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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 6

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

it" H6M ftfAl, M6M, ARKANSAS Friday, Jiffy Boyle from Un't Wfll, honor. tnnvenHtm killing UWP nnd flnnlly (in from Oklnhornn Rtit und nntfrt MnrArthnf nn'l him thnl ht- hml nnrnt- (hut not rtlf, fitnl will hctton'i untied Are hot If ins rrtotlrm picture romc miwphnnm. in Audience or one In tho nan of A sound itojp and he'i. Cllotlort in Ihe Oold Hollywood 1'Ark 1to Immune fmni lUCPf JlMl grip, a'star or Ml OrcBslonSl whet- be pmrrtlnfiflipn from ihs or Inquiring but shclton, cAtiiht in the halro from dutf off thn coot of a Con- wmild quip; "Tako the flrlt iftylKp i poll' ifle brtiKh off, but when Ipndlnu phynlelan to nldo him nil tho doctor who life. "I cttlH'U him and Kliow up," hid ox' fi, Ukc In it tho In wnves whenever ht't oo If hit of hit at 6 in (ho tnotriinjr.

ing rsiaycd lo York CUM and unpwwiditntt'd humor bo to 4ne world's booh of impromptu wit, hls Ilkf mnchtiin nnd wnily uxiilonlve, pxctHil that, no'one jicU hurt. from Bow imuklcnl "liowly To Sunday ot thc theatre) in which Bkfltoh bodily through door (MMtfdtol and Cower Kalhryn Jpoloi on, Dur- Aiid The funny thins nbmit 3ft of madm-M. TtfllU MRP, A that everybody Joined in II, It lute nt night uml the very tlrwl. I don't thltik they worn politically for MaeArthiir all Hut wan ifymbol IlkP the Ann-Henri flags thpy hauled out for. The IBM banner I rnrii-d up carry unlrt: "Thc Want MC." I urn riot nt nil convinced thul In true hut It in poitlblllty.

TliO. HrpubllcdliN urr Mind (if mixed up right now and whom they want. And this letter you from tlrod, loving htiflbnnd. tlrod of many P. I hate to brlno up money again hut lend me leme more I had to buy round ef toft for all us banner We all on only thlno Warren has the Jet Builders Contlnusd from Pugs llupittenod to halt production of 8nbrc jetN'cnemles of tho Top Air Forep offlcUiln even oiio-duy Khuldown of Urn 17 ulrcrHft plunU In Coll- ond Colurrfbuii, Ohio, would more "lakes'' untrrlngly luntied on dunt-pr (lowi-r Cham, Ion's foot, undentund It," ed, "If It wan profftBulonul you'd think that once whIJo I'd nlm nt Ki-el's vocal ehordHl" Tlifty had made Hfvetnl to the unlnn snd thtr compnny la cotnpromlm? dlffrrwic- two Hided, followlna a nt niuotlntlori hy the Fed- rrnl Mfdlnllnn nKrti'd lute ypslf-rdny to mihmlf the mi impnrtlnl, fnct-flml- IMK Itnnrit whose rrcornrnemlntlnn nlfiillnK.

it Truman by! tn thr- thrpp-mnni board HI. dlo do no! nl un ffttly Tho nxri'iTiiint Kt-nd wiign to bindliix nrljlti iilli.n fnchulns olh'-r i Kinmlttm'-nti: The cniripnny unlrt It would the 12 rffiln, nrnimulntcd ovr-r the paid ii bomm, to rnunnd thiit 12 M'ntH, urcMimtilutiid ovftr (ho two yt-dtH iinili-r roti-nMlv I'Mi'jilnllon pnrt nt rates cvrn If llvliiK could go down, 2. Kctrnnctlvlty tn taut Aprlf 2fl of whatever wajji- incri-niif the ur- bltrullofi iiunol rccmnrncyndx. union 20,000 cm. ploycos nt thc 17 plnntx flniilly ally unlu-d for ii WIIRO hoont of more Ihon 2A un hour.

Thet '-(impany hdo nrvttr publicly offer-1 more than five cont hike In nd; dition tu intorporiitlnK the 12 cents Into WOHV rates. Thi? union WON understood to linvt- lowered Ormund to urotmd 20 ccntn nil hour during llon.i. Starts Sunday at the Saenger Here's How Price Boost for Steel Is Delayed WASHINGTON government today put off until next week Continued from Page One Toft 7. 18 votes: Eisenhower 4 Trifl I.I Warren 1 12 votes: Eisenhower 5 Taft 7 i New Hnrnpshire votes: Risen- i turner M. New Jersey votes: Elsenhower! to tho latest price boost Ciivi I Rights Continued rsge.

demands of the steel industry. Taft I N'ew Mi xiro Elsenhower f) Tuft Ni-w York vnto.s: Kisenliower 92 Ti.ft North Cnrolinn 20 votes: F.isen- by the Weirton Steel Company for i hnwer 12 Toft $5.30 per ton ceiling hike. such a fight If made but said thej did not expect to win. Then the entire document ctttit up for a vote. It carried by clamotion.

