Us There is never a rose in nil the worlt Hut it makes some green sp'rny sweeter, Thorp is never a breeze in all th sky, But that it makes some bird's wine fleeter; There's never a 'star but''brings to heaven Scvnip silver radiance tender; And never a rosy cloud but belps 1o crown the sunset splendor; No robin but may thrill some heart His dawnliko gladness voicinir, Ggr gives us all some small, sweet way TO sot the world Talbot Feiid of Austin, Texas is (hi! of his grandmother, Mrs. J. T. West and sister, Miss Hattie Anne Feild.

Mrs. Will Goff of Prcscott is a guest in the home of Mrs. T. H. Goff.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smilh are visiting In St, Louis this week. Friends will be glad to know that J. R.

Henry who recently undei went an appendicitis operation at Vincent's in Little Rock, is expectc home within the next few days. McRuo Loinley left Monday for Ma nolin where he will enter the A. M. Collgc for the coining school tern Mr. and Mrs.

Boyle Bruce announc the arrival of a little daughter ii thrir home, Tuesday, September 11. Mrs. Lucy Moss, who has been thi of her daughter, Mrs. J. McCulloiigh for the past week lef Tuesday for Coolidge, Texas, where Mie will visit her daughter, Mrs.

H. James, before returning to her horm in Ilurnboll, Term. Miss Wybil Wirnherly has returnee: to Honkinsvillc, where she wili again be a member the faculty nrlhel Ooilefje. tho time for meeting wns changed to tho second Thursday in each month. Mrs.

Fan-in Green was appointed the assistant director. The program clinirman, Miss Evelyn Brian! opened (he propram with a paper on the History, and Purpose of the Miss Dorothy Gunter gave a sketch of the life of Raphenl fcemmes, a Southern hpro of the sea. The poem, "A Sword in the Sea," was read by Katherine Map Simms. following the program a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs.

Thomas Carter and little daughter Betty Jane, who have the guests of Mrs. M. H. Barlow and Mrs. Pritchard for tho past week lave returned to their home in Mon- La.

Mr. ami Mrs. Krnesl Still were TUPS day visitors in Arkadelphia. Mr. and Mrs.

Surrey Gillam, who have spent the past ten days in St. Louis, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M.

LaGrone, cnrouto to their home in EIDorado. Little Miss Mnrjcry Ann and brother were guests in the LaGrone home while their parents were in St. Louis. The Clara Lowthorp chapter of the Children of the Confederacy held their September meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R.

T. White the chapter director. The meeting was opened by the president, Miss Frances who conducted a short business period, at which tim Mrs. B. E.

Newton and daughters Analee and Alice who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Duck- for tho past week, left Wedncs- lay morning for a visit in Little nock jo fore returning to their home in Birningham, Ala.

Mr. and Mrs. Cross Dudnoy and son illy of Texarkana were Tuesday vis ilors with Hope friends. Mrs. W.

G. Allison entertained at a very luncheon Tuesday her home on West Avenue as spoc- ia Icomplimcnt to Mrs. Caswcll Me Rao who is leaving Wednesday for hci home in Fayelteville. Seek Amendment to Voting Laws State Labor Federation Would Abolish Poll Tax Requirement PINE BLUFF The Arknn- sns Fedcrnltiton of Liibor Wodncsdn sought rclnxntion of voting reruirc ments in Arkansas, coupled with penalty for qualified voters who fail cd to cnst their bnllot.s. lliw sentiment of the organization was din nslructions to it officers -to initiate a movement for two amendments to the slate's con- stitulion.

One of (ho nmendrncnts would repeal the poll tax receipt requirement as a requisite for voting, and provide the proper registcraiion of all qualified voters with penalty fixed by law for qualified but non-voting cit- Tho second amendment would "eliminate all burs to adoption of just workmen's compensation, and to initiate such a law in Arkansas. Strassner Speaker at El Dorado Meet Highway Program Is Half Finished Drafting of New Federal Program Underway at Little Rock HOPE STANHOPE, Dr. Don Smith had as Tuesday guest, his brother, Dr. M. Smith of Oklahoma City.

Dr. M. Smith addressed the district Medical Society meeting at the First Baptist church in city on Tuesday. All members of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary are urged to be present at a joint installation of officers of the Legion and Auxiliary at the city hall on Thursday night at o'clock. J.

F. McClanhan, left Wednesday for Arkadelphia where he will at Ouachita college, The Hope chapter No. 328, O.B.S., wil have a at the fair park Thursday evening, September 13 at i p.m. All members are cordially invited and are requested to bring a u'cnic lunch. THE NEWSREVIEW (Continued from Page One) TWIN SALE Regular $3.50 Permanent 2 Waves for $4.00 Bring your friend.

