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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TyPiftflO jfbvtta onfr jlfasifes 2ltatTti9ttnrntf wm Steams!) ips 4 Kail MoalJs MICHIGAN CKNTBALRA1L' HA ROAD p22 dowly Siting do Hint Commission iJtenljants jSnsiiuss Cards Undertakers Cljanterg Sates DOTl QQ 35 iUcutjinerg 35 PRICE 36 CENTS SPRING AND SUMMER AR RANGEMENT Banks 192 Jefferson are and Bales st oct28 i I ffi A Kfifk LBS CHOICE ROLL BUTTER yvv a wwiM $0 15 $162 24 0 16 36164 cd Or to gep'Jfl One to three botiM wffl eaNttOVttrt Mafl of pimpls oa the face Two or three to ttrta will efeartheMttM bCe Two bottle rovrarrantsd to am th wrat eeaker fa th month or stomach Three to five bottle arawaaaatad toeara tee worst Elon arnsworth Zina Pitcher Shubael Conant John Palmer Henry Walker Jtl Leayaru Elon arnsworth HN Walker Zina Pitcher lit HK 0 15 89 4 luari never failed aseea in two both thnederheooK) Bahaa no tn htavpoaoM ing their testimony to its mouth with the Inrigora together Holloway's Tub Opinion of thk Kkad Spraine Dislocations If take ire in recommending thia diseivedly popular medi to our friends and patron in partiular and to the sVi st large We rpeak advisedly being in a position ptwunce a reliable opinion from having used it at the economy of the article as we have Maithiu the year mote than one Doctci'e bill by it i Lu Ointment on band We nave tried opodel uiiieuts embrocation and pain extrae'era without I but for the immediate cure of sprain" dislocations I bruises cuts burns scalds blotches pimplesIrutaueous eruptions we have found none so speedy rtfcetual as Holloway's Herald nov6 dawlw IExpmienck in community ia daily pro imfog the tflicacy of Dr 8 A Weaver's medicines in Hire Lomors with which so many of our citizen's have fl ng stifle led Ibey are gaining a great reputation I tbroegh the country and they ought to if they are i gwd as those who have trie 1 them say they are We i old advise people that ate in need of such medicines pivthi'matrlal Ui lot sale by ARRAND SHELEY Detroit nov2 dlaw2wAw2t I eelre the same either Atlgn or otherwise ft Ml 4fcS IPetrQltyOot WyXWO To armees and Livery Stable tS A Weaver's Cerate has been extensive used by frery Stable Keepers and armers and with one accord iy ny that for many diseases in animals thay have iwfuand its equal Horses two or three applications will cure the ntehts Chafes nd Galls whether by the fairness ie rr otherwise Wash the wounds cletn and the freely applied will cure them in a few days It 1 ture cracked heels and Cancer in the Tongue Cank Sre Mouth affect! ns of the Skin falling off of Hair Ac Soto teats and caked udder ip Cows are cure! by thh Cerate It sold by medicine dealers generally Id by ARRAND SHELEY Detroit novl dlaw2waw2t STEAM COMMUNICATION weekly between SUBSTITUTE OR kj Received this day swot of Mroelie aromatie fine cut Mubstttato tortobaeeeaV a JR tad COMMISSION MERCHANT AND PKALER IN WHIWLsH TROUT tm i A1W' PRODUCE SALT NETS TWINES and SUPPLIES Warehouse and Office on the Dock between irst and Second streets Detroit Minh myl d8m '4T Circuit Court Commissioner Wayne Bounty Michigan WM A MOORE Complainant's Solicitor 4 Dated at Detroit September 261360 sep27 dUs7w fl sM 11TY OICE Detroit Oct 14 1860 SIDEWALK ASSESSMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Aarou isher par ties unknown Richard Hall Johnston or whomsoever else it may concern thatan assesameut roll for constructing a plank sidewalk on the north side of Woodbridge street in front of lots 10121141618 and 17 subdivision of block 18 being put of the La Brass and Baker farms also to the estate of Julius A Austin whomsoever else it may concern that an as sessment roll fur constructing a plank sidewalk on the north aide of Congress street in front of lot No 2 Mill tary Reserve north Congress street also to John Barry or whomsoever else it may concern that an assess me nt roll for constructing a plank sidewalk on the uorth side of ort street in front ot lots 8 and block 25 or syth farm also to the Rsv George Duffield or whomso ever else it may concern that an assessment roll for constructing a plank sidewalk on the souto si of Hen ry street in front of lot No 31 in subdivision of park lots 80 and 81 also to Peter Boucher William Woodbridge or whomsoever else it may concern that an assessmeut roll for constructing a plank sidewalk on the south side of Howard street in front of lots 5 and 6 block 65 Woodbridge farm aUo to Charles Jackson or whomsoever else it may coern that an assessment roll for constructing a plank sides alk on the north side of I Michigan avenue in front of lot No 64 section 8 over DOT AOu ejuuvs Dv0u UllcQ lutQ0 OulCO CI lD0 City Treasurer where Baid assesments cun be paid fora period of twenty days from the date of this notice Af ter the expiration of twenty days the rolls will be placed in the hands of the City Collector and 5 er cent added for collection By order of the Common Couucil octl4 d20t BUSHNELL Treasurer The Liver Invigorator and amily Pills ar retailed by Druggists generally and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns SJWORD Manufacturer and Proprietor 208 Broadway Slew York Sold in Detroit by ARRAND SHElEY HlNCHMtN blMONftAU SPENCE OTTO LEUSCHNER HENRYHAIGH and all respecta ble Diuggists oct3 deodAwtowly am 'i! 1 Politics and Medicine could hardly be to have any affinity or be necessary in any way neb otuerg well being Whatever the common herd tvmecial agents may be the Pbctoral Balm at all I'lb ti of vital aid to the stump orator and public If the voice falls or becomes husky a timely thn Balm will give it elasticity and strength Its ti to allay any InBammatory or tickling tendency I ne vinepipe and it should ever be tho companion of prrsriier being both portable and palatable Should ijmeet the eye of any one whose du 'lea bring them i) die publlcjn the pulpit roitrum platform canccrt oron the stage let it not be a warning thrownir rice 60 cents per bottle 441 by II SIMONE AU wholesale and retail racists 66 Jeffeison avenue Detroit nov6 dlm Jlrcii Has Bbbn Said of the Easfern Esenia 4' tabors for the sick not one has yet been told the iailumnitablv perseverance of this singular man uhued with the cunviction that scrofula la this parent I i'eue ho Las been years engaged in searching the unlari of the earth for its antidote With vast iwrbu be canvassed the products of sea and land piiugb both continents until he has ciscovered thatciutialion of remedial! which ex purges the humanand eruption from the system This new ioven iiseuow offer in cur columns under the rams of I'ls SAUsarAKiLLA although its virtues are from IWarces far more active and effectual than Barsspar lo Mercantile Journal oct6 dawlw TO Etore No 244 Jefferson avenue under the Biddle House alto the four new storks under the addition to Hotel which will be ready for occupancy NOT 1st 1860 WM' BI jDLE Spl8 dtf Butler Building Griswold street DETROIT DAILY REE PRESS NOVEMBER 9 I860 ill is a gentle but active prietor has used to hla ty years mg demand from those ills and the satisfaction gard to their nee has inj within the reach of all know that the different portions of the bowels rill has with due refer UVunU evu the purest Vegetable Ex everypart of the aliments and SAE in all cases ed such as Derangements ness Pains in the Back Pain and Soreness over den cold which frequent long coarse of ever Loss Sensation of Cold over the ache or Weight in the Diseases Worms in Chil tism a great Purifier of to which flesh is heir too thia advertisement Dose and IRELAND ENGLAND RANCE and GERMANY 1ST aUDCCTION ok TAM I THROUGH T1CMYS The powerful Iron steamships CITY BALTIMORE CITY WASEXNHTON CITY MANCHESTER KANGAROO EDINBURGH GLASGOW and VIGO WC! sail from New York for LIVERPOOL CALLING AT CORK to land and receive Mails and Passengers 23P" Eoerp Saturday 3 Third Class (found with cooked provisions) DETROIT to CORK or LIVERPOOL $44 DETROITto LONDON $49 DETROIT to HAMBURG BREMEN ANTVERPor ROTTERDAM $4'' PARIS $52 rom CORK to DETROIT $38 from LIVERPOOL $48 or passage apply to Cortis Co 177 Broad wav zvvw aura uunn xrmv sv York or SWJNSCOS Corner of Griswold and Congress Sts Detroit New book of church music OLITEtt'S COLLECTION of Hymn and Psalm Tunes Sentences Anthems and Chants A NATIONAL LYRE for the Church amily or Singing School by Henry Oliver Price 76 cents Copies sent ty miit post psid on receipt of price Published by LlTSuN Co Boston ocUO dtf JH ARWELL fc CO UNDERTAKERS COEIN MAKERS AND UNERAL URNISHERS 181 Woodward avenue near comer of Grand River street Wholesale and retail dealers to isk's and Crane's Me tallic Burial Cases and Caskets manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of wooden and cloth coffins shrouds plates ed hearses carriages and everything requisite for the burial ol the dead constantly on hand and tarnished on short notice Orders by telegraph or otherwise from the surrounding country will meet with prompt attention residence 39 Rowland street west of Cap itol School mar2 dly ARWELL CO pITY OICE VJ i DaraoiT Oct 18 I860 PAVING ASSESaMENIS NOTICE is hereby given to Thomas Chase Eustaebe Chapaton Luther Beecher George and brother Biackmar Wm Wells Ju Cieutt James Gallagher George Baptist Benjamin Chaffee lire A Renerts and A Gaiase or any others concerned that an as sessment roil for defraying the expense of paving gra ding Ac the alley between Jeffeison avenue and Lar ned street from the eut gutter Une of Beaubien street to the West line