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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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dhteWw PIANOS fOR SALK TO KENT' MI8CELLANKOU JyL8 Im WANTED A situation a Coachman or Oar lnr AilJruas 11 Dtrolu rity tvforvnoee Jylldt frsu boarding IT A HELP Tbroo men and two boye to till good placus Mo LKOD 81 Griswold et Jul36 8t )I ano OK TKH Ten first claw Plano ortes new Instrument to rent to apply on purtin If desired llanos sold for cash or on monthly merits A fine etoekof Lindeman A uu Men and rqanro Pianos nrur scale at lac try prlct 137 Jclferton avenue ADAM OOUHK ju 125 at BEHOV ALB llUoVA It Insurance Offlc Um boen removed to the corner of Orhwold ana 't hi ban vtrevt rnder tSerood NbUobbI Bank i rww rtono building BT Detroit reePreu Cowpaiy bv earlier per lri Weekly 4 910 a mall Do ulubft of tyjj subscribers Invariably In advance elaea ztvrolm ashen lII'Y LO Houses HLorns and vi acres on Woodward avenue Will sell entire or ilvta Price lo and terms easy Heveral Houses tons and arms to rent and sol! really cheap iKKNCIl Real Estate Agent and A noil oner vlunds Buildings Jul25 8l One second hand 33 horsa nower 1 locomotive bolter also one second hand tubu boiler 31 inches dlamoter containing 81 three di tubes 13 feet long The above are in good oou Uon and will be sold cheap Sc McUKK JK 156 167 160 Atwater street jyll ltn TO I A largo room on the southeast corner 01 Wo alward avenue and Gratiot street suit lor a sfllco inquire at 181 Wood rd avenue Jy24 6t i VS A one store comfortable dwelling I containing sit rooms and good cells at the rnrr of ol Aubin avt nuo andMaplestreet Large niiB attachod inquire at 68 Monroe avenue jylS tt REA ESTATE 8 LITTLEIELD Heal Estate Agent 148 Ja WoiM 1 IM MP1 MVMliilsa Tlkiiara Igita and I san ria ail kinds bought or sold on the moat favorable rant Al Real Estate business attended to for trues tn the elty and throughout the Htate mime sweet itonie more a no place use Home von wish to obtain one or have one to sell to or sendto ward avenue X) I'L oarnealalmd with Uwd at 148 Congress street west Also a Irooni furnished 1 'KXHflKY HOUSE Midland OUy Mlabtaacu Thos Pom 4tnyM DOlflco and residence 108 Dong BL 14 jnd Uw WHOM IT 11 AV Take notice I that In cousecuunoe of family dlfflcultle all rrons aro hereby lorblddeu to trust my wife Jane Relallack us I shah not pay any debts she lyeoiiUact alter this date JtsMN ttKTALLAUK bvt oil Inly 2ilh 1868 Jul23 3t A few enterprising I men who can gage for one year or longer to I by sample on all the Hues of al roadJ KEN A co 88 Griswold street jul28 3t (IA ADA KKK long JOIBT8 for sale ool UUVUv pt iUvard st A ROBB A CO my2 tfna TO ADVERTiBENIENTB A boy and girl aged respectively three and five years disap near from thetr homes Alichigsn aveuue Saturday afternoon at live clock rhe bjy Crossed In dark jacket and sy psilla Tao girl had on a light grenadine dress il nw fillers Anyone returning them to the give residence will confer a favor on their afflicted ircnts 28 It iAA A NOUWAY LOORING for All Id ITlbOt nf ttlvArl rttrArtt IY A o8d CO myfl tfna VAN ED A middle aged man that underUnd bok kooping and is wUllng to work that well acquainted wth the city will And iploy merit at a guu i aalary by giving full name and Jft EA A aea taaaii Office jy 16 31 The dwelling houae in that dwlruble locality 2V Winder street UontaluR xl AixOil irloriitlng room dining room kitchen I five cbumbvr in good repair newly paporeu i pointed Haa largo lot with wood bouee ande turn Would aiu sell if doelred the parlor 1 chamber carpet and parlor lurniture which ie Kor particular call ou HKNRY JLBNTZ 8 Aylward avenue jylOtf A apaoiotu flrt floor office in new block nullable for banking aniimilar pur Appiyto A LINDdAY No 77 One Id etreeu vamn buildings my6 tf Houfl corner of Antoine and Atwa UrBirvela lately ued a a boarding huuae by troll Oily halon 4c MoUttKQ tt 1W ike Al water street )yl7la a deaWliMEaEBi a white Notlce Vigor Tucker Metzger DelreR Weekly ree PreM' Qord Juuuiwa JikrupK'y stale ci Mcuormlck IDnl Rathbone Lake Steamer Dubuque 'irslturv etc st Joo Rennie srpU st Auction Jno Bennie ale Nollco Lodge Estate of McBweeney 8 Phillips UtMcrAD Raising Church Grand lcnla Ornbau Asylum Picnic vjuarslon Bu oWr WlYer Bloamer Metropolis wriht' Tar Byrep 7 Uif Vy t( ehrirtlsu Dlsdplos yrss Concert at German Theater UKJ News lor uie xzmicveu fenih Ward Democra'le Mooting Ke Kcfloctlon of rare to Buffalo qelflc Msll Btenmsblp McCabe ths Publle Babllllon IloyaudOlrl bold vr Bond ysnUxl Book keepcrr Boarding House 'J so Kent A Co House Real lyn Vsyno County Demoor allo Convention Detroit Protective uel lo and Mmllctuoa at Jobnaton'a tJjlf I'isla and A Roaa A Co so Cargoes CDar A Roaa A Co amber Shingles etc 11 Turner A Co ml Warrants Bonds Coin Gold Silver College Scrip Rovenuo Stamps Preston A Co Inplng ann Pzraa Oo urlagea and Deaths on Second Page REN A fine dwelling house No 62 West 0 nirres street Apply on the premises MK 1 81 iuIM Iw CARGOES CLEAR BEABONED PINE I Lumber for salov A ROBB A CO my2 tfna BALE Upright engine cylinder 8x12 Inches nearly new with shaft ily wheel I pulley Apply to TRAT TON A PRA Tr aer of Sill and Woodbridge jy'23 tt 'ILVER BROOK LEHIGH Try fuco or sale only by Dot Protective uel Co ksa 1 Mlen RENT OR The store room and 1 two Upper floors No 3 Woolwaid avenue a'o runs three years from May 1808 A most wiHIa LiulLn 6 av fW wiw IVvvSVIVU reaavsvreswsw sww dlriuat given immod'Rtely Inqu rr 1 Um preuiiMti of the ubcnber BEN RY I Ze jyia lf VI sr a Ueasacre Wn 171 HdUtflTlA VZ Urtll 1 1 lie WVIliCg I1UUWV SV asw we lrwt JIouw and location desirable Apply ii RAZKd No W0 Grlawold atreeU 1y22w IX) The Milwaukee Exchange Hotel the foot of Beaubien strevL Thu furniture 1 tliiurM are for sal Inquire on the preaMwe J22lw VM WANT EVERYBODY' to try It onceHil ter liruoK uebign uoau xet rowcuve ruv i 1 1 Jyni1" VUITE ISHING Post WaT Miom July 211881 proiosals will lie received by the 4k truurer of Kort wayne Mien lor me pnvi mot llshlng In iho Detroit River during the ap Hulling so isota Advantageous terms will 'male with reliable parties Application to be laforo' Avgust 1st 1888 Apply to A 111ALL Lieut 43d 8 Inf Post Treasurer J122 1W 'AVV kivV IlV HIlvrr Is high Coal thr dealers get It Dvt ro lva uel Co have the entire sale for this State IvlSlm 1AH Aft ENCE PICKETS for sale oot of JVvsvO Rivard street A ROBS A CO mv2 tfna One 62)0 soldier bond of the City of Do troll dun Uelober 1 1888 The tinder may take tolCO Jetlsrsoa avenue where he will receive aral reward Jy28lt 17 A NT VIA a riv MawfaeManda the buslni aa Reference required AddressHCI4 WALHH Holland Mich jyOT lw Md and Paper Btosk wanted at KE NINO 1UH Warbhouae 17 Woodbsldge street Jyiin 'IliVU aaMSaak A Mmig IV Hl A VUllBM St A a6(UE ur Hton UmteM waiNM 'rw K1NDLATJCK 4t toil Mf Brush street AA A CEDAR POHT8 tor sale oot oi UVaVl Rivard street A MOHS A CO mylhtfna pOR RENT Thu lrge and com modi ou board iu( houteNo 89 82 tynH Rtreer Poion xul lt Inquire of UEBBARD No 70 rtEwoiu svrevi jyxoxiv JARTNKlt la lumber bunine Buller engine and planer connected with the Libllihnient Addreo Box 617 Detroit Mich jy21 lwna