Lewis Beauty Salon Phono 39 Front Street Sam: What's your hurry Dill! whe'ro you going? Bill: Man. it's BANK NIGHT, and I'm going lo This 'The Night' Hie. schools bilingually, with English and Spanish used side by side. Now, however, the instruction is to be solely Spanish, with instruction in English reserved for the high schools. But in the Philippines, English is the only language thoroughly diffused throughout the islands.

Spanish is the language of polite society; English is the language in which business ii conducted. Tho Filipinos themselves have voted to make English the offiieal tongue. So the American territory will speak Spanish and the independent Philippines will continue to "talk Aberi- can." The Rev. George F. X.

Strassner of this city was among Hie speakers featured on the Kiwanis program held Tuesday at El Dorado. The Rev. Strassner discussed plans for (he convention to he held at Excelsior Springs in October. CATTLE BUYING (Continued from Page One) Paramount Pictorial Betty Boop Cartoon Comedy "Making the Rounds" THUR. FRI.

2:.10 Matinee Thin. ISc 3 big favorites 3 CAftY COOPER CAftOlE IOMBARD SHIRIEUEMPIE Those unfit for food will be condemned and paid for at minimum prices. The prices which wil be paid for cattle purchased wil be as follows: Cattle over 2 years old to $20. Cattle from 1 to 2 years to 5. Cattle under 1 year $4 to $8.

The purchase prices as listed above vill be divided into benefit payments and purchase payments. The benefit payment will be paid to the producer, md will not be accessible to the lien lolder, and will be $5 and $3 for he three grades given above, respcct- vely. Tlie purchase payment will be vailahle to the lien holder, iy thci any. It is hoped that the farmers wi ako this opportunity to cull the erds. If it is at all possible to retui icm, good cattle should not be dii.

osed of, but kept for a future her nmdation. It is very likely that al er the depression has passed, goo cattle will be in demand, and price will likely justify the holding of then Each producer who sells cattle uncle this buying program will sign an afc roement to conform with and abicl by and control agreement for boo or dairy cattle that may be recom mended by the Secretary AKrieul lure. (Continued from Puge One) gas; ha.s demonstrated conclusively the necessity for federal intervention State Regulation Difficult One reason is that the set-up of holding companies is said lo make effective slate regulation of them rx- ireincly difficult. A holding company a company which buys control of operating companies through purchase of their common stock. The lolding company may or may not lave actual operating facilities.

Operating companies are variously cntrolled by state utility conimis- ions. Defenders of holding compan- es argue that they also are thus in- lirectly but sufficiently controlled. Other experts contend thut in general inancing operations there seldom is state control, principally be- ause an individual state lacks juris- liction. The federal government, however, lay supervise any company which ffects interstate commerce and hold- elson-Huckins! Pillows Properly Laundered and PHONE 8 ing companies are said to fall in this class as a rule. The extent of which the commission would recommend licensing or incorporation remains to be seen.

LITTLE ROCK Tentative draft of the new federal! financed Arkansas highway prograi was reported more than half com pleted Tuesday night after tho slat highway commission recessed a spec ial session. Tim commission met with the gov ernor nt. bis home here Tuesday af lernoon after conferring with federa engineers Tuesday morning and wa reported to have made good progrpc on the program. The program must bo submitted the U. S.

Bureau of public roads foi approval and higghway officials said i would not be made public until the Federal bureau had approved the selection of the commission for the projects. Projects totalling more than $35,000 000 were listed for consideration by county delegations at two previous neeting of the convention, meetings of tho commission. It was reported that one of the pro- octs which may be approved will be ho paving of an additional stretch of fighway 67 north of Newport toward he Missouri line. It was also rcport- that a municipal project at Fort Smith also may be included. Under the terms of the federal pro- ram one half of the funds must be pent on closing gaps in through ighways and the remainded divided ictwecn secondary roads and muni- ipa lilies.

Selection of four small projects-(lint ivill virtually complete last year's Confesses Murder of El Dorado Man Negro.Admits He Killed Merchant and-Robbed Cash Drawer EL -Arrested fo creating a. dislurbance a churcl near Urbana Sunday night F-'urcel Mitchell, 21-year-old negro, confess ed hern Tuesday, officers to the slaying last Thursday night of Lee Ward. Cfl-yoar-old Union county mer chant Ward was shot and killed in his store near 'El Dorado, Relatives who found him fatally I'eportec the cash drawer had been rifled oi about $14. Officers here said Mitchell confessed that ho fired on the merchant vheii he went into the store ostensib- to make a purchase and Ward unied his back to take a package of vashing powder from the shelf. The negro was taken Tuesday aft- rnoon to an unannounced jail for afe keeping.

