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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 12

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HOP! IT AH, MOM, ARKANSAS SOCIETY ftWrt MMf I 4 M. 1 nnd at tho Fir Church will wit meftlns, pt'OBrn hour In church ly 14, si a o'clock Ollflo Mrs, If, SKELTON KEEL Now. ool Rl ALTO SHOWING OF THE t.lHIDIJES -if AH MJU PlHRS'lOUHOAN-PAWr Subloc will he ft hostoim from and one from Circle I Inter. will lie Otitld of Mm Methodist Church meet In the homo of Mm, Kimrr Brown on Monday, July nt 7 p.m. MM, Bum will co-hoilcus.

A politick nupper will bo nerved. preparing (o attend tho Frontier celebration rodeo it 22-Stfl, Mr, and Ouyj daughter Mnrllyn nnti W. C. Bruner, are leaving this nflcrnofrri w.i/ Ufiiwi Colo. Mr, Lloyd Kini.rd.

wixl hlti brother Karl, Mrs. KlWM'l, KI Duradn, wil! from Tiuuiuv iTiornlru! Mr. untl Mis, Ityr'di of Tex nrkiirm, formerly of will nltflnd Uir? Cheyenne nnd Mr. nnd Vtnciriit t-VirtiT of Already rout- tln-if. Ilojw and Auxiliary members unending the Am The Heuecca 8undny of tho will hnva a potluok ouppe room ut the Monday July tit 7 o'eloek.

All fneinbei uro ui'ftjjd lo he urtmenl, Mi hool Ciniii.h ut DIM Kxpeil- C'hnpliM- Order of DC- Moluy will meet Monday, July H. at o'cluok, All nn nibt'iw crt to bo pnjisi'iit thlrt IB Im- portunt intuiting, Bnttirdny nnd Hunrluy Jit Hot were III-, tiitt ciimniandi WlngfUtld Slrrjiifl, Dewey Allle Mnek, I'. O'Nrnl. Unit prr'nlderil, Mrs. M.

Mrt'lu'iuhnn, Mrs, K. O. Wln Mi, and Mm, Joe Jours. July 16 VKW Aiixllliiry will nn-i't dny, July 1.1, Mrs. Olin Purlnll nnd Mm.

Miller will bo Wednesday, July 16 Auxiliary of 8t, lilscopnl Church will mrut at tho homo of Johniion, mi Wccinoiday, July in, p.m. Coming and Going Dr, iind Mm, John Hirwort nnd dnujthterH Crendn and Stmmi of 8mt will arrlvo Hope Tuendoy for vncntlim visit with Mm. Slowiirt'n piirenU, Mr. nnd Mm. Chod Hall, 110 IiOUlnlanu Mm.

J. W. Puilei'son, Hi'. hitN returned homo from weok'x vlull In Fnyuttcvlllo. Mr.

nnd Mm, W. I'Hiiewm, Sr, icfi Sunday for Timciiloofui, Alnbamn, for a with Mr, nnd MM. J. Patterson, Jr, Mr. nnd Mrs, iticbitrd Komvlck son, have ruiunu-d 10 their home In Port Smith after vlalt with Mr.

Kenwlelt'M pmenu, Vlr. imrt Mrx, T. U. KenwIcU, and Henry nnd Thomas Fenwick Cfnrrett Story sort, Onrrolt Story, nnd I.oulnUma, hor fiimlly In Mr, Mnd MI'H. lloyt litdor atnily ot tinu Mr, Hlder'n unrgnts, Mr.

Mm, Joe Itluur. and inul -Mr, ami hnve rahirnuil from weekend visit with frlendR' In DulUis, Texas, A number ot Hopu nnd former Kl Dornrl MrtiKbiill, Arrliir of f' t), A. 111 tin' Slu C. CilUhWll Mia. I and Mi are vi.

5i Moticx. Mr. and Mis. Short Oklnhr.m(i City viKifing Mi Mrs. Webb Kr.

and oih'-i Mrs, IJIlliin of City I A vi-iltiin-! Mr. anrl Mrn. mid Mi. (mil Webb ctcr, Mm Jjielt I.ow(>, Mrn. W.

Hrnnrh, Mia, Jim and Miller hiivr relunii-rl lifUT two In lusit, Noilli (Jarolinii, where Jiltonded the VVomt'ii'M Conference Uf the 1'l'enljyleiiliri Chuith. Personal Mention Alrmiin Harold Drown. 17. Him of Mr. nnd Mm.