volume mm A 13 TRHi Kl oHT xli NUMBER 27S 4 A iiA 'j DETROIT MICHIGAN SUJUJAYJULY 2M868 a sy I I x' M6r '1 i fn IiOOLL MATTERS i THIRD NAVAL REVIEW THE CASE ROBERT GARRET griirr applied to tha correal tho body that Hazy CITY JHPKOVEflEim 3 vL eol NEW YORK si ftaudapna tbepebUe i BABILLION Raaeeif rtreta left bear toon Iritsf motatag 1 toMlmeU object 7 Whether thio 0 26 0 2 1 3 Youmg Litbbxbx Bocisl The above society will give a picnic excursion to Ann Arbor on Wednesday August 5th the proceeds of which will be devoted to the pur chase of a library for their road Ing room 0 7 am 2867 4 nxi 2839 had and the efttbing more will depend on the dereiop menta of the future Jovbnilb Base Ball atch Agame of base ball was played Saturday afternoon be tween the Young Atlantic and Unknowns of this city resulting In favor of the Young At lantlcs in score of 20 to 2 sBcoan lenroa Habbinb Habbin tumped Ridgtoy Jones not out I notout' Ity may no produce results which If not as aseftd will be equally as enrioae ead laotract Ire 7'' Who esn move planchette Probably all persona pomesthle magaetlc inlueocs but all eanaot lafltisnce plaachstte ead obeerva Bury Jones Habbin Turks Jonss Widss Byes I 1 Tas asst and original tonic of Iron Phosphorus and Calisaya known as Caswell Mack A Co erro Phosphorated' Elixir' of Oaliaaya Bark The Iron reetoree color to the blood the Phoephorue renews waste of the nerve tissue and the Calisaya gives a natural healthful tone to the digestive organs there by making it applicable for Dyepepsia in its various forma Wakefulness General Debility and Deprea sion of ISplrits One pint contains ths virtue of one ounce of Calisaya and one teaspoonful a grain of Iron and Phosphorus Manufactured only by Cab wbll Hasazo a Co successors to Caswell Mack A Cow New York Bold by all druggists THE WEEK Rally the Testit Wabd A meeting of the Democratic voters of the Tenth Ward la called for Tuesday evening at the bouse of William unset corner of Dubois and Clin ton otreeta Qvbbc July'24! i iity alx more wiling vessels have arrived here this year up to date than in 1867 Out ward bound vessels are kept by a large number of ieebergs in the lower Bt Lawrence and several Vessels had to put back in consequence Vessels from the sea to day report few vessels hi the river a Jeff Davis and family: are here and will re main a lew days I We hkve had heavy rain all day A Olympic During the week this favorite troupe have been well pa tronized and their success seems to be any thing but decreasing Robert Scott the enterprising bootblack who swindled Indian Jobutut of (5 one day laat week was discharged from custody by reason of the non appearanee of the aboriginal prosecutor fa born not asade Ladies Mem to succeed the best whether because most magnetic or becMwe they have a more ssoevny ss they certainly have a more tatfap way than the rougher mb is left to the investigator to determine What will plancbelte do I or those to whom It yields implicit obedience it will write words and sentences and answer questions It will foretell nothing it will reveal nothing un known to the operator for the creature to not greater than its creator He who possesses the force to move planchetie guides and directsthM force and without the moving spirit of the Operator it ceases to act At present it to ait A BUtoeiABT At one yesterday WCnibg burgfar catered Iberoei dence ot Mr Walker Na 108' armer atreet but htoTpreaeuce in the house was dtoeovaeed 8EIHOLR AID BLAIR i Ratification Meeting In' JBattle Creek Special dispatch to the Detroit ree rees i Battlm Gzzsx July 26 A graid mass meeting of the Democracy of this city is in progress this evening John Van Arman who stumped the Stale of Califor nia in 1864 lor Lincoln is speaking A large torchlight procession marched through the principal streets to the place of meeting rJ? I CAI ADA'' jtT Vessels Arrived at JeflT tubUe fluid New Buildings Being Erected dn Jeffex son Avennef In no way can ths increasing wealth of De troit be seen to better advantage than in the number of fine new buildings which are being erected in every part of the city No city ol the size affords better opportunities for busi ness men and Is at the same time such an agree able place of residence Oar numerous street railways have brought all the suburbs in easy coipmamcatlon with the business centers and parts of the city which were formerly con sidered as moat inaccessible are now rapidly being built up In no part of the city is the Improvement more noticeable than on Jefferson avenue No leas than four teen first class houses are now in course of erection on that avenue and we hear of sever al more In contemplation On the south side of the avenue next to the corner of Rivard street Mr William Car penter has commenced the erection of a fine brlek residence two stories and basement with stone dressings around the windows and of a handsome style of architecture It" la built to the first 'story and will be ready for occupancy some time this fall The cost will be near 20000 and it will be complete and convenient dwelling in every respect On the adjoining lot al the corner of Rivard street Mr Wetmore has Just begun a fine brick building In the Italian villa style which will probably be completed some time this falt Nearly opposite these houses cn the north side of the avenue Theodore a Parker Esq has nearly completed a splendid stone man sion slate roofed and an ornament to the atreet The Interior is as handsome as would ba expected from its external appearance being finished off with hard woods and It Is very complete in all its surroundings On the sonth side of the avenue at its inter section with Russell street Theodore Cam pixu Is finishing a very fine house in the Italian style of architecture very similar to the one of Mr Dewey farther up He also has a very neat stable ou the same lot Thia house will cost in the neighborhood of 12000 Qustavus Doeltz is finishing a fine brick house near the corner of Jefferson avenue and Riopclle street which will not suffer by com pel Ison with the others ou the streel Just above the railroad bridge en the north side of the avenne Mr Anthony Lederle has a splendid bouse nearly completed It Is faced with Milwaukee brick and finished off inside with good taste James Weir has bought the frame house formerly occupied by Pitta El on tbc south side of the avenue near the corner of SL A uxvveG It across the street where It Is to be remodeled and finished off in modern style It will be a very tasty house Mr Pitts Is making preparations on his lot for the erection of a large brick building in the Gothic style with slate roof and stone dressings It will probably be put undercover yet this fall but scarcely finished On the north side of the avenne the second lot above Chens street Mr Smith to erecting a fine brick house in place of the frame building which was burned Just before its completion The brick house next east of Mr owned and occupied by Mr A aller which was badly injured by the same fire has been entirely renovated and remod eled and finished off inside with native woods to the great improvement of its appear ance Just east bt the last house Mr Chas Byram is erecting a large aud elegant frame