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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit, Michigan
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smt Clan Detroit rer old erf fjMN'Hrt 3nd i UNITED STATU 12 October SUNDAY MoRNINC lOi OTHKLLO Vtheil 19 afaa RVJOt iu eecuad eabii 'tp i niug 7 59 1 1st 4 16 17 Pr IS Pr 26 3t teiuteay 31 IVtearedev oonvktk Nnv 1 30 5b ABSTKAC I'Eh KOM MY 53 eynjour G3 GG 69 70 voyage more profitab than hie out 92 co and 1 II I CI srli an Mh up tali uw 4 I Mint tut 73 '16 17 lw bvlvw I her row ti the it clr 19 76 ft 23 and 31 and 237 Pr P3 anl I PAKKAND 10 rr 58 11 IOawrud vuaa iwa 9 By order of lbw Board of Director JAMB8 COOPER 97 n29 9 190 Water Mot Bee is oi the same eJ tlfctfe LLaCK LKlM Cltlll EDWARD KAKTKK JOHN ITaMKWKATHK 118 ba 215 165 125 S3 54 1 In tne Combs: coy hh or ALL KINDS THAT caa ba found are at tha rtiWriawt at 1 7 OB rWK in of U4 I rotale CanrU than tn be order to to SD 30a vr'ir aooa and the crowds Kill continae to throng the WMl'f IM Dr an Schao'eraft pair ji run S3 67 39 91 CeutU'lnan tveuiring Truiae4il Ineaeuilug the bald part sad tta 82 96 mower 1 9 OU All uaualf S3 80 3 1 etill Ices iiuiubcr iu which to servo his ratuu IR dcsirts during the luitu be shall yet re in the public councils to aid in the pernit tsubhshment of those doctrines which shall 1 11 I 15 13 KruT 'Ompanr on th forenoonnf th 7 th int Im a KaU rifhlur )bAbAf anplv la I MW COL UNS A oo Wall BH0WN 5HI PLLV ACQ LhiW RuBKRTS A Id Arm Yard lead JORX MVN1OW CO fid Metre IMune tea Vieteirea (u GMO UBAPKH lUtr Hot Urea Circle Ue GUtery Urehrwtra Ch Colored Gll 35 34 36 40 The State debt California on the 20th ultimo amounted to $331 Si of which $931556 96 were contracted on account of war 3T JamenabthRniroit 3d Alton sial JU mi Mvry PrwU 3d co Atui 156 2d Mr KdberU Mr Bourse AtntNiej May suturdey Saturday Jan Sa May A KUO 1 1 XS LOU had lor aale bv A HINCHMAN 10Kedlf 100 bbla tO I 60 Naw 0i 30 luUigUy Mad ler be ndy in vor rutty refused but by one 20 i 04 wwtoWtow THE nxk uh THE'aRMKK DaTAtir 42 43 44 43 46 TT' TUCKHULPEKS DE Ly tLe AvrA ttern Mining Company of Detroit are brey uuiiUtftl Utat an iulaluvtit of two rhar tiH bwti aaatssrd upon the capital atock of aad ecmi any jmjabie at tbe ofMewoftha Treasurer autf btc retary in Pittaborgh on th let of Novatotor IHu3 By order of tba Board uf Di rec torn 1 JaMKSM COOPER Sec and Ttwa North Wemarn Mining Company oi Drt oit Detroit iitockhol lern pay at the office of 11 er Detroit otMiO dip i5M 1 JenitBpnd Owefeld Ifetroil 2d Wn 5 DO Parker Bro Detroit Uk Lwtvw 3 00 ba made upon nu to defray the rtpauaae of grading paritg and netting the carb utonea and rroaalngs in root of or Mjaaaut to certain premiaaa or Iota of land owned or utded by yim within tbe hm The EDWARD wdlb an wooded br the fntirwly now Clipper fiihip ASS of toua burden ra eeauy launched tor th proprietor of thia Lina tat The Pioneer Line waa tha Aral aud 1 thenlv reni aW eetabhahed Line The unr qualliM suoeeea wiieh hea alwave attended ARRANDM Woodward aw TKAYED H0)M I HE EUnHUKiEhli on tba atoning of the 27tb in driving from tba Depot to tba air Ground a three) ear old Durham heifer in color red and white with braaa hnotoen borne nod a abort rope lied oa tba bawd Sbo baa fail Bow of milk 4 Notice tockholpeksde the Xutifiud Mining Company are hereby uuti ii that an iMtaluAcut of oua dollar par abare he Oren BtacMed upon the capital etocA of laid company ear eva toeUMtUoa Vy tto coaUweC they thoee th moot lavoved eountrlsf af fbe A twelfth Milp of thM lh KltWARD" ion the tine pAck hip own1 laA lon she ha us iri IU OI imoUtioo for Trt n4 seeont Cl DarlG iufonn patrons and friends that pnteft! from the infamous aeb'Mio to plunder them of their Ciucmnali Enquirer AO SS 85 A special communication of this Lodge will be htl i on Monday evening at By order of IV DAVIS See Contents: I 1 i ciiAPrmi Knhtment unJr ti roe US mrehlng Mean Crek to lb TOMlg Aeer the night of th XI ul Dwmlw 1 t11 the morning th 1 1 If th Blamlmg el th Barfimg th Ilarrark the Hurrsne defeat of the th a I 1 a st PAI leatB tl ieo utwnwr i'HAPTRKH a 4 dt'lNh September 27 QTATE MTCHIGN CUV OK Dl TKOIT I To Catbarin II onto Oliver Hyde KhhIv Cuipu Juo II Williams Stlaa A agg Jatuee Stott Lewie O'iver New berry rierirk Baeku Wilbim HuwelL George We tor Robert Mu Cartr bautel Wriael Juhu Diblu TIiOwiu CUlurday Aug Saturday Saturday £plUturdav £lurdy (Wt Saturday Aaturdav Saturday Nor 1 Saturday tzivn thia edition a lariro ir cuhiliuti anl wu volick and ulhere in all part of the SUHo to net us agfUW The low rates nt which unr mni weekly and weekly aj er are utcfM rt quire that we ehould demand pay ment of aubscriptioria invariably in ndv uicu 3 tLoee uf uur patruna who have Keren dor V1J9NDKK SnCHKM or IM Tho and sutciive vfjutw IhrB lhe for imuing and cirouluttig frmiuieut curnmev ww eiwday anuunced the iMprt was found kfuihy tiued jite AedrrJ dollart and vrdt red to prison unhss wm paid 11 aiam to rise the money and mno at large The public owe Nir DiCbiNsuN the l' oaetuimg Attorney of the Police Court no little favtir far the energy hed aplaxvd in uarrying the pnvtcu tkn through Dt bad ah hie arrangement fteu hr putt tn? out a large irauie of the baelard ir4i but be ha been headed iu the knavery 4U a skCRKT WORTH KNOWING Thom Me Mr oweil TICi'AU 11 Thtos thlpa haw toea tout by eeatraclvtpvwi Would although the dutir ot hi pmtorhip Th anou il meeting fr the election of oflloera aill be held Monday evening at 7 lock precisely Every member ia requested to attend This company return their best thank to Meaara Kd ward Sherlock Thomae Gallagher William Wit kinon James enton aud ma iy other frieuda for am ple refreshment at the four last fire OLIVER BOURKB aremau I veug ever imported PJtcTRNr up a dtM'k of goal! ulik'b promise to be valua ble a lditiuu to uur domestic and may hi turn MemuiNta have come at lat Just received a consignment of Celebratid Ointment mJ Bill See dvrtiaemut in another col umn or sale only by ARRAND Druggiat' Woodward avenue Detroit Geaaral agent toe Mict i gau my? i rnrl ngku is the price of liberty" Twenty five cvijla lathe price of a bottle of Ihrvy Da ri Pain KHlr or sale by druggiaU generally: U3 vrtinnt elSiaw2w Chaxgb jw 5ul Comiatw An EnffLpbwn UT Uriahs that i had sTtaraari the lafc revie uT the Krtg4 fleet st Sthesd ns ra Mad Keeaiaa Oelatesr 3 II "Will be iiele4 SbkAper celebreteA Ttsge 4 ef each ei through the inter ho wil visit ptient on ths veilings of thomdy nlo when i ishlc in the morning before le ring uc'J lm tero! Wlulor tlmlr dirlon Into in II A' killing of llrillh mililt nin th wnnJ4eofBsaUPftnol Hie fire CIIAITBK lit A Mas with Twk 'TT Wives A man calling himself Dr Wm Hunter but whose real name is said be NUaniei Bird IS in jail al Cam den NJ os a charge of gamy and Varivuc other charge On Sunday 1 El Mbeth llarrngioo a ladv ol Philadelphia teited him in prou and 103 1 S3 A Moore Schoolcraft 3d prem' 3 00 i' 4ARD LARGE VARIETY QPKING llKXiA A GOOD ARTCLK OR Oiutki gold ailvr tolltow wrlrv precAow btoto nirtl Mill laAiwg ttorwntbto lh vain tlwrwrti