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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i a 2iEEipt' flLytiwWwit 3iat rftbuoHl JSSW4M w2iflvy'jrawi)ttifrraftratejirtww4ftiiMfofgfrtaii rn ssv 2 Kiiei tsT R4 £tr 4H VOLUME XXXIV To AirtrtlMBMiUi vr a i merit a' Mlt Utt U3 Jsa ti 'j lake Ontario sMartarfesiPM tsMf is 9 HfiBffiBwMwe Wjjrtttftoa special eayaCalob CmMm ro Her and baa engaged eml Ttb fact te Vf Henry MmM who waa 5 to Batea to the Parepa IMS 1 utf sn he ndt TO CfKNT TUB iX TO BE BA1SBD WANTKD ITKBER lure1 by GKO COLBT WHITTEMORE CO dclSSt CliCIW miSOKLLANKOUH er one and a half story hoeae with abed at ur radicitco Waimmoa A Co CttOMpDM that comer of tha houee fan to the ymmwit roria a WiuOni probably ba applied to Mrwetaree or exlruon nthtbwdS! tags aaovad through tee atreeta oftte city Oiotba with a largo tavtto Ofevootowfrfrt wooflerakroeeonaNa grieSa "I Hfa AAHIW fW Tht baa moderated a great deal fit mooo The wTt TTferiftwrin Noble Ajiji DufflelA MftJ Pittman Lieut Vernor 0 PcbbHmb graduated at one of tbe Oerma UBlTeililm £Tl rm IM Another Bn bak Tbibf George Palmer one of the men who pawned the over coat recently stolen from the residence of Hon Walla area arrested yesterday by Officer buliivan and impleaded with John Armstrong in a coffiplaint for burglary and larceny Both Palmer and Araaatrong aohnowledgo having had the atolen property In their posaeralon and each accnaea the other of having commit ted the theft Palmer la deserter from the British Navy' and has frequently received aid from the Young Christian Association oi this city Armstrong has been for several weeks a regular lodger at the Station House booM alwav be satapalamy ekan and free from Wositoh top them in thia condition with the in comparable Bcsodcnt and whan they are veterans In Hotbi Tuir James Brown a negro waiter at the Biddle House was arrested yesterday lor stealing three pairs of boots and one overcoat from gucota at th hotel and on being arraigned be admitted having atolen one pair of boots but protested his innocence of the remaining counts in the indictment He was committed for examination on Saturday next mwrmmama wey BMLxi David Ptlee Ml from tee PeariaA Warsaw raurrnd bridge at Peoria tat aigtet aadwm almori iastaBtlf killed?" 3L 'i 1 u5 Our Christmas advarttars are availing themselves of the widely circulated and well read columns pf Tb bbb Pbbss as a means for plmeg before tee purchasing public their varied aseortmeete of holiday goods or some of these see thia edition eeeure a seat beford time they msy make ap plication st whsss the sale re set vedseato will commence thia morning I rviant i emof the 'Ktrfa 4 i tu d' i omsdittoeaDy end abeoieisiy wn Cavalber XI a sxJ 4 vt er CuvniASB Dm Two men named Tallmadge and Blpiev ar reeled here for stealing notea valued at 111000 from Bowen Whitmore A Co of New York on the 4th tat went to New Tork thia mor ning in amtody ik Thb Cavanagh Assault with Imthbt to Kill The case of the people against John Cavanagh who is accused of having committed a murderous assault' upon rederick Wood cleik of the City Hotel on the morning of November 4 th was called up iu the Police Court yesterday afternoon for examination when it was announced that the defendant was unable to be present by reason of illness The case was therefore adjourned to next Saturday with the same bail in force 1 5 Almost a About three Bunday morning a tire was discovered in the restaurant of A Ricci A Co No 04 Randolph street Patrolman Cook forcedopen the outer door snd succeeded In extinguishing the fl unes without the aid of the ire Depart ment The Are caught on the counter from a gas Jet that had been left burning under a water heater which bad boiled dry melting the bottom out and burning eff a rob ber hose connecting with the main pipe The loss will not exceed 075 Allbobd On the 24lh oi March last a considerable amount of personal prop ertywaa stolen from the house of John Warn ake at the corner of Third and Larned streets Au old mendicant' gpmed John rank was suspected and a warant was issued for bls ap prehension Diligent search was made' for him by the officer in whose hands the warrant bad been placed but without success Yeeter dty Patrolman Bhehaa saw rank at tee Michigan Central depot and arreated him He was Jailed for examination Joseph Ouoin Ml Iron bark fereyard and killed at Detroit Pbov Rvam Oa WetarndByvantag ret Kvum wtU dyltvw Hm tkM ta tura of the Toang ChriaUan Amodatton It BALK Two wood Newfoundland dogs for I nle tit til Mtcblsaa Grrad avenue lcl2 4t I OOKOUT rotf BLKIGUING If jnn wants fancy Cutter go to ATTUtl Carriage ac del2 3t ia tin Attention is invited to NAtt JH a a Ivertlaemenl on the second pasn aepM Smiia drowned from sehooaer Prosreee at Holland Mlehlgaa Jvbn Hibberd flremaaf kfBeg SutaBtelly en based tug OI ITura at Buflh a My Twelve lives lost by explesion of Gov Outanan at Betelo US sad 11s Wood wart sveees i 1 1 1 1 I A Vavobsblb Movoaisrr The good reputation4 extended use of Broaohlal Trustee foe Oonghe Voids and Throat Dleeaeeebas the Troebee to beaxteaatvoly iarttatod Obtain oaty the gonaine BroneMal and do not ba laleenood by those who make am profit by selling wortbleee imitations Thb Hod A few mouths ago a patent was issued for an apparatus or device for hoisting bricks and mortar used in the conatrucUou of Auildtaga to their plaees without tee tedious and tabori ous process of hod carrying Another plan has been put in operation by the builders on the corner of Griswold aod Grand River streets which conaista of a rope running through a pally tuspended above the top of the vtQ one end of the rope being attached to a tackle which it readily hooked on to a common wheelborrow while tee other peases through a anatch bloek batoned to the ground The wheelbarrow with its toad of brick or mortar 1 Gldb la Indlapenaable ta every well regulated household wo srilore drowned near Vhioago from Chit A kmiw Um toe at Alpem mmT arawSd Phllta Waele hrm WakufutoataGenmi natality and Depees rion st Bpirtta One pint oepteta tbs vhtae uf one enemtea of the country haa already del A Good On riday laal twb alslera 1 ndmed Carnatoy' aged respectfully eighteen and twenty yeara arri red in this eity from' Tiffany county of Longford' Irelandpiey landed at Quebec