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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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newspaper produced under dl- Visionn A-2 A-5 Graphic ArU Code. Hope VOLUME 284 AKftoclnteil I'resn Nfwupnprr Kntprprlsp AKK'II Star WEATHEH fair Wednesday night and Thursday. HOPE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 1934 MORRO OFFICE The News Review BRUUK JF yon can believe Relief Administrator Harry L. Hopkins, 1 i i iujj-Jrvinn. the present period of economic evolution is going to end in a system of 4 per cent capitalism.

By tlw Mr. Hopkins means that (he return on invested funds will proceed at a much slower rate than we have been used to In the past. Capital's share of the profits in industrial enterprise is going to be smaller, in other words; (he day of fortunes that ore built on a shoestring will be over, and money invested in a going company wil bring only a litllc more than it now brings in a savings account. The prediction sounds fairly mild, until you begin to look at it a bit. Then you discover that it is a focc- cast of almost revolutionary change.

XXX The old literally true, but close enough to it for practical been that pulling your money in comon slocks is speculation, while putting it in bonds is investment. Buy bonds and you get a sure return, limited to a certain figure; buy stocks and you run the risk of getting no return at as a compensation for this risk, you may make a profit many times higher than any bond issue would bring you. Under a system of 4 per cent capitalism, the stockholder would be right where the bondholder is today. If he put $100,000 into a company, he would be satisfied to take out a year in profits; he would not be has been the case in Ihe past his 5100,000 would bo worth a million in few years. XXX Those who have suspected the New Deal cf a radical tinge will hardly be reassured by Mr.

Hopkins' remark. This suggestion IS radical beyond all question. Jt calls- for a complete change in our economic system. It took more than the lure of 4 per cent lo build up this country's great industries; it took the prospect of unlimited 'profits such as those which made multi-millionaires out of poor Le vine Fails in Try to Commit Suicide (First Trans-Atlantic Air Passenger Turns on Five Gas Jets CHAM BERLIN'S PAL Police Emergency Crew I Foils I Left Two Notes BROOKLYN. N.

Y. 1 Charles i- A. Lovinc, the first airplane passenger, was found unconscious Wednesday beside five open gas jets in the kitchen of a friend's house. Three notes lay on the table. He was revived by a police emergency crew.

Dr. Raymond Shea, of Kings County hospital said he would probably recover. Albert J. Waller, whom Lcvinc was visiting smelled gas at 4 a.m and found Lcvinc slumped in a chair. One of th notes was addressed to him.

It said: "My dear Walter: "I just cannot go on. You and your family have been awfully sweet to me. 1 deeply appreciate your kindness. Please forgive me. A.

Another note WHS addressed to i J. Kaufman in a Manhattan hotel, an the third bore the name "Dcdo." Police declined to reveal their eon tents. Lcvine flew with Clarence Cham bcrlain to Berlin in June, 1927. Thcj covered 3005 miles before landing. X.nno<8nntPil Hope Stnr, Januaryis" FRIGE 5c COP? Victim Funds Unavailable for State Schools Commissioner Phipps Turned Down in Request for $2,500,000 LITTLE ROCK "No relief funds arc available at present for Arkansas schools" said a message received by W.

E. Phipps, commissioner of education from Dr. L. R. Alderman, director of emergency education at Washington.

The message quoted Harry L. Hopkins, national relief adminislrator, and was in reply to a message from Commissioner Phipps Monday asking imediale action on Arkansas' request for $2.500,000 school aid. Stale officials said they planned to lake no further action until a reply i.s received from a similar aid request. President Roosevelt. It is un- dersllod here that the president has the power to earmark a portion of relief funds for schools.

Robert Lione, 4 years old, was a lonely figure among the survivors landed by the Monarch of Bermuda. His father and brother were reported dead, and he was separated from his mother. Youth Injured in Car Accident Here Bradley Erringer Knocked Unconscious in Third Street Mishap Commissioner said that in Ihe absence of assurance from Washington, local officials of the 127 school districts which have empty treasuries must decide for themselves whether to allow schools' to remain closed or attempt operation for a limited time. I lie said he had advised approximately flint) districts which have funds lo operate from one to five to begin the term and continue as long as possible. Governor J.

