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Detroit Free Press du lieu suivant : Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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5lm Mr A Mnd? yw 1)4 3 flMWftai JirroR 0 I A riT ghbrajiw jy' i i report of the fiimoial condition of the Church oust SPECIAL DISPATCHES AR RES MR ARTHUR' in na 4 ft S' ArrivaUof Steamship Bavaria gi Bl seventy thousand Enfield rtflsa ton rifisii cannon 1 D8 4i S' 1 Great Consequent Excitement upon the oreign Market ANNOUNCEMENT THAT ENGLAND AND RANCE WILL 1NTEHP0SE IN MEXICAN AAIRS of Ho is Charged with JBreach of the Neutrality Laws 1 Li rXj) vt kV ALLEGED BREACH THE OREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT The Steamer Bermuda Carries Gunpowder Bifles Cannon Shoes: Clothing Quinine and Morphine to Savannah enouaL 5 Major Goldsmith in behalf of several gen tlemen of thia city recently purchased a Ken tucky thoroughbred stallion and presented it to Brigadier General Williams The following acknowledgment has been re ceived: xM ATTORNEY GENERAL BATES PRO NOUNCES RETENTION A PUBLIC CRIME THE REBELS IN ULL POSESS ION ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO A ULL ACCOUNT THE LOSS THE ANNY COLONEL RANKIN ARRESTED AT TORONTO MICHIGAN ANNUAL' CONERENCE THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH the to one the EROIAL INTELLIGENCE Crane George Bradley Law The eighth question who are the superannua ted preachers was taken np RSvs Sabin PitezJl garker Crane and Abbott were in the superannuated relation B3V8 8 Woodward and Westlake were at their own reouest made effective? Bev Jaaokes reported on behalf of the the committee on the Colon Seminary appointed a year ago that iq ponrequenca of the financial embarrassments at present existing they deem ft inexpedient to urge the adoption of the preposi tion heretofore presented to the Conference but bold the same in abeyance until a more favora ble time meanwhile they recommend as a Board of Visitors to examine into the condition and management of the school' the preachers in charge of Three Rivers Centreville and Sturgfa The report was adopted1 Rev Boynton from Committee on Al bion College reported that this our long cherish ed institution la still er joying a high degree of prosperity Since our last session the full cow ers of a college have been procured by an amend ment to the charter The financial condition of the college is such as to insure its success during the present crisis but precludes the increase of the endowment fund at present It is hoped I however that ere long thia may be done They submitted the following resolutions: JZmoZ4 That we are highly gratified with the present prosperous condition of this institution end renew cur oft repeated pledges for its sup Resolved That we heartily approve the propo to enlarge the endowment fund to one hun dred thousand dollars and will cordially co ope rate with tbe Trustees in this important work Tho oomiplttoe recommended 8 Walker Esq and Rav Penfield as Trustees They were so elected by ballot The Bishop appointed Binex President Olds Professor in tbe Albion College £Oa motion Rev Carpenter was granted a lo cation The committee in the case of Pratt reported that es tbe accused could not bring in certain evidence at tbe present time they re commended tte referring of the whole subject to another select committee of fifteen to sit some time during tbe interval of tbe Conference The report and recommendation of the committee was adopted The sermon thia evening will be delivered by Rav Mr Taylor of California Tbe Conference then adjourned to meet at 8 to morrow SKIRMISH ON THE MISSIS SIPPX ir dlato application An tog imported into England nt thereto of nine opportunity to thousand per annum 3RH 3HTJ ThejAgent of the Muakegou Church resumed his report Restated that the entire indebted ness of tbe Church at tbe present time Is $4 880 54 Remould nos state exoctiy'the assets but believed the amount to be somewhere near two thousand dcllans!) Rav Gillett formerly Agent of the Church made a lengthy' review of the report tending to exculpate himself from blame which the report cart upon him On motion the financial statement which was made by the Agent was accepted and orderedplaced on fie Rsv Bannett as Treasurer of the' Tract So clety presented the following report BXCSIPTS Kalmzoo rutriot Coldwater District Niles Dhtriot 0rn3 Bapida Dlatrlot Our Recent Victories in Western Virginia Believed to Have i Made the Union Cause Secure There' VOLUME Cnr3 Bacb SackvIUo Oct 5 The steamship Bavaria from Hamburg vu Southampton the 25th of September waa board ed off the Cape at 10 o'clock thia (Saturday) evening The dty artlole of the 25h says that great excitement prevailed in the foreign markets consequent upon a distinct repatitloa of tbe an nouncement that rance and Spain will intervene in the affairs of Mexico Mexican stock advanc ed more than 2 per cent and waa quoted at 25f A downward tendency in English funds oontia ued Conacls 93i93 for money and 93j for ao count Virginia Illinois zxd Erie shares had advanoed' Japan attempt tras made at KawoghazA by armed asasins July 6th to murder the is mates of tbe British Legation Tso were wound ed and the rest escaped InvxBPOoi Sept Cotton sales Monday and Tuesday were 55000 bales Including 33000 bales to speculators exporters market has been excited and prices i(td higher since ri day and at the close prices were utill tending up word Advices from Manchester repert a slight adj vanco in all descriptions of goods but the ites ware small BBSADsrtnmi tending downward and all "de aoriptiona lower Wakefield Nsab Co Richard son Spence Co report fionr dull and declined 6d Batea of American at 28ig30 Wheat fieri 2dl lower red western 10b 6dlls 10 rea' southern 1212a3d white western white southern 12a13e Com easier mixed SOa 6d30s fid yellow 30a white Provisions dull Bsof dull Pork (Ocrtinuad on the tb pgs) ob Laks Tee fart low pressure rtem bot Cleveland Capt 8 Miller will leave for tion waa poetponed for WiAtUpW Bev A Ormsby formerly a partor in the Methodist Church havfng taken tt usual vows waa recognised aa an Eider and nJ year with a good heart causes are patent to there had been a falling receipts from the Baltimore Total amount paid out 38 26 Carbon hand 00 Rsv Camburn presented the following resolutions which were adopted' 'w Whtrecu certain papers have been presented to Conference involving the moral cbarac ter Rava A Eldred and Law instigated as we believe by an expelled member of tbe Metho dist Episcopal Church and Wh rtat Il may be necessary to use said pa pers to secure the honor and integrity of the otirob therefore Ruobud That the joretary be and hereby is Uutruotedto permit tbe above brethren to use said papers to sbeure tbo hforesald object rlHjaeokM Dstroit Sept 30 186L Ma job Dear Siri I