and intended to go to New York where they have relatives but through some mistake they got aboard of a westwajri bound train itud came hither sup poetag kowever that they were la New York They wandered about jpveral hours endeavor ing to And Broadway and finally inquired oi a Ml ktlhiiiBlM hvi aebairta ta hones with his headepHt open Hew heeaaae to Medaath la a mystery Hia wife teetified tent he wv bMUeeomettate after aridulghi shomy afta mtam LIatoi ttaa as a i taosam Dea Ml16 froua Carbondale Illinois says amf Parepa Rita haa alwaya eojeged ta tele country but evta(y tine she stags Me fBeeOkera new beauties in Mr pure rich tonaa aaaum su ilf natitte' stolen the pure etherealfeence of metady from every laughing brook from every staging birdTfrom tee aseUow brsutbinga of the flate and from tea fhr off chiming of the taper bell had given it a true soul and form and had called it Wken Parvpa sings the gone can only sey aa did Sheltoy to the sky 1 Lovis Dm 14 Gen Sherman and most ot hia staff Gens A' Smith and Morgan Smith and a com ber of other officera lelt hare lor Chicago yes terday atternoou Several other officers will leave for the same place this qvpuing The Overland Mall Rebbed Tretaa West 1 a stem ef the ship canal uoroes tea navigator died at Detroit 4 Mpt Dtx urn aaHer sevwel yearo on the iatam died at ataevlile i mV" Atjll Sevrnw two Hvm lost by ateamer Bea rd burning on Lake Mlehigaa Kmxnna mung ameeae on wecancn iS fo4 UmTV gge teGto 1 Ata A fireman named Walomin wm drowned from tog Waiter which ropemed ofi devutaad A hand named Bectkenbroh drowned near Cleveland by tug Notter linking Imam BoMaeoe drowned at Detroit from Moore dock Pe er Hughes killed by falUrg into the 'bold of bark Giavos at Bailor unknown killed stkrte while's item pV ing to get on board ihe oars intoxicated LawIs Harrison sailor crowned from erow Sa Joseph Port Hanilao while taking on carro Aug James Long killed on board barge Hol lanu on Hirer Bl Ulslr by an accidental biow from a ring bolt Utn Mra Wnoox drowned from aebooMrDunder berg which sunk In Lake Hurn by a ooUlalon with propeller Binpiro State Bernhard Oogperu derk hadd drowhsd 'frcai pro peller Galena ta Lake Huron by bis own dellber i OlvsiboOovUalu or Boors anu Rntlretook for aale at Coot Lom no Ume in securing the tat bargains ever offered in Detroit aa the whole stock mast and will bo add isturos for ante andtue to rest Bnavne IM Jeffbinon avenue four doors west of Woodward avenue Tbomee Nortoe male of sehoonar Burgoyne drowned on Lake Ontario Right fives loti tbs ante crow of taecta Iter ator from that vessel which was wrecked two miles oCutbef Calumet LnkeMfoMuta Charles Johnses esUor eit from the eroaetrsM on aflluS TX from natural anam two murdered and aoN dental to UMmqieeted teat navigation to the south wiBbcrwumedta two or three days ft a Oowmo Doe MThu snow hereto ubeta two tout deep and asuch drifted A Unlu from Richlaud arrived hare yeetyday which had been twenty two IteM'B Intacta wmN BvVw inatatng ta heart nN nigite JU 1' a' A Jf 4 vJ 1 of versal bowvre Da the twinkling gram Rain awakened flowers All tta ever wm Joyous and and ftah'r nr Thy manic doth constantly employing an Intelligent Interpreter sad laboring most assiduously and persever tagly i himself he ecRUireda vast amount of valuable and reliable Information concerning the Japs and tbelr books These books are perhaps ttie strangest specimens to be found smomf 'nny peopleand poesem numberless peculiarities that one who had not seen them would never dream Dr Pitkin to the discov erer of the first and it is thought the only book ever found in Japan relating ta any way to this country Thia contains among otter things what to called the story of George Washington which Riven a moot singular sc count of the lather of oar country confound ing him with BL George and ta the moot vm 7" 1 la Il UkhTH WANTKD $76 to 200 pr month or Ik eo nmlsaton from which twice that amount Il bs made by lllng the lah et Improved COM IN i KNHti AMILY HEWING MACUINK fee fl8 or CircuurB and Te mv addreu I BOWKKH CO p93m 320 Boutb Third rtrvet Pa reven pairs of hose from a market woman named Rasa Bppatein was tried before Juticetoll yesterday and fully exonerated Closb or tub The frir for the benefit of BL Orphan Asylum which has been ta operation for two weeks at Hall closed last night The grow re ceipts are approximately estimated at 2500 Naw City Hall The stone cutters in Messrs Osborn A employ on the new City Hall have been driven within doors by the inclemency 61 the season and thoss who yet remain on tbs work ply their trade within be sheds skirting the Campus and Michigan avenue BLvero drowned frame vsaeei al Vmmti Itocu Uhtos ff A' Mauch deck bead drowned from tagj Clark near atal aa Petoe Warts wag os of the meet enjoyable ever pmmteii 1 I1 7g Pori Cotbome October ourteen Hyea IqeL slihar burned Cr drowned from propeller ersevvroaee which took tire os i ake Ontario and was destroyed John Johnson a eook fen overboard from eebooM Catbariao al Oswego aad drowatd Owt JamM Donley 0 0000 proatasM mariner died at ClevelBad horoe hitched to the rope driven are there used ta unloading coal from veeeela at the docks Novnx A House On a novel expedient inhouse moving might have fe jni1 tirftoiTi 1 1 11 5 5 4' i AV I rfa VL if I JI irtU ptavoaUboir' ealateey ereete aad no find result can aooruo from aa overdose" 2 nil to "Bi 'iu Maenef Bupatfee to the bastflmpaeted Oerotau Oologro aad sold at half the pries' Captain Magairs a lake mariner died al Otero tonda Many Beiteek sailor end Howard drowned from schooner Dolphin which eapnteod oalakn Os tario Capt John Abram drowned frees eeow Onean nvc neat Br Point the forobeons knocked Mta overboard Jacques purser of steamer Huron drowned at Toronto Nathan Miller second engineer totally Maided on board tag Doodoew belowBar Petal while aeenr Ing the man bole plate Twenty six liver loot from Propeller Hippo earn pur which foundered during the terrible storm on ths night of September Tib vessel) wu a total toes Mth Bishard Trtgv drowned from eteasesv St Joseph on Lake Michigan the result of his own tm prudence 51 James Armstrong sailor died at the Marine Hos pital Detroit I Kaward Ivans second mate drowned from schr Thm Belta on Lake MlehSgaa io time oft a rquah be