M. Futrcll seconded effort to obtain federal aid funds for schools and Congressman 1). I). Terry of the fifth district offered In go to Washington and personally present the Arkansas school case to Ihe president. The next distribution of stall among public schools wil be next Monday.

boys like Rockefeller and Carnegie. Nevertheless, (here have been limes in Ihe pa'sl few years when any bus- inc.f man would have been perfectly satisfied with 4 per he could get it. A low profit is better than no profit at all. A regime in which capitalism was hel dto a per cent return might be acceptable, if capital could be assured thai it would actually get Ihe 4 per cent. XXX A queer combination of drouth and AAA manipulation has sent the price of hogs rocketing.

Never before, outside of wartime, has the hog market risen as rapidly as has ths summer. Since June the hogs in the corn belt have increased in value by nearly lialf a billion dollars; if the present price level holds this paper value will SH 'd be transformed into actual cash, with cover, the corn farmer reaping the benefit. What this may mean to the country it large is mentioned in an article -harlcs E. Ssyder, corn belt editor. "To the business man and the people generally," he writes, "Ihe price of is the mast vital trade index, was Iravolin Everybody ought In be glad lo see business district.

10 hogs. Hogs at thai, level, and The father here, afford the best possible pruin- unavoidable, se of good times for all." At a moment when Die sky is a deal darker than most of us would like to see it, it is comfortin Four-year-old Bradley Erringer, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Orville W. Erringer, was struck by an automobile and painfully injured late Tuesday afternoon near his homo on East Third treet.

A front and rear wheel of an automobile driven by John Anders, Hope painter, passed over the child's body. Unconscious when picked up by his father, the lad was rushed to Julia Chester hospital. He sustained bruises and painful injuries about the head, however, X-ray photographs failed to Physicians would re- reveal any broken bones. Wednesday that he The child, accompanied by his father and mother, were returning home parking on the right side of the roac The youth climbed out and dartc from the rear of the car into the of a machine driven by Mr. Andei west arcideii to at least one omen of gooc times.

XXX It i.s an odd development that in UK Philippines, soon lo be independent English has been adopted as the official language, while in the solidly American territory of Puerto Itico Spanish has taken the place of Kng- lish as the accepted medium of instruction in elementary schools. The Puerto Ricans speak from cradle upward. Efforts have, been made to conduct, the elementary funds made Says College Course Is Worth $92,000 COLUMBIA. college education i.s valuable "dollar and cents" investment -to be exact, worth $92.000 during the average lifetime-according to insurance research figures made public Wednesday at the University ef Missouri. Average.

CM ruing power of the high school il shown, reaches a maximum ef when he is 50 years old and de-lines thereafter. He goes lo kat IM and hsi life's total The college graduate. Ihe statistics revealed does start work ijjitil be 22 years uld and his earning power is not reached until lie is when his average income is $8.100. The college graduate's life earnings are more tlmu the average high school graduate or, out the university, for each of the four years spent in col- (Continued on Page Threei FLAPPGR FANNY BEQ. U.

5. PAT. OFF. Municipal League Offer fs Proposed Hope Extended Invitation to Join Other Arkansas Cities Wh.en you're but dumb you do most ot your reflecting with a mirror. The City of Hope his been invited lo become a member of the Arkansas Municipal League, according to Dr.

Kemlli O. Warner, University of Arkansas, who reeenly conferred with Miivcr Moycll. "The purpose of Ihe league i.s lo common city problems, ex- ideas and work out a unified of slate legislation dealing with municipal matters. H-: irles the holding of statewide and conferences for city officials, he league offers to member cities he it! a municipal jeferrnci; libiar.v. located at the league offcc, University of Fayetleville.

