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Detroit Free Press du lieu suivant : Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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A part one WOMAN AND THE WHEEL $1200 775 ield Avenue Kg ents Imor Au tomob i 1 127 129 Grand River Ave Dear Sirs satisfactorily for the past two yearsI want order one of their you to VERY Enclosed $10000 Please find check for for me on account family cars 1904 notify me when it to go to Clydo intend have the factory and run i home ly yours A CAR THAT EMBODIES ALL THAT IS BEAUTIUL AND PRACTICABLE No Vibration Easy to Operate 11 Double Cylinder 16 case WAYN ACTORY: DETROIT MICH Corner Dubois ranklin Special Provisions for Protection WHITE TOURING CAR $2000 THE WHITE SEWINS MACHINE CO 2 1 2 Woodward Avenue Induction 'Sgsarh Goa So I EXPORTS ON THE INCREASE In DAY RUMSEY BICYCLES Baulch Cycle Mnfr and Auto Hs mitiiiiMHHnu i 4 fc to I have run continuously 3 sa xa a VX'iD 4 a The latest compilations of the depart ment of commerce and labor show that tlie exports of automobiles and parts thereof continue to 'increase steadily la March a year ago the exports were valued at $93(518 $1(54 406 in March of this year During the nine months ending March 1004 the Oh i SHE IS AGAIN '(MAKING THE BI CYCLE POPULAR AS OLD TKe Automobile World and its DoiIlCLS Young Mil 1 er the proportion of gasoline it It may be too Turn on a little more gaso automobile: trade and the point is reached where it will no longer 'accelerate the speed but stop ping short of the pounding point The most economical running is done on a small throttle opening with the spark advanced as far as the motor speed will permit without pounding If the spark is retarded too much It will not only cause waste of fuel and loss of power but will cause the motor to heat up unduly and probably occasion explosions in the muffler NEW ORD MOTOR CO ACTORY WILL BE WELL EQUIPPED TEN TIMES SIZE PRESENT PLANT portlonately to obtain the best results Of course the speed may be governed within certain limits by either spark or throttle alone but the best results are to be obtained by the intelligent use of both together' To get the greatest possible power the motor will develop open the throttle wide and gradually advance the spark until a Many motorists' find a difficulty in ascertaining if their tires are at the proper degree of inflation when run ning The driver of experience can tell by the feel of the steering and many other little peculiarities of the car when a tire has become danger ously soft but the need for a more positive method of warning has been long felt A rench engineer has now Continued on Pace Parti WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AT OUR SALESROOM OR CALL I BY TELEPHONE OUR REPRESENTATIVE WOULD BE PLEASED TO EXPLAIN IN DETAIL THE CONSTRUCTION Ur'THE INCOMPARABLE WHITE EW POINTERS OR BEGINNERS We are now making preparations for our Removal to our new building on ARRAR STREET and will sell our second hand stock at right prices This' includes 1 WHITE TOUR ING CAR 2 WHITE STANHOPE and 1 CADILLAC The most: essential part of a Gasoline Engine We guarantee our coils to give perfect satisfaction ALARM BELL OR DELATED TIRES Detroit)? Mich May 17 th 1904 DO NOT ALLOW THE MOTOR TO RUN IDLE DDirIT with TONNEAU Before turning 4tlie crank to start the motor make sure that the spark is retarded that the clutch is disen gaged that tiie gasoline is turned on and that the1 battery is switched in and the safety plug inserted The proper way to crank a motor is to ap ply the crank in such a position that when you come against the compres sion you wiirbe pulling upward Give the handle a smart toss and throw the engine quickly over Do not turn it as if it was a grindstone If you get no explosion try again but if you get no result after four or five trials there must be a reason for it and the trouble should be located Most likely it is some trifling tiling The carbureter may require priming to provide an initial charge or if the weather is cold it may be necessary with some cars to inject a little gas oline into the cylinder The mixture of gasoline and air may be too A a 4 4 va rzl vi intii i ii i mi i nn i a i i may be too large in which ease must do cut aown weak line Years ago the local road races throughout the country developed those men who later became of nation al prominence and ottentimes cham pions Baid triple plate champion first gained prominence in road races around Buffalo 'Arthur Gardiner a champion succeeding Bald first became known as the greatest road rider around Chicago Torn Coop er another champion among sprinters gained his'nam'e and fame on the fa mous Belle Isle course in road races and in record attempts Earl Kiser known for years as the "Match Race rode races over the road for yeats before he took to track away back in at Toledo Charles Wells the "California de veloped his ability to beat Bald Coop er Murphy Kiser and other stars by riding for the Bay City Wheelmen in the great team relay races run annual ly on the Coast loyd Mcarland also came out as a road man after having developed ability as a mail car rier over California roads Hamilton of Denver who In lowered the mile record to 1:39 1 5 came into prominence in Denver road races Harry Caldwell the chester winner of the middle distance championship last season won ftwenty flve time prizes in the early in road races and was in vincible in New England Eddie Mc Duffee