John T. Tayor of Is completing bin AK bamr tndoetiuuition c-diirsc at Air l''oree Itiise, the "Glitcway lo Ihr; Air t'orire." Clarence Walker AN tJSN, son of Mr, and Mrw, Hobert Walker Si. of Ilope, been to duty nt tho Nuval Huse Itee. Stulloii, Norfolk, Virginia, after upending ten months in the hospital. hostess with tho la 20-year-old Put Mllll- KBII, of Atlnntlc City, N.

J. She'll serve na hostess to the Mlas America Henuly Pageant thero in September. Markets Birth; Mr. Mrs, (iiinvH Story of iiilliniilii'i 1 tin' ill-rival I of ii on Sunday. July III, Hospital Notes Hraden, Harris, Tex Admitted: Mrs.

hauni Hraden. nt Ilope, Mrs. Gen Uiuui, Texiis, Mr, Dick Hunter, of! Mr. I). McQueen.

Mrs. Wylle Ward and luiliy, Hope, Mi'H, Otlell Annul Hope, Mr, and Mr.s, (Jeo, Harris an- ONE DAY ONLY Men's 15c White Prices Slashed on Men's HANDKERCHIEFS for 47c BATISTE wide Tuesday Save from $2 to $4 pair MBBBHHBHHDBHBHiHHHHHHI LADIES DRESSES Reduced to Sell Fast Save up All Ladies and Children's BATHING SUITS SLASHED See the Price. Buy Several on Tuesday Specials. By The Anuocintod Press Hojjii opened 50 cents a hundred welyht higher. Cattle and sheep opened to strong.

Grains weie lower except for wheat, which boomed. Cotton futuiTx opened 2, to 50 a bale lower. Wholesale meats are largely steady to one dollar higher. Kcporls of heavy flour buslnesK boomed wheat fulure.s on the Chi- Hoard of Trade today and prices were about a cent a bushel higher in early The flour business offset tho bearish influence of wheat receipts considered tlie proablc peak of the current movement. Corn was weak due to favorable crop weather.

Oats dipped a bit on some hedge selling. Soybeans I held fairly steady in featureless I trade. Mere is today's commodity re- port from the USUA: lU'K prices advanced to 50 cents til eastern corn belt markets relleeliiiK smaller farm shipments throughout tho midwest. About are estimated ion sale at II! midwest terminals I compared with close to 70,000 a week ago. Choice UiO lo 230 pound butchers have sold from up to tops of at Chicago and Kast St.

Louis and $211 at Indianapolis. Butchers up to 200 pounds are reported down to $20.50 at Chicago. Wholesale butter prices at New York expected to range from steady to fractionally higher and lower, Soifie score butter sold; lit 71 1 cents per pound. No price changes are in prospect at Chicago where stock has been bid ChictiKo wholesale prices are expected to range from unchanged to two cents higher per dozen. 4New Yurlv e.ugs New York The New York Stock Market moved ahead today in moderately fust trading.

1'nces were up fractions to around point. Minus sinys were in fractions. On the New York curb eNeluuige weio mixed, Truding was moderaleiv acUvo. The A.vM>eiiiieil Press tio average on the stock exchange ut noon wus 107.1 up New York Noon July coltuti 39.1H1. Into discuss with Kisen White Man Shot in Negro Section FT.

SMITH, Ark. The body of a 19-yeav-old white Oklahoma found in NeBVo vest- uVntmj section here about JO m. last nijtht. DvtvcUvcs Foster Porter tonta tively Identified the youth as James William Kdwurd of Muldrow, Ok Uihutrui Ho suiii the victim was kill ed instantly by charge from .18 shotgun. nouuce the July IS.

arrival ot a son Julia Chester Admitted: Mrs. Martha Grant. Kosslon, Krod Johnson. Hope. Mrs BiU DUlicroon.

Pott Lavaca, Win, K. Cisseil, Rt. I. HOJJC. Miss Etoa QuUlin, Patinas.

Mrs. J. B. Caldwell, lit. 4.

Hope. Discharged; Mrs. Ruel Wright, Texas. Cannon May and daughter. Carol.