house to be completed in modern style Directly opposite these houses Mr Charles Ducharme has the foundation nearly completed for one of the largest and most expensive houses in the city to ba built of Urick in the Italian style with stone facings and every thing about It as complete as can be made The cost has been estimated at sixty thousand dollars and it will doubtless be an imposing structure On the north aide of the avenue Just west of Cam pan avenue two houses are in process of construction one by Gordon Campbell Esq the other by Mr Ballantyne Both are to be brick and of large size Near the Intersection of Elmwood and Jef ferson avenues Mr Chas Stange Is remodeling bls house putting on a rench roof and will make it a flrat claM dwelling in every respect On the the south side of the avenne Just below Elmwood Henry Bishop is building a large and handsome brick house in life mod ern rench style In addition to all these a number of smaller buildings are going up in the same quarter some of them very neat These are only the most Important ones That part of the city may well be proud of the enterprise of its denixens Cl rent Damage Done by the Heavy Rain Storm Sine the flrat flush of excitement conse quent upon the tragic and violent death in one of the leading thoroughfarea of this city of An able La Plante at the hands of a' yonng termer boy named Robert Garbet who mad with Jealousy and wrong (whether real or imagina ry none but himself can ever know) struck down a fellow creature on bis way to the mar riage altar with 'his bride elect upon hia arm' bat little has been heard of the unhappy homi cide All are aware however that he waa tried and convicted of murder but the case waa carried to the Supreme Court on a bill of exceptions one count in which was the alleged improper exclualon of testimony which had it been admitted might possibly have made a vital difltoHsMe'in Uro verdict1 The Supreme Court it seems took that view of it and the result of that appeal waa an onter for a naw trial which will take place probably during the fltst week in 'August In view of the enormity of hto crime Imd of the peculiar cir cumstances which led to ita perpetration it may be of general Interest to know how Gar bet passes the days of his confinement Since his Incarceration on the 31st of September last he has not set loot outside of the Jail except during his trial He rises punctually st six in tho morning completes an elaborate toilet and after reading a chapter in his Bible partakes of the invariable regulation diet half pound of bread and a bowl of coffee After breakfast he generally walks an hour or two up and down the long ward in which are always from six to ten or more prisoners besides himself with all of whom he ia quite a favorite being the ward barbery aa well as religious mentor After his walk he usually calls for the morning papers every Hoe of which he reads with avidity and it to safe to assume that he to the most thoroughly posted man on the current news In the city of Detroit for he not only reads everything but he remembers what he reads 'with unusual clearness At twelve o'clock he usually brings out hie Utile tea pot (the gift of bis broken hearted old mother who often visits him) and makes a enp of lea over a gas jet which together with the remains of bls morning ration ef bread furniah a frugal lunch His lunch finished he takes position In one ol the grated windows of ths ward which commands a view of a narrow strip of sod' the like of Which poor fellow he has not seen lor ten long months Here he sits hour after hour with his pale pinched face pressed closely against the iron bars which stand Immovable barriers between him end the pure fresh air of heaven listening with pain ful eagerness for the step he never hears for the form he never sees and for the voice whose cadence was once to him the dearest music that ever ravished human ears she come not yet she will never some To gladden bl eyes and hl zplrlt more And hi heart growa helpJeaa and faint and dumb A hq wait and walta on the lonesome shore Although living here in the city within easy daily' communication with him the girl for whom he steeped his bends in human blood ha never sent him one word of condolence nor indeed does he know of her existence' except through his friends At four Garbet dines on soup beef and bread plenty In quantity' apd of a good quality but one would naturally suppose rather monotonous when partaken of without change 365 days in the year In personal appearance Gar bet has changed almost beyond belief since his incarceration and the full bronzed cheek and the broad muscular chest and strong limbs have given place to ghastly paleae flabby mnscles aud a step in which Is discernable no trace of the old elasticity while hi lips have assumed a bluish Huge and under ht eyes are dark ring Indicative of his mental anguish He dresses with faultless taste usually appearing in spotless white with elegantly ruffled fronts black pants without suspenders and well fitting well polished boota He still wears bi en gagement ring (the same he wore when on trial) which not all th wealth of Golconda would induce him lo part with although he well know that he I cherishing an utterly hopeless attachment Except a light brown moustache be wears no beard shaving himself carefully each morning He devotee mnch time to the study of re ligious works and engages at least once a day ia devotional exercises in hl cell In the coarse of conversation with the writer he said with unmistakable fervor This Bible saved my life When I entered this cell I was a hopeless desperate man riends noble God fearing and God loving friends sought ms out and bade me draw from its Inspired page that consolation whlcjr nothing else earthly can give At first 1 was disposed to be obsti nate but in thinking it all over I' made up my mind to read It and for that conclusion I have reason each day of my life to thank those people who led me to a knowl edge of th He takes an active part in the public religious exercises which are held from time to time in the Jail and is constantly endeavoring in an unobtrusive manner to lead the minds of bl fellow prisoners in the same channel He takes every reasonable opportunity to converse with strangers who seem to feel inter ested in his sad fate and never tires of Bound ing the praises of and the as he la accustomed familiarly lo designate bis keepers When asked what he thought of hto chances In' the coming trial he replied that he felt hopeful and entertained a confident belief that another Jury would see the case in anew light Inasmuch aa it I expected 'to 'present a good array of evidence In his favor i The foilowlng sales of real estate me city have been recorded in the office dur lag the past week u' Matilda Chapoton vi ol to James Capita lota 1 2 3 and 4 of Chapo subdi vision of the Joseph Campau farm 84000 Mose Dickiuaon to Albert Crane tri angular piece of land six feet front on Grand River street part of the Lognon farm 200 rederick Buhl et al executor of Elizabeth Davia to Wm Duncan lot 8 block 28 Cass far 14 000 tr Jhn Huber to Minnie Haber lot 13 sub division of outlot 172 Beaubien farm 600 James Dubois to Gustav