In cooperation wilh national associations, the league i.s prepared lo advise rn problems- of housing, zoing, irlicf administration, highways, taxation, administration of public prop health, traffic and a score ol ollu matters. Model ordinance on l-radiivilly any subject can be secured. A committee of the lea- cu" is preparing a complete pro- rraiii cc.vering Ihe subject of needed municipal legislation. This proggram I'lrirulalcd ul a statewide mcefi- iny of the league, held in North Little "rk September (j. Hundreds of municipal governments lie United Status arc confronted iili Hie (ask of maintaining their ser- i'i un diminished revenues.

Almost three-fourths of the stales tackling this problem with the a municipal league. Arkansas is the state (o get behind the municipal league movement. Yuvuyiulislmlri Long Candidates Win in Tuesday's Louisiana Voting Walmsley's Faction Given Decisive Wallop in New Orleans A Stands Political Overlord of All Orderly NEW ORLEANS P. Long stood political overlord of all Louisjanan Wednesday. He whipped in Tuesday's election lis last major political opponent, Mayor T.

Scmmcs Walmsley, and took over the mayor's domain as a part of lis state machine. Fluscd with victory Long, slate dic- aloi' and United Stales senator, was expected to press hard his investiga- ion of charges of graft and corrup- ion in the city administration with he purpose of ousting Mayor Walrn- loy from office through action of he slate legislature, which he con- rolls. Although neither Walmsley or Long vcre candidates in Tuesday's election the results were regarded by conscr vative politicians as a crushingg defca of Walmslcy's Old Regular organize lion and a sweeping victory for th invading Long organization. Each backed candidates for con grcss. state supreme court and publ service commissioner in districts wit most of the votes coming from th city of New Orleans, usually dorni naled by the Old Regulars.

Long candidates swept in. By (lie Associated Press Upsets wild threateningly close con tests in many races for national, slate and local offices, were indicated Wed nesday on the basis of incomplete re turns from primaries in eight The powerful political machine Huey P. Long apparently bested tha of Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley o. New Orleans in Louisiana's Democratic primary where nominations are tantamount to election.

In Arizona, R. C. Stanford, former udge of the Superior Court, took the ead for the Democratic governorship nomination over Gov. B. B.

Mo- and former Governor George W. Hunt, The veteran senator Henry t'. Ashhurt was sligltly behind Sidney Osborn, Arizona's collector of in- ernal revenue, in scattered returns rom the Democratic senatorial pri- nary race. A close race was run by Miss Josehine Roche and Gov. Edwin C.

John on in Colorado for the Democratic gubernatcrial nomination, with the utcomc still in doubt. Nate C. Waren was nominated by the Rcpubli- 'cans. licomplcte returns from New Hamp shire indicated Styles Bridges, Re publican and John L. Sullivan, Demo crat, have been selected to run in th November elections for the governor ship.

More than a Iwo-to-one lead was cs tablisht-d in Vermont, by Senator H. Austin for the Republican senator ial nomination, over Harry B. Ame, of Brighton. Fred C. Martin, Demo crat.

was named to contest the Republican victory. Frank A. Pickiird established a fai lead over field of Democrats seek ing the Michigan Democralic senatorial nomination to oppose Senator Ar- iluir H. Vnndenburg, the renominatec Death Takes a Holiday Cruise JAILED Republican, in November. Frank 'ilzgcrald, Republican, and Gov.

Willam A. Comslock, Democrat, weer tlie eaders of their respective fields for he governorship nominations. Delaware Democrats in convention it Dover nominated Representative Vilbur L. Adams for the scnalc If ippose Senator Townsend, recently enominalcd by (he Republicans, lated South Carolina Democrats nomina- ed Olin IX Johnson for governor over L. Blease.

First returns from Washington in- Scaled Charles H. Lcavy leading Lews B. Schwellenbach for the Demorat ic senatorial nomination, wilh D. Northland, Reno Odlin and Ralph Iforr close together in the Kepuhli- an enatorial contet. Ware to Complete Higher Agri Course The College of Agriculture of the University of Arkansas has granted G.

