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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 6

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAJiY TBIBUiTJS: SALT. -LAJIE UTAH, FEBHTIAKY 10, 1S92, hi Having purchased a large stock of Bankrupt goods at almost nothing, we are prepared to offer the public Suits and Men's Furnishing Goods at prices that are astonishing. This entire stock must be disposed of within the next week in-order to give room for our New Spring Stock. BELOW WE QUOTE A FEW OF OUR PRICES, OTHER GOODS EQUALLY AS CHEAP:" drj-ixr Men's Suits, worth for 810.00 Men's Suits worth S18.00 for312.00 Men's Suits worth S10.00 for S5.00 Cotton Worsted Stilts for S3.30 Children's Suits worth SS.OO for JOc Children's Suits worth S3.00 Children's Suits worth 85.00 for 83.00 Men's Pants worth SI.75 75c Men's Pants £2.50 and S3.00 Man's Pants worth S6.00: for 84.00 Men's Overcoats worth SO.00 for 3:2.00 Men's Ch'crcoals worth $12.00 for 33.00 Mori's Overcoats worth 810.00 for 810.50 Men's Overcoats worth $20.00. 613.50 Chorshlrts worth 75c for 25c Oversliirts worth 50c.

Overshirts worth 81.50 75c Ovcrshirts worth $2.00. for SI.00 Unlaundried Shirts 2Cc Unlaunclricd Shirts worth 75c for 40c Unlaundried Nightshirts worth Si.50 for Laundried Shirts worth S1.5U, SI.75 and $2.00. for worth 50c for lOc Under Suits and S3.00 for SI.00 Under Suits worth S3-50. for Si. 50 Men's Hose worth'GOc and 75c 2Gc Men's Hose worth 25c for lOo "White aud Fancy Vests worth Si.50.' for 50c White and Fancy Vests-worth S3.50 -for Si.00 Barber Coats worth SI.25 -for 50c Barber worbh 32.50 and S3.00 for SI.00 Barber Coats worth for Si.50 Gloves worth 31.25 and Si.50 for 75o Gloves worth Sl-75 and 52.00 for Si.00 Gloves worth SI.00 for 50c White Cotton Gloves worth 35c 2 pair for 25c Black Cotton Gloves worth 3 pair for 25c Keckties worth 50c and 75e for 25c Coon's Collars worth 25c for 5c Coon's Cuffs worth 35c for lOc Suspenders worth Si.00 for 35c Cardigan Jackets' worth SI.00 for 25c Men's Still Hats worth Si.00 for S2-00 Men's Soft Hats worth S3.50 for SL-75 Men's Crusher Hats worth 75c for 25c Men's Caps worth 75c for 35c Umbrellas worth Sl-00 for 20c Umbrellas worth SI.50 for LOc, Valises worth Si.50 for 50c Valises worth for SI.00 Valises worth for Lmro We can only give a sample of our prices above, but will ask you call and see for yourself.

P. QARDNER. GETT1N6 AT THE DAMAGES. The Lace House Fire Is Being Figured Out the Owners. JUT THE MIHT1TG WGBLD.

THE SCHWEITZER RANSOHOFF LOSSES, Tlicy Provo to Bo Torn Down and Will I'robnhly IJo by a Fine lloalty Tho flm In tbo Laoo louse fairly prutterl tho fistalillshmurit, so that both that and the structuro ocoiiuiod by SohwoIUor It so ho IV must bo torn down, Mr. Ilougb- ton said tbut William and John Orousbock owned tho forty-foot CH-cuplod by tho two firms, anil was Hkoly that Mr. fcllow, who. owned tho proporty occupied tho American Shoo Company, and extending twenty foot, to Colin's store, would unite with tho Groti.sbuoks and erect common front for a five-story bu.slnos-f block that 'would bo a credit to the city, Neither Mr. Jfoughton nor tbe Insurance luon could 'fClvo any Tollable flpuroa yesterday us to losses, but It Is understood that tbe losses will ugKroRato nearly for tlie Laeo House people which is fully covered by Insurance.

Tbe building WUK at SCf.OO, which is also covered by Insurance. Tbo of Schweitzer Kansoiioll' will amount to more than was at ( thought, so many KOods were durnaKed by smoke. From to £10.000 may cover the loss: Insured. Tho building was owned by John Groesbock, iiui-fSvus valued at oovorod by insurance. The looses from tho lire tho other Sunday in tho "0 clothing store havo.

not boon sotUod yot. Sir. Houghton lias opened an olllce In Room 7, Daft Building. TIANK CLKAUINOS. Yostorday'3 clearings in tho Salt.