likewise gave credit to road racing for his rise to fame Johnnie Nelson and all of his brothers became known through road racing in Chica go little Joe Nelson as a of fourteen running fourth in the 2:50 club scorch to his brother first brother second and brother third' in a large field Pye Bliss Arthur Lumsden Charlie Knisely Herbie Githens the Callahan boys of Buffalo and scores of other stars of years gone by came to the front in road races and with the present revival in the sport a new crop of stars is bound to arise to replace the men who are today holding down the boards i World Reading AYnArtft flhipri lit 205777 as against $759841 for the same period of 1903 and $517532 for the nine months of 1902 The progress the automobile manufacturers are making in the foreign fields is very substantial aud reflects great credit on the industry During the past ten years Thomas Davis a resident of Peoria Ill has ridden 100000 miles on a bicycle which Is claimed to make bim the championof the world for his age He is 75 years of age and started his bicycle riding when be was 65 He rounded up his even 100000 miles with a century run Although arr Englishman by birth this remarkable cyclist has been a resident of Illinois for fifty years Three years ago he covered 3000 miles through his native country He took his first trio 1888 on an old style Though 61 years old covered twenty three miles on that trip and then decided that he would keep a record of all his future riding George Leander of Chicago who won the New York six day bicycle race in 1902 has given up paced rac ing and will devote himself to the sprint game He had a couple of falls at Atlanta Ga which cured his a bition to follow the motors at the ter rific i clip now demanded and Instead he will try for honors on the grand circuit as a member of the Rambler team In his race at Atlanta Lean der covered miles in 19:07 a record for an eight lap track whirling over the last mile in 1:13 2 5 (Stolen CL OICE HOURS: 4 1 to 3 to 8 Phone 232 WHAT TO LOOK OUT OR BE ORE STARTING THE MOTOR GOSSIP THE WHEEL Buy Sell Exchange or Rent aboutanything through The: ree Press WANT COLUMNS' Try Note its strength power great speed quiet running the simplicity and with which it is operated and controlled Above all note the comfort xon find in the ride and the pride you feel on comparingyour vehicle with ethers you pass on tlie road A large line of 2nd hand wheels constantly on hand low The Schug Electric Mnfg Co' The Schug Electric i Manufacturing Co Jefferson avenue is making induction spark coils that are' at tracting considerable attention in the automobile world Their coils are wound with the best silk covered wire and the contacts are made of Irido platinum The vibrator is adjustable can be removed without changing the adjustment and when set will not get out of adjustment A su perior quality of hard wax is used se lected as being moisture proof and free from a tendency to crack or chip The vibrator is designed to respond prompt ly on' high speed engines The fitting of the Schug coils are nickel plated and the dash board coils can be fur nished in oak or mahogany Mr Schug believes that a good coil is cheapest In the end and only the best material is used by his expert workmen The business is receiving Its share of' the prosperity enjoyed by 1 he local company has recently leased the en third floor of the building at 246 Jefferson avenne to take care of or ders now on the books 1C0N0MY CYCLE CO SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO LESSEN POUNDING Pounding is exceedingly hard oxi the motor This happens ordinarily when the spark is set to occur too early in the stroke for the speed at which the motor is running and the result ls loss of power and excessive wear of the When you find yyour motor and iyou will very easily learn to recognize it retard the spark' gradually zuntl you reach the point where the pounding ceases This will give you the maximum power of the motor with the charge admitted to the cylinder If you open the throttle giving the motor a heavier the speed will increase and the spark should be advanced pro The accompanying cut shows the new plant of the ord Motor Co man ufacturers of ord automobiles as it will appear when completed The building is situated in the block bound ed by Beaubien Piquette Brush iand the railroad and will be almost ten times the size of the present plant Work was started about ten days ago and already tiie walls are beginning to rise The company will move into its new building about the first of September and will then be able to largely increase the capacity of the present works which is far too lim ited to allow the tilling of the orders on hand Among other orders which are now being tilled is one from St Petersburg Russia for forty one ma chines The main building will be 402 feet long by 56 feet wide and will be three high each floor being divided into four by fire walls and each di vision being provided with fire escape facilities The offices will occpuy tiie Beaubien and Piquette corner of the first floor: Back of these will be a large stock room In the second di vision will be the entrance elevators toilet and locker rooms stairways to all floors and erectjng room urther on will be the repair shop then the snipping room with freight elevators and stairways The tanks of the machines will be filled outside of the building the machines will then be adjusted and tested and run to the repair rooms The