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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit, Michigan
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1900 HEALTH AND BEAUTY Centra! avenue MlnneapoUa Standard Time Laxative Bromo Quinine be sure that it is labeled Bromo and not blood too much cia 25 cents At all druggists Bromide his RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION i BIC CROP TOBACCO BREAK SEVER WAS SUCK A QUALITY KA1S exlsted MARRIED IN TORONTO 7 CHOSEN OR A YEAR as best been practic al the of the congress without an CENSUS BUREAU STATISTICS CHARTER REORMS AT HAVANA BRICK OR ASPHALT could be gained at SPANISH WAR VETERANS 1 ESTE3L KILLED IN A CAE GREEN GOODS MAN in the RrockviUe asylum imilB hate COULD HE HAVE REERRED TO 2S SAPOLIO st made customs entry and paid duty on printed matter brought into Canada four bottles and my cheeks as red as for the opinion city would hut any for and the time grow TitcSmt iorSAirs evening be the Cuban Commercio Irn of of Mc On the or quality purity bouquet and healthful ness there is no wine as good as Cook's im perial Extra Dry Champagne CONVICTED BEING CONCURS ED IN THt: Mt Hll GOV (WEBEL Had Been is tbe DoaiuexM IT and WMCaugbt Only Once acta and igures Will be Obtained rom Detroit Board of Works manufacturing con by The ree rees establish working WHEN HAMLET EXCLAIMED OICERS ELECTED BY THE NITION AL PRISON ASSOCIATION Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Ail drill gists refund money if it falls to cure Grove a signature Is on each box 25c GOOD PLACE TO KEEP AWAY ROM Prices Are Likely to Huie High Owing to Sharp Competition THESE ARE AVORED OR POR TIONS WINDSOR STREETS STANDARD TIME ULLY DISCUSSED UP THE STRIKE ESSEX COUNTY WILL PROBABLY HODUCE 35OOOO OUNDS CAUGHT AT ORT ERIE AND SENT TO CENTRAL PRISON Jackson the REPBESK'TATIVER of BUSINESS IN terests favor it the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYS TEM Will give the last excursion of the season Detroit to Jackson at 1100 rate for the round trip on Sunday Sept 30th Train leaves Brush St Depot 7:1 a rn Gratiot Ave 7 Milwaukee Junction 7:26 Tickets can be had at all of tho above stations also at City Office 124 Woodward Ave and Depot foot of Brush St 1 WEEK END OUTING TO JACKSON KALAHIZOO AND CBANq RAPIDS VIA MICHIGAN CENTIUL 1125 to Jackeon and return $200 to Kala mazoo and Grand Rapids and return leav ing Michigan Central Station 1:30 Saturday Sept 2 th tickets good fur re turn until first morning train Oct 1st ull particulars obtainable at Michigan Central ticket offices PEOPLE LEAVING AS AST AS THEY CAN GET TRANSPORTATION LABOR REPRESATAT1VIM STRONG LY OPPOSE A in their work were forced at the a pistol to remain quiet The rob only $7 SIfton and Walter Herbert were at London assizes yesterday Arrld en tn I Shoutlug Bellefonte Pa September John Kee nan a woodsman to day shot and killed Annie Hobson the pretty daughter of Hobson of Gillinton this county The two accompanied by the baby sis ter had gone for a walk in the woods and a half hour afterward Keenan carried the lifeless body of the girl back home Keenan who claims the shooting was ac cidental is tinder arrest LOW ARES TO SOME AIRS The Pete Marquette will sell round trip tickets at single trip rates from Detroit $Ui IHC iUHUWHIS iUHB State air Grand Rapids Sept 24 to County air Milford Sept 25 to 23 Street air Howell Sept 25 to 28 Market air Brighton Oct 10 to 12 Questions answered at No 7 ort Trains start from Union Depot LARGE CITIES HAVE MATERIALLY INCREASED IX NOT PERMISSIBLE IX PUIILIC SCHOOLS IX TEACHING HOURS All the were con still Out on Bail Chicago September Mrs Claire Evan geline charged with a violation of the bankruptcy law came into the Unit ed States Court to day on a writ of habeas carpus and was given her freedom under a bond until the examination October 8 Mrs O'Neill has been In the custody of the United States marshal A company to be known Laughlin Automatic Air Brake Co of tario will be organized at once for manufacture of the McLaughlin air brake The company Is to be incorporated with a capital of AlOOOlKX) and will have Its headquarters in either Windsor or Walker ville As soon jps letters of incorporation are secured stock books will be opened and shares sold The brake has been placed on a train on the Lake Erie Detroit River railway and is giving satisfaction MUNICIPALITY 1SDVCED TO 'ATTEND TO PUBLIC BUSINESS One fare for the round trip will he mad from all Michigan Central stations in Mich igan October 1 and 2 tickets good for re turn until October 5 on account of tho Na tional Association Democratic Clubs Mounted Police Col White is making final arrangements fur the issue of the north west rebellion medal to the members of the force entitled to it under the recent order in council Two masked men forced an entrance into the dwelling of George Jacks of Chatham and ransacKed the house The Inmat were disturbed and upon Interrupting the burglars point of uers got Gerald arraigned charged with murdering the former's father