W. assistant director in charge of the Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment station, a leave of abuencf 1 to complete the requirements of an advanced degree in agriculture New York College eif Agj-icuJlurc. Ithaca, N. Y. Sam Daineron.

graduate of the University of who recently resumed duties at the station as technical assistant will be in charge of the experimental farm until Mr. Ware's return early next year. Proopers Fire at Textile Strikers Trouble Breaks Out it Rhode Rioting -W a i. a guardsmen of Rhode Island fired then first shots in the textile strike in tin; Wednesday. Troopers discharged a volley of shot: over the head of strikers'who advanced upon them in the vicinity of the Sayles Finishing company, scene of serious rioting during the past 48 lours.

A 10-year-old collie in Seattle. has adopted a brood of chicks. In 1933 the same dog mothered five baby clucks and two ducks. The commander of the troops said hat his men had taken all the risks hey were going to lake, and gave crs to shoot at. anyone who does not omply with commands.

Urges Fairness WASHINGTON. Iff't Chairman rancis J. Gorman of the textile strike ommittee, Wednesdayrc quested Pros- lent Roosevelt, to advise governors 'ho have ordered state- troops out in I rikn disputes to urge fairness in icir activity. egion, Auxiliary to Install New Officers Installation of new officers will be Thursday night at a joint meeting of the American Legion and Auxiliary. The meeting of the two groups will be held in city hall starting at 8 o'clock.

Newly elected officers for both organizations will be installed. Bulletins or for the Colton Belt railway Wednesday discovered a human head hanging from under the carriage of a locomotive brought a passenger Irani into I'bie. Bluff from Texiirkana. rt check with all puiuts on the route resulted in the discovery of a headleis body on the right-of-way at Fordyce. Efforts are underway to identify the dead man.

i. Mlcel ml dc of the proud Ward liner Morro Castle hr. fi "Shastly 'lame-ravaged nun, beams and rails bent Con (v nr 5 tic llMt and wrecks ot dcek airs strewn about. Intens.ty of tlu, heat through which the panic-stricken throngs fought "-r 1C Ct that tllc dcck was stu hot ol wau! on the hulk was towed, to Asbury 1'arU, N. J.

the temporary morgue established at Camn Moore IV I ow'l'f C0 I' 1 rro COsUe SM dlsas(w hwarac on low of bodies lay cm canvas cots, covered from liMd to foot bv white sheets symbolizing death. To Camp Mooro had been Radio Operator Held; His Mates Under Subpoena Federal Grand Jury Launches Investigation Into Sea Tragedy STIRS ROOSEVELT Would Enact Legislation for Elimination of Wooden Ships NEW blight of the Morro Castle disaster clung closer to her crew Wednesday with the first assistant radio officer held incommunicado and all his mates under subpoena. George Ignatius Alagna, radio op-" erator, was locked up as a material witness as the investigation was resumed Wednesday before the federal grand jury. Meanwhile tons of water were being poured on the ship in an efofrt lo cool the smoultering ruins so officers may have an opportunity to search The department of commerce Wednesday carried on its inquiry with Chief Hadio Operator George W. Burns who told the investigating board that it was fully 30 minutes after the fire started before he was awakened in his cabin to send SOS reports.

He also testified that some lime ago his first assistant, Alagna, and another operator "tried to instigate discontent on the ship." Cattle Buying To Nevada Hiler Announces Government Plan Will Start Within Few Days The purchase ot cattle in Nevada nder the goversmenl. emergency cal- U. S. May Control Utility Companies Trade Commission Suggests Legislation for Next Congress le buying program wil gel undei 'ay within the next few days. Plans ave been perfected, most of the forms ave arrived, and the necessary pons, rending irons and other equipment being arangcd for and information is being given to (hose farmers who feel (hat they will not be able lo carry their entire herds through the winter County Agent J.