ot the Antoine Beaubien farm has been filed in the City Treasurer's offi ve where said assessmeut can ba paid lot a period of twenty days from the data cf this notice After the expiration of twenty days the roll will be placed in the hands of the City Collector and per cantage added for collection By order of the Common Council oct48 d20t BUSHNELL Treasurer CHIAN CER SALE In pursuance aud by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court fur toe county of Wayne in Chancery made on the twenty sixth dry of September A 1866 in a certain cause therein pending wherein Daniel Hand is complainant and Ctara Newhall and Eliza Newhall are defendants: Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at twelve noon on Mon day the nineteenth day of November next at the front door of the Wayne County Court house in the city of Detroit wayne county Micn ga tne following uee no ed premises to wit: That certain piece or paicel of land situated iu the city ot Detroit county of Wayne and State of Michigan bounded and described as follows to Wil jjtgiiuiug ak a BWiau otauuiug mo wcblciu imv of Seventh street one hundred and twenty five feet dis tant from the north eastern comer of lot twelve of the subdivision of the Baker fum running thence south twenty two degrees and forte seven minutes east eighty feet to a stake thencs south sixty seven degrees and thi teen minutes west to the liae of the Woodbridge fa thence along said line north twenty two degrees and forty seven minutes west eighty feet thence north sixty seven degrees and thirteen minutes east to the place of beginning in the said western of said Sev enth street 1 he Baid piece or parccel of land being part and parcel of said lot twelre be the same more or less GEO PRENTIS Circuit Court Commissioner Wayne county Michigan HAND HALL Solicitors for complainant Dated at Detroit Oct ber 6 A I860 octfl dlaw7w THE CONESSIONS AND EX PRRIENCE A Designed tot th benefit and as a warning and a caution to young man who suffer from Nemsus Debility Prtmafttra Decay Ac as a consequence of early errors supplying at tae same time the Afeans ef Self Curs By a sufferer from th above cmuw aufl from mecical Imposition and quaekery Single copies milled fnji on receivings postpaid Envelope 'beaxtog the address of th 'applicant Ad dresa Nathaniel Mk) fair Esq Bedford Kings Cod Nsr York 4ngU £3taww3m One to two borttoe ar warranted to ear an to the eyes Two betttas ar warranted to mi raaatogafte Mia and blotohM ameng the hato ont to ata bottles ar warranted to am cerrapt and rnnnteg liana One nettle win car aaly artipttaas of tta sAtaj thf bottle arewanaatod to tb worst kind of nurworm three bettleeare warranted to etc th meet desperate case of rheums asm to Ayr bottles are warranted to Mr ait rhwn it to eight botttea will eure the wervt ease cf ejrol Oak A benefit lx always expertensea trrea th first bdtttaL and a perfect cure to warranted when the above ouaatltr to taken Koxbihit Mass Dsas The reputaaoa of the Medlod Discov ery in curing all kind of humors is so well estxbliabed by th Unanimous vote of all who Bare ever used it I need not say anything on the subject as the most ekiU fttl physicians and th most earefal druggists th eonn try ar unenizuous in its praise to preeenting the Kedwal Mseovery to your notice I do it with a tail knowledge of its curatlv power to re itevtag all and earing most of those teens to which von nnfertunately so liable That moatexniwtoatiasdto ia to an affectionate mother NURSING SORE MOUTB Is cured a If by miracle your own temper to restored to its natural sweetEesa and ysnr babe from short and fret th! nap to cslm end sweet slumbers and tb Medical Dis jovery beoome a fountain Messing to your haaban ani temsbhoMi fa th mor advanced stage of CANKER It extends to the stomMhoeuiag DTSPEPSIA Which is nothing but canker on the stomxch than to th tatertMdand KIDNEYS Creating a sinking gone feeiiag and an tafifferene even to the cares of your Simfy Yota stomach ie RAW AND INLAMED Your food dtotrMses you and yon can only tsks certain kinds aud even cf thet your system does not get half th nourishment it eontstus ths acrimonious fluid of th canker eats it tip then your complexion loses its bloom and becomes sallow or greenish and your best day to gone or want of nourishment your system become loose and flabby and th fibres of your body become re laxed Then t'allcw a train ot diseases which th Medical Discovery la peculiarlyttoted to Palpitation of th heart pMn in the side weakness of th spine and small of the back pain of ths hip joint when yen retire irregularity of the bowels and alro that moat ex gradating of diseases) the PILES Host many tbotsunds of poor women ar sufib ring from this disease and pining away a miserable life aud their next door neighbor doe not know the eause I wish to impress on your mind that good old proverb Au oune ofprevsstion is better then a pound of cure? In th MEDICAL DISCOVERY Yon bare both ths preventative and the cure with this great and good quality that it will never under any eir eamstaaces do you any injury No change of diet ever eat th best you can get and enough of It lliRionoff roa Adults on table spoonful pr day over ten years deasert spoonful children from five to eight years tea spoonful As no direction can he applicable to all conriltatloM take sufficient to operate tire bowels tw1 a dav Youru ti my I50NALD KENNEDY rio $100 per bottle or sale by every druggtot ia th United States plTY OICE Detroit Nov 2 1880 NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN to Ignatius Bopp William Hade Ludwig Berre Robert Marsb Julian Mango Thoma Park rederick Smith Christian Berne Connor Albert Kerchner Joseph A Rodier John Kuhler Wm Moore Caspar Both Colin Camp bell Ann Smith Mrs Ann Watson Michael Maris Phillip Ellenback Wm Jacobs and Lewis Css or any other person concerned ti at an assessment roll for pa ving Rivard street from tie centre of High street to the centre of Catherine (treat has been filed in the office of the City Treasurer alas to Lewis Cass Peter Weiber John Barber Colin Campbell A Muir Walker John Helsen degan Wm Cook John Reiley Thomas BUinman Henry nlainman Henry Eagle Jaaib Gager Phillip Manger' Christian Gibhart Michael Michaels Charles Turner Chas Hiddleboff Jacob Mann and Daniel Walker or any other persons concerned that another assessment roll for pa ving arid Rivard street from the centre of High street to th centre of Maple street has been filed in the City Treasurer's oSm where the sam can be paid for a pe riod of twenty day from the date of this notice After the expiration of twenty days said rol will be placid in tho hands ofth City Collector and Qv per cent added for collection ar By order of the Common ConnoU I nunYA nn nrnrjtrnrv BjiA uAVk as auBnaEauj) uny iTeuurer MICHIGAN CITY DETROIT 1 wrvm WnCE TAX iSALE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant io law there WiU beaeld at the city Tsre ureri office to th City end State beeweeu tee hour uf 9 and th id day ol ltaoeinta at pQulio auottODg tha advgrai piciniMa JwrainidUr dd scrined each parcel aepaiately fo th lowest term of year as which any person wiU off to take th saute ta consideration of advancing the sum or sum whica were asseaged or taxed by the QomuouCriUncU of laid ltr for th year one thousand eight hundred aad fi ty mn to defray the expenees of paving Sort street from the centre of Sixth street to the centre of Seventh street also to defray the expenses of paviag Grand River street from the centre of Park street to tb centre of Macomb avenue aad from tne Metre of Macomb avenue to the centre of Middle street in said citytn front vf or adja cent to the: several premises unless the said eum or earns together with the cost and charges shall before that time be paid and satisfied which the owner or oc cupants ofjMJd premises against whom sail mm or sums have been assessed are hereby required to do rtmd' description jonn Bigiy moirio i tn is orsyth fertu $162 09 Vinton Lot No jW Rogers Gov Jad £6539 A Moor Lot No 30(0010 man Gov 39 29 Rw nwlaw riHka flrimmnn I 'nnnsll BUSHNrLL City Treasurer City Office Nov 8 186 nov3 d4w 'THE SDSUOPERI TUE AUHil KENNEDY of Harbufy ha dteeaversd iu one of oar eommoa pasture woods rem edy that ura I EVERY KIND HUMOR ROM THE WORSY SCROULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE Detroit steam dyeing es tablishment No 16 Omgrut Street Eeut REPLETE with every desirable epparatu and provided with the combined talent and artistic skill of the rench the German and the American th undersigned is pre pared to demonstrate to all who may favor him with (heir custom that prominent a may have been the pre vious reputation of the establishment my motto is IX OMiAios in Dyeing Cleansing and Refinishing Ladie Dresses in silk and merino Velvets Cloths ken dyed in superior style Crape Shawls dyed the most brUliant as well as more grave oolors Goods received and returned by express with promptness and care ARCHIBALD GRANT Successor to A Alexander CHANCERY In pursuance and by virtue ot a decree of the Circuit Court for the county of Wayne in Chancery made on the tenth day of September A 1858 in a certain cause therein pending wherein Eliza Stuart is complainant and Alexander Paton Isabella Paton John Bolger Bridget Bolger Peter Dixon and Oliver Hyde are defendants: Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at twelve o'clock noon on Wed nesday the nineteenth day of September next at the front door of the Wayne