Barkenowliz lot 4 and 5 in block 24 of ths Dubois farm on th' northeast corner ot Dubois and Maple strata 700 James Collins trnstee etc to the Board of Mucation oi me city or Detroit iota 25 26 and 27 of subdivision of park lot 61 and 62 2100 Kbenexer Anderson and James' Lyell to David 8 Osborn lots and 3 of sub division ot lots 32 33 34 and 38 of the Gov ernor Porter farm 816001 Charles Kellogg to John Edwards lot 6 of Maadelbaum A subdivision of park lot 73 on Charlotte street 1000 A Morass to Caspar Schulte lot 1T 'subdivi sion of outlet 37 St Aubin farm 500 John Considine to Thom Cranage and other trustees lots 7 and 8 block 16 La broese farm on Pine street between Sixth and Seventh 1300 Lancelot Armstrong to Robert Carey lot 38 ManMIbsnm Subdivision of park 104 32 and part of park lot 21 on north18 of Brady street 448 lt Alex Graham to John Bishop lot 16 block 30 of the Labrosso fiara on Walnut street between Sixth aud Seventh 1400 Mary Sines by guardian to John Ki ple ail her right title and Intereat in the west erly S3 feet of lot 4 in bloek 39 Cass farm on Abbott Mithl: between Third and' ourth strata 1800 1 John Kaple to Robert Wagner the west erly S3 feet' of lot 4 in bloek 39 Csss farm on Abbott street between Third and ourth streets Wm Backus to Wm W'Ward lot 20 subdivision of ontlot 95 of Wood bridge farm 750 John Owen to Milton Butler lot 12 and 3 feet of the easterly part of lot 11 ol Military Reservation on Michigan avenne cor ner ofShelby atreet 10000 Henry Brown to Catherine Corey lot 5 block 15 of Crane section or syth farm corner ifth and Locust streets1350 Ebe Willcox to John Deppart 103 to 109 inclusive Miller A subdivision ol ontlot 180 and 182 Beaubien farm on the weal aide ot Beaubien between tllinoto and Seward atreeta 1380 A ImprtoaaMCBt AwaKlag a laal A VrM Youwg Last night Cotton A Sharp Minstrels''' made their fare well appearance at this hall be fore a good sfaed audience Their bill of fare is a good one and is well presented wherever they go 'fl 1 i Plaaelratae Planchette to all the rage Skating has it day' Bazique has visibly declined even croquet with the thermometer in nineties has lost'lto charm "Some lucky dog has brought out planchette Other tangible objects In tbs pursuit of happlneas hav be come Hence planchette In almost every honse yon see the little heart shaped board surrounded by a wondering and delighted circle yielding to the Influence of some magnetic person gyrating' writing com munications and doing ail manner of puzzling thing How to It don This to the question all are ready to ask Yon place yonr finger ever so lightly on the surface of the board and it moves I says some one moves only when by having kept the hand and arm in a certain poaition for a long time the muscle become weary and their involuntary trembling Imparls "the But lb little 'Instrument the touch of some move tnrtaady therefore that theory faito ya smother who sees through it to propelled by the nndonscions motion of the mover Why then when the point of the finger to placed in a per pendicular posldoo on the board will it a has been frequently seen spin around like top the finger( remaining perfectly stationary all the time A ld Galileo planchette moves That i'! move not by the mMcntor action of those who test It can 1 be seen not only by the above teat but from the character ot assay of those who have tested it In aU sincerity That it moves in obedience to th wiU ot th person who places hto finger in with to th planrtbl solution Tbre to nothing ot the supernatural In It It never' dtoclora that which to smknown to the operator It never acta but from 'th impnto ot th OM tasting 1L Why doe it move? Why does hand move when on wtobee it to do ml What to the subtle force that permeate the body to tiro end of the ext remiUe cawing them to yield to th will or nerve fora ot their poaeeMor Is JS impoesible that this lore wnten er eteetricity i Jone Bury 6 Bowman Bury 0 Baine Bamford 0 Rldcley not oat 4 Patriarchs Bykea Bury 1 Oook Bun 8 Thoma Bury 0 Bell Bury 0 Cree Calvert Bury 1 Wide 8 By 1 lag bye 1 rnaaixl Vlasy 1881801 I S8008D I8XI80S WAYNK COUNTY CONVENTION The Wsjne County Democratic Conveatlon will held at the American Ilotet in th of Dearborn on Saturday th Sth day of Beptmbr 188 at 10 In the forenoon for th purpoae of nominating suitable parson to fill th various county ofiee also Circuit Judge Each town ship and ward are entlttod to three delegata By order of the Committee WILLIAM A SMITH Chairman JAMES GRACE tf CICOTT Of County Tenth Ward Damoeratie Meeting There will be a meeting of th Democrat of the Tenth Ward on Tuesday evening July 88th at 8 at th honse of Wm Wunscb cor ner of Dubo and Clinton streets Th ttndnc Of th Democratic voter 1 rt quested By order ot thoTenth Ward Democratic Club ontcuLARX i Dsnotr Bivsa Nzvr July 26 1868' At the regatta on Wednesday evening 29th lsL Vice Commodore Willi wifi present to the nayy a silver cup chain and ornamental belt to remain a the champion prize and to be thereafter an object ot competition for any boot belonging to the association Whenever contested fur it shall be done under the direc tion of the naval board Any boat winning the possession of this prize shall hold the same until it shall have been duly won by another boat and the club or owner of such boat ehall he bound lo accept any challenge properly extended to the boat In case such challenge shall not be accepted the prize shall be transierred to the crew chal lenging to be retained by them or the party they represent upon the condition above men tioned pon the acqutoltiod ol this prize the win ners shall have the name and description of the boat time distance and name of the crew engraved upon a silver plate which plate shall be attached to the belt beginning at the elp on the right hand side and each plate shall follow around the bell and should the belt be cov ered with plates another belt shall be provided This prize to intended to be not only an em blem of tbe good qualities of the boats and crews obtaining it but also an Interesting record oLthe operation of tbe navy for time to come The first contest lor this prlzs will take place on Wednesday evening July 29th weather permitting otherwise upon such occasion as the naval board shall direct The course will VG yMi mAjgk A Atom boat to be moored off the upper end of Wight's dock to tbe flag boat to be anchored off the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad Depot a dis tance of one and a half miles The following named boats will be allowed to enter and for thia occasion have been classi fied aa follows rim Clou Ke wah dln lapatreak shell six oar Excelsior Club Second Haid lapatreak outriggerlx Detroit Bust Club Irene lapaucak outrigger six Excelsior Club Camilla gun wale barge eight Detroit Club Third Ckut Peer les lapatreak outrigger four Excelsior Club Charlotte lapatreak out rigger four oar A Campau A Bon Edmund gunwale Club boat six oar Allred Brush Jr and associates At the starting point a buoy for each boat will be anchored at a distance interval of abouteven fathoms (42 feet) from which cords will lesul which will be held by tbe coxswains of tbe respective bdats to hold them in position Tbe signal for