Lake Clearing House amounted to $204,109, as against for tho day last year. AT THK STOCKYAUDS. Out at tho Union Stockyards tho hay Darns and the shoop anil hog sheds are completed and posts havo been sot for tho pens. Jly the end of this wook ono set of pons will hnvo boon eoinplotod. A big forco of men is employed hi this work, atiu about 200 post-hohid aro being dug each day.

Tho cold weathfM- utul snow havo delayed tho to qulto an extent, but It will be pushed now until reudy for business. Preparations aro being out at Darlington place for extensive building of residences this yoar. A number of owners of lots are preparing build homos for Miorn- eolvos, while tin; ownors of that popular addition will oreot a number of houses. JU-lAfj ESTATK SAI-iKS. Following wore the records of real estate Bales yosteixluy in this city: J'raniw.

P. Vcughan ot ill. to Muto B. Ci'oimu 1 (hunl, property in Altu 1'lauu 8 1 J.aihi tu Willinin .1. Put- tyrsoii.

part, of lor. block pint Suit City sirrvoy JEorr.h Taylor to Alfrod U. Tuylnr, diunl, part.of liity, block -10. plat Suit City Hiirvry Tavlnr to Sarah Taylor, UO.IM] of lot "block pint Salt survey L. M.

Karl t.o Lewis S. Moo, blocks II uiul Asbury Park RoburtJ. Topping ot to A. Ganuck, property in Norwood aiUU- A rino Mineral and lion One of tho rarest collections of mineral specimens in this city is owned Attorney Grant H. Smith, The specimens represent all kinds of minor tits and come from -almost ovci-y section of the globe whoro precious minerals aro to be- found.

Smith has been many collecting these minerals and is vory proud of them. His chiefcst delight is. to meet ono of tbo '40-ers and exhibit hla fills two big glass cases. Tho collection is valued ut sovjpi'al hundred dollurs. one nufiTiiON.

Wells, Fargo Co. received yesterday, McCornlcIc Co. rocolyod yesterday silver and lead ores valued at T. Jones Co, received yesterday baso bullion. $4000.

Hodges was busy yesterday 240 tons of Horn Silvo: 1 in two lota, 112 tons of Undine, an unmarked lot of South Galena, and threo other controls. Currlo had in hands 102 tons of Anchor ooneonlrates, 1M tons of Trinity and 15 tons of Silver'Wast. I-KKSONALS. C. 0.

Baxter, managor of the Gllson Asphalt-urn Company, with headquarters at St. Louis, is a guest at tho W. N. Dokkor, a mining man of Bearuls, Utah, Is u. guest at the Knntsl'ord.

Thomas Gibbons, an Idaho ruining man, is visiting tno city. P. .7. Quoaley, managor of tbe Book Springs Ooai Mining Company, is in from Wyoming on a business trip. THE BOWMAN and Hayncs Swear Their Signatures Are Forged, MR, PARK SAYS HE SIGNED THE BOND, Mr.

Olson Testifies to the Manner in Which He Mad a Hand in tho Getting- of Was No Other Bond Than This. LOGAi KAIL WAY NOTJ3S. William MoEvorc, traveling auditor of tho Union Is at the Walker. W. Eobb, who for tho last eighteen months has boon ohlof Inspector of tho Utah Demurrage Association, has boon trans- furred to Colorado, and loft yesterday afternoon for tho OontuiinUil State.

Tho Union Pacific has just raado good rooord on transporting lumber. Orders wore through n. local firm for lumber Tor tho Union Stock Yards, and tho railway brought it from Portland, and delivered It at tho stcujlc yards in ilvo days' tlmo, which is good dispatch. Tho Union Pacific will run an excursion train to-morrow at 7 p. from this city to tho now gua -well that lias beon opened at Luko Bboro.

Tho woll will not only bo lighted up for tho Qrst tlrno thon, tho railroad rnon say, but thoro will bo a sort of system of whistles arranged in connection with the gas pipe, HO that the. whistles may be blown much after the fashloa-of-a oal- llopo. A musical tlmo is oxpoctod. do-oil. Luke City C-15 15 COO ctooa Good looVi are more tfian, jkin log upon hciilthy ooudittou of all the organ's.

1: the HVC.HDO idiMtlvo a tajlious i loolc.lf your Htomnoh be aWKlorcd you hure dyspoRtlc look If your tfrineyn bocftftooteclj you have a nine hod look-. Secure good hoiiltb will have good loott. Electric lilttors the prcftt altoratlvo and directly on xhoBo vital organs. Cures Plmplas, uiul yivos a good complexion, Bold ut -A'. C.