Connty Court House in the city of Detroit Wayne county Michigan all the right title and interest oi said defendants of in and to the follow ing described premises situated iu the city of Detroit Wayue county Michigan to wit: the northerly half of lot number liftv one (61) in section ten (101 of the Gov ernor and Judge's plan of said city of Detroit and being more particularly described as follows viz beginning at a point on the line between lots 51 and 52 in said section IU fifty feet northerly from the northerly line of Michi gan avenue thence at right angles to said line of divis i between said two lots westerly to the easterly line of Cass street theuce along said easterly line of Cass street to ths southerly line of an alloy in the rear of said lot 61 thence easterly along said last mentioned line to the line dadoing slid lots 61 aud 62 thence south erly along said line to the place of beginning THOMAS 8 BLACKMAR Circuit Court Commissioner ay ne connty Michigan DUIELD Complainant's Solicitor Tbe above sale is hereby postponed until Thursday the fifteenth day of November next at the same hour and place THOMAS 8 BLACKMAR Circuit Court Commissioner Wayne county Michigan Dated at Detroit September 19 1860 sep'20 dlawtd CITY OICE Detroit Oct 21 1860 NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN to the undermentioned parties or others CjncerneU that asst lament lolls for de fraying the expense uf paving Third street have been tiled in the City office as follows To Robert Common Lewis Cass Dernick Het ry Keeler Wil liam Stewart George 11 Hammond Peter Mullmao James Morton Owen Patterson A Roys James Black and Joseph A Jenkins for paving said Third street trom toe centre of Lafajete street to the centre of Howard street to Lewis Cass John Kidd Owen Haley Valentine noweu nenry mewoerry mum nreca George Homel Alexander Drisdcl Jane Kagan Dominick Ru gan A Roys Walker and Pat ick Keveny tor paving said street from the centre of Howard street to the centre of Abbott street to Wm isher John Bloom George Mall George Bates Peter Bohen Quackenboss Lewis Cass Michael Hayes illiatn Gore James Weetaway Patrick Himee Henry Schmidt Mary Hand 0 Wilmarth and Swift fur paving said street from the centre cf Abbot street to the centre of Porter street to Lewis Cass 8 Barrows and Ransom Gardner for paving said street from the north line of ort street to the centre of Lafayette street to Joseph Beithelet Alexander Saltz George 8 Home! 0 Wilmarth Micael Donahue John McNamara Lewis Cake Wilmarth and Mrs Catharine Jones another as sessment roll for paving said Third street from the centre of Porter street to the south curb of Michigan avenue in the city of Detroit Said assessments can be paid at the office of the City Treasurer for twenty days from the date of this notice After the expiration of twenty days the rolls will be placed in the hand of the City CoUeotcr and percentage added for collection By order of the Common Couucil oct21 d20d BUSHNELL Treasurer CONCORD DUNKIRK Mary STEWART OMAR PASHA OUR UPPER LAKE LINE or Milwaukee Sheboygan Racine and Chicago wiU con sist of the following Clipper Screw Steamers MENDOTA DECOTAH i I GALENA CUYAHOGA REE STATE MOHAWK TONAWANDA MOUNT VERNON WENONA CHICAGO NEPTUNE MAY LOWER OUR GREEN BAY LINE or Green Bay Mackinac and Way Porta COMET Catais WH Wbtmuri ROCKET CAT 47N JeWU Rtfra I' Th above magnificent fleet gives a daDy line to De troit a daily line to the Upper Lakes and a weekly line I to Oren Bay The Canal Line of th Western Transportation Com pany composed of 160 BOATS WITH 33060 TONS CAPACITY Connects at Buffalo with th above lines THE WESTERN EXPRESS COMPANY I Express a fast a th fostest an carry as cheap a th cheapest Apply to HURD CO I Agents and Consignees I oot pf Second street Or to MORTON General Agent New York I for the Northwest api25 dtdeol NEW BOOKS The Eighth Com mandmeot by Charles Reacts 75 aiariara nf the AIM bv John Tyndall Cottages of the Alps ur Life and Manners in Swit seriand El oieldaa bj the author of The Msmoir of the Duchess of Orleans The Wild SpnrU in India by Capt Shakespear Memorial of Thomas 2 vols Rte'aHrad und far Mile bv ootll RAYMOND LAPHAM SAVE YOUR MONEY by calling at LAMBERT'S CLOTHES CLEANiNGDYfiNG AND REPAIRING BOOT AND SHOE MENDING PORIUM" No 12 East Congress st near corner of Wood ward ave You will see the sign that hangs over the door and says saved by having your Clothes Cleaned and Repaired' Then come Lawyers boetora Msrchaata Mechanic and Laboring Men too Gome bring in your old garmsnt and hays them kS tolooiliieuaw Yes come bring that old eoat aad panto that are all glens' paint and And in Lambert's best style hay them cleaned and re paired Andwsarthem a little longer for th good thay hav done and never mind the new ones yet for money sayed money earned in these hard timss Your boots and your shoes we will also neatly repair And our charges for all shall be moderate and fair Ova pets and Rugs also neatly cleaned Orders promptly attended to In any part of the city mylO dly LAMBERT PIPES! Ur 100 boxes Clay Pipe different kind received tbto day ah v27 GOLDS Woodward vWffc PHANCERY In pursuance and by virtue of decree of the Circuit Court for the county of Wayne in Chancery made on the twenty first day of May A I860 in a certain cause therein pending wherein George Morrison is complainant and Elita Nowland and Hiram Nowlaod are defendants: Notice is hereby given that I shall eel! at public aneUon in iho feirrhaat hrirtai twelve o'clock noon on ri dav the ninth day ofNovembernextj at the front door of i the JerftUa manufactory of Groiieao eonstina of zv a I 1 i tr LI vx tne wayue vuamy wuru avuw wv wvj va Wayne county Michigan all that certain piece or par cel of land described as lot number thirty two (32) in tb village of Bellville according to the plat of said village Va Tuarerere rsu ur Avta snrtnffre TRANS PORTaTION LINE I I mne united to th i NEW YORK PROPELLER IdlNjK 9 a Th united Bn re compered of tho ftetsrt largest tad best quipped fleet of SORE STEAMERS' it eve uurcou ua uw uuanu sea ot tn 'uttVkT war his enables to nsk with confidence th Mnttauttioa of that patronage that has bren bestowed upon with sojnucu Ubaralfy In years put and will now a then use our best en daavonr to giv ttytt complete sataaetton to oar pa trens that haa herstaaira acterizsd the lute under our charge i a for th part tun years Cur daily Detroit 4 Lin wiQembrae the following Screw Steamer and they will leave DAILY inssnriRT i No 18ff Jeenan Aneutu I Sole' Agent for th STEINWAY JtjSOIPS GOtdl AND SILVER MEDAL PIANO ORTES Received st different Eastern airs Also the first Prise and Silver Medal at the United State Agricultural air Chicago 1859 Over Light and AUo Agents for the Driggs new Patent or Violin Ptaao a and others or sale at th lowest prices 6X Octaves Rosewood from $180 to $260 I Oc taves from $200 to $500 1 SAXHORNS in foil sets made of German brass with rotary and spring valves bell over th shoul der and fiat Cornets warranted to be perfect STRINGS Italian rench and German String for sale at the lowest prices wholesale and retail Violins Guitars Bows lutes Clarionets Tambou rines Cymbo Is Drums latinas and Aocordeons also all othsr Musical IiiirumautB MorchAXidizB eaxi be had in quantities and at low price New Music received weekly STAIN i BUCnHEISTER seP 8 188 Jeffeison avenuSi PERRY VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER WE ASK THE ATTENTION THE PU LIU TO THIS LONG TESTED AND UNRIVALED AMILY MEDICINE It ha been favorably known for mor than twenty years during which time we have received raotreAiroa cf testimonials showing this Medicine to be an almost NEVER AILING REMEDY OB DIEBABM 0AU3UD BY OR ATnXDBD tfrOW Sudden Colds Goughs ever and Ague Headache Bil ious ever ains in the Side Baca and Loiui a well as in the Joints and Limbs Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pains in any part of the system Toothache and Pains in the Head and ace As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Stomach it seldom fails to eure Dyspepsia Indigestion Liver Complaint Acid Stomach Heartbum Kidney Complaints Bick Headache Piles Asthma or Phthisic Ringworms Bolls elons Whitlows Old Sores Swelled Joints and General Debility of the System re ia also a ntenn amd sina BjtMiOY roi CRAMP AND PAIN in the Stomach Colic Diarrho Dysentery Summer Complaint Chotera Morbus Cholera Infan tuar 8calda Burns Sprains Braises rost Bites Chilbtoinsj as well as the Stings of Insects Scorpions CentipSdes and the Bites of Pouonotu Insects and Venomous Ben tile nnutorroiM ACOOMPAXTixa xacb wm It has been tested in every variety of climate and by almost every nation known to American It i the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of th Missionary and th Traveler on and and no one should travel on ofr lakes and rivers without it NOTICE TO ALL DEALING IN OR USING THE PAIN KILLER IT3 Great Merit and unprecedented sal has CMsad some men to offer preparation of their own make in imitation of the Pain some using the name to sell their worthless stuff Try no experiments but be sure to call for PERRY PAIN KILLER and bo sure that you get it and you will always get a good Med iclne and the worth of your money ir acted 25 ots 60 era an $1 ns bottu Sold by Medtaine Dealers everywhere HARRIS A CO Proprietor tot th South and West Cinetanati Ohio To whom an orders must be addressed Sold Wholesale and Retail by ARRAND SHELEY Detroit who are also general agents lor DR CANKER AND