beg you to make known to the gentlemen who unitedin pur chasing for me the thoroughbred horse York my most heartfelt acknowledgements of this costly token of their regard I recognize in the list of donors long known and valued friends There is to one leaving home under clrcum stances of much responsibility a high and espe cial value of encouragement of rpprobation friendly cheering in these gifts of esteemed friends which no one can fully realize without experience I feel it now to Its full extent and gratefully ac knowledge the pleasure and encouragement this mark of regard and has given me It will be my endeavor not to forfeit the good opinion Of friends long known and much loved Thanking you for your personal interest in this matter I beg you to believe me Your faithful friend and obedient servant A 8 WiIjLTA 8 THE LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Rsoobdbb'8 Coubt The Ootobar tbe Ccnrt commenced this morning at the City Hall Hon Henry A Morrow prs siding The following is tho list of esses: Johanna Dannltn Using insulting language Discharged ohn Galliaer Using insuring language' Nolle pro Anthony Bhuel Using insulting language Dismissed James Using insulting language Set tled John Using insulting language Con tinued Andrew Using insulting language ined ten dollars or twenty days House of Correction John Mcee Using insulting language kined five dollars or ten days in House of Correction Bridget Uing insulting language Dis charged on entering into her own recognisance to abstain from liquor for one year William Moore Maintaining a nuisance Con tinued Mary Keeping house of ill fame Capiaa order to issue Joseph Information for passing coun terfeit bUL Plead not guilty Thomas Burna Assault andbattery in resisting au officer Plead guilty Alcnso Larceny frompersou It will be observed that the notorious Mrs Mc Kenzie who has been so often brought before the notice of the public has left to avoid her trial At her late examination before the Police Court she was admitted to bail and thus escaped the punishment she eo richly deserve What in duced tho Police Justice to take the? bail which he did This is a question that has been repeat edly argued and as often avoided There is a mpstery about the case which should ba cleared up that people may know who is to be blamed and who is not Alonzo simple larceny Withdrew hla former plea not guilty and pleadgpiilty House of Correction for three months Mary recognizance forfeited George Hamilton and George infermr tion for larceny from shop ln day llme Both plead? not guilty Beparato fitted find granted i 8 08 12 18 CO 2 00 i 6 00 9th st 2 or freight or psasss apply to Jomr Hurosivos Co foot of Griswold etrect morning st 3 aged Myaan 4 months and 5 days mnersl to day the Sth at 2 from Sts' Chnich WrwulwmvA i kvennS and Hfmh Street rienosof the amily are invited to attend in ovy on monday October 7th John Can aged wU1 itteptwe'en thirnrt'fro'm his reeidonce on Tilh street between Abbott and Porter Hon of our most prominent men Major General remont has authorized Captain Chad wiqkj of Battle Creekto organlza a corpsof engineers and mechanics for service in Missouri Persona federal OICERS TA KJSIV TO RICHMOND sJt ROM WASHINGTON 'NbwYobk Oct 7 The' President has decided that hereafter all contracts and appointments for the Western De partment shall be made In the regular way and through the ordinary channels Brigadier Gen eral Strong win also be authorized to mtte such changes in as chief of the be shall deem bestV Nothing but the imperative demands 'of pub lic laterert will induce the government to supersede remonf The Attorney Gen eral is unreserved in his expression of opinion concerning General remont and does not hesi tate topronounee his retention a public crime A full consultation on the whole subject will be held to morroin ir Cabinet meeting The publicity given Ita tho violation of the Savannah blockade by tha British' steamer Bermuda Jfii Uo proceeded from GEN MANSIELD GONE TO HATTERAS iNLET TO't TAKE COMMAND Special Dispatch to The Detroit ree Press Tobomto Out A ABB18T COL BANKIN Colonel Rankin member of the Provincial Par liament and authorized by the ederal govern ment to raise a regiment of Lancers to readez vous at Dstroit was arrested here yesterday for breach of the neutrality laws He left home at Windsor riday evening and arrived here Sat urday a severe penalty is attached to the of fence Washington Oct 7 1 OBTBX83 THZ AWNXB 1 The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from or tress Monroe All is quiet there aad on the Po tauac A A vessel goes to ortress Mcnroo to day with a large quantity of shot and shell The Pawnee is now at the navy yard Niv Yobk Oct 7 IMPOBTANT ABB1ST This morning Captain Barry late commander of the steamship Columbia was arrested and sent to ort Lafayette charged with being in the em ploy of the rebels The police have been search ing for him since September 24th He Is tbe Captain that hoisted the palmetto flag on hie veasei in Charleston harbor last winter TUB NATIONAL DXBT A special to the Commercial Washington 7 sayst It is estimated that the national debt will be three hundred millions of dollars on the first of next December ABIZONA AND NSW MXXICO The secessionists have full possession of Ari zona and New Mexico THS UNION CAUBX IN WBSTXBN VIBGINIA The result of the recent battles in Western Virginia are thouggt here to have rendered that entire section to the Union OUB LIN28 Oar lines are now extended below Creek In tho direction of Mount LOBS THE ANNY Difpstobes to the Associated Press Washington Oct 6 The following is the statement of the master cf the anny: Hattbbas Oct I left in the anny for noggernead inlet Arriving there at 1 we anchored and waited two hours and a half before we got communication from shore About two thirds of the way to the shore we saw a steam boat to the westward about 4 which prov ed to be one of the enemy She waa standing to cut off our retreat and in a abort time two more appeared stealing directly for us The firstone then steamed in and commenced firing upon us and as soon as the other two came up they did the same We returned the fire with nine shots striking one of their boats in the bow Then Captain Hart of the Twentieth Indiana Regiment suggested a surrender saying It is no use fighting against such odds and requested us to hoist the white flag Tho mate of the boat and the few soldiers then turned to and threw over baard some 30 cases of ammunition when Capt Hart forbtd them throwing any more overboard Captain Hart than suggested that the chain be slipped and the boat run ashore'The white flag was then hoisted and the qrew left in their boats We endeavored to get boats to carry off the sol diers of the enny but could not do so To the best of my opinion they had plenty of time from our arrival to that of the