Something like a sit went up throughout the conventlo hall. Such Accord was a relief to many i party leaders who had feared Price Administrator Eliis Arnallj platform battle would widen par suld it would be several days but no later than next-week-before hi; could answer a 1 request RED SKFiLTON cxphifu ANN MILUiR. in tint comedy scene from MCM'i "LOVELY TO LOOK in color by Technicolor Starts Sunday at the Rialto North Dakota 14 votes: Eisenhower 4 MacArthur 1 Taft 8 Warren 1 Ohio 30 voies: Taft 5(1. Oklahoma 10 voles: Eisenhower 4 MncAi-lluir 5 Taft 7 OrcKon 18 votes: Eisenhower 18 i J'i rinsylvania 70 voles: Elsenhower I MacArthur 2 Taft 13 Sources close to the price boss said they believed his would be "no." wounds already opened by Uie ztt campaign for presi-J dcntlal nomination. The civil rights plank promise; 'federal legislation to further Jus nd equitable treatment In the ared answer discriminatory practices." But it adds: "Federal The company Is not shut down! action should not duplicate state by the nation-wide strike that has slowed output of critically needed steel to a trickle.

Weirton has a contract with the Independent Steel Ithodo Island .8 Votes: Eisenhow- Workers Union. Those engaged in i cr 0 Taft I Warren 1 i the work stoppage-now in its 39th Board Denies Contlntmd rrom Pnii6 One tlirotiHh fllnparnffliiK remnrku not to renew thit urt ti-ucher'H contract. Lynch thit twurd cumc to ItH own clfc'lHlon nt a meeting in July of lout year. Dr. undo I thurgon I.oudln onlcl, tirnmiK olhcr ihlnKs: "Thnl woman Dr.

Munclvl In not fit to be un ji college faculty, She bad Hvcurlty risk, IM Incompet t-ril imtl of bud pei'Himtil traits," "llarblnner of uprlnK" Is nainn of plnnt l.ulbosiu. Jaanor i CHAPMin TWBIATO mlcMis at ttw I to up Wf'rti folnf to IM i tht twturM htd HSSMfr SlBMSk Ito- FAITH BALDWIN Mft't. Pin going horns, miniature fist Psul osught It In I gtt ths thsMitw unsnts. Mw until and I'm going horns for rnus, em thinking ot looking IB PhUMelphiiL" "But'you I Ntw foik, your All flirtumn, Tour mother fcfWnst your ohwigsd now. friends no long- In thit Orscs will Long tflftnd, Ellsjs tn Con- MOUCUU Tht Thrss Uusko- ton," Mailing.

wu, pvorthln; also sxtra- But shs WM Now thert WM I mors; sorter, luminous, "And Wtott hsr, UlKcd things my hMB't Men very well, rlkd to me home. I'll stay, but, turt. I've my prolt It wltf o( mt tor a while, run to a Uttie car, Bo, you Mi; She looked at him for a moment, thinking, tt Un't aa If rd never, iea him again. I ehUU But not often. I have to remember.

I have to remember everything. He eaid a moment "You'll have to five me a little time, 1 can't to In." "I'll Paul, I'll all my frUw But PhlledelpWs isn't the Mtpodie we'll MS such Wd. Ths yesj wheeled Into the bs- ginning ot hot sum- simcmt unjnduraWo by fc iKy from huudity i weioto the oooiiu eowoUtion of rsOn rejrely M. in June, Rhode took INtuI to Mr mother- ln.J»w»*. 4wt Paul from where she had reiiuovedt In-Mey, Itot'fhe wished heUooros up for a vacetlon, Also June, (ttmop Adame fine of oldest (lucons went for the ir the'old fejrw his hajl owned, tnores of Utte grit, Had ahortly atter hbj arrival, he Aidaenly died, would bwtvd to old cemetery (n the little town, Wat the houjf, and where, trow wmaU quirt ohurca, he WM PawUnt and his own, and Uie young mother said, Don't let' htm snnoy you and Paul answered, "I like and in reply to her question, "No.