Smiths drug utore, 50u per bottU. 103 a Keysor ot A. Morlan, right of alloy, nlno fi-ot wide, liehre'en-Xho Morln-n and Kiiysor bulUi- ings Total 1,373 NOTE Kansas and Iowa butter aro ooniing largely W. K. Goldberg, an old -commercial man, ie stopping tho.

Continental. Local business-in en -urge that tho Legislature empower municipalities to bore for gas and put iu -t-beir own -plant forsupplylng communities. of real estate situated la SaKLakeeo. neatly t. aecustuoly aud promptly the.County Ivecorclar.

1 Off'ibr Now Orleans. MajoivD. Lovoy for Now Orleans to-moiTOw mofn'ing to take part in tho Mardl Grus, which begins on tho 1st ami while there will give tho sport- loving pooplo cf tho Southern metropolis a genuine California coursing raatoh. His Ktring of famous Shamrock Lass. Young Utah, Baron Waldkon, Snowball, George B.

McClellan and Golden Gate, all of whioh aro poaigreod, wilt go with him, and a consignment of luiros from Madora, will nrrivo in time, for tho courses will place on tile 7th and Stu pro.v. Tho boon in communication with 7. K. of tho Southern Association, for some time, and from him has that tbo hounds and hares will bu.grout curiosities, and that tbo meet will a success, as the people there arc great lovors and liberal. patrons of square sports.

Radios- Tho pleasant, effect aud perfect safety orifch which.ladies may use the Calfornia liquid la.xattvo;Syrup of Figs, under oil conditions, ir.akos'it their favorite To get the iriio gouuino article, looli for of the California Fig printed'near tho bottom of tho paokago. 0. A. Shottlo of Sliver Olty Is at the White House. Hon.

A. B. Emory oame dOTrn from Park Olty last evening. T. E.

Baxter of Colorado Springs, is a guost, of tho Walker House. A. Demmlng, proprietor of thfi K.eod Ilot-ol, Ogdon, is aD tho Teuiploton. Ayrck Bradloy, managor of the Hanlan troupo, is registered at the Templotou. Georgo Sutherland, one of tho best known Provo, is registered at theCullou.

Robert Browor, managor of the Frederick Ward company, Is registered at tho Knutsford. H. FI. Henderson of Ogdan is in tho olty, visiting his many friouds. Ho will bo found at tho Tompleton.

Probate Judge William Goodwin of Cache county is in tho city. Ho was an'interested spectator at tho Legislature yesterday. Utah Commissioner loft last night'for Omaha in company of his wife and son. Dr. Fowler accompanies him also as far as Sidney, In oaso the altitude should threaten to afTeot him before reaching- the plains.

This country is a. little too high for tho Commissioner. To-morrow Mr. and W. Snow and fanviiy leavo for a six trip tho PacUio Coast.

They after-a ohoct visit with Mr. Snow's la Portlaua, go to Southern California, visiting Los Angeles, Pasadena uud San Diego. During thoir absence office will bo closed. extract stops all kinds of blooding, pains, inflammation and hemorrhages. Refuse anything but tho genuine.

Olllco Jtoouis for Xiont. A aulto of throe rooms suitable for offices in old building, corner Second South and Inquire at Trib- uao office. CRIFPJLK Kedncod JKatca to tho JS'ew Mining 1 Camps. Grosholl's Ticket Offloe, Wbndorlimd Museum building, is selling ohoap tickets'to these two big miuing camps. Take-a'd- vantage of tho low rates now.

There will be a maslcalo in the Metropoll- Van parlors Friday' 12tb, the 'benefit of. the Woman's Ohristlun temperance Union. Somo-of the best talent city affords will on tho pro- rfriiiime. -Admission cents. 1 li ot" nl ready re- aSncJ'of Fobruary ball fMtt Jltl ''A I tfcV Ail Ji Mrs.

M. J. Stewart bus opened nice dressmaking parlors in Scott-Aucrbach building, rooma Funeral of Charles Barsoh. Th? funeral of Charles Barsch took place, yesterday from Skowes's iundertakinsj' 1 attended by the friends and relatives of tbe dooeased. Tbe remains were interred In Mt.

Olivet Coraotory Heal ing-Without iVCertsclnc. A tnultitudo of people visited' tbo'Temple of Honor Hall yesterday inorning and saw one after another of tho lame: the halt, thb blind, tho tho rheumafic, sack tho powerful-aid' and mighty touch of Dr. Russcllo. What th'is man possesses cannot, perhaps, be satisfactorily ox- plained. Cases of lameness, deafness, neuralgia, i wore cured by tho score.