Hope, Mrs, John Yucotu. Hope. UUa Knot, Ike to Carry Illinois, Says Ex-Senator By MARVIN L. ARROW8MITH CHICAGO Former U. S.

Sen Btor C. a I Brooks told Dwight D. Elsenhower today that the Ktneral will carry Illinois in the November presidential election if the Democrats draft Gov. Adlai Stevenson to head their ticket, Brooks, Hepubllcan national com- trwttrmnri from Illinois, conferred I witli Kisenhnwer the GOP presi' nominee iit the general's Blnckslonp Hotel headquarters. After the conference.

Brooks told newsmen lie had cn'ni: "tho Illinois situation' hower rirooks rioted that the GO-vote Illinois delegation to last week's Republican convention had lined Up Iiir Sen. Robert A. Tafl of Ohio and I for Kisenhower. BrooUii said that despite I Situation, Illinois party workers will Kive Kisenhowur wholehearted sup "WV will abide by tin: conven lion's decision," he added. Before seeing Klsenhowcr gflid that if Stevenson i.s not draft ed by the Democrats, he will be defeated by the Republicans in his bid for reelection a.s governor.

Stevenson has left the door open for a presidential draft, but has insisted repeatedly that he is in It-rested only in reelection as Gov crnor. Before arrived, Eisen hower had breakfast with Chicago Police Sergeant Robert C. Schmidt, who has been in charge of Eisen howers motorcycle escort here and Schmidt's 10 your old nephew. The breakfast was arranged after Schmidt had remarked to one of the generals bodyguards that young Hoiifjhland was much interested in Eisenhower. The general then suggested that both Schmidt and Houghland be in vitcd to breakfast with him, and they were.

Both were obviously surprised by the invitation, and both were reluctant lo talk about what the general had' to say. "We can't quote him," Schmidt said with a grin. Huiiijiland said only that the gen ei'al hud asked him about his stud ies. and added shyly: "We had a very pleasant time" The general also made ready to leave by plane tonight for Denver nnd a vacation. Me and Mrs.

Ki senhower were slated to take off alter arrival of their son, Maj. John F.isenhower, and his wife' from Highland Falls, N. Y. will be a farewell visit wilh John, who is leaving soon for Korea. Lodge's retirement from active direction of the general's campaign had been expected.

Eisenhower said he agreed to the move "only because I iiitai-h the greatest im portance to his reelection to the Senate." Tho general said in a statement last night that I.odjgo—who successfully directed Eisenhower's bid for the GOT' in formed him he wants to devote as much time a.s possible to the Sen ate contest in the Bay State, where Hep. John Kennedy, a Democrat, is seeking Lodge's scat. Eisenhower also announced, however, that Lodge will continue to have close contact with the gen oral's campaign as chairman of an advisor committee. At the same time, the general officially added to his staff the executive assistant of Gov. Thomas K.

Oowey ol New York, James C. Hagerty. Hagerty will serve as Eisenhower's press secretary. He also was Dowey's press man in the New Yorker's Hl-IH presidential cam paign, and he had an important role in planning strategy won the GOP nomination for Ei senhower hist Friday. Other appointments announced by Eisenhower amounted mainly! to assignment of formal titles to men who helped direct the gen- eral's preconyeutiou campaign.

i They included Arthur 11. Vandeni lierg son of the late senator! from Michigan, as executive us' sislant Sen. Frank Carlson ofi Kansas as an adviser; and Thomas! K. Ucwey man appointment secretary. Also named as an adviser Sen.

Fred A. Sealon of who had nn active role in tho late! stages of the general's campaign! for the nomination. I Herbert Brownell Dewey'si presidential campaign manager in! 1948 and key figure so far in I the Eisenhower camp, conferred! with the general for two hours) yesterday. Afterward, Brownell told news men at Eisenhower's Bluckstone Hotel suite that he was returning' to his Now York law practice but; intended to keep in close touch with the general by phone. As for replacing Lodge, Eisen hower aides indicated the general will make no immediate decision.

They seem to feel thai for the present strategy will be' handled! mainly by the general's present! staff and by the new chuirrian of! tho Republican National Commit! tw. Arthur F. Summerfiold of: Michigan. The general and Mrs. Kisenhow er spent yesterday afternoon re taxing with their three srandchil dmi at ft.