to prevent his marriage Slftdn pleaded not guilty but Herbert pleaded guilty He al leges that Sil'ton induced him to take part in the crime The defense claim that the elder Sitton's death was accidental The immigration authorities at Halifax are taking measures to use a powerful rat prison on the water front by which it is Intended to destroy ail the rodents The object of this is to prevent tho possible spread of bubonic plague in casu it should be brought to the port on shipping from Glasgow and carried Into the city by the rats on board An order has been made by a Toronto court for the payment of $42 to Hulbert Tubbs of Montana In 1S74 a Toronto man James Tubbs claimed from the courts the sum of $20 In connection with an old es tate claim was legal but before the court granted it he died After 25 years news of the claim came to the ears of Tubbs' son Hulbert away in Montana and his application for the money was granted with interest amounting to $22 2Sth inclusive ere A meeting of the prominent business men of Windsor was held in Mayor of fice yesterday to discuss the advisability of having some pavement other than ma cadam on portions of Sandwich street and Oueliette avenue It appeared to be the opinion of all that the macadam pavement' would not answer on these streets where horses are tied in front of business places and the animals soon paw holts In the pavement The dust arising it Is thought would also be a source of annoyance to business men and those present were in favor of brick or asphalt According to the provisions of the paving by law six months notice must be given by property owners who desire some par ticular kind of pavement on the streetwhere their property is situated and as Ouellette avenue tnd Sandwich street are scheduled to be paved next spring it was thought best to come to some decision in the matter at once George "Bart let was appointed chairman anl rancis Cleary secretary and they will secure figures from the Detrcit board of works on the cost of different kinds of' pavements and re port at a subsequent meeting subject to the call of the chairman fusal to pay the engineers by the hour and wunt to arbitrate all the other grievances excepting those relating to semi monthly pay and the location of powder houses which have been adjusted by the answer of (Markle Co The men also decided to re main at work pending the arbitration nego tiations and agreed to ask the firm to "de duct from the pay of each family that re turns to work their quota for the payment of arbitrator selected by the Judging only by the talk of the men it looks as if a considerable number of men will not go to work to morrow morning The force ot men at each of the Markle slopes is now very short hamlM The firm for the time being refuse! to discuss anything in connection with Its future actions Percy Clapp son of the Jat Samuel Clapp of Sandwich East is applying for letters of administration of his es tate which is valued at $1500 The Independence of Canada party has decided to open its political campaign by a series of meetings in different parts of North Essex The tirst will be held In Sandwich East next Monday night Edward and John Dodge have purchased the plant of the Canadian Typograph Cycle works in Windsor and will continue part of the business here The bicycle part of the concern went Into the trust and was removed to Hamilton Scrgt Bowden a Windsor soldier is now on furlough in Great Britain He has al most recovered from his illness and has made application to be snt back to South Africa with the Canadians who have signi fied their intention of remaining until the war is over Aid Gangnier will commence a crusade against the telegraph and telephone com panies that have poles and wires on Ouel lette aveiXe and Sandwich street The ai derman is of the opinion that the companies can be forced to use poles or else remove those now In use to the alleys At present the poles on those two streets are so thick that they resemble a forest stripped of its leaves The question will be brought up at the next meeting of the council bv Aid Gangnier Tampa lu September A general strike was ordered to day in the cigar fac tories of Sanchez Hova and Arguelles Ixipez Bro About lOW persons were thrown out of work The strike grew out of the employment of three non union men BROMO" not the name ns In tuyinu Laxative Brutuo Quinlne Tablets tbe cid standard remedy which cni ea a cold fu one day be sure that it is labeled Bro nt aaj not Bromide At ail druggists 25c claims that the public a winning card against Mr ef forts It Is estimated by the As Reading Co officials that their mines produced about 650 cars of cost to day They do not anticipate a larger outputwhile the strike continues and it is expect ed from now on the production will grow less JIM HOWARD OUND GUILTY "There are no claims within miles of Nome that have not been taken Some of them Jiave been staked a dozen times and hundreds of them are in litlwitlon As soon as a claim shows up big sordeone claims it the law steps in and work