the start will be given at a quarter before seven as near as may be The boats of the third class will be sent off first After an Interval of 15 seconds the boats' of the second class will be sent off and after another interval of 27 seconds the Ke wah din first class will be started' The coxswains are enjoined to hold their po sitions tenaciously tor if any errors are made in the start ths boat making tbe error must and will be ruled out of the race All tbe coxswains of the boats named hereinr some one to represent their boat are re quested to meet the naval board at the Biddle House on Monday at 12 noon to arrange for the 'poaition of the respective boats' This is important and if any boat should not be represented it will be considered aa a withdrawal of the same from the con test Issued with the consent and by authority ot the naval Joard at meeting held 23d lust and by order of Vie Com HTORR9 WILLIS PITTMAN Bignal Uffleer 782 DEATHS REPORTED OR 4kc I Ac lag and straw hat with a brown veil Pou The poles in front of JoMph in Uro Seventh Ward and on th corner of Larned and Beaubien tratawere ratoed by Longton and Depegaray who are willing to Undertake like work on short notice Order 'may be left Joeph Jetochh corner Congra and Orleans streets 9 A Chicago Teibf Bupfomd to Detboit On Wednesday tost renchman named A Murat stole 700 and a silver watch from a fellow countryman in Chicago named Ansaaunt He came to thia city with the booty but closely hM he kept hidden that hl precise whereabouts are unknown 1 Niv Yovx July 26 THH DAMAGB BY TUB RAIN STORM The weather to day was fine The rain storm last night damaged tbe streets in south Brooklyn very materially The road bed ot the ifth avenue horse railway was washed away in several places and a large plot of made ground of Greenwood Cemetery was also washed away A portion of Hamilton avenue was washed into the bay and many bouses badly damaged by their founda tions being partially destroyed A large num ber of cellars were flooded and some 20000 to 30000 worth of damage caused in various ways It was tbe heaviest rain fall that has occurred within the same space of time for twenty years CASES ABDUCTION Mrs' Col Morrell was a few days since for cibly taken from her home by her brother and put into an insane asylum in Trenton New Jersey unknown to her busband The latter 1s now endeavoring by habeas corpus to obtain possession of his wife' She is perfectly sane Daniel was to day sentenced to prison for abducting a young girl and for re fusing to tell the Judge or the parents where he had secret her OIL TRAIN BURNED An oil train of sixteen cars was burned on the Erie Railroad near Port arv this morn i i THB STORM The storm last night was very severe in Westchester county and several avenues were under water this morning 1 mortality report The number of deaths this week was 782 TUB STRIKBi Of the three thousand bricklayers who struck for eight work and 4 50 per day all but one hundred are now working and these will be set at work next week upon buildings which have been put in their hands direct by the owners instead ol employing contractors 'ARRESTED Three boasting roughs were arrested to day and fined for attempting to rescue a prisoner from Blackwell lBand' M' A MONUMENT PROJECTED 1 A monument to the deceased members of the Corcoran legion is projected A TBRBIBLB ACCIDENT i's 'This evening Patrick Ronan while blasting rocks with nitro glycerine bad his hands blown off and hie eyes blown out by a premature ex plosion of the liquid He will not survive' i naav iwaiass Uridg Hab bl Calvert Sr IlabMs Gidy not out Hand not oat Syk Bala bR Habbin Walkar Hab bin 10 Calvert Jr Habbin 6 Bamford Hab bln 2 Morphy Kidgiey Habbin 12 14 2 To day at 9 a am the favorite fart sailing etoamer lorence will leave the dock at tbe foot of Woodward avenue with a broket party for fit Qhlr lata The excur sion will doubtlM be pleasant one and will probably find many patron 7 Christ Chubch Bishop Lee of Delaware will preach in Christ Church thto morning ti xi The socoqd servioe la Christ Chareh: for th next few weeks will be half part five 1 a ire 1 Naw Books We have received from the Michigan News Company New Testament and Cod and All Along Shore by Nordhoff They are published by Harper A Brothers Mbtborolouical Observations by Lora BlMk A Co optician No 194 Jefferson ave nue: a a Barcanar July Tim Baromatar Thenaoereter Wind WaoUxr 71 Hazy 87 8 Hazy 88 Hazy Thn Drummer Boy The Drummed Boy or tbe Battle oT Bhiloh an allegory consisting of six acts and seven tableaux will be present ed for the first time on Tuesday night at Young A good deal of money hro been expended in this enterprise and as it hM been gotten? up Asr th benefit of the end widow and orphan it i to be hoped that it will sanet with tbe aueces 1'4 ALlnghd John iRrtaUack a in well known eomimaeion house in thto city wm arrested yesterday the above charge hto wife being the eom ptairont He wm arraigned before Justice 8toli when he pleaded not guilty and gave 8500 boil for hto appearance on Thursday th 80th it Siisr tit jb Dreare I Svddhn A Ata Iron DwwiiD By th ainklD of the Morning Star on tbe night of th 30 th of June Balli A wife and Mabil daughter of Jno Garrett of thia city The funeral eervicee of both (the remain daughter only recovered) will be held at Elmwood Chapel on Taeeday at 9:30 al Bo perished the mother and her beloved child The leeeona of a pure and noble life eurvive the pertohing body of Mr Garrett though the water of Lake Erie atill hide her mortal form live In a bleeeed influence upon the live of all who knew her The pralae deareet to a true woman 1 juatly hershe wa a dutiful and affectionate daughter a faith ful and loving wife and a devoted mother May herbattered houaehold be comforted by the thought that she hue gone to her reward In every tempoat of fife may they aee the beloving hand of mother andchlld Inviting them to thfe heaven of peaceful and eternal reel1 A' Jj ifp'ti "i CisoiasAtr JntyM'' i Ths Remainder of tbe party who attempted to rob the Adams Expresa Company at Bsowu town the 10th rank Bparka John Moore and Henry were arrested in Col county HUnoto yesterday i 1 oLw 311 I Wladoar Items On' riday evening about eight a party jot six consisting of Wm Hut ton John Hutton and Geo Bartlett an) Kitty Dixonj Jennie Mason and Jennie McCalmey were out in a small boat near Windaoj when one of the oars falling overboard several of those In the boat reached after it simultaneously which capsized the boat throwing the ladies directly under IL All were rescued however by the united efforts' of a crew from the gunboat Cherub and the ferry Detroit 1 i Lt'Ci Yesterday rank Reno was before Justice Caron but the pro secutiqn asked for a further postponement until Tuesday which 'was granted I had no wine to eell exeept TsabMs that you 'had bought all ot my wine that I had gone out of the Mr Gravter went to Mr Wahoio I believe he bought a barrel wine of him not the same Mod of wine I mink that Mr Wehde eold you Wehole told ma that he had (old you all lhat kind and will not cell the tame to any cMMbut you Oher wine Win roU when called for ut i Reapeetfully yowe ssu ATWOOD GbaM Tbuik Railway 1 Buffalo Race 1 