Sheridan, about 25 miles north at Chicago on Lake! Michigan. The general said he plans to ill Denver only short time, then either to suave nearby ranch or ftthiog in Rocky Mountain I DOROTHY DIX Should A Wife Be Told? Dear Dix: I cannot with friends should not v. of hc-r husband's no You don't say enough about 01 pon Into the hand of a friend Of neighbor, no matter how devoted she may be to the wronged wife. wicked women carrying on their nrfarious work, why shouldn't tell the wronged wife? flight now 1 know of in town that is slowly on its way to ruin. The wife is an exceptionally lovely person with three children.

A few years ago some gossip told her that her husband was cr nnected with a girl in trouble, and she left him. She came back, and now the husband is involved w.lh a young wife who has recently moved into our neighbor- hfiotl. The newcomer is friendly with my friend, who. of course, knows nothing of the affair going on between the neighbor and her own husband. What possible advantage can there be in keeping my your friend in the dark concerning her husband's activities? B.

H. Answer: No universal problem can be solved with a pat answer that will fit all cases. Never have I had the presumption lo claim it does; but one solution very often will be best in the most number of agree i your often-Klated opinion that 1 Instances. Also remember that, in telli a situation involving wrongdoing, possible solution can wipe out, even mitigate the fin without havoc caused by the tho sinner himself repenting and woman," and I don't see how you; a on S. expect a friend to stand by and see someone wreck a happy mar-! She Knows In my 80 years, I have icon It should be obvious, i five different homes ruined by that when as serious a transgrcs-i often posing as the! sion as adultery i.s involved the I wife's friends.

When we see these; question of whether or not the wife is informed, or by whom, becomes 1 we i secondary to the Riiilt. In the very 1 vast majority of cases, a philander! homo! husband errs once. You may be! that if he is a chronic offend-i er the wife knows all about it, though pride may keep her from admitting her knowledge. If Die one-time philanderer realizes the error of his ways as he! usually does in short time his wife i.s better left in blissful ignor-! ance. Knowing that he has stray-j ed from the straight and narrowl path once, she i.s bound to poet every aberration from then 1 on.

If he comes home later than; usual from the office, i.s calledj out of on business, visits his parents or engages in any activity that takes him away from home, even for a few hours, she will be suspicious. Is it fair to jeopardize the future harmony of her home simply to satisfy the desire of gossiping neighbors to carry bad news? And make no mistake about it! While your own intentions may be purely friendly and helpful, most bad news is carried by people whose only purpose though of course they will never admit it to cause trouble and dis- I sension. Their personal interest is nil; their desire to create trouble tremendous. Since the young wife you mention has already had cause to leave her husband because of infidelity, she certainly is not so blind as to be oblivious to the present circumstances. Her apparent ignor ance springs, probably, from a de- Dear Miss Dix: At my place of employment I have met a ful man of charm and personality.

We have been working together lor two years, but in the past ten months our association has grown to more than that of fellow workers. We are both married. I like my job too much to qiut, and am making an exceptionally fine salary. PAULA Answer: As you are bound to know, there is but one answer I tan possibly give you. This romance must be terminated if you are to avoid the tragedy of breaking up two homes and finding unhappiness for yourselves.

a competent business woman, you should have sense enough, and conscience) enough, to realize the tt rrible consequences of extramarital love affairs. No specious arguments for a "great love" can cover tlie fact that you are breaking one of God's Commandments and cannot escape the consequences if you encourage this affair to continue. At any cost, end it now! 1 1 8 Casualties on Korea List WASHINGTON THE Defense Department today Identified 118 battle casualties in a new Korean War list (No. 605). It reported 2fl dead, 81 wounded, one missing and two injured.

would do ir he won the Republican nomination. In a resignation message day to Secretary' of the Pace, Eisenhower said: "You can well imagine that 110 decp senso of rcgrct but circumstances seem to me to tins particular course." Dear Miss Dix: I have been go- stuady with a young man for about live years, which lime he joined the Air Force. We corresponded until two months ago, i when hid ceased. Also, ho has had two leaves and has not been in touch with me at all. Now I have met another nice young man and wonder if 1 should go out with him.

S. H. Answer: By all means, do so. Your Air Force friend seems to have let you down, thereby can- celling oul any obligation you may feel toward him. Satin- Army Released By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.

sire to hold a home together for her children, or in hopes that the husband will repent and come back as he did before. If it ever becomes absolutely necessary for bad news to be carried home to an unwitting wife, such is the of a relative. Never could I put such a dangerous wea- HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATRE S. Main Country Club rd, LAST DAY 1st RUN "Mr. Imperium" L.