enemy to have got everything on shore from the anny if sufficient boats had been employed in the transportation of the stores so that we could have destroyed the vessel i A ESCAPE PRISONERS ROM RICHMOND 5 Baltimobx Oct The Old Point boat brought up a number cf refugees from Norfolk including some released crews from priza vessels CoL Da Villier the instructor of Coll Eiisworth who was taken prisoner by ex Govercor Wise in Western Virginia came up in the boat having es caped from prison and made his way along the ames River to Newport News' He escaped along with twelve others who were arrested and taken He by disguising himself and affecting lameness succeeded in escaping He describes the sufferings of the prisoners ca great and their treatment as barbarous one of them having been shot from the street by a woman He has gone to Washington with much important information gleaned on his journey A six hundred and five pair shoes and a large quan fTT wMava viubbilgj IUMI Ui nsiy BinouBt ci quiruio Soizoz strances against her sailing and completing her cargo were made by Charles rancis Adams in London but the oreign Office did not feel at lit erty or would not sea its obligation to arrest the unlawful voyage Colonel Sir John Da Courbey distinguished in the Crimean war haa been commissioned by Governor Dennison Colonel of the Sixty eighth Ohio Regiment and will leavo to morrow to take command Captains Jcha Mason and Crook pf I REMONT TO RE ALLAWH EM flO the regular army are also tn have Ohio rnlnJ I WCV nil Ur "The dispatch says: Sprsguo of Rhodo Island will it is understood be promoted to a Maior GenerslshiD Gen Stonewaii the chief of' cavalry la Gene ral staff will to merrow order all Colonels of cavalry to report to the Examining Board for examination as to their quail 1 ucations xais excellent move will be I followed up by similar orders to the Lieutenant Colonels Mtjors and company officers successively There will bs to morrow the grandest artillery ana cavairv review ever witnessed cn the con tinent' It will include six regiments of cavalry and twenty complete batteries and ROM ORTRESS MONBOE ort Monbob Oct 6 The steamer Spaulding has sailed for Hatteras Izlet General Wool returned to Old Point this morn ing and will doubtless remain General Mansfield goes to Hatteras Inlet cn tbe Spaulding to awumo chief command Commissary John Clark late editor of the Boston Courier was on tiie propeller anny but left with the first bond load of stores and thus es caped being made a prisoner The toaptain of the anny is severely censured as it appears The rebel vessels were not seen until within four miles of the propeller 1 On Thursday two tug boats having the Surque launches in tow and laden wlth the re maing stores of the Twentieth Indiana Regiment left Hatteras Inlet for the encampment of the regiment but it was rumored before the sailing of the Pawnee that they had abandoned their posi tion ana were on their way toHatteras Inlet MOVEMENT GEN BANKS Dabnestown Md Oct 4 This morning guns were heard in the direction of erry At three o'clock this General Banks rode thither and has not yet returned It is surmised the firing was from our guns to protect the preparations said to be progressing there for crossing the river The irst Brigade commanded by Gen Abercrombie is now resting near Dawsonville I AAIRS IN MISSOURI St Louis Oct 7 A spacial to the Democrat Jefferson City 7tn says: Little doubt is entertained here that Price is on his way South with the main body of his army the force reported to be making de monstrations near Georgetown and Sedalia being merely a detachment for the purpose of keeping our advance engaged When last heard from advance guard was at Clinton in Henry county It le supposed Price will push on to the Arkansas line Gen remont will follow him closely and give him battle wher ever he can find him force of between 3000 and 4000 rebel cav airy were seen near Litton to day whose objact la presumed to be to get between an advance and this place and fall upon some stray regiment or transportation train going out Colonel Coffee of BcoaevlUe passed through here the other day for St Louis but it haa since been ascertained that he 13 on his way north with important documents containing the official i recora or the proceedings of the mock Logfefr tore held Lexington scout from Linn Creek reports the probable Cf tha nnfztrlrnB mXaI wwsv SVMO4 IDttUCT DiUV AU Johnson who while moving some of Torbet Co powder riday night was dangerously wounded by the explosion of one of the kegs I remont and staff will probably leate for Sedalia to A special to the St Louis Republican says in military will avoid 4 Special DispatchM to The Detroit ree Washixoton Got 7 THNCTNAMMS THrLADlLPHXA AND BALTtMOBE The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from ortreu Monroe The steamer Baltimore has sailed thanco with nlarge amount of heavy shells and shot OmCXKS OKDXBXD TO DUTY ORDERED WEST Dispatches to ths Associatea Praia Washington Ort 7 Capt Dore late of the Pooahontaa haa beeo ordered to the western waters for duty The Pocahontas is at the yard to exchange her pro B3nt armament for a heavier one LINCOLN THE BALTIMORB ANU OHIO RAILROAD Washington Oct 7 A special to the New York Commercial aayst Lincoln Cavalry l4oo strong were in spected and reviewed by Gen McClellan to day Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company expect soon to resume work on the section be tween erry aad Cumberland They have assurances of government DIRECT NEWS ROM RICHMOND Nxw York Oct 7 wm Hurd who waa first officer of th3 bark Glen of Portland Mo captured by the privateerDixie on the 23 1 of July last arrived in this city to day on his way to Portland Ke was reiB on parole and taken under a flag of truce to ort Monroe whence he reached Baltimore and came to this city by railroad having been in Richmond bat flva weeks and not being closely watched te became acquainted with a considerable number Union prisoners Ho states that he man Ely two or three days before leaving Ricti mond on Saturday last aad that Mr Ely desired him to say that he should stand firm to the last Mr Hurd brings a list of the office taken to Richmond since tho departure of ths surgeon recently released Among them ore Capt James Banz Company I Tenth Ohio Regl ment residence Cincinnati Onto Lieutenant a Chiffer Company Sixth Ohio regiment Lieutenant James arron Company irst Ken tucky Regiment residence Onoinnstl Captain Ths Cox Company I irst Regiment Ken tucky Dr Wm letcher Sixth Indiana Regi ment arrested as a spy Capt Ralph Hunt Com pany irst Kentucky Regiment residence Springfield Onio Lieutenant Hancock Nineteenth Indiana Regiment residence Spence Indiana Lieutenant Gilman Company Sixth Ohio residence Cincinnati SKIRMISH ON THE MISSISSIPPI Cairo Oct 7 The gunboats Tyler and Lexinitnn trr down the river to