When he was first arrested on Sun- ay, officers' suspcions were aroused vhen they learned he had been leunding money freely in the vicin- of Urbana, leading to his being ucslioned about the Ward slaying. RA program weer announced: Grading and drainage on U.S. 71 rom Foran Gap to Boles in Scott and oik counties. Gilliam underpass on U.S. 71 in Seer county.

Yell county drainage and 'grading etween Crystal Springs and Silver. Earthwork and paving for Donald- overpass on Highway 67, Hot Jrings county. Contract-for the over iss was awarded recently. Fewer Students to Attend Schools First Time in Five Years That Enrollment Shows Drop tho firs time in five years fewer children wi attend classes in Arkansas publi schools this fall on tho basis of In 19X4 school enumeration which wr completed Wednesday. H.

T. Stegle, assistant commission? fedueation, announced that the cen sus showed 647,678 persons of schoo age, between six and 21 years, in th 75 counties. Forty-eight counties re ported losses and 27 showed an in crease. It was the first time the schoo census showed a decrease since 1929 Steele attributed a part of. tho decrease to the close check made on census figures contributed by each county.

Steole said he checked the Birthdays of persons named in qucs- ionnble census reports and found many discrepancies. Tlie birthday was given as March 1934, which would have made the listed seven days old on the day he county census was made, Steole aid. Another birthday showed "a child" be a grandfather of 72 years ago, aid Steele. His birthday was listed March 16, 1861. Tho completed census will be used the basis for a quarterly distribu- ion of the state per capita school unds, which will be allocated at a meeting of the board of education ere September 17.

Approximately 600,000 will be in the funds at that me, according to estimates, making or a distribution of less than $1 per apita. 0-Year Record Broken for Chevrolet DETROIT Tlie largest Aug ust production in five years, totallin for al plants, is reportd by the Chevrolet Motor Company, Thi total includes domestic, export am Canadian production. For the eight months of 1034 Chev rolcl production totals 692,477, and ex coeds by the 1933 twelve mon total, which was passed early last' month. Retail reported by dealers took a decided upward turn in the last It of August, promising continuec demand for September. The report dr-liveries in the United States exceeded tho domestic production.

Rocky Mound Bro. Slivoy will preach at this place Saturday night. The public is invited to come and hear him. Mr. and Mrs.

Fletcher Easterling ind family of Green Lasoter spent ast Thursday with Her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Andy Jordan. Miss Alice Purtle spent last Satu'r- lay night with Miss Helen Fincher. Mrs.

John Bill Jordan and Mrs. Any ordan spent Friday afternoon with VIrs. Cecil Rogers. Mrs. Bill Fincher and Mrs.

Nora called on the Misses Faye and Mma Poole Saturday evening. Mrs. E. O. Rogers arid Miss Doris 'arbrough called on Mrs.

Chester Garland Friday afternoon. Miss La Verne Purtle was the Sat- rdav night guest of Miss Willie Dale urtle. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Butler and fir.

and Mrs. Alfred Bearden and lildren visited relatives in Nevada ounty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wright of Shoor Springs and Mr.

and Mrs. Bud unt called on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunt Sunday and Mrs. Archus near Hope spent- Sunday wMJt parents, Mr.

and Mrs O. Tlie earth is belted with 300.000 niHciv of submarine 100,000.000 miles of telephone i and 5.000.000 miles of telegraph Oil is being made from coat British inventor. He harf plant to handle 1000 tofts of week. The Busy People's Laxathr Prompr, acting, thorouch the delicous tasting chewing gum It) tuits busy people ttictly fat fta ictttm A i no new to upset stomseh or diet Otltf if gerous, so salt ly get back on nd fay ihern. Chew Peen a-nilftt.

DRESS SALE Entire Stock Cotton and Silk THE GIFT SHOP Phone 252 i Our advise on insurance problems is "as professional as advice of a 'Doetol 1 or Lawyer. ROY ANDERSON CO CONPlire INSURfiNCE PHONE 610 HOPE, ARK School Slacks Snappy! Smart! Crammed full of style and wear! Full cut-greys, tans and blues. Sizes 5 to 16. Boys' Scbool Shirts Bargain Priced Fancy patterns, solid colors, also blue and grey ch'ambray. 12 Vi- 14 "Boze" Canvas Shoes Boys' Sizes! BAenfro" B4VS STAR OXFORDS Young Men's Slacks 22-in Bottoms! $2.98 Smartly- -styled cheviots, worsteds, fancy eas- simeres.

Pull cut, bsr tacked. Another Penney Feature! Oxfords Wear- 'em for school and gym! ODORLESS insoles! White, brown, neutral. Boys' Golf Knickers Full Cut Young Men's Shoes Creased ramp! "Hyer-Quality" fine calfskin! Glove like fit! Perspiration-re-, sisting insoles! All have knitted cuffs. Tweeds, cotton worsteds, herringbones. Lined.