stumbled while running over the dock load Captain tl Rato George Derrick mate A Chapman Blear A itzpatrick Leighton sailors and Catharine Hullivao 000k drowned from bark Clough which foundered tn Lake Brie eff Back River Pallor name not given drowned from schooner Kcho which wm wrecked at Cleveland durlog amlm A i 1 John Thom poos a hand drowaedfrom eeow Brie near Saginaw George McGraw eook drowned from eeow fftorm near Uhleago enirohuta bto ww S' '4 tti i ei jz a ej jji cf horMB only The building was plaeed upon timbcta wlriek rente upon a bob oled utior ouch corner at the building which wm moved from the cemr of irm and Coegrem streets up the formor otreet to Grand River and thence toward 'iw doMination on Craw lord streeL A mishap overtook It however Mar Becond reet ln the attempt to croon the street railway track by which one of the for Blwery Tratm CB1940O DfO lC 1 Oar atty to already beginning to fill up with soldiers who come to take par in the great re union to morrow aad the day following A The feiluwtag are aanoeg a large Dumber now bttro Grant find staff it OeiL Sherman and totally Maj Gens Negley Palmer Curtto Smith Giles A Smith Belknao Tiirkon looper A Terry Meredith McCMrnaad Bowman 6tetoifl Thomae popt Backland Note oeum Xlllott Van Dorn Tillman Sawtelln Barnum Wil Uch Giboon Me Arthur Jordan lDgalleBnt taflold i McDowell Cogswell BoomftoM Dunn Cox Secretary Schofield and a large number of tamer military Hghto A largoumber at cur ciUxens eaitad on Gen Grant and Lt Gen Sherman at the Premont Home to day to pay their raapecta To night they are the gueete of LL Gov Bram at bio reeidencuf Michigan avenue A targe number of army officers and hundreds of our ettixena with tbelr tomlliM are present to pay tbelr re epeetart 4 I Sr Loma Dec 14 jAh iron tank in too cellar ot Karo Sender A drug atortMWur the Bombers Hotel exploded tbto morning and damaged the store about S3 500 The force ot the explosion passed upward through the heating register ta the floor above broke twenty flvu pence of plate gtaM ta the window of the store and pressed one of the ekie walla out of plumb tint did not disturb a bottle on the shelves The lank was simply used as a receptacle of steam and waste water received from the etoem beating apparatus of the Southern Hotel and the explosion cannot be accounted for on any known principle A HwrrlMa Aflfatar tm Jasper Cesaty Mia Wart man' hm 17 Worth opened Intelligence of ti'n ri uoll1n Applicants for work were re lhree dollars to begin wlte which returned at a given time if work fiabiy nd for them Work wee inva Gut the applicants were required ll' deposit from 50 to 100 wortUBC of fO01 n1 Kood behavior 'kcttnX 'led Ju copying lel'ers re Hjid onderfol secret bow to make tan 'orth builer a quart of milk Wade Llre8t01 but coold be held aa 'vt fulfilling bis con tl! hii7Z however he decamped present whereabouts to unknown I white passing through the river BL Clair from Obi caeo to Bultelo Lawrence Maguire aad Niehael Maguire' father aad son drowned from a beet In MaumM Bay which wm run over by ta Jennie Griffin JalM Gerard drowned fromaebooMr Augusta off Point Penletaa Green Bay Beroev LMUateak haod Ml off the dock at Tol do and dfowMJs Daptala Andrew fiadarsna pomuiar lakomptaln of many yearo on toe lake dtod te Gal veetoe Texas White temporarily abeam from ObiMo Ixternational Yachting roe coirenpondence on the psrt of yacht wrs of New York city with Mr James Ash owner of the jncht Camorla in relation to regatta la published in the Uk The proposition of Mr that the race shall be for the pos of the cup won in 1851 by the ncau yacht America in English waters months since the Cambria beat the Sap tod ibis triumph has encouraged the challenge lor the cup which Iiciin Pccefiou of Americans since the America won it The cop Is now held by York Yucbt Club and is open to be tobHnr cabe nations seems f' rotn lho correspondence that the in will be arranged acd the Sap Mt lbe Dauntless (James Gordon Ben iraay try conclusions klnl Youhg Bonnett is anxious mjmy an rBC0 not luse than three thou while Moisting to rates that vassal Waahlnctoa arkor cook aad Charles Whalan seaman by sahooiMr wyrm stakta at PotatauPeiee 4 7 Gaps John Long with a crew of aloe ossa from seirooear Persian which vesMlaank off atone quarry Lake Huron by collMon with saboou 99 Alien noMVML John Cavanagh a'haud drowned from' a boat ta Chicago Marouria NU ta alert aa boned bask Masten on Lake Huron and died afterward at the Detroit Marine HoepUai Jacob Schmidt e1tor on board schooner Game Dock knocked overboard hy toe foreboom and drowned off Port Wa hlngton reak GUI eeiior on board sebootwr Waedsrrr' knocked overboard by the metn boom and drowned into it Benjamin runklta Beoiden being thoroughly awnnd and erudite the lecture will have enough of the popular element ta it to make it enjoyable by every one Double up Tbbblu Cbom Wabbxbtb Robert Jackson of Greenfield who canoed two Warranto to be loaued against Philip Knorr hia neighbor for assault and battery and mn llcioea treepeM succeeded in having the totter fined 5 before Justice McCarthy yesterday Knorr on the other hand "bv" Jackson's two jvBtnnte and Ukn skillful want one better causing his prosecutor to be ar raigned for false imprisonment assault and battery and cruelty 4a animals The entire quintupllcate of cssm rested upon the testimo fly of the two men themselves after hearing which the Judge fined Knorr for the aseanl and battery (above stated acquitted him of the charge of tbalietons trespass and bound Jackson to the Circuit Court 'oh the charge of false imprisonment acquitting him of the two other The whole affair' grew out of the shutting up by Jackson in his cow house of a better belonging to Knorr and when the latter went to toko her away he wae also shut up and the door taatMod with a stick Upon the outside He thereupon commenced vigorously kicking the bonrito and buttons which fiew abouL tbelr' head in lively style the operation threatening the speedy and utter demoiltiou'of the cow home aforesaid jThfiCfffftnMttao qpReoamiruetiim thtoaaorn ta wtefeined the Republican commivee from MfoMppt rotative to the alleged fteude ta tt IM BKMTKNM thoComwHtoe MuBieetiom will thto week 7 svj vj'MMikMiaamgTT': msm The rrootden4rotay nomtaatod to the