The doctor thoslclc froe every moininjc Iroua 10 to a. m. Dr. Russello's office is Hooper, building. Freo consultation on all.disoasbs! but no given at the office free- treatuibri'tSs Children err fox Tho hearing In the matter of the Bo.wma'n bond was taken up-before the County Court yesterday.

Jiulgo Bartch presided, and Butter, Hardy and Oahoon were present. Judge 'Powers and J. O. Colt appeared Cor tlic defense, while County Attorney Murphy appeared for tho prosecution, Tho room was crowded with' those intor- osLod in tho matter and wbobad been called as witnesses. Mayor SeoU and Ootiii- cllmoti Soafford and Anderson were interested onlookers.

John Sharp was the first witness, called. Ho admitted his signature on tho bond, but did not romonibor when ho signed it, but thoucht it was on tho Thursday or'Friday before tho bond was submitted, to -the- City Council. E. C. COiMTlN was next called.

Ho testified that-he had been of tho opinion that ho was on tho-Bow- nmn bond. Ho had signed paper for Mr. Bowman, but thought that his name as-it appeared upon tho bond was a.forgery. Did not remember whether ho -had signed -an agreement to go on tho bond, or the bond. Before ho examined tho signature Mr.

Schroodor and also Mr. Scott had told-him that they did not think that it was but did not think-it was a forgery un-til tho examination commenced last Thursday. Tho instrument that had signed was In typewriting. the document over in a general way before-he signed it. Did not know that tho bond was for 3113.000 or would not- have signed it.

When asked If it might possibly bo his signature, ho replied that ho thought it was not. "CanVpu swear positively that it is not?" "Well, I am between tho dovll and the deep sea. I thought I had signed the bond, but that is not my signature." HATUI.Y IIAYNES TEETITIBS. When Mr. Coffin had pot through Harry HstynoB was called.

"Is that your signature?" asked Mr. Murphy, showing him tho bond and his name written upon it. "It Is not," replied Mr. Haynes; "I signed an agreement to go on tho bond, but never signed tho bond. Tbo 'H's' aro not as -I write thorn, nor aro tho 'y's.

1 I do not remember tho date on whlch4l signed the paper. It is my iiuplesslon thnt It. was written In-pen and Ink writing, but I am not sure." Tho witness said that he had hoard His name read in a newspaper as being on Bowman's bond, but thought that they had mistaken tho agreement for a bond. Mr. Celt thon took tho witness in hand for cross-examination, and endeavored to show that tho witness did not endeavor to find out that his name was a forgery until a brick company in which ho was interested failed to receive the sub-contract to furnish tho brick for the building, but the witness said he never know anything about such a contract.

When the examination was completed, Mr. Haynea said: "Seeing that the'attor- neys for the defense soeni to bo trying 'to prove that I am ondeayoring to have my narne'taken from the bond a brick company of which I am a member failed to got tho contract, I desire that witnesses bo introduced to provo that is not-my signature. I desire that Harry Duke- and Mr; Lynn of Jones's Bank bo called. J. TV- MADSEJf was called.

Ho testified that it was his si'g- ua-turo on tho bond. He said that.Mr. told him' that ho signed the paper that Mr. Bowman had at that time. He did not remember whether ho signed, one two papers.

Ho know ho. signed the bond, but: it might be that.he signed the agreement. BOYD PAIUC Ho testified the signature 1 on tho bond was undoubtedly his. When he'slgned the bond thero wore a number of names already on the bond, these a great inducement for -him to- go on the' bond, j. F.

i City Recorder, was then called. 'He was askod a few questions concerning the bond and whon it was approved by tho City Council. He stated, that there had been a paper sent'into tho Council before tho bond had been put in. He did not "know :w.ncrc the paper whether it went back' to Mr. Bowman or to tbo B.uilding;Cocjrnitte'8.

Tho document was a it may-have been looked 'upon to go on the bond. County Attorney, Mr. -Jack that he wanted him to appear the-- next meeting with the minutes tho City Council meetings when the bond was C. the Deputy County Clerk of the Joint City and Committee, testified that tho contract 1 for the joint city and county builSlog was made on the 26th of last September, and bond approved on the'-SStb'day of TESTJCM -WANTED. County Attoinuy Muiphy assed that either ML or Gcoige "Olson to be put upon'the In-roply, stated that, la his opinion, tut County Court hud no jurisdiction in the vse.

tnd It was a practice of his any. testimony foi the defense until the matter passed to a higher court tion over the case. OLSOX As Mr Olsbn was anxious to 150 on strnd Judgo Powers ma tie bo objections, and? his 1 man to got signatures for his bond. He identified tho bond which JUr. Bowman carried us the one which was filed iu tbo and was then on Ho said that ho saw most of tho men on the bond sign ic, and the others ho had good reason to beiiovo signed it.