1,. Killer announced. The outline lo be followed in the cattle purchasingg program, is as follows: Farmers having calle for sale must list them with the county agent. Tins may be done oij forms now in the hands of cotton committeemen, or it. may he done by letter or card, but the information called for in the forms must be given.

It, will be impossible lo ship all cattle listed at one time, and for this IVHSCII a number of cattle owners wil he given permits to deliver the number cattle that can be handled each day all cattle are shipped. Cuttle will be delivered by the producer lo a shipping point. Any ccndumncd animal wil be killed, and the owner wil be required to dispose of tht. 1 carcass. Cattle sold wilj be classified into two groups, those fit for food and those not fit for human consumption.

(Continued on Page Three) mat congress give serious consideration to eithev the federal licensing or incorporation of public uitility holding companies probably will be submitted to the next, session by the Federal Trade Commission. Such a suggestion was reported rc- bably as likely (o find a place in a report being prepared by the commission as a result, of it.s seven-year ut.ihty investigation. The recommendation may go so far as lo endorse definitely such "licensing or incorporation. Almost, certainly it- will discuss the theory with favor as means of bringing holding companies, held by some commission ex perls (o have avoided both state and federal rule, under government control. The.

has not made up its report. Would Permit Probes Another probability i.s (hat the commission will recommend that cither itself or some other governmental body be given specific authority to investigate any utility company whenever it believes such investigation to be iJi the public interest. Some commission experts feel that the disclosures concerning the use of lidding companies for financial manipulation and control of operating companies (the companies from the public buys its electricity and Legislation Sought HYDE by the Morro President Roosevelt said Wednesday that he wants congress to enact legislation for the elimination of wooden passenger ships, requiring fire-proof Discipline Is Bad NEW a day of startling disclosures in the Morro Castle disaster, including testimony sefore the department of nquiry that two lifeboats were lowered with only three passengers iboard, the first assistant radio operator of the fire destroyed Ward liner md members of the crew were serv- with civil warrants Tuesday night jy United States Attorney Martin 2onboy to assure their appearance be- ore the federal grand jury. The warrants were issued after complained to Federal Judge Blake Kennedy that the Ward Line was signing up some of the crew to eave port Wednesday on the Siboney. George I Alagna, the radio opera- or, was held as a material witness ater hi spublished report that he had ntercepted Saturday morning a wire- ess query from another nearby liner, if there was fire aboard the VTorro Castle, almost lialf an hour before the call to "stand by" was sent.

As scenes of chaos and confusion among the passengers were derscirb- ed at the department of commerce the charge that passengers were allowed to shift for themselves as fire, raged aboard the and George Rogers, the chief radio operator of the Morro Castle, were questioned at length by the grand jurors who are investigating the possibility of criminal negligence in the holocaust at sea. Conboy refused to comment on their testimony. 11 was understood, however, that was reported to have said previously the "real story" hasn't been questioned about a report a wireless station on the Jersey shore asked if the Morro Castle was before the "stand by" call was ordered by Acting Caplain William F. Warms. Dr.

Gouverneur Morris Phelps, his wife and their son, Gouverneur, all charged before the department of commerce inquiry that they were left look, out for themselves as fire on the Morro Castel decks. They ill denied hearing a general fire alarm lefore they were forced by the in- cnsc hat and incroaching fir to jump and risk their lives in the ocean, wept by a lashing nor'caster. They also testified no effort was lade to supply passengers with life re.servers. if (Continued on Page Tliree) Woman. Two Men Held for Murder Coroner Returns Inquest in Death of Charlie Johnson at Jonesboro JONESBORO, The widow cf Charlie Johnson, 48, of Nettleton, who was drowned in the St.

Francis river near here 10 days ago, and two men. also of Nettleton, Wednesday fixed murder charges as the result of a coroner's inquest which named them responsible for his death. The three are: Mrs. Joluison, May Morgan and Herbert Ray. All have been under arrest for more than a week when the prosecuting attorney ordered an investigation into the man's death..

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