SALT PHEUM SYRUP and CERATE and DR SHsRRY WINE BITTERS UNIVERSAL WUuM XeivILBaL I or all Throat and Lung Complaints inclndttg with most perfect results Whooping Cough CAremc end Commo Caught Bronchial and Throat Complaintt al ways forerunners of Consumption At a Soothing Syrup it has superior reed trom all Opiate or Emetic properties may be used by most delicite constitution and with perfect confidence CELEBRATED TOLU ANODYNE The Greatest NalureR Opudo ever offered to th world containing not a pertide of Opium nor any subetanee but ls strictly vegetable and medical properties A sure Remedy for Netlralgia Rheumatism Gout Tooth and Ear Ache Catarrh Root er Hey euer aad all minor Nervous Complaints or Loot Sleep and Headache in all it varieties it his no equal and to which most undoubted tastitncjiial ar offered or Dahriutn Treauno it is a most perfect remedy i er Bowel ComplanU atterremoving th pein it arte as physic a mas impoitant contrast with the eunatipa tory effects of To Physicians ormula and Trial Bottle will be sent and to Dealer or lavalid a descriptive pamphlet witbout stamp" i At Prspareu unuer the special supervision of JOHN HUcNEWKIX Chemistand Pharmaceutist No 9 Commercial Wharf Boston Msest To whom p'ease direct all eomuiunioettona Ltrs Cough Remedy 50 cents per bottle Small 25 Tolu Anodyne 50 or sale' by the usual wholesale and retell dealwt everywhere aKRAND SEELEY Wholesale Agents and by all Other dlra in Detroit Miehlrajx cctl8 dawtf CHANCE RY In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of th Circuit Court for the county of Wayne in chancery made on the twenty third day of October A 1860 in a certain cause therein pending wherein Wiliam Wesson to complainant and Robert Dermoht Ann Dermont Charles Denison Jr Lyman Denison Robert Wyckoff and Halmer Em mons are defendants: Notice to hereby given that I shall sell at nnblis auction to th highest bidder at twelve noon bn rday tb fourteenth cay of December next at the front door of the Wayne County Court House in the aty of Detroit Wayna county Michigan: All that certain piece or pared of land situ ated in ihe city or Detroit County of Wayne and State of Michigan known end described as lot munbet fifty nine (69) be the same mor or less In section number three (3i Governor and Judge plan ol th city or De troit THOMAS 8 BLACKMAR Crivnlt Cnnrt fteinTnfaatnnav Wayne county Mlahteca L1RNID EDDIE ComplatakuVs BolStonu Dated at Detroit Oct SO A cotoHJawTw fAA BBLS CHOICE SOUTHERN lUV I'OrATOiS atafowpricA 0128 RIPLEY'S pllY ATTORNEYS OICE IXV NOTICE Jd HEREBY iVN that theJtecurCer's Ccur tof ta city uf Detroit has appointed the third Monday Iffta cl November tost at Bin A a th day whan i will consider tua report and jeroict if th jury heretofore renflurtd in ihexnatiarof opening and extending Baker tretv ia the 9th War1 the width ol uty id from toe westerly lias of th Wood Vndg tarn aa exited to lb easterly Ijn ot th Stanton tana so sailed in said city and also to conaidsr any objections to said report aud verdict dCt RPEED City Attorney gbbat Khglish SiR Jamis 1 urtxrBATSD mmslb Pu Ls Prepared from a Slr J' irr invaluable medicine to unfailing la the cute of allJotai an) dangerous disease to which the female wtion is snbjrot It moderates all excess' and it11 obstructions and a speedy our may be relied jUKRtifl LATUW it is peculiarly suited It wm in briofi I1111 with regularity bottl price On Dollar bears the Government of Great Britain to prevent counterfeits' Theee PUle thonU net be telun by female! tie IR THREE MONTHS Pregnancyrc rare to bring on Milcarriage but al any other esses Nervous and Spinal Affections Pain inni Limbs atigue on dght exertion Plpita oi lllB Dystoric end Whites these Pills will care wbn all other meaus have foiled and al i powerful remedy do not contain iron calomeloor or soy thing hurtful to the constitution potions in the pamphlet around etch package(Pboull be careftilly preserved Agent for the United States and Canada JOB MO8E3 Late 1 0 Baldwin Co Rochester Yi tfB 00 and six postage stamp encloeed to any 'isd Age will insure abottle containing 60 Pill nbiroaum by all Druggists JK1) Tno Who Am in the enjoyment cf e1M IAwA aaAaaaaM WAV Am at hPl ID HCUUtSUUJ UVWA IVJUin ICVUUlUtJ EW i ai prrn Wes of diieate Wo are nOTOr too well 1 1 Si 4 lit ((A St li 'ffld Ig'Uln vuw anwuiw emw tua uvbu I 1a 4av 4 Aw Iv L4 WtlpibUk AUVJ UUVI 4A4 AAVlta Lrtfji'S that cannot taken lfit a 8 14144 Am 4k oltlly WHDOuv jiou Tittoifitijr Ruu toiwiuitj use 'l(oi At this season particularly the strongsst mans(oof against the malaria in certain rec1 ions of rnaot'r In eu" fever and ague the Bittsr patent than any amount of the daogrrois cases of billions fever yield to its wond 1 ernnwrt ffL JUOfTO WDU X1AVO tricu LUO WVUACIUV never ute another fur any of the ailxenta which the Littler professes to subdue To thoie who tf acini (de tne expenmeni we orrarauy recommena eir'i sppHcatioo to th Bitters whenever they areje(rii by diseues of thq dlgealire orga a yjb 1 ng gists and dealers generally everywhere jile in Detroit by ARRAND 8HELEY UlbH BIK0NEAU BOURKE and OTTO jCSCHNKR uovfi dewlw Watson's Nbubaloia King never fails to cure t'lia and Rheumatism This Great Internal Kerne curing lAmueads ot cases where all other remedies i atttdly (ailed It is to mere 11 relieve hr the moment but I a perfect SPECIIC and og for those painful diseases The vast number of inrets embrocations and external medicines which 1 stliuulants of the surface only are merely tempo to their efiects and of doubtful virtue The NEU LGU KING reaches the scours of all trouble and oslly banishes the disease from the system We one and all to give it a trial and become satisfied wonderful power A I MATHEW3 Proprietor 220 Maine street Buffalo yw sals bv HIGBY 8TEARN8 HINCH itN aud ARRAND SHELEY Detroit Mich Jyl8 dtf ROAD WARRANT BLANKS Blank Dtmita together with 221 other force of Legal and BUnki jel 8 BLWOOD NE COMPLETE BET BUR RILL'3 PRACTICE 3 vote Price $18 or sal at jyfi ELWOOD MEW BOOKS THIS DAY RE fAUTOBER I860 NEW AND kN History of Rhode VZ AVORITE PASSENGER AND EXPRESS role REIGHT LINE Mt Vernon 1 vol 12mo I sg 1 What My be earned from a 1 vol 8vo I Lewes' Physiology ot Common 2 vola 12mo I DETROIT MILWAUKEE BAILWAY De Boismont ou 1 vol 12mo In connection with the Appleton's Hand Book of 1 vol 1 imp I powsawL uppsb oasis STSAMSinM Walter's Manual of Church Music quarto I DETROIT and MILWAUKEE Love! the paper 25 cents I DURING THIS MONTH Trains will leave Detroit: Jillian by 6 8 9 aud 10 per cent lotereat Tables I At 736 a for Milwaukee there same The above just opened by WM HOWE I night 192 Jefferson ve and Bates st I calling at all stations for Grand Rapids Al a cauing ax au suuous tor euwuviue Retreshmeuts al Detroit Owossu and Grano Haven and $0 75 npon ferry steamer Windsor on Detroit River 1 I Qjmfortable Hotel above depot at Grand Haven rrin reeve termini aauv Btmaavs excentea THE TELEGRAPH LINK to now open for Pcuia BCSIJrtBS UONNEOTION8 At DETROIT GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY for ell 1 I notate East MICHIGAN CENTRAL MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND GRAND TRUNK RAILROADS At With the MISSISSIPPI LA rpHE POPULAR NEW 1 THE Household of Buuverip a book of great pow weet er Trench's Parables Condensed 1 vol 12mo Haggle HMMengers for Greet Western Pjulway go on the Rail aad Emma a new juvenile by Hits McIntosh Rutldge yTn Steamer at Dock leaving Dock at a southern lady I vol 12mo Nemesis by a southern a and 710 lady 1 vol 12mo Woods and Waters of the Saranac 1 I Th Time Tables can be had at sny ot th vol 12mo The Sunny South by Ingraham Ad statioc) MUIR Gsn'l ventures in Africa by Chas Williams needy to day I Offices October I860 apr8 tn UtoW ceuv wiupivw views WM He HUWEg octg J02 Jefferson ave snd Bates st CHANCERY BALE In pwreuance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for tne county of Wayne in Cnancery made on the 24th day of April in the year eighteen hundred and sixty iu a certain cause therein pending wherein Robert McClel land ia complainant and John Short Catharine Short and William Jenuisou Junior defendants Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at twelve o'clock noon oh Monday the seventeenth day of December next at the front door of the Wayne county Court House in the city of Detroit syne county Michigan: All that piece of land situate i in the city ot Detroit county of Wayne and State of' Michigan being the east half of lot number one (1) being in the rear of the Mansion Bouse lot so called on the Military reservation being on the north aide of Larned street between Cass and irst streets and bound ed as follows to nit Commencing at post standing at the intersection of Larned street and the line of the I Cass farm running thence north twenty three (23) de west one hundred and twentyone (121) feet in epth thence north sixty (60) degrees esf twenty eight (28) feet thence south thirty (30) degrees east one hundred and twenty (120) feet thence south sixty (60) degrees west forty three feet and five tenths (48 6 10) of a foot to the place cf beginnirg THOMAS BLACKMAR Circuit Court Commusioner Wayne unty Michigan A RASER Solicitor Dated St Detroit November 1 I860 ntrv2 dlaw7w HANCERY In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for I the county of Wayne in chancery made on the tenth 01 TeDrUary A Aovv) Iu aceriaiu causa uicrrm pending wherein James Tillman is complainant and John Condon Agatha Condon Caleb