thriR rrd rROKkICI DATRg of AILING Owen Romeu 7 1 pretn 4 00 Suit their women to xsxxnp of their Lut vetovU uu tweuiy thrw arrived MUM Dr James Lbs of South Carolinaul out 111 Turkty soiim fefru or eibt eat TrXiw Gov kwok or tional latrUiginctr tho leading organ vt the ceuuiry)s has fallen to the kt of bird ly any AamiBwtrstiuk to make better appoint mem than that tbs Hon Jobs Davis of Indiana (former Speaker of the Hokw of Repre eststives! as Governor of Oregon ar glad to cee by the oapen Uiat he accepts the oi fi euPvauou ol eottou tiom best seeds ot th 'Ulh lie tailed ill tile II ial bathe brought Imine me beautiful Persian goats which produce ritteu on the I'vrk Th shoe reward will be p14 fnr the leturn ot the money nd B25 additional it th thief i prosecuted to oaictluu AM 3 COLLINS Detroit September SO IA53 i Baaoaa Sept 29 I Xs Orleans papers oj Ttosiy nd Today fowl ar reeetvvA t' 3 7 'Vf 0Th 1 They dislrr Jn MkWg ihoaanliB i Mirriiges are more trequem that i during the months id 1 huee burn in the spi nu Lirtu and deaths are more frequent by night than day Tle number of men capable ol bearing arms i calculated at one lourth ot the Tn les In a letter addret sed by Gem rul Charles Lee of the revolutionary ainiy to Pal rick Henry he says There la a baibarism crept in among that i hoiks me extreine'y I mean there tinsel pi thetswith which we are bespatui hs exvei Jeney at ha boner tle lii'iu rablo prtsubnl some butiorhb'e convention This lulsv me nausea ting cant may be well enough io bmlvar ous monarchies or to gratify the uiiaJtiitetaud pride of the tnagnifidiao pempeus arku crauits but in a great free manly commonwealth it i quite abominable Evr my can par: 1 would hef chew bitter aloes as beeramtned ilb your ex orllencywith which I am daily pestered Hou much more true dignity was them the sim plicity address aiming the Romans Mucu Tullius Cicero Dceimo lu piraiori ur Calo Marcello Consul' than in his ncy Major General Noodle or the Hon John Docdle My objections are perhaps trivial and whimsical bm I cannot help stating them I sometimes add res you without tacking rn yoor excellency you must not esteem it a mark ef per sonal or official disrespect but the General Ixe would find in the yreaent age abundant materials for his satirical pen Me seem to have wore thaumade up for the loss ol noble titles by the abundance of others ithin tlv reach of republican invention We have not giyeo np the title of Excellency and as (or orable" weave all bocotable nirD" The next step will be locjnfer the title of Exccllerry and Honorable on the wives of Presidents and Judge for why should the fair sex beescluded from the vrefitaof an am bilious aristocracy over 1st pr silver medal and 8 00 286 Smith Cold water 24 pr 7 00 193 A Bennett Jackson 3d pr 6 00 281 smith emv 3 yrs old ami under 5 1st silver medal ami 8 00 19' I'AV I Bennett Jackson heifer 1 old MosirrTSept 2S Iiternnt yewterday 1 which 6 from vvllvw fever or fretshl or passage apple to WCIMKlOlt sSO'ra I lit all street New rnui A Moi 'ass 5 Htthh and MULige stutTer pr rec Sausjge meal cutter reo garden en trine pr reo corn cultivator pr rec chain pomp rigged pr eec apple paring mhine pr rec two portable cider invite and cbee tar At Springfield a lady teat the folluwng volunteer Sjruce oLI bachelors the evergreen of it try Mr 1)K Gkal the great viUrn rail road contractor ha donated $1000 toward tin evinplrtivu of the Clay motiutnent Co o( TMIvlelphU hieh we it wll at KtMtti a arth ular alUntion tva to nttine 4W K't au I country fmMwwh with hot and rciij wiA apparat nt Wah Mlh wMr rUwts UanpiH iuivote'd into tfre dweHtaf vtordMR er public toddlugL 1 rable manner ftetut vraclle workin an I thrtf ltotol atttiiwa lu all wuik ntrut I tu thlr care they ovntLUut that they cuti ttfat(uu Lead Coffin nt I thahwt mitii VKKGRItA UKLKNV JcfY nn ava nett dour eat of anuura auj Mvhauic Rast ulTloini DHYG(Nw i tilkiabhHnl EuiiUe fer MajiR 'tHJR LOTS 100 bTiKl' RN TINGOW JvMYarenu arenite and eitetnling tn Iarwe4 aNto WILLIAM TA I HAIR rtTTKR AXD WIU MAKSfe BIObLl il Laie DTKfit Gentlemen nuHunsa 1st Tiff That Mowday the aeeettttowth day of (ktow imu at in Uto foreseen aanirwd The Hulwcnher has rc ojHntd bie epacioun anl aalocn tinder the National Hol) where will again aa heretofore supply hia friend with every variety and the beat that the market can afford ortheeeaon produce Hie table will be con stantly furnished with the rich eat vianda done np In the must exqoi ite ntyle by one of the beet cooka in the Wrt expreaaly engaged tor the benefit of hia patxvDi lit Wine and atock of Liquor are of the choice kind tout brands and moat delicit flavor WILLIAM HOWKLL IL Lnneh nerved np every day nt 11 A SpRCTACLts We perceive In all quarter the iruitaof the popularity of the peculiar merits of spectacle and are glad to hear that by is meeting with the auccee that diaoovety ahi'Uld entitle him We refer the reader and thuae wtoHe eyes are aUucUd to the advertitciuent of Mr in another column The recommendation and con gratuUtfcna which heis conalantly receiving are from uurcea of the highest and moai hnphcit character sau'J4 VI hilo llm sun shines fur a change in the rue Caliim may at any time rtniure him and eal him buck to live Upon what plunder ho may have acquired Lr the remainder of hia unnatural life lu their distress tiio planters mid ciLzetis of Cuba have appealed as boldly as they dare to the Uni tid States for succor They witness our prosper ity uh it sweeps by them down the Gulf they are acquuiuWd with the constitution which guar unices our liberty ami prulictioii they ru Lew rapidly the Stats that have burn added to the 11 Old have risen to opulli and dig nity and tiiy their allegiance to institutions as bene tieia! mid expansive as their ovn are tieu Ju KIWUlHIAl'U khvMs aotk rfitasui Ta wl Lie for in itstini ball tickets A'C and at ThsCiilmsk ImmioKatiun The immigration of which has kr ru inlurruptesl tor Itw lvrt var by the harsh usage which they tsaveex reueed iu tlie mio reviving wurvoa hat il wo UCV judic fr the rs who recently rmclicd here Within the past fir dttvs no Jew rth Mt five vessels luive arrived from Hong Kong with Chinese pas'Cnge 1 wz the Lady Hartle on the 19th instant with 75 the Verooca on the 3iib with 15U the John arnsworth on the2lst 42 the of Sharoq oo the J'Jl jrith S7an the John GwIon on theClldith in all 450 They are begiutshig to exhibit a dvs re to ewtab'ish tbemsehtw ernia IL retol'ore they have jesl anv them leM than Erancifo trvt from th venire of twuld nlrwet tu the enalefn hue the Greelev claim betwru Gnawokl ud Hhrlby street and ront trwet from the eimteru line of erm to the eastern curb ot Third trvet Mackinac whitefish and trout in bbl haiftAU a4 kite oc2 JIDWAMD KABTBW old over 11 I tkr vv SADfotvL jr cm bfo yr old pr recomuietrWL PrgaeDt Joevph Bet naw: thwstataff ON reading and fitmg the peiilMa dwty wrrid uf ph Cook cre4iur of a4 aetate praria Wilson Jaekiun beat co ru cub crusher 5 004 Danforth Oliet best straw eutter 5 00 A Crarv Columbia best horse rake 5 tKi 3 Gay Dowagiac best rullerfur general ue 5 oo rmw 2 JH Din wbake