ceases The Llndblum claim was paying $50u0 per day when Lynn stepped in and now it is tled up "Go along the coast for miles and you sec plant after plant being ruined by rust be cause the claims have not panned out or are in litigation The onlv place that was booming when we left was Topcock fortv five miles east ot Nome where $75(W) had been taken out In a few days McDonald creek is exceedingly rich In gold but ev erything Is staked The cr ek is bonded for more than a million dollars When we left there had been a rush to Blue Stone farther up the coast At Nome and there abouts miners who were washing and $5 per day were doing well "The government is doing a wonderful work there At Nome great barraeks built of galvanized Iron are being put up which when completed will hold men There are several of the big buildings and any number of small ones government is ry careful of the Indians there When we entered Norton Sound on the steamer Ohio which by the way is tho steamer that carried Gen Grant nn his trip around the world the quarantine officials came on board and declared we had 'smallpox 1 don't think there was anv on board but they quarantined us on Egg island Be fore we could land however a government launch went to the Island and took all the Italians away towing them in their long canoes George JI Renney of 220 Avery avenue who was employed by Boydell Brothers ae ccmpanied Mr Jackson and will return from Seattle later They did not go to Nome to mine but intended to speculate on the claims Mr Jackson says that before the winter cones the population of Name will be reduce! tc a few hundred us people were leaving thcro by every ship rnmiiaiieii me uuii the proposed change would He said that men under Toronto Ont September 26 (Special) At 9 o'clock this morning the marriage ot Dr William Stewart Curran of Detroit a graduate of Trinity Medical college and Miss Annie youngest daughter of Sir and Mrs awcett 41 Grenville street was celebrated quietly in All Saints' church by Rev James Thompson rector of Ingersoll and uncle of the bride assisted by Rev A Baldwin The bride was attended by her cousin Miss Lizzie Thompson while Rev Bell curate of Grace church supported the groom Dr and Mrs Cur ran left on the 11 o'clock express for De troit wnere tne groom nas ing for several yekrs CI BAN ARMY OICER SHOT Washington September 26 The conven tion of Spanish war veterans continued Its business meetings here to day with about twenty members present The chief item of interest in connection with the election of offioers was the selection of Col James IL Tillman of South Carolina as senior vice commander in chief Maj Harold Me grew of Indiana had been nominated for this office but withdrew and substituted the name of Gen Joe Wheeler who re ceived four votes in the balloting Tile convention decided on a uniform of mixed blue and gray as typical of the union of the north and south during the Spanish war The following officers were elected: Commander in chief Gen Nelson A Miles senior vice commander in chlef Col James Tillman South Carolina junior vice communder ln chlef Col Wm Hubbell New York inspector general Col rank Harrington United States marine corps judge advocate general Maj Charles Miller Ohio surgeon general Dr a Uqx sponsor Miss Clara Earton council of administration Col Emmet Urell District of Colum bia Capt Henry Green Pennsylvania Capt Bernard Reinold New York John Hopper New Jersey Max leischman Ohio Otto Sves North Dakota Maj Harold Megrew Indiana The operators seem to be abiding their time confident that in the end victory is going to be on their side The strikers on the other hand are just as con fl dent if their leaders are to bo believed the men are more confident of winning now than at any time since the strike was inau gurated The local operators say the state ment issued by the Markle was the only proper stand to take considering the con dltions existing between employer and em ploye and that the Markies have played September 24tn to Marquette agents at all stations in Michi gan will sell tickets to Grand Rapids and return on account of State air at one way rate plus 50 cents for admission to the Return II Washington September I statistics have been compiled at the census bureau based on the population of large cities which demonstrate that the 155 largest di les In the United Stataes numerically In creased In population from to ISM al most exactly as they did between ISM) and 1KW These 155 cities Increased their Papula lion from ivo to 1SW and from to ISA or just 7s 154 less dura the latter than in the former period course when the aggregate percentages oi increase ot tho population of these Ue cities during these two periods are compared they show that the percentage of lucre was considerably lower in the last ten yef because tnu increase is compared larger population in 19r0 than it was in IK The fact that numerically Hie Increase ot the population of these cities has come out just about tho same during the last two censuses is more interesting from the fact