Van Busan and Staats txare defendants: Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at twelve o'clock noon on Saturday the twenty seventh day of October next at the front door of the Wayne County Court House in the city of Detroit Wayne Coun ty Michgan all the following pieces or parcels of land situate in the city of Detroit county of Wayne and State of Michigan aud being more particularly knownnd rfeanrihed the south half of lot number four (4) on the north east corner of St Antoine and ranklin streets on th Antoine Beaubien farm in the city of Detroit reference being expressly herein had to the plat of said farm Of record THOMAS BLACKMAR Circuit Court Commissioner' Wayne county Michigan BETHUNE DUIELD Complainant? Solicitor Dated at Detroit September 13th i860 sepl4 dlaw7w i Ji OUT a ANDBHUABI JOHN OWEN President 4 KJfe AT WHOLESALE ONLY ft VAN HU3AN Agent and Treasurer 1 WE have just reeeivetT direct from Eastern I dikvctoss Manufacturers a large stock ot Seasonable Good I I JOHN OWEN WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OUR LEDYARD vs OWN MAKE VAN BUSAN These goods are offered st New York Prices and we I WIGHT wiU satisfy all who give us a call both in quality and I 4 BUHL pnee Our stock will be kept at all times fail ana oom 1 JanlSJ dtf THO8 8 CHRibTIE Secretary J3L AldU Ifl No 24 Woodward STsaue a Detroit Sept 1 1880 4 I Thea Pisnoe of the various sizes aad las can al a 1 ways be found at the General 8JE1N A BUOHHEISTER Mt oct23 188 Jefferson ard PHE SECOND TERM of the Detroit mi tDj MaUemiUcal School comer rojt and 3 win bgis on Monday Nov 13th CHaKLES KteLLNEci DPh jUl rmiA a PrindpaK ORMATION WANTED Mr I) a 1 lUMHJ DvrSODe 4IV44ste nr Carlisle Station Warren county Ohio some 2 flay i1b eaote to this city i care ol ha' Ssglnsw city who was taking him I to hla iu ml a I arrival nejr I wy ud has not been heard from ainoe arfravnare to A Hinn Boom iu mfr oia Any 10 n4 wacerfiing him adOreuM to Mr WU oLhp 01 wii dty or to Geo nf Peek M4al Sa iiu dwmqu nuren county vdm woutn I KiVjfit bai Mm a ta VaL (ju wuw hu aiuicwa aauKutvr tale station Ohio ov7 d2l PWEGO WATER LIME 600 bblr GNCY OR PAT 'ENT ROLLING IRON SHUTTERS for Store ita Window and Done Onaninra Me Thes ar th IT I most secure ire end Burglar Proof Shutter that ar i Aal JU A ha I Thav sa ateeie4 tv eunnordnisa ffirnnta ABti a I aav IUU VAVaeeMWAA No J60 Jefferson are 1 oonfitreotion soiUbfo for Dwellings Storiit iT ymctacalina h(MM Aonand ean bo put np into any opening with antifa Ontkian tovitei I JZTiHiaZkh a' alii thoM nffbring from defective Mrht to inspect hU I JORDAN ANDKWBON Awhltoctoi nartls Grinroid street Detroit Mich tai end Pebble Spectacle which er highly endowed! PIASH OK'lUilLE ARKW'9 Dracghtiman'iInetHimentandmakemklriginevetjl DETROIT The nndertignod will pay thine in tris Um rt I cash (current funds) for fine atapla ot Bertoy deUver edethi Ureu err on irst rtresti bctweea lamed and Baker choeutG Uoco und Koogy IM fclMpp tr I fvWJW Wh 213 tj WJ i dk LIVER IN VIGORS TOR NEVER DEBILITATES It is CoMrOTirnsn Entirxlt tsom Gnrs And has become an established fact a Standard Medkta tall that have used It and confidence iu til the dis recommended within the last two years hopes of relief as the tificate in my possession ed to the temperament of and used in such quanti Bowels tadgement guide you In VIOOBAYOB and it will Bilious Attacks Dyspesia uier Complaints Dysen aoh Habitual Cositive Cholera Morbus Cholera Jaundice emale Weak suceessfuly a an ordi wiil cur sick lieadach (a twenty minutes if two or taken at commencement fiSSM NOYES tf ROBY ORWARDERS LUMBER AND STAVES Awn SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS wey umae ann apo fllWtt11 tlf Vfit RMs aowoJ Cm nnS nf lieunooo SA I Buffalo rMseugurs by this Liu avoid the risk and Our entire yard is enclosed and enables us to safely I delay of calling ax St Johns store any cargoes necessarily landed and to have all con Old Black Star Line of Pockets passage from Liver ri ga 'rts under our immediate supervision A full as pool to Detroit $24 60 sortmemoi lumber and shingles on hand and for sale Drafts on England Ireland Scotland the continent i notes mar4 dly amts ROBY I and all the principal cities of Europe for sale marl6 dly pu ROPE AN PASSAGE OICE I OR PRE PAYMENT PASSAGE TO OB ROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND RANCE AND GERMANY BY PACKETS uK STEAMEK8 uexroii iou STATE MICHIGAN CITV DETROIT Be it reiolyed by the Commo Council of the city of Detroit That it is tecesary to make the following public improvement in said city to wit To open and extend Clinton avenue in the Tenth Ward in said city of the width of eighty feet from the weater lyline of land No 609 known a the Joseph Oampau term to th easterly line thereof in said city said avenue to be ojiened and extended on the same course and of the same width as is recorded easterly and westerly of the saiu Private laud claim" Aud We said Common Council do hereby declare that they intend to take and use private property for the pur pose or maaing sera improvement anu eeing ail tuat cer tain piece or parcel ot rrivate lieu Cimm rio oiy known as the Joseph Campau farm which would lie within of said avenue as is hereby proposed to be opened" and extended being a strip of ground eighty feet wide and about five hundred and eighty eight reel long extending from the westerly Rue of said claim to the easterly line thereof which said strip ot grouna is the property of Joseph Cam pan of said city And the said Common Council do farther declare that they will on the first Monday in the mouth of Usceuiber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty at the hour of nine o'clock of that day apply to the Court of said city st the Court room of said Court for the drawing and iiopanneling of a jury to ascertain the necessity for using the property above de scribed ss intended to be taken end ured for the purpose of making said improvement and to ascertain the just damages and compensation to which any person may be entitled tf said Improvement be made And the City Cierk of said city is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published for lour successive weeks before said first Monday in December iu Ihe De troit ree Preu the official daily newspaper of said city and in the Detroit Daily Tribune another daily newspa per published iu said city Adopted by the Common Council October 16 I860 Approved October 18 1860 Bl) HL Mayor Attest ROLLIN SMITH City Clerk oc2 u4w CITY OICE Detroit Oct 17th 1860 SIDE AND CROSSWALK ASSESSMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the under mrntion ed parties that assessments have been made to defray th expense of constructing sidewalks in the city of Detroit as foil ws To the estate of BCampau and others ci neerned for constructing a stone sidewalk on tee north (ide of Jefferson avenue in front of tne of lot No 1 sec tion 2 Governor and plan to Stewart A McGraw Atterbury Lewis Allen James Burns or others concerned for constructing a stone crosswalk across the south sidewalk of Larned street on the west side of Woodward avenue to the estate of Cam pau Angelique Piqueit Emily Campau James Burns and John Owen or others conceined for comstructing a stone crosswalk across the north sidewalk of Jefferson avenue on the west side of Woodward avenue to Rush Bagg Whiting or others concerned for con structing a plank sidewalk on the south side of Latay ette street in front of lots No 12 17 and 18 Military Reterve south of Lafayette street to Wm Wells Jas Brooks David fate wart Margaret Stewait ols or othere concerned for constructing a plank sidewalk on the south side of Congress street from Second Mreet to Third street to Levi Cook or others concerned for con structing a plank sidewalk on the south side of Larned street iu front of lot No 76 sec 2 Governor and udges plan Said assessment rolls have been filed in the City Treasurer's office where the asserements can be paid for twenty days from the date of this notice After the expiration of twenty days the rolls will be placed in the hands of theCity Collector and per centage added for collection By order of the Common Council odtii uxvt zsubxxnsllij Treasurer INANCE COMMITTEE Bhubael Conant HP Baldwin WE hive great pleasure in loformtnethe Millers and Marchants of Central aad Northern Michigan that cur foriltaee for carrying PRODUCE AND MKRCHAiJDISE Ar greatly increased over former years The North Shore Line during the part nine years has gana on in creasing from year to year Panto crista aad storm have rfrengto known and approved by is now resorted to with eases for which it is It has cured thousands who had given up ail numerous unsolicited oer show The dose must be adapt the individual taking it ties as to act gently on the Let the dictates of your the uso of th itvxr in Cure Liver Complaints Chronic Diarrhoea Sum tery Dropsy Sour Stom nesB Cnoltc Cholera Infantum latulence nesses and may be used nary amily Medicine it thousands can testify) in three teaspoonfuls are of attack All who use it are giv fcvor Mix water in the tor and swallow both Psica Oxa Dolls a pick Bottu STEINWAY PI a or the itnfrmiatfon of th I oi 1 i 11 Jm 14 woiuw num wuwri I jVfjr rORK'XTD GALWAT LINS I orreeeaoy Tram Abt Musical Director to tne Duke ot Touching st bt JuHN3to laud raareugers anJteceiveJ Brunswick and a well known composer his opfaror of the RoyriMtii and Government Dirpttants I th Jlanos mad by Steinway Sons On being pre The steamer