Det be carriage baraeM dip an i 200 8 Penfield Detroit best churn Parker A Bro Detroit best pre W) Sirnmons Nori best grain era lie 2 U0 John Hutchins Southfield best lot tvims tied brooms 2 V0 Jasper Tbotaas Geneseo Ill best Ls ehire 3110 Platt A Ism Detroit premium recommended Chase Three Rivers single harness pre mium reeotumuuded Williams Hsekley Belleville screw and lever cheese press prem reevtumenuea Class 3 John Hanford Detroit threshing Machine pr lOUd The Moktali arNnw Okleans The New Orleans Ninthly Ilegisler Lust nn chiburutu mli ele on thu mortality oftlie pastyerir horn which wu gather tile following facts: Thu whole num birvf tleiuhsfrom September lb2 to Angus No 1 CE THE STOCKHvLDrlS the Adventure Mining Company of Michigan hereby notified i hat an mvtalroent of one dollar pet bhre ba bvn axBeaa) upon the capital stock of ta Uouipany payable at the ofleo of tba Treasurer and Skxrvtiry in Pittburgh the lt of November By orceruf the Board cf IHrectora vczdln: JAMEj COOPKR SersndTrM I i the Advvuture Mining Cuupany of Michigan Lak Mipt rn Stockholders pay al Cliff Mine OtUcti Eagl ver Lak ffoponor A wo lae before etmoenoed the ree Wil! heresher be ou Sw dey nuwmnpi in steed of Monday nwmag The object of the change is to avoid Sunday labor in onr Hitherto in iseuing a pajier on Mondays more or has of the work has had to be performed on the Sabbath and such is the case in ah offices where a paper is issued on Monday mornings Under iur regulation the only Sunday labor willb performed by the city earners uud th before the rAiug of the sun 4oi IlVMiRKD TIIOUaANI) GOLD OYSTERS ARK SOLD AT 20' KR DON I' CAMI'RKLU oo! ol Woodward avuaa Detroit Sept 2 laSt Ill ST RuttdrvJ Secretary Marcy eu th kwtw Affair The reply of Secretary Maacv to the demand of the Auauriau government tor reparation In the matter the Krexu difikulty has been publbed We shall lay it btkrw our re ader in our Lxt issue We have iiauly glanced through it and believe it to be one bf the ablest state paper tlial evir issued from tur Stale Dejwrttneut The evoydoci rd Captain Ingraham is fully appoved KEKIY unless otherwise directed The ion off Oeiia Cat Vv'e find lh (ollfiwujr nrtiule in thu jiufEilo Cbfninrrcial Adoatwr The Petruit Prctu understood to be thu frpuciai rg'n of Ln profeMW much ffatiRfiu ijftn wUfi iLu expedition in the Wahiiij'ton tlulun of theubiting relation between the aI mihUirUvn tud ila patruu Wo are to preaume therefore thnt the uiftterncntof the (Inion to tb elfcd that Gen Ca bu 1 gien iu hia ailhusition to President Pierce n'l approve! of the proscription ot iLc hunker in thh State uiado on compe tent authority Thia being the uumj we do nut how th enlcntr curdide can bo any longer main tained between our naliunul demMrala aud the Senator from Michigan anv cunununtcaiiona tint may have pa HvA buAcen thu Ptuahknt and Gen Cass or of thu Oircutnbl'incea which hd to them we of cmiftte kouw We will however alate bntily what we believe to bu the pt4liu of (Jeu Tu ih Me who know Gru Cams we need not rt that ho (hto no upiUiuns upon qUubtjube of public iniercbt which he deai re to conceal front Ike publc IL luhyand cordially approved ibu duulruv4 of Gun inaugural addrvs uen ihiu doeiirneiit wa given io thu uounliy aud tLe pulicj vi ibu Adrniuiatratiou ao far as it ha Iruetk develop ill iclaliuil to foluigQ Uud donirwtic quceuoitN of national concern ap proves with thu saiiiu cordiality (but he did the i iHiigutal uddreto lu lids rurpuct wv believe it not claimed in any quarter that thu huaidvnt lua palled tiurn thu pimciplua laid i iwn for hir govri liineiit when hu ok the oath uf vfhue Huucu Gn Gash stand ready na the whole deiauLiacy uf tbu uuuuUy to iuaUuu thu duut Euther than tbi we have rvuaou tu know th it Gen Ca ha great ooufiduiiue in the inug nty tHd ability of ri 1 iekck and tikil he luelb the utnni tuwurancu that hi future policy will bu i keeping with hiw former deuliii at ions and that his adnduotrativD tliiuughuut will coimnand ap proval and support Iu regard to appointments office Gn Cass duubtlewr thinks lliu President ha had a moot dt hente dutv to thM dem ever cnounured on tbo tbrtshuld of his Lbvt ft a ti ore difficult task The general policy uf the A lihinistratiou touching appointments thit of regarding every man a dcnieuiat who voted for Gen Pii Hcs and uhu honestly and in govd faith frubcrtn to ti resolutions of tbo Baltiinuru CwUVuUliuti and to tbu ducirinta of the inaugural wo presume Gen Caj commend but that bo approve wholly thu nanuer in which that policy has bcuu execute'! is nut at all probable Appointment have been made to which his judg ment cannot letid ita approbation Mtn iu nvidu case hatu been selected whusu free bodisin wan quite too fresh and who had not luliy renounced their hcccruduxy hile tbu general rule adopt ed was pr per tin in all other general rule there was room for cxecptiuns and dite rinuua tions But we apprehend that Gen Caps does not st in the mbuakt of thu AdnnnUtratiun reftrviuv lu upf'uittnu uU any sufiieient reation fur huMilits tuwaide il on the part of democrats certainly nnt on the part uf hlmsalt Thu peculiar mamu i iu which thu vecutivu patronage should lu di ttibnivd minor importance when compared ith the grt at qacbleins of gut concern wfikh prcMnl thunisehcs fur the action of ihv President and of qutMions i mumen Uta impel to tbu welfare of the country and in volving thu spread of the principles ot freedom uou ibis CiAutineiH and tho pruUutlbu of Amen ean rights among tbu nation of the okl world Gen Cass has nc many years to five aud proba bly a try main DeDt Uuuro tu the peace and prosperity and glory cd ibe nom 5a luBg therefore as the President Rbal! pur sue thu policy which he declared in the ootoet should govern his administration aod which thus lar has been careluli adhered to the warm gen erous and powerful suppuit uf Gen Cass can be calculated Uicd Personally aud politically a friend of the President and feel nu winmun in terest in the success uf his admimtiraiiuD Un moveii by jealousies or heartburnings he only tu act fur thu gixxl of Lis country Th atHhorilaiivwdec that has been made that in all cae where nun thall be found to base been appointed to edhee ho aIu nut fully subscribe to the Baltimore reaoluVuos aud the inaugural addreiss they wifi be promptly removed ihould fie fcutistactury to the demcmacy uf every stetivn uf the country Iu the exiraord nary state tbgs by Gm Pietc ww surrounded when othce uo living man cuud have proovuded in 1 Lie perturinanou of hie duly without committing errors mid giviug ctKnce to individuals a confess that many appointments have been made which as aa trjwanrirg tKsno crat wu exceedingly regret But wu rv Hgicusly bdiuve that Gen PithCE luw sought houeuly io do that which he believed to be best fur the country and lor the Klcnaocraxic party And locking above and beyond the minor consid erations of appointments it is lhe duty of every democrat and every patriot to sutCalu the Prov deni in the noble is making tu admuiis if the government upon the principles of Jcflfer 1st I I i Twn armington Oakland co (i