Those that ho did not see sign ho remained outside-while Mr. Bowman went inside of their stores or olBoes and got tho signatures, but ho saw them as soon as Mr, Bowman returned. i Oison testified further that ho never saw any -other bond nor signed.any othor but this one; that it is tho only one ho know anything about. An adjournment was then taken till today at 2 p. in, NOTE.

In tho report of tho flrsc day's oxamina tion In this case, it; appears as if Arthu Brown had signed Bowman's bond. This i an error arising, from tho words of anothu witness being quoted under-, his name. Mt Brown did not go on the bond, and doos no wish to have tho credit of doing so. SAN ITBANCISCO MIXING STOCKS. to SAX Fcb, 9, 9:30 A.

jr. BOARD; SCHOOLS OP EDITOH copying my letter for. Sunday's TRIBUNE, by oversight the item relating to Stato School Minos was omitted. It is as follows: Yaluo of tho buildings, grounds and apparatus of Colorado School of Minos', tota annual Income of sanio school, also quoto the following from tho last report of the Colorado Stato Scihopl of Mines: "For all purposes tho institution receives from tho direct tax of of OLIO mill ou the dollar, levied' under "the act of 1879, an average amount' of per annum, and from charges against students for chemicals expended -'by In tho laboratory, and for breakage arid wear of apparatus, about per year, making the total annual income of the school, iu round numbers, Senator Teller of Colorado introduced a bill allowing tho State of Colorado to annually receive from tho Interior Department at-Washington SO'-per cent of the' total receipts from sales o'f' jn'in'e'ral lands wi.thiu tho limits of tho This bill passed tho Senate without opposition; but was defeated in Congress. Again, Senator Telld'r introduced a similar bill at tho first session' 'of tho Fifty-first Congress.

This also passed the Senate without opposition, and-'was sent to the House, where tho Committee on Minos arid Mining, March 29, -1890! reported tho bill with amendments by it was mad to apply to.every State and Territory having within its. limits public land undisposed of. aud making- the annual' 1 receipts to bo 25 per cent of all moneys "paid to tbo United States for such lands. From the committee's roporb, accompanying this bill, I take these extracts: substantially approve tho legislation proposed by the Senate bill, but believe it should boot' rrioro general character, so as not only Colorado, but also other States and Territories interested in and hiving within thoir limits public land un- disposed, of. The successful prosecution of the- business of iniulug, particularly of 'tho procftVus motals, is dependent very largely upon technical knowledge of such branches as are usually taught iu a school of mines.

Wo find thai; nearly all the. States and Tei-rivories having deposits of gold aud silver in different forms realize this fact, and are attempting to establish-and maintain schools of mines for themselves, In which instruction Is given in scientific aud practical mining. Your committee beiiovo thiit such instruction will tend to mako tho business mining less precarious aud more profitable, and will thus-Increase and develop this great source of! national wealth." While this amended bill did not pass, tho support It received has been such as to encourage the hope that aid will yet bo given by the-United States Congress to mining schools somewhat similar to that given to schools of agriculture. Before mo to state that California gives about 325,000 yearly towards geological field work alone. Kes- pectfully yours, HENRY MONTGOMERY.

CITY, Fcb. 3,1892. ciosum or MAILS. 200 Opliir 100 50 C-. 350 B.

A B. C. C. A Va 300 Ravage 10j I.I. ct 550 2 85 1 85 1 GO 2 1ST)' i ii5 1 Of) 2 05 1 50 S3 10 1 SlO 1 70 00 310 Ophir ICO 1(50 G.

AC IL'O 15 A 1L 0 C. U. AgVa 100 Savaico 1 SO Cholinr 05 Potosi ft) S20 li. AN OH 100 Poinl 1 33 250 050 Hclchor 1 50 J50 20 STltEETS APTBK 2: GO P. M.

200 20 ISO Nevada. 1 100 1 £0 100 S. Bebihar. SOD 1 C5 1 10 70 5U 50 1 GO 35 1 70 1 10 30 30 SO 20 45 SO 1 70 10 here nt 'U5C and respectively. The demand is very limited us consumers are- obstinittc.

bears on the situaiion, comfortably well supplied with lead. The official closius report a livelier market, which hns sinco become quiet. Spunish £10 15s, Euglish.fl07.s6d clOO 50 Kxchoquer. JliO Union 150 AKa 250 Occidental. 200 L.

50 Ancles 200 Quoun N. 500 Del 100 Oholliir 300 Peer EXCURSION- TO GAS Via Union PacHlc Kail road on Thursday JEveningT. On Thursday evening 7 otclock tho Uijion Paciiic will run its second excursion tho gas wells, whon a grand illumination will bo made aud the now gas woll will be lighted. Fare for tho round only 50 cents. 500 IT.