day and fell to with the rebel boat Jeff Davis and chased her within two miles of Columbus when the batteries on tho Kentucky shore opened on them Tae rebate used some twenty guns and coms of their rifled cannon The engagement lasted an hour No damage was done to the boats The rebel loss Is not ascertained GENERAL REBEL PICKETS Washington Ool 7 Gen McDowell Is to be made Mcj General volunteers Rebel pickets advancs cnly in the day to a hill a mile beyond all's Church and retire further back from the hill at night THREE DAYS LATER ROM EUROPE u' Ute a i rjm jc I i VKrJriVrMWlllGANTU OCTOBER 8 1861 been ordered to duty on MfealMippI gun boats TROOPS AT WASHINGTON During the last ten days troops have continued to pour Into Washington es rapidly as before neadbio arrangements for camping toe city would convey the idea that there are lew troops hero so fe are seen immediately IQ ue GXN WOOL Gen Wool returned to ortress Monroe GXN MANSIELD Gcd Mansfield has conn tai HatteraB TBXXOKT remont viu be allowed an opportunity to ro trleve the Union cause in Missouri before be is recalled This determination hA 5 4tvfnl tratiou is regarded with universal disfavor here It la thought that Missouri will be sacrificed fo toe sake of rcmont who has proved utterly in competent seems to be the belief circles here that Price a battle with remont if possible but other's en tertain the opinion that he intends a sur prise upon some point the least pro tected and that wo shall have a fight in a few days remont designs to follow the robe army into Aikanssa and force them to fight wherever he can encounter them The Paymaster who brought one million two hundred thousand dollars to pay off the troops to toe 3 1st August have discharged their dutv and returned to St Louie Claib Jackson is reported to be route for Texas The farmers of Peltia county recently effsred to furnish Gen remont gratia hundred ana fifty thousand dollars worth of grain for his army Capt Champaon the rebel who waa here last week haa been arrested as a spy In Georgetown auu is now a prisoner" A Iargo Expedition fitting out Against Mexico New Yobk Oct 7 The Times' dispatch says: Highly important advices have been received from Cuba by the steamer Karnak The Spanish war steamer Leon waa waiting at Cadiz for the result of toe Cabi net conference relative to the European coalition against Mexico that advices of the ultimatum of Spain might be immediately dispatched to tbe Governor General of Cubs In toe meantime an expedition is being fitted out at Havana for Mex ico under pretext of going to Ban Domingo The expeaiuon consists of six batteries of howitzers and 10000 men and will be ready to start by the latter part of next month It la given out that Spain ia taking these steps against Mexico on her own responsibility but the advices to which I have access state definitely that the English and rench are to send their quota of men as well as co operate with their fleets in toe Gulf The whole country will be startled by the extent of this movement and the end in view The regulation of Mexico ia its least important oljsct It looks farther ter mechanics and accountants to enter a branch hipif jkjioOK fflTIONS fl 4 To'tiw Kdiioi of The Dstroit ree btwi xt Gj so uro a fa toe appropriations which have been placed to the credit of the various Conferences and have been given up by the respective Confer ences In thia way $13000 have been realized Money which has been in the own power to use for their own personal relief has been generously given up It fe an instructive fact and one which should stir the church to its foundations 000 the Dstroit Confer ence has contributed $2100 and the Michigan Conference $L' 00 As an illustration of the growth of demestio missions the speaker cited that of the western States Thirty years ago one Conference em braced the States of Indiana Illinois Michigan Iowa and Wisconsin extending to Lawrenceburg on the south Galena on tho Mississippi and west indefinitely This vast area was traversed by less than one hundred ministers To day there are twenty Conferences 2131 pastors 3000 local preachers 278860 members and church property to toe amount of $4441000 After the singing of the Missionary Hymn Rsv Wm Taylor of California was introduced and made a short address He said that even in this country many people thought It an easy mat ter and all right that the minister and his family should exemplify piety in their conversation and actions but that it fa quite a different thing for a man immersed in business to spend his time at prayer meetings aad aot according to the principles of religion This fa precisely the argument of the heathen in foreign nations A Christian minister comes among them and they are contented to believe that hfa religion will do for him but that after all their own fa much bet ter for them People of foreign nations are prone to think themselves the best of all on earth and that other nations barbarians Thia Is especially true of the Chinese but when the Chi naman comes to this country he soon fays aside wooden shoes and fantastic dress and adapts him self to English customs and if he is converted and educated he fa oat the man to become a missionary among his own countrymen Califor nia contains a large population of Chinese and in view of toe above facts is one cf toe most im 1 portant fields for missionary labor The importance of children ns missionaries to convert men at home was urged they have a naturalness a directness of appeal that older persons do not possess It fa not the muscular man that can manage the terrible beasts but the Bible says A little child shall lead It is net the Doctors of Divinity cr the dignita ries of tbe church that most easily persuade men into the heavenly way but the simplicity end earnestness of children discourage them by telling them they can do nothing in the great work of evangelizing the world Give their little I hands something to do and you will find that i they are among the most efficient missionaries for Christianity After the exercises toe follo'ing were elected officers of tbe Conference Uiisslonary Board for toe ensuing year: Burns Vice Preside' Johnson Robinson Edmonds Sunday Morning Oct 6 The church was filled to overflowing on Sur day morning by those anxious to listen to the discourse by Bishop Ames The text taken was: JO Jeaua did the which if they ahoaid be written every one I euppoee that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written The speaker said in introducing tbe subject that there fa a large class who like Thomas are slow to believe It had been the greatest plague of his own religious life this want of faith On the principle that ministers generally speak oftenest and most warmly on subjects that they are most deficient he had chosen for toe subject of his dis course one which might not interest the