Detroit to Buffalo and Return 10 The Grand Trunk Railway Company will aeU Ueket during Monday Tueeday Wedneaday and Thursday Detroit to Buffalo and retur for ten dollars valid to return until Bunday August 2iL can vlail Niagara all everyday and at tend the greet race every afternoon Tickets for sale only at the oflloe corner of Jeflbraon and oodward avenue 1 Paeoenger Agent Pacific Mau Sts AMnirLi from New York to cr i' Rate per ateamer Arlzonia (ailing on the 14 of August 188' aioI I Second Cabin I Steerage 8126 and 90 60 HoT These extraordinary low rate include board and medical attendance or paaeage apply to Cha McCabe General Railroad and oreign Passage Agent corner of Jefferson avenue and Grlawold street Detroit 'Aa ktLtc TA 18 5 oaCossuarvios and a a blood purifler Dr Tar Byrup has no equal It 1 ncorporates itself with tbe blood and expels all impure matter It is sale effectual and pleasant to the taste Try a bottle Hf you have a friend auSering with any pul monary complaint send him a battle Bold by all druggists Lord A Smith General Western Agents Chicago "i (i re Th Howard stbist Congregation of Chrlatlan Dliciple will worahip In their new Meeting House corner orsyth and Plum Streets at the usual hour A cordial invitation is extended to all trorrna fisw i Mtreu Bam Islam July 39186? PBaiLlnh Hsu Degf Stir Tottr favor ot ttealSth inat to rooMvsd rid content aoUced Mr Gtartsr eatab With a Jette of tatrodas ttonto to and WiSMd'to putaa wire Itold him 1 I JlA1 i nJ i rt I1 oi ('' Wt A oul Play Apprehnmdsd Philadelphia July 34 Samuel Nichotooa a dry good merchant on the market has been missing siaoo tort nicht He left the city to visit the ails of the Schuyl kill and left there about nine in "the evening in a boat which was found drifting in the river this morning with hto hafTtoal andret He had with him a gold watch and con siderabto money and foul play to apprehended 'r fol 4 Movement of GeM Grnut and i i Omaha July 25 Gena Grant Bherman Sheridan and partyre thto evening at point 700 miles west of thto elty en rout for the end of the track The party to accompanied by Durant' Vice President and other qffleera of the Union pacific road rri be een by th accompanying gen eral orders and circular issued by command of Vice Commodore Blom Willi a grad regatta of the Detro River Navy for a prise cup chain and ornamental belt will take place on the Detroit on Wednesday evening the 29th Inst The boat of tbe navy have been divided into three ci with posi tion assigned to each and other minutiae of detail such as disciplinary movements of tbe fleet carrying flags dtc will give the occasion greater edat than any similar preceding on Dbtboit Ravia Navt Dtoit July 26 1868 Onural Orders No 3 1 The third review of this season to Include a regatta wifi take place on Wedneaday the 38th inL 2 Ths boats' of the navv exeeot those en taeoA fxa tha bsao oroltl aoewL In ihro modot off tbe boat bouM of the Detroit Boat toy whether it can ever be mad viuo azo wui no puweu PUUMSUU ny tne signal umcer 3 lag designating membership will be is sued to Meh boat excepting club boata'ad it to particularly desired that the boat shall have said flags upon thto occasion and to this enA a email staff furnished by the owner should be set in the bow three feet high measuring from the gunwale Tbe flags can be obtained by calling upon the Signal Officer foot of Woodward avenue between 11 a and 5 on Tuesday 4 The formation will be In two columns heading up stream with an interval between the columns of at least seventy fkthooqa or one hundred and forty yards to admit of the free peroage between the columns of the boats competing for the champion cup and each coxswain or person in command of tbe boats in these columns will be held responsible for keeping the position assigned until alter the boats shall have passed At the conclusion of the race the boats will be free to row where they please without further orders but the re view will sot be considered dismissed reporting later than half past six will not be admitted into the columns and will be re quired to keep entirely out of the track ot tbe racing boats i 5 After the bestowal of tbe prize which will be done immediately upon the announcement by the judges the boats will be formed in one column heading up stream and with tbe Camilla as flag boat at the head the move ment will be the left Arriving ofi Randolph street the column wall tun to the left Upon the completionof thi turn the entire fleet will rest while the flag boat peases down the column each crew saluting the Commodore a he passe with oars speak or waving ot fla Thto executed the parade will be considered dismissed but the band will remain on th flag boat and may prove an attraction to those who may choose to remain on the rivgr By orderef Vice Commodore Willi a PITTMAN Bfaual bfleer Gband Arthur Cowperthwaite a stone cutter in the employ of Messrs ind later A Brunton yesterday morning placed hto wallet containing ten dollars in what he con sidered a secure hiding place in a small out house adjoining the atone yard where he wM at work 1 A short time after placiag it there Cowperthwaite had occasion to pas near it and upon looking to if it waa yet there he was burprieed to find that It had been stolen He at once notified hto fellow workmen of the fact when one ot them Anthony Wilkin son by me appeared to act somewhat sus piciously and upon searching hto corner the missing property wa found snugly hidden un der his ilool chest When accused of having stolen the money he admitted tbe fact but protested that it was done as a Joke Cow perthwaite failed to comprehend it' however and Wilkinson Wm arrested on a charge of grand' larceny He wm committed for exami nation on Monday 1 1 Murdeb Will Last October thehop of William Peters on Monro avenue was burglariously entered and robbed of con eld erab to property among which vu watch No trade of either th thief or the property waa dkeovered until a day or two since when Peters' saw hto watch hanging in tbe show window of a Jewelry shbp No 198 Randolph street' He caused Mreh warrant to be Issued and an officer took' poroeeaiou ot th watch grading the teat ot ownership The Jeweler in whose shop It wro found toinnooMt o( any criminal knowledge concerning it man Named Trombley' having taken It thither for repairs Trombley claims to have got from third party Th cm will era up again next riday Centbal Station Johnson alias Smith fined 5 or fifteen days in the House of Correction sent up Roger John son drunk sentence suspended 'James ul lerton making noise by which the peace and good order of the neighborhood were dis turbed fined 5 or fifteen dqya in the House of Correction paid PoLfCB Court Alexander Stewart assault and battery lined 20 or sixty days in the Honse of Correction paid Robert Scott siinplu larceny sentence suspended VseriDea ot Llterar Noeletle To the Editor of Tbe Detroit ree ree Dstboit July 26 The writer noticing in your column that the CelMe Literary Society of thto city had thrown open their meetings to the public who were invited to ac cepted the invitation and listened with great pleasure and profit to the diacussion of the question whether the modern drama was de moralizing