I've none of ray own, I'm not' married." She looked at him with frank astonishment. She thought, I'll write Prank ar(d sayJL nf to the best looking.mwi I ever saw, In the plane. A bachelor, too But you needn't be jealous, 1 meant Uie next-best looking, They were almost In when Paul noticed Uie change In the sound ot the twin engines. Other passengers noticed too, and looked at one another, and Paul's seatmatft Mltcd, "Something sounds funny, dossn't ItT" In the seat across a man diagnosed, "An engine's missing The rhythmic drone WM broken by healtance, a helling, an uneven beat The pilot, screened from his passengers, vpoke to the copilot, looking at his manifold pressure, which told him that one of the engines was Indeed missing, Ftownlng, he slowly closed 'and opened his throtUe to clear it There WM a series ot explosions, the plane shuddered and vibrated, a woman screamed nervously, grasping her husband's arm. He said Irritated, "For heaven's sake, Kate, it's nothing!" The pilot Immediately out his switch and shut, off the gas to the falling engine.

He tpraysd, without words, his face bright with sweat Ho knew that raw gM WM exploding In the manifold. He prayed Uiat the fire might be averted. Some passengers talked loudly, questioning, and some were silent Some clutched at the stewardess she hurried past, crying, "What's wrong, what's happening and the girl next to Paul turned gray-white, holding the baby ISP ao hard a grip that he walled, She said. "Something's terribly wrong. Oh, I shouldn't have come, I shouldn't have come!" He said, "I'm sure its nothing serious.

We're close to the field. Try not to be frightened." He leaned past her and saw the dead prop standing stationary, tn a gesture ot doom, and a thin line of black smoke began streaming edge of the South Carolina f. votes: Eisenhow- (lay-are CIO United Steelworkers. Arnall said it will be necessary to (jive Weirton an answer next week because the company auto- matieally put the higher ceilings into effect July 21 unless there is an objection from the Office of er 2 Taft Sr.uth Dakota 14 votes: Taft 14 Tennessee 20 votes: Taft 20 Tex us votes: Eisenhower 33 Taft 5 Ulnh 14 votes: Taft 14 Vermont 12 votes: Virginia Tuft 14 2 votes: Eisenhower 12 Price Stabilization by that time, votes: Kisenhower Weirton and most other I Washington 24 votes: Eisenhower 20 Taft 4. West Virginia 16 votes: Eisenhower 1 MiicArthur 1 Taft 14 steel firms are operating under a voluntary "hold the line" price agreement w'ith the jjovenment sign- eci in January, 1051.

The companies agreed to give 20 days notice of Wisconsin 30 votes: Taft 24 War- intorllion to raise prices Tnj, gov LOUIS JOURDAN and JliAN a romantic scene from 20th "ANNE OF Till! INDUS," color by Technicolor. PRESCOTT NEWS Sunday, July 13 Young Peoples Service will bo held at the Church of Sunday at 7:110 p.m. The Pioneer Kellowshlp of thr Pri-sliyli'i'lan Church will meet un afternoon at The Youth Fellowship of the First Methodist Church will' meet Sunday at 11:110 p.m. for worship, recreation and fellowship under tho directions of Or. nnd Mrs.

N. It. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. William Cordon.

WSCS Clrclo 2 Entortnlned By Mm. Dan Plttman Sr. Circle. 2 of the WSCS of (bo First Methodist Church was i tiiined Monday afte.rnoon by Dun Plttmtin Sr. The chairman.

Mrs, IJ. A. De- Lumur, presided. The Inpiring devotional talk was given by Mrs. K.

K. Ward. After a hymn was sung Mrs. J. W.

Toi'tcr presented the pro- Uram on "Earths Abundance In Man's Stewardship." The business was conducted by 50 Planes Bomb North Korea Capital SEOUL, Korea, (UP) The United Nations mounted its Best nlr offensive of the war, hurled 50 planes today against Pyongyang the battered" capital of North Korea, in a massive daylong assault auainst Communist t-upply concentrations. Three of Allied position roared over Pyimgyuni; -bvitinninu at 10 a.m. tl) p.m. KST Thursday) stndinK bombs, napalm, nickels and machine nun bullets rrashiiif! into the Red Supply Center. The Allied planes also bombed the strategic Sariwon-Mwunuju tlio chairman.

Delicious refreshments wore ser- Vi-il to tilt- eleven iiii'inliers pre- Mrs, J. C. Woodul WSCS Circle 3 Hostess Mrs. C. Wondul was hostess to circle 3 of the WSCS of the First Methodist Church at her home on Monday afternoon with eleven members and two visitors present.

Mrs. Glenn Hairston, chairman, opened thc moetinfi with prayer, and conducted the business. The devotional talk for the afternoon was Riven by Mrs. M. i en (1 Wyoming 12 votes: Eisenhower Taft 0 Alaska voles: Eisenhower 1 Taft 2.

Disriet of Columbia votes: Taft 0 Hawaii II votes: Eisenhower 3 Taft 4 Warren 1 Puerto Rico 3 votes: Taft 3 Virgin slands 1 vote: Eisenhower i. Negotiations Continued rrom Page One on its product unless tho Of- lice of Price Stabilization objects buoKl will into effect Weirlun not boon shut down by tho striki- and is operating im- itei a voluntary "hold the line" price aj'ivement with the government. Tin; pact stipulates the company is to give 20 days notice of intention to prices. Arnall said it would be several days but not later than next week when an answer is ready. Sources to Aniiill believe he will object to the price raise.