members of tbe Conference or those of the audience more advanced in yeste Many affect to look down oontemptuoualy upon the followers of toe Bible as though they might I obtain some higher eleyatlon upon which to pin their faith Xbeir preouoes are cut the modern stamp of toe old form of infidelity of which mention fa made where It speiks of wizards who I peep and mutter He had met one of these per sons who had reproached him for clinging to the gospel when a newer revelation had been made He said to him that the first learon that bls Puri tan mother taught him as he sat upon her knee was revere tne Bible la that volume he read of one who carried his delusion to bell and there while snffaring the punishment of hfa at Iff necked obstinacy he lifted np his eyes and asserted that God had not done enough to save him pM tin ciously obstinate he besought him to send one from the dead to earth that they might believe but God said they have Noa and the prophets and if they hearken not to them neither will thaw believe though one riao from to the committee fat the oswof'RevJ Pratt bfe the speaker said waa sufficient for him If toe Day made a verbal statement of Ma PORTUNITY TO RETRIEVE THE UNION CAUSE IN MISSOURI Belief that the State win be Sacrificed in Consequence GEN WOOL RETURNED TO ORTRESS MONROE All Contracts and Appointments for West to be Made Hereafter at Washington Gen Strong Authorized to Blake Such Changes in Missouri as he Deems Proper At a meeting of the officers cf toe Seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteers held on the 26 ih day of September 1861 CoL JS Grosvenor was elected Chairman and Adjutant Lindon Secretary Th death nf a 3wa wSi nounced by CoL Grosvenor' in some vary feeling remarks alluding to toe deceased as a true man and an excellent officer and soldier whereupon a committee consisting of Major Eldridge Cap tains uarran ana Baxter ana Lieutenants Hunt and Zichariah were appointed to report reeolu i tions expressive of toe feeling of said officers upon the death of Capt McKernan The com mittee reported the following which were unan imonsly adopted: WhereatWe have received the painful 'an nouncement of toe death of Oapt Phillip HcKar nan and whereas he wm universally esteemed by every cfficer in toe regiment as a matf of ability an excellent cfficer and a frank and kind companion therefore Reeobeed That in the' death of Capt Phillip McKernan the regfmsnt haa lost one of its best i officers his company a kind commander and warm friend and tne officers a nohle hearted companion 7 Reeoloee That while we feel that our sympa umc wui uu uui uiuo wwuru umniinr tnn bmh edge of that grief which the announcement of hfa death will convey to the bosoms of his wife and children yet we cannot but offer them in the hope that in future years when time shall have done its work they may know that their hutband and father was respected and loved by his com panions in arms i Reeolued That in token of our respect for toe aecsBsoo we wiu wear crape upon our swora for thirty days Reeobeed That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the wife of toe deceased and fur nished for publication in the papers at Detroit Monroe and Muon Michigan 4 Major ELDRIDGE Chairman Captaln Mckernan waa a graduate at our Uni versity a fine lawyer young and fall of en ergy and hope He left a wife and two children He commanded Company and every member of his company loved him almost as children love a parent 4 He was sent home to Mason Ingham county nbe '4 Number of Michigan Soldiers in Hospital publish below the number of Michigan vol unteers in hospital at Washington according to toe latest accounts: At General Hospital cu street' Washington Michigan 3 ourth Michigan 5 ifth Michigan total 9 At Seminary HospitaL irst Michigan 1 Second Michigan 2 officers and privates Third Michigan 2 ourth Michigan 4 omcers ana zu total 36 At General Hospital Georgetown Second Michigan 2 Third Michigan 18 ourth Michi gan total 34 At Columbia College Hospital Second Michigan 1 officer 14 privates Third Michigan 6 ourth Michigan 2 ifth JJIchl gCMIt A OSTOUm MJXUUigtoAly WlW I At General HospitalAIezandrialJ Sscond Michigan 1 Third Michigan total 2 At the Hospital for Erruptive Diseases Kalo rama Second Michigan 1 'a Aggregate Michigan sick and woundgd 119 The whole number of sick and wounded at the above 'named hospitals including members cf the regiments from other States as well as from our own State waa 605 This shows that Michi gan has one fifth of all who are sick and wounded i Board of Education The Board of Educa tion convened in regular session at the City Hall last evening Present the following: Messrs Adamo Bond Hall Hosmer uaymona Shepard Warner and the President Reports of Mr Bond chairman of the Committee on School Buildings in the Eastern District reported that tbe committee had vuitea ail the buildings and premises in that dis trict and found the same in good order 'and owing to the Industry and good management of the messenger that there had been a saving of nan tne usual expense Accepted Mr Shepard' stated that the sewer near ihe ifth Ward Union School was in bad condition and that the water therefrom was in great danger of cauring injury to toe basement of tbe build ing On motion the subject was referred to the Committee on School Buildings in the Western District By Mr Hosmer that the inance Com nlttee be instructed to file their report be fore the next meeting of the Board Adopted The Board then adjourned O' 1 4 Michigan Soldiers alsely Col onel A Woodbury of tho ourth regiment has written toe following note to the New York Times which corrects a statement put forth by one of tbe correspondents of that paper: your special correspondence of the 29th tia a statement that the Michigan men mi taking toe Californians for rebels fired into them' In justice to the members of the Michi gan ourth who were on duty that night permit me to make a correction The pickets of the Michigan ourth extended to the road on which the California and other regiments were paesingi and were between toe fires of the two regiments but knowing that there was a mistake being made used every effort to prevent the panic stricken soldiers from firing upon each other and did not fire a gun Truly youn A WOODBURY Colonel ourth Michigan Volunteers Rx Leonard May re opened his bil liard hall last evening which has been doted some time for repairs The hall is newly fur nished with Brustels carpeting and repainted and varnished so that the room Is redly one of the first billiard halls in the West A large number of citizina were present on the occasion of Mr re opening and all expressed themselves highly delighted with the arrangements which he has made for the accommodation of billiard con noisseurs' It is really one of the moat attractive places in the city and the genial and enterprising