Bennie Henry A Bnytte to be Minister to Bmsta Alexander Cummings of Pennmi lon In the WeUatid Canal Dtael Davla doek beat Hl'edby falling Into tbs hold of prepeller Queen of the Lakes at Buffalo John HmlGi a hand Crowned from barge Harvest at Cleveland John Redding accidentally killed onboardehoonor Bahama al Buffalo white engaged In shov eling grain Capt Moses aultier wm drowneddur1ng a squall from scow Amelia oa Lake Huron This was bis first trip on this vessel Capt A Middleton an old lake captain died at Chicago HU oomplala was of longatand irg Lacy 'sailor drowned from schooner Richmond on Lake Brio off airport I Aichlba vampbell decx hand killed on board propeiter Missouri at Buffalo by falling into! hoMe Hept Melvin Dory aad Brash Ceeaeren drowned from scow Traverse iwhloh ca Mias on ChM Oappas sailor killed on bark Joy Two good Salesmen accustomed to fir travel and sell goods by sample for which1 waies ti be nssnred A Pply by stamp or In racnio CART A DO 2 West Larned stieeL Iw de red at Kafirs bv antased raa capt errous at Ortitar Baltes knocxed overboard tar fosses oh Lake Oatarlo aaddrowned HemsstaMu of esheenar OeaspbsB knock'd overboard by fosebsste so Leto MteMuaa end drowned A sailor unknown drowned from echeemr 'Dewitt at muakegon a Jr Washington X' The store 51 Gris wold street la areuming Alexandrine propor tions having nearly half a mile of shelving filled with collections made ta the past two or three years from old libraries garrets and barrels as well as the purchase of indlridual volumes ot all styles sizes colors and variety ofcontimta 4 1 A Annual YxstiYaL or vxn CkUrtroBiAX Club Tbs' eemtal lies appointed at Use last regular meeting of the Caledonian Club of thia city to make arrangements foe the fecond an nual festival ef tte dub held a meeting yester day evening at which It wae resolved to give a ball and supper at the Batsell Home on Janu ary 12 th 1369 old New Year Dsyjta observed in Scotland Io a iib feertsrf chSRh trJ 1 Ui eint an Petes state fefita rt fetaay eeNdrt mbeertssg a7 AMtamdaaroek tasntod fhta Mniitir Btvere BARNUM lul Woodward avenue Agent Ji for Jterpey 4c Ulnb Rink Hkatec iciotfna )A AK MKT NORWAY LOORING for walo oot of lUvard itreet 1) A my3 tfna i BbNMN fitawm1 bajjiinM jMiniifarnrtti'r' Tun C'tt The perrons from whom JametlAkloMmh Martin and John Driscoll recretiy nm lot of clotting during the progreeb af jt fiehce at the City Hotel appeared in the Police Court yeaterday and withdrew the complaints against the ae cwed on the groantthat the felony was com mitted in a apirtt of' fun and wm intended merely as a practieol Joke The caeea were ac cordingly dismissed Mr John Brown proprietor of the hotel fron the prop erty was taken strongly protested against the discharge of the defendants and by direction of the Prosecuting Attorney a new complaint wae made and another warrant issued for their rearreet Tmb abmt Rbuxiob at The fol lowing is the Detroit delegation to the renalon of the Western nrmtaa which takes place at Chicago to dy and to morrow 7 7 Gen 8 Wonner Chairman CapL Riggs Lieute Grifftth LowrieMd Clark Caple Milton Thomson Psloe rfiB Btgfita and QslSft Maj Boynton Lieut Georg WBAmuB Capt CharlM Grehie Lieut Arthur Kastman Cspt Sellick Maj Arndt Brig Gen Swift CoL Wltitom TtUman CapL A Sheiey Col William Way Col William Phelpe CoL George Acker Col Waller Crane Brlg Gen Luther Crane Lteut CoL Beck Cante James A Strong irvm Bills James Wells and Briscoe Col 77 1 ag BitterneM Between ihe JWatob Circuit fiSepbm Amea ve Henry ort' Jury trial Bun pending Martin Shoemaker vs Amelia Shoemaker In chancery Motion for tee and ex pense of suit denied with caste The cases on call for Wednesday next are Nos 85 116 86 108 133 and 36 nnu Wednesday next at 3 7 ffy iRacoBDBB's Is the matter to open sad extend an alley In the Seventh Ward be tween Cougreee Larned Orleans and Rlopelle streets Jury ordered for the first Monday In January at 2 iu Gordon Campbell otatrucling De sat Headed guilty sentence suspended Be ClemiMfts Violating ordioaoeft rtla live to porters snd runners ined 35 and costa Joba Rees vtoteUog onHaasce relative to porteroand runners orfeiture of reeogniamce JOjay violating street ordinance orfeUare ot xrerogntaapm set aside and oom plaint withdrawn rsxter imeptog house of iU feme ortriture of recognisance set aside on pay ment of 910 costa The court adjourned to 9 o'clock aim to day Police Henry Mumfert timnie larceny discharged John Driscoll Jamee Kidd and Joseph Martin com pound farrey oroe dismissed and defendants discharged trick Haya assault and battery reemet of defendant ordered' MMBflMK 5i 1 Wk Cxxtbaiz Btatiox CouprWUBsm Wag ner drank sentence suspended? Thomas Weitoerburn making nlae by whlefi the peace end good order of the neighborhood were dis turbed fined 6 or thirty dm ta the House ot Correction paid Urban Bringer Vagrancy: trial set down lor thia morning at 7 o'clock Albert Mayo vagrancy sentence euspended John Sweeney making notes by which the peace and good order of the neighborhood wore disturbed lined 15 or three months in the Houre of Correction sent up Richard Thompson drank sentence suspended i 1 1 4 I We have just received a large art verted steak of Ombm of all kinds which we offbr at roaeoaable prices 7 1 AES wpj IjffGG BleJswMy Boaron Dee 14 Returns of the Mayoralty election from ail ths wartabut the Third give Shurtlleff Demo crat and the present incumbent 3879 and Kimball Republican 18803 The complete Tvae wUl re alect Shurtlleff by about 1510 ptaraltty tiirfsr BhirtftflPit majority te 1613 in a total of 20135 There are probably eight Republi can and four Democratic aidermen elected an the Democrats will have about lwentyflVe members of the Common Council Last Dat or At the County Treaa office yesterday there waa a multitude of anxious taxpayers walticg their tura to iiqul dzte the little or large Indebtedness to the Blate and county by paylag their taxee before the morrow should add four per cent to their respective sseoesmenta Charles Chapman1 who was arrested on the 26th of November on a charge of having robbed a man named Nesbit of 131 at a saloon en Beautan street and who waa subsequently released on ball wm sur rendered yesterday by bia sureties Hie trial will occur during the current term of the Re