Industry sources are worried Sharp. Mrs. Leo Kinney had char- shutdowns net win- of the program on me topic, i shortage of iron "Tho Fullness of the Earth." I I 1 11 ernment can reject the Increases in that peiod. Arnall is represented as being firm in his position that steel is entitled to a price boost tinder the Capehart Amendment, but nothing more. This amendment allows manufacturers to adjust their ceil-, ings by adding to their pre-Korean prices all cost increases from June 24, 1050, to last July 26.

efforts to endsuch epractlces." The platform as a whole bristled with denunciation of President Truman's adminrtsltaion. It plot ted a course for a "march into a new day." It promised to end what it called corrupt socialistic £ov ernment unable to cope with com- and replace it with an efficient positive administration would "wage peace and win Harriman, mutual security minlslrator and a candidate for I the Democratic nomination, told a news conference at Detroit plutforrn is "one of the most unconvincing documents of all 1 I The grave of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, mpther of is at Lincoln City. Some shell collectors in Florida have equipped cabin crusiers and fishing boats with small power dredges to explore the ocean at depths more than 100 fathoms. Alt VEGETAM.I DeljttinuB refreshments. were by tin 1 hostess during thc social hour.

WSCS Circle 4 Meets In Worlhlngton Home Fourteen members of circle 4 of the WSCS of the First Methodist Church met Monday afternoon in thtf home of Mrs. J. T. Worthinfi- ton for the monthly meeting. Mrs.

W. R. Hambrighl co-chairman, presided and called the meet ing to order. After the business period Mrs. Dick Stewart assisted by Mrs.

J. B. Hesterly and Mrs. Wnrthinglon presented the program on "Earth's Abundance In Man's Stewardship." The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Craig Galling.

Delectoblo refreshments were served. Presbyterian Circle 2 Meets Circle 2 of the Presbyterian Church was entertained on Monday evening by Mrji, Max Bryant on i the lawn of her' home. chairman, Mrs. W. A.

Norton opened the meeting with prayer 'and conducted the business. Mrs. S. O. Logan presented Kible study on "Has Your Life Really Heen Changed?" Sentence prayers 'were offered, Mrs, Bryant gave interesting discussion on the proU-stant leader quit in sympathy when the steelworkers strike June 'i.

Iron ore shipments stopped soon afterwards on the Great Lvno The lakes are open only seven months in tho spring ana summer when stocks of iron ore are moved to stock steel mills for the winter months. In addition to the idle sleelworkers nearly 600.000 other workers have been laid off in al lied industries. First Bo I lot Continued from Pace they chanted "We Want Taft" Many women workers for Taft were softly weeping. Ike's mission was to heal, if possible, the wounds generated be-! tv.een the gop's- two strongest factions by the bitter Taft-Eisenhower battle for delegates before and during the convention. He remained closeted with Taft for several minutes.

ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement is mode today of the purchase by Leonard Ellis of the Foster-Ellis Insurance Agency, 108 East Second Street. During the past six years the insurance agency has been owned jointly by Vincent W. Foster and Leonard Ellis, under a partnership agreement. Mr. Foster has sold his interest to Mr.

Ellis, who will contiune to operate the agency at the same location and under the firm name of Foster-Ellis Insurance, Agency. There will be no change in insurance companies, Mr. Ellis continuing to represent seven large dividend- paying mutual companies and one large stock company, writing all types of insurance. Although Mr. Ellis will devote a greater part of his time to the insurance business, he will also be associated with Mr.

Foster in the sale of real estate, along with Mr. C. F. Baker, who has been with the firm since its beginning six years ago. We take this opportunity to thank the public and express our deep and grateful appreciation for the wonderful business given us.

Foster-Ellis Insurance Agency 108 Eost Second Street Phone 7-4692 rnml i 14t luuu-siaiii it'uuer I lho Ul Koi John Mrs. Norton led the Bv Kto Wt St nsl period on "Christian i fi KST) I 1 UW ottaclswl tho Afte-r tho MUhah benediction do- from ths wing: grtw heavier seeped Into the cabin. what can do?" the gtrt with seJd helplessly put hit hsjid over hers as held the baby to her. He said. "Turn to your God and mine, "the Qod ol us all, the compassionate rather." And bent his head and prayed In a steady voice, and the woman who wept, was and tnan who was cursing feu silent And presently than were other voices speaking with him.

"Our Father The also ptayed. her race drawn. thought of many for was very young. Sumy tt liot Ume for her to who fcftA wt fuUy lived. the mm Who had him.