second floor will contain experi mental rooms designing and draught ing rooms and storage space for the storing of the bodies of the machines Tiie third floor is to have rubbing finishing trimming coloring varnish ing and wheel rooms and dark rooms The entire building wall be of brick and will be of se mi mill construction with double fire doors between the di visions sprinklers will be installed with a 25000 gallon tank and a reservoir holding 70000 gallons of water from which connections are to be made for firn steamers The power house which is to be one story 36 57 feet will be fitted with Pratt fire tubular boilers Skin ner direct connected engines and Tri umph dynamos Electric power will be used Shipping facilities will be provided by two railroad sidings The machine shops the capacity of which has just been doubled will be kept where they now arc for the present ield Hinch man Smith have prepared the plans Stand ard Globe and Oriole HOW TO TELL WHEN THEY ARE DANGEROUSLY SOT 4 at extremely prices We Rent Bi cycles and Auto mobiles Having disposed of my 1902 Elmore which THE DETROIT REE PRESS feUNDAY MAY 29 1904 NEW ACTORY OR THE ORD MOTOR CO CORNER PIQUETTE AVENUE AND BEAUBIEN STREET IELD HINCii SMITH ARCHITECTS "6 Yf' f5 a Yj This business has been established a number of years and is at present cated at 694 Jefferson avenue corner of Orleans street Mr Baulch is expert machinist and makes a apecf the 1 ty of difficult repairs and remodf long experience in the bicyclemay be aeew iness especially fits him for this tn and he also employs several enced automobile men 'i Located on the principal autosjpi" room thoroughfare this shop is extYMichiKaa valuable to automobile owners Iich Ma desire to obtain emergency' quickly Low Expenses Mean Low Prices BIcwclesH NATIONAL MONARCH WOL AMERICAN DAY find any better try your Itest Secon'l hand at unheartf of bargains Repair Department in charge of experienced hands 18 ran Nine Years at the Old Stand wOilil EL TrOSSCl 604 608 MICHIGAN AVE SUCCESSOR TO SCHNEIDER CO The Schug Electric Manufecturiug Go DETROIT MICH Detroit Auto Garage Main 105) Cor Michigan Ave imd Abbott St A (One Block from Hotel Cadillac) KU BKA'TED' STORED RUP ClHED WASHED POL Electricitv or Gasoline Called fop and deliv or Night DAVID MAY Do not start your motor unless you are going use the car within a few minutes and do not allow itto run idle during a stop of more than a very few minutes Some makers be running idle is harder on the motor than running under load but be this as it may it cannot do the mechanism any good and adds just that much to tiie wearx and shortens 'the life of the machine Above alldo not allow the motor to race tor run at an abnormally high speed load as overheating will soon result in addition to the severe raclting It is not air uncom mon thing to see a car standing at the curb with the motor tearing around at top "speed but be sure that a car so: treated will give trouble long before the car that is carefully tended is ready as I There are two classes of cyclists upon whom those interested in a real and permanent revival in the pastime of cycling are directing attention They are the younger riders say those between 15 and 30 years of age and the fair sex the latter irre spective of age Any very increase in riders of these two classes will point un mistakably to the true revival 'It will make plain that their remarkable and almost unaccountable aloofness in many sections of the country the past half dozen years is at an end ahi that they will once more persue the pastime which to them of ail people it should appeal most strongly "our iif tlis of the snap and vim in cycling comes from the said one of the oldest dealers: in the country a few days ago "They show unerringly whether a pastime is alive or Continuing he said that he believed there was a decided quickening of interest among riders between 15 and 30 years old and it confirmed his opinion that the revival is really at' hand Every one knows that the influence of women riders is little short of in calculable They are able to make or mar a sport or pastime just as they do a' fashion No better thing eer happened to tiie cycle industry than the invention of the'drop frame Di i cvclc to be followed almost imme diately by the pneumatic tire They made possible the woman cyclist and tlie latter was one of the greatest "if all the influences at work to popular ize the bicycle in tiie period between 1S92 and 1596 Her retirement was one of the heaviest blows ever dealt the pastime as is now pretty well under stood But now the cushion frame ami coaster brake are bringing them back in great numbers Above is a facsimilie of the letter received from Dr A Lee trial ride in the the family car of the car that gives satisfaction for years call up Main 3997 Once you drive an Elmore nothing else will do i 'I 4' '5t ITT 1 I ns 8 I I ji AIM a i a 1 1 nd I I I I I I a Eg 3 4 I 1 I 1 I a 4 1 0 '5 ZX 'H LnjiL TJ JI W1MMM i i r4ii ift I fe I I Im xaklMIVMil i TjiiijMiiiu I i jMBw jr rl Ti Li1 iiMme: jehlbl a TLiin i 1 1 I J' I is 1 I TK 'WMliii jl 1 1 IT jMiiirnMrT T'J iir iii jbiii 1 1 LU 'K Ik 4 'v 's sx 2 1 3 il Jj I 1 1 a i 4 '1 V' 1 i wj i sv 6 a JJ a a 'V bhb: 'll I 4 i juaju iiwn ITT IB fi Bft fft iiifa ii ii' Miv" i i wi i i a r8pwmaii ufwwmi til 11 rwgiyM nrkJMwii TeMme Arj EMirtcRA ax AwewT tcri viil be 'i the are also for the Day Keating i 4 iSit 1 I I if.

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