proprietor takes every pains to improve toe ao oommodations of hfa patrons Muting of Ibish Aiuricans At a meeting of the Irish American citizens of this city held last evening to take into consideration the recep tion ot the gallant defenders of Lexington Com pany A Jackson Guards of Detroit Anthony Mitchell in the chair toe following gentlemen were appointed aa a committee of finance: Charles Joseph Boyle Patrick Crimmlns Patrick Dollard and James PurcelL a red I Metropolitan The manager of "the theatre fe making laudable efforts towards the elevation of the drama in this city Miss Maggie Mitchell who Is too well known among theatri cals to need comment at our hands been en gaged as announced heretofore and will make her appearance this evening The theatre will be closed Monday evening to allow some new amngementa to be made in the scenery Ac Company fob Colonel Kellogg's Second a company of which the following arethe officers haa been formed Highwood first Leonardson Second Miller TWENTY SIXTH SESSION WA1KEB' SEITZ 4 pcBusmsBs AAD rBOMKnol Ainfivemry (ft tte liigfonayjr gociety tb Drily re a 3: th I Address by Dr Harris cnnon By Bishop Ordination of Beaeons Anni 4 versary of the Sunday School Union Ordination ot Reports of CommitteesThe Tract So Albion Co lin Seminary 1 Biot at Hudson TT A serious riot occurred in Hudson city Satur day night between members of tbe Barney Rifles quartered to the 8 arsenal and some 300 clttzena which it fa fear ed may yet lead to very serious result A number of persona were injured includ ing the Mayor of the city While trying to quell the disturbance he was stabbed five or nix times about the head and body and ia very seriously fiA MV aaabaiU vtlt There wore serious apprehensions of a riot yes terday and the military were ordered to hold themasivM in A i 'A ASt? Treaty wlth the Delaware Indians i Washington Oct 4 The recently concluded treaty between the Del aware Indians and the United States is officially proclaimed It provides for the conditional pur chsae of the surplus lands by the Leavenworth Pawnee Western Railroad Company of Kansas in Md or the construction of a railroad through their home reserve Tho number of acres is nearly 224000 at an aggregate valuation of $287000 it New Tork Bank Statement i of thfa vessel waa seventy tons of gunpowder specie $1686749 tocrearoMnMroutation $245 aawawlv tlhnnmAVkXI VnflalPI tAn UfiaA DASnezAatn I MIV4CMIV 4M UUVWttft WU tWl 1 I rom Our Own Reporter rom the Toronto Globe of yesterday we learn I Battlb Cnxsx'Oct 5 that on Saturday Mr Arthur Rankin Pfor I The anniversary of toe Missionary Society was Essex paid a visit to Toronto and took up hfa I held on Saturday evening Rev Abbott began residence at the RjssfgJHopsa Sunday afternoon I toe regular exercises by some brief but perttoext at four o'clock he ws arrested in 'the reading 1 aad very happy remarks on the importance of rocm of the Rossln House by Sergeant Major Me 1 toe miesonary cause and urged especially upon Donell armed with a warrant tissued by George I kfa hearers that tbe ork must be prosecuted vig Gurnett Eaq Police igfatrate charging him I orcusly the church must be eggressive it must with having committed a breach of or I meet tbe enemy on hfa own grounds never must eign Enlistment psasod In the 59 J) year of I it be driven from foreign fields to fts pwn shores His Msjsety King George Third chap 69 1 there to urge a defensive war Too warrant wnadasLied cm an had I Dr Harris Assfatent Sacretmry efr the Mission before tbe Police Magfstrate'and sworn to by I ary Board stated that the church has at this time Mr John Wilson confectioner Church street I foreign missions to China South America Scan better known as Sugar John 1 dinavia Bulgaria India and Germany Never which fa given below was recognized aa I has there been a period in the history of man being to tho handwriting of Mr George Step I when missionary labors have been more fruitfuL pard who haa been acting as editor of toe Leader I A letter received recently from South America for toe past two months and was before that a I which has always been a self sustaining mission southern in Waebington and Rich 1 states that the calls of the people from toe inter! mond When Mr Rankin was arrested Sergeant I or are urgent for more laborers The people are Mj jar McDowell informed him that he bad been I not only anxious to have but are willing to pay instructed to state to him that bail would be ac 1 for the preaching of tbe gospeL cepted for hfa appearance at the Police Court on jj India has contributed upwards cf $15060 on I Tuesday himself in $1000 and two sureties in I conditions that a like sum be appropriated here $500 Mr Rankin' said ho wished to learn the I and that more missionaries be sent out This name of hfa accuser and for that pur 1 explains why more help has been there re pose accompanied "the Sergeant Mjor to I cently the residence of the Police I Magfatrate I Presses have been sent to China and bocks are Jarvis street He was there informed Wat toe I to ba printed to toe language of the common pec information had been sworn by John I pie which differs from the court language Wilson The Msghtrate inquired if he was raady Tha manner of appropriating toe funds raised topnt in bail for hfa appearance on Tuesday I for missionary purposes was explained a many when Mr Rankin asked if the case could not be I districts are formed as there are bishops from each tried on Monday but the Magistrate stated to I ono of these one man fa chosenjand these form him tn reply to this question that time would be I the committee which decides what amount is ne required to procure witnesses A carriage was I cesarryand where it shall be applied the amount then procured and Mr Rao kin proceeded to look I unalterable the places of dfetri6ution sujeot to for ball in charge of Sergeant Mejor McDowelL I the concurrence of the Board This Mr Mayor Dawes and Mr Allan McLean re 1 committee at its last meeting decided that $3C5 turned with him to the residence of the Police I 400 an increase of $23400 over that of last year Magistrate when the necessary bonds were sign 1 should be raised They had reasoned that no ed and Mr Bankin liberated from custody It I backward step shall be and that to main may ba proper to mention that Mr Mayor Bowes I tain a firm focthoid and make an advance re became one of the sureties on toe understanding I quired a larger amount Thia church generally that another waa to be obtained to take hfa place I had sustained thia view The Board had set out this morning The rams on the ball bonds are I on Mr Baukin $1000 Mr Mayor Bowes $500 and I Owing Mr A McLean $500 The investigation will I every commence at the Police Court on Tuesdiy at ten I off in clock I East Baltimore and portions of the Philadelphia The news of the arrest was known all ever and New