BI994 believed U. N. vvtirplunes hud flown inorc than 1,500 sorties. Hundreds of planes from Uu- 5th Air Force, American and British aircraft carries, the South African hi thi 1 Mizhnh benediction do-1 liyhtful wore ed by those present. Mrs.

Mary Montgomery and! Mrs. Hervey Beinis motored to i Air Forct- swept the target in Inys. pianos nicked out rubber factories, ammunition factories ond clumps, truck mut, tank repair shops, of North Koreans nnd the Marira Buchanan is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V.

U. Wurtlutm in Ciurdon. I Miss Kay King and Miss Patsy! ivere Monday visitors in piles untompcrcd. then Harper 'i! "Vi'' 1 HilUm Houjsc. have been them off in a gfcamic h'amSe? Ul Sl reluUvo)l blow delivered without warning.

While the Allied were mukinjj for the choice t.utfets which had been allowed to flatten on the than 100 American F-86 Sabre-jets and Austra Meteor jets flew protective cover. Twelve enemy MlG-15 K-ts flew down (ram Manchuria in an at- Mr. and Mrs. Al Daniels have had as their guests. Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Pearson of Plumvievv. Miss Eloise Hudson and her house jjuest, Mrs.

A. C. Hudson of Bartlesville, were the Monday guests of friends in Texarkana. Mr. and Mrs.

Altojj Reeves of M1G. tempt to intercept the Eight Sabre jets pounced on them ai SI.000 damaging one. 2nd Lt, Paul Kauttu, Portland lwsai: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roid was credited with' the damaaevl BUl and Jr Uoi have Uvn ihe, guosts ol Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Reeves. Mr.

and Mis. P. D. Whitaker. Susan and Bill have returned to in Corpus Christi.

Texas after a visit with Mr. Mrs. Norman Whiukei. Mr. Martin Gu- thrte other lelatives.

iff It seemed evident that new and crushing Assault was a continuation of the Allies. 1 "Negotiate the consequences" attitude. The peace at Paamimjojw been stalled over the Com' re- wsnk Friday, HOPI StAfti NOM, ARKANSAS SOCIETY 7-3481 Between 8 A. M. and 4 M.

Dr. R. G. Lee at Ouachita on August 8 Calendar Monday, July 14 Circles No. 1 and 2 of the Fir! at, Christian Church will have a joint business meeting, program, and social hour in the church Monday, July 14, at 3 o'clock with Mrs.

Clitic Franks, president, piesidinji. Mrs. H. O. Green ficiiitcd at the ceremony before! a background ot white yladioli.

Thc bride wore a frosted white organdy dress with a pink ynr- detiia corsage. Jimmy Brummutl served as best man. Following the ceremony, a dinner was given for the couple. Mr. and Mrs.

Weaver will bo be a hostess from Circle 11 1 tlomu 303 Greening Street. 'and one from Circle 1 will bci where Mr. Weaver is cm designated later. ployed. The WoslL-vuu service Guild of tMr osutes thc First Methodist Church will 4 ndt hllp Club meet in tl, home of Mrs.

Elmer I lhe 47 "Midship Club met on -Brown cm Momlav. July 14, at 7 Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ben p.m. Mrs. Sam Andrews will Uo i Wullcr as hostess, A putiuck supper will lhv bl lsuu; wus con.

i ducted by Mrs. Martin Green, IJv VCU. vicu-prcsidcnt. It was announced that the officers will bu elected at thc next mooting. Mrs.

Thc Rebecca Sunday School i'-class of thc I-'irst Baptist Church; will have a iK.tluck supper nt llcr Wils in cbar BC of tho pro room at the. Kxperi- i rr niLUt Station Monday Kclrcshments Youth Revival of Columbus Baptist There will be a youth revival the Columbus Baptist church ginning Sunday niRht. July 13, and continuing through Sunday, July 20. Bill Dunn of Ouachlta will preach and Jim Harris of Arkansas State Touchers will direct the singing. The youth choir will meet at 7:30 p.m.

with the preaching service starting at 8. Dr. Ellis at IstM. E. on This Sunday Dr.

Matt Ellis, president of Hen drix college at Conway, will be the guest speaker at First Methodist Church this Sunday morning, Dr. Ellis is both a prominent educator and an outstanding Methodist layman. Sunday night at 7:30 the Rev. DOROTHY DIX Companionship Dear Miss Dlx: AH my 38 yonrs I have wanted 8 companion my own age. I had no brothers or sisters, all riiy childhood piny- inatcs live quite a dlst.v.u 1 from me.

so I grew up very much alone. After high school I had to be ser- 3 Power Jobs Are Open at Narrows Dam Examination Is now open for pro- bntional appointment to the posi tioti of 1'ower Plant Operator. were served Claud Clark ot Spring Hill will 1 pastor of the Bellevue pi st. to Church, Memphis. "V'TiV 1 be held Thursday, July 24, Church will moot at the i ol Mrs.