Iothrop Detroit Wayne co John Miller Adriin Ienaw co A Moore Schoolcraft Kalamazoo co J' Leech Clica Macomb co Dickey Marshall Calhoun co Thos Clark Lapeer Lapeer co cnnarsrosoiso secbetahie Ely Allegan Allegan co jr Hastings Barry co Tho Love Berrien Berrien co Pond Coldwater Branch co John Collins Sumnerville Cass co (J jr Calhoun co McKnigbt Sant Ste Marie Chippewa co Turner DeWitt Clinton co Martin Vermontville Eaton co 11 Perry Grand Blanc Genesee co Isaiah lillsd de Hillsdale co Budi Landing Iiuharn co rederick Hull Ionia Ionia co Watkin Irras Lake Jackson co Cuitcnius thiuiizoo Kalamazoo co Henry Seymour Grand Rapids Kent co Geo Clark jr Lapeer Lapeer co A I' Htmiin Adri in Lenawee co IVA Buckley Howell Livingston co' Chas 4 Avery Mackinac Mackinac co Ira Butlerfiel I Utica Macomb co Morton Monroo Mourouco A Walker armington Oakland co Thos White Grand Huven Ottawa co 1 1 Little Saginaw Saginaw co Clins A Loomis Ct Lliir St Clair co Wakeman Colon St Joseph co Limes Cummins Corunna Sbiawaasee'co 11 Harrison raw Paw van Buren Davis Ann Arbor Washtenaw co Abram isher Redford Wayne co DarneiT Oct 1 1X53 Water rates for the second quarter from October lt 1863 to January lat are now due nod can Le paid wilhout per to Lag at i he office corner of Larned Bate atreetl Ey ordr ot the Board or2c2w ROBBBTWs Bee ICHIGAN cordage and TWinE Alaav on band UvBp lax Jut Cotton aud Mandi Cordage and Twine rito equal totern KUWAUD KiMlBR x2 oot of Woodward avenue Detroit and broom siitchTn NIhim Work rpHK subscribers ARK NOW UG ivrepar! do work in either of the tbe Honey shmr fruyal Medal Honey ftoapb 4oo or eingi enb old Brown WifiKleor Soap Trae Military hxrir Soap Jtafhah and American any A 1 lz rui 3 tUeir iD aurp aud color io fallible mode of meaauiing th head: No I Hounl the Load tuad out iu the proud which ar on die In the uffio of the Citv Clrk of said ritv where the) will remain open to vour inRprction until Tueday the ilth (Ac to iler A i 1no3 when and where you may appear tolure th Common Council at the Couucil Room in said ci ty and lin cause if any there to hy the aewnl Rhouhi ot to made and collected cordin to law io lot HORACK RO dCKtK City Cierh LI I Sil i l6sSU 17 ATE ot Qaluine for sale by 8 YARKAND a2 Druggist Woodward are (iiALNSNPEKMT WHALE 1 4toVV Winter Mid Summer tdeiu bed and LARD 01 Lit tor Rale bra zri 8 ARKAND 1 08 chHlwantare Mich i 7 n7mlc7m an have on bxud d4 ia any qaantlty SI KHM Ot I till It'll n4 most economic! lor brum ng 01 in cliinerv MACHINE OIL very cheep nA eery mi perior Aino lard roaic whale oil? sperm candle Ac Ac Office Cuion Block Jefferaoa avenue Velow thw Kv need fleet iVxlAakiaV ei Wwdneadav tVl RUGftl A Nil MEDldlNRs A TH popular pate 1 1 sned'ciuue with Chemicals A full ami gi ueral nwiurtmiil ou baud aud fur ale PyZU If AkRANll 93 Woodward ae Harper's Mastna for natlrj roared frrw Mrtxzxjm la dy a book for octu Yt 7 AGAZlb UR vCfUBKK i A TkrtlHea Aurraliv 4 DVENTIIRE ON A ROZEN LAKV A tele ot th Cauadlo HJ' Wl limit Jr Pile 10 cent or bflIWff During the few that) Gt TTLo occupied the chair' lie rrmffimt only in dkVN ruemlr uf h' CabuiLt who t'11 wore "power than himecll la th drcieiuti jjf all quvtdhjoe Cabinet CuUfidl and in making appointment to ofiice he utu with hU Cabinet hia ballot counting eqaally with that of thu PoMiiutoler General or the Secretary of tbu NaV Hi Cabinet and not honxlf were i responsible to the country for bis act a huniiliuting traighl the old man br ought and how waa the coMlituiioa subverted in its intent and rleeigtt The Washington Union makes the following expwitioo of the true relation of the and the IMtbw of The Cabinet The country know only Gen Peck as th Efeeu live and that he understands hl own position no mau ba reason to doubt Considering the relation which between tbs President ami his cabinet we deny that there can be either eonsisteney or reason in attributing to him i4itieal wisdom an 1 integrity bnt with holding these aUribnUM from his institutional adi i sera It conveysthe idea inevitably that Gen I iwroe is but nominally tbo President whilst cabinet constitute the real executive that the policy adopted really emanate from bis cabinet officer while the President is the mere organ through which they announce their decisions that the poli cy adopted bv his cabinet may be ruinous to the country but dial the President i not to be respon sible liecause either lacks the intelligence or the moral cuurugu to resist their maleondm Gene ral Pierce selected his cabinet upon a full know ledge of the sentiments! and characters of the state men composing it He selected them because lie knew them to be competent to give him advice and because he hioj full ussuranco that their counsel would be at all times wise sincere an 1 It was with no view uf escaping the high responsi bility which the constitution nnpe ujHin him im the head of the government that he forjned his jm liticul family of adviers To say that tbo policy promulgate! airl actud upon in ths policy 'f hn cabinet aud that they and not he are to be held resonsihle is insult bis intelligeneo az welt tuduuy his fidelity to the constitution It will do for those who occupy this ground to excuse their covert assaults upon the President by a to British precedent and practieo General Pierce claims none of the exemption from responsibility which attaches to those who profem to rule by di vine He hut never skulked behind cabinet to avoid a blow that may be aimed at his ration Whatever policy emanates from the executive department from him it has received his sanction and ho the re sponsibilty and ho thanks no man for that kind ol friendship which would make him a mere supple tool in he hands of his cabinet It is well that those who have deluded 'heuwlvcs with the ihm that tho President and his cabinetdo not constitute one harmoui'us family should be thoroughly un deceived It well fhnt tlieyshould know unmist ik abl that Gun Pierce is Pre ident tlefarto as well ns re ju and that whoever assails the policy the administration assails Au policy and not that mere ly of bis cabinet The Cnilllinil of Cl A writer ill the New York National Democrat represents the pri sent Condition of Luba tis the moot deplorable that can be irnagiutd the Span ish planters themselves abhor the yoke under whicli they are plundered and imprisoned at the option of an irresponsible and temporary drspot Had thya ntitivu tyrant a gitimate his interest were he the worst of men would leach him to be iirnre merciful fur his uec orx might be called to reckon for his crimes Hut as it is tile vice royalty of Cuba is a license to plun der mill oppress ud libitum lor a certain number di ten years of age ami 13S1 colored persi ii Of this frightful aggregate 071'5 or not fir from one lnlf perished from yellow fov la every month of the yearexeept Marek ami April ftieru were fatal caws ol this disease thus in Sep tember 1852 thu ilealbs Iron: feVer numbered 68 tn October 221 in November 165 llcemb 'i 1 7 in January 1S53 1 in i bruary 1 in May 1 in limo 46 in July 13S7 in August 4798 I hl mg ho same period tho tijmissions into the