Court' 0 it 'Be Louis Dee 14 Rd ward Johnson who was convicted aad aert to Um penitentiary about throe years ago for aMlsting 4n the robbery oi the United States Nxprees Company of 40000 was par doored by tte Governor some six months since on condition that be would conduct himself an honest man and keep out of bad company It having recently been ascertained that he baa not strietly eomphed with the conditions of hte pardon and it being enapeetod that he wm concerned ta th robbery hero Jaet August of the mwsenger of the Adams Kxpreae Com pany he was brought here to day from Chi cago and sent back to the penitentiary to eerra out the rematatag twenty six months ot hie term ui Thoa King second clerk of the steamer Bis marck is charged with embessling 1400 be longing to the boat and 10 reward is offered lor hia isppreteonalon He has been etaoa December 84 pt) UlCNr OR LK VH Tbs store room and I WA nrnwr Ma ft wvuuw Libs raun three years from May ISOS A most 1 lblo location for wholesale grocers or other I dners given Immediately Inqwre I tho premizes ot the subscriber HKNHYINTZ Jy23 tf WittnueMSCo Txa Baar art eclglsa tente oi irog hMpbbrae end Ualteayakaowa as OmwoII Mask A boepboruted BMxte at UWteaya Bart The Iron reasons eater to the bleed tte PtaMpherae renews Hnx5Zj IWORTIIT REWS DtSMTCHES ROM HAVIRI SUPPRESSED BY THE CUB1R AUTHORITIES Ruwa 7 A NBWj wJKIkw tf A Sehem on oot to RbI the TN on Whisky to two Dollar i a iy fete 41 8t Leun Daa 14 An Omaha dispatch of yeaterday flays the weather has moderated considerably since Thursday The thermometer to night stood fifteen degrees above xsro The ratiroada weal and eontb are clear ot snow rad running reg ularly Moflt of thb frelgbt ltet accumulated on the east bank of th MIMonri River Ms been transferred over the bridg 4 A dispatch from Bryan Station to day says Intelligence baa been received here that large quantities of overland mall matter have been atolen from a coach near Biidgerthe robbera having cut open the book A portion ot the mail has already been recovered Strict in quiry will be' instituted ae to the manner Of carrying these mails 7 'gAuBiW0WceDeoM The steamer Oonelituitoa salted to day for Panama with 65 000 In treaaure 575000 for New York and 130000 for England At the last meeting of the Board of Super vtooro a mteaaderstradiag occurred brnwunu members Cavsllter and Cona vefr raeuUtaffta tta fonam challeaxtag Cono ver The challenge wm accepted and the time ofl meeting appointed for Sunday morning weapone navy revoivere distance ten paces A garnet pin dlitnond shaped The 1 Under will be rewarded by le Ing It st Ulla office drift I W1 RKD AND WDITB CKDAH PO8T8 A lor sale 11 A HOHH my2 tfne in Alt KNCB for male ool of Jlfavv Ulvard af reet A HOBH A ravl tfna ease talormed them that they were ta Detroit and nefl iu New York as they had innocently supposed They ted neither money nor effects which could be nmda available fsr procuring food or transportation and they were oared for during that night at the Poliea Station te Saturday a benovetentgeMtousaur wbOrted learned from the officer of the extrema tall tutioa to which the friendleas girls ware re duced took them to hte home end provided them with food and other comforts and yes terday tte same gentleman raised by subscrip tion a sum of money sufficient to purchase twoflrflftclsafl tern Beftild to Ni York find leaving them rix dollars for the in cidental expenses of the Journey jMr Reidy passenger agent of the Grand Trunk Railway fave them a pass to Buffalo and tby Marted 1ml night highly atad with the proflpcct pf a speedy reunion with their friends Da' Lbotubb this Evsanra Tbla evening the Rev Dr Pitkin will deliver the second leelure ot the course for tke benefit of Bl Mteeton Hte subject is Japan eae Thia will doubtless be a most interesting lecture as It will deal not only with Japanese literature but the Japanese method of printing and the printing material used how the books are made Ac The Reverend Doctor Bnxs flim jw mn BbtayewM a I AAA KKT LUNG JOIHTH for bi ool WVW Rivard 1 A BUU8 XV mvU'tfn Dlliby BIRD A fine neorlmfDt of Imported Jukt received or rale by If UimiAN 11 kichkan Grand avenue dcl0 2w Men nd women to fill wood idtu ftf lion M0LK0I) 61 Griswold street 3t Other Distinguished ffoMiaret Chicago Dec 14 Gen Grant and staff Gena Bhennau Thomas Schofield McDowell Logan Terry Btonemra Barry Hartreuff Ingalls Batter field and otter dtattagutehed Midsarar arrivad here thia morning and are quartered at the Tremont and Sherman Houses To night Lieut Gov Btom wHl give a reception to Gena Grant Thomas Sherman and other eoclates which will draw together a tarn crowd of onr leading' eltisens 1 A MI the lax on whisky agaia raised to two dollars rad CoegrsM te being qufotiy secured ta sup port of te III ALASKA BWiapU Tbe Tims denies the reported story io re gsrd to the Alaska parehase money and says7200000 were sent from this city to Russia lam August The 5000000 referred 0 aa having been aentout from London wae ta pay poent of the Russian railroad loan THB LBGAL TBBDWB ACT TO SB DBCLABfoO UW Is fc COBsTir UTIOBAL The TYfewM aaya are confidently ad vised from Washington that the Supreme Court te pretty certain to adjudge the Legal tender art unconuttuUouaL We are told ibal tberawill probaMy be but oue dteMWMm from the court's The sfleaamUp City of Partajtom Liverpool hMarriveda HBWS DIBPATCXM ROM HAVAKA MfPBBBeBD Important news dispatches prepared at Havana for lbe New York Associated Press have bees suppressed by the Cuban authorities rom this it is to be Interred that the insur gents in the Island have won some important auecesa MMNOflftlal' i The drain of gold and currency to the West aad South continues One bank alone this moratag had orders for 50(VM0eurreocy from Chicago and the remliiraem to all sootimaa mart reach 4000000 per waste 1 i A movement has been started by tte eity banks In favor of abolishing the present system of making quarterly returns to the Comptroller of the Currency There is rather Bears disposition ta the gold market (to make engagements for future delivery Tennessee bonds were weak to dav on afresh rumor that tte Legislature had passed a bill tossing thecredltof the Blate to new rail roads The Treasurer of North Carolina telegraphs that the interest