F. 11. Johnson, on 1 Wednesday, 10, at 7:30 p.m. Club Has Meeting Thursday Vows Exchanged Miss Mciba Ann Whitten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Clifton Whillen ot Camden and formerly of became the bride of Hen- Sjamin Franklin Weaver, sou of 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Weaver of Camden, Thursday, July 3, at 8:30 p.m.

in the 'home of Mrs. Clarine Allen. The rfeverend Duel Tanner of- The Hope Business and Profos at I) p.m. Dr. recognized as one of tho grcati'st.

preachers in> mi- lion, was president of the Southern Baptist Convention ill 1949 and sional Women's Club held its rug-, again in 1950. He is well known for ular monthly meeting at the Ho- his famous sermon, "I ay Day. i mar monthly meeting tel Barlow Thursday evening In the absence of the president, Someday. 1 For the '21 members of Ouachitas Mrs. Bello Klipsch, Mrs.

Otis 1 summer class, summer Dreed, 1st. vice-president, pro- commencement exercises will bo sided over the business. Plans a historic event. This is Ouachita Virgil Kceley, beginning a revival church has invited Spring Hill cir this service. Mayor John L.

Wilson will wnch the Century Bible Class Sunday morning. Grade II, J1.4H per hour; Power Plnnt Operator, Grade $1.43 to $1.08 per hour; and Power Plant Operator, Grade 17, to $1.92 per hour, for duty with tho lous nbout earning living as 1 supported my mother, so missed most ot the fun tecn-sacrs normally have, thought 1 would nch- eive my Ideal of a companion when married, but hasn't worked that way. My husband's Job was quite distance from home and ho pu In lonp hours, so we had little lime together. That went on foi ten years, then he was in scrvici for four yonrs during World Wn H. during which time I went work and had a small room to myclf.

1 made friends easily, hut was never Invited to people's home since they seldom welcome a third party. Now my husband Is baek from the war. wo live In another town and I still havfi my full- time job. 1 see little ot htm since he goes to night school nnd hus frequent business meetings on ot- hor nights. I can't Join clubs, tis ho want!) me home at I): 30 to give- him snack, On week ends friendships arc made after marriage.

Is (kite cmirM 1 cowld recommend mast heartily fl change from the ftntfc you have feftft Ihrcudlng those mftnj years, but it requires patience, courage, and optimism. it Is not absolutely necessary for you to keep yrtur Job. why not give It up for tlma and Join the spreading Koster Parent movement? By taking child Into your home under this plan you are under no obll Kfttion to keep him should the ur rangoment prove too difficult loi you, yet you are giving yoursel tho Joy of having child In the house and helping a youngster ad Just himself to a troubled world Your telephone book will give you tho name ot the agency nearest you and so will your minister. There seems to be nothing wrong In your household that would make you unacceptable as Foster Par- nits nnd the experiment will lead to worthwhile friendships for you, and nlvo you a purpose In life thc luck of which Is actually your frying need rather than lack of entertainment or friends. Try It, iinit lot know It the project Is successful.

WANT; IUPEV THAT MELT YOUR- MOUj Corps of Engineers, VIcksburR Uw woi Ks lno garr ien in order to ti'ict. Hi Narrows Dam and Rcspr-1 volr Project, near,' were discussed and committees were appointed to stage the Que' first time to have regular graduation exercises for tho summer AIR-CONDITIONED STARTS Best Double Features en's Contest at thc Hempstead I graduates. Until now summer County Watermelon Festival, graduates have participated In tho Rules and requirements for the May graduation exercises. registering of contestants presented and adopted. The program for thc evening i an interesting ant! illuminating was in charge of thc Finance Com niittee, Opal Hervcy, chairman.

This committee presented thc budget for tho year and four plans ior raising funds. Plans lor ing judges to the Watermelon Eat ing Contest held annually at the; report on the Student Loan Fund. Mrs. Jack Rogers was welcomed into the club as a new member. THANKS A MILLION! LAST CHAPTER SERIAL "Mysterious Island" And Color Cartoon Personal Mention Klorcnco E.

McCorUle, LittU; Rock Boys Club and adver- no cl f'Mrs. Y. C. Colcman of Using the Watermelon Festival Hope, is presently training as an over the radio were made. i Air Force Technician at the USAF Rosa Harrie, Shirley Dickey, and Technical School at Warren Air Naomi Patterson were appointed dclefiatcs to thc State Board Meeting to be held in Litlle Rock, July 26 and 27.