York Conferences which combined town last evening and created considerable talk I with the increased appropriations leaves a de anditwas currently reported that the informs 1 flolenoy of $40 000 How must this ceflciency be tion had been sworn to by Mr George Sheppard I met? Up to toe present time increased special As wo have said before however Mr John Wil 1 contributions have materially aided in malting it son fa the actual complainant I good A second source of aid fa the increased The following fa tbe information sworn to by I contributions received from the Week A third nun: Canada City of Toronto to wit The information and complaint of John WI1 tonof the said city gentleman taking an oath before me George Gurnett Esq Police Magis trate of said city this 6 th day ot stober 1861 Complainant upon hfa oath aforesaid saith that he hss been Informed and believes that one Arthur Rankin lately residing in the county of I Essex in the safd Province and being et the pres I ent in the said city of Toronto Esquire the said I Arthur Rankin being a natural born subject of 1 Her Majesty the Queen ot Great Britain and its dependencies has taken or accepted or agreed to I take or accept a military commission and to en ter into toe service of a foreign State to wit of tbe United States of America without the leave or license of Her said Majesty for that purpose uau ana vuiainea And farther that the said Arthur Rankin within the Province of Canada aforefaid to wit in the city of Toronto and other places in said Province has within the period of three months last past hired retained and engaged or pre cared or attempted or endeavored to hire re tain engage or procure several per sone being natural b3rn subjects of Her said Majeatv to en list or to serve or to be employed as effieers or soldiers in toe service of the oreign State afore said The said acts of the cold Arthur Rankin being In violation of the taws of the land and espe cially of the provisions of the Imperial Statute passed in the 59th year of His Majesty King George the Third chap 69 known as oi elga Enlistment Therefore complainant prays that a warrant may Issue against the said Arthur Rankin in or der that he may be called on to answer to said charge and to be further dealt with according to lv JOHN WILSON Svorn before me Gio GtraxsTT Police Magistrate James Poxter Aasnulta our rteporter and comes off Second Best The report that appeared in this paper on Sun day morning in reference to James cruelty to his family arroused hfa wife whipping propensities and he concluded to try his science upon our reporter in Windsor' yesterday after noon Thia burly coward thought because hfa opponent was small be could thrash him aa he bad threatened to do during the day Now to the fight Oar little man was company with a couple of gentlemen in the door of one of the stores on the street leading to the ferry when the brave man came along and grossly assaulted the little one Nothing daunted little one sailed int a rquare stand up encounter After two or three passes the claret flew from toe burly one and he started and ran but was soon brought to time by being overtaken and compelled to face the music The result was that he begged for quarters by singing out lustily take him off He hod but one friend in the numerous crowd who came to hfa rescue and he fa worthy of him for they are well matched Tbe var qutahed presented a sorry plight having a beautiful black eye and the bridge of hfa nose and upper lip decorated wit i the Impression of the knuckles Af ter the wounds had been dressed he came to hfa antagonist and made a most humble apology confes Ing that he waa wrong and merited all he received This richly merited chastisement that he has received will teach him that in future the press aad those connected with it must not be intimi dated threatened or muzzled when they are in tbe right Strange aa it may appear it fa a faotthat this city contains a man of a similar stripe as thia valiant rotter rrbo bad the assurance to present to this office a statement purporting to be written bv Mrs Porter to toe effect that he had always pro vided for hfa family war reporter Immediately wen: to Mrs porter and sue states that this per and Porter camo to her with a garbled state ment which she moat positively refused to sign The would be friend then cut off all excepting fear or five lines and argent entreaties and promises not to say threats she waa compelled to Ign it ailure at Gna Ranlll Daniel Ball fc Oo of Grand Rapids failed on cararaay morning last A faU statement of their aeta and liabilities wiU be presented to the pub at an early date The flrm have made an assignment providing tor the circulation of their pap Jr first and secux for theta depositors be currency Is taken at i rr ny the bankers of Grand Rapids It fa an d(ntood that although they have made the above thire will RAVfflhnt Inn Asm I day Religious services Bt ort Rev wii tiebbath were conducted by I xw qi im uomeo uaaraB fomoow A tie exercteM The regime has one thousandad one men nearly the rennin "uusauu required comnlemant uumgoroers are expected thi when tbe regiment will proceed to Washington? Tea Bupbemn The of Ooart its session to day hj vq ws uockoi a majority of re wougnj oa lor A curious fact illustrating the foresight of God in meeting the doubts of any in reference to toe truth of His word la that twenty seven works have been penned by fifteen persona eight of whom have written different accounts all which perfectly harmoniz? Could it hava bMh poaalble for toe same number of false to so perfectly agree in all the little details of their story Again the story fa simply told there no attempt aVcrnamentatioD1st dressing npithe Thus jraith tbe say tha 5 prophets? StiUZCmoret strongly if possible fa the impress of truth stamped on the writings of toe Apostles for they narrate their own follies and little mean nesses their contentions to who should be me greatest sueir petty wtruea ao sucu vaing could be found in a delineation in fiction In no works beside the1 Bible" can be found that simplicity of statement that so bears upon its faceJhe mark of truthfulness Voltaire said ha was (tired of hearing that twelve illiterate fishermen had established a reli gion that should rule too world It should be seen how a rench philosopher might overthrow ii Yet these same illiterate down trodden fish ermen harefurnfabld the only perfect specimen of humanity ever given to the world Is there anything like thia in all toe range of literature? Have even the most highly cultivated and bril llant authors in all their attempts ever succeed ed in producing a hero who never nttercJ a fool lab thing or did a wicked deed? In tne New Tea tament you find one who never waa swayed by human passions who spake as never man spake and who ih all hfa career was biameiefis'without spot or blemish