to the public which was handled in a masterly manner by the young men of tbe society and the remark made by one young gentleman I certainly have "learned a great deal thto evening and have been well repaid in coming two miles to hear thto de tromm oiHoro La blsv BOUIV iuit Anil movt Mr Editor we can have no idea of the real good effect such a society will have upon the young men of our city A taste for literary exercises once awakened In almost any young man is sure to lead to improvement and the real amount oi useful knowledge facta statistics that are brought ont in debate by intelligent young men who are earnest in their arguments careful in their statements and actuated by principles of that high and worthy order which are so common in a really first class literary society can only be estima ted by those who attend the meetings of such societies The Celtic we find has been in existence over three years has a large library and numbers among Its members some really eloquent young men and yet we were not aware of aueb a society in Detroit'': Why to to Mr Editor our fellow citizens do not take more interest in matters of this kind 7 It 1 not only young men who could be in structed by such a society but older meq afro 'Citizen I tZ McHale sergeant in the Metropolitan force yesterday tendered hto ipmLion action upon which will doubtless be taken at the next regular meeting of the commissioners MU I 1 2 Reduction or Pass By advertlMmentln another column It will be ertm that the Grand Trunk Railroad have reduced th fair by tiroir road to Buffalo for the next tour days Mormon Pbonlytns One hundred and fifty Mormons of both sexes gathered fromartou EaaterN States passed through thto eity yesterday rossls to th home of Brigham Johan Baekley who reside on Abbot street recently became Inaanfe iM ate yntajtoy'? a it i Lzt ALUdesIrous of purchasing the best book published at about halt price go and examine the extensive variety of valuable book now in store at Cheap Book House 121 Jefferson avenue Caaftor Bal i or the purpose ot enlarging our business we have opened an exclusive Carpet Honse 601 Broadway New York and will sell the balance of our Carpete1 regardless of cost for the next Twenty Days tn order to consolidate our business there i Jamis Nall Js a Co 74 Woodward avenue Bhmmbb Dazas Goods closing out less than cost at i Oso Boots ahd Best work latest styles and lowest prices Call and satisfy yourselves that these are facts at new Boot and Shoe Btoro 166 Jefferson avenue four doors west of Woodward avenue celebrated Extracts and Toilet Articles fur sale everywhere i Rsad Da Da advertisement tn another umn headed Private Matters AN OIL TRAIN BURNED ON THE ERIE RAIL i I I i By Machine'1 i I MM Rrt jj What is tbe end of life To sleep And dream while pts row and reap 1 Or 1 It when we all awake' To plunge in coffee roll and steak or what are we all living To woo and wed the one so dear 7 To laugh to s'gh or play the sot 7 le this the end 7 Why surely not i I 'i What do we live for people ask in JV ls It to plot some giant task 'And when success would trove as warm To strut and take the world by storm 7 Do we exist for dally strife i That adds a thorn to daily life 7 kNo no I plain to eye We live to use the'KaoMsa Dratl Hair Dye Natural Harable Beautiful Beet and Cheepeet in the Word Bold by all Drug gists and Oeonhy Storekeeper ro I Goon Naw von Tnn Through the urgent request of many Dr Darrin hro concluded to remain st the Garrison House until on or about September Dr Darrin will positively yemaln no longer than above stated therefore tt will be necca eery for those suffering wilh'chronlc disease to call soon semuiy such eases used a sound treatment rom What has come to our notlcs we i have no hes itancy tn recommending all our Mends in affliction to eall bn this noted benehmtor as he Is certainly performing many wonderful cures without th aid of median or surgery ((l un Oohosst i A ree Bacred Concert ie given at the German Theater on Rivard street every Bunday Wheirthe mnric ia of the very beet kind? Mesera Beltzjiolto' let knd Simms pianist preside Concert eotnmen oe at SJf tb This Hall la the' coolest and moet deUghtfalplaoetospendan afternoon fl JBABTESsic Proprietor fl Mr J'b Gravter hevtng falsely represented by hie advertisements that he has for sale the cele brated Atwood Catawba Wine I would call the at tention ef friends end 'the public generally to the following totter from Capt Atwood hlmaelf by Which It will eppror tb whole of the Atwood Catawba win eras purehasad by ms 'some time Habbin Sykes Bamtord 1 run out Habbin DG cGiddey I Bamford 9run out 5 Morpny 4 Morphy Bury 2 Morphy Morphy 3 Bamford 3 Bamford Bury 0 Bury 0 bBury 0 notout 0 1 am rraalMS to be tievetoped lMifWty 1 i x'Sm dwh Turf Proapecta Yesterday subscription papers were circula ted In the city for the purpose of raising the necessary amount of stock to form an associa tion to bold a grand national horse fair at tbe Park this season at such time as may bert suit the convenience of the stockholders Tbe figure fixed is 10000 and there is little doubt but that sum can easily be obtained a the lew already vlaUoA UmpOSeO IO Subscribe liberally On Monday evening meeting will be held for the purpose oi effecting perma nent organization and electing officers and a board of directors' There 1 no reason why such a project shonM not succeed a well here as in BnAlbieago and other places DararallKKk large number of eporting Jr for Buffalo to be present st the fair tobe held there thi week and Monday night will in all probability wit ness still greater exodus in that direction It is said that no lero than nineteen horses en tered for the 10000 premium Melton and Victor Hugo being among the number The excitement over the Buffalo meeting and the several smaller fairs throughout the State have had the effect of making business on our own track rather dull for the preaent but doubtless ere ipng we shall have some in teresting matches besides the great attractions to presented st the approaching meeting at which it is expected that Lady Thorne Mountain Boy Lucy Rich Rockey Bashaw Cooley: and other first class horses besides those in our own State will be present Cricket A friendly game of cricket was played on the Peninsular's ground Saturday afternoon between the Phoenix Club and a mixed eleven of the Peninsulars containing four meh of their first eleven and the others second eleven men The game was sharp enough to be interesting but was all on one side The Peninsulars won by 3 tallies with eight cricket to spare The following is the score: 1 Im Dnlly 1 davLaft? Its 1 day 1 4fay 93 dyV25 0 1 month ram4dMmMV1sar Me: Mo 1 rabavq sent day Wa 4 iw Hne etch lBBT COLVNW lMT Une each eubeeqaent day Be 7 P9 I wekl to" XTmZw VCJhVffioX 1 1 9io 3 month 9 00 ionthsi3 monte 5 Veto of the Bureau 4 'n" ii' a The Bill Concerning ofAmerioan Citizens Abroad!) 