TURNER E. PINZA M. MAIN D. REYNOLDS Tbe seuertl's vmt to the Army less than hours, after JULY 200 Crisp Cool Cottons and Nylons Reduced to bound to sell prices. All are this season dresses.


R. William! Answer to Previous Puzzle IKJ(Sn THBV wB Re JUST TOO IP TW6V HORIZONTAL 58 Containers 1 Evergreen 59 Operated 1 9 TittiBclr IM H6AC7V TO AM TO SEE M3UM THBV WOUUCTW'T 60 Seethe Cl Otherwise VERTICAL 11 Fuel 2 Preposition 3 Small recess 4 Hirelings 5 Barrier 17 Footed vase J9 Leaves of evergreen trees 21 Greek portiea 22 Command 6 Amphitheaters 24 Nomad i 7 Prong 25 Glacial snow 8 Consumed 26 Repetition 9 Maturity 28 Natural fat 10 Father 30 Arrow poison 50 Float '11 Egg producers 31 Remove A 51 Taverns 16 Comes in 33 52 Essential Genuflected 45 Soil (poel.) 46 Fruit of a tree 47 Seaweed '48 Up a WASH TUBBS 23 of" Comes in 33 Dispute cn 20 Contests 35 Simpler I being ")5 Scottish cap some trees 24 Blackbird of cuckoo family 27 Gaelic 29 City in Oklahoma 32 Hold back 34 Moon goddes 36 Opposed 37 Pendent ornament; 38 Iceberg 39 Regrets 41 Observe I WONT TELL KOOMTZ MNV BE SCREWPALL TMEV'KE PRE3UPICED RWJBP OVER 'EIA YOUR-ER-PMMTIM'S! IMJD-MU WUST BE YOU TWO NELL, WEIL, K00lor2j I HEIVR YOU'RE OM THE MUSEUM SBLECTIOW COMMITTEE, ANP1 FELT I SHOUtP LET YOU SEE between two 40 Upper part TW ODOR T6NMOT0 WERE- COWPLMWIWa OP IM THE HfcLLS OLD CHISR I PUT f() SH NEW rVMNTBR l'VEPI0CO WEVER GOfMOWG WELL STRONGER lt HERB 1 WHAT you so UATE? r.i on 7- OUR BOARDING rS Wirn Major Hoopla SKCMMUP6 WOMDER MO PRESID6MTIAL CAsSDlDATS HA6 HAD ACUMEN TO THINlK OP THIS CAMPAlGM MY MESSAGES vJlLL RlDE- TO ALL TKE START A EVJ KIOT6, UMCLG -THE VSlLL SLOVNl TH6 ALL AND vsiD'S WILL AisJD 42 Diving bird 44 Self-righteous person 46 Inventors' exclusive rights 49 Girl's name 53 High priest (Bib.) 54 Natives of Italian East Africa 56 Past 57 Tyndareus' wife (myth) Edfjor MorHiiiW-' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES EAvCH OTHER'S OUT TO FOG J-i-Ar-V CARNIVAL toft, ty NtA lirdtt, T. M. U. g05lrJ ALL RIGHT -UGS BUNNY P-PLAIN tTM i-r I WHAT'6 PLEASURE, POI3KY? ALL 1 GOT LBFT THE66 POUOHNUT OELLV BUT WB-BLL, ALU FUNNY BUSINESS By Herthberfier ALLEY OOP CAN'TCHA HUKRV IT CXJF MACHINE, WILL YOU? I HERE POC? OOOLA'5y YOU KNOW VOOOUA'S WEARIN REALLY IN i-M'M DOlM' TH 1 REALLY A WOW TROUBLE' COME LOOKJT MEeBE 6W JLJ61 UP MY SO3H, AN 1 THBOWEP It MUOTA WHAT LOST HER I SOT LEFT 16 PLENTY V'But what good is your degree in economics if you don't understand why I can't pay you year?" SIDE GLANCES By Galbrolrh "I should never have married an efficiency expert! Must i you always get up to change the date at midnight?" CHRIS WELKIN, Planeteer FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS LETZ6ST mz lHTO A OF COURSE, BOSS'LL CURE FOR.


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