comprising this line have been Inspected rented fy the Duke of Brunswick with cue of the pj and approved fy tne Leras of the Admiralty of the Bnt aaoa Mr Abt says i iah Government aud ar the new and powerful Side I I knew of no iestnnnent that surpasses It In volumewheel Steamers of tone power of the bas notes fullnw of the rniddl LEiNSTeR 440 tons burthen? octaves or the softness and desrnetw of the treble wh 1 MUNSTER I perfect evenness in all the octaves" ULSTER44UU PARANA4400 PACIIC 2400 PRINCE ALBERT (Screw) 3500 GOLDEN LEECE I "VA On of tb above ships will leave New York or Boston I sfflESsWRJI At 1 K1AJNU regularly throughout th season MLSIC AND INsTRLiLENTri The next departure will be the PRINCE ALBERT ly 2 BY from N'sw York Tuesday Nov 20 I EIN tf BUCHUEISTERN 4 i nti et I f'S 'nrivire hie hrttaaa rerevafr' iwtrerf I TV IK iff mtrnmnm Amsmm U9 fiteiuuviu vi eaaaw aaieav aawsteM LvUCkiUiiWM I With tne greaiess care regard Miety ana cornon combined with model and propelling power and ar built I with water tight compartments They are oonfldeutly I expected to surpass in spaed aud rough weather qutii ties any vt6 is ever built and are replete with elegancei I and conveaieuces Tn Company have a contract with th British Gov ernment to carry the Mails and are obliged to make quick passages thus saving to the pwseng ra the annoy ance of a long and teuous sea voyage Passengers by the steamers of this line are landed at Galway and for warded free of expense by railway route to any of the principal cities in Ireland aad Great Britain an advantage not offered by any other line An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship RATES PASSAGE rom New York or Boston in 1st Cabin to any of the principal cities tn ureat entarn ana 479 ac cording to accommodations To 8ti Johns 1 THIRD CABIN To any place in Ireland on a railway or to sny of the principal cities in England Scotland or To 8ti Johns 48 Steerage passengers are supplied with provisions cooked and eerved by the servants of the company Persons wishing to send for their friends in the old country can obtain return tickets at the following REDUCED RA iES In 1st $75 $90 $100 00 In 3d Cabin from Galway 30 00 rom any town on a railway in Ireland 82 60 rom any of the principal cities in England or Scotland 35 00 or freight passage' or farther particulars apply to HOWLANfr st ASPINWALL 04 ana oa soutn steeet RICHARD ELLIOTT 76 Wood rd ave Detroit IRON OUNDRY THE undersigned are prepared to furnish AT SHORT Nonas STATIONARY ENGINES MILL GEARING WarahnnciA Wnwlinor A nnflYAtnfl IHE DETROIT SAVINGS UND veriette of INSTITUTE IRON WORK OICE OPPOSITE POSTOICE ON GRIS Repair work on WOLD STREET I PROXLLSR8 STBAXBBS And 3AW JIIUUI executed promptly and thoroughly BRASS OUNDRY are prepared to execute orders ot any Six for BBA83 AND OOtfroaiTIOB castings promptly Oil Globu Oil Cupi Valoet Journal Bezel Gauge Cocki Cylinder Coda Steam Whutlei for Steamboats Loco motion tf Milhi BeUifar acloriu Steameri and Locarno tiuei IRON RAILING AND VERANDAHS ere prepared to execute all orders for OICE HOURS IRON RAILING 9 A to 1 Mn and 3 to 4 daily Sundays and Holidays excepted Saturdays from 6 to 8 PM: PrtsaU Butlgl CcmiUry Latte Road warrants or Ooerucri of Road Dirtricti CHANGE TIME 1 tv wAterw AuMir PT(NR tt GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY ALL SORTS LEGAL BLABiKa fiaMariA USED by Attorneys Justicei 1 of the Peace Deeds Mort QIf Jf uomgr JUNE ith I860 gages Leases Qriiwold st TriM 0pp0sit myl8 Opposite th new postoffioe GOING EAST QAA REAMS WOLVERINE MILLS SufpeM10D taMrter NR4HT EXPR3S 7:60 arriving at Suspension superior line of Cp Letter Mote Pepejfjin QArier I gw00 a half and ream wrappere manufactured by one of the At 11:80 A Mfor London best mills ia the United States xpresly tor th Michi TtaiM from gMpeMioa Bridge lrrive at Windsor op gau maiaeu The papers ar uniform in pomte Detroit as follows: and weight and country merchants will have the advan 3rwjwwm At A If tegeof a uniform line of first quality papers from which I At 7'30 to order Priced samples forwarded by mail rwfrt London at 3:45 bJ Tb erry Boat Union leaves the Great Western octSa 192 Jefferson ave and Bate st R1J Dock foot of Third street st 8:00 A and Malpractice and Med I fttini ere ran by Hamilton time which Is 15 JLJ leal Evidence I minutes faster than Detroit and 30 minutes foster than International Law by Gardner Chicago time Graham on New Trials Tfokieto can be purchased on board the ferry boat Chitty on Headings I jjnj crossing the river also at ths Company's of I flee on arriving at the Canada ride of the river nmtardim wlxartun Cr Law he Company's time table can be had at any of the if28 or sale at I brydgeS Managing Director ALSO AMILY BLOOD PURIYING PILLS conronxDSD reo Pure Vegetable Extracts and put up fa Glass Case Air Tight and will keep in any climate ne aaiLv uathaktic Cathartic which tho pro practice more than twen The constantly increas who have long used the which all express in re duced me to place them The profession well Cathartics act on different Th amily Cathartic anM iz lnia mrall toctnk pounded from a variety of tracts which act alike on ry canal and are GOOD where a Cathartic ia need ol the Stomach Sleep! sod Loins Cosliveness the whole body from sad ly if neglected end fa cf appetite a Creeping body Restlessness Heacv Head all Inflammatory dron or Adults Biood and many diseases numerous to mention In Ito 3 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in INE GOLD tf SILVER WATCHES'1 AND JKWICLRY OO EVSRT DrSOKI PT ION Watches Clocks and Jewelry repaired fa the best man ner and on the shortest notice I Sfii'Tvvralr SKKITTAX0M 07 MOXET TO TREMENDOUS STOCK WATCHES GREAT BRITAIN Clocks and Jewelry constantly on hand with weekly I IRELAND Arrivtolanf nw Ktclua dlrapt fmm fha fuz Mria I IPAATfTS Uli full assortment of I GERMANY WATCH GLASSES AND WATCH MATERIALS ELLIOTT 76 Woodward avenue Detroit To Country Merchants who pay cash I offer suoerioi Passage may be pre paid st this office at the lowest inducements regular rates to or from Great Britain and Ireland by th ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS fofiowiag lines of packet ships viz: ouMUIaEiK low USuersOQ 1 dIjLo (Jtl UlsV LoIatHo jrjtvAJb 1 sep7 d2plma3pllm BLACK STAR LINE PACKETS 'ZiraraLifMram LONDON if NEW YORK PACKETS GUrrLNEl 1 Persons desirous of sending fortheir friends can pay Importer of I their passage here and have them forwarded to Detroit RHENISH RaNCH WINKS or anv imoortant niece on the line of the leading railroad BRANDIES RUM GIN AND ALL KINDS routes westward CORDIALS Passage may also be prepaid to or from rance and Sherry Wine Port Wine I Germany at the lowest rates by the respective German waueira wine Minn laoie Claret and ana srencn unss tor wxuen me 13 agent tiouterne Wine Choice Havana Segara rASBiOX from Akv VT? jd nnr'r yrt jvji idpt svn dv I OUAHI4V ffllvv VHLy niuo V1QCKM I to AAAAAtoAAV tolA (ALXlJJAltaV to MtotosAAU for sale at the Lowest Market Pricei No 65 LARNED The competition and rivalry between the several lines ST EAST near Randolph st Articles delivered in any of steamers running from EngUah and Irish ports to part of city free of charge jy20 dly I America enables the 'subscriber to offer VERY LOW '7' 1 I AAifoc lur bmuugu ptwwugcrB uuiu inc oiu cuuuiry bv A1N Ari DE RBON Ksggemente for passage by toleam will be ARCHITECTS DESIGNERS made from and GALWAY LIVERPOOL and ran rtr ume xrrev I UB AUIJXU I wAxwvswrTg ting Adams liuiiuingSj o3 street Detroit I i a i i i i i i i isiToa fcraifihed for DweUiuff Hoha ChuahM And through tickets Issued for the respective steamers School lures and public buildugs of all kinds sailing from New York for either of the above ports at INTERIOR DECORATIONS the regular rates including nrex or seconu passage resoo Painting Tablets Mouuiaenta erandahe Porti 1 from Detroit to New Vork eoa Ac drawn un and niidin7a mnarin I Passage tickets may also be procured hero by steaxuoro tended durioir erection I or from Detroit I TYITTOW Wfi lnTTOH Arrangemenw lor neaung ana ventilating after the 1 231710x1 xxam mjnjj most improved modern principles JR Regular Ratee Also Agents fol Johnson's Patent Rolling Iron Shute dssfrowi cf engaging passage for their friends ter A JORDAN I now fa Europe can do so upon application at thia office JAMES ANDERSO MOSSY ESMITTID TO AU I Altrs ENGLAND IRELAND AND SCOTLAND DUEE BECK SAYLES I And bills Of exchange drawn upon all th principal eitl No 41 Stat Strsst Boston Europe at th fousst ng alsr rates neziKiixv I ELLIOTT or the PURCHASE AND SALE EVERY DE SCRIPTION SECURITIES IN THE STOCK MAR AUSTRALIAN KET give particular attention to the Offlo by MINES LAKE SUPERIOR the PIONEER or KANGAROO Lin REPORTS THE MINES and information concerning aot iH reeommendsd janl dly uuvui xuruutiieu uu appucauuu I) will forward to auy address desired a MONTHLY of the Share and Money Markets Boston March 21 et 180 apr5 dlyina tb rrnum a idam flAED ELWOOD whwi DEALER PUBLISHER AND MANUAC Garner of Atwatsr and Rivard streets Detroit TUBER LAW BOOKS LAW BLANKS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY 4o Tho Oldeit Eotebliehcd oundry and Machine Shop in My itoch of the abate alwaye complete the Michigan only eetabliihment in the State and pri uniform and very moderate WILLIAM BARCLAT tf SON Orders by mail or otherwise promptly executed maxtfactursks or and satisfaction guaranteed hjqh and LOW PRESSURE STEAM ENGINES aprl3 dly 49 GRISWOLD