the State bonds will bo promptly met January lat T1U COLUCTOBSBIP' The Pott ha a rumor that Mosea Grin nell te to be ear sees or of Mr Smythe Col lector of New York i THBBUIB 6ASU0 1 I The argument in the Erie cssmu continued JNMUBN UHL i I lUi 12 INCII BOARDS superior WVVrt quality furaalo A ROBB A my2 tfna gPABlBB ATAIBS 'Madbii Dee Gen Rode has transmit ted a communication slating that on being in formed of events in Cadis be left Lisbon to offer his services to the goveroment The ptvvtetonal aulboriues replied that they respected hia intentions but be must return immediately to Lisbon Gen Rods yesterday issued the following proclamation to tbe lq 7 revolution incited and formed by the 1 aged with blood the atresia of this beautiful city Ii has found no echo in ray part of the peninsula I have come to suppress thia re bellion with the forces placed al my disposal bv eur government Lay down vour arms and your lives shall be spared This i guarantee ta the name of the governmentupon whose olem tecy you may rely Such are the only means by whkfe insurgents escape being treated with in flexible rigor 1 will grant you until to mor row in order that old men 'women and chil dren and citisena be peaceably removed and withdraw from tte town '( Inhabitants of Ca dix It will aot te my fault if with the means of which the imperious law of necessity compela me to employ there should come for Cadis a day of mourning and ruin I shall re gret such a resell to the bottom of my heart but i shall do my The proclamation produced a marked Im pi ee sion ou the insurgents ho sent a delegation' with the United States Consul to Gen Cai qerroand offered to place their arms in such haadfa Gap Rode expects to enter Cadiz to day Notwithstanding proclamation there are various accounts of collisions in dit ferent ports of Spain Blttemesfl between the Republicans and Monarchists still continues TMB IMSUBMBCnON AT CADIZ SDPPKBSSBD amib Dec 14 The Monittur ta day put liahes in an extra lat ue the 'following important intelligence from Madrid The insurgents in Cadiz yielding to the terms set forth iu a proc lamation issued by Gen Caballore de Rods surrendered yesterday rad the people have given up tbelr arms to the government The troopa now hold ail quarters oD the city The Carrotpoadtoeia Ol Madrid eays the Duke of Meniepenaier had previously made an offer of tel personal services to the provisional gov ersment to assist 4n suppressing the revolt in 3 Cadiz and that tbte action on the part of the Dake waa prompted by the belief that the in surrection was a movement instigated and con ducted by the Carl 1st party Madbio Dec 14 insurrection in Cadiz baa terminated with the surrender of the ioeur genu Many ot them desired to deposit their arms at the American consulate instead of de livering them np tothe government authorities but Gen De Rods refused to allow them to so dispose of their weapons' and to hold them to strict compliance with the terms of bis procla mation Cadiz Due 14 The insurrection here te at an end Thu insurgents have given up tbelr arnw to the military cfficere and the people generally hra rturmngthe arms which they hod eoeratod at their bonaea Perfect quiet now prevails and there are no indications of Uie recent dieiprbances except patrols of sol diers in the Streets and military guards Hotel de Viile rad other public buildings! BBGOTIATIONS OB A COMMERCIAL TBBATY BBTWBBK BBOLAND ABD CHIBA Lobdob Dec Lord Clarendon informed tbe oreign Minister formally on Saturday that negotiations for a treaty ot commerce are to be opened immediately with Mr Burlingame and the Chinees Embassy Madbid Dec 14 oreigners have left Cadiz Ilia thought the insurrection will be bloodlessly suppressed Loudon Dec 14 The Timet hopes Eng land will adopt tte American newspaper postal 4 i CHINA Mambillbs Dec 14 Advices from San kow Chins report tbe sale return of two mintelere ot the London Wesleyan Mission Upon traveling they were well treated They saw an abundance of coal and evidences of gold silver lead and iron Catholic missions were very numerous and Catholic converts were numbered vby hundreds of thousands ADDXXBS MB GLADSTONE TOTH ELECTORS GREENWICH I Londom Dee 14 Mr Gladstone has issued an address to the electors of Greenwich pre liminary to hte re election from that borough rendered necessary by hte acceptance of the 'ministerial He says after the part taken by him in the ntovement for the disestablish ment of tbe Irish church it wm impossible for him to decline the taek ot forming a ministry He trusts tbe new administration will deserve the confidence of the country and promises to use every effort to carry out the measures which he urged while out of office BBITIBM HOUBB COMMONS i In the House of Commons petitions have been presented contesting the elections of thirty tour Liberal and thlrty eeven Conserve tive members for boroughs A LEVBB Lord Otarehden the newly appointed Sec retary of State for oreign Affaire held a levee Saturday which was attended by Hon Rsv erdy Johnson and Hon Anson Burlingame 3 'THB AUSTRIAN BUDGBT T4 The ministerial budget haa been made public The deficit for the year 1869 te eatlmated at £3500000 MADRID' I Madbid Dec 14 thirty persons have been arrested for attempting to incite the workingmen of this city to rebel against the government ISJ THB DISPUTE BBTWBBN TURKBT ABD GBBECB aris Dec 14 The Etendard eays the great powers will continue their efforts to settle the dispute between Turkey rad Greece and they do not despair of succeey miABOIAL Dee 14 evening Consols 924 a92J for money 92i92j for account 5 20 bonds quiet at 74f Erie 27 Illinois Central 85j is abxs Dee Bourse dosed dull Rentes 70fl7e baxkfobt Dec 14 United States bonds quiet and steady at 78ja78j "5 OOMMBBOIAL Livbbfool Dec 14 Cotton dull mid ling uptende 10l Orleans lid Sales 10000 balca Broadatuffe Calffornia white 12t red Western firmer but not higher at 9s Western flour 26s Cot mixed 88 6d Oats 3 Td Barley 5s Peas 45a 6d Provisions Pork 87a Beef 105i Lard firm at 68s Cheese 67a fid Bacon 63i fid Common roainr fis fine 15s Spirits of petroleum 8d refined Is 6d Tallow 49a fid Turpentine 27 The tallow market is declining London Dec Id Tallow 504 fid and de eltatag Mpermt ott £98" Petroleum firm It ABTWBBYg Dec Petroleum firm cl