That so perfect a character was drawn can only be accounted for by the reason that the specimen was bafora their eyeand that uui uuu3u erory tHty events as trey ocourrea It fa very rarely the case that two or three co temporaries write the history of a man or state Ofcener is it reserved for some one who lived after toe facts of which he writes have occurred Their data is mads np of state documents of state ments that have been warped and twisted by par tisan prejudice and when these fail the historian launches out into probabilities and these failing him he sails boldly into the immense sea of con jeotqre end there fishes up material to be wrought into the W3b of his work But in the case of toe Bavlour we have the written testimony of these who ware contemporaneous with the events nar rated It ia the beat evidence for it fa the writ ten record of toe transactions Physicians tell us that the substance of the body are continually changing and that the ma terial of which we shall a few years hence be com posed fa now floating in toe air swimming in the sea growing in the ground Yet our identity fa never lost Oo with the Church its identity is toe same yesterday to day and forever although twenty ccnturiea remained from Calvary yet we atand on the aame foundation from the same platform we let down ths came pitcher into tbe same walk we have tbe earns inheritance and here in the sacred writ we have ere our title deeds with own signet stamped in miracles upon them The Bible contains sufficient in itself to show ita authority It is a hard thing to make up a false history The speaker gave several familiar Illustrations of this and went on to say that if one believes the Bible to be false he must first believe that twelve illiterate men have invented 3 false story with: so much ebllity possessing such consistency that learned men felling to discover any flaws nave believed if How could belief in Christ ever have got a be ginning? By miracles A miracle is a Boenen sion or alteration of a law of nature something I which appears directly to the senses Can any one imagine how God could have authenticated toe gift of His Son except by Away back in former ages may be found gigantic intel lectB who had worked out ths problem of the great first cause They believed the Old Testament toe book of nature but in no other way than by i miracles could the truth of revalation have been I brought home them God in giving the law to Mosea amid the tounderlngs of Rinat seemea to imply that He gave us to understand tost He who put together these mountains who fashioned these works the Author of nature and toe God of revelation fa one and the same Nicodemus said to Christ toou art a teacher how did he know it? Why no one could do the works he had done without God helping him Pe ter aald of him a man approved by signs and won ders which God did through him Chrfat did these mighty works in the presence of His enemies He wrought miracles to convert sinners God worked by theaomiraclea for shall He coma down from His high and holy place to argue with nan? I Hfa deeds speak for him A glorious thing fa life Often had it filled hfa soul while gazing up on the mighty forest stretching cut its moss cov ered branches from the trunk of a thousand years One fa lost in gezlng upon the various wonders of vegetable and animal creation and can but say what a thing is life! Yet far more glorious above these rise toe city of toe everlast ing God pinnacle upon pinnacle spire surmount ing spire Its beauties come flooding the soul with delight and it aaya soul live forever that ye might have life everlasting Thia is the boon that the soul may have if it but have faith in God The speaker alluded in closing to "the hard ships which must be endured like good soldiers by toe ministers of Christ and exhorted them to have faith to the end these light sfiUctiors which are but for a moment shall work for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of gio At tbe conclusion of the sermon the Bfahoo as sisted by Rev Sinex and Rav Penfield ordained as Deaccns the following: Marble Joy George Lae Jpmea Dayton Amos Wheeler Jonathan A Sprague Uri Mason An drew 8 Van Wyck George A Sherman Ira A Wightman and Joseph Jones Bunday Aftbbnoon Oct 6 The anniversary of toe Sunday School Union of tho Michigan annual Conference was held at 2 After prayer by the Rev Jacokea and singing of a hymn by the school toe Secre tary made the following report: Numberof sehoola? 329 Numbar of 09 Number of officara aad 2914 hlnmLaAt os Numbar of II" 11165 Nomber of fifinvunrinTie Number of yolumea in 40 633 Sunday School AdvnAAtAai tatAw Redyed of Sunday School 92 Expenses 1890 90 Addresses were delivered to the children by Rev Mr Bitchcock of Cincinnati Rev Crawford and Rev Wm Taylor After the conclusion of the exercises toe fol hnxxLS5 And there are also many other things lowing were elected Officers of toe SocietV forh Jesus did the which if they should ba written I suw uunuuig President Crane Vice President Wm Crawford I dV Lyds 9 8 Bennett' Soard of Boynton II Law awett Jennings Sunday Evening Oct 6 Tho evening "discourse waa delivered by the Rsv Hitchcock of Cincinnati 1st Timothy IV 8: Holiness is profitable in all things haying tne promiee of the life that now Is and of that which la to come He showed clearly toe advantages of the Chris tian religion in this life and discarded the notion that piety necessarily implies a downcast spirit and a sour and solemn frame cf mind 4 i After services followed the ordination of Elders The exercises which were solemn and impressive were conducted by toe Bisbopkassfated by presid Ing elders Jacokea and Eidred Dr Poe Rav IL Pilcher and Rsv HLsw a The following were ordained Elders: ohsz1 zud Chapin owler A Torrey Smith A Coplin George John Hoyt LM Edmonds Boell A Gore Duust A TaL tn eftfUU UUVTt WHIHIIs Battle Ckeek Oof 73 The Conference opened at 8 with' tbe usnal religious services conducted by Bev GlHett The Bishop presented th? certificates of ord? nation of those who were ordained DaicbW and Elders yesterday Laava of absencojras granted Appointments i Washington Oct 7 A Motberhead Of Indiana was yesterday ap pointed Consul to Leipzig and Thomas oster of Minnesota to Tahiti Island Salt Yom Oct fil Tunra Island dates of September 21st not tele ffranbio state that thsra hAd mviAWAtA demand for salt that week and most of it bad been sold for cash Tha quantity on band fa steadily diminishing as toe rains prevented auy quantity being gathered 7i 8 cents are toe present prices the export duty being cent 1 dead could ha called back there waa no need of their presencej they fulfilled their mission while nx VO 1 1 i S' i lMi MSBt as IH iH IA i IH 9 a it Xdii A i ft i i 5 i tv 11 a a a i NUMBER 114 i i i i io II Pl A el 9 A 5 ''r 5 II I.

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