Charity Hospital Wcto 1683 1 dij eliargvi 1351 I deaths 3386 biilhs 176 Ol llio perrons admit ted were born in foreign countries 1 I were natives of the United Status aud the birth place ol 129 was unknown Goon Docikink tlto ratilieution meeting of thu Jem uraey in New York on Mon day n'ght last tho folio wing ret elution wa ntlopfv lofty patriotism which induced ranklin to leave his profusion and buckle on tho armor of war nt his country's call his triumph lint election uhilo standing on a pbtforn of well defined prinuiplw which cheered the heart ami nerved tbo arm of the mitiomil dentocriiey for his success ami his voluntary doc In rat ions on assuming tho reins of government all give thou surwuco that ho will stand fcrmly by the L'liii nnd by the compromises tho constitution on wiiich thu Guion rests Mistakes in" appointments to tho most difficult of all have not destroyed our confidence iu tho purity mo tive and his administration of tho government on tho principles laid down in the inaugural address will continue to receive uur zealous Decision bv the Skcretaay the (nte KtoK We are glad to learn that the Secretary uf the Interior has to hsue patents to pre emptors on the Evergreen Lake Supe rior Their locations have been in dispute for a long time with the original holder of a lease from Government After having beu in litigation mr a number of years it vvim decided by tle Court in favor of the pre emptoi but there ua feund to be a dffieulty in obtaising patents "a making out tho papers they were found tu be dated prior to the passage of the pre emption net This we hunt has recently been decided in their favor They have fought tor a lung time and a deserving ot the euc'eeM they have met with location Miuneeota aud but a short distance from it and i supposed to bu one of the richest mineral 'oea tions in the Outotisgvii district The rhe ButLlo Republic of ri dsv evening informs us that the projieller ol con owned by Messrs Hvxo eV Uo ef this city ran aground after leaving the Detroit riv er on Tuesday evening on her way down from De troit A heavy sea was rolling at the time and the wind Slew a gale She gv last about mid night ami Captam Woodwakd on seeing that there was no other way to save vessel threw overboard some 600 barrels of flour and 90 casks of highwincs vessel got fT about yesti rday morning and reached hi re during the night The alcon had on board 10000 bushel ef wheat The Csptam entered protest here" A Noble The National Jntelli generr relates the case of an interesting outh ot I about fifteen years of age wbo recently died to California and bequeathed $235 towards the erec tion of the Washington This noble buy early ins with a profound admiration of the character of Washington felt that he could notlearo this world in which hie career Kai tost vert without Mqneatt ing something out ef his scanty earning to honor the tueinury of tl great Esther of his Cuntry How noble how generoos bow patriotic and worthy of iuiltatkju by tbo who aro more blreeed by fortune! Lilt or Premlumi Airnrrled at the ifth Annual Pair of the AUch i''iui State Agricutliiral Society held in the city nf Detroit on the 28lh anet 30th days of September 1853 CLASS A CATTLE Class Short "Horns No 5G Ira Phillips Romeo Bull 5 yrs oll lst prcmiuiu silver modal and $10 75 Geo tlrahaut 2d prem 10 101 A Alton 31 prem $7 90 Cyrus uller Livonia bull 3 yrs old and un der 5 1st prem silver medal and J8 1 18 Uhl Ypsilanti 2d prem $8 46 Stanly nttTKOtT mk I ADiKjV WHITE A Vf ry nice artiel tn found at 2 1 GiXH RAUI IAH4MY MaeAXlAdfe JfUffe Ha kiER itteaaBa roti I a JMI UM i State ArtewM ar afer ats The officer et this Society elected at the annual meeting on ri day last to serve for JSr from the 13th of XR eember next: preCAent Geobcb MvnbO of Hillsdale County Brown of Wayne County Secretary Holmes of Wayne County vice ri3iD i John KMlogg Allegan Allegan co John Buwoe Hickory Comers Barry co Crippir Coldwater Branch co A McMath Berrien eo i leo Hentig Marshall Calboun co Justus Gage Dowagiac Case co i Samuel Ashman iutSte Mane Chippewa David Sturgis De 54 itt Clinton co itzi erald Bllerue Eaton eov Heecber Geneee Geoeeee co Howell Jonesville Hillsdale eo Cvru Lovell Ionia Ionia eo Geo Peck Ingham eo John Butterfield Brooklyn Jaekaon eo Chat Stuart Kalamazoo Kalamazoo co Riz Itobitson Knt co Robl erguson Dryden Lapeer co Stephen Allen Adrian Lenawee oo reeman Wb jr Pinckney Liring ton co Miebail IloJiinau Mackinac Mackinac co Summers Uviea Macomb co A Monroe Monroe co True Gaklan I co IL orv Penn ver Grand Heven Ottawa co Miller rigow Saginaw co Northrop Port Huron St Clair co 8 Moore Threo Rivers St Joseph co I Martin Shiawassee co JI I hl Ann Arler Washtenaw co Tim bort Dearborn Wayne co Paw Van Buren co EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I Monnat Paw Paw Van Buren co Bartlett Moilroe Monroo co i Starkweather Ypsilanti Washtenaw co PIONESBLIKK rpBE NEW bostox cur jM Ship SOW lk terdOy te iH from hr torth pir I Rtl Rtrrr fu PORT PHILIP AwRralla ef food MMl wiUl ttoteiMWW hi fnrlorn id owodmi tidilh ii th ol th deth uf unt th urocun of th tbud df i CKAITKH IV 1 Penetration UU tb frrot wprtolhrRW' Indian IL dh of an uf a famiJr or finally from vrmo 1 gjrm by au Irish irhd 1 CHAfTIR vAa kina warnD aneHaite tlaa tAfflnilM I ura tnalve dr wf th mau'a 4ualur tor Wlmfsor to la tk bis rvtur and IMugilg In th bstll of WlBUsor fotly ths the riuelty nt Col tivu tu croas fit Cl if tht fl Tbe it Guipf'insAe to ero as tirHSMSSSM meeting with Urge sir a grapbw free ret by 1u errme4M ot one oa the lee by cole eng tne Mrlt' tn Asoerloaasade ul tb liae JL IU lai teh no ffcUna ate tte rtjteHf Wj eida wM knou to tbe majority of Ua Drtrirtl aad Mrimty ranoot fail to rite ordinary rmidtng intwwV Call rTiy te Tn bad whr lal ate rMaihtelp of A A Austin Detroit 3d prem S7 Samuel Blackwood Novi bull 2 yrs old 3d prem S7 Latsbaw Johnson bull 1 yr old 1st prem bruozu uiedvl and $5 Mnpd A lien Plymouth 21 prem $5 Tl leby Tccurnsuh 3d prem $4 rn PhUlips Romeo bull calf 1st prem Trail mid $5 Jl irvey Austin Jackson 2 1 prem $4 Allen 31 prem 300 John bt irkuuathur Ypsilanti cuvr 5 vrs eld ami over lt prem silver medal and 800 A Jhjore Schoolcraft 2d do 700 Andrew Wilkie Detroit cow 3 yrs old and under 5 1st prem feiivcr medal and 800 Blair Tipton 2 1 prom 7(H) lrt If Buttci field Utica 3t prem G00 11 Jackson heifer 2 years old 1st pr fiiuuiu medal and 5 00 Geo Grab uni Lnseliu 1 yr uld beifer 1st pretn 1 riius umt a UU Gcu 11 Gruhani Lnselle 21 prem LOO Blair Tipton 31 prem 3 00 'hiss 2 Herons RGrnsvenor Monroe bull 5 years old uver prem biher medal and 10 00 Riley Cone Troy 2l prem 10 00 II Miller Moscow 3 I prem 700 283 Smith Cold water bull 3 yrs old and un der 5 Dt pre in silver me lai and 8 00 l5 Chihl PaintCreck 2d prein 8 00 194 st 1 Bennett Jackson 3d prem 700 Mtnui uuiuwaier bun can 1st prem Trans mid 5 00 Chas Hanson Kalamazoo 2d nr 400 197 0 Dennett Jackron 3d pr 3 00 marrkvl oo the Vth Joly ln Ou the ianc dav visited hy another laly from ton nami Mary Thouiae to Bhotti be a nui ned io May last Il taS thit Le hs a wile in Iiug