MAJUNB Dec The steamship William Penn from New York arrived yesterday QuuNflTcws Dec Tbe steamship Samaria from New York anived thia morning tbe TMrd Natiowal Baek ot thto etty Wtad be dtocovgrefi the robbery Mr Knowtee started for i i tente but when he reached there heffie eovered that tbe tttof wm ahead of him aad 1 Vj PIAMQS WH1TTEMOHK A uaca tha WKBBR del3 8t 'We are happy to araonaee to the awaiouB thoee oads that thto charming Walts is now tarty Be aadaabatnga most baoattful of sums it is adorned with a awe magatfleoeL tIe page ta five ootore regarded as tbe finest ptoee of Hthemaphto art ever tanned ta Aaaeriea Priee MeaMa Published by Him WBimMoas St Co 1 1 Jettmon avenue 7274 trti ub at fairs tor Idaho sad Montana Benjamin James Chief Examiner for the Paten i Office iDionnan or tmb dth cocm or fe Secretary Scbofiele baa directed on nffionm menioftbeDyarConr of Inquiry ugtil Jan OntABTBeBMBAL MTDSATfltt PoMmaaur44ewenl Randall ban sent to tbe Houae estimates of lbe money required for the service of the department for the year ceding June 1870 The ram total to 24X OOR Of tbto tbe inland mail traaaportetloa including overland and sea mali to California requires nearly 18338000 BXBNEBb TMB WAB DBPAUTMBWT'' The Secretary or War oom a commrmtea tion to tte Honea Mar stating that it is impracticable to state with sufficient accuracy tte amount expended during tbe year ending 80tb180fi on account of tte Indian war rad that the amount expanded for river and harbor surveys nod tenpHweaaente flee tta same period wee MA0QS I TMB bUTUBM ooubt A Among tbe caeca argued in the Supreme Court to day were those from New York in volving tte queetion whether certificates ot in debtedness are securities of the United States and therefore exempt from taxation by the States i wv 4 a I' 4 LMJffi Jas Robb brother of aCorteaiddrownejam flaw while attempting to reeene timgreve mate at eOoootrJttiaa tripped overboard by maleeheet on Lake MtchlAn Uepi Tborbala ert one cellar drowned from acSoc ner Krening Star which copelzed on Lake Ha roe off teodertte two ve tee Hosmer Montag Star dfaaoter ea Lake Krto Mulley matftart Ltnebt Chartier tflfe man drowned from bark Cortland which veeeel col MnntfaB ea Lake KHa i iMlteael Boland drowned from a canal boat at Buffalo Denial IMcKlIup drowned white reeling from bark Advance on Lake Mtehigna Oapt Garrettand Henry Chlabolm drowned frem schooner Lltile Western which prised while on her trial trip off Chicago Bath Henry WUsondeck hand drowned froaspro A ftattlia While going outboard in Arthur Young a Detroit sailor murdered by a party of rough at Ckflesgo gaiter name not Haled drowned from bark A Htevcns while loading timber on Lake SL Qialr July 4th Bailor name no given drowned from propeller Empire on Lake Ontario flth Let! Gibbe a hand drowned from steamer Orion a Uhtaago white going aebsse Jooeph a deck hand drowned from tug Mills oa Lake Huron while prosing wood 1 1 In v' finf sv" 1 I frta llir 1AJ nb ide vfi f' tt Xltt UKN A dealrsbls house within mtn gu s' walk ot City Hall Kent 000 Posaoesionm Immediately Inquire of OHITTKN KN Huadl House dal 1 1 'll A brick bsru within four walk of Camplis Marline with three stalls car 411 room and hsy lofL loqulro betwren 2 and 4 ui of 11 OKIoWOLIl Mo 2 lamed street east nolt tf the former drowned htmaef la Bornea of despair ths two tetter perished on boasaiho barge Paragon which water logged oa Lake Huron PTenryeon sailor drownsd from bark Badger State while reefing MferoU ea Lake Michigan Richard Grear cook drowned from schooner Cap Hugh Doran aa old lake sailor Ml off tbe dock at Utatango whlte tatosteatod and waa drowaod John Wilson a boat watohmsn feH off tbs dock at Chicago and was drowaod ire Madden white ta a skiff croeHng River St Cm a Gratiot was raa down by staassor Ratadser and was drowned a eomeaflte wmenrod Od Jaasro Hayndlffii MTfiim the held on board propeller Roaaote a Buffalo art was tastartly Joseph Oooebee drowned while asleep ta the eabta of eeow Peter Miller wMttaank enddealyatToteaa Heamer i fr IflMtttaff i '4 4 NMEEEDIB6S THE BIUTISH NOOSE 7 ir ooinr wi 'l' fa 'wife IM rg sext fOLIMEMTMTIK i TKUTY COTk bERCE WITH THE CHMESE EWMSSY Im If 4 s' ponemont of Mortgs Bale of Hheilff 's Bale KUW Notice Estate of Lsuscbner ot Blakely of Humphrey yiiwsl uuiae Lin1unte Notioe tj Bale Nodes Batata ol Mu ray pcao James Nall Jr A Jo iin Kitffilffi of EWanim pt al i unt A 11 nySite Oriental Lodge Detroit Lodge Christian Union jji nfbcaf Biurbon Garnet 1 In I Hmllh A Co A McM than Uroneblal Troches Lecture by Prot Kvans McDonald Haywood te Co A Berry's Club Skates at nnr Medlcloea at Johnston's 'Jari Js Nall Jr 4 Co Buur A Roes St Co PcA 3D'i A Roas Co 'd Wsrisrls Honda Coin Gold Silver Collett Prrtp Utamps Presjor Co f0 DAY fl ADVERTIEEMIRNTR jlSMAKUK AND NKW lURNISIlED ROOMS TO To gsntle msn only at Iff Gratiot streeL dcl2 ff BALE OR TO BKHT Premlsea No 40 Beech etreeL A'so a email house lot and ear i on Jefferson avenne Posses ton given 1m dlstsly Inquire of UKNRT BKO WH over on! National Bank' no22 3awtf AA UOROB WOOD OR SALJC Etaht Jv lullrs out on Conti Plank Road Inquire BARKER or OUAS BMOLK 67 and 10 umer street del 3 IOC The Glence Hotel 74 Woodbridge etreit west troll lbe furniture and tistnree It are of the above hotel will he sold cheap lor cash rply bribe proprietor W1 111 AM MofAUGH IS dclS lw 2A1OON AND IXTURBS OR SaLB Ap P'y to BRADY No 8 Michigan avenue near loudwird avenue 3t GUAT MUff Cl'RBEICI 9 TEE WttT 'iro tMra I 7 I Al Mote Grinnell Xcatioued Sue oeior of Collector Snytbe I 4 '1 Meteorological Observations by touls Black A Co optician No IM Jefferses are i Moaner Dee 1ft Time Barometer Thermometer Wind Werohar flamy Uam 818 8 ttaow 4 pm ffiMrtOa vN UfoBAD for tmb PooR Mr JoM'ph Hatch yeaterday sent to the Director of the oor 1 rod of bread to be distributed gratuitously among those who are fa need of aid 4J Moderating The weather haa aptteiied dowa Its tone within the past twenty few hoars contrasting pleasantly with the ex ceativc frigidity of tha preceding week Till in A wooden Tiiildtag pg Sandwich street owned by Thomas TnhBanii" rad occupied by a grocer named Moore Wai dettroyed by fire yesterday aoralBg iThetoae la eatlmated at 2000 ciTook tmb The leases of the City Railway took the hint