that the rates of increase of the various cities have varied greatly George IL Barbour expressed that all the factories in the adopt standard time and the labor repre entatives stated that if assured of that opposition on their part would be with drawn The committee finally decided to go to Cleveland see what time it as one expressed it: but the object intended is to examine into the charges that the attempt ed change to standard time in that city had resulted In most dismal confusion Eater in the day Chairman Joy an nounced that the junket had been de clared off the committee feeling that all necessary inrormation home The he ads of several cet ns who were asked whether thev would hours running from 6:30 a to 5:30 standard or from 7 a to 6 stand ard time replied that probably the choice ot hours would be left to the employes with 1 finally decided it ss a tonic ell pent! on the Track At Essex fair yesterday afternoon a stable hand named Bucks fell dead on the track while leading one of the horses to its stall after the last heat in the trotting race No particulars are known concern ing him other than his name LOW RATES TO INDIANAPOLIS AND Promptly Regained by the Use of Peruna the Great Tonic John Millar deputy minister of educa tion for Ontario says that the two Catho lic schools in Windsor do not conform with the public school act if religious instruc tion is given during school hours Bishop McEvay raised this he asked members that the were legally conducted The de or for separate schools but some of the board of education held schools nartment will interfere if this section the school law is being violated but the aeputy minister school inspector should have reported tho irregularity it it Cleveland September The congress of the National Prison Association to day Elected the following officers for tho ensu ing year: President John Scott Concord vice presidents rederick Howard Wynes Washington Hoyt Canyon City Col Chas Dudley Warner Hartford Ct Wm Chamberlain Jack son Mich Prof Chas Henderson Chi cago general secretary Rev John Mil ligan Allegheny Pa financial secretary Jos I Byers uoiumnus Chas Jessup New York city committee ts rignt Brockway Elmira Smith New York city Weathersfleld Ct At the morning session the reports of the standing committees on prison discipline and on the care of dis charged prisoners were read and discussed at length by the delegate THE DETROIT REE PRESS Miss Alice Calrow Minn writes: a year ago my health began to fail ind my complexion which up to that tjpyfiad been dear and brilliant began to dull and rougt tried several advertised remedies no result needed and reading of your celebrated Pe runa I concluded to try it The result was wonderful have taken only face is as smooth and merly "At a tonic for the not be said for Peruna I will cheerfully recommend it to any oae who will write me concerning Mias Jennie Johnson vice president Chicago Teacher ederation and a teacher in the Healey school of Chi cago writes the following from 31S Lake Park avenue Chicago: "During the past ten years I have been a teacher in Chicago and have found myself worn out and in need of a tonic Among the different remedies I have tried none have helped me more than 1 find it es pecially helpful in cases of catarrh of the stomach: it re More the functions of nature induces sleep and builds up the entire svstem It has not only a help to me but i m'v friends who were teachers and who hava used it speak very highly of the recupera th qualities of Peruna is a sie Clfi Vfree'lwk entitled and sent to any woman addressing Dr Hart man Columbus Ohio kmn's opinion of the NOME DISTRICT Havana September The Havana press by a combined effort has succeed ed in inducing the municipality to attend to public business Charter reforms arc now under consideration At to day's meet ing of the councfl it was suggested the salaries to be paid in future ought to be increased It was also suggested that It would be a wise thing for the municipal ity to decline to accept the charter leaving to Gov Gen Wood the onus of issuing It as an order of the military government To day Gen Wood and Mr Michael Dady the Brooklyn contractor discusser! the amounts to be paid under the Dady sewering and paving contract Nothing was definitely settled but the sum which the contractor will receive is likely to be about forty per cent less than the ori ginal figures On the other hand about forty per cent more work will be done Dr Lazear one ot three medical experts who came to Havana to study yellow fever died to day of that disease Of the other two Dr Carroll contracted tho fever but has recovered and Dr Reed has returned to the United States Wilkcsbarre Pa September 26 Tho tenth day of the strike closed without any change in the Wyoming valley mines that were idle the first day idle to day And The one mine that tinued in operation the first day is at work the one at Mocanaqua The operators seem to be abiding Washington September 26 To day's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive of the $jyvxo