Miss Beryl Henry gave the club Force Base, Wyoming, it has been announced by this Commanding Officer. RIALTO STARTS 2 BIG HITS 2 Authentic Jungle Thrill Story Filmed In Siam "Jungle of Chang" Coming oncl Going Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Dcardcn and family of Dostick, Georgia, arc visiting Mr. Beat-den's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bcarden. Swim, Queen Contests at Melon Fete Two features ol the annual Hemp stead County Watermelon Festival to be held in Hope August 6, are tho swimming contests and watermelon queen contest.

Awards will be made In these contests and those interested ii entering should make application as soon as possible. Those interest ed in thc swimming contest shoult see Hcndrix Spraggins. Water melon queen contestants shoulc see Mrs. Otis Breed or Shirley Dickey. Thc PW club is In of thc queen contest.

Plans for thc festival are takln form and final information per taining to the day's program wl be announced soon. Efforts ar being made to obtain well know personalities for appearance a this year's festival. according to F. K. Solomon, executive secrelnry.

Hoard of U. S. Civil Service Kxaminers lor the Lower Mississippi Valley 1 Division. Corps of Engineers, P. O.

Box CO. Vlcksburg, Miss. No written lest will bo given foi this examination. Applicants will be rated on the basis of their ex- pericncc and training for the position. Age limits of 18 to -will be waived for persons entitled to veteran preference.

Further information and appllca- ion forms may be secured from net fresh air. 1 meet many Interesting peoplt luil they won't Invite us to visit when they find out my husband IS seldom available. Here being lone woman Is a llabtlty. 1 am Incredibly bored with lite as it is. nnd has been.

All my activity and companionship. Am I a case for psychiatrist? S1IARRY Mr. and Mrs. Owen Atkins left Thursday for a weeks visit with their son, Jimmy, in Los Angeles CaliC. Answer: Unfortunately you do fall Into a most difficult category Shnrry.

A lone, attached womni has practically no niche at nil Inl which she can fit. You nre out Dear Miss IMx: I wss married nany years, until I found my bus- Kind Kullty of Infidelity and wo vero divorced. Now I have mot man who has become a very Hood friend. He thinks I am about live years older than he actually the span Is ten years. Oo you liilnk telllriR him me truth wlU make a difference between us? IHKNE Answer: It mlflht, but thc chance must bo taken.

Since his Intentions appear to bo serious, ho Is entlt led to know thc truth. HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATR6 8. Main A Country Club LAST DAY "THE lIGfriljj S. Granger G. Sondori 1st RUN IVJII lUtitlO 11 111 ,7 hu Executive Secretary.

Board of of place In single groups and out of place with married couples U. S. Civil Service Examiners for he Lower Mississippi Valley Dl- CE, P. Box 00, Vlcks. Hire.

from any first or second-class post office where the since your husband Is unable or un willing to participate In their activities, or accept their Invitations. is Selfish Wl IVI-U in Di? in announcement is post, l-'lrst of all, ho Is most selfish to expect you to be in every night or from the Tenth U. Civil Service Region, 441i Canal Street, Mew Orleans 10, Lu. Applications are to be filed with the Executive Secretary. Board of U.

S. Civil Service Examiners for the Lower Mississippi Valley Hi vision, CE. P. O. Box lit).

Vicks at merely to servo meal he could easily manage for himself occasionally. Since he has his evening pleasures, you are certainly entitled to participate In club work, this being one of tho few activities open to you. The fact that you have no chll- Doar Miss Dlx: My boy frlond is very nice, handsome young nuin of 17 thc same ngo as I. We've known each other flvo months and arc very devoted, but I stem to doubt his affection. Sometimes I feel he Is Just making tool of mo.

All the girls In Bchoo HUe him, nnd perhaps that If) whtit worries mo, 3,. Answer: Your worries arc thc natural and Inevitable result of gains with tho handsomest boy In school, All thc girls nre bound tn envy you nnd make a fuss over LISTEN TO Republici Convention him. If you like him, have faith his loyalty to you. burg, until the needs of the dren Is also a handicap, since it service arc met. is through youngsters that most Released by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.

DAILY 10:30 a.m. 4:00 7:30 p. m. Presented ai a J.C.Atc Furniture oVApplla Mrs. P.

J. Holt attended the PTA executive meeting in Little Rock Wednesday. PLUS WESTERN LARRY CRABBE MARSHA HUNT "The Arizona Raiders" Mr. and Mrs. D.

13. Russell, Jr. of Dallas, Texas, will arrive tomorrow for a visit svilh their par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. Charles liar- roll and Mrs.

Lois Hussell, and other relatives. Rev. A. A. Cooper at Bethel A.

M. E. The Rev. A. A.

Cooper will preach at Bethel AME church this Sunday morning, preceded tonight (Friday) by a business session of thc quarterly conference. On Sunday night there will bo a musical program by the Kings of Harmony and a visiting quartet. Clubs Markets Captain Video" Cartoon BIGGER HITS AT YOUR MALCO THEATRES I have resigned as J. C. Penney Co.

manager effective To the people of Hope and Southwest Arkansas I want to say Thank You, One and All, for the fine business you have given me these past 21 years while i have been manager of the J. C. Penney Co. Store in Hope. Sincerely Yours, A.