given by the Countil a tta tort st sloe sad ygMrtdiMMMe fag commenced running con the entire length ot the Woodward avenue line aj a rti! vh' nit A Gold lilvflr Ittid Iron aad Coal Xinw 7 Discovered in China I CnUBUL MB HUCULa i MO fort off tate rJessph Uirtbly teqkaet drownsd from sebootwr Hungeford off Port Harwell MWteifttofe drownsd from tug Satellite al ort Edward Mastered stovsdors drownsd from propeiter Ontonagon a Chicago Unknown sailor drownsd from sehfloner Tbos 8 I Mott In Lake Erie John Smith mate of seboooer Rockoway fell over board white iniiwhiHail ami drowned at Tomato' rank Nicholls crashed to death In bark Cliy of boa at Buffalo Jun Peter lavin deek haad drowned from i prooHtar Tioga tn' bmbor i rhomae Redmond steward drowned from steam 1 er Neatoriaeat Meatoeal Beraart ofaegl sHter of bark Clayton Med end dealy at Kingston from a spree Philip Warden drowned from bark Wells off Rond Beu Lake Brie I Cap Bobb drossned from fa Htth while Ashtei a Lona Ichtlj3us Bria tMTiiZa PyK You TRIED TH KBD HOT" ta Lissrs el Every on who has pronounsea of ull other Cail snd see the 200 no st tllfts to bn lltilbut to our curtomers on Worn Eve VERIIOK A BIllPMAN un House doe sutn4ltbntf rv LOAN 12100 on mortgage chy prop frty ALONZO EATON Itagstar of AC13 1W RKIJINO A gent etnan and hi wife ean bercomodatod th a large unfurnished room and family In a desirable locationqL lroil dis 8v HOTEL tavl OlIATEK begs to inform bis friend teat io bava honse wannlng on Thors a Grand Hall and Supper lret Sl'isdrilln Hand tingle tickets fl double of McAdam Woodward Horn erry Dock or Lauder dcl83l R' noME MUTUAL LIE 1N8 lean 6'1 Griswold street to 120 Jeifers Bank Building' nolb tw Loots Dee 1 Tbe Ksnem City Ttonro give on account of a horrible affair which recently occurred fa Jae mt county Miroouri fa substance re follows Mr Tamer of Clay county Miaaouri pur ttaaed a lot of cattle some mon tha ago of CoL McCoy raa omere or Dallas Texas the cattie to be paid for at a point called Baxter Bprtaga Col McCoy aeot hto nephew a youngan witt the cattle to receive hto portion of the money about fifteen hundred dollara rad the other parties also sent agenta After re ceivfug the pay for tte cattle young McCoy mu naaaed Jones and three others oi the party started batt to Texas rad while encamped duckhara Prairie taper county were fired upon by five men and two of the party killed and one mortally wounded McCoy end the other man escaped and went to farm house near by Boon after arriving there the men who had done the shooting accompanied by three others appeared and demanded stoney which wsa given up and then placed him and bl 'comrade in a school house and kept them guarded until the flight ot the sec ond day after which they were taken out by a party now increased to fifteen or twenty men for tbe ostensible purpose of barying tbe dead but after proceeding aoma distance they robbed companion of eixty flve dollars and then began firing at him He broke away however and escaped They then shot McCoy fa teveral places and left him for dead He was not killed however and wan found the next morning taken to tbe house of a aettier and cared for but there ia little hope of Ma recovery Tbe parties en gaged tatfitoatroeiona sflalrare said to be weH known residents of tbe Immediate vicin ity IQs alee stated but the report to doubt ed timtMie murderers failing to dispatch tbe witnescea of tbelr fire aaaaaafartion deposited tbe money taken from McCoy with tbe post master pt Springs It is further stag ed that when a party went to bury the three murdered men they found considerable money on their persona" and got into a row nbout a division of the spoils but ft waa finally set tled by giving tbe Doctor who had attended McCoytier thare A Ynrdouwd Oowvtc ffiotwraeifi to tfao flw i 1 PUBLISHED i it Detroit ree Preu Ceman t4 fa 1 by carrier pr TrtWekJy 4 £7 10 Weekly 2 f' Ml rfirt dweB kw ea ffiA Mall re Invariably ta ndvaree nice older or drafi when practicableJ psmo and postoffice also the edition ully Tri Weekly or Weekly SS rourr wt MiS2ov i 5 ft i it '1 ifl elfas tefcs I i av EVANS Ot Michigan University Will lecture on tilt subject I AT YOUNG HALL WEDNESDAY EVE DEO 10TH HSR! Tickets 30 cents dcl3 3tna(8 RD lret elaee board for six eniivoifl ii wm i iic couiioiLB ox nomffi th 7v tflny rtreet corner of Congress two walk an tbe delft 2l All pereoos are forbid paying anything I toT Winiisld of tbi dty on our account Jer rny circumstances no person un'essy resnnt a written order from us WIGGINS kcMllLAN Perfumers decl4 2t i 81 Ceaada aasees Bot gtwto 'j' 7 owe iiiusss trout wear ort OMaria rt (ear etbesa erow SALE One of the beet Ale Breweries in 1 the West with mineral soring st Oworso Io the premises JOHN OUTE Owosso dct 2w IXttt A good double team of Carriage Horeoe five and six years Inquire ol tnADY 4c UO foot of Woawanl avenne 0i3 2w DlLIlARlx TABLE OR SALE Uns of Schulenburg firet class second nr poikrt rosewood bllllsrd tables cheap Icqulreof ECMnEIMER A VltKUM Wholesale Liquor Store 230 iremen's Uall Detroit ilcS lw Ail tm ever waa Joyous and art frsteh'r Tby music doth 7igor enrranti to fun peraoulfled' rad if cauld not bring a amlle to the lipfl of a broezefaflue ft wouM be only because tte statue aot appreciate him He seemed to be in capital vote last Bight aad sang with uaBaual apfrlt Mft Btyokhouae Bjwler haa a' vary good ci ear tertr votes bet hie naaunar an tbe atqge ia Bot titemort agreeable Mr Levy as tttiabed evatytedy with hia cornet aad made a Very brillfafifi exhibition of hia marvelous ekfll aa a corngt player Carl skill on tbe violin long since won him a reputation to whitt' little eould be added He folly ana tabled Mmaell tost night and contributed vary materially to the interest of tbe entertatninent My Colby and his piano ought not to be over looked they performed stoat important part and proved tbelr exeeUeuoa ia almost tmtj feature the i 1 a wwsrau 4 Rbobbvbb ffitaTS OB HkBTZ Those who Intend to go and see tbe wonderful wonder STOW VS wwxw IHflW ti to ft bl Iwrt! i a a SB jSLtpubli Capt Hhilta'ik near Osweeo New Toi elk ubfltte ijeieft trial i BE Mte OaWteOUvs MsffiWi bj rm bobs I Murotbar taBomert xeuddsuly aemeanmqga ftbyaMuafl las gate or Mil S'.

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