A 32 05 100 Savjx-jo 100 Potosi tt) 200 G. A 1 75 .310 2 C. C. A Vii. 5 6-2 250 Ophir 3 10 50 5 1 200 Belrjher I 90 Occidental.

50 Andes 200 New 50 K. B. 05 50 35 SO 20 NEW YOJKK MONEY AND STOCKS. Fritz Bros. Gath, Affidavit, Gipsy Queen Marguerite aud other brands of fiuo cigars Western Agency.

Tolophono -10. 0. Box 571. The New York Life Presidency. NEW YORK, Fob.

is announced that the presidency of tho New York Lifo Insurance Company has been offered to John A. McOaJl. XEW YORK, Feb. 0, 1801. BAR SILVEtt.

Silver 89 54 OOVKIIKJIEST BOXUH. C. S. 4 U. S.

2's U. S. 4's, 11014 Pacific 6's I09b QUOTATION'S. Orcpon Navigation. 89 Atchison 38 Canadian Canada CO 1 Central, Pacific Pacific Mail I'ullmau Kcadmg Rock Lackawuna Wcstn.inG^ISt.

Paul Erie Kansas ATRXIIS Lake Louisville A Jlich. Central Jlo. Pacific- Northern 2t do preferred OS Northwestern 1 do preferred 14-1-' N. Y. Centra! 114J4 Oregon.

MINIXO STOCKS. 1 20 300 1 50 2 80 1 50 1 30 5 25 2 00 1 50 St. Paul A Omaha. Texas Union U. S.

Western Union. Am. Cotton Oil. Terminal R. G.

do preferred, do lirsts SO 97s MO sow 35 70 TIPATION. Afflicts half tho American people yet there, is only one preparation of Sarsaparilla that acts on tho bowels and reaches this important trouble, and that Is Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It relieves it in 2-t hours, and an occasional doso prevents return. We refer by permission to C. E.

Elkington, 1CJ5 Locust Avenue, San Francisco; J. II. Brown, Pctalurna; H. S. Wiuu, Geary Court, Sim Francisco, and hundreds of others who have used it in constipation.

One loiter is a sample of hundreds. Elkington, writes: "I havo been for years subject to bilious headaches and constipation. Have been KO bad for year. back have had to take a physic every other night or else I would have a headache. After liking oucbottlc of J.

V. S. I am in splendid shape. It has, dono wonderful things for me. People similarly troubled should try It and be convinced." WHY IS THE W.

DOUGLAS $3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wn.x thread to hurt tho niado of tho best lino calf, BU-llaa and easy, and because mako more shoes of thim grade 1Jtn.ii any other manvfaciitrer. It equals Jiana- Rcwed shoes costing from 54.00 to $5.00. OOGcmiiuo Haml-Kcwed, tho finest calf shoo ever offercsi for equals Kronen Imported shoes cost from $12.00. A. 00 Ilnnd-Scxvcd Welt Shoe, Uno calf.

etylish, comfortablo and durable. Tho best ehoo ever offered at this price; same prado as shoes costing from to $0.00. 5O Police Slioo; Farmers. Railroad Mctt and Letter Carriers all wear them; Hoamloss, smooth inside, heavy thrco solca, extension Ono pair will wcnr a year. flno culf; no bettor shoe ovor offercrt at this price; ono trial will convince who want, a shoo for comfort and service.

.25 WorklnKinan''A shoe! are very strouR and durable. Thoso who have given them a trial will wear no other SI-75 school 6hoos I wJF worn by tho boys every where; theyaell on their merits, as tho increasing sales show. shoe, best kdU ICO Dongoln. very stylish; equalsFroucti Imported ehoct coetlngfrom J4.00 to SG.iX). st.ap, iti.00 and 73 shoe foe Misses are the best flne Dougola.

Stylish and durable. that; W. L. namo aud price ore stamped on. tho bottom, of each shoe.

prTAKE NO Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. W. L. POUGLA8, Brockton, Mams. Sold by Dumford Shoe 14 E- So.

T. J. Baker, No. 4O W. 2nd So.

St. People's Shoo Score, CO 1st South, Opposite Tli cat or. 3 50 145 175 3300 200 185 Sot) 123 150 Standard 1 00 Union COD 1 GO Vlicc 1 20 Horn Silver. Vspen 300 Iron Silver. iulchor 1 50 Mexican B.