E. Stonequist July 11, 1952 Hope, Arkansas SAENGER Doyle On July 1 tho Duylr 1 limit! Dem- Club entertained thu Bin.i;en Home Denionslralion flub at an informal lea on Uie lawn at the. home of Mrs. Lawlon Cobb. The guests arrived at p.m.

and tutor an introduction game on old- fashioned spell-down was enjoyed. Two ol' the Bidden ladies carried off the prixes as thc bc-st spellers. Mrs. Cobb was assisted by her daughter. Miss Dawn Cobb, and Mrs.

Bei'ton Stewart in serving fi'orn the kitchen. The ladies returned to the lawn lu enjoy the refreshments. There were nine members from the Bingcn Club with their Mrs. Bryant, five other visitors, ten members, and a uroup of children present. Preceding the arrival of the quests the club held a short business session.

Mrs. J. P. Hutson furnished a kodak lo muke. pic lures for Ihe The next incelint; will bo Aug- usl 5 wilh Mrs.

J. 1'. Ilulson serv- as and Mrs. 1(. Q.

Westtall will bu in charge of the program. CLEARANCE BROS. RIALTO STARTS SUNDAY ANNEor INDIES) Blevins HoiriL- Demonstration club met in the homo of Mrs. IU. D.

Tippitt for it.s I'osular meeting. The mc-etiiiB was called to order by the- president followed by the song of the month Here to Grumble." Not The hostess By Thc Associated Press Wheat and soybeans were strong today, moving higher in early trading. Feed grains held steady to firm after starting slightly lower. Wholesale meats were steady to or more higher. Hogs wens steady to 50 cents higher.

Cattlu were about steady. Cotton futures opened 15 cents a bale higher to 5 cents lower. The government's crop report had a bullish affect 01 wheat futures on thc Chicago Board of Trade. The grain climbed around a cent at times. Soybeans also were strong and as much as three cents a bushel higher on the government's report on farm supplies and also on reports that 162,000 (T) bushels had been shipped out for Canada.

Feed grains started slightly lower, then held steady to firm. Here is today's Commodity report, furnished by the USDA. Light supplies ot hogs opened steady to 50 cents higher at Eastern livestock markets. However, the advance oa lightweights was later lost at East St. Louis.

Choice lyo to 2f)0 pound butchers aru reported from $21.25 to $22.25 except for an early top of $22,30 at Chicago and $22.50 at Indianapolis. A few butchers up to 300 pounds sold down to $20. About 35,000 hogs arc on sale at 12 markets along with G.UUU cattle, 2,800 calves and 4,300 sheep and lambs. Receipts were absent a week ago when the markets were closed for the Fourth of ALL MEN'S STRAW HATS VALUES TO $6.00 OFF VALUES "i- MBN'iANpiwOW SWIM SU REGULAR PRICE OFF REGULAR REGULAR PRIG read the devotional then everyone repeated the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered with each.

up a bjg percen a ge of the receipts member telling the "foods I need but car galcs were fully ea tjy. July. Hardly enough slaughter steers or arc available at most to test prices. Cows make EMLiOY A IfiTTtt MaWif COOi COMfOIT to preserve to have better planned meals." Old and new business was discussed. It was decided that the club would furnish four chickens, 1 dozen eggs, and two fruit pies for the Visiting Day at the Experiment Station.

An interesting demonstration was given by the food and nutrition leader, Mrs. Herbert Stephens on meal planning and serving and table manners. The president gave some interesting points on parliamentary procedure. The recreational leader let the group in some games. The hostess served delicious re freshments to 19 members.

The meeting adjourned to meet July 31 in the Home Economics cottage where the club will entertain Columbus club with tea with Mrs. Herbert Stephens -and Mrs. There a evidence as afld ALL MEN SUMMER SLACKS OFF REGULAR PRICE New York wholesale meat pricoj continue strong to higher, led by advances of $1 to $3 per hundred weight on fresh pork cuts. New York looks for unchangec to fractionally higher and lower prices on butter. Some 93 stort sold at cents'per pound.

Chicago expects an advance of cent on 90 score and unchanged prices on other butter, gome 90 score was bid 69Vi to 70 cents An advance ot one cent Is prospect on large and medium extra grade eggs and on current receipts at Chicago. New York prices are expected to range from unchanged to as much qs three cents per dozen higher OQ various grades and LADIES SUMMER PURSES OFF A GROUP OF FINEST RAYON SUITS FOR MEN SIZES 35 to 42 Tgiloredby CLOTHCRAFT Regular Price $30,00.

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