9 "1 aa Passed qlU 1 tf Of floe fortheNew Territory of Wyoming Nominated i M'ku I iewt Gov cc Cox of Missouri Coafirmed as Commissioner of Patents HENRfe WATTS PENNSYLVANIA' CON IRMED AS MINISTER JO AUSTRIA t' 1 WEEKLY CDUENCY ST ATEfiEMT I A 'Ac fcc s' Mt: I WASHIXOTOH July 25 I NOMINATIONS Th President to day sent to the inatlon for the following officer for the now Territory of Wyoming A Paddock Gov ernor Owen Roberta secretary a Haw ley receiver of pnbfic moneyd Zf 4 well register of the Jand offlee Hiram Le tham Surveyor General Also Holland Smith postmaster at 8aii rancisco 1 1 CONIRMATIONS The Senate to day unanimously confirmed LieuL Gov CC Cox of Missouri to be Com missioner of Patents Milligan of Tennesse Judge Of Court of Claim Henry Walts of Pennsylvania Minister to Austria Wm of New York Consul at Leeds Silas Axtell Assessor of Internal Revenue for tho Third District of California Burnham Assessor aud Theodore Jlbell Collector for the (Second District of California Alvin Hawkins at Havana Ben Jamin Gerrlsh Jr at Nantes McCauley for the lathead Indian of Mon tana NichoU Quintard of the Indiana iu New Mexico 8 ergusson Beach Attorney for West Virginia Coft' Consul at Valencia Matthew Meigs oi Pennsylvania at Pieracns A Clark Burveyor Geheral of Utah Cullen Superintendent of Judian Aftrirs for Idaho and Montana Worthington Minister Resident to Uruguay A Consul at Tahiti A Paddock ot Nebraska Governor of Wyoming Omar Roberts of Indiana Becretaiy of Wyoming KSJKCTION8 Tbe Senate rejected John Dawson Min ister of Prussia John A McCleruaud Minis ter to Mexico and Perrin Chief Justice ot Utah Ewing Laright Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Twenty first District oft Penn sylvania Gould paymaster in the army Charles Peters navel officer in New York The Senate to night rejected the nomination of Noah Jeffries aa Commissioner of inter nalRevenue ARMY WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK The (Secretary of War has appointed' a tidard of officers to assemble at New York on the 27th Inst to consider the subject of providing an army warehouse in that city WEEKLY CURRENCY STATEMENT' The fractional currency issued for the1 weekwas $262390 amount shipped 8544000 Uni ted Stales notes forwarded $1208540 Na tional bank notes issued $90680 fractional currency destroyed $425611 REVENUE RECEIPTS The ilntcrnal revenue receipts to day were 368996 and for the fiscal yean to date THE BILL CONCERNING THtj RIGHTS I AMERICAN CITIZENS AJSBOAD The 'following is the bill concerning tho rights ot American citizens In foreign Slates as amended and passed by the Senate IKhereas The right ot expatriation Is a na tural and inherent right of all people and In dispensable to the enjoy mSnt ot' the rights of liberty life and the pursuit ot happiness And Whereas Tn the recognition of this prineijile this government has freely received emigrants from all nations and Vested them with lights of citizenship And Whereas It is claimed that such American citizens with their descendants aro subjects of foreign States owing allegiance to the governments thereof And Whereas It is necessary to'the main tenance of public peace that the claim of lor eign allegiance shall be promptly and finally disavowed therefore Section 1 Bo it enacted That any declaration instruction opinion order of de cision pt any officers of this government which denies impairs or questions the right of expatriation is hereby declared to bo inconsistent with the fundamental principles ot the government Sec 2 And be it further enacted that all naturalized citizens of the United States while In foreign States shall be entitled to and shall receive from this government the same protec tion of persons and property that is accorded to native born citizens in like situation and clr cumstanccs 8ec 3 And be further that when ever it shall be made known to the President that any citizen of the United States has been unjustly deprived of his liberty by or under the authority of a foreign government it shall be the duty of the President to demand of that government the reasons for such impris onment and if it appears to be wrongful aud in the rights of American citizen ship foe President will demand the release of such citizen and if the release so demanded is unreasonably delayed or refused It shall be the i duty of the President to use such means not amounting to acts of war us be may think ne cessary and proper to obtain or effect such re v'Z lease and all the facts and proceedings relative: thereto shallaa soon as practicable be commu nicated by the President to Congress VETO THE BUREAU BILL' The following to the President's veto Oi the Bureau bill: To the Senate ol the United States Believing that a bill entitled an act relating to the Bureau and providing for Its discontinuance interferes with the appoint ing power conferred by the Constitution upon the Executive and for other reasons which at thia late period in the session time will not 1 permit me to state I herewith return it to the Senatein which bouse it originated without my approval L' (Signed) ANDREW JOHNSON' 1 Wahhisuton July 26th 1868 I DEICIENCY BILL'bIGNBD' The President to day informed the that he had signed the Deficiency Appropria tion bill' which appropriates over halt mil lion dollars lor reconstruction purposes 'MALTREATED AND ROBBED i Capt Queen was attacked by a gang of ruffians last night In a lot east of the Executive Mansion bis throat gashed and otherwise horribly maltreated and robbed He will probably recover 7 'v 7 i i I PzisxsviLLS Ohio July 25 The while business portion of Chardon Ohio has been burned The Court House and the whole west side to the hotel were de stroyed The buildings are supposed to have been set on fire by some one not known "fl 'l 53 July 25 pork packing establishment at Quincy' was destroyed by fire yesterday Loss15000 I Lowxll July 25 The roof oi the Lowell Machine Shop a brick building four stories high aud lour hundred feet long was destroyed by fire last night Considerable damage was done to the machinery Los 100000 One thousand men are temporarily thrown out of employ ment' reshet' in Pannsy One Man Um fl I Allsstown Pa Jujy 25 and Jordan Rivers'rose sudden ly at two this morning and flowed above eight feet feet over low water mark a good deal of damage to property was done Sev eral loaded' canal boats were carried below Two bridges were washed and one man' drowned by: running over a dam in a canal" 1 boat Bertens Two Men' Killed '1 Boston July St A large elevator in the Oxford sugar relin 1 ery in Broad street fell through six or seven stories to the cellar this afternoon owing to the breakage of an Iron shaft which supported it alcove sUpea it there were three men named Richard Donovan Antoine Taylor and retz Karting The two former were killed instantly and the latter lived but few mo menta i i' 'vifAuc 3 lo ia id 11 Scnllinc Moteh fi i WosossTss Mass July 25: Arrangements have been made for a match n' race for single scull wherries between John Tyler and Josh Ward lor $1000 a side dis tance three miles one turn ou the 21st of Au gust st Hprlugfleld i ip i i '1 4 Wobcistsb July 25 The tnae ball match between the 'University nines ol Harvard and Yale thia afternoon re suited ip a victory lor the Harvards by a score Of25tol7 I in 1 tLete hr Drewwlmg Bsffabo July 25 Henry' Roez a well known confectioner drowned htmself in foe harbor to day Nosuae is aealgued fos the act In 8 I.

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