A 280 Ontario Chollar 150 Ophir Crown Point 130 Plymouth C. A Va 525 Quicksilver 2 00 Savo g'i iurckaGon 150 Jould A 1 50 laic A Norcross 1 30 Homestakc 12 00 T1IK 3IOXKY NnwYoTtk, Fcb. ou call easy; loso ollnred at 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, per cent. Sterling exchange, steady; sixty-duy bills, demand, GBIJUBAti REV1BW.

NEW YOKK. Fcb. in the stock mrket to-day was almost entirely professional, traders showed .1 disposition to namm'or the oneral list, and while prices were stimulated rom time to time by coverings, a steady pressure opt prices down. The close was the owest prices in most of the list. Lackawanua down and Jersey Central 2 ner cent, but "'hicngo Gns is up and Sugar 1 pe'r cent.

Government bonds were steady. Petroleum closed at OOc. Vegetable Sarsaparilla Most modern, most eflectire, largcit bottle. price, $1.00, six for $5.00. For sale by Roberts A Nelden, Wholesale gents, and all druggists.

ESTABLISHED mrwfui TAILORS, Tho Jllbtals. YORK, Feb. 10.60. straits, $19.00. domestic, 54.12H-' lake, feet and walked to thofchair with a step, whioh showed bow anxious he was toil what ho tbe case He hud town -with Mr.

Bow- Suit lake- City P. Nov. a Fast Mail east. a. m.

TJ.P.—Ogden, and intermediate noints. 6:00 a. R. G. Through pouc-hto Ogdon.

a. U. Ogdon, Logan, Preston, and intermediate. 2:30 Ul iTbntana. Oregon iud 9:25 n.

Atlantic 'Mail east, Thistle and Salina m. Through- pouch' -for San Fran cisco a :25 a. m. California and ...5:00 p. m.

G. Calu'onria and Nevada ra R. G. W. Denver and Glaawood Springs p.m.

E. G. Salida and Grand 'Junction. 9:05 p. ra.

0. Park City aid Coalville .2:30 p. m. U.P.— 5'rlsco, Milford and all- points south of Milford 3:00 m. Stockton 'and- 10a.m.

U. Park City and Mill Creek. 7:00 m. E. G.

Biugham CaSoc aud West Jordan m. U. P. Nopbi, Jaab and -intermediate m. U.

Closed pouch for 5:00 m. U. Mail for ah points east of Wyo- miug ..5:00 p. Big U. vouch 'for 3:00 pJ'-m JiRKlVAL OP 3L4JI.S- TJ.P- Eastern-Fast U.

Park City and- Cache- valley 10:45 a. m. U. P. Idaho, Montana and a.

m. U. and points south. m. p.

Stockton and intermediata-p'ts. .4:00 p. K. G. California and a.

rn. R. G. Eastern 12:01 p. K.

G. PuciflcMaiL. R. Bingham Caiion and West J.ordau-. m.

U. Juab. and intermediate 'Ipoiutsv ....5:40 TJ. Park City, Mill Creek. m.

K. G.W.— Thistle and Salina. p.m. U.VP.— Closed pouch from p. Closed, pouch Provo; .,.9:40 am.

Ocden mail 400a HOOa "and? 30 ra, Big Cottoauood 9 30a OFFICE- Money indow opens 9 a. closes 5pm Opening rcRiste- window 0 00 a. Closing rcpi ter mdoiv 0 00 General do hery Mindovs open 8 a to6p Stamp window open 8 a to6p Gamers' window excepting (5 till 7 1 STODA.T JIOITES General dalivry and rtamp windows open 1 11 a fo 1 Carriers' window i i 12 tol Hours for collection or mall from thf letter boxes in the business districts 8am, 10 a £0 4 SO and 9 ra 1 A. M. m.

Auction! Younji Co are now closing stock olv diamonds, w'rttches, jewelry and, clocks at 4 quit "business. 1 Siles three T. Auctioneor, Markets. NEW YORK, Feb. Dull and easy.

Options opened firm ami 5 to 20 points closed 'Steady and 10 to 20 'points up; sales, 4.000 -bags; February, Sl3.40©13.-15; March 13.05@13.'15; Nay, Spot Firmer: 3S o. 7, Quiet, steady. Cliieag-o Markota. POEENOOX BOAHD. CPICAGO, Feb.

9. Easy; cash, May; Corn Weak; cash, May, 417aC. Easy; cash, May, Easy; cash, 511.6754; May. fll.07^. Easy; cash, 80.50; May.

APTEKKOOX BOARD. R3 Quiet; Easy; 96c. SI. 1-1 Short ribs Short CURE YOURSELF! Ask your Druggist for a bottle of Big G. The only non-poisonout remedy for all the unnatural discharges and private diseases of men and tbo debilitating weakness peculiar to women.