another al ia are anrt another yet In JTiiLmI Lb The pr mt oct iv only about 23 years an it BtateJ declarea th be twenty ivw a state roeut which triay be troe a hm re than one fourthJ that noiabvr ha been tounJ within a kwJajs Il aJtgesl lhat be abaoJcueJ each ife srn af ter arrav mm) tba they ver arfl ot bun after until ha recent arrest Tb affair cvaies the greater excitement in Carol tow iu4 cert an wnmenae camber of people to ck admin ion fat the pnrpcae of aceing him liim Ph ihrir patrnunv avw would particularly fi mH autiuu 4 tte fortaowi hi haw robh thwlr Bulnte MBL to hl mrw 4 nwnilon of umIHw proper at ion fwMlte Mop the hlr froirt llfey Alftr applite before tMM Utrtuii la bryn4 th 8lrkb ait uituo pud dreiif 1UI be rr UdiioimUe prtl The regular monthly nutting of the corps wi 1 bv held ou Tuesday eveuiof Oct 4ths The reeolulieu laid vr at th last monthly meeting wilt be teken up a ini an they aru of conaiderable importance it i hoped there ill be full attendance Byordurvf Capt II owanl CHAU WhlLDKN Se Theru will bu a iiu cling of the Ifi ard of Manager of tbo Detroit Young i CbrDUan Amu uiatiou hi their Rooms iu Phuenii Block on Monday vuin O'tober 3 at Cl 8 CUSHING Se retary The eultaorUivr utvtle the teWb tn the I rgtM aaeerlmant ef 114ft M'UlUC lit iheeeelciH rouuWf a large Urk ol rhotre Hwwi rKUMBRVOAVS 1IUMIICI COMRS i ffeuufu I ut of irelMg Cigaia Acikfo 4h moi call hie H'k hr ufihnewu uemaW11 Ka JU Mlsfl at UM "III IIM 111 SA null louiid in auv utlu tn tutu eW and bl Inna aapet'ienre in th Iiummhh a ulin Tlift tri weeklv edition of lbw ze Pins leen dif contiiiuvd find hnccLrib wu efiall on Mumia) aud Thurwiiya the JSbmi WrKir Ruck 1'RKMa The tri kly edition 4uw hr ioro rrmaieted of the ineulu pgru uf the didy without any change of matter and oumquendy on cauh aidw a large quantity of the uutie aJrr tfM nte The SkmiAVbmly wiH 1x5 UP iu regular ferm with a beading find all thu matur of the daily uave auch local intel hgcnotf will have become aUile lbw rnathr will embnww not lr than twenty columns io mudirig full cumnitrcial rrportM and thu latent htitt't by gr iph and the mails A Th price the SMi WfcKlrtY RKE Prkri wlit fi eent ly non) will be Pico per year and Two L)idlar and Pif Cmltwhen deliver i I tb city Thu sheet ill be the same eizu of vur daily aud weekly edition and we rtifu ly rt that il iv thu cheapest paper in the irest There are ihouwittds of fartiiere in thu Statu to wbout a evoii we kly pajo to rab! util ihureare thousands ut ulhvrs lltz hs of towns uud village who sr ha cannot atfird a daily a pr and who waii thu nows oftetn than once a ze To such wu commend our new um: eekly issue ri'er into the iut ru ol lh State Vkaluugtoo wdvitle and otut CuuK are IK puuis where the fever ba jard Al Natchez up to the 2ll iut there ha 1 beeu 24U deaths from the fever WMS WSt SJliW neS New Ot Sept Tita to' al numberof death the twerrtf fur 1t uro ruling thia iiioruiu was 29 Col The Washington Ereninj Star ay "We regret extremely to write thatwe have news per tale graph frt St lamia tot ing that Coinael remvu! has been to ahaudoo his journey of exploration to Cali torn a (over land) aud to return to Lown on aoevani of the condition of hia tW Maivbiieid Uewuthuaette where now repe the mmine of tbe' great etataanuas Dsn During the threu days of the Ohio Suit' Agricultural air it is eaid the rectipts amounted tu about $32000 4 rom January 1st to zkuust 27th 2G 722 rubengers arrived at Saa rancisco by sta and IS 083 left by sea Interestim Statistics A gentleman claim ing to be a fritnd of tbu human and wbo keeps the fun uf facts figures and babies lias tet laid before an inquiring the following slatiftics The whole numbi of language spoken in the world amounts to 3064 578 in Europe 936 iu Asia 266 in Africa and 1264 iu America Thu inhabitants uf our globe profess more than l0t0 dffereul religions ite number of iikii is about equal to the I limber of women The average ot liuman life is about 33 years Ouu quarter pait die before tlie agu ot 7 yetus tuni one half lore reaching 17 years age and tbie who pas this age enjoy a felicity reins to one humai species To every 1000 peisons only oue reaches 100 years of life to every 100 only six reach G6 years and not more than one in 500 lives to 80 years of age There are on the earth 1000 Of 0 000 inhabitants and of ihe 33333 333 die every year 71324 every day 3730 every hour 60 every minute or one every tauoud Tiitsi Itbses are about balanced by' the equai number births The married are longer lived thin th single and above all tha who bsetve a sober and industrious conduct Tall iiietk Inc thau short ones Women hve neie chances of hie iu their favor previous to being 50 year sol ape than iron have but fewer alter wards 'The num ber uf inarrtagcs is tu pioputliuti uf 175 to cvtry 1000 individuals alter the equinoxes June and Devemb are generally more robust than otiite Lat Erie steel plo prem roe A Haviland Ann Arbor wtext drill 1st 5 00 John Ranch Monroe corn heller lit 2 00 Hoxie Hillslale grass see I sower rstiNim rnenlffitl DO A WS Penfiet 1 Detroit a No 6 plow preui rec 0 dt Pen5e11 cat iron ruai wnper prem ruo Penfields com and seed planter band or burse power 5 00 Penfields dog power fur churn prem ree PenGakU ehuep power for eh uro prem re? Penfiel hydraulic mms prem rec Penfields vegetable cutler dip do do do do do doin pres combined patent 1 pr dip and 500 do Eagle plow No 74 pr rec do Emery A thresher an 1 separa ter pr dip A 10 00 do portable circular saw mill for woo I lt pr dip and 500 du Eiuery nd une power pr rec Wilard isher Brockport Morgan's 1 macbini A lowers Pontiac wheel cultivator 1st pr dip nd 2 00 John Paines Birmingham drain tile I't pr 3 UU John 8 Wright Chicago LU reaper and automaton raker 1st ir dip un i Elliot Harrington Northville donbfe plow ur jointer 1st pr dip and 5 00 Parker Bro Detroit lap furrow plow pr rec Parker 4 Bro clover huller pr rec do do cultivator pr rec dn do vegetable cutter pr rec Bugku ihkwokldno io at 'ou REPORTER AND COIN A Chart for October ja reeewte 43 Wutewud JTPRU price IO A RUYR NlckEKHVUKKK OB OCTOBER 6 pga for at 4 97 99 ino 103 Daniel Willcox Tompkins apple uud poach parer pr rec Concluded in our next) Dr Cox speaktug of persons win profess to do a great deal for religion without really jhj sessing any aays they resemble carpenters who built a ship in which other people were saved although they were drowned themselves Business is brisk at the Philadelphia Navy Yard The United States steanurs San Jacinto and ulton are repairing there and the Cyuuu is daily expicud Hon Chas Gavahke tornnrly United State Senator from Louisiana is an uidepetideul candidate for CuDgresa in the New Orleaus dis triut 3 I 1 1 wool' ft 29 WhnlMrale I'eakre BQVBOkHTs L5(t( ulllRftfe BLANK book nil parte for 1 at CHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL Kirv kind ued lu th Blste Slid Htern id l'i szr at KLtAOOIl'S BKUGSiM KDiOIN KSc AIN IS It STOVES WINDOW CLA'S ANU PITTV PATKNT MHUIt'lNKS tr PMMVUMBHV tiUb UMOUMHIE3 with uianr miMtellaDeouBwrtlr les aud rood Kept bv the trade sold wholwAlw Mui retail