no) gold rtaetve in the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance $135455 7 old $73932293 Niagara alls OnL September 26 (Spe cial 3 of Toronto and Detective Mains of Niagara alls madexi clever capture to day in arresting Ccikns at ort Erie charged with using the Canadian mails for fraudulent pur poses Collins is none other than a profes sional green goods man cf many ex perience He pleaded guilty to the charge preferred against him and Magistrate Lo gan gave him eighteen months in the Cen tral prison Toronto Collins admitted having been tn the busi ness seventeen years operating from New York and other American cities and said during that time he had only been appre hended in his nefarious work we It was proved that for the past three months he has mailed at least from thirty to forty letters per day addressed to parties Tn the United States coming from Buffalo to ort Erie where he did his mailings he is about 88 years of age He did all his jprepanng and office work at Buffalo and treasurer executive Allegheny Pa: Eugene Allvert Garvin Pari September 26 Archbishop Ireland leaves tor London to morrow whence he will sail October 10 He was decorated to day as commander ot the Legion ot Honor by Jules Cambon the rench ambassador to the United States in half of the government Gen Horace Por ter tho United States ambassador rance find Bellamy Storer the United States minister to Spain were among thoso present With regard to the general strike situa tion in the Lehigh valley it cannot be said that many great gains were made on either side to day Some who quit work yesterday at the Coxe Tomhicken Der ringer and Gowen mines returned to day The Lehigh alley Coal Co reports more men working to day than any time since the strike began The labors leaders claim accessions to their ranks from both the mines at Eckley and Lattimer The daily production of coal in the dis trict is steadily decreasing This is shown from the shipments of coal from the re gion to day which indicate a falling oft ot more than 75 per cent Edgar Gulick gencraEsupcrintendent of Coxe Bros colliery who was ar rested yesterday on complaint of Peter Gallagher a striking mine orkvr at Yec land was to day fined $5 The superinten dent la charged by Gallagher ot driving his horse into him and otherwise annoy ing Gulick reiued to pay the fine and will jirobably take the case to court scenery is grand In summer the mountain sides are covered with flowers but the Intelligent inan reads underneath them everywhere the Inscription: You hud better go Thus spoke Jackson in his home at Lincoln avenue last evening Mr Jack son on Monday returned from a four stay 'n the Cape Ncine region of Alaska and he says that the world hits been badly Imposed upon in the stories of its fabulous riches The United States govern ment 's carrying away every month thous ands of people who have been stranded there July 1 there were 60(00 in Nome City and when he left there August 25 he says that there were between 1500u to IS000Many of these were waiting for the gov ernment to supply transportation to them They had gone up there spent their fortune In tho vain quest of gold and now are mak ing their way back to civilization they can In speaking ot the country Mr said: "I do not wish to convey pression that the country is destitute gold It Is not There are thousands worth ot the yellow metal there but one must go after It with machinery and even then one is taking a big chance I saw on the beach at Nome City which is thirteen miles from Cape Nome $5u0v) worth of machinery which the waves were destroying Every few days they have a big storm there It is a wind swept coast with nothing to protect the mushroom city from the storm's fury Repeatedly 1 have seen the wind rise drive the sea In on the city ami In ten minutes do JIOjO worth of damage The amount of damage that has been done there since the city was built a couple of years ago will amount to mil lions I have seen vessels of fifty or sixty tons' burden driven on the rocks and in fifteen minutes there was not a whole plank in them The beach for several miles is lined with wrecked ships Santiago September East fore midnight Col Pavon ot army was killed in the Cafe by Octavio Mena formerly clerk in the of efie of the captain of the port Mena and one of his companions were intoxicated and had been breaking furniture It was pro posed that they should practice revolver shooting at a quarter of a dollar tossed in to the air Col Pavon Intervened and a sharp controversy ensued This quickly developed into a furious quarrel and Mena snatching a revolver of one of his party shot Col Pavon in the back of the neck The officer turned to face his assailant and received two bullets in the heart In civil life Pavon carried on the business of a to bacco merchant at Holguin Mena Is in jail and incommunicado OICERS ELECTI'D nothin postal clerks who served Africa have been promoted for ef All excem one who han win remain until the last detneh Roya! Canadians leaves for home comptroller of tho