STREET DETROIT Iron and Brass Castings of every description ta Olrn OUI'V ia irw I STEAMBOAT AND PROPELLER WORKf ElHOIl Gill DKY DOCK! Mill and Mining Machinery CAMPBELL 4 OWEN Proprietor! WROUGHT IRON WORK ALL KINDS Atwater street foot of Dequindre street near the old Cart Iron ronts dty water works oi Stores Hare now their dock fa good repair and are pre and Dwellings pared to receive work Ornamental Dunenrious of 260 foot long 13 feet wide and and Plain 10 feet of water Iron Railinirs GORDEN CAMPBELL EMORY OWEN or ences mar7 ny xnd Verandahs rpHOMAS WALSH 8oap Sait $Lh Kettle Successor to Walsh And Coolers WHOLES LS AVD RETAIL DIALER nr I DIKBXXT 8IZZB AMD PATTERNS CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY CUTLERY! June 6 I860 jefl dly wvxtu PISTOLS AND YANKEE NOTIONS AT BI8 OLD BTAXD CTfDEB TH! RU8SKLL ROnra Clocks watches ami jjewelry repaired RENCH KID SUPPERS Received at EDWARD LkAVOUR'S a fme aMortment of I Rjnirfnp' Ladies' Black rench Kid Slippers 'BOATS PROPELLOR8AO I recorded fa lhaRegutry of Deeds for Wayne county Ladles' Bronx Kid Slippers? I The Locomotive Works are now prepared to receive I Michigan laid lot and village being fa town three (3) Ladles' Brons Embroidered Kid Slippers I erder for I uth of range number eight (8) Mat in laid county of Whit rench Kid Slippers vA 'W LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES I Wayne and State of Miehfran together with th biiid At the Old Stand ocU2 No 106 Jefferson av' jjn tv I ng and improvements upon said lot 1 SaiLCVAtr WUKK UsriLoaLLli I mUMAS 8 BltoVAMAK THE WYANDOTTE BOLLING MILL COMP AN HAVE REMOVED THEIR STORE AND OICE tO TH PLUMBmS Wherefa ALAifsiwiJUQ vuaAf Un LAoii I I stock of PLUMBING STEAM AND GAS ITTING PURE LAKE SUPERIOR MERCHANT IRON BEST AN KWf iWWta kww Mad from BEST AND NEATEST MANNER AR six of ROUND and SQUARE from to 5 fash roture sort a nn AU sizes of LAT BAR to 7 inch wide Sy Alto a fall assortment of SCRAP IRON made from se 33 Woodwabd Av axes Drtkoit OrpoaiT! th Old lectad Scran POBTOIOI feb8 dly CHAINS 71 qp I Of sizes made from extra refined Lake Superior Iron COUNSELOR AT LAW RIVET3 rtn proctor im admiralty I Qf sizes the best in the market No 8 South Clark street Chicago Illinois RAILROAD AXLES made to order POSTOICE BOX 0 810 je3 dtf The highest price will be paid either in Cash or Iron for UITnPRTH WROUGHT IRON SCRAP IllLUKElH Call and see or address WM ZABRISKIE PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST aprll Secretary AvV MUJIJVkW BUvVO) aprfi dly Corner of Cass VIiIn COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE No PKAL8 for sal at jyfl ELWOOD'S Uc8 hereby glreB tiit i th undesigned have A LAHOB syPPLY qfUffiU celebrated at Medallion Pen oeta ELwooirH I Riee and the Assignee of George 8 Brash that I said Co pvrtnership has been vol ontarily dissolved and! CARRIAGES OR THE PUBLIC that I shall at once proceed to settle up and adjustthe TO TRAVELERS tbreot at th offire of said late firm on th Ttti! Detmti Wark titariatv win oonvv passengar fa ner of and Brash streets Creditor of said firm twn requested to file without delay a statement ot their tod from car boat boteu ana private noure ior vweu 7a Sil KTfa du Ynthony Buogon 7 D8fa4tIfan3im nov4 d60t JOST haibm kestobed I i SEMINAL WE ITS Hair CAUSE AND BY A ORMER SU 1 mtitaln" Every person who begin to find their ERER Containing xpo or of kafr loosen end comb out or prematurely turn Quacka Inclosing stamp address fa perfect confidence rar' or partial balds should cU and ae box 3818 Boston Msm I have the new rench Pro 1 Na will warrant a soeedy cure and ventive which to the only safe and SURE Preventive I li rstor th hair Ladre attended at against pregnancy and dGeaee Price 40e a Kto thefrreridence piece or thro for 1 or particnlare faclose I Hair Drosring Rooms basement under Mr Bntieify stamp for sireutar mpfi dfcdy Bank ennorite the Dortoffit joo All persons owing ine VbTICEIS HEREBY GIVENthat Money are hereby forbid to pay the earn to toy the Annual Meeting of the Stockholdaia of thij Into Book keeper GEORGE DOOLITfLE as he ha Gene and Oakland Railroad Company will he faW at http dtohargd by me and bee no right whatever to re I fa office room of th brick store fa the village of Good eeire tn same timer aisignee or omerrue i i rwu i GEORGE GARDNER I To'eiorkP Mr vti'snwrD KNUU GUODKlUH Becy Detroit Ort IS UOO MrtlMtf Dated GOOdltoS NOT LJSOfe MTMUira "'y A MfcuiciNB CtigsT in a Bottlo This re a applicable to Kentutiyt JItdical Discovery for btAtk cf no med cine chest in the world ever cured individuib of each variety of diseases as has l( WiB of the Medical Discovery The columns of paper if they were increased throe fold could not MHaio a quarter part of the names of those who have 'po cured of Erysipelas Scrofula Salt Rheum aid her humors equally painful aud aggravating Th'sis exaggerated tititement as we have sees eeriificaces perons who have been cared of all these diseases wwe recommtud the Discovery to the afflicted every lere tot6 dlwlw Covmv Dbaleks visiting our city will bear miml that rraod Sheley's is the store to find puredgenuine drugs and such staple and genuine medi ls a Per Dvl' Pain Killer Dr Richardson's Sber flitters and Dr Weave Pa Canker and Salt Sy rop and Cerate Any druggist dealing in such good medicines must prosper and to uae them 'arrant health Nil by ARRAND SHELEY Detroit cctSO dlaw242t BkYAH'a Tastklkrs Raby with lack luster ys Wherefore wherefore should you die Bryan' vrmlfuge ia sure Every kind of worms to cure Ita lb apeeiM small or huge Try the Tastil VzajnCa ftica 25cts G) KRI NORTON SIMONEAU 66 Jefferson ave Detroit novfi devim 1860 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! ScXS GEO11 WX for MONROE aul sails riggiag Ao fa good condition TOLPpQ RAILROAD Williams co IS ga CgSERggl oep9 dtf oot irst street I WHf SJY i un 4ih 18tHl Passenger Trains OK iwenty five city lots on wih run a follows: JC the WILLIAMS RESERVE near the Grand Circus ROM Mall and Express drily except Sun aad several eight acre lota in town of Springwells fa I Ayi 8t 7:20 arriving in Toledo at quire of DEVEREUX WILLIAMS I connecting with the Expresa Train from Toledo at 10216 Over Banking Office old Ro1) arriving in Chicago at 8:00 Detroit May 18 1860 my30 dtf I Chicago and Cincinnati Express daily except Sunday I at 7:40 arriving in Toledo at 10:36 Adrian at J70R SALE UR TO The I UsHOPM connecting with th lightning Express Train Clayton Mill on corner of Gratiot Road and Detroit Chicago (vi old road) arriving fa Chicago at 82)0 A and Milwaukee Railroad track Inquire of REEVE ver aimera and Mechanics' Bank my27 dtf I Toledo Accommodation daily except Sunday at 12:16 arriving fa Toledo at 4:00 connecting with Expresa Train for Cleveland Buffalo aud New York Dflnkfl anlr fitatiimam flOAf Chicago wuno UllU AIIULWIIUIQ MAIL AND DAY Daily except Sundays mmnnvn TTTTHvr TTV (via old Road) at 7:30 A making connection with the kfoUXUll U11I JjfJollYLjOh Ul I 4:10 Train trom Toledo at Air Line Junction jtfri RECTOKk OB just published and tor I ring at Detroit at 6:60 by RAYMOND LAPHAM CHICAGO AND MONTREAL EXPRESS DaRv ex Adrertifements received for insertion in a uus I oept Saturday at 8 00 (via old road and Adrian) iuets Directory tor Milwavkee Bacine and Kenosha I arriving at Detroit at 7:05 A which will be published in a few weeks novi I ROM TOLEDO a 3 mra xt ra 7 a DV I CHICAGO AND MONTREAL Daily ex 1LARK 3 aTEN 1 WSP APE I cept Sundays at 4:15 A arriving fa Detroit at 7:06 A LsL a capital thing tor reading room office? I Ao very convenient and economical A full supply MAU AND EXPRESS Daily except Sundays at all rises received and for sale by 4:10 PM arriving at Detroit at 6:60 RAYMOND 4 LAPHAM CONNECTIONS tober 30 1863 oct31 Trains from Detroit connect at Adripj with Michigan Ti7aTni xr rn in ar i i 'tr Southern Main Line for Chicago witta Albany and lALOlHY 111COMB frli Salem Railroad at th crossing cf that Line aad at WORK MISS GILBERT'S CAREER an American I Ch ego with all Roads forth NorthiroBt south 8ury By Holland author of Letters Connect also at Adrian with Jackson Branch Trains for Bitter Street oil" etc one volume 12mo I Jackson Connect at Toledo with Dayton and Michigan 456 pages Price $1 25 I Road or Dayton Hamilton aad Cincinnati with the This new book irom the pen of Dr Hollandis a story I Cleveland aud Toledo Road with Wabash Valley Road of modern American Life racy and entertaining but I and with Air Line Railroad like all his books written for a purpose beyonu and above I Trains from Chicago and Toledo connect at Detroit the ainusomeut of the reader The life and incidents are I with Grand Trank Railray Great Western Railway and drawn in about equal proportions from the city and the I Detroit and Milwaukee Railway the Couimeicia: Metropolis and a New Hamp (7 Patent Ventilators and Doster are used on our sbire village Thu characters are numerous the action Summer Trains vivacious and the lesson patent the lesson that a public I 7" Sleeping Cars accompany all Night Train on career cannot satisfy the heart of a true woman and that I this route a ministry iu the daily offices aad duties of I 17" Train are run by Chicago time which 1 20 mln home life is the best not only for her development but BtM slower then Detroit time for the development ot all that ia beat in man I JNO CAMPBELL Received tuis day a nd for sale by I General Superintendent Toledo RaYMOND 4 LAPHAM KNIGHT Agent Detroit je8 pULINARY Ihave just opened