by AKRANP Druggist and Grocer t5 Woodward ve 1 Adjoiuirrz Presbyterian Church PT! rKOlT' Pa'in rs yu e'Hio Lus lead In Uli 1600 dry do with all the eanous elaroea jnt in oil nnfl dry ion MT Hruok Nnrt hvine heifer 2 yrs ffVlvS Off BrooK' Xorlhuhr hforicrj wteiW SpeaT pvl AftJefk'nC a ah a Ar Jhn Eri Mich Ihrvaa eow 3 too for al at taw eldiehlx Bowaa it wm MivnwsffW 0 Hbawal Maai totlka BUUKS ok BUS TOCB CawM tba YwmM Blartla Mt CMIta SffifoMf ej rhe Aaawrivaa VM1W fowTrw Bf twjfllj Th IMtaa WyhasM Iff A MV EM TBWS ita VMtiA 9TsA 4 VG Cl Oliver Hampton Hickory Grove heifer 1 yr old 21 prem 4 00 John Collies airmmgion calf lt prem Jutin Kellogg Ypsilanti 2d prem 4 00 A Muure Scbuoieraft 34 prem 3 00 Class 7 Satires 311 Wm Mffore Detroit native ccw 5 yn old over 1st prem medal and 6 00 37 James Smith Detroit 2d prem 7 00 273 John Collins armington 3d prem 6 00 Class 6 Cross of Plood and Satire 105 Robert Hamilton Bruce bull 2 yrs old 1st prem medal ad 6 00 25 Boteford armington 2d prem 8 00 294 Wheeler Ypsilanti 31 prem 7 00 276 Hubbard Mt Clemens bull 3 yrs old and under 5 committee recommended diploma 236 Leonard Lee Armada bull 1 yr old 1st prem medal and 5 00 110 Eafon Superior 2d preiu 5 00 MM 43 eutered tuto eoupUUoo foreign HO84LS Clai for all work 14U Tavot A tiian Worrvo 6 rr old tr for ier la til acd 10Off 27 HeterickaMrabL2Jprby Morgan TranRDdiOOO 203 8 Blood Uamxxoo benuu BLacknawa nr Youatt aote Bir aadcnp IXk Gritfia Clark itoa Btalhon 3 yrs oW It pr meial and MW 307 Guoireh Blackhawk stall on 3 yrt old 2d pr ran ate 7 U0 1K 277 Cheaper voolds Southfield Blackhawk talHon 3yr old 24 prfioi 131 Robert MH liken Almont utalhoa 2 yr old let pr A Knapp tbfield Doros iaUoo 1 yr oil Ut pr TtAti BJ1 ff1! CraarfurdKomenmiri yr oldwth foal at fool pr ai er tudAl and 274 Cla mare 10 yr fo1 foot Tran au 1 10 iX) 31 4 Tho Clark Laticer maro yr old with ijwl at foot 31 pr Yen it the Hor 500 27 Ne Northfield iu colt 3 yr oli Ut pr brooze medal aud 00 941 Mobh iMirvit 21 pr Tnu na 70 Jame Crwrd Romeo mue colt 2 yr old Ut pr Tran and fiOV Cl iss horses 139 A Marshall Adrian miHion 4 yrs old or over Ut pr silver neUf and 10 0 211 A Oti Gret utield 21 pr 201 Tanaahiil KaUmuiw 31 pr Youatt on the non and 3 00 303 Iavi Bon Detroit broo 1 JD4rc 4 yr uld Ut pr M'wr mMl and 132 Thos Morton A in mt stallion 2 yrs ol 1M pr 3 00 304 Uoa 1 yr oi tel pr3lkk Clas i jdeks and mules 21W Gardner Leoni Spanish Jack yr old 2d pr 50 Class blood horses 41 Calvin A Grn Avon atallioQ 4 yr old or Ut pr silver medil and loOu Ifoanv Troy 2 1 prTrau And 10 9 U5 A Nhnire Schoolcraft pr 5 317 Carter Jackson 'tUn Glencoe took premt i am once and therefor riimut coiupete lot com mittee reeuukuvmded prrmiuni 200 Green brnn'l mare 4 yrold or oror Ut pr silver Juej au 1 10 00 130 I bl YprnUnu 21 pr Train an 1 10 00 IDT Robert Purcell Schuolcraft 3d pr Youati and 5 00 3H 11 Carter Jacksun mare 3 yra old Ut pr br iu dal and 00 175 Gro iuith ine stallion 1 yr old Ut pr and rfr' 12b ULI Ypsilanti mare 1 yr old 1st pr Tran and ia 4 Slas Hde South Kozalton Mass alalHOQ (foreito) Ut yr silver nir dal an 1 SHaIlidaj West Cornwall Vt 2d pr Trane and lu 0 Cluse A matchcd and single horses 5 Silas Hale cJoulh ILiyalton Mass 31 pr 5 00 181 Jas Van'ttU Ann Arbor pan ranched horses 4 vrs oi 1 'T pr an 10 297 Vn Martin pan of matched horros 6 vre old 21 pr bruuze mvd it and DU 13 Mm Lhnt Kdanue 'pan of matched horses 4 and 5 yr old 3d pr Tran and in 00 263 GrvreSasnc rYpibuUi epan matched 3 yr old colts Istpr luuU 200 Andre Washington 1 pr 1000 llorUon psilanti 34 pr 00 34 Erastus WattUs Buttle Creek single horse 4 yrs obi Ut pr silver medal and 5 00 171 R(bt Purcell Schouicratl 7 yrs old2dpr 4uuatt an 1 5 On 192 John Stockdale YpfiUoti do years old 4d pr Ypsilanti do 6 years old 4th pr 3 Ou TvAwit 1 II ra 11 i 1 a lUCtH xrut Wlo uv va CLASS SHEEP Claix lang trooled aud their grades1 PLateliur Erl leicester buck i er obi ovpr 1st or silver medal and 5 0U 10s I tennei tld pr Trans and 6 U0 1 fea Il Sri UX rv Nunkin 3d cr 3 00 159 NMhai Karl lvmouth bark one year old Utpr DO one vear oil 2d pr 3 00 tpl Nathan Karl 6 Leicester ewcs 2 yrs old and over Ut pr silver medal and 5 0 151 Stone I rm2l pr ftlW 107 OW Bennet Jackson 1 yr old 1st pr sdt UifUl amt 3 17 Joseph reman Grepnflell 2d nr 00 lu Joisrj TyreuiAU Leicester buck lamb Ut pr a OJ 149 btone Eriu 3 1 pr 3 bii David brown Detroit 5 Leicester ewelambs Utpr 1R Joseph Tyerman Greenfield 2d pr 4 00 blane fr rin 3d pr 3 VO middle uouled and their grades 9 Daniel Whitfield Pontiac a South Down buck 2 yra old mi 1 over Ut pr siher medal aud 5 00 9 Dan hutitld 2d pr Trans and 5 Vi Wm Lcwter tica 3d pr 3 00 Vi Wm Lester Ltica South Down buck Ut pr0u tt Pflyiel bitfield Poutiac eou li Down ewes 2yrs uld at ov cr Ut pr fri)vt medal uitl ft 00 20 Jos reman Grrvnfluld 2d pr5UJ 5 Daniel hitfeld fi Southdown vwvb 1 yr old Ut pr 5 0 02 Wm li Letter tica 21 pr 5 (0 93 Wui il Letter Vtica 6 Southdown buck lamb 1st Also aereral foteun th (loltroy arm tejl nl( i Urevoort Varm ft Apple to iHVinMbVfiWMiHfiM 1 jug Knir wI MARKHAM IO" WOODWARD I xJTb avanua rpuctfuUy iui it the al trutloi dlkt public to hi tere aud aiteurive fck of all Mi Winter Dr Goods which will be ald at varv reduced prior Wi MARKU Aw ai Woodward fe hi: is 1 A ND ALL OTHERS Ofk iii LINsEED OIL RAW ANU iV boiled for sale by AXRAND Ml Woodward are rri B( Ko 1 hJV ALUM for by A A A ND f29 i 9 Woodward awe pliVliiOUtfJUiD HtAffVEK BOKDfcJtKV ft Wtedin Koveioeea twfolj ef Mtlemaat 3 JCLWOOD A JUsT THIm KhM MN CttECK NCl deled Septetnb 7 th 1143 ran by Jemea A Anoftronr A Bro to Krrhva! A Colhncr beerer for tba sum Ol $4W33O The public are varwte wwt te yarehe the aema payment be teen eopte I Drtruit Sept 27 So A S' 3o XIAH VAKSJUS rota Ah A GOOD AbSO RT Power Livonia 3d prem 4 U0 Calvin A Green Aven bull calf 1st prem Trans and 5 00 216 Sfout Tiuy 2d prem 4 00 199 WT A Bennett J4ckcn 31 prem 3 OP 120 hl Ypsilanti eow 5 yrs old and ovwr 1st prem medal a nJ 8 00 IPX I hl Yjwfouti2t pr 7 00 36 Stubb atreit 31 00 121 I li ifoiUnti tow 3 is old and under 5 htprsib HD dil aud SCO 53 8 A Rxiidtoll XurvUe 2d pr 7 00 '( I Btt Ji a Kuu: co heiier 2 years old 1st jsr 12 aud 5 Yt Mlanti 21 pr 4 00 1 hl Ypsi aati beiter 1 year oid 1st pr1 Ypri anti 2d pr 4 OO Stout roy 31 pr 3 00 '1 Uhl YpiMtaatL calf 1st pr 00) Uhl YpsiUnti 2d pr 4 tu Stout Yruv 3d tr 3 OOl 4 i Class 8 working oareji pr 5 00 8 Daniel Pontiac 2d pr 4 00 7 Dnnd hitfleld runiiuv 5 ewe Umhfl lt pr 5 00 CAxstf 3 Span is a Alerino and their grades 4S ffonj Peckham Panna Spauith Luck 3 is uld Ut pr at i ver meJal an i K) 144 II it am Smith Homer I Silesian do 2d pr Trans aud 5 141 Juu Starkweather Ypflilanti Spanish Duck a yrs old 3u 3 00 49 Boiij Peckham Parma Spanish Luik 1 yr old 1st pr ix teal a id VO 125 Hiram Sipith Uomer Silesian buck I yr old 2d pr 0U 143 Juhu Starkweather Ypsilanti Spanish tuck 1 yr old 3d pr 3 0u 126 Smith Huuier 3 Silesian buck lamhs Uatjr 5U0 50 Peckham Parma 5 Spanish buck lambs 2d pr 4v0 i 52 JnoK Godfrey Parma 5 Spanish ew es 2 rs old lt pr silver medal aud 5 (HL 14 0 Whitney