It cures in a few daya without the aid or publicity of a doctor. The Universal American Manufactured by The Evans Chemical Oo. CINCINNATI, U. S. A.

Errors of Youth. Kelden, wholesale agents. BUFFEREHS FROM Indiscretidus, lost BE ,472 W. 2ND S. T.

ARMSTRONG. Chicag-o JAvG Stock. CHICAGO, Feb. Roceipts, 7000; market steady: -best steers, 354.73^5.00; fair to ood, Si.25@4.50; other steers. S3.25@3.75; cows, 1.5C(gi3.00; light etockcrs, 81, feeders, market and higher; and common, packers and mixed Sy.75®4.90: prime heavy and butchers' weights, S4.95@5.05; lipht, S4.75@5.00.

Receipts, 8000: -j market 'active and steady to higher: Westerns, ewes and wethers, The Wheat! Market. CHICAGO, Feb. unsettled and lower. Tbe opening was about than yesterday, followed by an advance, of then became.weak, and prices ruled advanced again, took the down declining 2c. held steady, and the closing.was about lower- than, yesterday.

Receipts, 507,000 shipments, 730,000 bushels. i-iverpool Grain. Feb. No. 2 red.

wintftt 7s Sd and No. 2 red soring unchanged. Spot, 4s4J4d February, 4s 4d and Maron, is 3d and steady; April; "4s 1 SJi'd and steady, The Xead Market. Under date 61 'Chicago, February 6th, Mcssrgl Everett Post suy: present ueek has shown httle change in attitude of either producers or consumers The latter are only buyrif: from hand to mouth as and ho'dei's are not forcing the situation by free offerinei The foreign market firmed up duiing the middle of week, but has since settled hack and closes at a slight advance over last week's quotations in tho Immediate 'uture we look for no material cbanite exoepl that which may he brought about by the course, of values abroad CHICAGO for the weeL will Amount to, 500 to 300 fcns at'396c und 00 tons if at the aime figure The elos'nff is 3 We bid 95c Louis Trades.liavo been made here oo tho basis of aad 8 90o lor desilver vety quif THE CALIFORNIA HOSSE CONTROLLER, Pat. 17, 1891, is a new and neat device for 6top- i runaway stnd controlling hard mouthed ers.

It is eminently applicable to all fine and spirited Animals, s.nd especially so to carriage, and iiddlo horccK. Ladies and delicate-or timid should never ride of without it, as any gen tie animal may beoomt frightened and try to run 'away. Rutail price, $1.50: by mail, tl.55. The trade supplied at special rates by MAIN WJSCHESTEE, 214 Battery Sail Francisco. A Famous French Chef onee wrote: "The very soul of cooking 1 is the stock-pot, and the finest stock-polls Liebig Company's Extract of Beef." Genuiiie only Signature.

Invaluable in improved and economic cookery' For Sdups Sauces and made dishes. from the of routhftal topriulence, have brftuKlit about a of weiiknus that IJM reduced tern to much to almost finr other diMAic, and the real CJUIM of trouble ever belna nanpncted, tttn Are doctored for but nait one. tho many vaiBaDM pat mcdlauRciencc hM prodaoM for the rtitof of UiU of paiieau. of the ordinary modes of treatment eoeot a core. pltal we wlU new And cpnccntruted nmtt Tbe preccrtmlon of- of CAMS la our bavo bent Witoredfo IwalUi bjr one after otlnf remedial failed.

Perfectly para Jn- thopreparaUoq of Kaktoo pills. otMrongoiSKtotMd. In MOMciuiea it will, be neccMary tor the patient to twropuw attodUuae. making tbe number aaar TiilsremMr U) everrcondiUon of DenroaadeDiUtrand and cuwclalljlit thoso from Im prudence. powcn oc thia astoniciilDr.andltt Me continued for tM lumpiid, clebUitauw, nenreieM condition One of renewed hfe and vlcor.

AsweareconBtanttrinreceiptof ntttnor- Inquiry relative to this rerftedy. we would tolhOM who would prefer to obtain it of remltaoir 41 aacuwly Mealed paclun containing to pilu. carefully cotnpoundea. will be MntbT return from uur.prlyal*. laboratorr.orwe will furnish 4 vhich tory, will care aoct KEWTNGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE! iMMrroar.

Copyrlpht, 1 YongMarohiad have told J. W. CURRIE, ASSAYED, i. Silt UKE CTTT, Prompt attention given to all- by malt' Charges uoiform aad PAINE LYNE, of all Copper Ores arjd. Mattes for Phew.

(752 CURTIS KIVO. WU. nraltt of orerwork, KBt portico of tho totfy.

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