6 to la Boys' Ceicaok Jackets 1 Talon Fastener Voting Men's Slacks 22-in. Bottom $1.98 Plains, fancies Cut full. Bar tacked. Blues, browns, oxfords. 28-36 All wool macki- rtaw cloth, navv blvt.

Sport collar, muff pockets. Men's $2.98. MEN'S FELT HATS Marathons! Loose JLeof iftllero 98 to Tau 01; black elk Sport Composition rubber soles! Growing Glrls'Shott 2 2 to 8 Just imagine this bargain price for children's shoes! See their exceptional quality note the -soft, black leather uppers, the sturdy composition soles, springrubber heels. A dressy oxford style for school and every day wear. Sizes 12-2, and to S-i, Fits standard binder.

50 sheets, banded ready for use. Good quality paper! Loose Leaf Binders Strong Covert! Girls'Ribbed HOSE Combed cation Standard size. Has class, football, basketball schedules on inside covers. Webster's Dictionary 350 Pages! Pine felted, silk lined hats in new styles and shades for Pall and Winter! Knockout Values! Size 6-17 BOYS 9 SUITS With 2 Pair of Pants IB 1 A necessity for school! Bound in imitation leather. Complete.

A value at 25c. Long ribbed legs in black and as- te a sizes to 9V61 Grand buys! Boys' UNION SUITS Winter weight! Ic. Heavy cotton ribbed. Long sleeve, short eleeve, ankle, kneelength.2-16. BOYS' HI-CUTS 12-2 Men's Corduroy Jackets Talon Fastener Style, quality and wearability are combined in this suit made to Peaney's rigid specifications.

It's got to be good. 2 knickers with worsted cuffs, coat, choice of sweater or vest. Muff pockets, button cuffs. 30-48. Now fall coldrs.

Button Front Tough composition soles! Soft elk uppers. Top strap. Sizes to Boys' Oxhide Overalls Mothers know the value of these hard wearing Overalls. Pair LEATHER JACKETS For Men! Finest suede leather, slash pockets. Tuna, grey.

Talon Famous Quality! New Dress PRINTS dnnabelle and Franklin "Pen-HF Blue cover with blue and gold printing. 50 sheets. 8H ins, by 7 ins. size! 36 in. FALL PRINTS New Designs! Kan-a-wah and Braeburn cotton suiting New stripes, plaids, checks.

Child's lunch Boxes 4 by 8 Inches! Lovely fast color specially designed for children's wear for women's dresses and suits for household uses) Firm, smooth qua)' Uy thai washes so weDl Men's Union Suitf Knit Cotton! Short sleeve, ankle length style, or long sleeve ankle length. Ecrus. SIS-BRO JERSEYS Suits! Dresiet! Fine wool jersvy bright Fall colors! Color contrast and ap- pliques! 2 to Boys' Caps New Fall Patlurus. Variety! Value! Rich FLANNEL Cotton and Wool! 36 in. wide! 1C Yd.

Girl's New Anklets Rayon plaited! With gay colored tops stripes, rics, nursery designs! COMFORT SHOES Women's! Double handles. Metal insert tray. Finished in red, black, or green crystaline. School Pencil Boxes A Bargain! This black kid bluchcr relieves foot strainl Flexible insoles! widths! Buy! A big assortment of that fast color, washable, shrunk flannel that makes such nice new Fall clothes for you and the children! Clear checks, smart plaids. Many colors! Everything your child needs for school.

Pencils, rulers, pens, etc, "Attractive box! Suede Leather Jackets For Women! COATS assortment of sturdy materials range of colors I A 1) interlined, toot Sue die Cloth SHIRTS For Men! Ic KJghtweight.but strong. '2 pockets, coat style. Tan or grey. 14V4-17. 49c Men's Dress Shirts Penney's Famous Shirts Each Expensive-looking Crepes! COATS With Tricky Style Details! Single breasted, gathered back.

2 pockets. Lined or unlined. M-20. 21" long! Tub FROCKS! Tub-fast prints! '14-75 These the coats you've been waiting styles in rich crepes I Perfectly cut, carefully made, unusually well styled. Tweeds, too, and for Women, Misseil XC.

PENNEY and Women's Sport All Wool! 59- Get her ready for school! organdy trim. 1-3, 3-6, 7-14? 'H2BLESTE" SHOES Fine Quality! Talon front, slash pockets, Cossack style. Navy, brown, gree.i, maroon. Rayon Undies Snappy styles, gnod quality Undies 25c Kaeli "Smart Sat" Full styles! Kid, calf and suede I Spanish, Continental heels! Knit Dresses Sizes 14 to 20 $1.98 Foot-flattering -I table 1 ,1 iBlacks. Perfon.

tions.Stitching*. 1.

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