a variety of Culinary implements from the Parisian manufactory of Grosieao consisting of enameled Preserving Kettles Stew Pana Cuilenders Gravy Strainers Scoop Jelly Cake Tins Skimmenu Sgg Whips Wire Selves art 4c KING b81 Confer Jefferson av and Wayne street A STEREOSCOPE OR THE MIL XV A beautiful new pocket Stereot cope with a fuliietof view eompririog the best American scenery colored aU fir 25 csrt A cheap and pretty parlor ornament they have no rival or sale only by seplk i' WM HOWE 192 Jeffbraonav Plain and colored eather and ly Dustera just received alN Car and Window Washerloor Brushes ancy Parlor Dustera ktt 4c apr2I WETMORE 4 CO PITCH ROSIN TARAND OTHER NAVAL STORES for sale by th quantity at low sepld oot of Woodward ave BELL SEGA 25 thousand Bdl Began of my own manufacture now on hand and or sal at Ot23 85 Woodaaid avenue Utu CT Corner ifth and Woodbridge streets opposite t1 CHILDREN'S SHOES Just SShopmOimtoilT 4 wife received a large assortment ot Shoe consist ng in part ot the following kinds vis: rpHE DETROIT LOCOMOTIVE I Besled Kid Sbanghie Boots Heeled UXA DUUVtaVizi as rraneita uongrets utera unnuren neeiea van von i DE GRA 4 KENDRICK DW KU1G6 Jefftraon mo 1 Ars fa foer buafaes of De Graff Ken tct3t 165 Jefferson ave Md eiecate promptly BUTTON A fcl NEW lot ot 8 Kid Button Boots I ER also Ladle' Prunella Hutton Roots fast re I ENG IN AND BUILEES 4 CASTINGS MILL WORKSSTATIONART ENGINES 166 ave JOB MILLING AND MINING PUB POSES STAMPS KIBBLES i and all kinds of i IRON WORK AND MACHINERY Renairsfor HON ELON ARNSWORTH President HENRY WALKER Esq Vice President ALEXANDER ADAMS Cashier TRUSTEES Edward Lyon Samuel Lewis Levi Cook Rich Baldwin MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 12 1860 mr sam cowell pl'REGENT BROTHERS CO will The distlflguibed I sail to the trad on Saturday morning Nov lOih MUSICAL COMEDIAN I comrcencteg at 10)4 o'clock a large and (elect assort Respecttally announce I ment of SeasoaaMe aud Staple Dry Guodi consisting in 'III HEE HIS POPULAR CONCERTS I psrtof overcoat pants vests merino ebiru and drawers At the ftbov named Hall hoo a victorlaes wool plaids blsnketv shawls socks COMMSSCINQ A3 ABOva 1 I and stockings wool mittena buck gloves and mitto su I panders port moualss cloth brusnes riz jr rtropcot MR COWELL i I ton and linen thread laces braids Irish linens ging Will be audited by his daughter I bam mriaoa hemp carpeting mats 4c Terms cash MISS 8IDNY CO WaLL I nuvfrdJt Also by i MISS EIE GERMON And tho popular English Tenor' i i I I MR GiO ChOZIER And by MR A SEDGWICK And hi son MASTER CHARLES SEDGWICK 1 lanrvf 7JU HAWf'rD ril IJ A Conductor MR ALsRKD SEDGWICK or particulars of Concert Programme I ALL AND WlrilEK AKKariuaMAhT ront reserved seat 10 ceuti non ra I ON AND MONDAY OCTOBER 220 18401 served seats 25 cents PASSENGER TRAINS Tickets may be obtained a the principal Music I RUN ASOLLQW3 I Stores durjng the ny and at the Hall iu the evening 1 iOING WES Doors open st 7)4 Concert will com I ROITs ia ont I DAY Leaves Detroit dailv Zeresot Run I at A trlrrna 11 1 MAMLUbi BU4UUUB WUOU UebCMMAV I KALAMAZOO Daily (except Sundays) al 5 IL makes all the stops II A PL'linillTQ Til UU'M'P NIGHT KA rtUtSS Daily (except Sundays at 745 Pi 1 A rub HU oil J5 LU Kb IN Hie I will stop at all regular stations between Detroit and fl warehouse now occupied by GO Williams 4 Co I Kalamazoo excepting Dearborn Wayne Dexter Cbel on the foot of iist street and the middle warehouse I sea Grass Lake Parm nd west of Kaua between li irrt and Second streets Inquire of I mtsoo it will make all the stops if necessary nov2 dtf LEDYARD NILES WIU rau uu Monuays only running from Niles to Chicago on the time of night express UO1NG EAST ROM CHICAGO DAY Leaves Chicago daily (except Sundays) at 730 and will stop at all regular sta tions and at signal stations when necessary VOR RENT The first floor and cellar mX rii A of the store in the Stephens 4 ield block next to I and Kalamxnn hot eat of Riameno ft will stop at rag Tke ree Preet office on oodbridge street The store I ular stations only la 80 by 22 feet with a counting room and the cellar is KALAMAZOO rom Kalamazoo of ths same size and perfectly dry Apply at The daffy (except Sundays) 6:20 A makes all the (tops Preu office jy 19 I NILES On Saturdays only running on time rpO An elegant frame dwell eigrtand express freight westward JL ing with barn out houses and two lots 100 feet from Detroit dally (except Monday) at 960 front on the north side of Congress street east house AM and STOCK EXPRESS eartwazd from Chicago at No 351 Rent moderate Inquire of 1100 A will run dally except Saturdays A sleeping aug8 d3ui RICH 4 CAMPAU oar ia ran on Stock Express for accommodation of a TO RENT The warehouse and patent sleeping cars are run upon dock near the foot of Wayne street lately occu I ALL NIGHT PASSENGER TRAINS pieu oy Palmer Esq GSO LOTHKOP I E7" Trains are also provided with Patent ebruary 9 1860 fablO dly Administrator Dusters eiwwwwwiii KsT aRD TRAINS oenneet at Chicago fa th Great I Central Depot with trains of tho Illinois Central Chisago 3QTC I Darlington and Quincy Railroads and also with I all other lines diverging from that city At Mich ESS A HRtiTT OTRKET PROPK lgn City with trains of Louisville New Albany and Chi OR RATE i AfT Hailroad to all parte cf Indian At vmk bi 1 Joliet Cut Cff trains to Matteson and Joliet Connecting at Matteson and Calumet with trains of the wfahTlradit Illinois Central Road and at Joliet with trains of the St dwelling No 136 will be sold at bargrin if applied for Louis Alton 4 Chicago and the Chicago 4 Kock Island soon Hoot previoosly sold it will be offered at Auction I Railroads 8 uiwu 19U1 EASTWARD TRAINS connect at Detroit with Great September or further information applyto Western and Grand Trunk Railways of Canada end the ALVAfl win Aiwa 1 Detroit and Toledo and Detroit and eP 70 Griswold street I QiBTelMld steamers a OR The house on the northwest corner ot Lafayette and Second dnal Stiei and tow ami sueete together with the lease of the lot is offered for United States and the Cane sale at a bargain There is a good barn and other ut neral PfaraefK'ly Tta BDer1 Office Detroit October 10 one oi the most pleasant parts of the city Apply to I 1S60 oct 14 aug25 dtf Bader's building Griswold street Da Cold and Cough MixturbIn tb Rpasmodlo climate a cough or cold makes alarm tf neglected for a few days Admluiater this frit i eientlflc remedy fa the early stages and yen grap witu and master the complaint at once orty eight after th first dose the cure is complete Price Sold by 4 SIMONEAU 66 Jefferson avenue novfi dewlm Asthma To from Asthma (frogling for utterance and ome twitijg for breath i effared fa thia vegetable pre 'telivn rctna rel ef and uUimale euro It restores brio th fan into healthful elav and invkor "bole respiratory system ail not to give it fa vauoLioff ecash It contains no laudanum 50 ceuta Sold by 11 4 B1MONEAU66 Jefferson evenu nov6 dawlm I Bee advertisement of Prof Wocdi rRHT0RATiT tn another column oet3 dwr 1 NEW Aborigipal tRAND TRUNK RAILWAY America 2 vote orty 1 ears Experience iu Sone I 1 Tin ff Tl MK day Schools by Stephen Tyng or sale by JLTERA TION Or TIME RAYMOND 4 LaPHaM A NOTHER LOT THOSE CELE BRATED RUBBER INK STANDS wmanted to wni leave DETROIT trom the Michigan Central Depot keep fa good order for five year Price tooi of ThW for T0R0NTO MONTREAL QUE jo8 a ALWUUU Bn PORTLAND and BOSTON as foUowat DAY EXPRESS At 7:05 A LOCAL TRAIN OR HURON AND SARNIA leave every day at 8:60 ARRIVAL TRAINS EXPRESS TRAIN arrive at Detroit at 8:30 LOCAL TRAINS from Sarnie and Huron arrive at De ELWOOD troit at llrf8 A fenrinU'tl toD A TLTO a Akmh TJUBBER INKSTANDS warranted WSHANLY General Manager JLV tor 10 years far sale at y6 a CHRISTIE Superintendent I HAYES Agent GENUINE luid oot of Third fa the Mich Cent Depot up stain and Copying at jy29 I a mar22 dtf IL A A 0 O'L 0 CO I lhA 5 RAO'Jli ru NY I GENERAL AUCTIONEERS:) riihA Nok123 and 126 Jefferecm avenue opposite Penlntular i MADAM PAULINE' COLSON I 4 Bank It ThscrieborateirimADoiua aud principal Star of th I Prompt attention given to sales of all kinds of 'proper Italian Op: Naw York Philxdelpnta and Boston ftyat our Auction Rooms or any part of tb city silted by advance made on merchandise ep2 MISS LUISA KELLOGG 'S I qr 1 fc li ni li si 1 jnn Th new and youthful American Cantattico I o60'J A KDM A) Di 1) tj 18bO tt SIGNOR BHIGNOLL A ZH AUCTiONEEB'" SIGNOR riRRI A er rrs kj And th Crest r7MK GX 1 MM 1 gm i fy SIGNOR SU3INL I 'auoytoh mid oosmimiow naMBAars 1 Ucdst the Di action of SIGNOR (JZIO i 1 19T avenue Keareley's Block Detroit Mich wnigivetalhUCity I General Agents for Amerftan mutifotturere Wholesate ONE GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Deriersin Dry Goods Yankee NoUom and ancy Goods Onor about i 1 'Th ehove buaineaefa ail Its branches wUi be promptly Tne 15tu NOVEMBER i etteadedtof Coasigutnntacliclted and liberal ad rances nov9 dtd 1 made on all property leftforeale Will Meo attend to the uaaak vi lvl OslAvvj iAiQrQXiuQjif0 Uu nQBffiDQj IWTS1 I tore In any part of the city end at th store sv vt if 1 JAMES A CARGILL I tBT23 ny JOSEPH DIMMCK qkthbhore line im qi JW 1 I 0 fwKa I I I Bt 11 ft 'qi Im" Is Rd fell a 81 Hr? 'I iM Ivl I 'p is I Sri II i II iEi 1 1 a arwaa or ra Jr TO I I 1 I 1 a I 1 I I I I i I I I I 1 IT I I 1 I' 'fi I I I I ff 3 St ff I I I I I Ih I iS IE! ri i fl 9 ft nB 1 35.

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