Northwest mm or i 7 tizhirh Li 1C UlkJ oLcll Idcli Cl 1 i ikAy vviueii SO Cures a Cold in One Day Shenandoah Pa Sept mber 21 The clos ing to night of the Cambride colliery oper ated by the Cambride Coal Co completed the tie up In the vicinity of this borough This is a small operation employing about ID men ami wds the only colliery working tu day between Hazelton and Ashland It James a member of the firm informed Provost Marshal Miller to day that strikers had intimidated the men and that the com pany decided to suspend operations to" In sure the safety of the employes Mr James told Major Miller that strikers had entered the homes of Cambridge employes at night and threatened them with bodily harm If they continued to work Brookwood wash ery east of Mahanuy Plane was working with a full force this morning wh a number of strikers visited the place and induced the rnen to return to their homes The strikers did not resort to violence At Ashland the Bast colliery resumed to day with almost its entire force The Potts colliery at Locustdale and Locust Spring colliery at Jcust Gap are also in opera tion There Is no change In the at Mahanoy City all the collieries there remaining idle The men arc quftt but press determination to remain out Gen Go bin remained at his headquarters all day and was In communication with Gov Stone this afternoon To night the general said there was no indications of an outbreak anound Hazelton although ho was fully prepared in the event of a call for troops The Girardville and Gilberton washertes were closed to day The strikers persuad ing the employes to quit rankfort Ky September Jas How ard his been found guilty ot being a prin cipal of the assasination of GoV GdebeL The verdict was returned shortly before 11 o'clock thia morning Court reconvened at 9 Thu jury was reported hopelessly divided and the spectators wbu' filled tho Oourt room to Its utmost capacity were white with suppreswd excitement At 9:43 the jury into the room ore man Crutcher handed to the clerk the verdict ritten on svalip of paper Howard occupied a seat by his attorney 'As the clerk read front the paper the finding the defendant did nut display the least agi tation and was apparently no more con cerned than any ether peraon in the court room The verdict was a surprise It bad been strongly rumored that the jury was divided on the question of the guilt or inn eiw It has been learned however that theffif ficulty' fri 'reaching a verdict washover the degree 'of wunistiment some of the jurors favoring life imprisonment while others stood out for the death jenalty and finally won their associates over Howard was remanded td jail where hs was followed by his bosom friend John White who seemed alninst paralysed by the verdict The jurv whleh tho case was divided politically its follows: Nine Demo crats on Republican and two anti Goebel Democrats The verdict of the jury it is believed was based largely on the destruc tion of Howard's alibi upon whih he de pended solely Howard's attorney wijl St once appB for a new trial basing the mo tion on alleged expressions of several of the jurors made prior to the trial which were hostile to th defendant EPTEVLBEl (Lewis Wigle ex of Leamington in cn interview on the tobacco crop of South Essex for this year gives some very Inter esting facts and figures in regard to this pew industry of Essex "The tobacco crop" said Mr Wigle was so good in Essex county as this year The' spring was favorable and the result jwas the plants grew without replanting and the crop is uniform in size and color is nearly all harvested and without being hurt by frost 13 the variety mostly grown but Mr Gregory ot the American Tobacco Co has been experimenting with Georgia leaf and curing it with artificial heatas is done Southern states He has made a suc tUffi Of 1 Xi comes up rilcely and has that silken finish that the southern leaf has fttrhen oared th the same manner ftxa no less than 3W0 acres of to bacto flTOWa tn South Essex this year whiclj tylll Average least 1200 pounds to the icrarUi (neaps a crop of about 3500 ooo pounds ta Essex (or 1900 tpvzQlnd fher is no reason why Ca nady gntffijd not Supply tier own market with 01 Khd oC leaf suitable for manufac turing tobacco but the fine smok ing tobaefto Win always grow better farth er aouth Canada manufactures from 12 000000 to 14000 OOO pounds per year and this could be supplied by Essex county farmers expect that prices will be good for to bacco this year The growers have gained experience with their crops In former years and the result is the tobacco they will have for sale this year will be nearly perfect There are a number of new factories start ing lu different places which means that there will be keen competition in buying as nearly all ot the new concerns will use the Canadian leaf entirely in their chewing to baccos DR ClliRAN DETROIT CHOSE A CANADIAN IIH1DU Thn laboring element through its repre sentatives assisted by some came near puncturing the boom for a gen eral change to standard tine yesterdaj Aid Joy's