Utica 2d pr ft 00 H7 Nathnn Dicniaaon Home 3rd pr 3 U0 127 Smith Homer 5 8nianw2 yrs old Ut pr silver medal and 5 144 Jno Stockdale Yp 5 Spanish Merino ewei 3d A Cm i 128 Smith Homer 5 Silesian owe lamb 1st pr 51 li Bcckhin panua Spanish ewe lamp 2d p4oo Class 4 Prench Alerinus and their grades 73 John Brewer Superior rench Merino buck yrs old Ut prilver medal and 500 i rtn I tin tiernum iiw 1 1 vw John Brewer bu peri or 34 pr 3 ou do do do 5 buck lambs Utpr 50U ra II RutturfieM Utien 21 pr 4 00 PatertK Leech 3d pr3 jo brewer Superior 6 ep lambs Ut pr 504 ItrJ Geo uae Yp pr4on 13 Payne Leech Vlica 3dpr 3 2u3 Benton Pt Hnr 6 ewes 2 yrs old and over Utpr iivvr ruedul al4 500 74 Jnu Brewer bup Tor 2 I pr 500 13S DickiuM'UKuimo 33 pr American Shepherd and 3 UU Classx Saxons and their grades 103 Geo Elumheigh Ro al Ink buck 2 yrs old and over lot pr akl'ec mteal aud 500 67 Gillett Suarun 2d pr Trans and 5X) 3d pr 3 00 fi I 4 i i Gillett buck 1 uld 1st pr5M 24 pr 3'H) 100 Geo dluuibergh Key al Oak kl tr 2CMi 64 Gillett Sharon 5 ewe 2 yrs old or over Utpr sth er tnteal and 300 66 i Uiilrtt 2t pr 500 66 du 5 ewes 1 yr 4I lat pr iher medal and 5 00 2d pr 5 u0 3d pr A mencau Shepherd and 300 69 Gillett 5 buck lambs 1st pr 5UO 70 du ewe lamb Ut pr 500 Class 'Natires 163 Mathew Earl Plymouth 5 cwes 2 yr old 1st pr silver inteal and 5 00 22 Jos yerma Greenfield do 3 yrs old 2d pr Trans and 50U Class 7 Sheep 452 Nathan Earl Plymouth 1st pr30 Class 8 oreign Sheep 144 Jno Starkweather Yps long wooled buck 500 142 Jno Starkweather Ypa Spanish merino buck 600 14 Whitney Utica 5 Spanish ewe Ut pr 500 73 Jno brewer zuperior rench Luck 5 00 JOA 11 Benton Pt Huron 5 reueh ewes 300 John Brewer Superior 5 rench buck lambs 500 15 0 Diica3 rench ew lamb 5 00 Tba above it will be noticed are all Michigan sheep who entered into cc rapetition wth foreign 5 i I 102 Backus Detroit Berkshire boar br medal and 5 00 1CI Backus Berkshire breeding sow br medal and 500 1A4 ir RiaIiu 62 Knapp Albion Lricelcr uiw brass medal and 5u fc yy Wm Roberta Hamtramck bear 2 yrt old lt nr br medal and aUU 1(1 lima k' iTffinn nr Sr nirithl and 3 0 1 36 Crey Troy grade borl yr old 1st prEr med and 5'O 53 Jaa Holley Napoleon prbr medal and 300 146 A Otte Greenfield breeding 502 yra old 1st pr be medal and 500 103 Mackus 2 1 pr 3 00 147 A II Otis Greenfield lot of pigs over 4 mouths ate under 10 boas medal and 500 14b 11 0 Jubb Detroit China sow and pigs reeonunend te for premium 27 Laning A Jeocy Bethany Suffolk tow 4S mouths uld recommended for premium 2 Lnir A euny Leiceeter boar 5 month old re commended for premium POCLXffY Dr Schoolcraft beet lot Cochin Chfo fowl 2 00 46 Benj Peckham Parma best lot Shaughtes a UU 120 Dr reeman bert lot Dorkings 00 pc il anti btet loi P4nds 3 0d 122 Dr rteuian lot Bnutam? 3 00 185 A Pruddeu Ann Arbor best lot Chittagong 116 Dr reemanbest kt cress breed Dominica and dhangte a UU Hudson Hamtramck for Eest variety 3 00 A A Gardner Northville 24 lot Cochm Ch mas 2 (XL VT Child Paint Creek 2i bes lot Shang hai 2 VO rancis Lee lie Dearborn 21 best let Dorking2 ul 135 Wm Cook Detroit 2d best Bantams 2 00 117 Dr rtwman Sehuv lcraft 21 bcatlotChiUa a 2 119 I ft" reeman 2d best lot cros breed fpeekled Cochin China and Jaorkiag 2 00 130 A MzRejnnkfe Detroit 2i best variety 2 00 Dr rdaUat Bcialaft beat and tartest oollae llon at twU rai roi br exhibitor 5 Utt 154 Leslie Dearborn baa fez Uaek tarkajs 3 HO 180 IV Whitney Shelby best kx white turkey I arSWri bJ AtSe 1 1 172 Wm Hadron Hxtramek best iot large dark rtoi lit Wm IftftVflB fcet fet iaH 9 OS a 129 Htetfwr Cattfoman ffhrplte Mkid Ry Haary fete hru la 2 eato yjgWl of 450 I lluMtrattoo to which ia Rnfea Remark Ae by Joha Rk" BLWoobAOO" rpinTMUD cabin kkueam A Men wub Amariraa Tba Trndenry of briiiab Jnstltotiees MWa tbHrHtact wpow sad Warraa Ubsai Wlib ehozaetenstlc UleJjS 2it a Ml TI'dbA G7 Child: Paint Creek 2d pr 4 DO 64 Cha Kfeutuin Kataiuazvo calf 1st prem S5 2ho amith 2d pr 400 290 Smith 3d pr 300 Nn Hereford or Ayrshire were exhibited They formed clawes 3 and 4 Ciao a qf blood rattle XV in Canireld Mt Clemens bull 3 yre old and under 5 1st pr silver medal aud SUO 302 I fOinriead oturis 24 pr 80V lOfi Wm Gas Ray 3d pr 7 lUr 100 Bryan Marengo bull 2 yrs old 1st prem pilver medal and 8 00 1 07 U'vcu Ruuiuv 24 pr 700 78 Oliver Hampton Hickory Grove bull 1 yr old 1st pr bronze medal and 500 279 Waterm Ann Arbor 21 pr 5 00 271 John Collins armington bull calfj 1st prem Trans and 5 00 191 A Moure Schoolcraft 24 prem 4 00 3 Ira Buttorfiel I Vtioa 31 prem 3 00 187 A Moore Svbnoleraft cow 5 yrs old and over 1st prem medal and 00 177 Jtutii Keliugg Ypsilanti cuw 3 yrs old and under lt prem medal and UU 11 Arms Dextei 24 prem 8 00 John Col ns armington 3d prem 6 00 Arms Dexter heifer 2 yrs old 1st prem Mur Hulutlou Tia MicWote Brad WlMld Oil Hnol Muriatic Acid Aqua urti 1th all th article usually tetetefor Culurin for a 9 Ht Woo4wsrt st i iLn eal i3Tc7 coufi iS OTpJ? ud tor by TARSAND WoodwAlri A LARGE AND GKNN ajaorlmDl un hand amung which Wra th fol 4 000 bottle HAIR 01 L8 of different iae and kite 1 600 boltte VUtOlRR WATKKH Together ith a large aiorl mi nt of CRKAM3 811AV1RG 4c TOIL KT SOAPS iu great variety with flair Itraflhea Clock? Bntebefl nJ 9 Tooth Bruthes Ac or aale whole mJ aud retail by ARRANP b9 98 Woodward av? 2t0 Juhft Cullia artnlnLUn pair of workmy th tdd commit tee rec'uamenl a lat prwsuoBu 224 Muurve Paw aw pair of wort oxvnfi yra old wnmiuet recommend a 2d premium Cfa 9 i Geo Chauibr riaia fo dfonT pair oCataero years old Kt pr10 vi) Smith Coldwater SI pr Rueta armer' Cvmpaeton ate 5 SiA Smith CoMvncer pair trained HTtH old lt pc 1U (ML 11 83 John Sa artereaihar YpsiLaaU pair lyaar aMntoMr Utr te kL 8 A RateUL R'errlUed 4RL 15 Curunnat KUert yaar oUlt Cfoaser 10 jfaf cattle 134 Jam Taylor' Kateiaaac 1 avail fades 1M 5JML Jahn tarfcw tatter YpathaU Irwa Ww lt I oe I 33ft Johnny P'q mouth air cinaiffte akTit pr "I 1 rt vmm A wwnv wraww '75v am 4 M9O WKriLOV JB1L1 rW9" LITIBP0 0V 93 MAIL STKAMOA rYWl fihiaeecmpfo( thl Line are 1 ATLKMTIC Capu Wri PACiriC Capv Ny AMCTlVCa0 Laee UAl TIC Cart Cmieih cexMve wAl Mr Canter Mim LdJfo Cantor eoi performance to eonalada with tte aadevdfa ajM an st 88 tm OenoMile the Riddle II ft cuu BrtidU Tte' i 'tf vJ J' that the iM Jut Mar a ra aM at th roftsta iw tb CrOf a Itatrat aad Lre rnM If ar tbm ba the way of th a KlttLK tionra avt anaa: zM uJaUirK rrerftbat mit pittoaw taa Hta a th rarron re 4MaM af ffi MaffiMT at Md fj ARPICR'S AGAZfN WMl oorpy EM tta th bM laffirwJLb a tM fX I4W taM nmiM rt I i nn avnw vwwwai a 1 aanrwwaaa npwanv 2" 7 i ro bM smy grtM 3 46 hae fort a bK? Ji BOf A lu feoc Hamtramck IM MT TM fowl Mini ndM Wnher ha Mitn IL MM LtU a 1A i JMaaaf ffrahaia h' CALnm A Wbriary baM ajid tnteymait rtma aaaa lor tweaty lwi BonihaM ZhfiUM 7S TL tUuAnfifai'M A aa ara him wm fatetei MJ thaX A tr r1 a wr tr OTMMLwMMnM 1 '1 mim al eaia 4 mr i nniwt Vi in rm to UMBCBI war Ifc a i li WMb mm fbtr fo 5f aM mmem MKIy taafi hiif ft r1 AfWMai IL A Al Caht MA Am 1 1 a.

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