special uouifil committee to discuss the proposed change met with num erous citizens in the council chamber and listened to many novel opinions all based on different views With scarcely an ex ception'ali representatives ot the progres sive clement ot the the manufacturers the shopkeepers the railroad officials the theater men the hotel men the steamboat men ard the bankers put themselMs on na Jioinir strongly and urgently In favot of the adoption of standard time as test fur the Interests The argument of laboring ecmcnt was invariably th a fear that their time of recreation would be curtailed They never considered for a moment that the factories could change working hcurs a vxir bcur i miikn no difference 44SS4K OV ever in the length of the daylight hours of iimp Aid Reinhitct protested that the matter ought to be submitted to a vote of the people for decision nt the coming November election which unless sn immense ctvmpaign of 'Jtlucuton ws conducted meanwhile ould the overwhelming defeat of the much needed re form Tho labor representatives rancis i flow and Aid Tossy argued that the crea tor established Detroit time and It ought therefore to answer Confusion would re sult from any change and disaster and in convenience to the laboring people would follow It was charged that the railroads had Initiated the agitation fur standard time and that gas and electric light com panies would be the chief gainers by Us Adoption Al Tossy averred that nine out of every ten workingmen in the City were averse to the change It wks proposed that eastern standarn time which prevails across the river should be adopted but Bielman op posed the idea He stated that Ills Com pany is compelled to run Its boats by stand ard time because it is in use in towns at which the boats stop Secretary Jones of the Detroit Copper Brass Rollng Mills said that his employes favor standard time In behalf ot this time it was argued that It would be better to get up hall an hour earlier and quit work half an hour sooner than is nbw done un der local time Levi Barbour George IT Rarbour Bielman Attorney Callender for A Newcomb ales John Davis anil others spoke on behalf of central standard time George Barbour tention tnat rniisp confusion the new svatem would go to work al 6:32 a and quit at 5:32 In place of the present hours and no more gas electric light or oil would be needed than at the present time He said he thought the op position to thy change arose from a lack of understanding of the matter Cyrus Lotbrop and Truman IL New berry opposed any change on the ground that laborers could not be induced to alter their customs because an ordinance was passed Mr Newberry said the employes of the concerns In which ho is Interested oppose standard time Mr Lothrop asserted that onlygas nnd electric light companies would bo benefited by a change Rev Nehemiah Boynton argued that the point to be settled is whether the advantage duo to any change is greater than the in convenience Nothing of advantage to community was ever adopted Inconvenience to some one in buying In the Dominion Toronto is reported to be on the verge of a coal famine The price of hard coal has been ad vanced in a number of Canadian cities The Ottawa Electric Railway has re ceived $30 conscience money from a former employe The Chatham Banner business nnd plant has been sold at judicial sale to Dickson of Chatham Sir Wilfrid Laurier will not announce the aate or tne aomimon general elections advises his followers to be ready at moment A patient in the BrockvIHe asylum tho insane stole the wheel of a visitor rode to Morrisburg where he crossed St Lawrence Thomas Vair JI station agent at Sebringville was killed Monday the hand car on which he was riding being struck by a special engine A late writing master in the Kingston Ont schools has been ap pointed superintendent of penmanship in the Buffalo schools At the Mi l'ilesex assizes Mr Justice Rose yr enounced the Ixmdon court house one of the most antiquated in the province and directed the attention of the grand jury to its condition The first train fa cross the new bridges ot the Ottn va New York railway snan rdrg the north and south channels of' th St Lawrence river at Cornwall passed over on Saturday Aid George Stephens of Chatham has been as the Liberal candidate in Kent to sueeed Archibald Campbell who has representel the riding in two parlia ments Hon Edward Blake has been renomin ated as the Nationalist candidate in South Longford for the British house of com mons He was formerly the Liberal leader in the Canadian house of commons The Ca tn South nclency valtded me nt of The A e) The Salt Extracted from the Juices qz CURES Headache Constipation and Indigestion Sold bv moat Drortrist or aent by mail 23c 80c St OO rer battle THE ABBEY EERVESCENT SALT CO 11 Murray Street New York fauns account of State air air Children'' under 12 half rate limit of all tickets September 29th MOELLER Act A jS5 Aflcut Laboriueu May Quit the ight I teg 71 Ir.

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